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Financial statement analysis consists of 1) reformulating reported financial statements, 2) analysis and adjustments of measurement errors, and 3) financial ratio analysis on the basis of reformulated and adjusted financial statements. The two first steps are often dropped in practice, meaning that financial ratios are just calculated on the basis of the reported numbers, perhaps with some adjustments. Financial statement analysis is the foundation for evaluating and pricing credit risk and for doing fundamental company valuation.

1) Financial statement analysis typically starts with reformulating the reported financial information. In relation to the income statement, one common reformulation is to divide reported items into recurring or normal items and non-recurring or special items. In this way, earnings could be separated in to normal or core earnings and transitory earnings. The idea is that normal earrings are more permanent and hence more relevant for prediction and valuation. Normal earnings are also separated into net operational profit after taxes (NOPAT) and net financial costs. The balance sheet is grouped, for example, in net operating assets (NOA), net financial debt and equity.

2) Analysis and adjustment of measurement errors question the quality of the reported accounting numbers. The reported numbers can for example be a bad or noisy representation of invested capital, for example in terms of NOA, which means that the return on net operating assets (RNOA) will be a noisy measure of the underlying profitability (the internal rate of return, IRR). Expensing of R&D is an example when such investment expenditures are expected to yield future economic benefits, suggesting that R&D creates assets which should have been capitalized in the balance sheet. An example of an adjustment for measurement errors is when the analyst removes the R&D expenses from the income statement and put them in the balance sheet. The R&D expenditures are then replaced by amortization of the R&D capital in the balance sheet. Another example is to adjust the reported numbers when the analyst suspects earnings management.

3) Financial ratio analysis should be based on regrouped and adjusted financial statements. Two types of ratio analyses are performed: 3.1) Analysis of risk and 3.2) analysis of profitability:

3.1) Analysis of risk typically aims at detecting the underlying credit risk of the firm. Risk analysis consists of liquidity and solvency analysis. Liquidity analysis aims at analyzing whether the firm has enough liquidity to meet its obligations when they should be paid. A usual technique to analyze illiquidity risk is to focus on ratios such as the current ratio and interest coverage. Cash flow analysis is also useful. Solvency analysis aims at analyzing whether the firm is financed so that it is able to recover from a losses or a period of losses. A usual technique to analyze insolvency risk is to focus on ratios such as the equity in percentage of total capital and other ratios of capital structure. Based on the risk analysis the analyzed firm could be rated, i.e. given a grade on the riskiness, a process called synthetic rating.

3.2) Analysis of profitability refers to the analysis of return on capital, for example return on equity, ROE, defined as earnings divided by average equity. Return on equity, ROE, could be decomposed: ROE = RNOA + (RNOA - NFIR) * NFD/E, where RNOA is return on net operating assets, NFIR is the net financial interest rate, NFD is net financial debt and E is equity. In this way, the sources of ROE could be clarified.

Insights from financial statement analysis could be used to make forecasts and to evaluate credit risk and value the firm's equity. For example, if financial statement analysis detects increasing

superior performance ROE - kE > 0 over the period of financial statement analysis, then this trend could be extrapolated into the future. But as economic theory suggests, sooner or later the competitive forces will work - and ROE will be driven toward kE. Only if the firm has a sustainable competitive advantage, ROE - kE > 0 in "steady state".

Financial analysis is the selection, evaluation, and interpretation of financial data, along with other pertinent information, to assist in investment and financial decision-making. The analyst draws the financial data needed in financial analysis from many sources. The primary source is the data provided by the company itself in its annual report and required disclosures. The annual report comprises the income statement, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows, as well as footnotes to these statements. Certain businesses are required by securities laws to disclose additional information. Besides information that companies are required to disclose through financial statements, other information is readily available for financial analysis. For example, information such as the market prices of securities of publicly-traded corporations can be found in the financial press and the electronic media daily. Similarly, information on stock price indices for industries and for the market as a whole is available in the financ ial press. Another source of information is economic data, such as the Gross Domestic Product and Consumer Price Index, which may be useful in assessing the recent performance or future prospects of a company or industry. Suppose you are evaluating a company that owns a chain of retail outlets. You need financial data, but it doesn't tell the whole story. You also need information on consumer Financial ratios spending, producer prices, consumer prices, and the competition.


一、公司基本情况: 1.公司的法定中文名称:股份有限公司 公司的法定英文名称: 2.公司的法定代表人: 3.股票种类:A股 股票代码:601003 股票简称:柳钢股份 股票上市交易所:上海证券交易所 4.公司注册地址:公司办公地址: 公司概况:股份有限公司(以下简称公司或本公司)于2000 年4 月7 日经广西壮族自治区人民政府桂政函[2000]74 号文批准,由广西(集团)公司(以下简称集团公司)作为主发起人,联合柳州有色冶炼股份有限公司、柳州市柳工物资有限公司、广西壮族自治区冶金建设公司、柳州化学工业集团有限公司共同发起设立。公司于2000 年4 月14 日经广西壮族自治区工商行政管理局批准注册,营业执照注册号为(企)450200000000013。公司原名广西柳州金程股份有限公司,2001年10月更名为股份有限公司。 经中国证券监督管理委员会证监发行字[2007]21 号文核准,本公司于2007年2月5日至6日采用网下配售和网上发行相结合方式向社会公开发行人民币普通股(A 股)10,700万股,每股面值1元,每股发行价格10.06 元。发行后本公司注册资本从60,488.70万元增至71,188.70万元。 根据本公司2007年5月14日股东大会通过2006年度利润分配议案,以2007年2 月27日公司挂牌上市后的总股本71,188.70万股为基数,每10股送10股。本次送股数量为71,188.70万股,每股面值1元,变更后公司注册资本为142,377.40万元。 根据本公司2008年5月6日股东大会通过2007年度利润分配议案,以2007年12月31日总股本142,377.40万股为基数,以公积金转增股本,每10股转增8股。本次转增113,901.92万股,每股面值1元,变更后公司注册资本为256,279.32万元。 公司经营范围为:烧结、炼铁、炼钢及其副产品的销售,钢材轧制、加工及其副产品的销售;炼焦及其副产品的销售(凭有效的安全生产许可证核准的范围经营);本企业自产产品及相关技术的出口业务;本企业生产、科研所需的原辅材料、机械设备、仪器仪表、零配件及相关技术的进口业务;本企业进料加工和"三来一补"业务。(凡涉及许可证的项目凭许可证在有效期限内经营) 二、对资产负债表的分析: (一)对资产的各个项目的分析:


财务报表分析外文文献及翻译 LNTU---Acc 附录A 财务报表分析的杠杆左右以及如何体现盈利性和值比率 摘要 关键词:财政杠杆;运营债务杠杆;股本回报率;值比率 传统观点认为,杠杆效应是从金融活动中产生的:公司通过借贷来增加运营的资金。 杠杆作用的衡量标准是负债总额与股东权益。然而,一些负债——如银行贷款和发行的债券,是由于资金筹措,其他一些负债——如贸易应付账款,预收收入和退休金负债,是由于在运营过程中与供应商的贸易,与顾客和雇佣者在结算过程中产生的负债。融资负债通常交易运作良好的资本市场其中的发行者是随行就市的商人。与此相反,在运营中公司能够实现高增值。因为业务涉及的是与资本市场相比,不太完善的贸易的输入和输出的市场。 因此,考虑到股票估值,运营负债和融资负债的区别的产生有一些先验的原因。我们研究在资产负债表上,运营负债中的一美元是否与融资中的一美元等值这个问题。因为运营负债和融资负债是股票价值的组成部分,这个问题就相当于问是否股价与账面价值比率是否取决于账面净值的组成。价格与账面比率是由预期回报率的账面价值决定的。所以,如果部分的账面价值要求不同的溢价,他们必须显示出不同的账面价值的预期回报率。因此, 标准的财务报表分析的能够区分股东从运营中和借贷的融资业务中产生的利润。因此,资产回报有别于股本回报率,这种差异是由于杠杆作用。然而,在标准的分析中,经营负债不区别于融资负债。因此,为了制定用于实证分析的规范,

我们的研究结果是用于愿意分析预期公司的收益和账面收益率。这些预测和估值依赖于负债的组成。 这篇文章结构如下。第一部分概述并指出了了能够判别两种杠杆作用类型,连接杠杆作用和盈利的财务报表分析第二节将杠杆作用,股票价值和价格与账面比率联系在一起。 第三节中进行实证分析,第四节进行了概述与结论。 1 杠杆作用的财务报表分析 以下财务报表分析将融资债务和运营债务对股东权益的影响区别开。这个分析从实证的详细分析中得出了精确的杠杆效应等式 普通股产权资本收益率=综合所得?普通股本 (1) 杠杆影响到这个盈利等式的分子和分母。适当的财务报表分析解析了杠杆作用的影响。以下分析是通过确定经营和融资活动中的资产负债表和损益表的组成开始分析。计算每一项活动所获得的利润,然后引入两种类型的杠杆作用来解释运营和融资的盈利以及股东的总体盈利。 1.1 区分运营和融资过程中的盈利 普通股权=经营资产,金融负债,经营负债,金融负债 (2) 侧重于普通股(以便优先股被视为融资债务),资产负债表方程可重申如下:经营性资产的区别(如贸易应收款,库存和物业,厂房及设备)和金融资产(存款及可出售证券吸收多余现金)在其他方面。然而,债务方面,融资负债也区别于经营负债。不应该把所 有负债都当作融资负债来处理,相反,只有从运营中得到的现金,就像银行贷款,短期商业票据和债券属于这种类型。其他负债,如应付账款,累计费用,预收收入,重组债务和养老金负债,产生于业务。这种区别并不像当前与长远负债那么简单;养老金负债,例如,通常是长期,短期的借款是一种当前的负债。


Accountability in financial reporting: detecting fraudulent firms 在财务报告的责任:检测欺诈性公司 “会计研究所和会计学院,玛拉工艺大学,莎阿南,马来西亚雪兰莪州” 摘要 本文旨在探讨公司欺诈行为与非欺诈行为的财务比率间存在的差别,并确定哪些财务比率是显著的虚假报告。样本包括在马来西亚公共上市公司的65个欺诈性企业和65个非欺诈性企业,根据2000年和2011年数据的研究发现,有欺诈行为的公司和非舞弊的公司,在总债务与总资产、应收账款销售额方面存在显著的均值差异。此外,Z分数衡量破产概率是为了检测是否存在财务报告舞弊。 关键词:财务比率;财务报表分析;虚假财务报告;上市公司;马来西亚

一、引言 根据马来西亚上市公司的要求欺诈的公司被囊定为犯罪认定。欺诈是在实践中出现的一种欺诈行为,广义的概念具有两种基本类型。首先是挪用资产,二是财务报告舞弊。财务报告舞弊通常发生在以财务报表造假的形式来获得一些有益的形式。有些人认为欺诈涉及财务报表故意的扭曲(硬盘接口技术2009)。 在财务报告过程中欺诈检测是资本市场参与者和其他利益相关者的首要任务(例如,埃利奥特,2002;委员会,2007)。在公开上市交易的公司如安然和世通公司欺诈发生时市场参与者如投资者经历了重大的经济损失。一些专家认为,在目前的经济衰退调查研究诈骗方式中财务报告舞弊率可能会增加(敏茨,2009)。 在ISA 240规定的欺诈检测是一个分配给审计人员具体任务。审计人员通常使用帮助他们检测欺诈的工具称为分析程序(阿尔布雷克特,2009)。分析程序是指重要比率分析和趋势分析以及由此产生的调查,与其他相关信息不一致或偏离预测值波动的关系。许多研究者和诈骗者推荐的财务比率可以作为一个有效的工具来检测欺诈(印度野,2009;白,阴阳,2008;人,1995)。 本文的目标是,首先探讨舞弊和非舞弊公司的财务比率的平均值之间的差异;其次本文研究的是欺诈报告中的财务比率的特征。


毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系别。.。.。。.。。. 管理信息系 专业财务管理 班级 姓名 学号 外文出处http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/22323844.html?from=like 附件1。原文;2。译文 2012年3月

1.原文 Financial statementanalysis— theuse of fina ncial accounting information 。 Manyyears.Reasonable minimumcurrent ratio was co nfirmedas 2。00。Until themid-1960s, the typical enterprisewill flowratio control at2.00 or higher。Since then,many companies thecurrentratiobelow 2.00 now, manycompanies can notcontrol the currentratioover2。00。This shows th at the liquidity of many companieson the decline. In theanalysis of an enterprise’sliquidity ratio,it i snecessary toaveragecurrent ratio withthe industry to compare.In some industries,the currentratio below2。0is considerednormal,but someindustrycurrent ratio must bebig2.00。In general,the shorterthe operatingcycle,the low er the current ratio:thelonger the operating cycle,thehigher thecurrent ratio. The current ratio comparedto thesame enterprise indifferent periods,and comparedwith the industry average,will helpto dryto determine the highor low current rati o.Thiscomparisondoesnot explain why or whylow.We


财务报表分析外文文献及翻译 财务报表分析外文文献及翻译

Review of accounting studies,2003,16(8):531-560 Financial Statement Analysis of Leverage and How It Informs About Protability and Price-to-Book Ratios Doron Nissim, Stephen. Penman Abstract This paper presents a ?nancial statement analysis that distinguishes leverage that arises in ?nancing activities from leverage that arises in operations. The analysis yields two leveraging equations, one for borrowing to ?nance operations and one for borrowing in the course of operations. These leveraging equations describe how the two types of leverage affect book rates of return on equity. An empirical analysis shows that the ?nancial statement analysis explains cross-sectional differences in current and future rates of return as well as price-to-book ratios, which are based on expected rates of return on equity. The paper therefore concludes that balance sheet line items for operating liabilities are priced differently than those dealing with ?nancing liabilities. Accordingly, ?nancial statement analysis that distinguishes the two types of liabilities informs on future pro?tability and aids in the evaluation of appropriate price-to-book ratios. Keywords: financing leverage; operating liability leverage; rate of return on equity; price-to-book ratio Leverage is traditionally viewed as arising from ?nancing activities: Firms borrow to raise cash for operations. This paper shows that, for the purposes of analyzing pro?tability and valuing ?rms, two types of leverage are relevant, one indeed arising from ?nancing activities but another from operating activities. The paper supplies a ?nancial statement analysis of the two types of leverage that explains differences in shareholder pro?tability and price-to-book ratios. The standard measure of leverage is total liabilities to equity. However, while some liabilities—like bank loans and bonds issued—are due to ?nancing, other liabilities—like trade payables, deferred revenues, and pension liabilities—result from transactions with suppliers, customers and employees in conducting operations. Financing liabilities are typically traded in well-functioning capital markets where issuers are price takers. In contrast, ?rms are able to add value in operations because operations involve trading in input and output markets that are less perfect than capital markets. So, with equity valuation in mind, there are a priori reasons for viewing operating liabilities differently from liabilities that arise in ?nancing. Our research asks whether a dollar of operating liabilities on the balance sheet is priced differently from a dollar of ?nancing liabilities. As operating and ?nancing liabilities are components of the book value of equity, the question is equivalent to asking whether price-to-book ratios depend on the composition of book values. The price-to-book ratio is determined by the expected rate of return on the book value so, if components of book value command different price premiums, they must imply different expected rates of return on book value. Accordingly, the paper also investigates whether the two types of liabilities are associated with differences in future book rates of return. Standard ?nancial statement analysis distinguishes shareholder pro?tability that arises from


财务报表分析之我见 【摘要】财务报表是揭示企业财务信息的基本手段,是财务报告的核心。随着我国市场经济的发展和不断完善,人们日益认识到财务报表分析的重要性。通过分析财务报表,能评价企业过去的经营成果、衡量企业目前的财务状况并预测企业未来的发展趋势。因此,对财务报表的使用者来说,分析利用好财务报表显得至关重要。但由于传统的、常用的财务报表分析存在一定的局限,这给我们正确理解财务信息造成一定的障碍。本文针对我国现行财务报表分析存在的局限性,探讨其解决对策,以期为完善和发展我国的财务报表分析体系提供新的思路和方法。 【关键词】财务报表分析方法局限性对策建议 一、财务报表分析概述 财务报表分析是指以财务报表和其他资料作为依据和起点,采用专门方法,系统分析和评价企业的过去和现在的经营成果、财务状况及其变动,目的是了解过去、评价现在、预测未来,帮助利益关系集团改善决策。财务分析的基本功能是将大量的报表数据转换成对特定决策有用的信息,减少决策的不确定性。 财务分析的方法有比较分析法和因素分析法,其中,比较分析法中财务比率的比较是最重要的分析,它们通过相对数比较,排除了企业规模的影响使不同比较对象在不同时期和不同行业之间建立起可比性,反映了各会计要素之间内在联系。企业基本的财务比率可以分为四类:即变现能力比率、资产管理比率、负债比率和盈利能力比率。不同的财务比率在企业的财务管理中发挥着不同的作用。 (一)变现能力比率 主要有流动比率和速动比率,通过对这些比率的计算和分析,用以评价企业变现的能力和反映企业的短期偿债能力,它取决于企业可以在近期转变为现金的流动资产的多少。 (二)资产管理比率。 包括营业周期、存货周转率、应收账款周转率、流动资产周转率和总资产周转率。这些比率是用来衡量企业资产管理效率的重要财务比率。 (三)负债比率。 主要包括资产负债率、产权比率、有形净值债务率和已获利息倍数。通过报表中有关数据计算这些比率来分析权益与资产之间的关系,分析不同权益之间的内在联系,用以评价企业的长期偿债能力。


文献信息: 文献标题:The Need Of Financial Statement Analysis In A Firm or An Orgnization(企业或机构财务报表分析的必要性) 国外作者:Suneetha G 文献出处:《International Journal of Science Engineering and AdvanceI Technology(JSEAT)》,2017,5(6):731-735. 字数统计:2541 单词,15110 字符;中文 4377 汉字 外文文献: The Need Of Financial Statement Analysis In A Firm Or An Orgnization Abstract Financial statement analysis play a dominate role in setting the frame watt of managerial decisions through analysis and interpretation of financial statement. This paper discusses about financial … strength and weakness of the company by properly establishing relationship between the items of balance shed and profit and loss account. In order to judge the profitability and financial soundness of the company horizontal, and vertical analyze or done. The various technique used in analyzing financial statement included 'comparative statement, common size statement, trend analysis and ratio analysis. The results suggest that the ratio approach is a highly useful tool in financial statement analysis, especially when a set of ratios is used to evaluate a firm's performance. Key words: Financial statement analysis, to evaluate a firm's performance.


公司财务报表分析案例 一、中色股份有限公司概况 中国有色金属建设股份有限公司(英文缩写NFC,简称:中色股份,证券代码:000758)1983年经国务院批准成立,主要从事国际工程承包和有色金属矿产资源开发。1997年4 月16日进行资产重组,剥离优质资产改制组建中色股份,并在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市。 中色股份是国际大型技术管理型企业,在国际工程技术业务合作中,凭借完善的商务、技术管理体系,高素质的工程师队伍以及强大的海外机构,公司的业务领域已经覆盖了设计、技术咨询、成套设备供货,施工安装、技术服务、试车投产、人员培训等有色金属工业的全过程,形成了“以中国成套设备制造供应优势和有色金属人才技术优势为依托的,集国家支持、市场开发、科研设计、投融资、资源调查勘探、项目管理、设备供应网络等多种单项能力于一身”的资源整合能力和综合比较优势。在有色金属矿产资源开发过程中,中色股份把环保作为首要考虑因素,贯彻于有色金属产品生产的各个环节,使自然资源得到更加合理有效利用,促进社会经济发展,使人与自然更加和谐。 目前,中色股份旗下控股多个公司,涉及矿业、冶炼、稀土、能源电力等领域;同时,通过入股民生人寿等稳健的实业投资,增强企业的抗风险能力,实现稳定发展。 多年来,中色股份重视培植企业的核心竞争能力,形成了独具特色的社会资源整合能力和大型有色工业项目的管理能力,同时确立了以伊朗为基地的中东地区,以哈萨克斯坦为中心的中北亚地区,以赞比亚为中心的中南非洲地区以及越南、老挝、蒙古、朝鲜、印尼、菲律宾等周边国家的几大主要市场区域。通过不断的开拓进取,资产总额和盈利能力稳步增长,成为“深证100指数”股、“沪深300综合指数”股。 二、资产负债比较分析 资产负债增减变动趋势表


LNTU---Acc 附录A 财务报表分析的杠杆左右以及如何体现盈利性和值比率 摘要 本文提供了区分金融活动和业务运营中杠杆作用的财务报表分析。这些分析得出了两个杠杆作用等式。一个用于金融业务中的借贷,一个用于运营过程的借贷。这些等式描述了两种杠杆效应如何影响股本收益率。实证分析表明,财务报表分析解释了当前和未来的回报率以及股价与账面价值比率具有代表性的差异。因此文章得出如下结论,资产负债表项目的运营负债定价不同于融资负债。因此,财务报表的分析能够区分两种类型的负债对未来盈利能力和提升适当的股价与账面价值比率的影响。 关键词:财政杠杆;运营债务杠杆;股本回报率;值比率 传统观点认为,杠杆效应是从金融活动中产生的:公司通过借贷来增加运营的资金。本文表明,在分析企业盈利和价值中,有两种相关杠杆起作用,一个的确是从金融活动产生的,另一种是是从运营过程中产生的。本文提供了两种类型杠杆的财务分析报表来解释股东盈利能力和价格与账面比率的差异。 杠杆作用的衡量标准是负债总额与股东权益。然而,一些负债——如银行贷款和发行的债券,是由于资金筹措,其他一些负债——如贸易应付账款,预收收入和退休金负债,是由于在运营过程中与供应商的贸易,与顾客和雇佣者在结算过程中产生的负债。融资负债通常交易运作良好的资本市场其中的发行者是随行就市的商人。与此相反,在运营中公司能够实现高增值。因为业务涉及的是与资本市场相比,不太完善的贸易的输入和输出的市场。 因此,考虑到股票估值,运营负债和融资负债的区别的产生有一些先验的原因。我们研究在资产负债表上,运营负债中的一美元是否与融资中的一美元等值这个问题。因为运营负债和融资负债是股票价值的组成部分,这个问题就相当于问是否股价与账面价值比率是否取决于账面净值的组成。价格与账面比率是由预期回报率的账面价值决定的。所以,如果部分的账面价值要求不同的溢价,他们必须显示出不同的账面价值的预期回报率。因此,本文还研究了是否两类负债与将来的账面收益率的区别有关。


Does International Financial Reporting Standards Adoption Matter?The Effects on Financial Transparency and Earnings Management Yen Tze—YU National Chung Cheng University,Chiayi,Taiwan Chang Ming—Lei Yuan Ze University,Taoyuan,Taiwan Yeh Hsiao—Chian National Chung Cheng University,Chiayi,Taiwan This paper aims to examine whether or not the adoption of fair value accounting(FVA)has an effect on the level of information transparency and the degree of earnings management,to identify whether the legal institutions have powers to explain those effects of the adoption of FVA,and to explore the relationship between the effects of the adoption of FVA and several specific characteristics of the banking industry.By investigating the banking sectors of four Asian countries/regions including China,Hong Kong,the Philippines,and Singapore which have adopted Intemational Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS),this paper finds that after the application of FVA,the estimated cost of equity of the sampled banks significantly decreases and the relationship between banks’loan loss provisions (LLP)and earnings before provisions and tax(EBPT)becomes irrelevant.The evidence suppo~s the effects of FVA adoption on the enhancement of accounting quali~.In addition,sound legal/extra-legal systems are closely linked to the degree of accounting quality and still have a strong influence on FVA.Keywords."earnings management,fair value accounting(FVA),information transparency,legal institutions Introduction With the globalization of capital markets,multinational enterprises have rapidly grown in recent years.To gain the confidence of internationalinvestors and access capital from overseas funds,it is necessary for these enterprises’financial statements to confo·rm to intemational standards.However,the work


第二章财务报表分析 从CPA 考试来说,财务分析这一章也是一个比较重要章节,考试中所占比重较大,2004年试题的分数为16.5分,2003年试题的分数为4.5分,2002年试题的分数为14分,2001年试题的分数为8分,2000年8分,平均分数10.2分;从题型来看,单选、多选、判断、计算、综合都有可能出题,因此要求考生应全面理解、掌握,主观题的考点主要是财务指标分析方法的运用。 本章从内容上看与2004年相比,修改的地方主要有两处,一是对应收账款周转率指标的计算作了修改,二是删除了现金流量表分析中有关收益质量分析的内容。 第一节财务分析概述 一、财务分析的含义 财务分析的最基本功能:将大量的报表数据转换成对特定对象决策有用的信息。 二、财务报表分析的方法P36 1.比较分析法 (1)按比较对象分类(和谁比) 1)与本企业历史比 2)与同类企业比 3)与计划预算比 (2)按比较内容分类(比什么) 1)比较会计要素的总量 2)比较结构百分比 3)比较财务比率 2.因素分析法 分析综合指标的影响因素,及其对综合指标的影响 指标分解和连环替代 第二节基本财务比率 3.资产管理比率 4.盈利能力比率 学习方法: 1.牢记各比率的计算公式 2.掌握财务报表的基本结构,熟悉报表项目之间的因果、勾稽关系。 3.对不同大类的财务比率,一方面要知道它们的共性,另一方面要知道它们的差异,这样才能理解他们在财务分析中的特定作用。 4.要掌握解题技巧,抓"核心指标",找"问题指标"。 基本内容: 一、偿债能力比率 掌握指标的计算、含义及影响因素

(一)短期偿债能力分析--变现比率 --针对流动负债偿还 XX资产/流动负债 1.流动比率 流动比率=流动资产/流动负债 流动资产进一步区分,分为速动资产和非速动资产,一般来说,如果不特指的情况,通常把存货作为非速动资产,流动资产扣除存货那部分都作为速动资产。 2.速动比率 速动比率=(流动资产-存货)/流动负债 剔除存货的原因:P、41 (1)在流动资产中存货的变现速度最慢 (2)由于某种原因,部分存货可能已损失报废还没做处理; (3)部分存货已抵押给某债权人; (4)存货估价还存在着成本与合理市价相差悬殊的问题。 分析时需注意的问题:P、41 保守速动比率 保守速动比率=(现金+短期证券+应收票据+应收账款净额)/流动负债 流动比率分析: 分析时需注意的问题:P、41 计算出来的流动比率,只有和同行业平均流动比率、本企业历史的流动比率进行比较,才能知道这个比率是高还是低。 一般情况下,营业周期、流动资产中的应收账款和存货的周转速度是影响流动比率的主要因素。 速动比率分析: 因为行业不同,速动比率会有很大差别,没有统一标准的速动比率。 例如,采用大量现金销售的商店,几乎没有应收账款,速动比率大大低于1是很正常的。 假如现在要考虑速动资产,由于B企业是现销,会有较多货币资金,但企业没有必要持有太多闲置的货币资金,只要持有能够保证交易动机、预防动机、投机动机满足最佳持有额就可以了。A企业是赊销,A要正常经营,也要有一个最佳持有额,但A企业在应收账款上还要占用资金。如果算这两家企业的速动比率的话,可以看出来B企业速动资产少了一块应收账款,所以这个企业的速动比率会低。 影响速动比率可信性的重要因素是应收账款的变现能力。 3.其他影响短期偿债能力的因素 表外因素P、42 (1)增强变现能力的因素 1)可动用的银行贷款指标 2)准备很快变现的长期资产 3)偿债能力的声誉 (2)减弱变现能力的因素 主要是未作记录的或有负债。 例题1:影响保守速动比率的因素有()。 A.应收账款 B.存货 C.短期借款


Integration of?nancial statement analysis in the optimal design of supply chain networks under demand uncertainty Pantelis Longinidis,Michael C.Georgiadis n Department of Engineering Informatics and Telecommunications,University of Western Macedonia,Karamanli and Lygeris Street,50100Kozani,Greece a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received12November2009 Accepted19October2010 Available online26October2010 Keywords: Supply chain optimization Financial statements Demand uncertainty Distribution networks a b s t r a c t Models that aim to optimize the design of supply chain networks have become a mainstream in the supply chain literature.This paper aims to?ll a gap in the literature by introducing a mathematical model that integrates?nancial considerations with supply chain design decisions under demand uncertainty.The proposed Mixed-Integer Linear Programming(MILP)problem enchases?nancial statement analysis through?nancial ratios and demand uncertainty through scenario analysis.The applicability of the model is illustrated by using a case study along with a sensitivity analysis on?nancial parameters expressing the business environment.The model could be used as an effective and convenient strategic decision tool by supply chain managers. &2010Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. 1.Introduction During the last decade of the20th century rapid changes occurred in the business https://www.doczj.com/doc/e511992462.html,petition among com- panies in all their operational functions,from raw material sour- cing to customer service,has dramatically https://www.doczj.com/doc/e511992462.html,panies have extended their strategic focus in the global market.Cost and price bene?ts had been scattered across various countries and regions of the world and had pushed companies to seize upon these opportunities.Hence,companies were forced to manage their operations over the limited‘‘unique enterprise’’framework.Orien- tation to external environment is a medium that enables compa- nies to obtain the necessary sources and abilities(Spekman et al., 1998).These developments have driven to the evolution of‘‘supply chain management’’(SCM)as companies have realized that they cannot operate individually anymore,but only as parts of a complicated business operations chain(Tan et al.,1998). Organizations,which constitute a supply chain network(SCN), interact through continuous and two-sided connections that create added value in products(Mentzer et al.,2001).These networks have an unde?ned number of echelons and stages while their main operations involve purchasing of raw materials from suppliers,production, transportation and storage of products,inventory management,and distribution of products to customers(Simchi-Levi et al.,2000). Part of the planning process in SCM aims at?nding the best possible supply chain con?guration.These decisions are considered strategic because of their long time horizon and are tackled with facility location models.However,by considering certain aspects of the supply chain environment,these models are adequately capable to support the Supply Chain Network Design(SCND)phase(Melo et al.,2009). Moreover,dynamic facility location models,where the decisions are spread out over a long-term planning horizon and the decision variables are time-dependent,are becoming more compatible to track the dynamics of complex supply chains(Thanh et al.,2008). Since companies recognized the potential competitive advan- tages,gained through a holistic management of their supply chain, the academic community has been developing several models that describe their design and operation.These models support man- agement staff in both strategic and tactical decisions regarding management of supply and distribution networks.Although numerous successful models have been developed for the design and operation of supply chains,their vast majority ignores deci- sions involving revenues,marketing campaigns,hedging against uncertainties,investment planning,and other corporate?nancial decisions(Shapiro,2004).Financial factors are among the issues that have a strong impact on the con?guration of global supply chains(Melo et al.,2009).Financial globalization factors such as corporate income taxes,transfer prices,currency exchange rates, are some of the key components that a supply chain design model in the delocalization context should take into account(Hammami et al.,2008).Integration of?nancial aspects in these models allows for the systematic assessment of the impact of production decisions in the?nancial operation and further selects their ideal combina- tion thus providing a competitive advantage in the company (Guille′n et al.,2006).Inclusion of?nancial considerations in supply chain models is particularly advised for capital intensive activities (continuous processes,heavy industrial equipments,etc.). Contents lists available at ScienceDirect journal homepage:https://www.doczj.com/doc/e511992462.html,/locate/ijpe Int.J.Production Economics 0925-5273/$-see front matter&2010Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2010.10.018 n Corresponding author.Tel.:+302461056523;fax:+302461056501. E-mail addresses:logggas@https://www.doczj.com/doc/e511992462.html,(P.Longinidis), mgeorg@otenet.gr(M.C.Georgiadis). Int.J.Production Economics129(2011)262–276

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