当前位置:文档之家› 江苏省射阳县第二中学2016-2017学年高一下学期英语作业(36-37)








21. —Where on earth did you get the book?

—It’s from Mary, if you ________ know.

A. should

B. could

C. must



22. There is no doubt, from my point of view, ________ what matters is not what happens

to you, but how you remember it.

A. that

B. what

C. whether

D. which

23. I believe she has some influence over the manager—she might ________ him.

A. replace

B. defeat

C. inform

D. persuade

24. Jim spent three months studying abroad. His wife, ________, took care of the children on her own.

A. otherwise

B. meanwhile

C. anyhow

D. besides

25. —Always lock your bicycle ________ you are away for just a minute.

—I will, Mom.

A. as if

B. even if

C. now that

D. in that

26. —Do you know Marie Curie was the first woman ________ the Nobel Prize?

—Yes, and she was also the mother of a Nobel Prize winner.

A. winning

B. won

C. to win

D. having won

27. Not only ________ given to people to find jobs, but medical treatment will also

be provided for people who need it.

A. will be help

B. help will be

C. will help be


help be will

28. So just let us know your schedule, and we can get together to go sight seeing at your ________.

A. best

B. service

C. request

D. convenience

29. I think a good organizer should act as a(n) ________ reminder of what the team

needs to achieve.

A. confident

B. constant

C. innocent



30. Teachers in our school are ready to employ all available tools to ________ English

teaching for the benefit of us students.

A. promote

B. fancy

C. escape



31. —Have you ever explored the British Museum?

—Yes. When I was in London, I ________ it twice.

A. had visited

B. would visit

C. visited

D. have visited

32. I am sorry to say that the music is too old-fashioned to ________ people any longer.

A. pay back

B. glance at

C. deal with

D. appeal


33. The best thing for us to do is live a life that is worth living, one ________

we do what we want to do.

A. where

B. that

C. which

D. when

34. Cats can make great pets because they are quiet and easy ________.

A. being looked after

B. looking after

C. to be looked after

D. to look after

35. —Mr. Smith, look at the printer. We need a new one.

—________. We bought it only a month ago!

A. You don’t say

B. You said it

C. You bet

D. You deserve it




Last Sunday morning I took Miley along with my two smaller dogs to PetSmart to get something. For some reason, Miley was 36 and jumped out of the cart. She started 37 around in the parking lot and then toward U.S. 31. I was in 38 .

With my other two dogs in the cart, I watched 39 and got into a state of panic. I 40 my two smaller dogs and my handbag, all in the cart, in the 41 of a complete stranger as I began to run 42 Miley. Several people began to chase

Miley when they saw what was 43 .

When I reached the east side of the road, a man 44 his car, jumped out with

it still running and 45 Miley as her journey took her across the very 46 road. He was able to finally catch Miley as she 47 ran toward the Baxter YMCA.

I took off across the road and saw him coming toward me 48 my 55-pound scared dog. He handed her to me, 49 we went back to the parking lot to get her in the cart. It’s 50 that she didn’t get hit crossing six lanes (车道) of traffic

on U.S. 31!

Thank you to all of the 51 that stopped to let us back across U.S. 31! Thank you to all the complete 52 in the PetSmart parking lot who stopped what they were doing to not only 53

to help catch her but went with me as we tried to chase her down and also took care

of my other two smaller dogs the entire time!

I can 54 express enough thanks for everything that those complete strangers did for me! I knew 55 of them, yet they stopped everything they were doing to help catch Miley.

36. A. scared B. tired C. satisfied D. disappointed

37. A. walking B. looking C. running D. wandering

38. A. excitement B. shock C. peace D. silence

39. A. aimlessly B. helplessly C. carelessly D. speechlessly

40. A. forced B. sent C. found D. left

41. A. care B. face C. shape D. comfort

42. A. at B. into C. over D. after

43. A. going B. happening C. arriving D. coming

44. A. started B. repaired C. stopped D. washed

45. A. protected B. chased C. caught D. prevented

46. A. quiet B. empty C. busy D. lonely

47. A. fearfully B. gratefully C. hopefully D. painfully

48. A. dragging B. grasping C. carrying D. lifting


广州市高一英语名著、名篇读后感评审结果 一等奖:(19人) 杨雨晨(增城市郑中钧中学)、樊泳意(增城市郑中钧中学)、陈倩婷(增城市中新中学)、陈镜新(增城中学)、何海明(78中)、吴星韵(6中)、利俐(6中)、叶子彤(5中)、谭颖沂(南武)、周于敬(仲元中学)、何滢(仲元中学)、袁婉仪(仲元中学)、李嘉欣(番禺中学)、罗梓欣(南村中学)、翁燕珊(南村中学)、郑玮欣(祈福英语实验学校)、麦志杰(86中)、刘中琪(113中)、陈思静(7中) 二等奖:(38人) 叶柳清(新塘中学)、吴雪莹(中新中学)、卜文雯(增城华侨中学)、赖碧霞(增城华侨中学)、林曼娜(增城中学)、陈嘉健(78中)、黄家韵(95中)、张力尹(南武)、林碧军(5中)、何敏杰(玉岩中学)、尚馨芬(番禺中学)、黄燕萍(东涌鱼窝头中学)、黎向业(大岗中学)、吴梓珊(南村中学)、陈玲(47中)、李洁玲(86中)、曾雯茜(广铁一中)、谈晓琳(27中)、卢坚宜(21中)、梁子峰(21中)、张弘慧(3中)、郑嘉颖(7中)、周嘉裕(13中)、赖嘉祈(华侨中学)、梁敏怡(华侨中学)、李凯欣(广大附中)、朱一艺(秀全中学)、毕静华(花都2中)、陈师莹(协和高中)、张记红(从化中学)、何淑怡(从化五中)、颜颖仪(广州培英)、林丽萍(广州培英)、杨倩影(广州培英)、黄匡熹(广州培英)、谭敏健(广雅中学)、陈嘉平(广雅中学)、莫颖茵(广雅中学) 三等奖:(85人) 陈伟杰(65中)、钟楚敏(65中)、冯梓霖(71中)、叶嘉茹(71中)、刘凤璋(白云中学)、骆欣颖(白云中学)、郑志威(白云中学)、杨燕琪(80中)、陈宝欣(80中)、陈欣榆(新塘中学)、朱志成(荔城中学)、王冬茹(增城市高级中学)、陈天蓓(41中)、潘卓艺(41中)、徐文潇(95中)、黄东婷(42中)、陈其美(42中)、周思彤(中大附中)、吴婉珊(97中)、郭秀明(97中)、简叶秋(76中)、欧惠玲(海珠中学)、陈晓旋(海珠中学)、劳钜能(石基三中)、张文雅((石基三中)、卢懿灵(番禺中学)、冯宁康(东涌鱼窝头中学)、范柏高(东涌中学)、洪睿(东涌中学)、冯振宏(大岗中学)、郭紫欣(南村中学)、陈嘉欣(南村中学)、陈宝仪(石楼中学)、叶祖慧(祈福英语实验学校)、李灵恩(祈福英语实验学校)、许峻男(祈福英语实验学校)、陶菁(祈福英语实验学校)、吕怡然(华师附中)、林居正(华师附中)、方洋洋(华美实验)、樊允晴(华美实验)、黄丽娟(113中)、欧隽滢(113中)、


《金岳霖先生》 班级姓名学号评价 【学习目标】 1、充满感情地朗读全文,了解汪曾祺运用轻松活泼、幽默滑稽的漫画笔法,掌握对人物的刻画方法。 2、培养良好的语言表达能力,语言平实有韵味,结合语境分析重要语句。 3、理解作者对老师的赞美怀念之情,培养尊师重教的高尚的感情,弘扬正气,营造良好的社会风气。【教学重难点】 1、汪曾祺亲切热情幽默滑稽的漫画笔法。 2、整体把握文章的脉络与情感线索。 【课时安排】 1课时 一、自学质疑 (一)自主预习 1.作家作品介绍 汪曾祺(19202097 ),当代作家,江苏高邮人1939 年考入昆明西南联合大学中文系,深受教写作课的沈从文先生的影响。1940年开始发表小说,1943年大学毕业后在昆明、上海任中学国文教员和历史博物馆职员以后又当过刊物编辑和剧团编剧著有小说集《邂逅集》、《羊舍的夜晚》、《汪曾祺短篇小说选》、《晚饭花集》、《寂寞与温暖》、《茱萸集》等,散文集有《蒲桥集》、《塔上随笔》等,文学批评集有《晚翠文谈》以及《汪曾祺自选集》等。其代表作也是其获奖小说是:短篇《受戒》、《大淖记事》,这些小说都是以散文笔调写出了家乡五行八作的见闻和风物人情、习俗民风,富于地方特色,属于民俗风情小说其散文“记人事,写风景,谈文化,述掌故,兼及草木虫鱼,瓜果食物,皆有精致兼作小考证,亦可喜娓娓而谈,态度亲切,不矜持作态,文求雅洁,少雕饰,如行云流水,春初心韭,秋末晚松,滋味近似”文中始终贯注着互融相济的儒道文化思想,因此被称为“二十世纪最后一位士大夫” 2、朗读课文,给加点字注音。 呢.帽()麂.皮() 夹.克()逻辑 ..() 脖颈 ..()跳蚤.()


射阳二中生活老师岗位职责及考核办法2012秋 学生生活老师主要工作职责:对住宿学生的教育、管理;保障学生人身、个人物品的安全;维护宿舍区内学校财产、设施的安全;宿舍区域卫生的打扫、保洁;学生用水用电等各项服务工作。具体内容如下: 一、生活老师应为人师表,服装整洁、语言文明,不得穿背心、拖鞋在校园内走动,违者一次扣10—20元。 二、学生在校时间生活老师轮流值班,值班人员24小时在岗,不得脱岗,负责按照学生发展中心规定的作息时间开、锁宿舍大门,不得延误或提前,违者按影响程度一次扣5—10元。非上课时间必须人人在岗,违者一次扣30元。 三、除学生家长外,校外人员不得进入宿舍楼,违者一次扣5元;晚间严禁容留校外人员或非住宿生,违者一次扣20元;严禁男女生互串宿舍,发现一次扣30元。 四、负责带领学生干部对住宿生的就寝、宿舍卫生等进行日常检查,并详细登记;例行就寝巡查,维持就寝纪律,及时督促、提醒学生上课、出操、打扫卫生。不检查或对违纪不管一次扣5—20元,管理不力一次扣5元;学生打架不制止或制止不力一次扣10—20元。 五、负责督促学生关窗锁门,留意各种可疑现象,保障学生的个人财物安全。凡出现学生现金、物品被盗,生活老师负连带责任,按损失金额的30%扣款。 六、负责宿舍楼各楼层(包括磁砖、楼梯、楼梯扶手)、洗手间(大小便池每月用盐酸彻底清洗一次)卫生的打扫和保洁,要求及时到位,发现不合格或不及时一处扣5—10元。 七、负责对宿舍的乱接、乱钉、乱贴、乱摆、乱放、乱倒等违纪行为及时发现和制止,并上报学生发展中心,不及时制止或知情不报一次扣5—10元。 八、负责检查门窗、管道、关水龙头,发现问题及时采取措施并报修,因延误造成损失一次扣5—10元。 九、平时上课期间严禁学生进入宿舍区、滞留在宿舍里,有特殊情况须出具班主任和学校相关主管部门的审批手续,生活老师须做好记录。违者每起扣20元。 十、严禁生活老师在宿舍内使用任何电器烧水、煮饭等,违者每次扣100--200元。 十一、生活老师须将检查记载表于次日上午8:00前投递到“常规检查记载”箱里,学生发展中心对生活老师工作定期检查和抽查,每缺一次扣5元。 十二、为迎接各级各类的检查、验收、评估和其它来校视察等活动,须配合学校做好相关的突击保洁和相关的服务工作。 十三、生活老师接受学生发展中心的管理和考核。


步步高高一英语暑假作业:作业(十)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单词拼写 单词拼写 1.The t________of my speech is learning to show respect for others. 2.The minister asked many w________ people in the area to raise money for the school project. 3.The whole day,the lion has been wandering all over the town, ________(使害怕)people. 4.There's a t________in our family that we have a party on New Year's Eve. 5.What's the ________(距离)between New York City and Boston? 6.It is said that the meeting will last ________(大约)three hours and include a meal. 7.His father hurried there to ________(证实)that he was safe. 8.Don't try to ________(混合)business with pleasure. 二、用单词的适当形式完成句子 用所给词的适当形式填空 9.I learned from the book that tea made in a ________ (cover)tea bowl tastes better. 10.On a ________(mist)morning,he set off for Beijing. 11.It is ________(tradition) in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. 12.The ________(confirm)of your application for the job is the first stage to make you one of their employees. 13.She felt a strange ________(mix) of excitement and fear when riding a roller coaster. 14.Yesterday we visited the space exhibition, which showed the ________(impress)achievements in the space history. 三、根据所给汉语意思完成句子 补全句子 15.He went out and _____________________________________________. 他出去了,灯还开着。 16.When asked,she ____________________ she was going to retire. 有人问她时,她确定了她即将退休。


1 扬州市2018-2019学年度第二学期期末检测试题 高一英语 本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟 第一部分 听力(满分30分)(共20小题:每小题1.5分, 满分30分) 第一节 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 A. Busy. B. Interesting. A. Go out for dinner. B. Phone the restaurant. A. In a bookstore. B. In a shop. C. In a post offi A. John. B. Mark. A. Seafood. B. Fried chicken. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 A. He watched TV. B. He stayed at home. 7. What will the woman probably do this A. Play tennis. B. Do some shopping. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 A. Watching TV. B. Playing computer games. C. Chatting on the phone. 9. How long does Tom plan to spend on his vacat A. Three days. B. One week. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 A. This evening. B. Tomorrow morning.


2016-2017学年第一学期高一级英语科期末考试试卷 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共15页,满分为150分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项:1、答卷前,考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和学号填写在答题卡和答卷密封线内的相应位置上,用2B铅笔将自己的学号填涂在答题卡上。 2、选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;不能答在试卷上。 3、非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔在答卷纸上作答,答案必须写在答卷纸各题 目指定区域内的相应位置上,超出指定区域的答案无效;如需改动,先划掉原来的答 案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答卷无效。 4、考生必须保持答题卡的整洁和平整。 第I卷(共95分) 一、听力理解(共2节,满分10分) 第一节听下面四段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话读两遍。(共10小题,每小题0.5分,满分5分) 听第一段材料,回答第1-2题。 1.What happened to the woman’s purse? A. It was missing. B. It was stolen. C. It was left at the bank. 2.Which is the right order of the places the speakers have been to? A. Coffee shop – bookshop – bank. B. Bank – coffee shop – bookshop. C. Bookshop – bank – coffee shop. 听第二段材料,回答第3-4题。 3.What is the relation between the two speakers? A. Mother and son.


一、选择题(20小题,每题4分,合计80分。每题只有一个选项是正确的,答案必须涂到答题卡上,否则不给分) 1、“宗者,尊也。为先祖主者,宗人之所尊也。”这反映了宗法制 A.强调血缘纽带 B.重视尊卑贵贱 C.以嫡长子继承制为特点 D.有利于凝聚宗族 2、历史学家夏曾佑在《中国古代史》一书中说:“中国之教,得孔子而后立;中国之政,得秦皇而后行;中国之境,得汉武而后定。三者皆中国之所以为中国也。”其中“中国之政”主要指的是: A.皇帝制B.三公九卿制 C.郡县制D.专制主义中央集权制 3、“统治中国的是一个由学者组成的统治集团即文人学士集团,他们为中国提供了一种赢得欧洲人敬佩的有效稳定的行政管理。另一方面,也正是这一制度,扼杀了创造力,培养了顺从性。”这是对下列哪一制度的评价 A.战国的军功爵制B.汉代的察举制 C.唐朝的科举制D.明代的科举制 4、一位学者在他的著作里说:在20世纪的大幕拉开的时候,当时的世界大国们在东方进行了一次很不光彩的集体亮相。“这一集体亮相”带来的重要后果是 A.日本挑起了甲午中日战争B..英国强迫清政府签订《南京条约》 C.中国完全沦为半殖民地半封建社会D.沙俄侵略我国新疆地区 5、1931年9月19日,北平部分国民党员致电国民党中央,提出“请息内争,共抗外敌”;11月4日。北平大学教授也提出“立泯系派之见,共赴国难”。这说明 A.国难当头使民族矛盾激化 B.国民党内部发生了分化 C.中共统一战线政策被接受D.国共内战受到一定遏制 6、辛亥革命10周年之际,梁启超撰文写道,“辛亥革命有什么意义呢?简单说……第一,觉得凡不是中国

人都没有权来管中国人的事;第二,觉得凡是中国人都有权来管中国人的事”。这反映出他认为辛亥革命A.增强了国民的民族民主意识B.打击了清政府的统治 C.打击了帝国主义的侵略势力 D.扩大了人民的民主自由权利 7、一首诗中写道:“迷雾云遮难敞亮,宇寰久夜盼骄阳。柏宅楼上龙聚首,湘水岸边船启航。初战娄山标魄力,四夺赤水过长江。行程二万通华北,□□□□挽国邦。”根据上下文的意思,□□□□处应该填写 A.中共成立B.国共合作 C.抗战胜利D.遵义会议 8、著名诗人贺敬之评述毛泽东诗词时曾这样说:“毛泽东诗词以其前无古人的崇高优美的革命感情、遒劲伟美的创造力量、超越奇美的艺术思想、豪华精美的韵调辞采,形成了中国悠久的诗史上风格绝殊的新形态的诗美,这种瑰奇的诗美熔铸了毛泽东的思想和实践、人格和个性。”下列毛泽东诗词反映新民主主义革命基本胜利的是 A.早已森严壁垒,更加众志成城。黄洋界上炮声隆,报道敌军宵遁 B.红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸。 C.钟山风雨起苍黄,百万雄师过大江。虎踞龙盘今胜昔,天翻地覆慨而慷 D.雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越 9、1949年9月,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议通过的《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》规定:中华人民共和国为①新民主主义国家②人民民主主义国家③社会主义国家④人民民主专政国家 A.②③④B.①③④ C.①②④D.①②③ 10、从将法仅当作统治和控制社会的工具,提升到将法作为一种价值理念和治国方略的高度,标志着中国共产党执政方式和治国方略的历史性转变。下列文献中明确提出这一理念的是 A.1949年《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》 B.1954年《中华人民共和国宪法》

高一英语暑假作业2 (2)

新课标2015年高一英语暑假作业2 (满分100分) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共4小题;每小题5分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 Nowadays the problem of the generation gap is becoming more and more serious. Poor relationship between parents and their children are very common. Whether we like it or not, our parents are responsible for us at least until we're out of high school. So rather than get upset about that fact, maybe we should focus on some ways to make our relationship better. The best way, in my opinion, is to learn to really communicate with my parents. When I find myself arguing with my mom and dad, I try to stop. If I can manage to stop myself from talking, I usually find that I can calm down quickly. I guess I'm usually acting out of emotion rather than logic(逻辑). But if I can stop arguing for a minute, it seems that my opinion changes and I start to realize that I'm a bit childish. Emotionally I may still be upset, but logically I understand that yelling(大 叫大嚷) and fighting surely won't make things better. Once I've stopped arguing, I look at my parents in the eye. You'd be amazed at how much easier it is to communicate with your parents when you've actually looking at them. Looking away doesn't do much of anything except for giving them the impression that I'm not listening or that I don't care. It's much easier to see things eye to eye when you're physically seeing them eye to eye. Finally, I listen to what they're saying (or at least I try). Communication can't happen unless both sides hear and listen to each other. There is nothing wrong with my hearing, but that doesn't mean I always listen to the sounds that people are making. When I argue with my parents, I can physically hear what they're saying without mentally listening to it. Whether I admit it or not, my parents' experience can actually help them give me


下学期高一英语5月月考试题01 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 请听下面五段对话,选出最佳选项。 1. Why can’t the woman go to the party? A. She is ill. B. She has to look after her mother. C. She will meet her friend. 2. When will the train leave? A. At 9:45 B. At 10:15 C. At 11:15 3. What does the man mean? A. The woman should take bus 712. B. The woman should take bus 873. C. She could walk to Time Plaza. 4. What does the woman mean? A. She doesn’t like the man. B. She would go out with him next time. C. If there was no test, she would go with him. 5. What’s the woman’s opinion about how to learn a language? A. The same as the man’s B. Going abroad to learn it. C. We don’t know. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. In which way does the woman know Jeff is a student and musician? A. From his school B. From his application. C. From his introduction. 7. What can you know from the dialogue? A. Jeff wants to find a job.

江苏省射阳县第二中学高中政治必修二导学案第2课 我国公民的政治参与

第二课我国公民的政治参与 第三框民主管理第四框民主监督 【学习目标】 1.我国的村民自治和城市居民自治 2.我国公民依法行使民主监督权的渠道和方式 3.公民应负责地行使监督权利 【学习重点】我国的村民自治和城市居民自治 【学习难点】我国公民依法行使民主监督权的渠道和方式 【课时安排】 2课时 【自主探究】请你根据下面的提示,带着问题阅读课本,做好自学和预习。 一、教材助读 (一)民主管理 1.发展基层民主,保障人民享有更多更切实的民主权利,是我国发展社会主义的重要内容。实行和城市,以保证人民群众依法直接行使民主权利,管理公共事务和公益事业,是人民当家作主的有效途径。 2.在农村,是村民自我管理、自我教育、自我服务的基层组织。,是村民自治的基础,也是村民参与的主要途径。村民可以通过等形式,发表意见,参与本村公共事务和公益事业的决策与管理。凡涉及全村村民利益的事,都由村民会议按照的原则讨论决定。 3.制定或村规民约等形式,是村民规范自己和村干部的行为,运用民主的办法来管理村里的日常事务,实现“自己的事情自己办,自己的难题自己解”的。 4.在村民自治实践中,广大村民创造了、民主评议村干部、村委会定期报告工作等形式,保证村民能够切实监督村民委员会的工作和村干部的行为,使村民自治逐步走上制度化、的轨道。 5.在城市,是居民自我管理、自我教育、自我服务的自治组织。 6.实行城市居民自治的作用:在维护居民的,管理居民的公共事务的,调解居民纠纷,协助维护社会治安,反映居民的等方面,居民委员会发挥着重要作用。

7.意义:实行农村村民自治和城市居民自治,扩大,是社会主义民主而深刻的实践。我国正把它作为发展社会主义民主政治的重点推进。 (二)民主监督 8.公民行使监督权,实行民主监督,有多种合法的渠道:;人大代表联系群众制度;制度;此外,监督听证会、、网上评议政府等活动,都是近年来出现的民主监督的新形式、新方法。 9.舆论监督以其透明度高、、影响广、等特点,在对国家机关和国家工作人员的监督中发挥着独特的作用。 10.重要意义:实行民主监督,既有利于改进国家机关和的工作,也有助于激发公民关心,为社会主义现代化建设出谋划策的主人翁精神。 11.公民应如何行使民主监督权:公民在行使监督权时,一方面,为了国家和人民的利益,要敢于同邪恶势力进行斗争,勇于使用和法律规定的监督权;另一方面,必须采取合法方式,坚持的原则,不能干扰公务活动。(概括地说:公民一要勇于行使监督权利,二要负责地行使监督权利。)二、预习自测 (一)、单项选择题 1.在我国现阶段的民主实践中,村民委员会和城市居民委员会属于群众性 A.基层政权组织 B.基层自治组织 C.基层经济组织 D.基层社会团体 2. 《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法》颁布实施以来,越来越多的地区的农民群众直接投票选举村委会干部,实现了“自己的干部自己选,自己的事情自己管”。这说明 A.只要村民参与民主管理,就能够解决农村的一切问题 B.村民行使民主管理权利,不受制约 C.村民行使民主选举的权利得到了切实保障 D.我国人民直接行使国家权力 3.目前,新一轮村委会换届选举工作在全国各地展开,实行村委会选举,是中国特色社会主义民主政治的伟大创造。如果综合这些信息写一篇新闻稿,你认为最合适的标题是 A.选举权和被选举权——公民基本的民主权利 B.自己选举当家人——村民自治的基础 C.村民委员会选举——发展大众文化的创举 D.发展基层民主——精神文明建设的根本目标 4.《村委会组织法》颁行10余年来,我国村民的选举权、知情权、决策权、参与权和监督权得到进


1、Our“What’s New”collection features a massive range of the latest new DVD releases in movies,TV series,and documentaries. Andre Rieu—The Magic of Maastricht Andre commemorates(纪念)a remarkable 30 years since the founding of his beloved band,Johann Strauss Orchestra.This collection of finely crafted interpretations of uplifting evergreens is a must-have! Tracks include:Sole Mio,Hava Nagila(Let Us Be Happy),Halleluia,Tuti Frutti,Can’t Help Falling in Love,and more! $25.95.1 DVD,200 mins.Railroad Australia Meet the kings of the train world and discover what it takes to keep these metal monsters on the tracks.In a wild frontier of extreme heat and vast distances,an army of workers toil day and night to keep the nations lifeblood flowing...with a lot of help from the biggest and most powerful trains in existence. $24.95.2 DVDs,325 mins. Gentle Ben Based on the beloved children’s novel Gentle Ben follows the thrilling adventures in the Florida Everglades of a game warden,Tom Wedloe(Dennis Weaver),his wife Ellen(Beth Bricknel),their son Mark(Clint Howard)and Mark’s tame bear Ben. $39.95.4 DVDs.7 11 mins. Land Giris Land Girls follows the lives and loves of four girls away from home,doing their bit for Britain in the Wom en’s Land Army(WLA),a British civilian organization in WWII.The four girls have all joined the WLA with one common goal,to serve their country and help win the war.Follow the girls as they try to live out their lives in very challenging circumstances,with lots of laughter and tears along the way. $29.95.1 DVD.222 mins. 1.Which of the following probably appea ls to kids most? A.Andre Rieu-the Magic of Maastricht. B.Railroad Australia. C.Gentle Ben. https://www.doczj.com/doc/b810921828.html,nd Giris. 2.What is Andre Rieu most probably?

江苏省教材牛津高一英语M2U1 reading

高一英语学案 Learning content :learning Welcome to Unit 1&Reading(2) Learning aims :learning about the tale and useful words Learning difffult and important points: grasp the route of the passage Period one 课前预习 1加紧,加强2由于,因为 3寻找4失踪了 5一名高中生6走向他的住所 7径直走向他的房间8 播放他最喜欢的CD 9 拉开窗帘10 我吓坏了 11有一道光12叫醒她的妈妈 13做了噩梦14我碰到过 15把我带到飞碟上16在我身上做实验 17负责这个案子18编造一些耸人听闻的故事 19调查其它的可能性20一个典型的新闻故事 自主学习的过程 Step one:Read the passage and then answer the questions. 1What is the article about? 2 Who is missing? 3 Do the police know what happened to Justin? 4 Police puzzled----Why are they puzzled? At 8 p.m.________________ __ _ At 10.45 p.m._____________ __ 5 Justin Foster At 11 p.m._______________ __ After 11 p.m., he was heard ___________ ______________ size its appearance shape 6 Strange object(UFO) colour its inside 1Where does Justin Foster live? 2 Why did Justin’s mother go to bed early? 3What sports does Justin play? 4. What time did the witness see Justin walking home? 5 Does Justin have any brothers and sisters? 6 What colour were the aliens?


广州市2020学年下学期高一年级英语期中模拟试题01 第I卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分) 请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.When is Peter’s birthday? A.On June 11th . B. On June 12th . C. On June 13th. 2.What does the woman’s husband like? A.Playing ball games. B. Running. C. Watching sports programs. 3.What does the woman think of driving? A. Dangerous. B. Safe. C. Comfortable. 4. What does the man want to drink? A. Wine. B. Beer. C. Water. 5. How far is it from here to the church? A. 300 meters. B. 500 meters. C. 800 meters. 第二节(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有

时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 *听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. How long has the woman been in this area? A. For a week. B. For two weeks. C. For three weeks 7. What did the woman do yesterday? A. She saw a movie. B. She went to the beach. C. She went shopping. *听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What’s the most possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Colleagues. B. Friends. C. Neighbors. 9. How old is the man? A. 7. B. 17. C. 27. 10.What does the woman want the man to do? A. To attend her party. B. To make less noise. C. To share the apartment. *听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. Where does the man want to go? A. To New York. B. To New Jersey. C. To Hawaii. 12. When will the man leave? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.


江苏省射阳县第二中学2019-2020学年九年级10月月考语文 试题(普通班) 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、句子默写 1.古诗文名句默写。 (1)浊酒一杯家万里,_______________________。 (2)_______________________,千骑卷平冈。 (3)_______________________,五十弦翻塞外声。 (4)持节云中,_______________________? (5)_______________________?英雄末路当磨折。 (6)________________,人道是,清光更多。 (7)一抹晚烟荒戍垒,_______________________。 (8)_______________________,归去,也无风雨也无晴。 (9)_______________________,万钟于我何加焉? (10)《破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》表现诗人心中常常激荡着保家卫国、建功立业的强烈愿望的句子是:_______________________,_______________________。 二、基础知识综合 2.阅读下面文字,按要求答题。 古往今来,人们都在编织着梦想与希jì。如果说梦想是天边的星辰,永恒地照亮匆匆的人生,那么,现实就是脚下的土地,真实地记录着行走的足迹。人,既不能生活在华而不实的梦想里,也不要沉nì于喧萧纷扰的现实中。在人生的道路上,我们要一边种植梦想,____,随时采撷,收获希望。 (1)根据拼音写出相应的汉字,给划线的字注音。 希jì(____)沉nì(____) (2)文中有错别字的一个词是“_____________”,这个词的正确写法是“________”。(3)根据文意,仿照文中画线的句子,在横线处填上一句恰当的话。 ________________________________________________ 三、选择题 3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用错误的一项是() A.扬州市推广使用电子书以后,学生们摆脱了卷帙浩繁 ....的纸质教材、参考书,书包的


Part 3: 小训练,大智慧! 一.单词拼写 1. All of us have been a________ that ads play an important role in our daily life. 2. They made a c______ that this type of digital camera was of high quality. 3. His lie was so touching that many of his friend f_____ for it. 4. This new kind of computers are so small and light that they are c _______to carry about. 5. His unique a__________ to the problem was thought highly of by the teacher. 6. Many young people like his songs, that is to say, his songs a__________ to young people. 7. He p________ me to go shopping and I bought a big pack of goods. 8. Your job is p________ the new product to make it known to consumers. 9. That hotel is famous for its fine s______. The waiters and waitresses are friendly and polite. 10. Some commerc ial ads don’t tell the truth, so be s_______ about them. 二. 完成句子 11. 他说服我放弃了中断试验的想法。 He _________ me to ______ ______the idea of dropping the experiment. 12. 她总是想着怎样才能为祖国多做些事情。 She always _______ ________ how to do more for the motherland. 13. Clare,让Harry玩一会儿你的玩具。你要学会和你的弟弟分享。 Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare---you must learn to _______ _______ your brother. 14. 如果要吸引顾客,你必须考虑使用何种方法。 If you want to ____________ __________, you must decide _______ ______________ you want to use. 15. 一个好教师会想尽各种办法让学生听懂。 A good teacher will try lots of different ways to ____ ______ _______ ________ to the students. 16. Nell不相信Joe是喷气式飞机飞行员的说法。 Nell did not _______ __________ Joe’s story about being a jet pilot. 17. 我已经习惯处理这种问题了。 I’m _________ _______ ____________ ___________ matters of this sort. 18. 目前我们住单元房很满意,不过不久我们也想住个独门独院的房子。 We’re ______ _______ ________ in a flat for the moment, but we may want to _______ _____ a house soon.

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