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In light of [Given] the Asian finiancial crisis and the changes in the international markets, it is proper/fitting for us to continue boosting/promoting domestic demand. This constitutes the basic foundation for China’s economic development as well as being part of our long-term strategy.


Due to/Because of their interdependent political, economic and cultural ties, all Chinese nationalities have shared a common destiny and a common interest throughout their long historical development, creating a strong force for affinity and cohesion.


An education reform centering on curriculum and teaching materials is under way. As our main goal, we will try to reform the educational system so that it focuses on the enhancement of students’ abilities instead of training them merely to pass exams.


In a sense, people are the key to whether we Chinese perform well domestically, whether socialism, the reform and opening are adhered to, whether the economy will grow quickly and the country enjoy long-term peace and stability.


To guarantee a minimum standard of living and to improve the citizens’welfare, Chinese only choice is to strive for the economic growth and see to it that(一定注意到,务必) the population growth conforms to the country’s social and economic development.



The presence of China is felt, more than ever, all over the world, assuming(承担,担任) historic dimensions in the world political situation.


Our socialist practice has been the result much more of responding to a felt need than to any understanding and application of socialist theory.


The most important of all the great world problems which face us at the present time is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on land and on land resources.


Nowadays in the condition of the science and technology being developed swift and violent, the

hope of vitalizing economy is education, and the quantity and quality of the teachers-group has a desicive effect on the education development.


It is imperative to guide people to correctly handle relations between competition and cooperation, between the exercise of decision-making power and supervision, between efficiency and fairness, between achieving prosperity sooner and achieving common prosperity, and between economic returns and social effects.


1、为了保证国民经济持续、快速、健康地发展,我们必须加快国有企业的改革步伐;Reform of state-owned interprises must be accelerated to ensure sustained, rapid and sound development of the national economy.


The doctrine of filial piety(duty), which was the keystone of Confucian education, advocated not only devotion to one’s parents but submission to all types of authority at all levels.


At present, a sweeping(有广泛影响的,深远的) social and econimic reform is being carried out in China. This remarkble transformation has turned a closed command econimic system to a driving market-based economy.


A mother in a family, who is illeterate, can hardly shouder the responsibility for a good education of the younger generation. If we fail to improve the cultural quality of women who hold half of the population in China, we can by no means improve the cultural quality of the whole nation.


We are trying to educate citizens to avoid the unsustainable consuption like western counties, such as the excessive use of air conditioners, private cars and diposable products.



Since China started to implement the policy of opening up to the outside, its total or semi-closure has beed changed and the level of its economy and technology has beed raised.


Culture is the sum tota l of all the traditions, costoms, beliefs and ways of life of a given group of human beings.


The women of a nation mold its morals, its religion, and its politics by the lives they live.


Helping the truly poor is much worthier than merely narrowing inequalities.And helping the underclass rejoin society is in the interests of all.