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2004年4月生 态 学 报ACT A ECOLOGICA SINICA V ol.24,N o.4A pr.,2004



(1.中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085;2.北京林业大学,北京 100083)

基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目(G2000046807);中国科学院知识创新资助项目(KZC X3-SW -424)

收稿日期:2003-05-27;修订日期:2004-03-10作者简介:马克明(1969~),男,博士,副研究员,主要从事景观生态学、保护生态学和生态模型研究。E-mail:mkm @

Foundation item :Th e Development Plan of the S tate Key Fund amental Research of China(No.G2000046807);Know ledge Innovation Program of CAS (No.KZCX3-S W-424)

Received date :2003-05-27;Accepted date :2004-03-10

Biography :M A Ke-M ing,Ph.D.,Ass ociate profess or,mainly engaged in lands cape ecology,cons ervation ecology,and ecological modelling.摘要:提出区域生态安全格局概念的提出,适应了生态系统恢复和生物多样性保护的发展需求。针对区域生态环境问题,通过干扰排除以及空间格局规划和管理,能够保护和恢复生物多样性,维持生态系统结构、功能和过程的完整性,实现对区域生态环境问题的有效控制和持续改善。区域生态安全格局的研究对象具有针对性、研究尺度具有区域性、研究问题具有系统性、研究手段具有主动性。它强调区域尺度的生物多样性保护、退化生态系统恢复及其空间合理配置、生态系统健康的维持、景观生态格局的优化、以及对社会经济发展需求的满足。它更加强调格局与过程安全及其整体集成,将生态系统管理对策落实到具体的空间地域上,实现管理效果的直观可视。相关理论,景观生态学、干扰生态学、保护生物学、恢复生态学、生态经济学、生态伦理学、和复合生态系统理论等为其提供了坚实的理论基础。区域生态安全格局不存在一个固定标准,人类对生态系统服务功能需求的不断变化是生态系统管理的根本原因。实现区域生态安全不但要以社会、经济、文化、道德、法律、和法规为手段,更要以其不断发展对生态系统服务功能的新需求为目标逐步进行。区域生态安全格局研究对于解决区域生态环境问题具有不可替代的作用,具有广阔应用前景。


The regional pattern for ecological security (RPES ):the concept and theoretical basis

M A Ke -Ming 1,FU Bo -Jie 1,LI Xiao -Ya 2,GUAN Wen -Bin 2 (1.Resear ch Center f or Eco -Env ir onmental S cience ,Chinese

A cademy o f Sc iences ,

B eij ing 100085;2.Beij ing Forestry Univ ersity ,B eij ing 100083).Acta Ecologica Sinica ,2004,24(4):761~768.

Abstract :T he concept of the Reg io na l P atter n fo r Eco lo gical Security (RPES)was pr oposed.A imed at r egio nal eco lo gical and envir onmental pro blems,a spat ial patter n can be desig ned and managed to conserv e and resto re biodiv ersity ,to maintain ecosystem integr it y o f structur es ,funct ions and pr ocesses ,and to realize the effective contr ol and continuing impr ovem ent of the specific pr o blems o n the basis o f distur bance r emo val.Which w as accor dant w ith the developments o f eco lo gica l resto rat ion and bio lo gical conser vation.T he R PES study directly point ed to the eco log ical pr oblem s and focused o n t he eco lo gical resto r atio n a nd biolog ical conserv atio n at r egional scale,the study w as system atic,and the appr oach w as activ e.It emphasized on the r est or atio n and co nfig ur ation of degr aded ecosystems ,the maintenance o f ecosystem health ,the o pt imization of landsca pe patter n ,and the spatial patter n a djustment adapt ed to t he developments of the so ciety and eco nomics at reg io nal sca le.T he spat ial pat tern visualized the str ateg ies o f ecosy stem manag ement,and ensur ed the securit y of eco lo g ical pa tter n and pro cess as well as t heir integ ration at r egional sca le.T he releva nt theor ies,landscape ecolog y ,distur bance eco lo gy ,conserv atio n biolog y,resto ration ecolog y,eco log ical eco no mics,ecolog ical ethics,and t he integr ated eco system theo ry ,supplied so lid theor etical suppor ts to the co ncept .T he R PES has no t a fixed standard ,but the v aried human r equirement to ecosystem serv ices is the ro ot r eason fo r im plementing the eco system management.T herefo re ,it sho uld be realized not o nly by the means of social,eco nomic,cultur al,mor al,law ,and r egularity metho ds,but also need to be co nsistent to the dev elo ping