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1.encounter with

2.strain up 竭力爬坡

sb. strain to do sth.

3.be consisted of

4.scatter here and there

5.Three fine streams of hot water spouting from holes in the jacket of the radiator.

6.Sent a boy running for some green bananas.

7.He patted me on the shoulder, assuring me that everything would work out.

8.chatter casually

9.the beauty of the land that lay before our eyes.

10.Huge rock formations rose up all around us.

11.in turn 轮流,依次,反过来

12.as if

13.grasp the significance of

14.The occasion called for 需要some show of recognition on my part.

15.an armful of

16.cut…in half

17.The banana melted into a glue against the hot metal, stopping the leaks instantly. 18.in case my radiator should give me trouble again.

19.As a product of American education, I had never paid the slightest attention

to…,except to regard it as a fruit whose time had not yet come.

20.it time had come to meet my need.

21.reflect on 仔细思考,反省

22.all along=all the time 23.in relation to=be connected with

24. I come to appreciate…

25.(two) at once 立即,同时

26.know for a fact that

27. sth was located sp

28.The lesson which gradually dawned on me was actually very simple. 渐渐明白

29.in a certain sense

30.for ages

31.after all

32.be astonished at

33.on leave 休假

Unit 8

1. come upon sb.

2. He had his thumb out and

held a gas can in his other


3. There was a time when …

4. somebody in need

5. With gangs, drug addicts,

murderers, rapists, thieves

lurking everywhere,…潜藏6. be stranded in the desert 被困在

7. What bothered me was that

8. rely solely(=only) on

9. feed/shelter sb

carry sb down the road 10. intrigue sb 激起兴趣

11. a cashless journey

through the land of the

almighty dollar

12. accept offers of

13. conquer sth

14. watch out for 戒备

15. people’s readiness to

help a stranger

16. run contrary to 违反

17. pull a car to the road


18. a trucker pulled over开到路边

19. lock brakes hard

20. be robbed at knifepoint

by a hitchhiker

21. invite me to a simple


22. be grateful to sb for sth

23. as a matter of course

24. pitch a tent 搭帐篷

25. tell you what

26. stay-at –home people

27. be scheduled to

28. run sb over 坑害;与…相撞;违反;不利于;偶遇

29. my faith renew

30. in spite of 31. nip sth in the buds 扼杀在萌芽中

32. run for 竞选

33. head for serious trouble

Unit 9

1. on the beat 在巡逻中

2. move up the avenue impressively

3. empty the streets

4. cast eye down/over/on

5. a guardian of the peace

6. keep early hours 早睡早起

7. long since 很久以前

8. make an appointment

9. all straight(=true)

10. there used to be a restaurant where

this store stands.

11. be torn down 被拆除

12. Strike(struck) a match and light(lit)

his cigar

13. Keen eyes

14. Make one’s fortune

15. …have our fate worked out and our

fortunes made, whatever they were

going to be.

16. Lose/keep track of each other

17. It’s worth it

18. He was a kind of slow man, though,

good fellow as he was.

19. Compete with/against some of the

sharpest brains

20. Get stuck in sp 全神贯注,陷入

21. I’ll be on my way.我将踏上旅途

22. A fine, cold rain is falling

23. foot passengers in that quarter地区

hurried dismally

24. fill an appointment

25. still in existence

26. know of sth

27. arm in arm

28. outline the history of his career

29. release his arm

30. under arrest

31. have a chat with

32. somehow

33. all-night lunch sounter

34. turn up

35. oddly set

36. the wind had risen to a steady blow.

37. Make a fine picture of sb

38. For show

39. Bring up

40. Hear from

41. Catch up

42. Change into

43. Ask for

44. On earth

45. throw off

46. speak a word for sb

47. keep in step with 48. agree with 适合

49. leap/jump/rise to one’s feet

50. catch on明白理解

Unit 10

1. liberate sb from

2. pursue one’s hobbies

3. be in pursuit of

4. take satisfaction in

5. give in to

6. feel fulfilled by

7. be empty of

8. take/find pride in

9. at heart本质上

10. tend(=look after) sth

11. Contact with

12. An alternative to

13. Though trail and error

14. Offer a simple .but

enduring satisfaction

15. A metaphor for

16. Take responsibility for

17. Mind one’s work

18. At great length=in great


19. Read sth into sth认为…有言外之意

20. Place an order for

21. Be behind bars=be in jail

22. Survive in

23. Cut out 停止,击败,中断,离开

24. Bring back to healthy


25. In some ways在某种程度上

26. Provide with

27. Supply with

28. Remove from

29. Ask for permission

30. Give oneself up自首

31. Give way倒塌,让路,失去控制,撤退Unit 11

1. gain strength

2. not that 到不是说

3. upset=knock over

4. scatter all over the floor

5. poke his face around the


6. quiet down

7. in search of search for

8. it all served to fog my mind

with pleasure.

9. In sailed Mrs.Y, wild with


10. Thrill to sth=be excited


11. Become restless焦躁不

12. Wake up with a start 惊醒

13. ears pointed耳朵尖

14. it was all for the best

15. as busy as a squirrel

16. slip into my snow

shoes=put on quickly

17. drift down

18. the snow thickened fast

19. a blanket of white


20. only too=very

21. only to do

22. the storm would have

blow itself out

23. be smothered by 窒息

24. time/place see /witness

(no end to ) sth

25. slash off 削减

26. blood spurted freely

from my wound

27. the howl seemed to

freeze the world with fear

28. work my way out

29. take one’s toll on

sb.=have a bad effect on

30. for life

31. leave sth undone

32. come into focus

33. fan it back to life

34. work one’s way out of Unit 12

1. help with the milking

2. cling to

3. the two of us

4. a light sleeper

5. wide/fully/half awake

6. slip back in time

7. hate to

8. it’s time that sb did…

it’s the first time that sb

have done …

9. something in sb woke=sb


10. take sth for granted =

take…as a matter of


11. stumbling blind with


12. lay on his side侧躺

13. a thought struck sb

14. laugh to oneself

15. gaze at

16. for once

17. hang up

18. feel for him=try to find

19. the words broke from

him of their own will

20. burst with


21. come to think of it

22. creep up to

23. rush/dash into the room

24. steal/sneak/slip into the


25. worm his way through

the crowd

26. tiptoe/stumble/stagger/cr

eep/crawl into the room 27. as long as

Unit 13

1. have a rough idea of

be tired of =be bored with= be fed up with

2. go ashore

3. as it turned out

4. a certain look in his eyes

5. when wine sinks, words


6. Aim at

7. The mastery of 8. Have no rival

9. He was not at all what one

would regard as the figure

of a soldier

10. Think of war as

11. Fulfill our just


12. What if=what would

happen if

13. Let loose a plague

14. Be capable of

15. Within our grasp

16. If only要是…就好了

17. Only if 只有

18. Keep at it

19. Be determined to do状态

20. Be content with 满意

21. Inspiration gripped him

22. But for要不是

23. Sth/sb appeal to sb to

do/for sth

24. Make an appeal for

25. Get on with=continue

26. Mark off

27. Look close靠近

28. Grip sb/grip one’s


29. Spur on

30. Call for

31. Depend on

32. Regard as

33. Get rid of

34. Carry out

35. Adapt to devoted to

36. Be devoted to

37. Be different from


初二英语语法总结 1) leave的用法 1.“leave+地点”表示“离开某地”。例如: When did you leave Shanghai? 你什么时候离开上海的? 2.“leave for+地点”表示“动身去某地”。例如: Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London. 下周五,爱丽斯要去伦敦了。 3.“leave+地点+for+地点”表示“离开某地去某地”。例如: Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing? 你为什么要离开上海去北京? 2) 情态动词should“应该”学会使用 should作为情态动词用,常常表示意外、惊奇、不能理解等,有“竟会”的意思,例如:How should I know? 我怎么知道? Why should you be so late today? 你今天为什么来得这么晚? should有时表示应当做或发生的事,例如: We should help each other.我们应当互相帮助。 我们在使用时要注意以下几点: 1. 用于表示“应该”或“不应该”的概念。此时常指长辈教导或责备晚辈。例如: You should be here with clean hands. 你应该把手洗干净了再来。 2. 用于提出意见劝导别人。例如: You should go to the doctor if you feel ill. 如果你感觉不舒服,你最好去看医生。 3. 用于表示可能性。should的这一用法是考试中常常出现的考点之一。例如: We should arrive by supper time. 我们在晚饭前就能到了。 She should be here any moment. 她随时都可能来。 3) What...? 与 Which...? 1. what 与 which 都是疑问代词,都可以指人或事物,但是what仅用来询问职业。如:What is your father? 你父亲是干什么的? 该句相当于: What does your father do?


在大学,英语学习是必然的,虽然英语成绩不是太理想,但是从几年的学习过程中也领会了一些怎样应用策略的方法,如何学习才能更家对英语有兴趣。高中是打好英语基础的关键时期,也为大学的进一步提高打下了良好的基础,不论是为高考还是为以后的英语学习,高中英语知识都是不可忽略的。从高考的要求来看,高中英语主要撑握基础知识及需做些中度题。语音知识需多看多记多练,没什么捷径,最多是些单词记忆法,及提高自己学习效率的有效时间安排。在语法上,要结合知识点多做专项题。在阅读理解上,除每天保证两到三篇的练习外,要增加自己的课外阅读量,目的是培养英语语感;书面表达以一些范文为例进行持续练习。听力最好每天坚持听20-30分钟,另外练习口语也是提高听力的最好办法。最终学好英语一定要多下功夫。 应做到“四勤”与“四多”,具体说来,有以下几点: 一、“四勤” 1.勤背诵 积极记忆高中课本中出现的生词及词组,理解其用法,并适当运用一些正、反义词对比,相似词对比等方式加强记忆。这一步虽然枯燥乏味,但少了它,学习英语就像折了翅膀的鹰,空有雄心却寸步难行。 2.勤朗读 这是学好英语的法宝之一。朗读的内容一般说来只限于课本,并不以背 诵为目的,而着重将注意力集中于自己的正确发音、连续语气等等。通过朗读可以熟悉单词及其用法,体会英语的语气、语境,增强语感。每天只需半小时左右,但须持之以恒。 3.勤练习 虽然“题海”战术不足取,但适当做一些练习,尤其是针对自己不足之处的练习是必不可少的,比如完形填空这种难度较大、考查综合能力的题型,平时就应多做一些。每次做完后,认认真真地重新对照答案细细抠一遍,体会这些正确选项究竟合理在什么地方,出题者的意图又是在考查哪些知识点等等。只有在不断的练习、体会中,英语水平及应试能力才会不断提高。 4.勤总结 相对于其它学科来说,英语的知识点相当零碎,一定要在平时的收集、整理、总结上下功夫。平时听老师提到或是在参考书上看到的一些零碎的小知识都要及时记录下来,以备以后复习时用。 二、“四多” 1.多看 近年来英语试题的难度逐渐增大,试题的触角涉及到日常生活的各个领域,因此,从高一开始就应尽可能地扩大阅读面,广泛阅读,以求开阔视野,并在潜移默化中提高自己的英文水平。 2.多听 近年的中、高考已逐步加入听力试题。其实,多听并不仅仅是为了应试,更重要的一点就是在听的过程中可以逐步增强语感。培养敏锐的语感将有助于增强辨析力和判断力,是英语学习过程中十分重要的一环。 3.多说 多说可以增强口语能力,加深记忆,使学过的知识清晰地映在脑海里,不容易被忘记。 4.多练 通过做大量的习题,可以增强实践经验,不至于临阵发慌,手足无措。而且,熟能生巧,做题也能做出规律,做出语感来。 当然,学习一门语言本身也有其自身的规律,所谓“四勤”、“四多”也只不过是一种加


1.三级语法考点归纳 2.一.虚拟语气 3.1. if 句中虚拟形式 4.if 引导的非真实条件句(纯粹假设或发生的可能性不大): 5.条件从句主句 6.与现在相反 did (be were) would/ should/ might/ could do 与将来相反 did (be were) would/ should/ might/ could do 7.与过去相反 had done would/ should/ might/ could have done 例句 8.If we left (leave) now, we should arrive in time. 9.If they hadn’t gone on vacation, their house wouldn’t have been broken (break) into. 2. 原形虚拟: 10.a. 表命令、决定、要求、建议等词语之后的that-分句中,用动词原形。 11.suggest, demand, advise, propose, order, arrange, insist, command, require, request, desire …… that +(should) do 12.例如 He suggested that we should leave early. My suggestion is that we should tell him. 13.b. It is (was) 形容词/名词that …… (should) do/ 14.例如 It is absolutely essential that all the facts be examined first. 3. 一些句型中的虚拟形式: 15.1. It’s (high, about, the first, etc.) time (that) …动词过去时…例如 It’s time we left. 例如 It is time we went to bed. 2 would rather/sooner 宁愿 as if/ though 好像 16.would rather/sooner 谓语用过去时与现在或者将来相反 as if/ though 谓语用过去完成时与过去相反 4.练习 17.1. I _______ try it again if I_______you. A. will; am B. should; am C. would;were D. would; had been 2. If it _______ not for the water, the plants _______live. 18.A. were; would not B. is; could not C. were; could D. did; could not 3. If I ___ ____ that chance to show my ability, I _______the president of this school. A. have not had; coul d not become B. had not had; would not have become C. did not have; could not become D. doesn’t have; will not become 4. He _______ by that burglar if you _______ to save him. 19.A. might have been killed; hadn’t come B. will be killed; didn’t come C. may be killed; did’t come D. could be killed; haven’t come 5. If it _______for your help, I _______that hard time with so little money. A. were not ; would not spend B. is not; can not spend 20.C. had not been; would not have spent D. have not been; will not spend 6. Where ____ ___ you go if war _______? 21.A. will; breaks out B. do; will break out C. would; were to break out D. will; is to break out 7. She wishes she _______ that humiliating thing. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.A. doesn’t do B. didn’t do C. haven’t done D. hadn’t done 8. The chairman suggested that the meeting _______ put off. 29.A. can be B. be C. is D. will be 9. It is vital that he _______ immediately.


篇一:大学英语课程总结 《大学英语》课程总结 2008-2009学年第二学期 xxx 2009.7.1 时光如梭,忙碌的一个学期又已经结束,回头看看这一学期的大学英语教学工作还是有不少值得总结的地方,现将本学期大学英语课程总结如下: 首先《大学英语》课程是高等院校各专业一门重要的必修基础课,它在为学生系统地打好必要的英语语言基础,培养学生英语应用能力方面起着重要作用;本课程一般是在大学本科一年级和二年级开设,它在使学生树立正确的英语语言学习态度,掌握较为科学的语言学习方法,培养独立获取语言知识的能力,以便为以后进一步的英语学习打下良好的基础。 本学期是大学英语学习的第四个学期,也是大学英语教学的最后一学期。在本学期我本人继续承担本院建工系给排水0701和给排水0702两个班的英语教学任务。在前三册教学的基础上,本学期我一如既往地严格按照外语系的规定认真组织教学,课前认真备课,撰写教案,复印四级考试资料并细心讲解以便帮助更多的同学通过大学英语四级考试。由于英语课是一门实践性较强的课程,因此我不断探寻和改进学习方法,课堂上我的教学方法灵活,能够更好地调动学生们的英语学习兴趣。课堂上增强与学生的互动,较多的使用英语教学,给学生创造了英语学期的环境。课堂上我采用多种教学方法使学生参与进来,如speech, discussion, questioning and answering,role-paly,实用口语等,本学期我继续要求每一节课由一位学生做三分钟的英语演讲,演讲的内容和题材不限,鼓励自己写稿,通过几个学期的训练学生们的写作和口语能力都有了明显的提高。课间我耐心与学生交流帮助解决他们在学期上的困惑,帮助他们改进英语学习方法。课后我认真批改学生的作业,每一份作业都仔细批阅,指出错误所在,并就一些共同的问题给学生们统一讲解。 本学期是大学二年级的最后一个学期,也是一个非常重要的学期因为大多数的同学在学期末都还要继续参加全国大学英语四级考试,为了帮助同学们在四级考试中取得较好的成绩,我在教学过程中一方面强化词汇,语法等语言基础知识同时有针对性地训练他们的应试能力和应试技巧。如本学期的英语课堂教学中我继续加强大学英语四级考试的辅导,给学生们为准备四级考试提供了有益的建议和指导。在具体的教学环节中将四级考试的内容渗透在日常教学中,如从第二学期起我就要求学生加强对四级考试写作的训练,每次的作业都是针对四级考试写作部分的。通过近三个学期的写作专项训练学生们的写作能力也有了明显的提 高。四级考试题目听力部分的分值比重较大而且也是同学们共同的弱项,因此在听力课上我主要针对短对话长对话短文和听写能题型的训练,此外还加强对阅读和完型填空的训练。在本学期最后的几周里我积极响应系的要求,给学生复印了八套四级考试真题和模拟考试题,每一套题我都认真详细讲解,为大多数同学参加四级考试做好了充分的准备。通过外语系、我本人以及同学们的共同努力,我相信他们在本学期的四级考试中上次未通过四级考试的大部分同学一定会考出他们心中的理想成绩的。

大学英语精读(2) 英语知识点总结

Unit 1 The Dinner Party 1. shortly before WW1 一战前不久 2. track down 追溯,追查 3. be seated 就座 4. spring up 突然出现,开始 5. outgrow the jumping-on-a-chair-at the sight of a mouse era 不再像过去那样见到老鼠就跳到椅子上 6. That last ounce of self-control is what really counts. 这多出来的一点自制力才是真正起作用的。 7. motion to sb 向某人示意 signal to sb 8. whisper sth to sb 向某人嘀咕,耳语 9. the America comes to with a start. 这个美国博物学家突然醒悟了. Startle-----startled 10. bait for a snake 蛇的诱饵 11. an empty room 一个空房子 a bare marble floor 没铺地毯的大理石地板 barely any hair====hardly/scarcely any hair 12. serve the next course 上下一道菜 a course of dish 一道菜 13. frighten sb into doing sth 吓得某人去做… persuade sb into doing sth talk sb into doing sth threaten sb into doing sth 14. out of the corner of his eyes 从他的眼角里 15. Stare straight ahead 盯着往前看 16. Not move a muscle 纹丝不动 17. Make for 前往 18.Ring out 19. Slam the door shut 20. Exclaim 21. at the sight of 一看见 at the thought of 一想起 22. a heated/spirited discussion 一场激烈的争论 22. an example of perfect self-control 一个镇定自若的典范 23. A faint smile lights up the hostess’s face. Two spots of color brightened her face.


大学英语教师总结最新5篇 【仅供学习参考,切勿通篇使用!】 大学英语教师总结最新5篇 工作总结就是把一个时间段的工作进行一次全面系统的总检查、总评价、总分析、总研究,那么大学英语教师总结应该怎么写呢,以下是小编精心收集整理的大学英语教师总结,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 大学英语教师总结1 20__年是我工作的第二年,这一年相对于前两年来说,对于教学和教育工作有力进一步的认识,自己的能力和心理素质得到了进一步地提高,在院领导和同事的帮助下,拓宽了自己的专业知识,也承担了一些新的教学任务,总体上较好地完成了这一年的工作任务。 1.本年主要继续担任科技英语的教学。第一学期继续承担的是《电子商务》的教学。这是我第二次带这门课,这次除了认真备好课外,继续不断扩展和电子商务相关的课外知识,争取在讲好课文本身的同时,给学生介绍和电子商务有关的基础知识。这次比上次讲解更详细,而且讲解章节覆盖更广,取得较好的效果。第二学期承担的是《计算机科学概论》的教学。这是我第四次带这门课。但是为了精益求精,我把课本详细地进行了整理,充分利用网络的资源,在课件上补充了一些图片,丰富了教学的内容,使得教学内容更直观,增加讲授课人工智能这一部分,并且沿承以前的方式,针对大一新生英语基础比较薄弱的特点,每节课布置作业,坚持批改,及时了解学生听课的情况,对问题比较集中的地方重点讲解,比较圆满地完成了教学任务。 但是教学过程中仍然有许多不足之处。一方面自己的专业知识比较有限,在讲授计算机和电子商务相关知识中不能做到深入和精确,另一方面在教学进度和学生所要求的教学速度上未找到合适的平衡点。这些问题是在新学年中我要努力攻克的,希望能在同事和自己的帮助下使得科技英语的教学更上一个台阶。 2. 担任了信管__34班的英语教学工作。信管__34班是我从大一第二学期接班的,针对这种情况,积极和班主任沟通交流,了解他们以前的成绩,课下也和学生保持交流,了解


八年级下册英语语法知识点归纳总结 He said I was hard-working. 重点语法:宾语从句 结构:主语 + 谓语动词 + 宾语从句(主语 + 谓语动词 + 宾语/表语) 例句:----Im good at English. He says. (改为加宾语从句的复合句) ----He says Im good at English. 注意:①主句是一般现在时态,宾语从句的时态不受其影响。 例句:He says Im good at English now. He says I was good at mathematics when I was young. ②主句是过去时态,宾语从句也要用过去时态。 例句:He said I was good at mathematics when I was young yesterday. He said I was good at English now yesterday. ③宾语从句是客观真理时永远用一般现在时态。 例句:Our teacher says 24 hours make a day. Our teacher said the sun gives us so many energy yesterday. ④动词原形不能作主语,必须用其 -ing 形式。 例句:She said helping others changed her life. 重点短语:direct speech 直接引语

reported speech = indirect speech 间接引语 first of all = at first 首先 pass on 传递 be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事 be good at = do well in 在某方面做得好 in good health 身体健康 get over 克服 open up 打开 care for = take care of = look after 照料;照顾 not any more = not any longer = no longer 不再 have a cold 感冒 end-of-year exam 年终考试 get nervous 变得紧张 forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(该事未做) forget doing sth. 忘记做某事(该事已做) its + adj. + [for sb.] + to do sth. 做某事[对某人来说](加形容词) context 上下文 Reading Strategy(阅读方法) First read for meaning, not for detail. (首先理解文段的大致意思,不在于文段的细节部分。) You can understand the meaning of a word you dont know from


大学英语学习总结 大学英语学习总结(一) 走进大学,英语学习是必然的,虽然英语成绩不是太理想,但是从几年的学习过程中也领会了一些怎样应用策略的方法,如何学习才能更家对英语有兴趣。最终学好英语一定要多下功夫。应做到“四勤”与“四多”,具体说来,有以下几点: 一、“四勤” 1.勤背诵。 2.勤朗读。 3.勤练习。 4.勤总结。 积极记忆课本中出现的生词及词组,理解其用法,并适当运用一些正、反义词对比,相似词对比等方式加强记忆。相对于其它学科来说,英语的知识点相当零碎,一定要在平时的收集、整理、总结上下功夫。平时听老师提到或是在参考书上看到的一些零碎的小知识都要及时记录下来,以备以后复习时用。

二、“四多” 1.多看。 2.多听。 3.多说。 4.多练。 近年来英语试题的难度逐渐增大,试题的触角涉及到日常生活的各个领域,因此,从高一开始就应尽可能地扩大阅读面,广泛阅读,以求开阔视野,并在潜移默化中提高自己的英文水平。培养敏锐的语感将有助于增强辨析力和判断力,是英语学习过程中十分重要的一环。多说可以增强口语能力,加深记忆,使学过的知识清晰地映在脑海里,不容易被忘记。通过做大量的习题,可以增强实践经验,不至于临阵发慌,手足无措。 具体实行方案如: 1.最重要是单词,开学之时制定个计划,准备在什么时候把第几课的单词背熟,如果可能尽早把所有单词记得滚瓜烂熟,要是不行至少在每一节上课之前把此课的单词记熟。

2.每天至少看30分钟的课文,哪一篇都好(前提是单词读熟),最好以娱乐的心态去进行,不要当作苦差,如果坚持不了至少一周看三次,在读的时候慢慢培养速度,当然这是在读的质量有保证的前提下。 3.买英语系列磁带,每天坚持听一段时间,至少多长自己把握。 我认为,如果可以完全或80%地做到以上几点,学习英语就自然而然变成了一件乐事,既的到了提高有增强了自己的自主学习能力,我想这是我学习英语的最大收获! 大学英语学习总结(二) 时光如梭,忙碌的一个学期又已经结束,回头看看这一学期的大学英语教学工作还是有不少值得总结的地方,现将本学期大学英语课程总结如下:


八年级下册英语语法知识点归纳总结 (2021最新版) 作者:______ 编写日期:2021年__月__日 【导语】要想取得好的学习成绩,必须要有良好的学习习惯。习惯是经过重复练习而巩固下来的稳重持久的条件反射和自然需要。建立良好的学习习惯,就会使自己学习感到有序而轻松。以下是小编为您整理的《八年级下册英语语法知识点归纳总结》,供大家查阅。 【篇一】 He said I was hard-working. 重点语法:宾语从句结构:主语 + 谓语动词 + 宾语从句(主语 + 谓语动词 + 宾语/表语) 例句:----Im good at English. He says. (改为加宾语从句的复合句)

----He says Im good at English. 注意:①主句是一般现在时态,宾语从句的时态不受其影响。例句:He says Im good at English now. He says I was good at mathematics when I was young. ②主句是过去时态,宾语从句也要用过去时态。例句:He said I was good at mathematics when I was young yesterday. He said I was good at English now yesterday. ③宾语从句是客观真理时永远用一般现在时态。例句:Our teacher says 24 hours make a day. Our teacher said the sun gives us so many energy yesterday. ④动词原形不能作主语,必须用其 -ing 形式。例句:She said helping others changed her life. 重点短语:direct speech 直接引语 reported speech = indirect speech 间接引语 first of all = at first 首先 pass on 传递 be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事 be good at = do well in 在某方面做得好 in good health 身体健康 get over 克服 open up 打开 care for = take care of = look after 照料;照顾 not any more = not any longer = no longer 不再 have a cold 感冒 end-of-year exam 年终考试 get nervous 变得紧张 forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(该事未做) forget doing sth. 忘记做某事(该事已做) its + adj. + [for sb.] + to do sth. 做某事[对某人来说](加形容词) context 上下文 Reading Strategy(阅读方法) First read for meaning, not for detail. (首先理解文段的大致意思,不在于文段的细节部分。) You can understand the meaning of a word you dont know from the context. (至于不懂的单词,



Unit6 1.encounter with 2.strain up 竭力爬坡 sb. strain to do sth. 3.be consisted of 4.scatter here and there 5.Three fine streams of hot water spouting from holes in the jacket of the radiator. 6.Sent a boy running for some green bananas. 7.He patted me on the shoulder, assuring me that everything would work out. 8.chatter casually 9.the beauty of the land that lay before our eyes. 10.Huge rock formations rose up all around us. 11.in turn 轮流,依次,反过来 12.as if 13.grasp the significance of 14.The occasion called for 需要some show of recognition on my part. 15.an armful of 16.cut…in half 17.The banana melted into a glue against the hot metal, stopping the leaks instantly. 18.in case my radiator should give me trouble again. 19.As a product of American education, I had never paid the slightest attention to…,except to regard it as a fruit whose time had not yet come. 20.it time had come to meet my need. 21.reflect on 仔细思考,反省 22.all along=all the time 23.in relation to=be connected with 24. I come to appreciate… 25.(two) at once 立即,同时 26.know for a fact that 27. sth was located sp 28.The lesson which gradually dawned on me was actually very simple. 渐渐明白 29.in a certain sense 30.for ages 31.after all 32.be astonished at 33.on leave 休假 Unit 8 1. come upon sb. 2. He had his thumb out and held a gas can in his other hand. 3. There was a time when … 4. somebody in need 5. With gangs, drug addicts, murderers, rapists, thieves lurking everywhere,…潜藏6. be stranded in the desert 被困在 7. What bothered me was that 8. rely solely(=only) on 9. feed/shelter sb carry sb down the road 10. intrigue sb 激起兴趣


英语语法现在进行时归纳总结 一、单项选择现在进行时 1.-- I am afraid I can’t help you with your project. I ________ a model these days. -- It doesn’t matter. I will finish it by myself. A.make B.will be making C.am making D.have made 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词时态。句意:我恐怕不能帮你完成项目了,这几天我要做一个模型。没关系,我会自己完成。表示这几天一直要做的事情,用一般现在时表示将来,故选C 项。 考点:考查动词时态 2.—I some courses at university,so I can’t work full time at the moment. A.take B.am taking C.took D.have taken 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词的时态。句意:因为我正在上学,所以不能在这时候做全职的工作。根据下方提到so I can’t work full time at th e moment 可知我正在上学,故选B 项。 考点 : 考查动词的时态 3.The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers the main pipe.A.repair B.repaired C.have repaired D.are repairing 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词的时态。句意:因为工人正在修理主管道,所以水供应暂时被切断。根据语境表示,修理管道这件事正在进行,所以选D项。 考点 : 考查动词的时态 4.– Do you think we should accept that offer? -- Yes, we should, for we ___such bad luck up till now, and time __ out. A.have had; is running B.had; is running C.have; has been run D.have had; has been run 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词的时态。 句意:---你认为我们应该接受那个建议吗? ---是的,我们应该,因为到目前为止我们已经运气很糟糕,并且时间也正在被耗尽。


大学英语学习心得体会范文 这一年的大学英语学习生涯,让我感慨颇多!回想起,那个时候上课的情况,一切是那么的清晰,仿佛就像是发生在昨天一样。 通过这两年在大学的英语学习,我对于目前的大学英语教学方面有以下的看法:虽然在教学内容较单一的情况下,但在英语教学方式方面相对来说,教学形式还是较丰富多彩的,具体地说:在大学英语课堂教学中,老师采用了有趣生动的教学内容呈现形式,如:游戏化地教学活动、小组讨论、课堂辩论、学生上讲台、看音像资料等来传授教学内容。 对这种形式的教学,我觉得很不错! 与我们高中枯燥的英语课堂相比,这种利用各种喜闻乐见的活动教学方式,让教学内容的呈现方式更乐意被我们接受,提高了我们对教学内容的接受程度。当然,采用何种教学形式,取决于学生的年龄、性格特征、班级规模、班风等实际因素。显然采用了合适的教学形式能较大地激发学生学习。 另外,另一种值得一提的教学安排就是英语ppt展示。对于英语的ppt 展示的教学安排,很多人不支持,觉得没意义,不如不用上课更好。 但我个人觉得,它是利远大于弊的。因为这种教学安排给了我们很多的学习空间,让教学的互动性与学生的自主学习的激情给充分调动起来,同时也是一个很好的考验个人的自我约束的意识。可能部分的同学还停留在老师一个人在讲课,学生在下面听的中学教学模式中,很难理解这其中的意义。因此,有一部分同学在机房学习时,因自身的自律意识不强而做一些与学习无关的事情,如:看视频,聊qq,发邮件等。从另一角度来说,这也是对学生的自我管理与约束方 面的考验的平台,在这平台上,学生将能逐渐摆脱掉依赖老师与家长的监督来学习的不良学习习惯,提高自己的自我约束能力与增强自己的学习意识。只是,在这转变过程当中,老师等要学会引导这些学生,这样这种教学方式将会真正达到提高学生的自主学习能力的目的。 就我个人的情况来说,通过每周一次的英语ppt,我也接触到了更加丰富 的英语学习资源,开阔了视野,掌握了利用个人展示这一强大的平台来锻炼我们,同时也增强了自主学习的意识。总的来说,这目前大学的英语教学安排还是不错的,当然,还需进一步的发展完善。 本章::s:////xindetihui/


17.The banana melted into a Unit6 glue against the hot metal, 1.encounter with stopping the leaks instantly. 2.strain up 竭力爬坡18.in case my radiator should give me trouble again. sb. strain to do sth. 19.As a product of American 3.be consisted of education, I had never paid 4.scatter here and there 5.Three fine streams of hot water spouting from holes in the slightest attention to?,except to regard it as a fruit whose time had not yet come. the jacket of the radiator. 20.it time had come to meet my need. 6.Sent a boy running for some green bananas. 21.reflect on 仔细思考,反省7.He patted me on the shoulder, assuring me that everything would work out. 22.all along=all the time 23.in relation to=be connected with 8.chatter casually 24. I come to appreciate ? 9.the beauty of the land that lay before our eyes. 25.(two) at once 立即,同时10.Huge rock formations rose up all around us. 26.know for a fact that 27. sth was located sp 11.in turn轮流,依次,反过来 12.as if 28.The lesson which gradually dawned on me was actually


【英语】英语语法副词归纳总结 一、单项选择副词 1.He wasn’t to lift the case. A.too strong B.enough strong C.strong enough D.so strong 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查enough的用法。句意:他没有力气提起箱子。此处enough“足够”是副词,修饰形容词时放在形容词后面。故选C。 2.The man should be excused because he caused the damage _______. A.deliberately B.unintentionally C.meaningfully D.determinedly 【答案】B 【解析】 句意为这个人应该被原谅,因为他是无意中造成了伤害。故选unintentionally无意地。 3.Instead of hiding behind walls, a defender sometimes must ________ engage and disable enemy forces before they strike. A.flexibly B.actively C.primitively D.conservatively 【答案】B 【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A. flexibly易曲地,柔软地;B. actively活跃地,积极地;C. primitively最初地,自学而成地;D. conservatively保存地,保守地;句意:守卫者有时必须在敌方部队攻击前________吸引火力并打倒他们,而不是躲在墙后面。只有选B表示“积极地吸引火力”符合语境。 4.Pollution has reached high level in some urban areas, which is quite worrying. A.disturbingly B.slightly C.exactly D.flexibly 【答案】A 【解析】考查副词。句意:在一些城市污染已经到了令人不安的程度,这是相当令人担忧的。根据后边which is quite worrying这是相当令人担忧的,可知前边污染已经达到了令人不安的程度。A令人不安地;B轻微地;C恰好地;D灵活地。故选A。 5.They gave mo ney to the old people’s home either _____ or through their companies. (安徽2015) A.legally B.sincerely


大学英语学习总结精选 大学英语学习总结怎么写?看看小编为大家准备的范文吧,希望你们喜欢小编的分享呀。 大学英语学习总结精选 走进大学,英语学习是必然的,虽然英语成绩不是太理想,但是从几年的学习过程中也领会了一些怎样应用策略的方法,如何学习才能更家对英语有兴趣。最终学好英语一定要多下功夫。应做到“四勤”与“四多”,具体说来,有以下几点: 一、“四勤” 1.勤背诵。 2.勤朗读。 3.勤练习。 4.勤总结。 积极记忆课本中出现的生词及词组,理解其用法,并适当运用一些正、反义词对比,相似词对比等方式加强记忆。相对于其它学科来说,英语的知识点相当零碎,一定要在平时的收集、整理、总结上下功夫。平时听老师提到或是在参考书上看到的一些零碎的小知识都要及时记录下来,以备以后复习时用。 二、“四多” 1.多看。 2.多听。 3.多说。 4.多练。 近年来英语试题的难度逐渐增大,试题的触角涉及到日常生活的各个领域,因此,从高一开始就应尽可能地扩大阅读面,广泛阅读,以求开阔视野,并在潜移默化中提高自己的英文水平。培养敏锐的语感将有助于增强辨析力和判断力,是英语学习过程中十分重要的一环。

多说可以增强口语能力,加深记忆,使学过的知识清晰地映在脑海里,不容易被忘记。通过做大量的习题,可以增强实践经验,不至于临阵发慌,手足无措。 具体实行方案如: 1.最重要是单词,开学之时制定个计划,准备在什么时候把第几课的单词背熟,如果可能尽早把所有单词记得滚瓜烂熟,要是不行至少在每一节上课之前把此课的单词记熟。 2.每天至少看30分钟的课文,哪一篇都好(前提是单词读熟),最好以娱乐的心态去进行,不要当作苦差,如果坚持不了至少一周看三次,在读的时候慢慢培养速度,当然这是在读的质量有保证的前提下。 3.买英语系列磁带,每天坚持听一段时间,至少多长自己把握。 我认为,如果可以完全或80%地做到以上几点,学习英语就自然而然变成了一件乐事,既的到了提高有增强了自己的自主学习能力,我想这是我学习英语的最大收获! 时光如梭,忙碌的一个学期又已经结束,回头看看这一学期的大学英语教学工作还是有不少值得总结的地方,现将本学期大学英语课程总结如下: 首先《大学英语》课程是高等院校各专业一门重要的必修基础课,它在为学生系统地打好必要的英语语言基础,培养学生英语应用能力方面起着重要作用;本课程一般是在大学本科一年级和二年级开设,它在使学生树立正确的英语语言学习态度,掌握较为科学的语言学习方法,培养独立获取语言知识的能力,以便为以后进一步的英语学习


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Unit 1 The Dinner Party 1. shortly before WW1 一战前不久 2. track down 追溯,追查 3. be seated 就座 4. spring up 突然出现,开始 5. outgrow the jumping-on-a-chair-at the sight of a mouse era 不再像过去那样见到老鼠就跳到椅子上 6. That last ounce of self-control is what really counts. 这多出来的一点自制力才是真正起作用的。 7. motion to sb 向某人示意 signal to sb 8. whisper sth to sb 向某人嘀咕,耳语 9. the America comes to with a start. 这个美国博物学家突然醒悟了. Startle-----startled 10. bait for a snake 蛇的诱饵 11. an empty room 一个空房子 a bare marble floor 没铺地毯的大理石地板 barely any hair====hardly/scarcely any hair 12. serve the next course 上下一道菜 a course of dish 一道菜 13. frighten sb into doing sth 吓得某人去做… persuade sb into doing sth talk sb into doing sth threaten sb into doing sth 14. out of the corner of his eyes 从他的眼角里 15. Stare straight ahead 盯着往前看 16. Not move a muscle 纹丝不动 17. Make for 前往 out 19. Slam the door shut 20. Exclaim 21. at the sight of 一看见 at the thought of 一想起 22. a heated/spirited discussion 一场激烈的争论 22. an example of perfect self-control 一个镇定自若的典范

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