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Unit 1



W: I SaW an ad Onthe Internet about OnIine IangIlage StUdleS. M: Me too. I SaW an ad for, n CIick Here for LangUage Learlrling.t, Q: What do the man and the WOman have in common?


M: YbU have to be 18 years OId to enteIr SOme OnIine IangUage CIaSSeS.

W: Really? I had no idea that there WaS a minimum age required for SOme classes. Q: What did the Wornan NOT know about Online IangUage CIaSSeS before?


M: UnIike regular CIaSSeS I Online CIaSSeS Can be taken at your home.

W: That,s exactly why I decided to begin StUdying OnIinel

Q: Why did the WOman decide to StUdy online?

W: I keep on making newfriends as I StUdy online.

M: So do I! There are So many PeOPle Online, and I Want to meet them all!

Q: What is One benefit Of StUdying Online?

M: My Online teacher asked the CIaSS for SUggeStiOns to make the CIaSS better W: That,s great! I always Iike it When a teacher does that.

Q: What did the man,s teacher Want to do?

M: I had no idea that online Ianguage Ieaming COUId be SO effective!

W; K SUre has helped me PraCtiCe my IangUage skills!

Q: What is it about Onlr i ne IangUage Iearning that SUrPriSed the man?


M: MyCIaSSmateS and I help each Other SOlVe homework PrObIemS online. W: It SOUndS Iike you're USing the Internet in a useful way.

Q: What does the man do online?


M: OnIine Iearning is ideal for anyone WhO doesn,t have time to travel to SChOoL W; YbS l but it also has its OWrl challenges.

Q: What does the WOman have to Sayabolrt Online Iearning?

M: What advice did your PrOfeSSOr give you?

W: He Said that taking an OnIine ClaSS WQUld help me Iearn l

Q: What did the WOman,s PrOfeSSOr suggest?


W: HOW,s your new Online CIaSS I Bill? IS it everything you had hoped for?

M: lt,s everything and more, SUSan. YOU ShOUldl give it a try!

W: Oh l really? WharS the best thing about it?

M: In an OnIine class, you talk With OtherS OVer the Internet. SinCe they are nOt right next to you, they don,t bother you so much.

W: That SOUndS great! ItoOk a CIaSS With SOmeOne Who WOUId make me feel SmaIl WheneVer I made a mistake. He WQUId tell me how StUPid I WaS and intimidate me SO that I never Wanted to participate.

M: NOt a PrObIem in the VirtUal classroom. HOW WOUId you Iike to Sign up? Ithink that you COUId Stairt On the third Of next month.

W: I don't know. BilL YbU know all those PrObIemS about having CiiffiCUlt PeOPIe in the classroom? M: ∖feah?

W; We don't really have them anymore SirtCe you left. 短文

The first requirement for my OnIine IangUage CIaSS WaS to meet in an Online forum. I entered the forum early and SaW StUdlentS appear On the SCreen One after another. StrangeIy enough, When it WaS time to begin the teacher StiIl had n't ShOW n up. HOWeVer l We began Sharing information and talking about the new class. Unlike me. all Of the Other StUdentS Were new to the Online class. ItOId them about my experiences and my thoughts. Then I noticed SOmething. There Were 27 PeOPIe in the forum. ThiS WaS Strange because I knoW there Were Onlly 26 PeOPh in the class,

"Hey,T WrOte l M WhiCh One Of you is the teacher?*1

The IeaCher made herself known at last. She Said that She Wanted to get OUr honest OPiniOnS about the OnIine class. AISO l She Wanted to have a ISttIe fun With USrHUrnOrWiIl be important in my CIaSS f M She Said.

Uni t2


W: HOW about SPending the evening Chiliing OUt With the folks?

M; COme On l Mom. Γd really like to get OUtWith myfriends.

Q: What does the young man WanttO do?


W: HOnestly, IdOrft know Whatto SayabOlit OUr SOn l S music.

M: LeaVe him ClIOne about it After all, your mother didn't Iike your music either.

Q: What ShOUId the WOman do according to the man?


W: Γm SUrPriSed to See you Ollt and about SO early m the morning.

M; VbU know my mom4 She doesn't Iike me SIeePing iri l even On Weekends.

Q: Why is the man Out and about SO early in the morn⅛ng?


M: A IittIe teenage rebellion is normal. YbUr SOn Wtll get OVer it.

W: I know. Γm just WOrried about him CIOing SOmething that WiIl ruin his life.

Q: Why is the WOman WOrried about her son?

W: Get a PierCing in my nose? NO Wayi My ParentS WOUICi be angry!

M; YOU,re not giving them enough CrediL I don't think they l d be UPSet at all. Q: Whywouldnl the WOman get a PierCing in her nose?

