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Book 3 Unit 1 教材总结

Text A


1. deviate vi. 背离;偏离

2. preclude vt. 阻碍;阻止;妨碍

3. premier a. 最好的;最大的;最重要的n. [C] a prime minister 首相;总理

4. whereby ad. 凭那个;借以

5. civic a. 1公民的;市民的2城镇的;城市的

6. patriotic a. 爱国的;有爱国心的

7. clear-cut a. 明确的;清楚的

8. inhibit vt. 阻碍;妨碍;抑制

9. scholarly a. 1 博学的;学问精深的2学者的;学术的

10. idiot n. [C]笨蛋;傻子

11. bypass vt. 1(做某事时)避开,越过(某人)2绕过;绕…走

12. persecution n. [C, U](尤指因种族、宗教或政治信仰而进行的)迫害,残害

13. misfortune n. 1 [C]不幸的事;灾难 2 [U]厄运;不幸

14. glamor n. [U] 魅力;吸引力

15. glamorous a. 极富魅力的;非常吸引人的

16. tragic a. 可悲的;悲惨的;不幸的;悲剧性的

17. spur n. [C]刺激;激励;鞭策;鼓舞

vt. 1 encourage sb. to do sth. 刺激;激励;鞭策;鼓舞 2 cause sth. to happen 使发生

18. optimism n. [U]乐观;乐观主义

19. dedication n. [U] 奉献;献身

20. commend vt. 1 praise sb. or sth. formally or publicly (正式或公开)表扬,称赞,表彰

2 tell sb. that a person or thing is good, useful, or suitable 推荐

21. uphold vt. 支持;拥护;维护

22. endeavor n. [C, U] 努力;尽力

vi. (~ to do sth.) try very hard to do sth. 努力做(某事);尽力做(某事)

23. statesman n. [C]政治家

24. diligent a. 勤奋的;用功的

25. pursuit n. [U]追求;寻求

26. ranch n. [C]大牧场

27. prestige n. [U]声望;名望;威信(enjoy a great~)

28. circuit[C] 1(与某种活动相关的人)定期前往的一系列场所2电路;回路;线路3环形路线

29. unprecedented a. 1前所未有的;史无前例的 2 (大小、数量、程度等)前所未知的,空前的

30. nominate vt. 提名;推荐

31. appoint vt. 1任命;委派;指派 2 确定,指定,约定(时间或地点)

32. abortion n. [C]人工流产;堕胎

33. expend vt. 花费;消耗;支出

34. threat n. 1 [C, U] 危害;威胁 2 [C] 恐吓;威胁

35. inward a. 1内心的;精神的 2 向内的;向中心的;内部的

36. robust a. 1坚定的;强硬的2(人)强壮的,强健的

37. maintain vt. 保持;维持

38. slack vi. 偷懒;逃避工作 a. 1松弛的;不紧的 2 松懈的;懈怠的;疏忽的

39. transcend vt. 超越,摆脱(消极的态度、思想或情绪)

40. handicap n. [C] 1障碍;不利条件2(身体或智力的)缺陷,残疾(该词现在被认为具冒犯义)

41. feat n. [C]技艺;业绩;功绩


1. remove sth. / sb. from sth.移开;拿开;去掉;从…机构开除

2. deviate from sth.背离;偏离;违背

3. preclude sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事;妨碍某人做某事

4. write sb. / sth. off认定…失败(或没有价值、不可救药等)

5. fail in sth.做…失败;未能做到…

6. triumph over打败;战胜;成功

7. in (the) pursuit of sth.在追求…的过程中;在寻求…的过程中

8. work one's way to / through / into(通过努力)逐步达到

9. act as充当;起作用

10. fall down不足;不够好

Text B


1. stricken—~(与某些名词连用)受…侵袭的poverty-stricken areas贫困地区

a. 1患病的;受伤的2罹难的;受侵害的;受灾的;遭损失的

2. prospective a. (only before noun) 1可能发生的;预期的2可能的;有希望的

3. destined a. (never before noun) 1注定的;肯定的 2 (~ for)指定的;预定的

4. jockey n. 操作者

5. celebrity n. 1 [C](尤指娱乐界、体育界的)名人,名流 2 [U]出名;著名

6. indulge v. (使)(自己)沉湎于;(让自己)享受一下indulge oneself in…让自己沉溺于…

7. masterpiece n. [C] 1杰作;名著;大作2典范

8. aggravate vt. 1激怒;惹恼2使(尤指局势或病情)恶化;加剧

9. scorn vt. 看不起;鄙视n. [U]轻蔑;鄙视

10. nonetheless ad. 然而;不过

11. renowned a. 有名望的;著名的

12. enterprise n. [C] 1(尤指全新或不同的)事业,计划2企业;公司;事业单位

13. layout n. [C] 陈设;布局;安排

14. dubious a. 1无把握的;怀疑的2令人怀疑的;不确定的;靠不住的

15. straw n. 1 [U] (干燥的)麦秆,稻草,禾杆 2 [C](喝饮料用的)吸管

16. expertise n. [U] (从经历、培训或学习中得来的)特殊技能,专门知识

17. blunt a. (言语)率直的,直言不讳的,直截了当的

18. bust n. (infml.) (mainly AmE) a complete failure 彻底的失败

19. adore vt. 疼爱;爱慕;崇拜

20. persuasive a. 有说服力的;能使人信服的

21. cater v. 1 (~ to / for) 满足,迎合(某群人的需要)2(为…)提供饮食,承办酒席

The restaurant is capable of catering food for several hundred people. 这个饭店能为数百人提供饮食。

22. overtime n. [U]加班(时间)

23. posture n. 1 [C, U]姿势;姿态;仪态 2 [C]态度;行为方式

24. panel n. [C] 1 (交通工具或机器的)仪表板,面板2评判小组

25. disciplined a. 训练有素的;遵守纪律的

26. alleviate vt. 减轻;缓解;缓和

27. doom vt. 注定,命定(失败、毁灭或极不高兴等)n. [U] 厄运;劫数

28. murmur v. 咕哝;小声说vi. 低声抱怨;私下发牢骚n. [C]低声说出的话;低语

29. frantic a. (因极端焦急恐惧而)发疯似的,情绪失控的

30. grin vi. 露齿而笑;咧嘴笑n. [C]露齿笑;咧嘴笑

31. blink v. 眨(眼)vi. (灯)闪烁;闪亮n. [C, usu. sing.]眨眼睛

32. hoist vt. 1 提起;举起2提高(数量或价值)

33. flip vi. (~ on / off)= 按(开关);开(或关)(机器等)v. (使)快速翻转,迅速翻动

34. eloquent a. 雄辩的;口才流利的

35. rap vi. 说唱v. 猛敲;急拍She rapped on the table with her pen. 她用钢笔敲打着桌子。n. 1 [C] 叩击(声);轻敲(声)2 [U]说唱

36. mingle vi. (尤指在社交场合)四处走动与人交谈v. (使)混合

37. dazzle vt. (usu. passive) 1(用美貌、智力或技能)使倾倒,使赞叹不已


n. [sing., U] 1耀眼;目眩2 光彩夺目的品质;令人赞叹的品质

38. applause n. [U]掌声;鼓掌

39. propel vt. (usu. passive) 1 驱使;促使;导致2推进;驱动

40. icon n. [C]1 偶像;崇拜对象2(计算机屏幕上可用鼠标点击的)图标


1. destined to do sth. 预定;注定;(尤指)命中注定

2. serve as 被用作…;充当…;起…的作用

3. be wrapped up in sth. 把全部精力放在某事上(以至于没有时间关心别的事)

4. take sb. on 开始雇用某人

5. hang out 泡在某处;与…经常在一起

6. soak sth. up 迅速吸收;轻松学会(知识)

7. in anticipation of sth. 预料某事;期待某事

8. on (the) air 正在广播

Book 3 Unit 1 课件拓展


Text A

21、付出大量努力expend great effort

22、激发行动的决心fuel the determination

23、持之以恒地渐进gradual, consistent progress

24、跨越一切障碍transcend any handicap

25、达成所有壮举accomplish any feat

Text B

1.沉浸在自己的梦里indulge one’s dream

2.面对现实focus on the real world

3.主动出击take the initiative

4.彻底的失败 a complete bust

5.追求自己的目标pursue one’s goals

6.坚持自己的梦想persist in one’s dreams

7.满足每一个要求cater to one’s every need

8.汲取知识soak up knowledge

9.减轻痛苦alleviate one’s distress

10.几欲抓狂frantic with distress


1、deviate from … 偏离,背离……


Those who have a life compass in their mind will never deviate from the correct course.

2、preclude sb. from doing … 阻止某人做……


Nothing can preclude a willing heart from achieving success.

3、triumph over … 战胜……


As long as the Chinese people work with one heart and one mind, they will triumph over any difficulties and stand on top of the world.

4、in (the) pursuit of … 追求……

While in pursuit of economic growth, a nation should give due emphasis to the protection of the environment.

5、work one’s way to/through/into … 通过奋斗逐步达到

通过激烈的竞争进入大学的同学们应当将大学教育作为人生奋斗的新起点而非终点。Students who have fiercely worked their way int o universities should take college education as a new starting point rather than the finishing line of their life endeavor.

6、give up on … 放弃……


In the search and rescue work after the earthquake, the PLA soldiers didn’t give up on any life signs.

7、focu s on … 专注于……


College students should focus most of their energy on studies rather than on various distractions.

8、Personal history, educational opportunity, individual dilemmas—none of these can inhibit a strong spirit committed to success.


9、Money, fame, social status —none of these should be regarded as the only standard for the judgment of one’s success.


10、They attained success, not because it was easy, but because they had the will to overcome profound obstacles and to work diligently in the pursuit of their goals.


11、I choose to be honest and kind, not because I am stupid, but because I firmly believe that great virtue holds the world.


12、It’s not how many times you fall down that matters. It’s how many times you get back up that makes success!”


13、It’s not where your current position is that matters. It’s where you are heading for that leads you to success.


14、A detached perspective can allow the mind to soak up ideas and to put them together in new ways.



?China takesUnder the Dome anti-pollution film offline;

?Chinese authorities remove pollution documentary "Under the Dome"from online video sites;

?China vows to be open about environment as viral film is erased;

?China erases its ‘inconvenient truth’ film on pollution

–Internet censors in China remove pollution documentary watched by more than 200 million people that sparked criticism of government



Nowadays, many young people no longer choose “stable” jobs. Instead, they prefer to start their own businesses and realize their self-value through their own wisdom and efforts.

Young entrepreneurship is the source of national economic vitality in the future. The success of entrepreneurs not only creates fortune, increases job opportunities, improves people’s life, but it is also good for the country in the long term. Entrepreneurs are a driving force in upgrading China’s economy.

Especially for the time being, our country is encouraging people to start their own businesses and make innovations and giving policy support for medium and small businesses. This further arouses young people's enthusiasm to start their own businesses.


青年创业(young entrepreneurship)是未来国家经济活力的来源,创业者的成功不但会创造财富、增加就业机会、改善大家的生活,从长远来看,对于国家更是一件好事,创业者正是让中国经济升级换代的力量。



The shortest way t 新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说3 答案 Unit 1 Sharing Task 2 (1) daredevil (2) bungee jumping (3) cup of tea (4) feel good (5) achievement Task 3 c-d-e-b-a Task 4 1, 2, 4

The shortest way t Task 5 BCBCB Task 6 1.(1)started off(2) a huge business empire 2.(1)teacher(2)taught me so much about life 3.(1)imprisoned(2)survived (3)impressed(4)ability or the skills Listening Task 2 Activity 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11

The shortest way t Viewing Task 2 Activity 1 3 Activity 2 e-g-c-b-f-a-d Activity 3 1. 90 minutes 2. true landmark 3.(1)10 times(2)focus 4. make this challenge 5. seven miles 6.(1)four months(2) outstanding achievement

The shortest way t Role-play Task 1 Activity 1 B Activity 3 1. Like I said 2. having said that 3. That's what I was saying Presenting Task 1 Activity 2 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11


高一英语各单元知识点总结及重难点解析Unit1-2 ☆重点句型☆ 1. What should a friend be like? 询问对方的看法 2. I think he / she should be…表示个人观点的词语 3. I enjoy reading / I'm fond of singing / I like playing computer games. 等表示喜好的词语 4. Chuck is on a flight when suddenly his plane crashes. “when"作并列连词的用法 5. What / Who / When / Where is it that...? 强调句的 特殊疑问句结构 6. With so many people communicating in English everyday, ... “with+宾语+宾补”的结构做状语 7. Can you tell me how to pronounce...? 带连接副词 (或代词)的不定式做宾补的用法 ☆重点词汇☆ 1. especially v. 特别地 2. imagine v. 想像 3. alone adv. / adj. 单独,孤独的 4. interest n. 兴趣 5. everyday adj. 每天的,日常的 6. deserted adj. 抛弃的 7. hunt v. 搜寻 8. share v. 分享 9. care v. 在乎,关心 10. total n. 总数 11. majority n. 大多数 12. survive v. 生存,活下来 13. adventure n. 冒险 14. scared adj. 吓坏的 15. admit v. 承认 16. while conj. 但是,而 17. boring adj. 令人厌烦的 18. except prep. 除……之外 19. quality n. 质量 20. favourite adj. 最喜爱的 ☆重点短语☆ 1. be fond of爱好 2. treat…as…把……看作为…… 3. make friends with 与……交朋友 4. argue with sb. about / over sth. 与某人争论某事 5. hunt for寻找 6. in order to为了 7. share…with与……分享 8. bring in引进;赚钱 9. a great / good many许多…


2014人教版七年级下英语知识点总结 第一单元Can you play the guitar? 一、词汇拓展 1. sing(现在分词)singing 2. dance(现在分词)dancing 3. swim(现在分词)swimming 4.draw(同义词)paint 5. story(复数)stories 6. Write(同音词)right 7. drum(复数)drums 8. piano(复数)pianos 9. also(同义词)too/either 10.make(单三)makes (现在分词)making 11. Center(形容词)central 12.teach(名词)teacher 13. musician(形容词)musical 二、重点短语与句型 1. play chess下国际象棋speak English说英语play the guitar弹吉它 want to do…想做……2. be good at擅长于what club /sports什么俱乐部/运动music /swimming /sports club音乐/游泳/运动俱乐部 be good at doing sth.= do well in doing sth. 擅长做某事 like to do …喜欢做… What about…?…怎么样? be good at doing…擅长做… tell stories讲故事 the story telling club讲故事俱乐部 3. talk to跟…..说write stories写小说 want …for the school show为学校表演招聘…… after school放学后 do kung fu打中国功夫come and show us来给我们表演 4. play the drum敲鼓play the piano弹钢琴 play the violin拉小提琴 5. be good with善于应付(处理)…的;和某人相处很好 make friends结交朋友help sb. with sth在某方面帮助某人 on the weekend在周末help with...帮助做…… be free /busy有空/很忙call sb. at…拨打某人的……号码 need sb./sth. to do…需要某人/某物做…… English-speaking students说英语的学生join…… the club加入…俱乐部,be in=join in …成为…中的一员 三、关键句型 1. Can you draw? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 2. What club do you want to join? I want to join the chess club. 3. You can join the English club. Sounds good. 4. I can speak English and I can also play soccer. 5. Please call Mrs. Miller at 555-3721. ◆话题写作


第一单元 Sharing: Task 1 (1) their social life (2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2 (1) busy (2) friends (3) university (4) social life Sharing: Task 3 Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, f Sharing: Task 4 Q 1 Key(s): danced Q 2 Key(s): (1) view of (2) fun Q 3 Key(s): drink Q 4 Key(s): (1) west (2) delicious meal Q 5 Key(s): (1) house (2) television/TV Listening: Task 2 Activity 1 Q 1 Key(s): 1962 Q 2 Key(s): fourth/4th Q 3 Key(s): 1990 Q 4 Key(s): 1996 Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) teacher (2) cleaned houses (3) lost (4) visited (5) work

(6) his wife (7) in his own words Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) home (2) country (3) relatives (4) foreigner (5) speak (6) passed on (7) heat (8) sea (9) happiness Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 (1) It was great (2) He's a football player/He is a football player (3) It was really beautiful Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1 Q 1 a small town Q 2 1993 Q 3 2008 Q 4 2003 Q 5 7/seven Presenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10


BOOK TWO Unit 5 丝绸之路(Silk Road)是我国古代一条连接中国和欧亚大陆(Eurasia)的交通线路,由于这条商路以丝绸贸易为主,故称"丝绸之路"。作为国际贸易的通道和文化交流的桥梁,丝绸之路有效地促进了东西方经济文化交流和发展,对世界文明进程有着深远影响。当前,在新的历史条件下,我国提出了"一带一路"(One Belt, One Road)(即"丝绸之路经济带"和"21世纪海上丝绸之路")的战略构想。"一带一路"以合作共赢为核心,强调相关各国的互利共赢和共同发展。这一战略一经提出即受到沿线各国的积极响应。 The Silk Road is a traffic route in the ancient times connecting China and Eurasia. This trade route focuses on the trade of silk, hence the name "the Silk Road". As an international trade channel and a bridge of cultural exchanges, the Silk Road effectively improved the economic and cultural exchanges and development between the East and the West, exerting a profound impact on the progress of the world civilization. Nowadays, under the new historical circumstances, our country proposes the strategy of "One Belt, One Road" (namely the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road). The strategy of "One Belt, One Road" focuses on cooperation and mutual benefits, emphasizing mutual benefits, win-win, as well as common development of the related countries. Once proposed, the strategy has received positive responses from the related countries along the road. Unit 6 国民幸福指数(National Happiness Index,NHI)是衡量人们幸福感的一种指数,也是衡量一个国家或地区经济发展、居民生活与幸福水平的指标工具。随着中国经济的高速增长,中国政府越来越重视人民群众生活质量和幸福指数的提升。政府注重改善民生,努力改善人民群众的经济状况,满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求。当前,中国政府提倡释放改革红利,让人民群众得到更多实惠。所有这些都将有效促进我国国民幸福指数不断提升。 National Happiness Index (NHI) is an index that measures how happy people are. It is also a tool that measures the levels of economic development and people's livelihood and happiness in a country or region. With the fast growth of Chinese economy, the Chinese government has been paying more and more attention to people's living quality and the increase of happiness index. The government stresses improvement of its people's livelihood, striving to improve their economic conditions and meet their growing material and cultural needs. Currently, the Chinese government advocates the unleashing of more reform dividends, with the aim of offering more real benefits to its people. All these measures will combine to effectively increase the NHI of our people.


Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 一短语归纳 1.speak English/Chinese 说英语/汉语 2. what club /sports 什么俱乐部/运动 3.play the guitar/ piano/drums/ violin 弹吉它/弹钢琴/敲鼓/拉小提琴 4. play chess/ basketball/ volleyball/ soccer 下国际象棋/ 打篮球/排球/足球 5.tell stories 讲故 6. the art/chess/swimming/sports/ story telling/English club 艺术/国际象棋/游泳/体育/讲故事/英语俱乐部 7.school show 学校演出 8.sound good听起来不错 9.teach music 教音乐 10.do kung fu 练(中国) 功夫 11.make friends(with sb.)( 结交朋友) 12.on the weekend/on weekends在周末 https://www.doczj.com/doc/5210795109.html,e and show us 来给我们表演 15.write stories 写故事 16.after school 放学后 17.English-speaking students说英语的学生 18.play games 做游戏

19.the Students’Sports Center学生运动中心 20.at the old people’s home在老人之家 21.be in our school music festival 参加学校音乐节 22.jion the music club加入音乐俱乐部 二用法集萃 1. play +棋类/球类下……棋,打……球 2. play the +乐器弹/拉……乐器 3. be good at doing sth.擅长做某事 be good for.. 对…有好处be good /kind to …对…友好 4. be good with sb. 和某人相处地好; 善于应付(处理)… 5. need(sb./sth.)to do… 需要(某人/某物)做…. 6. can + 动词原形能/会做某事 7. a little + 不可数名词: 一点儿…… 9. like to do sth.或like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 10.want to do…想做…… 11.What about…?…怎么样?(后面接Ving/代词/名词) 12. talk用法: talk to/with sb. 跟某人说话 talk about sth. 谈论某事 tell 用法:tell sb sth. 告诉某人某事 tell sb to do sth 告诉某人去做某事 tell stories 讲故事


新视野大学英语3第三版课文翻译 Unit 1 The Way to Success 课文A Never, ever give up! 永不言弃! As a young boy, Britain's great Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, attended a public school called Harrow. He was not a good student, and had he not been from a famous family, he probably would have been removed from the school for deviating from the rules. Thankfully, he did finish at Harrow and his errors there did not preclude him from going on to the university. He eventually had a premier army career whereby he was later elected prime minister. He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage in his refusal to surrender during the miserable dark days of World War II. His amazing determination helped motivate his entire nation and was an inspiration worldwide. Toward the end of his period as prime minister, he was invited to address the patriotic young boys at his old school, Harrow. The headmaster said, "Young gentlemen, the greatest speaker of our time, will be here in a few days to address you, and you should obey whatever sound advice he may give you." The great day arrived. Sir Winston stood up, all five feet, five inches and 107 kilos of him, and gave this short, clear-cut speech: "Young men, never give up. Never give up! Never give up! Never, never, never, never!" 英国的伟大首相温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士,小时候在哈罗公学上学。当时他可不是个好学生,要不是出身名门,他可能早就因为违反纪律被开除了。谢天谢地,他总算从哈罗毕业了,在那里犯下的错误并没影响到他上大学。后来,他凭着军旅生涯中的杰出表现当选为英国首相。他的才思、智慧、公民责任感以及在二战痛苦而黑暗的时期拒绝投降的无畏勇气,为他赢得了美名。他非凡的决心,不仅激励了整个民族,还鼓舞了全世界。 在他首相任期即将结束时,他应邀前往母校哈罗公学,为满怀报国之志的同学们作演讲。校长说:“年轻的先生们,当代最伟大的演说家过几天就会来为你们演讲,他提出的任何中肯的建议,你们都要听从。”那个激动人心的日子终于到了。温斯顿爵士站了起来——他只有5 英尺5 英寸高,体重却有107 公斤。他作了言简意赅的讲话:“年轻人,要永不放弃。永不放弃!永不放弃!永不,永不,永不,永不!” Personal history, educational opportunity, individual dilemmas - none of these can inhibit a strong spirit committed to success. No task is too hard. No amount of preparation is too long or too difficult. Take the example of two of the most scholarly scientists of our age, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison. Both faced immense obstacles and extreme criticism. Both were called "slow to learn" and written off as idiots by their teachers. Thomas Edison ran away from school because his teacher whipped him repeatedly for asking too many questions. Einstein didn't speak fluently until he was almost nine years old and was such a poor student that some thought he was unable to learn. Yet both boys' parents believed in them. They worked intensely each day with their sons, and the boys learned to never bypass the long hours of hard work that they needed to succeed. In the end, both Einstein and Edison overcame their childhood persecution and went on to achieve magnificent discoveries that benefit the entire world today. Consider also the heroic example of Abraham Lincoln, who faced substantial hardships,


1 A 1 . 1 , , , . 2 , . 3 . 4a, . 5 , . 6a , . 7 , a . 8 a ,,, . 2 1. .(鼓起) . 2 ,, , . 3 I I , I . l I . 't , I . , , . , I . 4 . ● . ● a .

● . ● . 3 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 l 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6

1 F 2 G 3 H 4J 5 E6 A 7 N 8 I 9 K l0 M 7 l 2 3 4 5 ; 6 7 8 9 世界公民是指一个人承认自己是新兴的全球社区的一分子,而且其行动对全球社区的价值打造和实践活动有所贡献。世界公民相信人类从本质上来说是一个整体,任何个人都有改变事物的能力。在我们这样一个相互依赖的世界中,世界公民意识鼓励我们认识到对彼此的责任,并从对方身上学习。世界公民关心全球的教育、疾病、贫穷和环境问题。在当今,全球合作的力量在使一些人萌发世界公民的意识,让他们拥有对全球社区的归属感。这种不断发展的世界公民意识在很大程度上来讲,要归功于现代信息、通信和交通技术的力量世界公民意识致力于给予人们力量,让他们付诸行动,世界公民除了要从世界问题中学习知识和价值观,还要拥有必需的技能,使他们拥有能力和自信,积极推动世界的发展。 , "" . , . . , , 's , .a's .,.

-- 's . B 1 2 : a , : , a, . , a .3: : a . 4: . : a , a . 5 : a a : a . 6 : , a :. 2 1 C 2 B 3 A4D5 D 6 B 7 C 8 D 3 () 4


【一年级语文】部编版一年级语文下册各单元知识点归纳 第一单元知识归类 一、会写字 春风冬雪花飞入姓什么双国王方青清气晴情请生字左右红时动万 二、易写错的字 春:下面是“日”,不要写成“目”。 雪:上面是雨字头,不要写成“雨”字。 入:撇短捺长。 姓:左边不要写成“忄”。 双:左边最后一笔是点,不要写成捺。 国:里面是“玉”,不要写成“王”。 方:上面有“丶”,不要写成“万”。 气:共四笔,不要写成“乞”。 晴:左边是“日”,不要写成“目”。 字:下面是“子”,不要写成“于”。 左:被包部分是“工”,不要写成“土”。 万:上面没有点,不要写成“方”。 三、会认字 霜吹落降飘游池入姓氏李张古 吴赵钱孙周王官清晴眼睛保护 害事情请让病相遇喜欢怕言互 令动万纯净阴雷电阵冰冻夹 四、多音字 落的降什少好重相 五、近义词 保护——爱护喜欢——喜爱 六、反义词 保护——破坏广大——窄小 七、词语搭配 万里无云纯净透明春回大地万物复苏柳绿花红 莺歌燕舞冰雪融化泉水叮咚百花齐放百鸟争鸣 雪花飞舞 第二单元知识归类

一、会写字 吃叫主江住没以会走北京门广过各种样伙伴这太阳片金秋因为 二、易写错的字 走:先写“土”,再写下面的部分,注意第二笔的竖与第四笔的竖不连写。北:第四笔是“”,不要写成“一”。 广:上面有“丶”,不要写成“厂”。 各:上面是“夂”,不要写成“攵”。 种:左边最后一笔是点,不是捺。 样:左边最后一笔是点,不要写成捺。 这:第四笔是点,不要写成捺。 为:笔顺是点、撇、横折钩、点。 三、会认字 吃忘井村叫毛主席乡亲战士面想告 诉路京安门广非常壮观接觉再做各 种样梦伙伴却趣这太阳道送忙尝香 甜温暖该颜因辆匹册支铅棵架 四、多音字 觉解着会别为看 五、近义词 洁白—雪白回家—归家睡觉—睡眠到处—处处 想念—挂念雄伟—宏伟壮观—壮丽开心—快乐 各种各样—多种多样 六、反义词 远—近弯—直快—慢想念—忘怀雄伟—渺小 壮观—渺小清凉—炎热睡觉—起床好梦—噩梦 有趣—乏味盛开—凋谢温暖—寒冷洁白—乌黑 各种各样—千篇一律 七、词语搭配 弯弯的小路弯弯的月牙弯弯的小河遥远的北京城 遥远的新疆遥远的地方雄伟的天安门雄伟的高山 宽宽的公路宽宽的街道洁白的雪莲洁白的雪花 各种各样的梦各种各样的花各种各样的人 各种各样的工作各种各样的笔多么开心多么难过 多么可爱多么善良多么难忘多么动听 八、好句积累 1.吃水不忘挖井人,时刻想念毛主席。 2.遥远的北京城,有一座雄伟的天安门,广场上的升旗仪式非常壮观。 3.遥远的新疆,有美丽的天山,雪山上盛开着洁白的雪莲。


新部编版二年级语文下册各单元知识点归纳总结 第一单元知识小结 一、易读错的字 古诗(shī)村(cūn)居化妆(zhuāng)喝醉(zuì)丝(sī)绦裁(cái)剪 遮(zhē)掩兴致(zhì)茁(zhuó)壮 花籽(zǐ)绚(xuàn)丽植(zhí)树二、易写错的字 绿:右边的“录”,下面不是“水”。 柳:右边是“卯”,不要丢掉第七笔“丿”。 格:右边是“各”,不是“名”。 局:下面不是“可”。 三、会写词语 古诗村居儿童碧绿 化妆丝带剪刀冲出 寻找姑娘吐丝柳枝 荡秋千鲜花桃花杏花 邮递员先生原来大叔 邮局东西太太做客 惊奇去年美好一堆

礼物植树格外 引人注目满意休息树苗 四、多音字 长:cháng(长处) zhǎng(长大) 似:sì(似乎) shì(似的) 冲:chōng(冲锋枪) chòng(冲着) 藏:cáng(捉迷藏) zàng(藏族) 奇:qí(奇怪) jī(奇数) 种:zhǒng(种子) zhòng(栽种) 五、形近字 村(山村)妆(化妆)冲(冲动)树(大数)壮(壮丽)种(种植)桃(桃树)姑(姑娘)车(汽车)跳(跳动)咕(咕咕)东(东西)礼(有礼)植(植物)住(居住)扎(挣扎)值(值日)注(注意) 六、近义词 丝绦—丝带裁—剪奔—跑仔细—细心寻找—寻觅懊丧—沮丧惊奇—诧异格外—特别碧空如洗—万里无云兴致勃勃—兴味盎然 七、反义词 赶紧—迟缓懊丧—兴奋惊奇—平静仔细—马虎害羞—大方探出—缩进茁壮—瘦弱笔直—弯曲

满意—不满 八、词语搭配 1. 动词搭配: (脱掉)棉袄(冲出)家门 (奔向)田野(寻找)春天 2. 形容词搭配: (害羞)的小姑娘(解冻)的小溪 (难忘)的日子(绿油油)的小柏树 (精心)地挑选(兴致勃勃)地挖着 九、词语归类 1. AABB 式的词语: 遮遮掩掩躲躲藏藏叮叮咚咚高高兴兴 快快乐乐 2. ABCC 式的词语: 兴致勃勃人才济济仪表堂堂 十、句子积累 1. 设问句、比喻句:不知细叶谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。 2. 疑问句、感叹句:这是谁在我家门前种的花?真美啊! 3. 比喻句:一棵绿油油的小柏树栽好了,就像战士一样笔直地站在那里。 十一、考点提示 1. 背诵:《村居》《咏柳》《赋得古原草送别(节选)》。 2. 理解《村居》《咏柳》所描绘的春天的景象。



Unite 1 1.选词填空 explore(v.勘探,探测) transmit(v.传送,传递,传播) resource(n.资源) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认) yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步) pose(v.摆姿势,导致) assume(v.认为,假定,假设) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承) comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的) 1. Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school. 2. It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep. 3. It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared. 4. We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them for the same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable. 5. There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability. 6. After a(n) comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition except that my blood pressure was a little high. 7. It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population. 8. Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population. 9. Sam inherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving power to take action. 10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey. 2.15选10 attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue追求,致力于 available可获得的可利用的 qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加 passion强烈的爱好,热爱 virtually实际上classify分类归类 acquire获得,取得,学到 fashionable流行的especially特别的 sample样品,标本 prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to (1)classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) (2)passion for learning, those who wish to (3)attain a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they (4)pursue their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front


Unit 1 Section A 3.Words in use 1.The mayor decided to(condense)his speech in order to leave enough time for his audience to raise questions. 2. It was reported that there was a vehicle missing every 20 seconds in the US.If the trends continue,experts predict annual vehicle thefts could(exceed)two million. 3. Researchers put patients through a set of psychological tests to determine the negative consequences of sleep(deficit). 4. Too much(exposure)to dirty air can cause people to suffer from allergies and diseases that will eventually affect people's health. 5. Moving forward even in the face of great difficulties has become my most important(asset)in my life since it has helped me accomplish something remarkable. 6. The lawyer proclaimed they couldn't jump to conclusions because acceptable conclusions must be supported


九年级英语全册各单元知识点总结 Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 一、短语: 1.have conversation with sb. 同某人谈话 2.connect …with… 把…和…连接/联系起来 3.the secret to… ……的秘诀 4.be afraid of doing sth./to do sth. 害怕做某事 5.look up 查阅 6.repeat out loud 大声跟读 7.make mistakes in 在……方面犯错误8.get bored 感到厌烦 9.be stressed out 焦虑不安的10.pay attention to 注意;关注 11.depend on 取决于;依靠12.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力 二、知识点: 1. by + doing:通过……方式(by是介词,后面要跟动名词,也就是动词的ing形式); 2. a lot:许多,常用于句末; 3. aloud, loud与loudly的用法,三个词都与“大声”或“响亮”有关。 ①aloud是副词,通常放在动词之后。 ①loud可作形容词或副词。用作副词时,常与speak, talk, laugh等动词连用,多用于比较级, 须放在动词之后。 ①loudly是副词,与loud同义,有时两者可替换使用,可位于动词之前或之后。 4. not …at all:一点也不,根本不,not经常可以和助动词结合在一起,at all 则放在句尾; 5. be / get excited about sth.:对…感到兴奋; 6. end up doing sth:终止/结束做某事;end up with sth.:以…结束; 7. first of all:首先(这个短语可用在作文中,使得文章有层次); 8. make mistakes:犯错make a mistake 犯一个错误; 9. laugh at sb.:笑话;取笑(某人)(常见短语) 10. take notes:做笔记/记录; 11. native speaker 说本国语的人; 12. make up:组成、构成; 13. deal with:处理、应付; 14. perhaps = maybe:也许; 15. go by:(时间)过去; 16.each other:彼此; 17.regard… as … :把…看作为…; 18.change… into…:将…变为…; 19. with the help of sb. = with one's help 在某人的帮助下(注意介词of和with,容易出题) 20. compare … to …:把…比作… compare with 拿…和…作比较; 21. instead:代替,用在句末,副词; instead of sth / doing sth:代替,而不是(这个地方考的较多的就是instead of doing sth,也就是说如果of后面跟动词时,要用动名词形式,也就是动词的ing形式) 22.Shall we/ I + do sth.? 我们/我…好吗? 23. too…to:太…而不能,常用的句型是too+形容词/副词+ to do sth.


新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程3完整答案 Unit 1 (1) Sharing (1) Listening (2) Viewing (2) Role-play (2) Presenting (3) Conversations (3) Passage (3) News (4) Unit test (4) Unit 2 (6) Sharing (6) Listening (6) Viewing (7) Role-play (7) Presenting (8) Conversations (8) Passage (8) News (9) Unit test (9) Unit 3 (11) Sharing (11) Viewing (12) Role-play (12) Presenting (12) Conversations (13) Passage (13) News (13) Unit test (14) Unit 4 (15) Sharing (15) Listening (15) Viewing (16) Role-play (16) Presenting (17)

Passage (17) News (18) Unit test (18) Unit 5 (19) Sharing (19) Listening (20) Viewing (20) Role-play (20) Conversations (21) Passage (21) News (21) Unit test (22) Unit 6 (23) Sharing (23) Viewing (23) Role-play (24) Presenting (24) Conversations (24) Passage (25) News (25) Unit test (25) Unit 7 (27) Sharing (27) Listening (27) Viewing (28) Role-play (28) Presenting (28) Conversations (29) Passage (29) News (29) Unit test (30) Unit 8 (31) Sharing (31) Listening (31) Viewing (32) Role-play (33) Presenting (33) Conversations (33) Passage (34)

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