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Unit1 Greetings

Learning aims【学习目标】

1. To learn something about greetings.

2. To improve the ability of reading.

Important & Difficult points【重点难点】

Important points重点:To analyze the whole text and know about the structure of the text.

Difficult points难点:How to improve the skills of reading.

Learning guide【方法引导】Read, copy and recite.

Learning procedures【学习过程】

Step1 Try to remember the new words as quickly as possible.(温馨提示:说一千,道一万,记住单词是关键。)(A级)

1. Read and recite new words and phrases from survey three times.

2. 根据所给词的首字母及中文释义,写出各单词的完整形式。(方法导引,先默写,然后核对答案,错误之处用红笔标出,写出正确答案并再加以巩固。)(B级)

1)w_______ (欢迎)2) v _______ (职业的)

3)g_______ (高兴的)4) m________(遇见,汇合,迎接)5) l______(看,瞧,看起来,显得... ) 6) c______ (教室)

7)b________ (建筑物,楼房)8) l________ (实验室)

9)f________ (楼层,地板)10) l________ (大的)

11)b_______ (明亮的)12) c_________ (班级,课节)13) l_______(图书馆)14) l_________ (批,块)

15)r________ (读,阅读)16) s____________ (学习)

17)a__________ (在...之后)18)s____________ (看见)

19)n__________ (下次的,其次的)20)d____________ (宿舍)

21)d__________ (餐厅)22)b__________ (卧室,寝室)

Step2 Warming up

1. Read these sentences.

1.May I come in? 我能进来吗?

e in, please. 请进。

3.Sit down, please. 请坐。

4.It's time for class. 上课时间到了。

5.Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。

6.I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。

7.Here! 到!

8.Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗?

9.Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗?

10.Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗?

11.Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗?

12.Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗?

13.Any questions? 有什么问题吗?

14.That's all for today. 今天就讲到这里。

15.I have to go now. 我必须走了。

Step3 Fast reading (方法导引:略读或浏览阅读(skimming):忽略不懂的句子和生词,快速阅读原文。目的只是为了了解阅读材料的大意。针对这篇文章我们只要回答

when ,where ,who ,what ,why and how 的问题)

1.Skim the whole passage and answer the questions.

1)What’s the name of Li Lei’s new school? ____________________.

2)Where is Li Lei’s classroom? ____________________.

2.Read the passage quickly to find out the main idea of the passage.(D级)

·Li Lei expressed ____ ____ when he introduced his new school.

Step 4 Careful reading.(方法导引:采用扫描式阅读(scanning):进行有目的的阅读,目的是寻找某些资料或信息,对于无关部分可以忽略。)(B级)1.Read the passage and join the correct parts of the sentences.

1)Li Lei’s classroom is A the library

2) There are four reading rooms in B basketball and football after class

3)There are many dormitory in C large and bright

4)Many students play D the red building