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1.There is no point in fretting about things you can't change(为无法改变的事而发愁fret


2.He was more at ease in the classroom(在课堂上更轻松自如at ease)than on a political


3. A new version of the software is due in the next couple of weeks (在以后的几周将如期而


4.Our project ran into difficulties(遇到了困难run into)when we lost a sponsor

5.Banks normally give priority to large businesses(优先考虑大型企业priority)when deciding

on loans

6.Let's take advantage of the good weather(利用好的天气take advantage of)and go on


7.Anderson played a crucial role(起了关键的作用crucial)in the team’s 3-2 victory on


8.The technology sector is doing badly. Old economy stocks, by contrast, are performing very

well. (相比之下,却表现得很好by contrast)

9.Go to all orientations. Yes, that's right--it really is necessary to attend all the school

orientations.( 参加所有熟悉校园环境的活动。是的,没错——的确有必要参加所有的熟悉校园环境的活动)

10.Armed with a thorough understanding of all aspects of campus life--or, at least, those aspects

you can glean from orientation--you will feel more at ease when issues arise, as they always do.( 有了对校园生活方方面面的彻底了解——或者至少是那些从活动中所能搜集到的诸多信息的了解,那么,当层出不穷的问题出现时,你便能从容应对。)

11.Often it is tempting to sleep through early morning class or skip it altogether--resist

temptation. make it a priority to attend all of your classes on time.(通常,逃避大清早的课睡个懒觉,或者干脆逃掉所有的课具有诱惑力。务必抵制住这种诱惑。准时上所有的课,使之成为头等大事)

12.That being said, be careful of taking too much time for yourself.( 话虽这么说,注意别给自


13.学术能力(academic ability)

14.关于,至于(with regard to)

15.递交申请表(submit an application)

16.参加面试(attend/go through an interview)

17.回顾过去(in retrospect)

18.擅长于(be adept at)

19.遭遇挫折(encounter setbacks)

20.幸亏,由于(thanks to)




1.anybody who has not yet been enroll on the English course(还没有注册上英语课的人enroll)should contact the tutor.

2.the environmental protection agency reported that the workers could have been exposed to the high level of radiation(可能已经受到高强度的辐射be exposed to)

3.though there are no other witnesses,she insists she saw a man in the yard that night(任然坚持说那天晚上在院子里看见一个人insist)

4.It doesn’t make sense(毫无意义make sense)for my parents to invest such

a large amount of money in stocks.

5.Look back on what I have achieved(回首我已取得的成绩look back on),I am fully aware that opportunity knocks at the door but only once.

6.not only is German a very difficult language compared to English,it is almost impossible to learn any language if you are exposed to it only in the classroom.(和英语相比,德语不仅非常难学,而且,如果你只在课堂环境学习,学好语言几乎是不可能的。)

7.however,in the 1960s it was no where near as important as it is today.(但是,二十世纪六十年代的西班牙语和今天的西班牙语的地位不可同日而语。)

8.“it was like being released from prison. I saw my cell door swinging open and my mind being set free to fly out. I could literally feel my brain expanding!”(“这好像是从地狱里释放出来一样。我看见我的细胞之门打开了,我的思想自由飞翔。我确实感觉到茅塞顿开!”)

9.I am extremely happy to have discovered otherwise.(我非常高兴地发现这不是真的。)

10.随着全球化的出现(with the advent of globalization)

11.非英语为母语的人们(non-native English speakers)

12.工作语言(lingua franca)