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Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies. To what extent do you think are consumers influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?


Television screens, newspapers, buses, and almost all city streets are flooded by all kinds of advertisements. This has both advantages and disadvantages to consumers who are unavoidably influenced, though the degrees vary from person to person.


Because of the advertisements placed by many competing companies, consumers are able to learn about certain new products rapidly. If a product happens to be what some consumers need, they might be attracted to make a purchase and have trial use. If it turns out to be really good, people would set about recommending it to friends and the sales of this product will go up very quickly. So, we see this is a

win-win situation both to consumers and manufacturers and we also see that consumers are not just influenced profoundly all at once. It takes time for them to establish faith in the advertised products.


In most cases, the advertised products are good and worth buying. But there are also cases where the effects or functions of a certain product are much exaggerated and it will definitely fool some people when they are attracted all at once and go to buy i t. Since a product can only win the market through it s quality and its long established fame, there’s every reason to believe that those fake or much exaggerated products will eventually lose their market shares and die out. Thus, we see that the market is selective and consumers are sensible in the long term.


In developed countries, there are strict censorship and supervising systems regarding advertising. If the advertisement put up by a company fails to honor the advertised effects, it would be termed as fraud, thus

violating the law which could lead to really serious result. In most cases, the manufacturing company would be fined so heavily that it would be difficult for it to survive any longer.


From the foregoing discussion, we can see that advertisements influence consumers both favorably and unfavorably and the degrees of this influence differ from person to person. To protect consumers, governments can follow the practice of developed countries by enforcing really strict censorship and supervising laws in regard to advertising as a whole.


What famous place would you like to visit? Use details and reasons to support your response.


Different people might choose to visit different places due to their different places of birth, family conditions, relevant experiences, and even different levels of education. People who were born in New York are less likely to be interested in New York any more for the simple reason that everything is just too familiar already. Children from less well-off families might find it difficult to afford a visit to a faraway place. Those who have been working in Tokyo for years are surely looking fo rward to touring around places out of town. Places with numerous sites of historical interest may not be so appealing to people with only a primary school education. Things are just like this in our real life. With all aspects considered, the most desirabl e place that I can think of going to at present is Xi’an in China for the simple reason that I have never been yet.


Firstly, I would like to visit places where I have never been to. Xi’an, as a famous city wi t h profound historical and cultural significance in China, enjoys a history that can be dated b ack to several thousand years ago. From the first dynasty when China became a unified country, namely the Qin Dynasty, this place was the capital of successive dynasties, thus it has many a site of historical and cultural heritage. As

the saying goes: If y ou want to acquire a sense of history about China, visit Xi’an. A visit to these heritages, I am sure, will let me learn about what China was like in the past and how people lived at ancient times. I’ve long heard of the famous Terra Cotta Warriors and Hor ses of the First Emperor—Qin Shihuang, and have seen relevant pictures of it: really grand and exquisite, next to none in the world. However, I have never seen it on site with my own eyes, which could be a kind of regret. Therefore, I want to have this dream of mine realized at the earliest possible time.


Secondly, I would like to try the local delicacies of Xi’an. I was long told about the unique flavor of the local cuisine there, which is so different from the food cooked in my hometown. Moreover, many people who were back from Xi’an are commenting so much favorably on the food there and are actually making no effort to hide their liking of certain dishes, giving me the impression that it would be a regret-whole-life thing if one does not try them in person. So on and so forth, this makes another reason which urges me to go to Xi’an for a visit.


Of course, there are countless places that I have never been to, both at home and abroad: Sichuan, Chongqing, Xijiang, Tibet, Paris, Berlin, to name just a few. I know to the best of my knowledge that they all have their distinct features which hold so much attraction to me and I will definitely visit all of them when conditions allow. However, for the time being, I just want to go to Xi’an.


Above are two main reasons for me to have decided to visit Xi’an. Whatever others may think, for me alone, they do make sense.



model answer:

The three graphs of wheat exports each show a quite different pattern between 1985 and 1990. Exports from Australia declined over the five-year period, while the Canadian market fluctuated considerably, and the European Communi t y showed an increase.

In 1985, Australia exported about 15 millions of tonnes of wheat and the follow ing year the number increased by one million tonnes to 16 million. After that, however, there was a gradual decline until 1989 and 1990 when i t stabilised at about 11 million tonnes. Over the same period, the amount of Canadian

exports varied greatly. I t started at 19 million tonnes in 1985, reached a peak in 1988 of 24 million, dropped dramatically in 1989 to 14 million tonnes and then climbed back to 19 million in 1990. Seventeen million tonnes were exported from the European Community in 1985, but this d ecreased to 14 million tonnes in 1986 and then rose to 15 million in 1987 and 1988 before increasing once more to 20 million in 1990.


Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, and the protection is a waste of resources.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The current global extinction crisis is one of the greatest challenges posed by the rapid expansion of human populations. The protection of endangered species, as far as I can see, should be a top priority for three main reasons: economic value, scientific value, and survival value.

Wild animals provide many valuable substances, such as meat, skins and furs. The financial value of wild species is important to the economies of many nations. In many countries the recreational viewing o f animals at zoos is also a source of revenue.

The study of wildlife, on the other hand, provides valuable knowledge about various life processes. Such study has helped scientists understand how the human body functions and why people behave as they do. Scientists have also gained medical knowledge and discovered important medical products by studying wildlife. In addition, by observing the effect of environmental pollution on wild animals, scientists have learned how pollution affects human life.

Furthermore, every species of wildlife plays a role in helping maintain the balanced, living systems of the Earth. These systems must continue to function if life is to survive. Thus, the loss of any species can threaten the survival of all life, including human beings.

In conclusion, the protection of wild animals in the 21st century is by no means a waste of resources; on the contrary, its importance should ever be more stressed by international organizations, government agencies, industry and individuals for the valuable resources the wild animals provide us and for human survival. (250 words)


Some people claim that there are more disadvantages of the car than i t s advantages.

Do you agree or disagree?

The current hot issues include the one of weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the automobile. In my opinion, i t s advantages outstrip its disadvantages for two major reasons: impact on society and economic impact.

Firstly, the development of automobiles has had an enormous effect on people’s way of lif e throughout the world. The automobile has given people freedom of movement. It influences where people live and work and how they spend their leisure time. However, each year, motor vehicle accidents kill an estimated 300,000 people throughout the world. But it is the drivers that are the chief factor in vehicle safety because they are responsible for about two-thirds of all accidents. Besides, the automobile itself has become safer and modern road building techniques have increasingly lowered the risk of automobile accidents.

Secondly, many nations depend on automobile production to provide jobs for millions of workers. Filling stations, restaurants, and other businesses that serve automobile travelers are of major importance to a country’s economy. In a ddition, many developing nations have begun making automobiles to stimulate industry. For example, China has promoted broad-based automobile manufacturing. However, automobiles produce terrible air pollution that endangers people’s health in many of the wo rld’s big cities. But in many countries, steps have been taken to control air pollution caused by automobiles.

In summary, the striking changes in people’s lives and the economic impact created by the automobile in the early 20th century have since spread across much of the globe and its disadvantages are becoming insignificant. (250 words)


Tobacco is a kind of drug. People have been free to sue it. Some people think that it should be illegal to use it comparing with other drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion?

The use of tobacco products has been a controversial issue for many years. To my mind, tobacco should in no sense be compared to drugs as illegal, but should not be encouraged either, considering its harm to health.

Tobacco has long been a source of money for the governments in many countries. This income comes from taxes on the manufactured products. Excise taxes also come from tobacco that arrives from other countries.

Yet, cigarette smoking is a leading cause of many life-threatening diseases. During the 1960’s, scientists established that smoking tobacco product s – especially cigarettes – could cause lung cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses.

While cigarette smoking has its harm mainly on individuals, drug abuse has a range of potentially harmful effects not only on individuals but also on family, friends, work and society.

Cocaine can cause high blood pressure, leading to a brain stroke. Injecting drugs into the body wi t h contaminated needles can lead to blood poisoning, which may result in death. Sharing needles with a person who has AIDS can give a user those diseases.

Frequent drug users may turn to crime to meet the increasing expense for their habit. Continued drug use may cause personality changes. Some users lose interest in school or work, or have difficulty meeting the responsibilities of a job or family.

To conclude, cigarette smoking, in spite of its harm to a person’s health, has the advantage of earning revenue from taxes for a country and it is incomparable to the lethal drug abuse. (250 words)


Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should have about one year’s time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision.

Do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion?

High school students who intend to study at university should attend tertiary education after graduation. To spend one year’s time doing a job to acquire work experience or to travel for broadening one’s vision is, to my mind, a waste of time and energy.

First, university education is the continuation of high school education for those students who want to pursue their learning at an advanced level. A break of one year from academic study will probably weaken one’s memory of what has been learned, especially for those who will study such theoretical subjects as mathematics, physics or chemistry.

Besides, many nations have established one examination that all students must pass to qualify for admission to a university. For example, in China there is a college entrance examination. Anyone who fails in the examination will be denied of admission into a university.

Furthermore, one year’s work or travel does not help students much in their academic studies at university because i t is unpredictable for one’s work experience to be integrated into one’s studies of specific subjects, to say nothing of traveling experience. Even if some subjects, such as MBA, require students to have work experience, one year’s work experience, however, is not sufficient to meet the requirements of thr ee or five years, and one’s work experience should, after all, be related to management.

To conclude, I would rather suggest that university’s curriculum allow the integration of academic study with practical training for the compensation for students’ l ack of work experience.(250 words)


Some people say that the government should not put money on building theatres and sports stadiums. They should spend more money on medical care and education. Do you agree or disagree?

Much discussion concerning allocation of resources assumes that the government should spend money on medicine and education rather than on theatres and sports stadiums. In my opinion, this issue should be examined from the angle of whether the investment benefits the great majority of the population.

The insti t utions of medical care and education, undoubtedly, should receive priority in the allocation of a government’s expenditures, at the thought of millions of children from deprived backgrounds who now get a substandard education, and who would require a relatively high quality of education if they are to enjoy anything approaching equality of opportuni t y in later life. Another pressing need of society is improvement of medical care for the adult poor, for the aged, and so forth down the list.

Theatres and sports stadiums are institutions for promoting human culture. A successful theatrical event is an exciting and stimulating experience, whether it occurs in a grand theatre or a high school auditorium. Spectators as well as those involved in the production feel this excitement. Sports stadiums, on the other hand, attract millions of spectators to watch professionals play every year. Many more millions watch games on television, read about them in newspapers, and discuss them wi t h their friends. Therefore, can we say that these are unnecessary public expenditures the government should ignore?

In conclusion, today man is becoming ever more aware of his spiritual needs. Medicine and education are needs that we recognize, but are contacts with theatrical or sports events also basic needs?(250 words)


Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disag ree with this opinion?


It is simply absurd to assert that with historical objects and works of art being able to be seen through a computer, public museums and art galleries will no longer be needed.


First of all, computers can never replace real public museums and art galleries. No matter how real and vivid computer images are, they are only images, not the historical objects and works of art that we see in real or even might be allowed to touch with our fingertips. For those who claim museums and galleries are no longer needed because the y can see all they want to on a computer screen, I’d like to suggest that they marry a wife or husband in the computer rather than in real life!


In the second place, visiting real museums and art galleries is a rewarding experience in many respects. For one thing, it is a good exercise. While we are making the trip to a museum or art gallery and then strolling about on site, we get some exercise which does a lot of good to our health. For another thing, we can feast our eyes on all kinds of things there and experience the wonder, beauty and exquisite workmanship with our own eyes in an active way instead of in a passive manner by looking at what are being displayed to us by others on the screen. For yet another thing, we protect our eyesight by moving away from the computer screen and see the real objects on site.


It is true that computers have brought great conveniences to our life. At certain times, especially when it is temporarily impossible for us to visit museums and art galleries in person, we can get a rough picture of what are on display on site. However, what we see from a computer screen is, after all, not exactly the same as what we see and feel with our own eyes on site.


In conclusion, computers will never be able to replace real public museums and art galleries. Therefore, it is ridiculous to say that one does not need to go to museums and art galleries as historical objects and works of art can be appreciated on a computer screen.


The unlimited use of cars may cause many problems. What are those problems? In order to reduce the problems, should we discourage people to use cars?


The fast increase in the number of cars have brought along many related problems which are well worth our greatest attention.


First of all, urban traffic is getting from bad to worse. I’d like to ci t e my own experience as an example. Five years ago, it took me about 30 minutes to drive from home to office. One year later, I needed to spend about 40 minutes on the way. Then two years later, I had to start out from home at least 1 hour earlier in order to get to my office on good time for work. And then, since last year, it has just been too normal for me to spend about one and half hours to make it. The traffic just moves like a worm!



Second, with the ever growing number of cars, air quality in urban areas is deteriorating with each passing day. We used to see clear blue sky and breathe fresh air, but now this would be a real luxury. Car exhaust has seriously polluted the air and people’s health is greatly endangered. I t seems certain that we human beings have already made a fatal mistake that could only be remedied by bringing down the number of cars hugely.


Sure, we can not deny the fact that cars have brought us speed, comfort and greater mobility. However, these have already been history. We are suffering much more from cars than benefiting from them. Our health conditions are going down rapidly both due to the polluted air that we have to breathe every second and our lack of exercise as a result of the ever increasing amount of time we have to spend behind the wheel!


What can we do? From the foregoing discussion, I’m sure we have already found a solution: to discourage people to use cars! I know very well that science and technology are also developing very fast and there might be better solutions coming up in the future, but, before that, let’s first salvage ourselves in such a passive way!


Examiner: How often do you go to the cinema? Jemma: Unfortunately we don’t have a cinema near us so we have to go into the nearest town to catch the latest movie… I usually avoid seeing popular box-office hits which I’m not always keen on seeing … I pref er low-budget films… sci-fi especially … and there’s a great cinema I go to that has frequent showings of films like these … Examiner: Do you prefer reading books or watching films? Louisa: I’m not really a big reader… I find books quite heavy-going… so I much prefer to see a film … perhaps it’s the special effects or the soundtrack… I don’t know … I just prefer a film … Part 2-style task Describe a book you have read or a film you have seen. You should say:


有的同学说,留学学校要各单项不低于6.5分,但是雅思考了两次每次都是6分,自己很认真的复习也背了很多高分范文怎么提个0.5分就那么难。 雅思作文怎么说呢,是雅思里面提分最快也是最难提分的一项,有人指导掌握正确的方法,只要基础不差一周提1分完全有可能,但要是走进了备考死胡同,就是考10次很有可能0.5分也提不了。 为了备考的小伙伴更好的理解考官出题的意图,以及高分作文的解题思路,快速写出一篇8分作文,下面小编就对2017年1月的雅思真题进行了详细地解析,会对雅思备考的小伙伴非常有帮助,烤鸭赶紧收藏! 1月7日题目 Task2 Art classes, like painting and drawing are as important as other subject, should be compulsory subject in high school. To what extant do you agree or disagree? ◆思路解析◆ 本题属于雅思大作文中的同意与否题型 讨论的是教育类话题--艺术教育 首段可以是题目的同义改写,然后明确表达自己观点,即自己是支持艺术教育为必修课的~ Nowadays, many people contemplate whether art classes should be compulsory courses of high school. I am convinced that it is absolutely necessary to make this idea come true as soon as possible. 第二段可以让步一下,指出艺术教育的昂贵使之成为必修课有些难度


雅思8分作文解决方案 A Solution to Score 8 in IELTS Writing 孙肇春著 全真雅思试题(2002各城市A、G类写作真题及范文) 准确试题预测(2002-2003年雅思写作准确评估和预测) @2002 Copyright reserved 版权所有翻印必究

作者简介 孙肇春,1971年生于山东烟台,1999年毕业于广东外语外贸大学博士点(原广州外国语学院),文学硕士。研究方向句法学和理论语言学。兴趣爱好广泛,对词源学具有浓厚的兴趣和较深的研究,喜欢英美文学和欧洲文化史。2000年在暨南大学任教,曾担任口译、英美散文欣赏等课程。2001年辞职。现任深圳环球雅思学校校长,主讲雅思写作、阅读和词汇速记法。业余爱好:平民类运动项目。擅长篮球、乒乓球、羽毛球、健身等运动,。座右铭:If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Preface Building upon my experience as an IELTS writing teacher and professional writer, I collected abundant writing materials authentic from test centers and other media. This book is the result of a combination of two years of teaching experience and the research of IELTS writing skills, built upon equally as many hours creating original writing samples to students preparing to take their IELTS test. This book has been developed to be used in the classroom and for self-study. The book covers both the General Training and Academic test. Using a step-by-step approach, a detailed explanation of how to approach writing in IELTS is given, with each unit concentrating on one particular aspect of the writing test. The exercises are designed to teach the required skills, focusing on practical application of knowledge. Model answers are also included for students to compare their own writing against, thereby gradually guiding students in wring articles that fully meet the requirements of the IELTS writing test in every aspect. The materials in this book are all authentic, keeping the original style and content. The book is very helpful for the students who are planning to take the IELTS test. The book also gives a prediction of the IELTS in 2003, covering any possible topics which are commonly seen in the test.


2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文精选5篇 不知不觉又迎来了雅思口语换库,雅思口语换题后增加了很多新题,8月份最后一次雅思考试要来了。今天小编给大家整理了2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文,我们一起来看看吧! 2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文1 题目: 1.Do you think you are a good friend to others? 2.What kind of people do you like to make friends with? 3.Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood? 4.What do you think makes good friends? 范文: 1.Do you think you are a good friend to others? Yes, I can proudly say so. I am sociable enough to know at first, lovable enough to get along with, and judicious enough to give a piece of advice. Many friends of mine seek advice from me, and generally, they take it into consideration. I guess that shows how close we are. 2.What kind of people do you like to make friends with? I like to make friends with honest and straightforward guys. Cuz I’m the hot-headed type of person. Once I was told to do something, I would do it blindly. If an honest and straightforward friend came giving me wise advice, I could stop myself from acting stupidly and take a wiser move. 3.Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?


剑桥雅思3 T est2 task1 The chart shows that Britain, among the four European countries listed, has spent most heavily on the range of consumer goods included. In every case, British spending is considerably higher than that of other countries; only In the case of tennis racquets does another country, Italy, come close. In contrast, Germany Is generally the lowest spender. This is most evident in photographic film, where Germany spends much less than Britain. Germany only spends more than another country, France, in two cases: tennis racquets and perfumes. Meanwhile, France and Italy generally maintain middle positions, averaging approximately similar spending overall. Specifically, France spends more on CDs and photographic film but less on tennis racquets than Italy does. Italy's spending on personal stereos is only marginally greater than that of France, while spending on toys is equal between the two. It is clear from the data given that there are some significant differences in spending habits within Europe. TEST 2 T ASK 2 Overall, I disagree with the opinion expressed I would like to begin by pointing out that 'traditional skills and ways of life' are not automatically of one country, but of a culture or community. In many ways, the history of civilization is me history of technology: from the discovery of fire to the invention of the wheel to the development of the Internet, we have been moving on from previous ways of doing things. Some technologies, such as weapons of mass destruction, are of negative impact. Others, such as medical advances, positively help people to live better or longer, and so very much help traditional ways of life. Surely, few people would seek to preserve such traditions as living in caves Interestingly, technology can positively contribute to the keeping alive of traditional skills and ways of life. For example, the populations of some islands are too small to have normal schools. Rather than breaking up families by sending children to the mainland, education authorities have been able to use the Internet to deliver schooling online. In addition, the Internet, and modern refrigeration techniques, are being used to keep alive the traditional skills of producing salmon; it can now be ordered from, and delivered to, anywhere in the world. In conclusion, without suggesting that all technology is necessarily good, I think it is by no means pointless', in any way, to try to keep traditions alive with technology. We should not ignore technology, because it can be our friend and support our way of life. T est3 task1 The data shows the differences between developing and industrialized countries' participation in

IELTS 8分作文

You should spend no more than 40 minutes on this task. As part of a class assignment you have to write about6 the following topic. In Britain, when someone gets old they often go to live in a home with other old people where there are nerses to look after them. Sometimes the fovernment has to pay for this vare. Who shoukd be responsible for old people? Give reasons(argument) for your answer. You should write at least 250 wors. One of the most chanlleging problems of today’s society is the question who should be responsible for our old people. It’s not only a financial problem but also a question of the system we want our society to have. In my essay I would like ti four different models. Firstly, the company can be responsible for their reiired employees. For this reason a special fund could be established. The advantage of this model is, if you belief in the capitalist system, tha tit should be the cheapest solution. A possible problem is that the companies might have vomprtition disadvantage due to higher staff cases. A second solution is that the government has to tale the responsibility for the old people’s care. It can finance this with its tax incomes. Actually, this is the most democratic midel since everybody gets as much money as he or she needs. Unfortunately, as the present situation in our country shows, this solution seems not to work very well. The government can no longer afford suporting all the old peoples. Another way of solving this problem is to give back the responsibility to the individual. That means that everybody has to save money during their working life for the live after their retirement. This seems to be not a very fair model because their will certainly exist people who can’t afford to save part of their aslary. In this case the government would have to care for them. A last solution is to go back to the old model of the“big family”who cares for all their members. I don’t think this is possible in our days society because the family structures have so much changed. T o sum up I have to admitt that I can’t find a really good solution for ths problem. All models have advantages and disadvantages. Certainly we have to thind about ths topic much more in the future. 共21个句子:第一段3句,第二段4句,第三段5句,第四段4句,第五段2句,第六段3句,317个错误(不影响理解) 8分。最后一段较诚实。 There have been two controversial issues about using computers in modern times. One issue states that using computers makes everyday life more(much)easier and it must be widly used. Antouer(another) issue, in contrast to the first one, believes that computers has many disadvantages and therefore it should not be used at all. It is a matter of choice, to choose first issue or the second one.(主题句) Those who support using computers in veryday life usually mention the benefits of computers on job, or at home or maybe as consumers.(主题句)For example, on the job, we usually do our work much more faster if we use a computer: at home we can

2019年5-8月雅思口语part1话题范文:The area you live in

2019年5-8月雅思口语part1话题范文:The area you live in 导读:本文2019年5-8月雅思口语part1话题范文:The area you live in,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 The area you live in 1. Where do you like to go in that area? The sports stadium next to the building I live in, is where I would like to go frequently. The stadium is not very spacious but well-equipped with plenty of sport facilities. Also, there is an indoor swimming pool with a small number of people so I can relax myself there every day after I come back home. 2. Do you know any famous people in your area? Actually yes! I am aware that a lot of movie stars come from where I live. I feel very proud every time I see them in a fantastic film. Also, there are some poets and writers who are living in the area that I come from. So, I suppose my city is an artistic and poetic area. 3. What are some changes in the area recently? Well, a lot of changes are taking place nowadays in my city. I can see more and more skyscrapers having been built and


雅思作文八分经典范文:环境、资源与交通问题 The unlimited use of cars may cause many problems.What are those problems?In order to reduce the problems,should we discourage people to use cars? The fast increase in the number of cars have brought along many related problems which are well worth our greatest attention. First of all,urban traffic is getting from bad to worse.I’d like to cite my own experience as an example.Five years ago,it took me about30minutes to drive from home to office.One year later,I needed to spend about40minutes on the way.Then two years later,I had to start out from home at least1hour earlier in order to get to my office on good time for work.And then,since last year,it has just been too normal for me to spend about one and half hours to make it.The traffic just moves like a worm! Second,with the ever growing number of cars,air quality in urban areas is deteriorating with each passing day.We used to see clear blue sky and breathe fresh air,but now this would be a real luxury.Car exhaust has seriously polluted the air and people’s health is greatly endangered.It seems certain that we human beings have already made a fatal mistake that could only be remedied by bringing down the number of cars hugely. Sure,we can not deny the fact that cars have brought us speed,comfort and greater mobility.However,these have already been history.We are suffering much more from cars than benefiting from them.Our health conditions are going down rapidly both due to the polluted air that we have to breathe every second and our lack of exercise as a result of the ever increasing amount of time we have to spend behind the wheel! What can we do?From the foregoing discussion,I’m sure we have already found a solution:to discourage people to use cars!I know very well that science and technology are also developing very fast and there might be better solutions coming up in the future,but, before that,let’s first salvage ourselves in such a passive way! 雅思写作八分经典作文:计算机的利与弊 Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer.Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? It is simply absurd to assert that with historical objects and works of art being able to be


雅思口语范文 雅思口语考题基本上是五大原则:人,物,地点,事件,媒体。 T:在讲五大原则任何一个的时候,务必把这个原则与你联系在一起,开头的时候有个主题句,通过这句话引入下面的支持观点,这个主题句可以通过一到两句话来完成,但最好是对你有影响的。描述这个人---对你有影响;描述这个物----对你有意义;描述这个地点---对你有回忆等等。。。 S:支持观点,在这里要注意,我相信很多同学都会用观点来支持自己,但太过于白话文,大部分用例子来支撑,部分考生喜欢用For example,First , se condly, last but not the least来讲分论点,但这样给考官的感觉是在背作文,而不是真正的口语。在S这的观点一般是需要比较正式点的语言,每讲的一句话最好不少于5个单词以下,但最好不超过5句话。过渡词用什么好呢?最好用well , also , actually ,as a matter of fact , you know 等等词。 E:当然就是找到支持观点的例子,恰当的例子,但是字数不能过多,要简练。 以上就是这篇雅思口语万能模板的主要内容,大家可能会觉得这个模板过于简单,但是这是一个非常有用的模板,也是在论述一个话题的时候最有用的论述方法,尤其是对于雅思口语第二部分的答题很有帮助!下面小编就此模板给大家整理了16篇较为经典的范文,希望大家仔细斟酌,化为己用! 经典范文 1.Describe a sport you are good at: Tennis I would like to talk about tennis, which is my best love among a ll the popular sports. Tennis is popular all over the world, especially





第一篇 The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph sho ws the trends in consumption of fast foods. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. 柱状图显示的是1970-1990二十年间英国人每周在快餐上花费了多少钱;曲线图展示的是这二十年间快餐消费的趋势。 The bar chart shows how much money was spent on fast foods per week in the UK over a span of 2 0 years from 1970 to 1990 while the graph reveals the trend of fast food consumption over the same period of time. 从柱状图看,各收入阶层在汉堡和鱼煎薯条这两种快餐上的支出相对高于在皮萨上的消费;曲线图反映出汉堡与皮萨的消费呈现上升趋势,鱼煎薯条则呈现出波动趋势。 As we can see from the chart, the weekly expenses of people of different income levels on hamburg ers and fish and chips were relatively higher than that on pizza. The graph indicates that while hamb urger and pizza consumption both revealed a general trend of increase, fish and chips showed a tren d of fluctuation. 首先,高收入阶层和中等收入阶层每周在汉堡上的平均消费分别是每人42便士和33便士,比低收入阶层的14便士搞出了很多。在鱼煎薯条方面,高收入阶层的支出略低,是17便士,但中等及低收入阶层的支出都分别达到了25便士和18便士,相对于在皮萨方面支出


雅思口语话题之好消息范文 为了让大家高效备考雅思口语,下面小编给大家分享雅思口语话题之好消息范文,希望大家喜欢。 雅思口语Part2新题范文:电视/网络上的好消息 Topic: Describe a good news from TV or the Internet. You should say: when you heard about the news what this news was about how you got this news and explain why you think it was a good news sample answer: Well, I'd like to talk about the news about the law to cut the use of the plastic bags. Several years ago, our Chinese government approved a law to reduce the excessive consumption of the plastic bags which proved to be a main source of pollution because the bags aren't degradable. I got this news in the CCTV-1 news channel. In the past, people could get the plastic bags from various supermarkets for free. As a result, our country had witnessed high consumption of the white pollution for years which would take centuries to degrade. Therefore, we'd like to see a law banning the use of plastic bags in supermarkets and shopping malls while encouraging people to use paper or cotton bags, or repeatedly use the handy plastic bags instead. Consequently, things are improving. Large supermarket chains, such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour in China, have started to introduce reusable bags and give some rewards to customers who refuse to use plastic bags. As well as that, the law also raises the public's green awareness to protect our environment, with various efforts to reduce the carbon footprint. For example people tend to buy the fuel efficiency vehicles instead of the gas-guzzlers in order to emit less carbon dioxide in the same mileage. 2019年5-8月雅思口语话题范文part3:好消息 好消息


雅思写作冲8分必备词汇 ★高频形容词/副词: 1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的,著名的:excellent = prominent = outstanding = renowned = distinguished = remarkable 4. 积极的,有益的:good = conducive = beneficial = advantageous 5. 消极的,不良的,有害的:bad = detrimental = baneful = undesirable = harmful = evil 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident = manifest 7. 健康的:healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的,极好的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous = marvelous = fantastic = gorgeous = spectacular = brilliant = resplendent 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的:popular = prevailing = present = pervasive = prevalent 12. 重要的:important = vital = significant = crucial = critical = substantial = indispensable = imperative = pivotal = necessary = essential = key = be of vital important / significance 13. 大的:immense = titanic = vast = gigantic = tremendous = enormous 14. 昂贵的:expensive = costly = luxurious = dear 15. 复杂的:complex = complicated = profound = intricate = sophisticated 16. 多样的:various = diverse = a variety of 17. 丰富的,大量的:abundant = sufficient = affluent = ample = copious = a host of = a multitude of = a vast number of = a vast amount of 18. 合适的,可行的:appropriate = proper = suitable = apt = moderate = feasible = practical = felicitous 19. 困窘的,丢脸的:embarrassed = awkward = shameful= ashamed 20. 非常:tremendously = immensely = enormously = extraordinarily = considerably = exceedingly ★高频名词: 1. 影响:influence = impact = effect 2. 危险:danger = peril = hazard 3. 污染:pollution = contamination 4. 幸福:happiness = well-being 5. 教育:education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing 6. 青少年:young people = youngster = youth = adolescent 7. 孩子:children = offspring = descendant = kid = later generation 8. 成年人:adult = grown-up 9. 老人:old people = the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizen 10. 老师:teacher = instructor = educator = lecturer 11. 人类:human being = mankind = humane race 12. 优点:advantage = merit = superiority = virtue = asset = benefit = strength = upside 13. 缺陷:disadvantage = detect = demerit = drawback = shortcoming = flaw = weakness = downside 14. 责任:responsibility = obligation = duty = liability 15. 能力:ability = capacity = capability = competence = technique = aptitude = expertise = skill 16. 职业:job = career = employment = profession = vocation = occupation 17. 娱乐:amusement = pastimes = recreation = entertainment 18. 标准,规范:standard = criteria = criterion = norm = benchmark 19. 责任,义务:responsibility = obligation = commitment = duty = liability

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