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2012届高三英语一轮复习语法精讲:专题2 代词和数词(北师大版)

2012届高三英语一轮复习语法精讲:专题2 代词和数词(北师大版)
2012届高三英语一轮复习语法精讲:专题2 代词和数词(北师大版)




I saw him in the street yesterday afternoon.


Their school is twice as big as ours.

3.反身代词是由第一人称、第二人称形容词性物主代词和第三人称代词宾格,后面加词尾self 或者selves构成。反身代词与它所指代的名词或代词形成互指关系,在人称、性、数上保持一致。反身代词在句中可用作动词宾语、介词宾语、表语和同位语。

T om taught himself maths when he was 10 years old.

4.指示代词是用来指示或标志人或事物的代词。它们主要有:this, that, these, those。指示代词所指的对象取决于谈话双方都熟悉的语境。指示代词在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语、定语和状语。

This car is not mine. That one over there is mine.

5.疑问代词是引导的疑问句为特殊疑问句。一般放在疑问句的句首。疑问代词有who,whom,whose,what,which。其中who,whom,whose只能指人,what和which 可指人或物。Which of the two boys is your younger brother?

6.不定代词是不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词。不定代词有:some, any, no和every 以及这些词与-one, -body和-thing构成的复合词。它们在句中可作主语和宾语等成分。Miss Liu is such a good teacher that everyone in our school likes her.

7.相互代词主要有each other和one another。







人称代词主要用来代替表示人的名词或词组,有人称、数、性和格之分,在句中常作主语、宾语和补语。反身代词由“物主代词+self (selves)”构成,在句中可作宾语、补语和同位语。This car doesn't belong to me. It belongs to my sister.

T reat yourself to a glass of wine to help you relax at the end of the day.

2.one, it和that的用法

one指代上文的单数名词,泛指不特定的名词,ones为其复数形式;the one代替前面的单数名词,表示特指,往往其后有定语。it指代前面提到过的名词,即前面提到的那个特定的事物。that代替上文出现过的名词;它既可替代单数可数名词,也可替代不可数名词。Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, one I will always treasure.

I am looking for my pen, but I haven't found it.

We all know the weather in the south is much warmer than that in the north.

3.some, every, no和any及其构成的复合不定代词的用法

something (body / one), anything (body), everything (body), nothing (body)等在句中可作主语、宾语等成分,在试题中一般通过具体的语境来考查。

Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly anything left in the house.

I agree with most of what you said, but I can't agree with everything.

4.all, any, none, both, either和neither的用法

—What do you think of the performance today?

—Great! None but a musical genius could perform so successfully.

I had to buy all these books because I didn't know which one was the best.


都both all

任何一个either any

都不neither none

5.the other, another和the others, others的用法

I don't like this dress, so please show me another.

Some are dancing and singing; others are listening to stories.

another 指三者或三者以上中事物的“另一个”。

the other 指两个事物中的“另一个”。

others 指不定的“其他的人或事物”。

the others 在一个固定范围之内的“其余的;其他的”。



We will have to do it a second time.

I have had a third apple.





About three-fourths of the surface of the earth is covered by water.

One third of the pupils in our class like playing football.



(1)倍数+as +形容词/副词+as

It is said that our new school is three times as big as our present one.


There are twice more students in our school than in theirs.

(3)倍数+the size (length, height...) of

The new building is five times the size of the old one.

4.hundred,thousand, million, score和dozen等词的用法

hundred和thousand等词和具体数字连用时要用单数形式,与of连用时要用复数形式。There are more than three thousand students in their school.

Millions of people watched the games on TV last night.



In the 1990s, when he was in his thirties, he went abroad for further study.

It is not rare in the 1980s that people in their fifties are going to university for further education.


第一课Lesson One / The First Lesson

502房间Room 502

新府路88号88 Xinfu Road

新泰一中XinT ai No. 1 Middle School

7.数词的修饰语表示“大约”的常用词语有about, nearly, some, around或or so。

表示“超过”的常用词语有over或more than。

表示“不超过;少于”用less than或fewer than。

The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world's surface.

The oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use.

Even under the best conditions, we couldn't finish in less than three days.


【2011湖南卷)26】One third of the country ______covered with trees and the majority of the citizens_______black people.

A. is; are

B. is; is

C. are; are

D. are; is



【解析】整个国家为整体,三分之一的部分当然也应用单数;而the majority of citizens主要指人,是可数名词,此时的谓语动词用复数,表示“大多数,大部分”。

〖10全国Ⅱ〗Barbara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who _______ evening dress.



C.has worn

D.have worn



〖解析〗首先the only one of ….为先行词时, 定语从句修饰的是one, 即one是主语, 而非后面的复数women, 根据主谓一致的原则, 谓语动词应该用复数, 排除A, D。另外, 从“is”可以看出句子是要表示一种习惯, 因此要用一般现在时, 排除C, 故选A

〖07浙江〗It is reported that the floods have left about people homeless.

A.two thousand


C.two thousands

D.two thousands of



〖解析〗hundred, thousand, million, billion, dozen, score等指具体数字时, 不用复数形式;指大约数字时, 常用复数形式。如:one hundred, two thousand, three million,

hundreds/thousands/millions/billions/dozens/scores of。

〖06北京〗She went to the bookstore and bought .

A.dozen books

B.dozens books

C.dozen of books

D.dozens of books



〖解析〗dozen意为“一打, 十二个”, 与数词连用时要用单数形式。与of连用时要用复数形式。dozens of意为“若干, 许许多多”。dozen与数词或many, several连用时其后不加s;dozen 前有基数词表示确切数字时, 其后一般不与of连用。

【2011全国卷II,11】I got this bicycle for ; My friend gave it to me when she bought a new one.

A. everything

B. something

C. anything

D. nothing



【解析】句意为“我没花钱就得了这辆自行车;我的朋友买了一辆新车,就把这辆给了我。”根据后面“gave it to me”可判断没花钱,nothing表否定,for表示交换。因此选D。

【2011北京卷,34】The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase .



【解析】句意为“由于当地政府的努力,大城市里的就业率持续升高。”it代指前面交代过的“the employment rate”,是单数,而them和those是复数。因此选C。

【2011天津卷,1】W e feel our duty to make our country a better place.

A. it

B. this

C. that

D. one



【解析】句意为“我们觉得将我们的国家变得更好是我们的职责。”it在此句中充当形式宾语,代指“to make our country a better place”。因此选A。

【2011上海春招,26】They produced two reports, ______ of which contained any useful suggestions.

A. either

B. all

C. none

D. neither



【解析】句意为“他们提供了两份报告,没有一份报告含有任何有用的建议。”neither两个都不;either两者之一,但后半句里的“any useful suggestions”与否定连用;all与none指三个或三个以上,与前面的“two reports”不相一致。因此选D。

【2011山东卷,24】The two girls are so alike that strangers find ________ difficult to tell one from the other.

A. it

B. them

C. her

D. that



【解析】句意为“这两个女孩长得很相像,不熟悉的人很难将她俩区分开来。”it在此句中充当形式宾语,代指“to tell one from the other”。因此选A。

【2011福建卷,21】W e have various summer camps for your holidays. Y ou can choose ____ based on your own interests.

A. either

B. each

C. one

D. it


【解析】句意为“在你们的假期里,我们这儿有各种暑期夏令营,你们可以根据自己的兴趣任选一个。”one代替单数可数名词,表泛指,相当于“a/an + 单数名词”。这里泛指某个summer camp夏令营。因此选C。

【2011安徽卷,22】Surprisingly, Susan’s beautiful hair reached below her knees and

made_____ almost an overcoat for her.

A. them

B. her

C. itself

D. herself



【解析】句意为“令人惊叹的是,Susan美丽的长发垂到她的膝盖下面,就像一件外套似的。”反身代词itself指的是前面提到的beautiful hair。而them,her和herself指的都是人。因此选C。

【2011浙江卷,7】Since people are fond of humor, it is as welcome in conversation as ________ else.

A. anything

B. something

C. anywhere

D. somewhere



【解析】句意为“人们喜爱幽默,所以,在谈话中或者别的什么地方的幽默都受人欢迎。”疑问副词anywhere与else连用,表示(除了in conversation的)其他任何地方,表示场合的。而anything和something是表示超越场合的事物。因此选C。

【2011四川卷,3】There is in his words. We should have a try.

A. something

B. anything





【解析】句意为“他的话有些道理,我们应该试一试。”something 指不简单的事、可观的成绩、有些地位的人。因此选A。

【2011重庆卷,27】——Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like.

——What do you think of over there?

A. the one

B. this




【解析】句意为“——我真傻!想不起来自己的行李是什么样子的。——你看看那边的是不是你的?”指示代词that指时间与空间上较远的事物,over there交代了空间上的远距离。this 指时间与空间上较近的事物,the one和it都特指前面曾经交代过的事物。结合语境,选D。【2011陕西卷,16】——Would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen, dear? ——one?







【解析】句意为“——亲爱的,可不可以到厨房里给我拿一块巧克力来?——还要吃一块?”another 与数词连用时,数词放在another的后面,如another three chairs; other和more与数词连用时,数词放在它们的前面,如one more apple, two other boys;every指每一个,含义与all接近。因此选C。

【2011湖南卷,24】I knew that _____ would ever discourage him; he would never give up wanting to be a director.

A. something

B. anything

C. everything




【解析】句意为“我知道没有什么能够阻止他;他决不会放弃做一名导演的念头。”根据后面“never give up”可知前面相应地也要用否定性的不定代词nothing。因此选D。

【2011辽宁卷,27】——Would you like tea or coffee?

——, thank you. I've just had some water.

A. Either

B. Both

C. Any

D. Neither



【解析】句意为“——你是想喝茶还是咖啡?——谢谢你,都不想喝。我刚才已经喝了水了。”通过后面“I've just had some water”可以判定是拒绝tea 和coffee。neither“两者中哪个都不”,其所指范围是两个人或物;either表示“两者中的任何一个”;both“两个都”,修饰可数名词,统指两者;any用于肯定句,作“任何的”解。因此选D。

【2011江西卷25】Why don’t you bring _____ to his attention that you’re too ill to work on?




〖10福建〗When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson, could you please say for me?

A. everything

B. anything

C. something

D. nothing



〖解析〗句子的意思是当你向Mr. John介绍我的时候, 你可以为我说一些好话吗? A. everything 所有的;B. anything 任何事;D nothing 什么也没有 C. something表示一些, 某些

〖10上海〗If our parents do everything for us children, we won’t learn to depend on

A. themselves

B. them

C. us

D. ourselves



〖解析〗主语为we, 因此应为ourselves. depend on oneself:自力更生。根据句意, 选D。〖10安徽〗Y ou are a team star! Working with_______ is really your cup of tea.

A. both

B. either

C. others

D. the other



〖解析〗句意为“你是球队明星!与他人合作必须是你喜欢做的事。”习语“one’s cup of tea”意为“the type of thing or person that you like”。

〖10山东〗Helping others is a habit, _______ you can learn even at an early age.

A. it

B. that

C. what

D. one



〖解析〗句意应为”帮助别人是一种习惯, 一个你在很小时就能学会的习惯。”空格处与前句中的habit构成同位关系, 所以选择D项。句中you can learn even at an early age是省略了关系代词that 的定语从句, that在定语从句中作learn的宾语使用。

A. Anything

B. Nothing

C. Everything

D. Something



〖解析〗nothing用于句中表示否定意义, 而其他三个词则表示肯定意义。句意:我一生中什么都没有我第一次参观故宫给我的印象更深刻。

〖10陕西〗The cost of renting a house in central Xi’an is higher than ____ in any other area of the city.

A. that

B. this

C. it

D. one



〖解析〗所填词用于比较状语从句中, 指代句子的主语cost, 即指代不可数名词, 用that。This 指代下文即将提到的事物;it指代“同一物”;one指代“同类中的一个”之意。

〖10四川〗On my desk is a photo that my father took of when I was a baby.

A. him

B. his

C. me

D. mine



〖解析〗take a photo of sb意为给某人照相, 此处应用人称代词的宾格。正确答案为C。〖10全国Ⅱ〗Neither side is prepared to talk to ______unless we can smooth things over between them.

A. others

B. the other

C. another

D. one other



〖解析〗Neither含有“两者都不”之意, 一方对应另一方, 故用the other指“两者中的另一个”。

〖10重庆〗He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found of them again.

A. neither

B. either

C. each

D. all



never either是全部否定, 相当于neither。

〖10重庆〗T o improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions had used the products.

A. whatever

B. who

C. whichever

D. which



〖解析〗这儿_______ used the products。是个宾语从句, 从句中缺少主语, 并且指人, 所以用whoever.

〖10浙江〗that’s important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction.

A.One B.All C.Everything D.Anything



〖解析〗分析四个选项的意思, 根据语境:重要的是你正在努力并且朝着正确的方向前行。从而判断此处选择all意思最合适。

〖09山东〗I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn’t face ________ day like that.

A. other

B. another

C. the other

D. others


〖考点〗本题考查与other 相关的单词的区别,

〖解析〗由题意知:我昨天一整天感到很糟糕, 以至于我今天早晨决定我不会面对那样的一天。是指在未来的日子中的一天, 故用another.

〖09陕西〗Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn’t answer_______of them.

A. other

B. any

C. none

D. some



〖解析〗所填词与not构成全部否定, 四个选项中只有any与not可以构成not any, 等于none, 表全部否定, 故选B。

〖09上海〗-Wow! Y ou’ve got so many clothes.

A. all

B. both

C. neither

D. none



〖解析〗由but可知后句句意发生转折, 前句中so many clothes表示“多数”故应选D。〖09全国I〗One of the most important questions they had to consider was of public health

A. what

B. this

C. that

D. which



〖解析〗句意为:他们必须考虑其中最重要的问题是公共卫生。考查that作代词, that 作代词, 往往用于特指, 相当于“that+名词”, 它也只能代替事情不能代替人。

〖09陕西〗Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn’t answer of them.

A. other

B. any

C. none

D. some



〖解析〗所填词与not构成全部否定, 四个选项中只有any与not可以构成not any, 等于none, 表全部否定, 故选B。

〖09四川〗I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I don’t have enough money to buy__________.

A. one

B. it

C. this

D. that



〖解析〗意思是:我喜欢这个前面有一个美丽花园的房子, 但是我没有足够多的钱去把它买下来。第一句话中的this house表明在该语境中是特指的用法, 所以答案为it, 表示特指。该题容易误选one, 要注意的是one表示泛指。

〖09浙江〗-I’ve read another book this week.

-Well, maybe _____ is not how much you read but what you read that counts.

A. this

B. that

C. there

D. it


〖解析〗句中“not how much you read”足以做动词count的主语, 所以选D使之构成强调句型。

〖09全国II〗Charles was alone at home, with looking after him.

A. someone

B. anyone

C. not one

D. no one



〖解析〗根据句子提供的信息alone可知没有人照顾他。故用代词no one。

〖09全国II〗The CDs are on sale! Buy one and you get completely free.

A. other

B. others

C. one

D. ones



〖解析〗句子可以还原为Buy a CD and you get a free CD。one替代a+可数名词单数。

〖09重庆〗Over the past 20 years, the Internet helped change our world in______ way or another for the better.

A. any

B. one

C. every

D. either



〖解析〗one or another的用法“无论如何”。在过去的二十年里, 互联网在这样或那样的方面帮助我们的世界变得更好。

〖09江苏〗Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with ______ of their parents.

A. those

B. one

C. both

D. that



〖解析〗代are expected

〖08全国I〗—Which of the two computer games did you prefer?

—Actually I didn’t like ______.

A. both of them

B. either of them

C. none of them

D. neither of them


〖解析〗考查部分否定与全部否定。I didn’t like either of them.相当于I liked neither of them.。〖08全国I〗The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from ______ spoken in England.

A. which

B. what

C. that

D. the one



〖解析〗that用来代替前面出现的the English。

〖08安徽〗The two girls are getting on very well and share _______ with each other.

A. little

B. much

C. some D none



〖解析〗句意为:这两个女孩现在相处得很好, 她们互相分享很多东西。much作代词时, 意为“许多”, 而some只是“一些”。

〖08福建〗—How do you find your new classmates?

—Most of them are kind, but _______is so good to me as Bruce.

A. none

B. no one

C. every one

D. some one



〖解析〗but表示前后语意转折, 根据语境应排除C、D两项;no one仅指人, 表示泛指;none 既指人又指物, 用none时要有一定的范围, 本题中暗含“none of them”的意思。

〖08湖南〗Our nerghbors gave _____ a baby bird yesterday that hurt ______ when it fell from its nest.

A. us,it

B. us,itself

C. ourselves, itself

D. ourselves, it



〖解析〗句意为:昨天我们的邻居给了我们一只雏鸟, 这只雏鸟从窝里摔下来时受了伤。第一空给“我们”, 应用us;第二空“鸟伤到了自己”, 故用反身代词itself。

〖08山东〗Make sure you’ve got the passports and tickets and ______ before you leave.

A. something

B. anything

C. everything

D. nothing


〖解析〗句意为:在你离开之前, 确保你带好护照、票以及所有的一切。something指某件东西;anything任何一件东西, 强调个体;everything强调整体, 由句意可知C项正确。

〖08江西〗Isn’t it amazing how the human body heals _______after an injury?

A. himself

B. him

C. itself

D. it




〖08辽宁〗—Could you tell me how to get to Victoria S treet?

—Victoria Street? ______ is where the Grand Theatre is.

A. Such

B. There

C. That

D. This



〖解析〗句意为:“你能告诉我怎么去维多利亚大街吗?” “维多利亚大街?那是Grand Theatre所在的地方。”用that替代上文的Victoria Street。

〖08陕西〗He doesn’t have _________ furniture in his room --just an old desk.

A. any

B. many

C. some

D. much



〖解析〗否定句中, 修饰不可数名词furniture, 用any。句意, 他房子里没有任何家具, 只有一张旧桌子。

〖08四川〗The manager believes prices will not rise by more than _____ four percent.

A. any other

B. the other

C. another

D. other



〖解析〗句意为:经理认为价格不会按高于另外4%的比例上涨。any other表示“……中任何其他的……”, 在同范围中比较, 如:China is larger than any other country in Asia.(中国比亚洲的其他任何国家都大。)the other表示“两者中的另一个……”, 如:I have two dogs.One is white and the other is black.(我有两条狗。一条是白的, 另一条是黑的。)another表示“三

外两周)。other表示“另外的, 其他的”, 表泛指。

〖08浙江〗—I’d like some more cheese.

—Sorry, there’s ______ left.

A. some

B. none

C. a little

D. few



〖解析〗根据答语“Sorry”可知cheese没有了。a little表肯定, 意为“有一点”;few表否定, 但用来修饰可数名词。

〖08北京〗It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _____ of the parents spoke the language.

A. none

B. neither

C. both

D. each



〖解析〗由于hard表示“困难的”, 而parents又暗示空格处所填代词应表达的数量概念是“两个”, 故空格处用neither表示否定含义。

〖08天津〗T o know more about the British Museum, you can use the Internet to go to the library, or _______.

A. neither

B. some

C. all

D. both



〖解析〗句意为:要想了解更多大英博物馆的信息, 你可以使用因特网或者去图书馆, 或者两种方式都用。both指“两者都”。

〖08重庆〗—Could we see each other at 3 o’clock this afternoon?

---Sorry, let’s make it __ time.

A. other’s

B. the other

C. another

D. other



〖解析〗another day 改天;another time 改个时间。

〖08上海〗—Do you want tea or coffee?

A. none

B. neither

C. either

D. all



〖解析〗根据I really don’t mind.表明茶和咖啡, 两者选择任何一种。

〖07全国II〗___ felt funny watching myself on TV.

A. One

B. This

C. It

D. That



〖解析〗it为形式主语, 真正的主语为动名词短语watching myself on TV。

〖07上海〗The mayor has offered a reward of $ 5000 to ______ who can capture the tiger alive or dead.

A. both

B. others

C. anyone

D. another



〖解析〗句意为:市长向任何可以活捉老虎或抓回死老虎的人悬赏5,000美元。anyone任何人, 表泛指。

〖07山东〗_______ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.

A.This B.That C.What D.It



〖解析〗他不停地改变他的想法让我很烦恼。这是一个主语从句, the way he keeps changing his mind 是主语从句, it是形式主语。

〖07北京〗He has made a lot of films, but ____ good ones.


B. some

C. few

D. many



〖解析〗由于句中用了转折连词but, 所以要填few与前面的many相对比。

〖07福建〗The book is of great value. can be enjoyed unless you digest it.






〖解析〗句意为:这本书很有价值。除非你认真读了, 要不然你欣赏不到什么(只有你认真读了, 你才能欣赏到一些东西)。unless如果不;除非, 与前面否定的复合不定代词nothing构成双重否定表肯定。

〖07湖南〗T o save class time, our teacher has ________ students do half of the exercise in class and complete the other half for homework.

A. us

B. we

C. our

D. ours



〖解析〗has后跟复合宾语, 其宾语为us, 宾补为do..., 句中students作us的同位语。

〖07江西〗—What do you think of the performance today?

—Great! But a musical genius could perform so successfully.







〖解析〗none but...除……之外没有别人, 因此肯定了but后的词a musical genius “音乐天才”。〖07江西〗I don’t mind her criticizing me, but is how she does it that I object to. A. it B.that C.this D.which



〖解析〗It is+被强调部分+that+其他, 强调句可去掉it is与that还原句子。本句相当于..., but I object to how she does it。被强调部分是宾语从句, 因此, 用it引导该句式。

〖07陕西〗—There is still a copy of the book in the library. Wall you go and bottow ? —No, I’d rather buy in the bookstore.







〖解析〗第一空指代前面的a copy of the book, 就那一本, 为同句同物, 用it;而第二空指到书店去买一本, 泛指某一本, 为同名异物, 用one。

A. that

B. those

C. any

D. some



〖解析〗joy为不可数名词, 用一个代词代替时, 须用that, that代替不可数名词, 且要有后置定语。

〖07天津〗He didn’t make ________ clear when and where the meeting would be held.

A. this

B. that

C. it

D. these



〖解析〗句意为:他没有把何时何地召开会议搞清楚。句中“when and where the meeting would be held”为make的真正宾语, it为形式宾语, clear为宾补。

〖07 辽宁〗The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than ____ in the newspaper.

A. it

B. those

C. one

D. that



〖解析〗that代替前面的不可数名词information, it代指同名同物, B、C代指可数名词。〖07 浙江〗—He got his first book published. It turned out to be a bestseller.

—When was _____?

—_____ was in 2000 when he was still in college.

A. that; This

B. this; It

C. it; This

D. that; It



〖解析〗句意为:“他的第一本书出版了, 并且成了一本畅销书。” “那是什么时候?” “那是在2000年他还在上大学的时候。”指代上文中提到的事情用that;it可以指时间、天气、距离等概念。

〖07 重庆〗Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly _______ left in the house.

A. anything

B. everything

C. nothing

D. something



〖07上海春〗T reat to a glass of wine to help you relax at the end of the day.

A.one B.oneself C.you D.yourself



〖解析〗一天的紧张(工作)之后, 喝杯红酒, 有助于放松一下自己。

〖06全国Ⅰ〗If I can help_______, I don’t like working lat e into the night.

A. so

B. that

C. it

D. them



〖解析〗if I can help it意为“如果我有办法”, 表示有办法做某事, 或有办法控制某个局面。所提供的情景I don’t like working late into the night说明如果有办法, 不喜欢工作到深夜。so 意为“这样”, 常用于省略句中, 代替上文中的动作。that用于代替上文的内容。

〖06北京〗— Which driver was to blame?

—Why, _______ ! It was the child’s fault, clear and simple. He suddenly came out between two parked cars.

A. both

B. each

C. either

D. neither



〖解析〗neither意为“(两者)都不”。根据所提供的情景It was the child’s fault, clear and simple.可判断出两个司机都不应该受到责备, 因为是孩子的过错。both表示“(两者)都”, 两个司机都应受到责备, 与所提供的情景矛盾。either意为“两者之一的;(两者之中)随便哪一个的;两者中任何一方的”, 其意思是两个司机中的任何一个都应受到责备。each意为“每一个”, 表示多于两个, 与下文中的two parked car矛盾。

〖06上海〗I made so many changes in my composition mat only I could read it. T o ____ else, it was hard to make out.

A. none

B. everyone

C. someone

D. anyone


一、选择题 1.My parents showed some old pictures that brought back sweet memories. A.I B.me C.my D.mine 2.—Did you buy a large house? —No, not really, at least not as large as ______. A.yours B.your C.you 3.—Which one do you like better, English-Chinese dictionary or Words app? — I like________ of them. They are useful for English learners. A.none B.neither C.all D.both 4.—Hurry up! The bus is coming. —Wait a moment, please! Let me check if there’s ________ left. A.anything else B.important something C.other things 5.—Hi, Jack. Is this your dictionary? —No. is over there. It’s a present from my uncle. A.Mine B.Yours C.My D.Your 6.The government is making an effort to improve the life of elderly people, many of whom are suffering(遭受) from either loneiness or poor health, or even___________. A.neither B.none C.all D.both 7.Helen has got two brothers. _____ of them likes chocolate, but she loves it. A.Neither B.None C.Each D.Any 8.I don’ t like the color of this shirt. Could you please give me one? A.the other B.others C.another D.other 9.Be careful and try to make mistakes next time. You will get a better grade. A.few B.fewer C.little D.less 10.----Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xi'an? ---- is OK. It’s up to you. A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.All 11.I left a message to my parents yesterday, but ______ of them called me back. A.both B.none C.neither 12.--- Which sweater do you prefer, the red one or the blue one? -- _______. I think I like the green one best. A.Neither B.Both C.Either D.All 13.---When shall we meet again next week? ---_____ day is possible. It’s no problem with me. A.Either B.Neither C.All D.Any 14.My mother is a teacher. She loves students very much. A.her B.his C.my D.your 15.Dear boys and girls, you will face the most important examination in less than 100 days.

初中英语语法 代词讲解

初中英语语法 代词 代词:为了避免重复而用来代替其他词的词。 种类:1) 人称 2) 物主 3) 反身 4) 指示 5)不定6) 疑问 7) 相互代词:each other, one another 互相, 其所有格加-’s 8) 关系代词:which , who ,that ,whom ,whose 等 引导定语从句 9) 连接代词:who, whom, whose, what, which, whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever 10)替代词:one(单数), ones(复数) 用于替代前面出现的同类事物。但ones 必须和形容词连用。如果替代的名词时无形容词在前,则用some, any ,而不用ones 。如:Have you bought any rulers? Yes ,I 've bought some. 一、人称代词 2. 3. 人称代词的排列顺序(单数231 ,复数123) 当两个以上的人称代词一起作主语时,单数按二、三、一人称排列(即you, he / she, I );复数按一、二、三人称排列(即we, you, they )。但是如果做错了事需要承担责任时,要把说话人(I )放在第一位。如:It was I and John that made her angry. 是我和约翰惹她生气了。 二、物主代词 1. 物主代词的形式

3. 物主代词的特殊用法 在双重所有格中只能用名词性物主代词。如: 我的一个朋友a friend of mine , 她的一个同学 a classmate of hers , each brother of his. 三、反身代词 1. 反身代词的形式 2. 反身代词的句法功能 3.由反身代词构成的习惯用语 ① help oneself to 随便吃……② come to oneself 苏醒过来,醒悟,恢复知觉 ③ dress oneself 自己穿衣服④ say to oneself 自言自语 ⑤ enjoy oneself 玩得开心⑥ lose oneself in迷路于,全神贯注于…之中,消失于 ⑦ teach oneself 自学⑧ look after oneself ⑨by oneself 亲自 learn……by oneself 自学…leave one by oneself 把某人单独留下hurt oneself 伤了自己make yourself/yourselves at home 不必拘束 四、指示代词


专题(二)数词和代词 Ⅰ.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 A 1.There are (nine)people in Dale’s family. They live on the (nine) floor. 2.—Which month of the year do you like best? —January, the (one) month, because the winter vacation begins in this month. 3.Nowadays, (million)of farmers leave their hometown to look for jobs in big cities. 4.Although she is in her (eighty), Tu Youyou still keeps doing research to save people’s lives. 5.In 2019, we held a party to celebrate the (seventy) birthday of China. 6.July 1, 2020 will be the (twenty-three) anniversary(周年) of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland. 7.Jenny Black knows Ordos quite well because it’s her (five) time to visit here. 8.Two (three) of the land in that town is covered with trees and grass. B 1.Warm words can touch not only your hearts but also (we). 2.—Hey, Jenny, which are my gifts for Father’s Day? —The yellow gifts are (you)and the red (one) belong to Grandpa. 3.After chatting happily with the new student in my class, I gave her my QQ number and she gave me (she). 4.Miss Smith, an American lady, has taught (we) English for three years. 5.How amazing! Seasons in Australia are the opposite of (we). It’s autumn there. 6.—Jerry, is that boy with glasses (we) new classmate? —Yes. Let’s say hello to (he). 7.The baby is too young. Don’t leave her at home by (she). https://www.doczj.com/doc/be13349689.html,st month the students in Changjiang Road Primary School held the Ten Years of Growth Ceremony to celebrate (they)10th birthday together. 9.To (we) surprise, he sold (he) house at such a low price. 10.That’s an old photo of (he), which he has kept for many years.


初中英语语法代词专项练习 —————人称代词、物指代词 (1)按要求写出下列代词的形式 1、I(宾格)________ 2、he(形容词性物主代词)________ 3、us(主格)________ 4、they(宾格)________ 5、she(宾格)________ 6、you(名词性物主代词)________ 7、it(宾格)________ 8、my(复数)________ 9、him(复数)________ 10、he(形容词性物主代词)________ 11、we(单数)________ 12、they(名词性物主代词)________ 13、I(反身代词)________ 14、you(反身代词)________ 15、she(反身代词)________ 16、he(反身代词)________ 17、it(反身代词)________ 18、I(反身代词)________ (2)选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。 1. This is(my / I)mother. 2. Nice to meet (your / you). 3.(He / His)name is Mark. 4. What’s(she / her)name? 5. Excuse(me / my / I). 6. Are(your / you)Miss Li? 7.(I/ My)am Ben. 8.(She / Her)is my sister. 9. Fine , thank(your / you). 10. How old is (he / his)? (3)用所给代词的正确形式填空 1. These are ______ ( he ) brothers. 2. That is _______( she ) sister. 3. Lily is _______ ( Lucy ) sister. 4. Tom, this is _____ ( me ) cousin, Mary. 5. Now _____________(her parent) are in America. 6. Those __________ ( child ) are _____ ( I ) father’s students. 7. Do you know ______ ( it ) name? 8. Mike and Tom _________( be ) friends. 9. Thanks for helping ________( I ). 10. ______(Ann安)mother is ______(we) teacher. (4)填上正确的人称代词和物主代词 1._____ is my friend. 他是我的朋友。 2. My dog likes _____. 我的狗喜欢她。 3. Who is there? It’s _____.是谁啊?是我。 4. Come with _____. 跟我来。 5. ______ classroom is bigger than ____. 你们的教室比我们的要大。 6. _____ are Chinese. 我们是中国人。 7.I want to buy some balloons for ______. 我想买些气球送给他。 8. These are ______ photos. 这些是我们的照片。 9. _____ like ______ very much. 他们非常喜欢它。 10. Let _____ give _____ a book. 让我给你一本书。


一、选择题 1.—I can’t believe Jim got first in the competition. — As you know, God helps those who help ______. A.yourself B.himself C.yourselves D.themselves 2.I tried two stores for the present I wanted,but ______ of them had it. A.none B.either C.neither D.both 3.—What do you know about bamboo? —Maybe bamboo has more uses than ________ in the world. A.any plant B.all the plants C.any other plant 4.—Hi, Jack. Is this your dictionary? —No. is over there. It’s a present from my uncle. A.Mine B.Yours C.My D.Your 5.-Whose CD is it? -Miss Lee always listens to music. It must be________. A.he B.she C.her D.hers 6.My head teacher knows me better than _______. A.himself B.herself C.yourself D.myself 7.Be careful and try to make mistakes next time. You will get a better grade. A.few B.fewer C.little D.less 8.I left a message to my parents yesterday, but ______ of them called me back. A.both B.none C.neither 9.Not ______that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing 10.My parents showed some old pictures that brought back sweet memories. A.I B.me C.my D.mine 11.--- Whose book is this, Jack? -- Oh, it’s ______. I am looking for it everywhere. A.me B.my C.mine D.I’m 12.I ate ______ at lunch because the food was terrible. A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything 13.Don' t you think _ _ necessary for friends to trust each other? A.one B.that C.those D.it 14.Life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups will mean A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing 15.Some people are interested in _______women’s sense of smell is better developed than _____of men. A.which; that B.what; one C.which; one D.whether; that 16.The charity show lasted nearly three hours, but ______ left the hall early.


第四章数词Chapter four Numeral 数字是信息的一种表达形式,与数字相关的表达也多种多样。多年来高考试卷对数词进行了专项考查。 4.1序数词和基数词。 1、基数词的构成及用法 【巧学妙记】 英语数词的学习是英语初学者的必由之路。如果不加分析,不去比较而逐一死记硬背,只能收到事倍功半的效果。但是,请你仔细观察下面的表格,你会发现这些数词之间是有明显的规律的,如果抓住规律去记忆便能达到事半功倍的效果。请同学们仔细观察这些数词后,背诵下面这个顺口溜,便可轻松地掌握这些数词。 1-10 十几(teen) 几十(ty) one eleven tw o tw elve tw enty three thirteen thirty four fourteen forty five fifteen fifty six sixteen sixty seven seventeen seventy eight eighteen eighty nine nineteen ninety ten 【口诀记忆】学数词,别害怕, 抓住规律不出差。 1到12要牢记, 十几,几十,有变化。 2、3、5特殊记, 6、7、9直接加(词尾)。 词尾省“T”便是8。 只有小4要注意, 四十无“U”别忘它。 其它基数词 (1)21-99先“几十”再”几”,中间加连字符。 21 twenty-one 25 twenty-five 99 ninety-nine (2)100及100以上的基数词 100及100以上的基数词,以末位向前推(每三位一节),依次须用到hundred, thousand, million, billion等。 (3)基数词的读法 ①三位数的读法:第一个数字+hundred+ and+后面的一位或两位数字 101→ one hundred and one 450→ four hundred(and)fifty 999→ nine hundred and ninety-nine


一、选择题 1.When you come across new words in reading, it is not a good idea to in a dictionary at once. A.make up them B.look up them C.make them up D.look them up 2.—What do you know about bamboo? —Maybe bamboo has more uses than ________ in the world. A.any plant B.all the plants C.any other plant 3.—Hi, Jack. Is this your dictionary? —No. is over there. It’s a present from my uncle. A.Mine B.Yours C.My D.Your 4.-Whose CD is it? -Miss Lee always listens to music. It must be________. A.he B.she C.her D.hers 5.His name is James but he calls ________Jim. A.his B.himself C.him D.不填6.—Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? —_______is OK. I’m busy today and tomorrow. A.None B.All C.Both D.Neither 7.----Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xi'an? ---- is OK. It’s up to you. A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.All 8.I’m surprised at the new look of hometown. A.I B.me C.my D.mine 9.— Would you mind my using your camera? —Sorry, there’s _______ with it. A.wrong something B.wrong anything C.anything wrong D.something wrong 10.Not ______that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing 11.—Which do you prefer, coffee or tea. —_________, thanks. I’d like a cup o f tea. A.Either B.Both C.Neither D.None 12.As volunteers, they should do ______to help the children in trouble. A.nothing B.anybody C.something D.somebody 13.Do you have ___ready for the spring trip? No. I still have to buy some fruit.


初中英语语法专项练习 题之代词 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

初中英语语法专项练习题之代词1 ( ) 1 Though it rained heavily, ____ were still playing on the playground. A. they B. them C. their D. themselves ( ) 2 Tom and ____ will go to see our teacher, for ___ is ill. A. I; she. B. me; she C. I; her D. me; her ( ) 3 Is___a boy or girl A. she B. he C. one D. it ( ) 4 Only____know it. A. I and he B. he and you C. he and I D. I and you 2 ( ) 1 I saw___ playing in the street at that time. A. them B. they C. their D. theirs 2 Jim will give____ a short talk tomorrow. A. we B. us C. our D. ours ( ) 3 Please ask____ not to skate on the thin ice. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs ( ) 4 The pen is hers. Pass it to____, please. A. her B. she C. hers D. herself ( ) 5 Let me go and give the coat to____. A. he B. his C. himself D. him ( ) 6 They asked___ to do the work. A. you, he and I B. you, him and me C. I, you and he D. me, you and him 3 ( ) 1 Who's that at the door ____ is the postman. A. She B. This C. It D. He ( ) 2 -Who's that in the picture A. It's me B. That's I C. This is a boy D. It's I ( ) 3 -Look, who is coming -___ must be our English teacher. A. She B. He C. It D. This ( ) 4 Someone is knocking at the door, but who can____ be A. one B. he C. she D. it 4 ( ) 1 ___ was late summer and the weather was very hot. A. That B. It C. This D. It's ( ) 2 What time is ____ now A it B. all C. this D: that ( ) 3 ___ a heavy rain last night. A. There had B. We had C. It was D. There is ( ) 4 ___ is 200 kilometres from here to the natural park. We have to go there by car. A. There B. It C. This D. The place


一、选择题 1.A smile costs , but gives much, so always keep smiling! A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 2.—Sonia, is this your dictionary? —Oh, no, it’s not ______. Ask Li Lei. He is looking for ______. A.me; hers B.mine; him C.my; her D.mine; his 3.I tried two stores for the present I wanted,but ______ of them had it. A.none B.either C.neither D.both 4.As volunteers, they should do ______to help the children in trouble. A.nothing B.anybody C.something D.somebody 5.—Which one do you like better, English-Chinese dictionary or Words app? — I like________ of them. They are useful for English learners. A.none B.neither C.all D.both 6.—What do you know about bamboo? —Maybe bamboo has more uses than ________ in the world. A.any plant B.all the plants C.any other plant 7.Success comes from hard work. Lazy people can achieve . A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything 8.A new study shows that shouting at children may have the results that go beyond of beating(打)them. A.that B.those C.it D.ones 9.-Whose CD is it? -Miss Lee always listens to music. It must be________. A.he B.she C.her D.hers 10.Mr. Wang recommended me a few foreign movies, but ____was to my taste. A.all B.neither C.nothing D.none 11.My head teacher knows me better than _______. A.himself B.herself C.yourself D.myself 12.I ate ______ at lunch because the food was terrible. A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything 13.---Is_______here? ---No.Li Lei and Han Mei have asked for leave A.everybody B.somebody C.anybody D.nobody 14.I have tried several jackets, but _________ of them fits me well. A.both B.neither C.all D.none 15.—Shall we meet at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning? —I won’t be free then .Let’s make it ______day.


高考英语数词知识点专项训练解析附答案 一、选择题 1.After they each had said _____few words, Professor White took ______floor and answered the questions. A.a; / B.a; a C.a; the D./; a 2.As we should know, animals are not necessarily ___________ lower form of life than ___________ man. A.a; the B.the; the C.a; /D./; / 3.The Evening Party, turning out to be _______ great success, came to _______ end after midnight. A.a; an B./; an C./; / D.the; an 4.We urge ______ extreme caution in ______ use of this medicine, which has not been officially approved yet. A.an; the B.an; 不填 C.不填; the D.不填; 不填 5.In communication, a smile is usually _____ strong sign of a friendly and _____ open attitude. A.a; / B.the; / C.a; an D.the; an 6.Living in_________ ever increasingly fast-paced world, we are facing greater competition, so we must take _________ advantage of every opportunity to develop. A.an; the B.an; / C.the; an D.the; / 7.No one hopes the two countries will be at war, because peace is what everyone wants. A.the;the B.a;a C.the;/D./;/ 8.It’s______ comfort to know there’s someone to keep ______eye on the kids. A.a; the B.a; an C./;an D./;the 9.He had wanted to write _________ children's book for many years, but one thing or another always got in _________ way. A.a; / B.the; the C./; the D.a; the 10.Sarah looked at ______finished painting with ________satisfaction. A./;a B.a;the C.the;/D.the;a 11.It comes as ______ surprise that ______ dream of space travel will soon come true. A.a; the B.the ; the


中考专题二:数词代词 Part 2 数词 中考考察数词主要通过选择题和改写单词两种方式,通常选择题1分,改写词汇1分。1.hundred, thousand, million 数词前面加上one, two, some, many, several 等具体数词时, hundred,thousand, million 用单数形式;如:two hundred; 如果hundred, thousand, million数词后面有of,则hundred, thousand, million 等词用作复数,表示‘成……上……’ ,如hundreds of, thousands of, millions of. 2.表示“几十”的数词的复数形式可用来表示人的岁数,在表示“几十年代”时,可以用基数 词的复数形式,也可用阿拉伯数字加“s”或“'s”。 She is in her fifties but she looks young. From the 1990's(1990s),computers were becoming more and more popular. 在……四十多岁时in one’s forties = a t the age of forty 3.基数词+单数名词 基数词+单数名词+形容词:可构成复合形容词,这些词之间必须用‘-’连接,如ten-minute, six-year-old等。 Kate is an eighteen-year-old girl. It is two-hour walk from the department to his home. 五天的假期 a five-day holiday 一篇800字的作文an 800-word composition 【典型例题】 I. Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) ( )1. Water covers more than ________ of the Earth's surface. A. three-fourth B. three-four C. three-fourths D. third-fourths ( )2. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is about________. A. 320-meter-tall B. 320-meter tall C. 320 meter tail D. 320 meters tall ( ) 3.The Century Park is far from here, indeed it’s about ______ walk. A.two hours B. a two hour’s C. a two-hours D. a two-hour ( )4. In the past two years, many tall buildings have been built in our city. The tallest is an ________ that stands in the centre. A. 80-floor building B. 60-floor building C. 80-floor buildings D. 70 floors building ( )5. Nearly ________ of the earth ________ covered by sea。 A. three-fourth; is B. three-fourths; is C. three-forth; are D. three-fourths; are ( ) 6.--- How soon will you finish your work? ---In about _______. A. one and a half month B. one month and a half C. one and half a month D. a month and half ( )7. ________, Coca-Cola began to enter China's market. A. In 1970's B. In 1970s C. In the 1970s' D. In the 1970s ( )8. It took me ________ to get there. A. two hours and a half B. two hours and half C. two hour and a half D. two hour and half ( )9. Five _______ students from different schools took part in the English contest last


学习资料 初中英语语法专项习题-代词 代词(pron.)代替名词,兼有名词和形容词的作用 (一)代词的类别 相互代词each other,one another 指示代词this,that,these,those 不定代词(不指明特定的人或事物的代词)each,every,both,all,either,neither,none,no,one,(a)few,(a)little,some,any,many,much,other,another 复合不定代词everybody,somebody,anybody,nobody,everyone,someone,anyone,no one,every-thing,something,anything,nothing 疑问代词what,who,whom,which,whose 直接代词疑问代词都可作连接代词,引导宾语从句。表语从句等。 关系代词who,whom,whose,that,which用引导定语从句。 (二)代词的用法 1.人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词和指示代词的用法 (1)人称代词有主格和宾格之分,主格用来作主语,宾格用来作动词或介词的宾语等。 eg. She gave me a red apple.她给了我一个红苹果:(She作主语,me作动词宾语) Kath is near him.凯西靠近他。(介词near的宾语) 2.物主代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之分。 ①形容词性物主代词位于名词前:their school,his backpack ②名词性物主代词相当干一个名词,在句中可作主语、宾语等,后面不能再接名词。 egIt isn’t my pen.→Mine(=my pen)is missing.(作主语) I left my pen at home. You can use hers(=her pen),(作宾语) ③“of+名词性物主代词”属双重所有格的一种形式。 eg.a cat of hers她的一条狗,a friend of yours你的一个朋友 (3)反身代词 ①反身代词在句中可作同位语,起强调作用,也可作动词或介词的宾语。 eg.A few days later,I myself had to go to Paris.(作同位语) She bought herself a new bag.(作动词宾语) He’s not worried about himself.(作介词宾语) ②带有反身代词的常用短语。 teach oneself 自学 help oneself to 随便吃些…吧say to oneself 自言自语。learn……by oneself 自学…enjoy oneself 过得愉快leave one by oneself 把某人单独留下hurt oneself 伤了自己 dress oneself 自己穿衣服 come to oneself 苏醒过来 (4)相互代词 ①表示相互关系,可用作动词或介词的宾语,用法区别不大。 eg. For years, the two sisters looked after one another(each other)。多年来姐妹俩互相照顾。We should learn from each other. 我们应当互相学习。 ②可以用格表示所有关系:each other’s, one another’s互相的,彼此的

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