当前位置:文档之家› 飞机维修专业主要术语和英文缩写汇编分解











1.1 适航性

























民航飞机专业术语中英文对照 1、the airframe 机身,结构 2、The front (fore) part 前部 3、The rear (aft) part 后部 4、port 左旋(舵) 5、starboard 右旋(舵) 6、the inboard engine or inboards 内侧发动机 7、the outboard engine or outboards 外侧发动机 8、the nose 机头 9、the belly 腹部 10、the skin 蒙皮 11、the windscreen or windshield 风挡 12、the wing 机翼 13、the trailing edge 机翼后缘 14、the leading edge 机翼前缘 15、the wing tip 翼尖 16、the control surface 操纵面 17、ailerons 副翼 18、flaps (inboard flap,outboard flap,leading edge flaps) 襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘缝翼)

19、spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler)(spoiler down\up) 阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开) 20、slats 缝翼 21、elevators (elevator control tab) 升降舵(升降舵操纵片) 22、rudder (rudder control tab) 方向舵(方向舵操纵片) 23、flap angle 襟翼角 24、flap setting 襟翼调整 25、the full flap position 全襟翼位置 26、a flapless landing 无襟翼着陆 27、the landing gear 起落架 28、stabilizer 安定面 29、the nose wheel 前轮 30、gear locked 起落架锁定 31、the wheel well 起落架舱 32、the wheel door 起落架舱门 33、a tyre 轮胎 34、to burst 爆破 35、a deflated tyre 放了气的轮胎 36、a flat tyre 走了气的轮胎 37、a puncture 轮胎被扎破 38、to extend the flaps (to retract the flaps) 放下襟翼



护理常用英文术语集锦 Nursing processes 护理过程 assessment 估计 nursing diagnosis 护理诊断 planning 计划 intervention (implementation, management)措施(实施、管理) evaluation 评价Daily care of the patient 对病人的日常护理 morning (evening)care, AM (HS)care 晨(晚)间护理bedmaking 整理床铺 oral hygiene (mouth care)口腔卫生 brushing the teeth 刷牙 flossing the teeth 清牙垢 denture care 清洗假牙 bathing 洗澡 cleanliness and skin care 清洁与皮肤护理 perineal care 洗会阴 hair 梳头 shaving 刮脸 Care of nails and feet 指甲修剪和洗脚 changing hospital gowns 更换住院服装

massage 按摩 bedsore care 褥疮护理Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征 taking oral (rectal, axillary)temperature 量口腔(直肠、腋下)体温 taking a radial pulse 测量桡动脉脉搏 counting respirations 计呼吸次数 measuring (taking)blood pressure 量血压Catheterization 导管插入术 cardiac catheterization 心导管插入术 laryngeal catheterization喉插管术 retro-urethral catheterization 逆行导尿管插入术 urethral catheterization 尿道导管插入术Clean techniques, medical asepsis 消毒灭菌 asepsis 无菌(法) integral asepsis 完全无菌 disinfection 消毒 concomitant (concurrent)disinfection 随时消毒,即时消毒steam disinfection 蒸汽消毒 terminal disinfection 终末消毒 disinfection by ultraviolet light 紫外线消毒 Sterilization 灭菌,消毒


医疗器械国际业务常用英语及其缩写 2016-07-19宝沐老师 来源:医疗维修在线 disposable sterile injector 一次性无菌注射针injection set注射器 disposable venous infusion needle一次性静脉输液针disposable infusion set 一次性使用输液器 blood transfusion set输血器 infusion bag液袋 urinedrainage bag集尿袋 blood bag血袋 medical catheter医用导管 stainlesssteel needle不锈钢医用针管 bloodtaking needle采血针 needle destroyer针头销毁器 automatic packer自动纸塑包装机 ice pack冰袋 eyeshade眼罩 Medical injection pump医用灌注泵

Emergency Room 急诊室 Hospital 医院 Medical Ward 内科病房 Surgical Ward 外科病房 Pediatric Ward 儿科病房 Laborand Delivery 接生房 Operation Room (OR)手术室 Coronary Care Unit (CCU)心脏重症室 Intensive Care Unit (ICU)重症室 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)内科重症室Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)初生婴儿重症室Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)儿科重症室Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)外科重症室Hospice 末期护理 Home Health Service 居家健康服务 Laboratory 化验所 Outpatient Surgical Center 门诊手术中心Pharmacy 药房 HealthCare Provider 医疗服务



护理专业常用英语词汇 一、Commonly Used Nursing Terms(常用护理技术用语) (2) 二、Commonly Used Nursing Equipment (常用护理器械) (8) 三、Organization and Members of A Healht Care Facility (医院部门及主要职务术语) (13) 一、Commonly Used Nursing Terms(常用护理技术用语) Nursing processes Assessment Nursing diagnosis Planning Intervention (implementation, management) Evaluation Daily care of the patient Morning (evening) care, AM (HS) care Bedmaking Oral hygiene (mouth care) Brushing the teeth Flossing the teeth Denture care Bathing Cleanliness and skin car Perineal care Hair care Shaving Care of nails and feet Changing hospital gowns Massage Bedsore care 褥疮护理 Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征 Taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature Taking a radial pulse Counting respirations Measuring (taking) blood pressure Catheterization Cardiac catheterization 护理过程 估计 护理诊断 计划 措施(实施、管理)评价 对病人的日常护理晨(晚)间护理 整理床铺 口腔卫生 刷牙 清牙垢 清洗假牙 洗澡 清洁与皮肤护理 会阴部护理 梳头 刮脸 指甲修剪和洗脚 更换住院服装


民用航空器材常用英文缩略语简介 发布人:admin发布日期:2008-1-23 9:39:24 A/C: Aircraft APU: Auxiliary Power Unit 飞机辅助动力装置---满足飞机在地面执行各种功能的需要ASPL: Advance Spares Provisioning List 飞机交付前飞机制造厂家提供的零备件清单 B/P: Budget Price 零备件参考价格 CSP: Component Support Program 飞机制造厂家提供的高价周转件支援计划 CSUFI: Chapter-Section-Unit-figure-Item(from IPC) 零件图解目录手册中零件位置的表述 FR: Main Base Fill Rate 飞机主基地的航材保障的发付率 GTA: General Terms Agreement 飞机、发动机、备件购买、维修、支援、索赔、培训等总协议FAA:Federal Aviation Administration 联邦航空局 JAA:Joint Aviation Administration 欧洲联合航空局 EASA: Europe Aviation Security Administration欧洲联邦航空安全局IPC:Illustrated Parts Catalog 零件图解目录手册 RSPL:The Recommended Spare Parts List 飞机、发动机、零件制造厂家推荐给用户的备件清单 PRSPL: Peculiar Recommended Spare Parts List 根据需要制造厂家提供的特殊零备件推荐清单 SPEC2000:Industry Guidelines for Traceability 美国航空生产企业商业规范说明书 ATA: Air Transport Association


护理专业常用英语词汇 目录 一、Commonly Used Nursing Terms(常用护理技术用语) 二、Commonly Used Nursing Equipment (常用护理器械) 三、Organization and Members of A Healht Care Facility (医院部门及主要职务术语) 一、Commonly Used Nursing Terms(常用护理技术用语) Nursing processes Assessment Nursing diagnosis Planning Intervention (implementation, management) Evaluation Daily care of the patient Morning (evening) care, AM (HS) care Bedmaking Oral hygiene (mouth care) Brushing the teeth Flossing the teeth Denture care Bathing Cleanliness and skin car Perineal care Hair care Shaving Care of nails and feet Changing hospital gowns Massage Bedsore care 褥疮护理 Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征Taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature Taking a radial pulse 护理过程 估计 护理诊断 计划 措施(实施、管理) 评价 对病人的日常护理 晨(晚)间护理 整理床铺 口腔卫生 刷牙 清牙垢 清洗假牙 洗澡 清洁与皮肤护理 会阴部护理 梳头 刮脸 指甲修剪和洗脚 更换住院服装 按摩 褥疮护理 测量生命体征 测量口腔(直肠、腋下)温度测量桡动脉脉搏


一药物拉丁缩写:GS(葡萄糖注射液) NS(生理盐水) NG(硝酸甘油) NE(去甲肾上腺素)PG(青霉素G) SMZ(磺胺甲恶唑) SG(磺胺脒) SB(碳酸氢钠) ABOB(吗啉胍) DXM(地塞米松) PAMBA(止血芳酸) TAT(破伤风) FU(氟脲嘧啶)RFP(利福平) EM(红霉素) ISO(异丙肾上腺素) Vit(维生素) 二处方缩写:tid(一日三次) bid(一日两次) qid(每天四次) qd/sid(每天一次) qn(每晚) hs(睡前) ac(饭前) Pc(饭后) aj(空腹时) am(上午) pm(下午)tid每天3次qh每小时一次q2h每小时两次q4h每小时三次q6h每小时六次st立即执行prn需要时(长期) sos需要时(限用一次,12小时内有效) ID皮内注射H皮下注射IM肌内注射IV静脉注射 1.胃管 肛门排气,肠蠕动恢复,每种手术时间不一样,胃部手术大约3-7天. 2.尿管 术后能下床自行排尿,先要进行膀胱括约肌的训练,扎住尿管后有需要小便的感觉。有些会阴部、直肠或泌尿系手术根据个人情况。 3.腹腔负压球 术后7-10天左右,引流量逐渐减少,24小时少于20毫升,颜色有鲜红转为淡红或无色。 4.T型管 :“T”型管放置十天以上可先夹闭引流管,必要时做胆囊造影,如确定胆管下端已通畅(夹闭时无不适症状)时,一般两周后可以拔管。根据黄志强的手术学是 胃管留置到胃肠功能畅通为止 尿管留置到可以自己排尿为止 肛管留置到可以自己解大便为止 引流管留置到没有引流物为止 我理解的就是到不需要为止是不是有点废话???拔管时间(六版外科) 乳胶片在术后1-2天


护理专业常用英语词汇精编W O R D版 IBM system office room 【A0816H-A0912AAAHH-GX8Q8-GNTHHJ8】

护理专业常用英语词汇 一、Commonly Used Nursing Terms(常用护理技术用语) Nursing processes Assessment? Nursing diagnosis Planning Intervention (implementation, management) Evaluation Daily care of the patient Morning (evening) care, AM (HS) care? Bedmaking Oral hygiene (mouth care) Brushing the teeth Flossing the teeth Denture care 护理过程 估计 护理诊断 计划 措施(实施、管理)评价 对病人的日常护理晨(晚)间护理 整理床铺 口腔卫生 刷牙 清牙垢 清洗假牙

Bathing Cleanliness and skin car Perineal care Hair care Shaving Care of nails and feet Changing hospital gowns Massage Bedsore care 褥疮护理Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征Taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature Taking a radial pulse Counting respirations Measuring (taking) blood pressure Catheterization 洗澡 清洁与皮肤护理 会阴部护理 梳头 刮脸 指甲修剪和洗脚 更换住院服装 按摩 褥疮护理 测量生命体征 测量口腔(直肠、腋下)温度测量桡动脉脉搏 计呼吸次数 测量血压 导管插入术


A top A/C -- Aircraft A/G -- Air to Ground A/H -- Altitude/Height AAC -- Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center AAF -- Army Air Field AAI -- Arrival Aircraft Interval AAP -- Advanced Automation Program AAR -- Airport Acceptance Rate ABDIS -- Automated Data Interchange System Service B ACAIS -- Air Carrier Activity Information System ACAS -- Aircraft Collision Avoidance System ACC -- Airports Consultants Council ACC -- Area Control Center ACCT -- Accounting Records ACD -- Automatic Call Distributor ACDO -- Air Carrier District Office ACF -- Area Control Facility ACFO -- Aircraft Certification Field Office ACFT -- Aircraft ACI-NA -- Airports Council International - North America ACID -- Aircraft Identification ACIP -- Airport Capital Improvement Plan ACLS -- Automatic Carrier Landing System ACLT -- Actual Landing Time Calculated ACO -- Office of Airports Compliance and Field Operations ACO -- Aircraft Certification Office ACRP -- Airport Cooperative Research Program ADA -- Air Defense Area ADAP -- Airport Development Aid Program ADAS -- AWOS Data Acquisition System ADCCP -- Advanced Data Communications Control Procedure ADDA -- Administrative Data ADF -- Automatic Direction Finding ADI -- Automatic De-Ice and Inhibitor ADIN -- AUTODIN Service ADIZ -- Air Defense Identification Zone ADL -- Aeronautical Data-Link ADLY -- Arrival Delay ADO -- Airline Dispatch Office ADP -- Automated Data Processing ADS -- Automatic Dependent Surveillance


医院各个科室里常用的英文缩写的分类对照 medical department/departmentof internal medicine:内科 surgical deparment;department of surgery:外科 pediatricsdepartment: 小儿科 obstetricsand gynecology department: 妇产科 ophtalmology department:眼科 dental department:牙科 ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科 urologydepartment:泌尿科 dermatologydepartment; skin department:皮肤科 department of general surgery普通外科 orthopedic surgery department:矫形外科 traumatology department:创伤外科 plastic surgery: 整形外科 anesthesiologydepartment: 麻醉科 pathologydepartment:病理科 cardiology department:心脏病科 psychiatry department:精神病科 orthopedics department: 骨科 departmentof cardiac surgery:心脏外科 department of cerebral surgery: 胸外科 neurology department: 神经科 neurosurgery department: 神经外科 thoracicsurgery department:脑外科 department of anus &intestine surgery 肛肠外科 department of hepatobiliary surgery 肝胆外科 department of traditionalChinese medicine:中医科 departmentofinfectiousdiseases 传染病科 geriatrics department: 老人病专科 hematology department: 血液科 department ofrheumatism风湿科 department of endocrinology 内分泌科 departmentof plasticsurgery 医学整形科 hepatologydepartment: 肝病专科 nephrologydepartment:肾脏科 department ofvenereology 性病专科 departmentof physiotherapy理疗科 electrotherapy room 电疗科 heliotherapy room 光疗科 wax-therapyroom蜡疗科


航空术语缩写简表 A/THR 自动推力 咨询通告 AC 交流电 ACARS 通讯寻址和报告系统 ACD 适航符合性文件 ACJ 咨询通告-联合 ADIRU 大气数据基准组件 ADR 大气数据基准 ADS-B 广播式自动相关监视(ADS-B)ADS-C 合约式自动相关监视(ADS-C) AFM 飞机飞行手册

离地高 AIME 独立监控推断AINS 飞机信息网络系统ALT 高度 AMC 可接受的符合方式AMJ 咨询资料包 AMM 飞机维修手册ANSU 飞机网络伺服组件AOA 迎角 AOC 航空公司运行控制AP 自动驾驶

辅助动力装置 AR 所需授权 ARINC 航路无线电INC ASD 加速停止距离ASDA 可用加速停止距离ASI 空速指示器 ATA 航协 ATC 空中交通管制ATSU 空中交通服务组件AWO 所有天气操作 BC 背航道

刹车和转弯控制组件CAA 民航管理局 CDL 构型偏差清单 CDLS 驾驶舱门锁系统 CFR 联邦规章代码 CG 重心 CIS 独联体 CLB 爬升 CMP 构型维护和程序CPDLC 管制员飞行员数据链通讯CS 运行规范

恒速马达发电机CWY 净空道 D-ATIS 数字式自动终端服务DA 决断高度 DC 直流电 DCL 离场指令 DGAC 民航总局 DH 决断高 DMC 显示管理计算机DME 测距仪 DNA 国家适航

国家的适航条例 DO 文件指令 显示组件 DU 文件单元 EASA 欧洲航空安全局ECAM 飞机电子中央监控ED EUROCAE文件EDTO 延长改航时间运行EFIS 电子飞行仪表系统EGPWS 增强型近地警告系统EGT 排气温度 EHS


各护理缩写 一药物拉丁缩写:GS(葡萄糖注射液) NS(生理盐水) NG(硝酸甘油) NE(去甲肾上腺素)PG(青霉素G) SMZ(磺胺甲恶唑) SG(磺胺脒) SB(碳酸氢钠) ABOB(吗啉胍) DXM(地塞米松) PAMBA(止血芳酸) TAT(破伤风) FU(氟脲嘧啶) RFP(利福平) EM(红霉素) ISO(异丙肾上腺素) Vit(维生素) 二处方缩写:tid(一日三次) bid(一日两次) qid(每天四次) qd/sid(每天一次) qn(每晚) hs(睡前) ac(饭前) Pc(饭后) aj(空腹时) am(上午) pm(下午)tid每天3次 qh每小时一次 q2h每小时两次 q4h每小时三次 q6h每小时六次 st立即执行 prn需要时(长期) sos需要时(限用一次,12小时内有效) ID皮内注射 H皮下注射IM肌内注射IV静脉注射 1.胃管:肛门排气,肠蠕动恢复,每种手术时间不一样,胃部手术大约3-7天. 2.尿管:术后能下床自行排尿,先要进行膀胱括约肌的训练,扎住尿管后有需要小便的感觉。有些会阴部、直肠或泌尿系手术根据个人情况。 3.腹腔负压球:术后7-10天左右,引流量逐渐减少,24小时少于20毫升,颜色有鲜红转为淡红或无色。

4.T型管:“T”型管放置十天以上可先夹闭引流管,必要时做胆囊造影,如确定胆管下端已通畅(夹闭时无不适症状)时,一般两周后可以拔管。根据黄志强的手术学是 胃管留置到胃肠功能畅通为止 尿管留置到可以自己排尿为止 肛管留置到可以自己解大便为止 引流管留置到没有引流物为止 我理解的就是到不需要为止是不是有点废话???拔管时间(六版外科) 乳胶片在术后1-2天 烟卷引流4-7天 T型管14天 胃肠减压管在肛门排气后 在临床上,引流管拔除的时间根据每位医生的习惯有所不同.橡皮片引流: 一般用于浅表伤口引流,目的是防止皮下积血、积液,术中应防止皮片被缝线缝在皮下而致拨除困难,术后应妥善固定,24~48h后可拨除。 胃肠减压管: 根据患者病情若为非胃肠道的腹部手术(如:肝胆手术)则患者肠鸣音恢复即可拔管,若为胃肠道手术,特别是有吻合口的胃肠道手术


A D I R S A i r D ata/In ertial R eference Syst em大气资料惯性基准系统 A D I R U A i r D ata/In ertial R eference U ni t大气资料惯性基准组件 A O A A ngl e―of―A t t ack迎角 A PPR A ppr oach进近 A R I N C A eronaut i calR adi o Incorporat ed航空无线电公司 A R M A ircraft R ecover y M anual飞机恢复手册 A R M D A r m ed预位 A SC I IA m er i can St andard C ode for Inform at i on Int erchange美国信息互换标准代码 A TA A i r T ransportA ssoci at i on of A m er i ca美国航空运输协会 A V A I L A vai l abl e可用的,可实现的 C/B C ircuit B reaker电路跳开关 C/L C heck L ist检查单 C D U C ont roland D i spl ay U ni t控制显示组件 C V R C ockpi tV oi ce R ecor der驾驶舱话音记录器 D D R M ID igital D i st ance and R adi o M agnet i c Indi cat or数字式距离和无线电磁指示器 D EC D ecl i nat i on、D ecr ease倾斜,偏角,偏斜、减少 D FD R D igital F light D at a R ecor der数字式飞行资料记录器 D I SC D i sconnect,D i sconnect ed脱开,脱开的 ETA E st i m at ed Ti m e of A rri val预计到达时间 FA D EC F ul lA ut hori t y D igital E ngi ne C ont rol发动机全权限数字控制 FA I L F ai l ed,F ai l ure失效


IV intravenous injection IM intramuscular injection PO per oral/by mouth NG nasogastric IT intrathecal PR per rectum PV per vagina SUBCUT subcutaneous Gutt eye drop Top topical MA metered aerosal Neb nebulizer NED nebulizer Subling sublingual MDI/metered dose inhaler/inhaler metered dose inhaler mL milliliter mg milligram g gram microgram write ‘microgram’in full ac before food bd twice daily tds three times daily Qid four times daily c with gtt drops mane morning mist mixture nocte night pc after meals PRN as required qh every hour q2h every 2 hours q4h every 4 hours q6h every 6 hours q8h every 8 hours stat immediately ung ointment

unit(s) international unit(s) AE air entry AF atrial fibrillation AI aortic incompetence AP angina pectoris AS aortic stenosis AS aortic stenosis ADL activities of daily living ABG arterial blood gas AFB acid fast bacilli ASD atrial septal defect AMI acute myocardial infarction AVD aortic valve disease AVR aortic valve replacement ARF acute heart failure AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome APTT activated partial thromboplastin Adm admission Alb albumen A flutter atrial flutter Angios coronary angiograms AV Block atrio ventricular block As tol As tolerated BE base excess BiPAP bilevel positive airway pressure Bronch bronchoscopy BCC basal cell carcinoma BUSE blood urea & serum electrolytes blood level Baso basophils Bili bilirubin Bld Cult. Blood culture BBB bundle branch block BO bowels open BNO bowels not open BIBA brought in by ambulance BM bowel movement BSL/BGL blood sugar/glucose level BP blood pressure BUN blood urea nitrogen


常用护理英文术语 Nursing processes 护理过程 assessment 估计 nursing diagnosis 护理诊断 planning 计划 intervention(implementation, management)措施(实施、管理) evaluation 评价 Daily care of the patient 对病人的日常护理morning (evening)care, AM (HS)care 晨(晚)间护理 bedmaking 整理床铺 oral hygiene (mouth care)口腔卫生 brushing the teeth 刷牙 flossing the teeth 清牙垢 denture care 清洗假牙 bathing 洗澡 cleanliness and skin care 清洁与皮肤护理 perineal care 洗会阴 hair 梳头 shaving 刮脸 Care of nails and feet 指甲修剪和洗脚 changing hospital gowns 更换住院服装 massage 按摩 bedsore care 褥疮护理Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征 taking oral (rectal, axillary)temperature 量口腔(直肠、腋下)体温 taking a radial pulse 测量桡动脉脉搏counting respirations 计呼吸次数 measuring (taking)blood pressure 量血压Catheterization 导管插入术 cardiac catheterization 心导管插入术laryngeal catheterization喉插管术 retro-urethral catheterization 逆行导尿管插入术 urethral catheterization 尿道导管插入术Clean techniques, medical asepsis 消毒灭菌 asepsis 无菌(法) integral asepsis 完全无菌 disinfection 消毒 concomitant (concurrent)disinfection 随时消毒,即时消毒 steam disinfection 蒸汽消毒 terminal disinfection 终末消毒disinfection by ultraviolet light 紫外线消毒Sterilization 灭菌,消毒 chemical sterilization 化学灭菌法fractional sterilization 间歇灭菌法


Unit One PIC Pilot In Command SIC Second In Command ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAR Federal Aviation Regulation PF Pilot Flying PNF Pilot Not Flying PM Pilot Monitor PPL Private Pilot License CPL Commercial Pilot License TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance System GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System IFR Instrument Flight Rules VFR Visual Flight Rules EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System PFD Primary Flight Display MFD MultiFunction Display ADI Attitude Direction Indicator HSI(HIS) Horizontal Status Indicator EICAS Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring CDI Course Deviation Indicator FMS Flight Management System SA Situational Awareness SOP Standard Operating Procedure AFM Aircraft Flight Manual POH Pilot Operating Hand book CRM Crew Resource Management Unit Two PCU Power Control Unit PTU Power Transfer unit POB Persons on board AFCS Automatic Flight Control System DFCS Digital Flight Control System FMC Flight Management Computer FCC Flight Control Computer ADC Air Data Computer A/T Auto throttle FD Flight Director


护理专业常用英语词汇 HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】

护理专业常用英语词汇 一、Commonly Used Nursing Terms(常用护理技术用语) Nursing processes Assessment? Nursing diagnosis Planning Intervention (implementation, management) Evaluation Daily care of the patient Morning (evening) care, AM (HS) care? Bedmaking Oral hygiene (mouth care) Brushing the teeth Flossing the teeth Denture care 护理过程 估计 护理诊断 计划 措施(实施、管理)评价 对病人的日常护理晨(晚)间护理 整理床铺 口腔卫生 刷牙 清牙垢 清洗假牙

Bathing Cleanliness and skin car Perineal care Hair care Shaving Care of nails and feet Changing hospital gowns Massage Bedsore care 褥疮护理 Measurement of vital signs 测量生命体征Taking oral (rectal, axillary) temperature Taking a radial pulse Counting respirations Measuring (taking) blood pressure Catheterization 洗澡 清洁与皮肤护理 会阴部护理 梳头 刮脸 指甲修剪和洗脚 更换住院服装 按摩 褥疮护理 测量生命体征 测量口腔(直肠、腋下)温度测量桡动脉脉搏 计呼吸次数 测量血压 导管插入术


航空专业术语 AVIATION GLOSSARY A-E- - ATIS Airport Terminal Information Service 机场终端信息服务 ATIS Automated(automatic) Terminal Information Service 自动终端情报服务 ATM Air Traffic Management 空中交通管理 ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network 航空电信网 ATNP (ICAO)Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Panel (国际民航组织)航空电信网专家组 ATO Actual Time Over 实际经过时间 ATRK Along-Track Error 沿航线误差 ATS Air Traffic Services 空中交通服务 ATSC Air Traffic Services Communication 空中交通服务通信 ATT Attitude 姿态 AUSSAT Australian Satellite 澳大利亚卫星 AUTODIN Automated Digital Network 自动化数字网络 AUTOVON Automatic Voice Network 自动化话音网络 AUX Auxiliary 辅助 AVOL Aerodrome Visibility Operational Level 机场能见度运行等级 AVPAC Aviation VHF Packet Communications 航空甚高频分组 通信 AVS Aviation Standards 航空标准 AWANS Aviation Weather And NOTAM System 航空气象和航行通告系统 AWOP (ICAO) All Weather Operations Panel (国际民航组织)全天候运行专家组 AWOS Automated Weather Observing System 自动化气象观测系统 AWP Aviation Weather Processor 航空气象处理器 AWS Aviation Weather Service 航空气象服务 AZ Azimuth transmitter 方位台 B BARO Barometric 气压 BAZ Back Azimuth 后方位,背航道

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