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2011年1月SAT真题 北美版


SAT考试真题-新老SAT写作对比写作单项发生巨变 4月16日新SAT官方样题发布,新东方上海学校VIP学习中心的老师们在第一时间窥视其具体改革的真实面貌,准确把握住了备考的方向。新东方VIP学习中心建议广大考生及家长不要过分担忧新SAT,踩准改革方向和考察重点是顺利应对新SAT的关键。 写作一直是许多考生在考试中的障碍,新SAT的改革在写作单项上也有一些变化,新东方VIP学习中心的老师对比了新老SAT考试的写作部分,总结出写作改革的重点,希望对广大考生带了帮助。 SAT Essay 还有一年半的时间我们就要迎接来新的SAT考试了,那么我们先来看一下新的SA T会有些什么改变: ·最早的一次新SAT考试会出现在2016年的春天 ·新的SAT考试会以2种形式出现:纸质版考试和电脑版考试(电脑版考试的考 点会根据的地区来确定) ·考试内容: (1) 询证式阅读和语法 (2) 数学 (3)作文 ·考试长度: (1)3个小时+50分钟的作文 (2) 具体时长会根据进一步的实验再做决定 ·考试分数:1600 (1) 询证式阅读+语法:800分 (2)数学:800分 (3) 作文:单独出分数(可选,但是大部分学校会要求作文分数) SAT写作改革重点: 重新改革的SAT将会更加贴近美国高中教育同时配合美国大学人才的需求。新的SAT作文考试会更加侧重学生能不能够完全适应美国大学里面的学术写作要求,日常的作业,和论文的完成等。所以,新的SAT作文考试要求学生首先具备一些基本的英语写作素养,比如说,遣词造句的能力,表达的能力,构建文章的能力。除此之外,新的考试会更关注于学生整体的读与写的能力,包括逻辑思维能力,辩证性思维能力,独立思考能力,论证能力,辩述能力,分析文章能力等。


SAT试题——长篇阅读练习 SAT Reading Comprehension Test 1 10 mins - 7 questions The extract is taken from a book written sixty years ago by a British scientist in which he considers the relationship between science and society. The pioneers of the teaching of science imagined that its introduction into education would remove the conventionality, artificiality, and backward-lookingness which were characteristic; of classical studies, but they were gravely disappointed. So, too, in 5 their time had the humanists thought that the study of the classical authors in the original would banish at once the dull pedantry and superstition of mediaeval scholasticism. The professional schoolmaster was a match for both of them, and has almost managed to make the understanding of chemical reactions as dull 10 and as dogmatic an affair as the reading of Virgil's Aeneid. The chief claim for the use of science in education is that it teaches a child something about the actual universe in which he is living, in making him acquainted with the results of scientific 15 discovery, and at the same time teaches him how to think logically and inductively by studying scientific method. A certain limited


2015年1月24日SAT真题解析 2015年1月24日SAT真题解析下载: https://www.doczj.com/doc/c612484336.html,/SAT/SATyuedu/20150126/344670.html?seo=wenku1262参加2015年1月24日SA T考试的考生们对自己的考试还满意吗?小马过河老师团队给大家精心准备的2015年1月24日SAT真题解析现已免费发布,考生们赶紧点击下载使用吧。 2015年1月24日北美地区SAT写作真题: Is it courageous to show vulnerability or to show strength? SAT写作真题解析: 此次的SAT写作题目,是一个选择疑问句,而句内是对行为属性的判定。拆解开来分别是“Showing vulnerability is courageous.”和“Showing strength is courageous.”所以这个SAT写作题目问的是显露弱点和优势这两种行为哪个更勇敢? 考生能联想到的是目前正经历的传统教育中经常被灌输的的“要考好”、“你看别人家的孩子……”、“别人都去你怎么不去?”的“争先恐后”思想。竞争和压力的成长和学习环境中总是被动或者主动的在展示“优点”和“强大”。由此,想到The Joy Luck Club中女儿Waverly弹奏钢琴和参加弈棋比赛展现自己优点才华的场景。那么不同的读者在这里看到的故事是不同的,有人觉得Waverly展示自己的才华并非所愿,这种行为也没有给她带来好处。由此回到题目中对改行为的判定,落到是否courageous这个属性上来。我们最基本的学习和竞争中,展现自己的才华和强大都是必要的,比如考生们在申请学校的文书中也是极尽所能的在做这件事。


2012年1月SAT真题句子填空全文翻译精讲 2012.1 真题 1. Jacob felt great ______ about his upcoming trip to Brazil; indeed, he could hardly contain his enthusiasm. A. concern B. uncertainty C. confusion D. generosity E. excitement 中文释义:雅各布对于即将开始的巴西之旅感到非常兴奋,确实是这样,他几乎难以抑制他的热情。 题意解析:分号后是对前半句的进一步解释说明,表明雅各布对于巴西之旅很期待,因此他的感受应该是比较兴奋,E项正确,A项意思是关注,B项是不确定,C项是混乱,D项是慷慨大方,均不合句意。 词汇解释: upcoming:即将到来的;forthcoming, approaching contain:1. 包含comprise, include;2. 控制;to keep within limits; 3. 容纳;to have with, hold; 4. 牵制;check, halt 2. The professor’s classroom manner was quite_____, never revealing the warmth and playfulness she showed in private. A. witty B. sincere C. lively D. formal E. friendly 中文释义:这位教授的课堂举止非常严肃,和她在私下里表现出的热情风趣一点也不一样。题意解析:never作为连接词表明前后半句句意相反,教授私下的表现与课堂上不同,从后半句中可以看出平时比较热情,于是课堂上时就应该是严谨认真,所以D项正确。A项意思是机智的,B项是真诚的,C项是活泼的,E项是友好的,均不合题意,所以排除。 经典例句:Over the years, teaching methods have changed and become less formal. 这几年来,教学方法已有改变,不是那么正式了。 词汇解释: reveal:显示,揭露;to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known 3. Instead of taking notes during the interview, the journalist recorded the celebrity’s remarks on tape and later ______them. A. disavowed B. transcribed C. anticipated D. retracted E. recollected 中文释义:这位记者在采访中并没有记笔记,而是用磁带录下这位名人的言论,之后再转录下来。 题意解析:从句意可以看出该记者在采访时不做笔记而是录下来,也就意味着录完以后再记录,由此推出正确选项是B转录。A项意思是拒绝否认,C项是预期期望,D项是撤销,E 项是回忆,想起,均不合题意,所以排除。 4. Like several other important advances in medicine, penicillin was a somewhat____discovery resulting from _______combination of blind chance and technical expertise. A. progressive .. a reliable B. wonderful .. an unlucky C. untimely .. a profitable D. ordinary .. an unfortunate E. accidental .. a favorable 中文释义:正如其他重大医学进展一样,青霉素是由机遇与专业技术相结合的意外发现。


SAT数学真题精选 1. If 2 x + 3 = 9, what is the value of 4 x – 3 ? (A) 5 (B) 9 (C) 15 (D) 18 (E) 21 2. If 4(t + u) + 3 = 19, then t + u = ? (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 (E) 7 3. In the xy-coordinate (坐标) plane above, the line contains the points (0,0) and (1,2). If line M (not shown) contains the point (0,0) and is perpendicular (垂直)to L, what is an equation of M? (A) y = -1/2 x (B) y = -1/2 x + 1 (C) y = - x (D) y = - x + 2 (E) y = -2x 4. If K is divisible by 2,3, and 15, which of the following is also divisible by these numbers? (A) K + 5 (B) K + 15 (C) K + 20 (D) K + 30 (E) K + 45 5. There are 8 sections of seats in an auditorium. Each section contains at least 150 seats but not more than 200 seats. Which of the following could be the number of seats in this auditorium? (A) 800 (B) 1,000 (C) 1,100 (D) 1,300 (E) 1,700 6. If rsuv = 1 and rsum = 0, which of the following must be true? (A) r < 1 (B) s < 1 (C) u= 2 (D) r = 0 (E) m = 0


2008年1月份SAT考题分析 By 李现伟lxw0257111@https://www.doczj.com/doc/c612484336.html, 第一部分:填空题 section 2 1. 扣voting rights, 只有suffrage表示“选举权”之意。 restitution:赔偿 solace:n 安慰 levy:n 征税 2. 冒号题,对后文解释的总结,statistical data所以就是demographic(人口统计)。conjectural:a 推测的 anecdotal:a 逸闻趣事的 qualitative:a 性质上的 3. and构成小连接,能和independence相匹配的只有autonomy。independent:: autonomous compromise: v 妥协 servility: n 奴性 persevere: v 坚持 competence: n 能胜任 acquiesce: v 默许 banality: n 陈腐 recant: v 放弃 conformity: n 墨守成规。 4. 冒号题,对后面的总结,“只具有形式而没有功用”对应的单词是vestigial(遗迹的)。ostentatious: a. 假装的,虚伪的 prodigious: a. so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe相当大的 invasive: a 侵略性的 kinetic: a 有活力的 5. 特殊人物(idealist)或者说取反:idealistic(理想主义的)<> pragmatic(注重实效的)。condone:原谅,indulgent:放纵的 6. in contrast to引起取反,strident(说话严厉的)<> gentle(待人温柔和善的),容易错选的是stoic:坚忍的(表示禁欲,相当于ascetic,temperate等) conciliatory:a. doing something that is intended to make someone stop arguing with you 调和的,conciliatory <> confronting(对抗性的) 7. 冒号题,找对应,与arguing about对应起来的只有polemical(爱争吵的)和quarrelsome,第一空填反义词,而haphazard(偶然的)没任何意义,只有resolute(坚决的)可以。philanthropic:慈善的;steadfast:a 坚定的;acquiescent:默许的 8. 逗号题,现在分词进行解释,能与unadorned words相匹配的只有economical(节约的)。incantatory:a 咒语的,魔咒的 disaffected:a 不满的 unstinting:a 无限制的 evenhanded:a 公平的 section 5 1.读一下顺一遍,就知道第二空不会填好词。 endorse:v 背书支持;abridge:缩短;


SAT真题 做SAT免费的手机APP软件,随时做题随时测分,豌豆荚、应用汇、豌豆荚等应用商店搜Satonline就可下载啦或者去官网Satonline下载 1. Some fans feel that sports events are ______ only when the competitors are of equal ability, making the outcome of the game ______. A. successf ul…assured B. boring…questionable C. dull…foreseen D. interesting…predictable E. exciting…uncertain 2. Alfred Schnittke's musical compositions are ______: phrases are clipped, broken into sections, and split apart by long rests. A. garnished B. improvisational C. fragmented D. cautious E. uniform 3. The consumer advocate claimed that while drug manufacturers ______ the supposed advantages of their proprietary brands, generic versions of the same medications are often equally ______. A. tout…efficacious B. research…innocuous C. market…prohibitive D. laud…counterproductive E. extract…prescriptive 4. Latoya's _____ is shown by her ability to be ______: she can see her own faults more clearly than anyone else can. A. perceptiveness…self-centered B. objectivit y…restrictive C. cynicism…self-destructive D. open-mindedness…complacent E. insightfulness…self-critical 5. The bearded dragon lizard is a voracious eater, so ______ that it will consume as many insects as possible. A. abstemious


Section 1 Prompt 1 Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. Most human beings spend their lives doing work they hate and work that the world does not need. It is of prime importance that you learn early what you want to do and whether or not the world needs this service. The return from your work must be the satisfaction that work brings you and the world's need of that work. Income is not money, it is satisfaction; it is creation; it is beauty. Adapted from W.E.B. Du Bois, The Autobiography of W.E.B. Du Bois: A Soliloquy on Viewing My Life from the Last Decade of Its First Century Assignment: Is it more important to do work that one finds fulfilling or work that pays well? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. Prompt 2 Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. If we are dissatisfied with our circumstances, we think about changing them. But the most important and effective changes—in our attitude—hardly occur to us.


2017年3月11日SAT考试真题分析 北美2017年3月11日的sat写作考试已经结束快半年了,总体而言,本次sat写作考试整体偏难。故今天的文章,文都国际教育小编与分享3月11日的sat写作真题。希望对大家有所帮助。 一、阅读部分 本次阅读难度适中稍难,出现了2篇Science文章(其中1篇还是paired passage),1篇Social Science文章,1篇History文章,还有一篇文学类文章。 其中History的文章是Emerson之于政府和个人关系的论述,也可算作Social Science政治类文章。 由此可见,Science类型的文章占比进一步加大! 第一篇: 文学类文章,小说,难度稍易 文章大意:节选的是小说中第一章刚开始的部分,描述了Briony这个孩子的一些性格特点和爱好。比如非常爱整洁,喜欢藏秘密,11岁开始写自己第一个故事等。将这个女孩栩栩如生的刻画出来。题目多为细节题。 第二篇: 社科类Social Science文章,难度适中 文章大意:本文讲述了一个概念 - metaphor(隐喻手法),以及它对人心理产生的印象和作用。文章开头举了一个metaphor的例子,说如果没有去过一个城市,而另一个人对这个城市的描述是脏乱差,这个隐喻手法就会在我们脑子中根深蒂固,即使发现是不准确的,也很难被去除。文章随后用科学实验的例子,继续通过数据去说明metaphor对人心理产生的影响。例子是描述一个城市的犯罪,用两个不同的词汇描述,一个描述犯罪是“像猛兽肆虐城市”,一个是像“病毒散播城市”,然后让受访者选择解决方案,凶猛型的“增加警力和监狱”和温和型“教育并扶植经济”,结果完全不一样。 第三篇: 科学Science类,难度稍高 本文讲述的通过研究动物骨头标本的一种实验方法,来推断恐龙的年龄,以及它们体重和年龄的关系。文章给出了不同恐龙种族,如暴龙等,它们年龄和体重的关系图。本篇涉及多道图表题。 第四篇: 历史政治History类,难度稍高


2008年1月份SAT考题分析 By https://www.doczj.com/doc/c612484336.html, SATbbs是国内首个SAT考生自发建设的公益交流平台,无任何中介背景,致力于国内学生SAT考试交流,分享SAT考试经验,真题及美国本科申请交流。 第一部分:填空题 section 2 1. 扣voting rights, 只有suffrage表示“选举权”之意。 restitution:赔偿 solace:n 安慰 levy:n 征税 2. 冒号题,对后文解释的总结,statistical data所以就是demographic(人口统计)。conjectural:a 推测的 anecdotal:a 逸闻趣事的 qualitative:a 性质上的 3. and构成小连接,能和independence相匹配的只有autonomy。independent:: autonomous compromise: v 妥协 servility: n 奴性 persevere: v 坚持 competence: n 能胜任 acquiesce: v 默许 banality: n 陈腐 recant: v 放弃 conformity: n 墨守成规。 4. 冒号题,对后面的总结,“只具有形式而没有功用”对应的单词是vestigial(遗迹的)。ostentatious: a. 假装的,虚伪的 prodigious: a. so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe相当大的invasive: a 侵略性的 kinetic: a 有活力的 5. 特殊人物(idealist)或者说取反:idealistic(理想主义的)<> pragmatic(注重实效的)。condone:原谅,indulgent:放纵的 6. in contrast to引起取反,strident(说话严厉的)<> gentle(待人温柔和善的),容易错选的是stoic:坚忍的(表示禁欲,相当于ascetic,temperate等)


SAT数学历年真题整理 SAT数学历年真题整理!在SAT数学考试中,有些题目虽然简单,但是确是考生们容易丢分的题目。因此小编在这里为大家整理了这些易错题目,希望对大家接下来的SAT数学备考有更好的帮助。 原题如下: If j, k, and n are consecutive integers such that 0 < j < k < n and the units (ones) digit of the product jn is 9, what is the units digit of k? (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 (E) 4 针对此题,SAT考试专家给予了详细讲解:相当多的学生可能首先是没有读懂这道题,units digit指的是我们说的“位”,ones的意思是“个位”。这道题还原成中文意思是:如果j,k和n是三个连续整数且满足0 < j < k < n这一条件,同时j与n相乘所得的积个位数是9,请问k这个数字的个位数是多少?答案是从0~4这五个连续数字中进行选择。 译成中文后,这是一个需要灵活思维的题目。两个正整数相乘所得的积个位数是9,那么这两个数字(j和n)的个位数只有两种组合可能,分别是3和3,1和9。由于j,k,n,三个数字是连续整数,j和n当中有一个k,那么只有可能k是以0为个位数的数字。比如j=9,k=10,n=11,就满足了题目中所提到的条件。显然答案是A。

在SAT考试中对于美国学生比较难的数学问题对于中国学生来说通常是比较容易的,毫无疑问是中国学生的优势所在。 在日常教学中发现中国学生在SAT数学题上通常遇到两大障碍:第一,是由于对英语数学词汇和表达不熟悉,造成题目理解的困难或错误;第二,SAT数学题多需要巧妙的思维,而非复杂的运算。实际上,在与中国SAT学生交流的过程中,经常会说的一句话是“SAT 数学题是脑筋急转弯”,意思就是题目经常需要学生有巧妙的思维,而不见得是复杂的计算能力。 相对而言SAT数学题的知识难度对于中国学生并不高,关键在于熟悉数学的英语词汇和表达,多用灵活的思路,经过系统的学习和练习,就完全可以拿到很高的分数。 以上就是为大家整理的“SAT数学历年真题整理”,希望通过上述内容的整理,能够帮助大家更好地来备考SAT考试,在接下里的考试中能够取得高分成绩!


Official SAT? Practice Test 2014-15 Taking the Practice Test The practice test will help you most if you take it under conditions as close as possible to those of the actual test. ?Set aside 3 hours and 20 minutes of uninterrupted time That way you can complete the entire test in one sitting. Note: The total testing time is 3 hours and 45 minutes, but you save 25 minutes because the unscored section* from this practice test was omitted. ?Sit at a desk or table cleared of any other papers or books You won’t be able to take a dictionary, books, notes, or scratch paper into the test room. ?Allow yourself the specified amount of time for each section Pace yourself by using a watch (without an audible alarm), which is what you are allowed to use on test day. ?Have a calculator at hand when you take the math sections This will help you determine how much to use a calculator the day of the test. Use a calculator with which you are familiar------preferably the same calculator you will use on test day. ?Read the test instructions carefully They are reprinted from the back cover of the test book. On test day, you will be asked to read them before you begin answering questions. ?Make sure you use a No. 2 pencil It is very important that you fill in the entire circle on the answer sheet darkly and completely. If you change your response, erase it as completely as possible. It is very important that you follow these instructions when filling out your answer sheet. ?Record your answers on paper, then score your test Use the answer sheet when completing a practice test on paper to simulate the real testing environment. After completing the practice test, you can score the test yourself with ‘‘Scoring Your Test,’’ or you can return to https://www.doczj.com/doc/c612484336.html,


2012年1月SAT语法真题 (2012-05-30 18:19:21) 转载▼ 标签: 教育 1. After she won a gold medal in figure skating at the 1956 Olympic Games, Tenley Albright attended medical school and becoming a surgeon. (A). school and becoming (B). school and became (C). school, also became (D). school, she became (E). school; also becoming 2. In his Star Wars films, director George Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker, plus being a master of special effects. (A). Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker, plus being (B). Lucas, a contemporary mythmaker, moreover (C). Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker as well as (D). Lucas, who is a contemporary mythmaker and also (E). Lucas is a contemporary mythmaker, he is also 3. Because of geothermal changes beneath Old Faithful, the frequency and duration of the geyser’s eruptions are now more predictable. (A). eruptions are now more predictable (B). eruptions, they are now more predictable (C). eruptions are predicted more easier now (D). eruptions being easier to predict than before (E). eruptions, they can now be predicted more easily 4. Founded in 1919, the aim of the Bauhaus School was to create a revolutionary modern style that would unite art and mass production. (A). aim of the Bauhaus School was (B). aim of the Bauhaus School having been (C). Bauhaus School, whose aim was (D). Bauhaus School aiming (E). Bauhaus School aimed 5. Coleman Hawkins is often called the “father of the tenor saxophone” on account of he was the first to realize the instrument’s expressive powers. (A). saxophone” on account of he was (B). saxophone” because he was (C). saxophone” due to him being (D). saxophone,” which he was (E). saxophone,” he was


2018年5月北美SAT考试真题回顾今天三立在线教育SAT网为大家带来的是2018年5月北美SAT考试真题回顾的相关资讯,备考的烤鸭们,赶紧来看看吧! 考情汇总 1、难点还是集中在阅读上,小说和双篇文章登顶此次最难的两篇。 2、此次考试的语法部分没有特别难的问题,考生均反映难度适中。 3、写作部分选取的文章非常有利于考生展开分析! 4、此次考试数学非常容易,就连北美的同学(美国人)都反映此次数学几乎无压力! 5、加试部分为数学,难度依旧非常低。 阅读部分 第一篇:小说 小说选自美国经典现实主义小说Sister Carrie,作者为Theodore Dreiser,最早出版于1900年。小说描述了一个贫困的乡村姑娘来到大城市生活,内心向往富足的生活。为了摆脱穷困,先后跟推销员和酒店经理同居,最后历经磨难,终成一个著名演员。 小说截取的部分在论述Carrie 在看一出关于纽约奢华生活的舞台剧。台上演员华衣美服,居所装修华丽,生活应有尽有。Carrie 不免生出羡慕向往之心。 舞台剧还体现了这些生活在理想状态人还收到感情爱情嫉妒的折磨,这更让Carrie 羡慕,谁不愿意坐在金椅子里发愁,谁会不愿意在洒了香水的挂毯、有坐垫的家具和穿着制服的仆人那样的条件下受些折磨呢?

回到她小小的flat(套间),Carrie 暗暗下决心,假如我不能过上那样的生活,我就等于没有活过,或者说自己活过。 第二篇、自然科学科研型文章 研究的主要目的在于探究人类大脑如何区分现实和虚拟(广告/小说人物/童话)信息。 研究者呈现给受试者不同的场景:一,广播听到或报纸阅读到关于布什(总统)和灰姑娘,二,跟总统或跟灰姑娘共进晚餐。然后利用MRL 研究他们大脑不同区域的活跃度。 现实和虚拟信息都会激起大脑某些区域比如管记忆的海马沟。不同的是,现实信息还会激起独特的一个脑区域,这个脑区域跟短时记忆和注意力有关。一直相对,虚拟的信息会激起一个跟语言相关的脑区域。 研究者后来又在另一拨受试者重复了实验,这次根据跟受试者现实相关的程度设置信息。结果还是成立,研究者进一步拓展,现实和虚拟其实跟不在于人物本身的现实程度,更跟信息与受试者现实生活的相关度有关。 第三篇自然科学文章 讲述野猫到家猫的变化,研究其中的基因变化过程。 通过对比22种家猫和4种夜猫的基因组,科学家发现13种基因组发生变化,就是这些变化导致夜猫可以被驯化。 在文章后来提到了,家猫身上的一些细胞有迁移变化的现象。也就是经过了所谓的基因突变,这个改变会对猫的性情产生比较大的影响,让猫变得容易驯化。 最后,在文章的结尾处提问为什么相比猫,狗更容易被驯化。是因为人在驯化狗之前做了狗的筛选,筛选出类易于被驯化的狗,而猫则不是。 第四篇:历史类双篇文章


https://www.doczj.com/doc/c612484336.html, 立思辰留学介绍,美国SAT考试是美国高中生升入大学的标准化考试,分成了SAT1和SAT2两类。这两类考试题目和国内的考试相差很大,下面就为大家介绍一下美国SAT考试题目,供大家参考。 SAT1考试---推理测验(ReasoningTest),包括阅读、写作和数学,被称为SAT或NEWSAT; SAT2考试---专项测验(SubjectTests),有数学、物理、化学、生物、外语(包括汉语、日语、德语、法语、西班牙语)等,被统称为SAT2。 美国SAT考试题目 互联网留学360介绍,根据CollegeBoard出的官方题,数据如下: SAT数学部分考试题目有54道,其中多选题44道,填空题10道。内容包括:整数和分数;代数、几何、统计、概率;数量分析 SAT分析性阅读部分考试题目共67道:其中完成句子有19道,段落阅读有48道。阅读文章涉及内容:自然科学类,人文科学类,社会科学类,文学小说类 SAT写作部分考试题目共49道和一个短文:其中有18道句子找错,25道改句,6道改段落和一个短文。多项选择包括改错,改写句子和段落。 作文类型:议论文,需有立论和例证(作文单独评分:2-12;多项选择评分:20-80)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/c612484336.html, 美国SAT2考试有别于SAT1,考察学生某一科目的能力,考试科目共计二十门考试。 目前SAT2分为数学、科学、语言、英语、历史与社会科学五大类。 其中数学类有数学一和数学二两门, 科学类有物理、化学、生物三门, 语言类有法语、德语、西班牙语、中文、日语、韩语、希伯莱语、拉丁语等十二门, 英语类只有英语文学一门; 历史与社会科学类有美国历史和世界历史两门。 SAT1主要测验考生的写作、阅读和数学能力,每部分满分是800分,总分是2400分;SAT2每科满分为800分。绝大部分美国名校只要求中国留学申请人提供SAT通用考试的成绩即可,个别院校及专业要求申请人提供SAT2的单科考试成绩。 以上就是对美国SAT考试题目的介绍,包括了SAT1考试和SAT2考试两类,对这两种考试题目和内容都做了介绍。大家子啊备考SAT考试的时候,可以根据自己的实际需要选择备考的方式,提高SAT成绩。


1. Common garlic has _______ properties; during the First World War British medics saved thousands of lives by wrapping wounds with garlic-soaked bandages. A. curative B. flavoring C. inferior D. questionable E. infamous 2. In her poems, Alice Walker retrieves and _______ parts of Black culture that some have been all too quick to _______ the past as fossilized artifacts. A. revitalizes…consign to B. conjoins…exclude from C. realigns…salvage from D. diffuses…defer to E. refracts…impose on 3. The modest acceptance speech of the Academy Award winning actress revealed a _______ that contrasted with her uninhibited screen performances. A. theatricality B. sullenness C. flamboyance D. reserve E. nonchalance 4. Because howler monkeys rarely come out of the trees in their arboreal habitat, the continued well-being of the rain forest is _______ to their survival. A. inadequate B. tangential C. indispensable D. baneful

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