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• 4. At the beginning of this term, we were told we
had done poorly in English and we felt ashamed of it.
• 5. We realized that it was urgent to learn English well. • 6. If every student in our class sticks to learning English, we are to be praised by Mr.Peng.
Revision of The passive Infinitive
Revision 完成下列句子并指出画线部分在句中的作用。
love and to be loved (爱和被爱)are both 1. To ____________________ great happiness. to have finished his work 2. He is said __________________________( 已经 完成了他的工作). to sit around (闲坐着) 3. I don‘t have time _____________ feeling sorry for myself. to have been admitted into 4. They expect ________________________ (admit into) the club by the end the month. to be reading(read) a book 5. He pretended ___________ when I came in.
5)做定语 What a victory to bຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu envied by those women! 巴西人对即将在巴西举行的世界杯感到骄傲。 proud of World Cup to be held The Brazilian are _______________________________in Brazil.
3) 做宾语 She didn’t like to be treated as a child. He pretended to have been beaten by his step-father. 这位职员不希望被她的顾客嘲笑。 to be laughed at by her The clerk wouldn’t like___________________________ ______________________________________________. customers
Every student expects to be praised but it is not easy to be praised by Mr.Peng, our head teacher. To be honest, he often teaches us how to protect ourselves and some effective ways to study. What’s more, he often encourages us to study hard and try our best to realize our dreams to be admitted into ideal universities, but we always make him disappointed. At the beginning of this term, we were told we had done poorly in English and we felt ashamed of it, so we realized that it was urgent to learn English well. All in all, if every student in our class sticks to learning English, we are to be praised by Mr.Peng.
6)做状语 All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to be received in time for Christmas. 他匆忙赶到订票处(booking office)却被告知 所有的票都卖完了。(only to)
He hurried to the booking office only ___________that to be told all the tickets___________________. had been sold out
二、翻译练习 1.据说这会议已经被取消了(cancel). (sth/sb. is said to do…) The meeting is said to have been cancelled. 2.残疾人不喜欢被别人嘲笑。 The disabled don’t like to be laughed at. 3.你可以相信他。他是一个可靠的人(depend on) 。 You can trust him. He is a man to be depended on. 4.能被邀请进这个英语俱乐部,是一大荣幸 It is a great honor to be invited to the English Club.
不定式 主动语态
to do to be doing
to be done
一般式 进行式
to have done to have been done
4) 做宾语补足语 Tony expected the house to be completely transformed. 这个残疾的孩子希望由这个建筑师来设计这座 电影院。 The disabled child to be _________________expected the cinema_______ _________________________________________. designed by the architect
to be sent 1. He asked ______________(send) to the place where he was most needed. to have been punished 2.He seems ____________________ (punish) by his teacher yesterday. to be fined (fine). 3. Dick sped on the motorway only_________ to have lost 4. I am terribly sorry ___________(lose) your key.
to be admitted 5. I hope _______________(admit) to Zhongshan University. have been translated 6.The book is said to ____________________ (translate) into several languages. to be welcomed 7.I feel greatly honored _________________ (welcome) into their society . to be raining 8.It happened ______________ (rain) when I got there)
一.结构 : to do (否定) not/never to do 二. 时态与语态 不定式 主动语态 被动语态
一般式 进行式
to do to be doing
to be done
to have done to have been done
三. 动词不定式的被动语态在句子中的作用 1) 做主语(常用it做形式主语) To be offered sympathy by a robot is ridiculous. It is ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. 被邀请参加这个奥运会开幕式,是一大荣幸。 It is a great honor to be invited to attend ______________________________________the opening ceremony of Olympic Games. 2) 做表语 The party is to be held next Saturday evening. 这款新机器人将在明年进行试验(test out)。 The new robot is to be tested out next year.
• 1. Every student expects to be praised, but it is not easy to be praised by Mr.Peng, our head teacher. • 2. To be honest, he often teaches us how to protect ourselves and the some effective ways to study. • 3. He often encourages us to study hard and try our best to realize our dreams to be admitted into ideal universities, but we always make him disappointed.
• 1. 每个学生都想要被夸奖,但是要得到我们班主任 彭老师的夸奖并不容易(praise)。 • 2. 老实说,他经常教我们如何保护自己和一些有效 的学习方法(effective ways)。 • 3. 他也经常鼓励我们努力学习,尽最大的努力去实 现被理想大学录取的梦想。但是我们总是让他失望 (admit into; ideal)。 • 4. 这个学期初,我们被告知我们英语考得很差,我 们也为此感到很羞愧。(do badly/poorly in; feel /be ashamed of) • 5. 我们意识到学好英语亟不可待(urgent)。 • 6.假如我们班每个学生都能坚持学英语,我们一定 会得到彭老师的表扬。(be to do)