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英文proposal范例与说明 A sample proposal with comment

英文proposal范例与说明 A sample proposal with comment
英文proposal范例与说明 A sample proposal with comment

A Sample Research Proposal with Comments

A research project or thesis will take at least two semesters to complete. Prior to starting a research, i.e. enrolling in the first semester research course, students must go through the proposal stage, during which students will develop their proposal and have it reviewed by his/her research advisor. This means that students need months of planning and background research work before the start of the first semester research. Students are not allowed to enroll in a research course without an approved proposal. For students planning to start their research in the fall semester, the deadline for the proposal submission (to your advisor) is July 15. For those who plan to start in the spring semester, the proposal deadline is December 1. During the proposal stage, students should discuss their research interests with CM faculty members, identify a research topic, conduct preliminary literature review and develop a project proposal. The proposal should discuss problem statement, objectives, research methodology, research activities, and a time schedule in about 3-5 pages. A sample proposal is attached here for your reference.


Drug Instructions 英文药品说明书 Instructions Directions Description Package Insert 或简称Insert, Leaflet Data Sheets FDA规定的药物说明书:一般为10项。 较简单的说明书仅介绍:成分、适应证、禁忌、用法与用量等内容 较长复杂的说明书:除上述内容外还包括:药品性状、药理作用、临床药理、临床前动物试验、临床经验、药代动力学、注意事项、不良反应或副作用、用药过量、药物的相互作用、警告、有效期、包装、贮存条件、患者须知及参考文献等诸多项目,可达20多项 美国FDA批准上市的药品: 1.CDER的drug@FDA是首选,https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb2027326.html,/scripts/cder/drugsatfda/index.cfm, 2.https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb2027326.html,/dailymed/about.cfm 3. https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb2027326.html,/script/main/hp.asp 欧洲上市批准的药品 1http://www.emea.europa.eu/。 2.EMC:https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb2027326.html,/ 3.https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb2027326.html,/mrindex/index.html 日本上市的药品 上生产商的网站上去找,一般大的公司会把自家产品的说明书放在网站上,而且是最新版的。专利全文的获取 专利的检索(不提倡进SIPO、USPTO) 百度专利搜索:https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb2027326.html,/ Google patent https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb2027326.html,/patents 欧洲专利局:https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb2027326.html,/ 专利PDF全文获取: (Drugfuture)https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb2027326.html,/ 主要内容 ①Drug Names ②Description ③Pharmacological Actions ④Indications ⑤Contraindications ⑥Dosage and Administration ⑦Adverse Reactions ⑧Precautions ⑨Package ⑩Storage 药品名称(Drug Names)②性状(Description)③药理作用(Pharmacological Actions)④适应证(Indications)⑤禁忌(Contraindications⑥用量用法(Dosage and Administration)⑦不良反应(Adverse Reactions)⑧注意(Precautions)⑨包装(Package)⑩贮存(Storage)⑾其


电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点和技巧。 (参考教材P202-210) 1 概述 电器、电子产品说明书是科技文体的一种,它以传递产品的有用信息为主要目的,内容主要包括: 前言、部件、基本功能、使用指南,故障排除等。 其中,基本功能和使用指南是主体部分。 一些简单易用的电器、电子产品,其说明书也相对简略。电器、电子产品说明书译文的预期功能主要是提供商品特点和使用信息,通过让译语用户了解产品的性能、特点、用途、使用和保管等方面,促使其完成购买行为。 2 电器、电子产品说明书英译的特点 特点概括起来包括: 准确性(accuracy)、 简明性(conciseness)、 客观性(objectivity)等。 2.1 准确性 电器、电子产品说明书是为了指导读者正确使用产品而写,它传递的信息(例如:各种数据、图表)首先必须科学准确。在英译过程中,必须

把信息内容如实准确地翻译出来,显化原文隐含的信息,消除歧义。一些专业术语、固定用语和习惯说法必须表达得准确、地道,例如在翻译数码相机说明书时会遇到这样一些术语: 镜头后盖(ear lens cap)、 三角架(tripod)、 数码变焦(digital zoom)、 快门帘幕(shutter curtain)、曝光不足(under exposure)、取景器(view finder)等,需按专业说法表达出来,不可任意生造。 2.2 简明性 简明性特点表现为: (1)内容条目简洁明了,步骤清晰,逻辑性强。 (2)常用缩略形式。例如:液晶显示(Liquid Crystal Display) 常缩写成LCD; 发光二极管(Light Emitting Diode) 常缩写成LED; 中央处理器(Central Processing Unit) 常缩写成CPU; 自动对焦(Auto focus)常缩写成AF; 手动对焦(Manual focus)常缩写成MF 2.3 客观性 电器、电子产品说明书将该产品的相关内容客观地呈现出来,引导读者按照一定的思维逻辑循序渐进,知道该做什么,怎么做,进而了解和正确使用该产品。这些内容带有描述说明的性质,客观而不带有感情色彩。例如:原文:紧急退出功能键可让使用者在电源故障时,以手动方式打开

Research_proposal 格式

How to write a research proposal You are to write a research proposal of about 2000 words, maximum 8 type-written pages (including figures and tables), double-spaced. Fonts should be set at 12-point. Objectives The idea behind this research proposal is I would like to see whether you are able to identify outstanding issues that more research could help to clarify. Writing the proposal will then help you achieve four important objectives: (1) to expand your knowledge of cognitive neuroscience by focusing on two areas that are of particular interest to you, (2) to further develop your skills as a critical reader of psychological research, and (3) to develop your scientific writing skills. General Requirements In this research proposal, you are asked to demonstrate your ability to integrate information across topics covered in the course. In the proposal, you should critically review two areas of cognitive neuroscience and then propose an experiment that would help to address an integrative question or issue. Choose any two sections from the course outline, such as Attention and Memory, and discuss how they are (or might be) related. For example, you might want to discuss the role of attention in memory. Alternatively, you might wish to discuss some general principles of cortical organization, such as modularity and central processing, and how they apply to two different areas you have studied. I guess you will find that there are a great number of potential topics you could pick. The best way would be to take something that interests you. You should then try to define what you picked narrowly. You need not deal with the entire topic area (e.g., all of language, all of perception), but choose smaller, more manageable topic (e.g., perception of living things and spatial attention; the function of the hippocampus and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex). If you define your topic too generally there will simply be too much relevant research, making it very difficult to decide which the most relevant papers are. Required sections of the proposal The proposal must contain the following sections: Title page – Abstract – Introduction – Methods – Predicted Results – References. ? Title page ? Abstract: One (1) paragraph that briefly describes the area of interest and the research question that will be addressed in the proposal. Put the abstract on a separate page, immediately following the title page. ? Introduction: This section should describe the research area and findings from previous studies. Write in a goal-directed manner. By this I mean you will eventually be proposing some experiment in your proposal. Therefore, the literature review should be designed so that it discusses an issue or question that needs to be addressed in that area and provides a rationale for your proposed study. Moreover, you should structure your Introduction so that the motivation for your proposal becomes clear. To achieve that you should begin with a relatively big issue and then focus down to the specific issue you are interested in, highlighting the aspects of previous research (e.g. some methodological flaw in previous approaches) that your proposal is meant to address. By the end of the Introduction the reader should have a very good idea of what the central issue of your proposal will be. Your Introduction should reference at least three research articles (see the section about references). (Maximum length of the Introduction: 3 double-spaced pages).


英文药品说明书结构简介 一、英文说明书简介 “药品说明书”的英文表达方式: ?Instructions ?Directions ?Description ?Leaflet ?Data Sheets ?Package Insert 现多用Package Insert,或简称Insert。Insert原意为“插入物,插页”。药品说明书即为附在每种药品包装盒中的用药说明。经过注册的进口药品一般是国家承认的有效药物,其说明书是指导医生与患者合理用药的重要依据,具有一定的法律效力。 说明书繁简难易不同。短者仅百余词,长者可达上万词。较简单的说明书仅介绍成分、适应症、禁忌症、用法与用量等内容;较详尽的说明书中除上述内容外还包括:药品性状、药理作用、临床药理、临床前动物试验、临床经验、药代动力学、庄意事项、不良反应或副作用、用药过量、药物的相互作用、警告、有效期、包装、贮存条件、患者须知及参考文献等诸多项目。 大多数英文说明书都包括以下内容: ?药物名称Drug Name ?性状Description ?药理作用Pharmacological Actions ?适应症Indications ?禁忌症Contraindications ?用量与用法Dosage and Administration ?不良反应Adverse Reactions ?注意事项Precautions ?包装Package ?贮藏Storage ?其他项目Others 完整的FDA说明书一般包括: ?【特别警示】Warning ?【临床应用】Indications and Usage ?【用法与用量】Dosage and Administration ?【制剂与规格】Dosage forms and Strengths ?【禁忌症】Contraindications ?【注意事项】Warnings and Precautions ?【不良反应】Adverse Reactions ?【药物相互作用】Drug Interactions ?【特殊人群】Use in Specific Populations ?药物滥用依赖性Drug abuse and Dependence ?【药物过量】Overdosage ?性状Description ?临床药理学Clinical Pharmacology ?非临床毒理学Nonclinical Toxicology ?临床研究Clinical Studies ?【贮藏】How supplied/storage and Handling ?Patient Counseling Information ?Medication Guide 二、药物名称-Drug Name 常见药物名称有商品名、通用名和化学名,其中最常见的是商品名。有时同一种药品,不同的厂家使用不同的商品名称。 ?商品名-Trade Name,Proprietary Name ?通用名-Generic Name ?化学名-Chemical Name 药品说明书中的标题药名用其商品名。有时在其右上角(或在上角)有一(R)标记,例如ADRIBLASTNA(R)(阿霉素)。“R”是Register(注册)的缩写,表示表示该产品已经本国的有关部门核准,取得了此项专用的注册商标(Registered Trade Mark)。 药物名称的翻译可采用音译、意译、音意合译及谐音译意等方法: 1、音译:按英文药品名的读音译成相同或相近的汉语。如Tamoxitn它莫西芬,Ritalin利他林。音译较为方便,但不能表意。 2、意译:按药物名称所表达的含意译成相应的汉语。如cholic Acid胆酸,Tetracyline四环素。也可按其药理作用翻译,如Minidiab灭糖尿(治疗糖尿病药物),Natulan疗治癌(细胞生长抑制剂)。 3、音意合译:药物名称中的一部分采用音译,另一部分采用意译,如Coumadin香豆定(coumarin香豆素),Neo-Octin新握克丁(neo-新);Medemycin麦迪霉素(-mycin霉素),Cathinone卡西酮(-one酮)。 4、谐音译意:以音译为原则,选用谐音的汉字,既表音,又表意,音意结合。例如:Antrenyl安胄灵,Doriden多睡丹,Legalon利肝隆,Webilin胃必灵商品名称可以这样翻洋,而法定名称则规定不可以这样翻译。 药品的化学名称反映出该药品的化学结构组成成分,可借助英汉化学化工词典进行翻译。如果名称很长,可以分解开来,分别查出各个组成部分的名称,组合而成。例如:Catalin(卡他林)的化学名称是1-


英文药品说明书结构简介一、英文说明书简介 “药品说明书”的英文表达方式: Instructions Directions Description Leaflet Data Sheets Package Insert 现多用Package Insert,或简称Insert。Insert原意为“插入物,插页”。药品说明书即为附在每种药品包装盒中的用药说明。经过注册的进口药品一般是国家承认的有效药物,其说明书是指导医生与患者合理用药的重要依据,具有一定的法律效力。 说明书繁简难易不同。短者仅百余词,长者可达上万词。较简单的说明书仅介绍成分、适应症、禁忌症、用法与用量等内容;较详尽的说明书中除上述内容外还包括:药品性状、药理作用、临床药理、临床前动物试验、临床经验、药代动力学、庄意事项、不良反应或副作用、用药过量、药物的相互作用、警告、有效期、包装、贮存条件、患者须知及参考文献等诸多项目。 大多数英文说明书都包括以下内容: 药物名称Drug Name 性状Description 药理作用Pharmacological Actions 适应症Indications 禁忌症Contraindications 用量与用法Dosage and Administration 不良反应Adverse Reactions 注意事项Precautions 包装Package 贮藏Storage 其他项目Others 完整的FDA说明书一般包括:

【特别警示】Warning 【临床应用】Indications and Usage 【用法与用量】Dosage and Administration 【制剂与规格】Dosage forms and Strengths 【禁忌症】Contraindications 【注意事项】Warnings and Precautions 【不良反应】Adverse Reactions 【药物相互作用】Drug Interactions 【特殊人群】Use in Specific Populations 药物滥用依赖性Drug abuse and Dependence 【药物过量】Overdosage 性状Description 临床药理学Clinical Pharmacology 非临床毒理学Nonclinical Toxicology 临床研究Clinical Studies 【贮藏】How supplied/storage and Handling Patient Counseling Information Medication Guide 二、药物名称-Drug Name 常见药物名称有商品名、通用名和化学名,其中最常见的是商品名。有时同一种药品,不同的厂家使用不同的商品名称。 商品名-Trade Name,Proprietary Name 通用名-Generic Name 化学名-Chemical Name 药品说明书中的标题药名用其商品名。有时在其右上角(或在上角)有一(R)标记,例如ADRIBLASTNA(R)(阿霉素)。“R”是Register(注册)的缩写,表示表示该产品已经本国的有关部门核准,取得了此项专

英文Proposal 范文

To: College of Business Administration Dean’s Office From: Zihao Fu Subject: A Proposal for setting up a food truck beside the new business building Introduction As the construction began in September, the new business building is finally coming to us. Taking up 140,00 square feet of space the building will have one 250-person lecture hall, three tiered 80-person classrooms, thirteen 50-person classrooms, three 50-station computer labs and many other features. This is definitely exciting for students, as they will be enjoying the business education in a fresh environment with brand new facilities. Faculties should also be pleased with bigger and brighter offices. The new business building can also work as an attraction that appeals to potential future K-State students. Since this is still a very early stage of the construction, it is still feasible for us to add more practical features to the building to better dealing with potential problems. Meanwhile the proposal can also increase the overall attractiveness of College of Business. Problem Description In the blueprint of the new business building we could see that a coffee shop is included. However, having only one coffee shop may not be sufficient. At a round 11 o’clock to 1 o’clock is the “peak hours” f or lunch. Long-winded lines are very common in Union’ food court, Einstein Bros Bagels as well as Derby Dining Center. It is hard to imagine a coffee shop with limited capacity can serve the whole business school, which has the biggest amount of undergraduate students in the university, efficiently. Taking a close look at the campus map I could not help but notice that the new business building is located at the Southeast side of the campus and seems to be alienated from other major buildings. With only one dining facility near the building can result in students who are taking classes at noon in the building has very limited choice for lunch. In addition, they will have to walk a long way to other dining facilities around the campus. Some other students might decide not to have lunch due to the intense schedule and the tiring long way. However, the lacking of essential nutrition and energy intake can cause really negative impact on students’ brain function. The lacking of concentration and reduce students’ attention in class, which ultimately affects their academic performance. Hence, I am proposing a solution to the problem.


31 个运营人员常用的英文缩写介绍! ( 小白也要懂的运营 3) 导语: PV 、 SEO 、 CPS 、 LBS 、 ARRPU 值 ,这些在 运营新人看起来不知所云的英文简写,却往往在日常工作中 会被经常的提 起,私下忘记了可以查,可如果关键场合想不 起来,那就很尴尬了!一 .网站类 1.PV :英文“ Page Views ” 中文翻译为【页面访问量】 ,主要作用是统计一个 页面被访问的次数, 比如你现在打开了这个文章, PV 就是 1, 然后关注了小编,过几天在打开这篇文章的时候,页面访问 量就会变成 2,也就是说只要页面被打开一次, PV 就是加 1 , PV 高可能说明网站的质量还不错用户粘度比较高,但是需 要结合网站类型并且和 UV 进行综合考量,在网站体验不好 时,用户也可能是误操作意外关闭; 2.UV :英文“ unique visitor ” 中文翻译为【网站独立访客】 ,主要作用是统计 是 1 ,然后关注了小编,过几天在打开这篇文章的时候, 依然是 1,也就是说仅会统计页面的访问人数,而不是被打 开数, UV 高说明每天访问网站的人数比较多,是用户统计 层面一个很重要的维度; 3.TP :英文“ Time On Page ”的缩写, 个页面所花费的时间,可以用来鉴别内容质量,而用户在 个网站访问的全部时间则为 TS ,英文“ Time on Site ” 个页面被访问的人数,比如你现在打开了这个文章, UV 就 UV 中文翻译为【页面停留时间】 ,主要作用是统计用户访问 中文

翻译为【网站停留时间】 ;4.CTR :英文“ Click through-Rate ” 中文翻译为【点击率】 ,主要作用是统计一个按钮 / 广告图片被用户的点击比率, 如果一个页面被访问了 100 次, 而按 钮/广告图片被点击了 10 次,则点击率为 10% ,这里页 面访问可以采用 PV 、UV 的计算方式均可, 需业务在开始前 就制定好, CTR 是评估广告效果的重要指标, 下面就是我发 布文章的一个点击率统计; 5.BR :英文“ Bounce Rate ”的缩 写,中文翻译为【跳出率】 , 主要作用是统计浏览了一个页 面就离开的用户数占所有页面访问数的比重, BR 是评估内 容质量的重要指标, BR 越高,则代表内容、设计 或交互越 不受用户喜欢,比如这是我前两天发布的一个内容,跳出率 只有 3.56% ,平均阅读 37 字没秒,说明大部分人还是阅读 完了所有内容,质量还是不错的; 6.SEO :英文“ Search 主要是通过提高网站内容质量、 优化标签、 管理外链等手段, 提升在搜索引擎中的排名,在用户搜索相关关键字时,网站 可以排到比较靠前的位置, 通常, SEO 优化是一项需要很久 才能有一定的效果的工 作,所以更受大型互联网公司的青睐, 但是随着移动互联网的崛起,与 SEO 相关的工作不管是薪 文 Search Engine Marketing 的缩写, 擎营销】,也就是我们常用的竞价排名,我们在使用百度等 Engine Optimization 的缩写中,文翻译为 【搜索引擎优化】 , 资体系或是从业人员,都出现了一定量的下滑; 7.SEM :英 中文翻译为【搜索引

开题报告:Research Proposal格式

https://www.doczj.com/doc/eb2027326.html, 专业的论文在线写作平台 开题报告:Research Proposal格式 【编者按】:编者在此为您提供各类开题报告范文参考,以及开题报告写作指导和格式排版要求,解决您在开题报告写作中的难题。 researchproposal格式 本站是专业的留学生论文指导网,曾经为大量留学生提供过researchproposal的写作服务,以下是一个researchproposal 格式范文,仅供参考,需要原创的researchproposal可以联系我们,qq1422600067。 applicant’sname: proposedtopic/titleofresearch: background: (pleaseprovidebackgroundmaterialthatexplainsthemotiv ationforandaimsandobjectivesofyourproposedstudy,outline thetheoreticalframeworkthatformsthebasisofyourresearch, andspecifytheresearchquestion(s)youintendtoinvestigate. ) methodology: (pleasegivedetailsofsubjects,datacollectionprocedure s,proposeddataanalysisandthestatisticalapproachyouinten dtoadopt,ifapplicable.) outcomesandvalue: (pleaseindicatetheexpectedoutcomesofyourresearchandt


药品说明书翻译指南10:贮存 Storage 发布日期:2011-08-03 浏览次数:131 核心提示:药品说明书——贮存的语言特点及翻译方法。 “贮存”的英语常用表示法是Storage。本项中常用的一些短语有: store (keep) in a cool and dry place 存于于阴凉干燥处 away from light 避光 away from children 勿让儿童接触 protect from light (heat) 避光(热) out of (the) reach of children 勿让儿童触及 prevent moisture 防潮 本项的句子较简单,多为一简单句,其中多为祈使句,用词也不多。 例1 store medicines carefully. Keep away from children. 注意保存。勿让儿童接触。 例2 Stroe below 25℃protecting from freezing and light. 存于25℃以下,防冻,避光。 例3 Validity and storage. The solution will keep for five years if stored at a emperature below +20℃. 有效期及贮法:放置于20℃以下可保存5年。 例4 Storage instructions: Protect from heat and light. 贮存方法;避光及防热贮存。 例5 To be stored in a dry place at a temperature not above 25℃. 存于不高于25℃的干燥之处。 例6 Do not store the suppositories over 25℃. 本栓剂不得存于25℃以上的温度。 例7 Store at below 25℃and protect from moisture, 存于25℃以下,防潮。 例8 The solution should be prepared immediately prior to use, but can be stored at 4℃or up to one week. 药液应在配制后立即使用,但在4℃下可贮存一周。 有时也有较复杂的结构,或较多的内容,如:

bec proposal范文

May 21,2013 Dear Mr.Michael James, Re:Application for Most Improved Organisation Award I am writing to apply for the Most Improved Award which I have seen advertised in "China Daily" of Monday 14th April 2013. We are LDs Car Ltd Company.Our headquarter is located in No.569,Yuelu Road,Yuelu District,Changsha,Hunan,China.And we have 40 branches,13 in China and the other 27 branches in US,UK,Australia and Canada respectively.We are specialize in producing user-friendly cars in the world.Although our company has 50 years long history,being considered as traditional car brand,we never stop the step by developing new technologies and updating our products in coincide with up-to-date technology.Innovation and Low-Carbon Concept are new corporate philosophy. Last year,our research and development department designed a new model car which is called "Solar Powered Auto".This new model car has a attractive appearance and comfortable interior layout.The most breaking point is that we use solar energy rather than traditional petrol to power car itself.Thus we have built a important landmark in the car field. Through our promotion we have tried in the Chinese market ,we can easily find that the district economy has considerably improved due to the fact that our new products had increased the domestic consumption.Also,the feedback of field surveys from our customers shows that most of them satisfied with the environment-friendly cars. If we can win this award,we will make full use of the prize money to benefit our staff.Basically,the cash gifts will be given to those highly hardworking employees.We will also offer sticky rewards ,such as an all-expense-paid trip for an employee and his or her spouse,physical health check-ups,memberships or discounts on membership fees at health clubs and fitness centers and so on. With this great improvement our business has made,I believe that our company is totally qualified for this award. In the meantime,if you require any further information about our company,please do not hesitate to call me.My phone number is 342566658.I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely,


BOT、EPC、EMC 等几种节能服务模式的共性与区别 BOT : Build-Operate-Transfer (建设--运营--移交) 即业主与服务商签订特许权协议,特许服务商承担工程投资、建设、经营与维护,在协议规定的期限内,服务商向业主定期收取费用,以此来回收系统的投资、融资、建造、经营和维护 成本并获取合理回报,特许期结束,服务商将固定资产无偿移交给业主的一种 投资模式。 EMC :Energy Management Contract (合同能源管理) 节能服务公司通过与客户 签订节能服务合同,为客户提供包括:能源审计、项目设计、项目融资、设备 采购、工程施工、设备安装调试、人员培训、节能量确认和保证等一整套的节 能服务,并从客户进行节能改造后获得的节能效益中收回投资和取得利润的一 种商业运作模式。合同能源管理是发达国家普遍推行的、运用市场手段促进节能的服务机制。节能服务公司与用户签订能源管理合同,为用户提供节能诊断、融资、改造等服务,并以节能效益分享方式回收投资和获得合理利润,可以大 大降低用能单位节能改造的资金和技术风险,充分调动用能单位节能改造的积 极性。 目前国内 EMC 的运作模式和BOT的运作模式有很多相似之处,主要区别在 于BOT在运营期的收益一般由服务方全部收取,而 EMC 则由服务方和业主按 合同约定比例共同分享节约的能源成本。 EPC: Engineering--Procurement-- Construction (设计-采购-施工) 节能环 保工程建设行业总承包业务的普遍模式,即服务商承担系统的规划设计、土建施工、设备采购、设备安装、系统调试、试运行,并对建设工程的质量、安全、工期、造价全面负责,最后将系统整体移交业主运行。 EPC+C: Engineering--Procurement--Construction & Commission (总承包+ 托管运营) 在系统建设阶段采用EPC总承包的服务模式,在运营阶段采用系统托管运营模式。系统托管运营模式的应用和推广具有一定的必然性,一方面,节能减排项目运营技术往往与其主营业务技术要求差别较大,而节能减排项目 往往结构复杂、涉及面广、技术含量高,项目建成移交后,对企业承接的操作、


Project Title Team Leader: Members: Project Time In troducti on: Stateme nt of Problem Project Objectives Project Plan s(Acti ons &Man ageme nt) Feasibility(Capability&Cost) Schedule Example 1: (Note: It ' s only an example. There are three rows in the table,

but defi nitely, you may add more lines to it. And duri ng the same period, differe nt people may work on differe nt tasks in stead of all the people doing the same thing. Please refer to the 2 nd table.) Example 2: Con clusi on Refere nces Prepari ng Stage for a Proposal Project scope -A developme nt(bike,car,airpla ne,ship,robot) -A mecha ni cal desig n(tool,system,toy) -An improveme nt of a mecha ni cal product -A prototype of an inven ti on -An engin eeri ng research Choose model

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