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1.1 课程负责人情况

1.2 教学团队成员情况(是□否□为主讲教师)

2.课程描述( 可根据内容增减篇幅 )



Postgraduate English Listening and Speaking (3rd Edition) Unit 2: Part 1 Section A Sharing Good and Bad Times Conversation 1 Man 1: I can’s believe it! I got an A on my science test! Man 2: Congratulations! That’s great! Man 1: Thanks. I’m so happy! I really worked hard for that A. Man 2: I know you did. You deserve

it. Conversation 2 Woman 1: I have the most wonderful news! Woman 2: What happened? Woman 1: My sister finally had a baby girl. It’s great, because she has three boys! Woman 2: How wonderful! Conversation 3 Man 1 : You’ll never believe this! Man 2: What happened? Man 1: I won ten dollars in the

school raffle! How about that! Man 2: Boy, are you lucky! Conversation 4 Woman 1: I’m so upset. Woman 2: Wht’s wrong? You really look worried. Woman 1: My dog was hit by a car. Woman 2: That’s terrible! Is he okay? Woman 1: I don’t know. He’s at thevet’s. Woman 2: I hope he’ll be all right. Woman 1: Thank you. So do I.


Part VI Translation (10 points) Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answ et Sheet. Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the suff erer. He soon finds himself alone and miserable. There is, however, a cure so simple as t o seem, at first glance, ridiculous: if you don't feel happy, pretend to be! It works. Befor e long you will find that instead of pushing people away, you attract them. You discover h ow deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will. Then the make-believe becomes a reality. Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens filled with grateful friends. Part VII Writing (15 points) Directions: Write a composition of at least 150 words about the topic: The possibility of us ing the mobile phone to study English (or any other subject). You should write according t o the outline given below: 1.我认为手机(不)可以用来学习英语或其他知识。 2.理由是…… 3.结论


听写填空 一单元、P5 Outrageous shopping bills are a familiar 1. suffer that nightmare 2. genders 3. unaffordable 4. sufferers 5. more than 1 in 20 adults 6. expensive electronics 7. such a high number of compulsive shoppers in the general population 8. make finding a cure a priority 二单元、P20 Tree-lighting Ceremony 1. Location: Rockefeller Centre, New York 2. Time: right before the Christmas Season 3. Height of the tree: nearly 9 storeys 4. Audience: people from all around the country 5. Number of the lights on the tree: 30000 6. Size of the star topper: nearly 10 feet in diameter of the star topper: crystal 8. Source of the tree: a home in Connecticut 二单元、P29 Post-vacation depression includes 1. sleeplessness 2. loss of appetite 3. irregular heartbeat 4. feelings of despair 5. tiredness 6. stomachache 7. trouble breathing 9. nervousness 10. Space the month-long vacation out 11. blow it all at once 12. returning on a Monday 13. such blues are temporary 14. don’t make important decisions 15. a new period in life 16. personal growth 三单元、P34 Reporter: In Vail, Arizona, a new school 1. in this case involves 2. impact 3单元、available 4. resources 5. What’s the point 6. medium 7. reasoning 8. normal 9. from their perspective 10. opposed to just the one angle 四单元、P51 Beijing opera is largely seen as a dying art 1. devoted 2. computer animator 3. discipline 5. explanation in English 6. much-loved legend 7. supernatural 8. challenge 9. that’s within the rules of the opera. 10. wins good reviews from both Western and


《研究生英语听说教程(基础级第二版)》Units 1-12练习答案 Unit One Part I Listening Practice Section A Listening for Gist Task 1 1. air hostess 2. teacher 3. dentist 4. shop assistant 5. tourist guide 6. salesman 7. Disc Jockey 8. traffic warden 9.waiter 10. taxi driver Task 2 1. airways, flight 2. homework 3. open up wide, fining chipped 4. larger size, fit, stock 5. building, designed 6. buys, products 7. record, radio 8. yellow line, no-parking 9. menu, chef 10. road, park Section B Plans for Weekend Task 3 1.Pat 2.Jill 3. Mary 4.Sam 5.Ted 6.Jane Section C Discussing Plans for the Weekend Task 4 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B Section D Making Arrangements Task5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1 Task 6 1. bring: records meet: bus stop 2. bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at the river 3. bring: white wine meet: at Pat’s house 4. bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of his house PartⅢListening Comprehension Test 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C


Take on Listening:Listening and Speaking Strategies Lesson 2 Denise: Excuse me, miss, how much does it cost to ride BART Stranger: Well, that depends on your destination. From here to Glen Park it’s only a dollar ten, but if you go as far as Fremont, it costs a lot more. Tom: We’re going to Berkeley. Do you know what the fare is Stranger: There are two stations in Berkeley. Which one are you interested in Denise: Oh, gee, I’m not sure. We’re from out of town. We’re visiting my sister. She told me her house is just a stone’s throw from the UC Berkeley campus. Which station is that Stranger: The downtown Berkeley station is really close to the university. I’m sure that’s the one you want. Denise: Tom, are you going to remember this, or should I be jotting this down Tom: What is there to write down, Denise The woman is giving us very simple directions. So, how much is the fare to downtown Berkeley Stranger: Let’s go take a look at the map over there. You see, the map shows you how much it costs to go from one station to another. Ah, there it is: two dollars and sixty-five cents. Tom: Two sixty-five That’s highway robbery for such a short distance! Denise: You think that’s expensive Tom from our house to Amherst it costs twice as much as that. Tom: Yeah, but that’s an hour ride. You really get your money’s worth. Stranger: Yeah…Uh…Well, did your sister explain which train to take Tom: Berkeley. WE take the Berkeley train to Berkeley, right Stranger: Well, no actually. That’s just one stop on the Richmond line. Here, let me show you on this map. Here we are a t Powell Street in San Francisco, and it’s basically a straight shot on the Richnond line to the downtown Berkeley station. Denise: Yes, my sister said we wouldn’t have to change trains. Stranger: Uh-oh, what time is it Denise: It’s 8:15. Stranger: You can’t go directly to Berkeley from San Francisco after 8:04. Tom: Uh-oh. Is there another train we can catch Stranger: Don’t worry. You can take the Pittsburg line. Look here, take the Pittsburg line to the 12th Street Station in Oakland, and then transfer to the Richmond train. The Richmond train will stop in Berkeley. Get off at the downtown station. From there you can walk to your sister’s house. Denise: We want to be there by 9 o’clock. If we have to transfer, w e might be late. Do you think we’ll make it in time Stranger: It doesn’t take that long. Let’s see; there’s a train from here at 8:18. It arrives at the 12th Street Oakland station at 8:34. You can get a Richmond train right away at 8:34, and you’ll arrive in Berkeley at 8:46. Tom: Let’s see if I’ve go t this right: We take the 8:18 Pittsburg train and arrive in Oakland at 8:34. Then we take the 8:34 Richmond train to Berkeley. That should be a snap.


Text 1 导语: 从教数载,你一定收到过无数的请假条,请假的理由五花八门:自个儿生病;父母亲生病;爷爷奶奶生病;小狗生病;小猫生病;跌倒摔倒;闹钟未响;车船晚点……等等等等。当然,这些理由真真假假。要当面揭穿孩子们的谎话还真不是件容易的事。等等!干嘛一定要当面揭穿?这不,Ralph Mckee V ocational School的写作课老师Frank灵机一动:与其当面让孩子难堪,何不将计就计?一堂创意写作课由此而生。其实,教学也需要创意,你说呢?让我们都跟本文的作者Frank学学吧! Text Excuses, Excuses1 2 Frank McCourt My students forge (编造)the notes. I turned them into a lesson plan. [1] I was in my third year of teaching creative writing at Ralph Mckee V ocational School in Staten Island, New York, when one of my students, 16-year-old Mikey, gave me a note from his mother. It explained his absence from class the day before. [2] “Dear Mr. McCourt, Mikey?s grandmother who is eighty years of age fell down the stairs from too much coffee3 and I kept Mikey at home to take care of her and his baby sister so I could go to my job at the ferry(渡轮)terminal(航空站). Please excuse Mikey and he?ll do his best in the future.


Unit One Part I Listening Practice Section A Listening for Gist Task 1 1.air hostess 2.teacher 3.dentist 4.shop assistant 5.tourist guide 6.salesman 7.Disc Jockey 8.traffic warden 9.waiter 10.taxi driver Task 2 1.airways, flight 2.homework 3.open up wide, filling, chipped https://www.doczj.com/doc/d011232908.html,rger size, fit, stock 5.building, designed 6.buys, products 7.record, radio 8.yellow line, no-parking 9.menu, chef 10.road, park Section B Plans for Weekend Task 3 1.Pat 2.Jill 3.Mary 4.Sam 5.Ted 6.Jane Section C Discussing Plans for the Weekend Task 4 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B Section D Making Arrangements

Task 5 A.2 B.4 C.3 D.1 Task 6 1.bring: records meet: bus stop 2.bring: sandwiches, fishing rod and drinks meet: at the river 3.bring: white wine meet: at Pat’s house 4.bring: dessert-chocolate cake and drinks meet: in front of his house Part III Listening Comprehension Test 1-10: DCABD/CBACC Unit Two Part I Listening Practice Section A Guessing about the Situation and Speaker Task 1 1.Football Match https://www.doczj.com/doc/d011232908.html,w Court 3.Church 4.Quiz Show 5.Airport 6.Weather Forecast 7.Car Showroom 8.Driving Lesson 9.School 10.Tour (of London) Task 2 1.Football Commentator 2.Judge/Magistrate 3.Vicar/Priest/Minister 4.T.V. Presenter 5.Announcer 6.Forecaster 7.Car Salesman 8.Driving Instructor 9.Head Master/Principal 10.Tour Guide


关于开展年国际商务硕士研究生全英语教案课程建设项目 申报工作的通知 (国际商学院) 在学校高水平大学建设的新形势下,为提高研究生培养质量,更好地服务于学院的学科建设、人才培养、科学研究等工作,学院拟建设一批全英语教案的硕士研究生课程,现将年研究生全英语教案课程建设项目申报相关事项通知如下。 、申报条件 ()申报课程应为国际商务硕士研究生培养方案中规定的非学位专业课,非学位专业课程的具体课程体系见附件; ()实行项目负责人制度。项目负责人及团队成员应具有讲师及以上职称,具有全英文教案能力,团队中必须有国外高校教师参与课程共建。 、立项程序 ()项目负责人填写《国际商学院国际商务硕士研究生全英语教案课程建设申报书》,送交学院组织评审。 ()学院对报送的申请材料进行形式审查,审查合格后,组织校内外有关专家进行评审,确定拟立项课程的名单。 ()评审结果面向全院公示天,确认无异议的,学院发文公布正式立项名单。 、建设内容 ()教案内容。教案内容要符合研究生课程体系和培养方案的要求,应体现课程特色,注重前沿性,及时反映和吸收本学科领域的最新研究成果。

()教案方法。教案中应采用教师讲授与师生讨论相结合的形式,注重培养研究生语言交流应用能力。 ()教材建设。课程应积极引进和使用国外反映学科发展前沿的优秀原版教材,或本学科领域期刊的英文版论文。 ()优质教案资源建设。项目负责人应做好课程教案资源的开发与利用。 、课程考核 项目建设周期为年,项目到期后进行项目验收,项目负责人应提交《国际商学院硕士研究生全英语教案课程建设结项报告》和成果材料,由学院聘请专家进行项目验收。 、经费管理 ()本次拟资助项全英语教案课程,获得立项的课程原则上每个项目资助万元,项目经费采用一次批准总金额、分批投入的管理办法。 ()项目立项拨款经费的使用实行项目负责人制度。项目完成后,项目负责人须在结项报告中列出经费使用的详尽情况以备查。 、材料报送 项目负责人于年月日前将申报书一式份报送学院办公室室,同时将电子文档发送至。 联系人:郑老师,电话:。 附件:国际商务硕士研究生培养方案非学位课程清单 附件:国际商学院硕士研究生全英语教案课程申报书 国际商学院 年月日


在职攻读硕士学位全国联考教育硕士英语二试题册 考生须知 1、选择题(第01-40题)的答案必须用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上。用其他笔填涂的答案或填涂在试题册上的答案无效。 2、选择题答案选出后,必须用2B铅笔在答题卡上相应的选中项上划一横线,如:[A][B][C][D]。划线要粗,要有一定浓度。修改时,必须用橡皮擦净后,再填涂其他选项。 3、其他题(翻译和写作)一律用蓝色或黑色钢笔或圆珠笔在答题纸上按规定的要求作答。凡做在试题册上或未做在指定位置的答案无效。 4、本考试时间为3小时。 Section I Use of English (10%) Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and ma,A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1 (客观答题卡:). We suffer from a conspicuous lack of role models and shared causes. This is 01 ofreason, I think, that many young Asian-Americans continue to assimilate quietly into America2 as doctors, scientists and engineers. Our struggles are individual and familial but __03communal or political. Ours is a frustratingly limited version of the AMERICAN DrearrWhile I can strive for 04 into Harvard and become the talk of the Korean mothers in mlhometown, God forbid that I aim much further and higher than that -- 05 fame antinfluence as a writer, an intellectual or perhaps president of the United States. I wish more than anything else to feel like part of something 06 than myself and m~personal ambitions, part of a larger culture. Unfortunately, by coming to America my parent.,07_ the cultural legacy they would have passed on to me. When I visited 08 last summer, found that I was 09 and chastised by many people for never learning how to speak Koreanand for turning my 10 on their culture. Taxi drivers would 11 to stop for me and my Korean-American friends because they knew from our 12 where we had come from. And 13 , in spite of the 17 years I have spent in this country, I feel more acutely consciousthan ever of the fact that I am not completely 14. Recently, a black man called me a "littleChinese faggot" in a men's room, and a 15 woman on the street told me to "go back toJapan." Americans, I think, feel a(n) 16 to keep both Asians and Asian-Americans at asociological, philosophical and geographical distance. With 17_ numbers of Asian-American18 applying to top colleges, many white students have begun to complain about Asian-American 19 and competitiveness, calling us "Asian nerds." Many Americans consider thisas part of a larger "Asian invasionf associated 20 Japan's export success in America. 01. [A] one [B] part [C] much [D] some 02. [A] country [B] city [C] land [D] society 03. [A] hardly [B] frequently [C] approximately [D] always 04. [A] scholarship [B] citizenship [C] admittance [D] integration 05. [A] toward [B] near [C] between [D] among 06. [A] more [B] better [C] larger [D] longer 07. [A] sold [B] maintained [C] memorized [D] sacrificed 08. [A] Japan [B] China [C] Korea [D] Thailand 09. [A] scorned [B] respected [C]surprised [D] ignored 10. [A] side [B] head [C] eyes [D] back 11. [A] like [B] refuse [C] straggle [D] want 12. [A] skin [B] clothes [C] faces [D] politeness 13. [A] also [B] so [C] yet [D] then 14. [A] hated [B] ignored [C] treated [D] welcome 15. IAI homeless [B] careless [C] selfless .[D] shameless 16. [A] fear [B] need [C] interest [D] hate 17. [A] growing [B] expanding [C] developing [D] enlarging 18. [A] people [B] residents [C] students [D] foreigners 19. ,[Al diligence [B] laziness [C] hardship [D] stubbornness 20. [A] for [B] to [C] with [D] at gection II Reading Comprehension (60%) Part A (40 %) Read the following texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1 (客观答题卡). Text 1 InfraGard is a grass-roots effort to respond to the need for cooperation and collaboration n countering the threat of cybercrime and terrorism to private businesses and the government. ~y the end of September, there will be InfraGard chapters in all 50 states, Calloway said. With advice from the FBI, each local chapter will be run by a board of directors that includes members of private industry, the academic community and public agencies. Banks,utilities, and other businesses and government agencies will use a secure Web site to share nformation about attempts to hack into their computer networks. Members can join the system !t no charge.


研究生英语听说教程(引进版)听力原文 T ake on Listening:Listening and Speaking Strategies Lesson 2 Denise: Excuse me, miss, how much does it cost to ride BART? Stranger: Well, that depends on your destination. From here to Glen Park it’s only a dollar ten, but if you go as far as Fremont, it costs a lot more. Tom: We’re going to Berkeley. Do you know what the fare is? Stranger: There are two stations in Berkeley. Which one are you interested in? Denise: Oh, gee, I’m not sure. We’re from out of town. We’re visiting my sister. She told me her house is just a stone’s throw from the UC Berkeley campus. Which station is that? Stranger: The downtown Berkeley station is really close to the university. I’m sure that’s the one you want. Denise: Tom, are you going to remember this, or should I be jotting this down? Tom: What is there to write down, Denise? The woman is giving us very simple directions. So, how much is the fare to downtown Berkeley? Stranger: Let’s go take a look at the map over there. Y ou see, the map shows you how much it costs to go from one station to another. Ah, there it is: two dollars and sixty-five cents. Tom: Two sixty-five? That’s highway robbery for such a short distance! Denise: Y ou think that’s expensive? Tom from our house to Amherst it costs twice as much as that. Tom: Y eah, but that’s an hour ride. Y ou really get your money’s worth. Stranger: Y eah…Uh…Well, did your sister explain which train to take? Tom: Berkeley. WE take the Berkeley train to Berkeley, right? Stranger: Well, no actually. That’s just one stop on the Richmond line. Here, let me show you on this map. Here we are a t Powell Street in San Francisco, and it’s basically a straight shot on the Richnond line to the downtown Berkeley station. Denise: Yes, my sister said we wouldn’t have to change t rains. Stranger: Uh-oh, what time is it? Denise: It’s 8:15. Stranger: Y ou can’t go directly to Berkeley from San Francisco after 8:04. Tom: Uh-oh. Is there another train we can catch? Stranger: Don’t worry. Y ou can take the Pittsburg line. Look here, take the Pittsburg line to the 12th Street Station in Oakland, and then transfer to the Richmond train. The Richmond train will stop in Berkeley. Get off at the downtown station. From there you can walk to your sister’s house. Denise: We want to be there by 9 o’clock. If we have to transfer, we might be late. Do you think we’ll make it in time? Stranger: It doesn’t take that long. Let’s see; there’s a train from here at 8:18. It arrives at the 12th Street Oakland station at 8:34. Y ou can get a Richmond train rig ht away at 8:34, and you’ll arrive in Berkeley at 8:46. Tom: Let’s see if I’ve go t this right: We take the 8:18 Pittsburg train and arrive in Oakland at 8:34. Then we take the 8:34 Richmond train to Berkeley. That should be a snap. Stranger: Y eah, you’ll have no trouble. Tom: Thank you very much for your help, Miss. Y ou’re a very kind young lady. Denise: And so pretty and smart, too! Tell me dear, I notice you’re not wearing a ring. Stranger: Well, no, uh…


同等学力在职研究生英语备考攻略 同等学历在职研究生,它的英语考试与普研相比较要容易一些,而且先上课后进行国家统一考试,一般考一门专业综合,一门外语,上课期间老师会针对国家统考带着您复习,对英语基础比较薄弱的考生比较合适,同等学历的英语没有听力,对很多人来讲相对比较简单,北京通过率一般在20%,只要您认真复习,一般都可以通过,难度相当于五级半的水平,以阅读为主,只要肯下功夫,提高还是比较快的。如果您已经取得了学士学位,申请学位的考试审核就可以通过。 那么,在在职研究生英语复习备考中,英语其实是我们每个人生阶段中只要面临考试就必须要应对的一个艰难的学科。那么针对在职研究生英语考试,我们的复习备考该如何争取应对呢? 一、解决掉词汇 在职研究生考试中,英语一直都是很多人士的一大难题,大多数在职人士离开学校后,对于英语的学习都放松了,在工作中在职人士对英语的需求也不是很高。离开学校的时间越长,在职人士对于英语,尤其是单词的掌握上,都是呈现出倒退的趋势。在准备考试的复习中,相信很多的人们都是对英语做了强化的复习。但是很多人都知道,英语单词的学习永远都是没有止境的,单词的量越多越好,不是说基本的掌握了就可以了。现在距离在职研究生考试还有相对较长的时间,我们还有足够的时间去准备。那接下来就给自己腾出足够的时间反复记忆单词吧!解决了词汇,你接下来的在职研究生复习备考也许会相对简单、轻松些。

二、靠做题强化练习,加深理解记忆 在职研究生复习备考中,很多的考生都会遇到这样的烦恼,但在平时的复习中非常用功,知识的掌握也是不错的,而且自我感觉良好的考生一上了考场,就会精神紧张,状态不佳,最后的在职研究生考试成绩也是不尽人意。中国研究生招生信息网详细这种情况对于任何人来说,这都是无法接受的。但是解决这个问题最有效的方法就是自己多做模拟练习。在做模拟试题的时候不能当做一个平时的练习,一定要当做真正的考试,提高自己应对考场气氛的能力。当你经过了多次的模拟练习后,相信你对考场的适应能力也都有了很大的提高,在以后真正上了考场的时候,就能从容应对了。 三、注意关键题眼,选出正确答案 20个单项选择,主要考查同学的英语基础知识,也就是常说的语法题目。在拿到试题时,要注意:务必先看4个选项,判断该题的考查知识点,然后,一定要在题目中找出关键的解题“题眼”——也就是从这个“题眼”中,可以推断出正确的选项。建议同学们做单选题的时间一般控制在15分钟左右。 四、瞻前顾后,三遍解答完形 建议同学们在做完形填空时一定要做到三遍。第一遍,花2-3分钟左右时间,快速浏览全文,了解文章大意。第二遍,瞻前顾后,从上下文中寻找最佳答案,此时如果有部分选项不能确定,可用笔圈出,留待第三遍时最后选择,这一步一般控制在10-12分钟左右。第三遍,花2-3分钟左右时间,再次浏览你所选的答案是否与文章要表达的意思一致,此

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