当前位置:文档之家› 九年级英语第十四单元教案



Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.



2 技能目标:能谈论过去和未来的生活.

3 情感目标:珍惜初中生活的点滴,培养对高中、未来生活的憧憬。树立远大人生目标。


词汇: survey, standard, row, keyboard, method, instruction, text, level, degree, manager, gentleman, task, wing, double, shall, overcome, congratulate, caring, senior, thirsty, thankful, separate, ours, ahead

短语: in a row, look back at, make a mess, keep one’s cool, senior high, go by, believe in, first of all, be thirsty for, be thankful to sb., ahead of, along with, be responsible for, set out, separate from

句子: She helped you to worked out the answers yourself no matter how difficulty they were.

How have you changed since you started junior high school

I’ve become much better at speaking English.

What are you looking forward to

I’m looking forward to going to senior high school.



Period 1 Section A 1 1a – 2d

Period 2 Section A 2 3a-3c

Period 3 Section A 3 Grammar Focus-4b

Period 4 Section B 1 1a-2e

Period 5 Section B 2 3a-Self Check

Unit 14 Section A 1 (1a – 2d)

I. Warming up

1. Do you have any special memories of junior high school

2. Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school

II. Work on 1a.

Check the things you remember doing at junior high school. Add more to the list. Practice in pairs using the information in 1a.

At junior high school,

I remember:

_____winning a prize

_____being a volunteer

_____doing a school survey

_____a friend helping me with a problem

Learn the new word: survey

III. Listening

1. Work on 1b. Listen and match the memory with the person.

the answer with the Ss.

Learn the new word: standard

2. Listen again and answer the questions.

1) What did Mary lose in Grade 7

2) Who helped her find it

3) What kind of person is Mr. Brown Is he strict with students

4) What did Peter do to meet Mr. Brown’s standards

3. Work on 1c. List some memories and experiences from junior high school. Share your lists with your partner.

Possible answers:

I remember...

scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition.

winning a basketball competition.

putting a plastic snake into a classmate's desk.

getting a wish card in Christmas Day.

I have...

learned to play the keyboard in music class.

learned to sing many English songs.

learned to play basketball with my friends.

Learn some new words.

4. Work on 2a. Listen to the conversation. Check(√) the facts you hear.

First, let Ss read the sentences. Then play the record and check the answer.

______Someone didn’t like .

______Someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher.

______Someone had a health problem.

______Someone joined the school band.

______Someone liked Mr. Hunt’s teaching methods.

5. Work on 2b. Listen again. Match each question with the name of the person.

Lisa remembers they had a great _____ teacher. He gave clear ___________ and he was ______, too. Luke remembers when That’s life _______ at school. They wrote a _____ to the band _______ to come.

Junior high has been ______, but it has been a lot of __________.

IV. Practice

1. Work on 2c. Role-play a conversation in your group using the information in 2a and 2b.

A: Do you remember Mr. Hunt

B: Of course! He is a great teacher. He gave really clear instructions during the .


C: Yeah, he was kind when I hurt my knee. He told me to take a break from running.

Learn the new word: instruction.

2. Work on 2d. Role-play the conversation.

Let Ss read the text and answer the questions.

1) Which teachers will they miss

2) What subjects do the teachers teach

3) Why will they miss them

4) What will they do to thank them

V. Language points

1. I remember scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition.

in a row 连续几次地

. This is the third Sunday in a row that it's rained.


2. … I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled.

double v.加倍; 是……的两倍

adj.两倍的; 加倍的

. They bought a double bed. 他们买了一张双人床。

I think we can double our marks in one year. 我认为我们可以在一年内把成绩翻一番。

3. Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you

shall modal v.将要; 将会

. Shall we all go to the film tonight 我们今晚都去看电影吗

Everything shall be in good order. 一切都应该井然有序。

I shall follow all your instructions. 我一定照您的指示去做。

VI. Homework

1. Recite the conversation in 2d.

2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.

Unit 14 Section A 2 (3a–3b)

I. Revision

学校调查school survey 连续几次地in a row 达标

meet the standard

休息take a break 清楚地指示clear instructions 对某人有耐心的be patient with sb

解决work out 指导某人做事guide sb to do 投入更多的努力put in more effort

II. Warming up

What activities can the writer remember about his or her life in junior high

I remember…

III. Reading

1. Work on 3a. Read the passage and answer the questions.

1) What kind of writing is this

2) What is the main subject of this writing

3)Who do you think the writer is

2. Work on 3b. Read the poem again. Write the words that rhyme with the words below. things rings year _______ class ________

land ________ school ________ flowers ________

3. Work on 3c. Have you experienced any of the following things How did you feel

How does the writer feel about them

1) trying to be on time for morning readings 2) running to the dining hall when the lunch bell rings

3) training for sports day 4) starting the first day in Grade 7 5) slowly making some new friends 6) helping classmates with homework 7) preparing for art festivals 8) going to New Year’s parties 9) learning English

IV. Language points

1. Looking back at these past three years

I remember many things

Trying to be on time for morning readings

Running when the lunch bell rings

look back at 回顾

. Every time I look back at my childhood, I cannot help missing my dear grandma.


I like to look back at my high-school days, which were among the happiest days in my life.


on time准时 in time 及时

in time和on time都可在句中作状语,但二者意思不同。

选用in time或on time填空。

1) We students should go to school ________.

2) The doctor came _______ and saved the little boy’s life.

Keys: on time in time

2. I remember the excitement

Of the school sports day each year

The many long hours of training

Pride of overcoming fear

excitement n. 兴奋excite v. 激动,兴奋

excited adj. 兴奋的exciting adj. 令人兴奋的

pride n. 自豪,骄傲proud adj. 自豪,骄傲


pride为名词,常用搭配为take pride in或be the pride of。

proud为形容词,常用搭配为be proud of。


1) I’m ________ (pride / proud) to be your friend.

2) He wore his medals with ______ (pride / proud).

3) I’m proud _____ (of / on) my hometown.

4) He loved his daughter and took pride _____ (of / in) her.

5) She is the ________ (pride / proud) of China.

Keys: proud pride of in pride

overcome v. 克服,战胜 (overcame, overcome)

. We can and must overcome our shortcomings.


3. I remember starting day one The shyest in my whole class Never speaking to anyone And thinking I would not pass remember doing sth.意为“记得做过某事”,表示动作已经发生remember to do sth. 意为“记着去做某事”,表示动作尚未发生


1) Remember ________ (call) us when you get there.

2) I remember ________ (tell) you about it last week.

Keys: to call telling

4. Then slowly I made some new friends

To remember forever

Helping each other with homework

Getting better together

Preparing for art festivals

And making a great big mess

Having fun at New Year’s parties

Wishing everyone the best

prepare for 为......做准备

make a mess 搞得一团糟

have fun 玩得愉快= have a great time+doing

wish sb the best 给某人最好的祝愿

5. We have learned a different language

That is from a foreign land

English brings many challenges

We work hard to understand

And now it’s time to graduate

We will leave our lovely school

I can’t believe it’s been three years

I’m trying to keep my cool

That is from a foreign land 定语从句

keep one’s cool 沉住气;保持冷静 cool用作名词。

. “I must keep my cool,” she thought. “Losing my temper isn’t going to help.”


keep one’s cool意思相似的有keep cool。

. Keep cool! 保持冷静!


keep cool中的cool用作形容词,而keep one’s cool中的cool为名词。

6. But it’s difficult not to cry

I’ll miss the school trees and flowers

And our kind and caring teachers

Wonderful memories of ours

care adj. 体贴人的;关心他人的

V. Homework

Read the poem after class.

Remember the language points.

Section A 3 (Grammar focus-4b)

I. Revision

回顾look back at 弄得一团乱make a mess 沉住气keep one's cool

准时on time 以......为自豪take pride of 记得做了某事remember doing sth

为......做准备prepare for

II. Grammar focus. Read the sentences and understand them.

Translate the sentences.

1. 在七年级发生了什么特别的事 ______ _________ in Grade 7 that was special

我们队赢得了学校篮球赛。 Our team won the ______ __________ _____________.

2. 自你开始读初中以来,你有怎样的变化 How _____ you ________ since you started junior high school

我更擅长说英语了。 I've become much better at _________ _________.

3. —你认为高中会有什么不同 How do you think things will ___ ________ ___ senior high school

—我认为我会更加努力为考试作准备。I think that I’ll have to _____ _____ ______ for exams.

4. —明年你有什么计划 _____ ____ _____ ______ for next year

—我要参加学校排球队。I’m going to _____ the school volleyball team.

5. —你记得八年级的什么事吗 What do you remember about Grade 8

—我记得当过志愿者。 I remember _____ ___ ________.

6. —你过去常做但是现在不做的事 What ___ ___ ___ __ __ that you don't do now

—我过去常上舞蹈课,但是现在不了。I used to ____ _____ _______, but I don’t anymore.

7. —你期盼着什么 What are you _______ _______ ___

—我盼望着能进入高中。 I'm looking forward to going to senior high school.

III. Work on 4a. Number the sentences to make a paragraph.

_____When I get to senior high, I will join the school swim team.

__1__My time in junior high school has been enjoyable.

_____In Grade 8, I studied harder but I still got poor grades in English. I had problems with pronunciation and reading texts. So the next year, I worked much harder and got better grades.

_____ Next year, I will be in senior high school. I can’t believe how fast the time went by!

_____This year, with Mr. Trent’s help, my English level has been improving and I hope to get good grades at the end of the year.

_____In the first year, I didn’t work very hard in class, but I joined many different school clubs and had a lot of fun.

IV. Work on 4b. Write your own answers to the questions.

Let Ss finish the exercises first. Then let Ss check the answers with their partners. And ask some Ss to speak out their answers.

1. What do you remember about Grade 7 _________________________________

2. What happened in Grade 8 that was special __________________________________

3. What did you use to do that you don’t do now ___________________________________

4. How have you changed since you started junior high school___________________________________

5. How do you think things will be different in senior high


6. What are your plans for next year ___________________________________

7. What are you looking forward to ___________________________________

V. Homework

Review the grammar focus.

Unit 14 Section B 1 (1a-2e)

I. Revision

发生什么事了 What happened 擅长于be good at 与......不同be different in

考试复习study for exams 过去常常used to do 上舞蹈课take dance lessons 期盼look forward to (时间)逝去, 消逝go by 希望做hope to do

II. Discussion

Let Ss talk about their dream jobs.

Talk with your partner about what you would like to do in the future

A: What do you hope to do in the future

B: I hope to get a business degree and become a manager.

III. Work on 1a.

Write about what you would like to do in the future.

1. get a business degree and become a manager

2. ____________________________________

3. ____________________________________

Possible answers:

1.get a business degree and become a manager

2.become an English or Chinese teacher

3.become an astronaut or a doctor

IV. Pair work

Talk about what you hope to do in the future.

A: What do you hope to do in the future

B: I hope to …

V. Listening

1. 1c Listen to a class discussion. Check the hopes you hear.

1) Write down the job name according to the pictures.

2) Play the record and check the answers.

1d Listen again and complete the passage.

1) Let Ss understand the passage and write down some words meaning.

Today is the students’ last class. Bob feels ______ about it and thinks Mrs.

Chen’s classes have been ______. The students talk about what they want to do

in the future. Bob hopes to _____ the exam to get into senior high school. Shirley

wants to get into a _______ school.

Ken is good at _______ and he won a _____ for it. So he wants to be a(n) _________.

Mrs. Chen believes in all of them and tells them to “___________”. To celebrate

the end of junior high, they are having a ________. They ask Mrs. Chen to come,

and she is happy to accept the invitation.

2) Play the tape. Check some of the answers but without making sure them all.

3) Play the tape again. Let Ss listening carefully and pay attention to not sure

part above. Check the answers.

Answers: sad great pass music science prize astronaut go for it party

VI. Practice.

Prepare a speech for your graduation. Use the questions to help you.

Present your speech to your group.

How have you changed since you started junior high school

Who has helped you most

What advice have your parents given you

What will you do after you graduate

What are you looking forward to

1) Let Ss answer the questions one by one.

2) Ask Ss to write down a passage according to the information above.

3) Let some Ss read it out.

VII. 2a Discussion

What is the most important thing you have learned in junior high school Discuss the

question with a partner.

VIII. Reading

1. 2b Read the passage and answer the questions.

1) What kind of text is this Is it a story, a speech or a notice

2) Who do you think wrote it

3) Who is it for

Possible answers:

It is a speech.

The principal of the school is probably the person who wrote it.

It is for the graduating students of the school.

2. 2c Read the passage again and answer the questions.

1) What were the students like in Grade7

2) How have the students changed

3) Who should the students thank and why

4) What will senior high be like

5) How should the students deal with the future

6) What advice would you give to students who are just starting junior high school Key: 1) They were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.

2) They are now talented young adults who are full of hope for the


3) Their should thank the important people in their lives – their parents,

teachers and friends – because these are the people who have helped and

supported them.

4) Life in senior high will be harder and they will have many difficult tasks

ahead of them.

5) They should learn from their mistakes and never give up, choose wisely and

be responsible for their own decisions and actions, and not forget where they

came from.

3. 2d Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.

2) It is always hard to separate from those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years. However, we are still excited to ___________on a new journey when we enter senior high school.

3) The teacher can see in our eyes that we ______________ knowledge. She tells us that knowledge will give us wings to fly.

4) We will _____________ the junior high graduation ceremony tomorrow. It is a very special

time for us.

5) Our teachers and parents will __________ us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves.

Key: 1) none 2) set out 3) are thirsty 4) attend 5) be proud of

2e Underline the sentences you like in the passage. Tell your partner what they mean and why you like them.

X. Language points

1.Thank you for coming today to attend the graduation ceremony at No. 3 Junior High graduation ceremony 毕业典礼

2.You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.

be full of 充满...

. Her life was full of excitement. 她的生活充满激动人心的事情。

be thirsty for 渴望,渴求

. He was thirsty for power. 他渴望拥有权力。

3. Some of you were a little difficult to deal with!

deal with 处理,对付

. I have a matter of importance to deal with.我有要事要处理。

XI. Homework

Write about what you have gotten in the junior high school and your plan in

the senior high school.

Unit 14 Section B 2 (3a—Self Check)

I. Revision

对某人心存感激be thankful to sb. 连同along with 对......有责任be responsible for

渴求,渴望be thirsty for (时间)过去go by 弄得一团乱make a mess

沉住气;保持冷静keep one's cool 骄傲 be proud of 出发;启程set out

犯错make mistakes 放弃give up 在......之前ahead of

充满…...be full of 处理deal with 成长grow up

学校调查school survey 连续几次地in a row 达标meet the standard

休息take a break 清楚地指示clear instructions 对某人有耐心的be patient with sb

解决work out 指导某人做事guide sb to do 投入更多的努力put in more effort

Ⅱ. Writing

1. Work on 3a. Think of a person or an event from junior high school that you will never forget. Make some notes about how this person or event changed your life in some way.

Who is the person / What is the event

When and where did you first meet this person/ When and where did this event happen How did you feel when you met this person/ How did you feel when this event happened How did this person help you/ What happened later

How has this person’s advice/event changed your life

2. Work on 3b. Write a passage about the person or vent you thought abut in 3a. Describe the person/event.

Explain how you feel about this person/event.

Describe how this person/event has changed your life.


1. 写中学生活中的难忘的人/事。

2. 事件要有五要素:when, where, who, what, how, why

3. 最后阐述这件事对自己所产生的影响。

Sample writing

Te one person from my junior high school days that I will never forget is Mrs. Wong, my English teacher in Grade 7.

When I first started Grade 7, I was shy and did not dare t speak to anyone. My English was not very good and I felt nervous when I had to answer questions in class. I would have problems speaking even though I knew the answer. I felt quite unhappy with myself.

One day Mrs. Wong spoke to me after class. She encouraged me to speak slowly. She

also told me that she believed I could speak well if I practise more. I was touched by what she said and it made me work harder on my speaking skills.

Mrs. Wong continued to encourage me and I became even more confident. I improved so much that I won an English speech contest that year! I will always be grateful to Mrs. Wong for her advice and support.

Ⅲ. Self-Check

1.What happened in junior high that made you have these feelings Complete the


I can’t believe (believe) that today is the last day of junior high school. I still remember (remember) the first day of Grade 7 like it was yesterday. I used to be (be) a really shy person, so on the first day of junior high, I was(be) so scared and nervous.

I _thought (think) that I would never make any friends. But now, I realize (realize) that I was just being silly. Since then, I have made (make) so many good friends and I have shared (share) so many good memories with them. Even though I _am_ (be) sad that junior high is over, I _am looking_ (look) forward to new experiences in senior high!

Ⅳ. Homework

Finish your passage in 3b.

人教版英语九年级全一册教案:Unit14 SectionB(1a-1e)

Unit14 SectionB(1a-1e)教案 1.0 Teaching objectives 教学目标 Language targets 语言目标 Key Words and Chunks For applying: manager||,believe in||,hope to do||,in the future||,become||,accept||,invitation||,change||,graduate||,look forward to||,win a prize For comprehending: degree Sentence Structures 1) What do you hope to do in the future? 2) I hope to get a business degree and become a manager. 3) The students talk about what they want to do in the future. 4) To celebrate the end of junior high||,they are having a party. 5) They ask Mrs. Chen to come||,and she is happy to accept the invitation. 6) How have you changed since you started junior high school? 7) I remember you won a prize for science… Grammar Focus 1) The students talk about what they want to do in the future. (本句为一个宾语从句||,从句的语序为陈述句语序||。) 2)To celebrate the end of junior high||,they are having a party.(注意句首的动词不定式表示目的) 3)How have you changed since you started junior high school? (本句含有一个由


人教版九年级英语第十一单元检测题含答案 () ----Good! Will you please show me it? A. what to use B. how to use C. when to use D. where to use ()2. He asked me if there was in today’s newspaper. A. anything interesting B. interesting anything C. something interesting D. interesting something ()3.----Where is Tom? ----He to the reading room. A. has been B. went C. has gone D. goes ()4. Every morning, we are asked taken our temperatures. A. if we have B. if have we C. if we had D. if had we ()5. How long the film ? A. did; begin B. has; begun C. has; been on D. has; been ()6. ----Lin Tao, could you me this book please? ---- Sorry, but I it for only half an hour. I haven’t finished it. A. borrow; have had B. borrow; have bought C. lend; have had D. lend; have bought ()7. Make some sentences, using the words. A. give B. gives C. gave D. given ()8. I don’t know when . When he , I’ll call you. ()9. ----Although you failed three times, I hope you can have try. ----- Thank you. I will. A. the fourth B. a fourth C. a fifth D. a five ()10. We couldn’t eat in the restaurant because of us had money on us. A. all; no B. any; no C. none; any D. no one; any ()11. ---- What should we do if we want to develop our village? ---- A lot of new roads , I think. A. must build B. must be built C. have to build D. have built ()12.---Mary is ill. She said that she go to the museum if she better tomorrow.


九年级英语14单元教案 【篇一:unit 14 全单元教案】 unit 14 i remember meeting all of you in grade 7. 教案教学目标: 1语言目标:掌握本单元重点词汇及复习语言点。 2 技能目标:能谈论过去和未来的生活. 3 情感目标:珍惜初中生活的点滴,培养对高中、未来生活的憧憬。树立远大人生目标。教学重点: 词汇: survey, standard, row, keyboard, method, instruction, text, level, degree, manager, gentleman, task, wing, double, shall, overcome, congratulate, caring, senior, thirsty, thankful, separate, ours, ahead 短语: in a row, look back at, make a mess, keep one’s cool, senior high, go by, believe in, first of all, be thirsty for, be thankful to sb., ahead of, along with, be responsible for, set out, separate from 句子: she helped you to worked out the answers yourself no matter how difficulty they were. how have you changed since you started junior high school? i’ve become much better at speaking english. what are you looking forward to? i’m looking forward to going to senior high school. 教学难点:对过去事件的描述。 课时划分:

人教版九年级英语Unit1 教案

Unit 1How can we become good learners? 单元话题Talk about how to study, in this unit, students learn to talk about how to study for a test and give advice to those who have difficulties in studying. 单元语法By +sth./doing sth. 教学目标 1.语言目标:理解重点句子,掌握学习英语的方法。介词by引导的方式状语的合理运用。 2.技能目标:正确运用动名词谈论学习中的问题。 3.情感目标:通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的文化意识,陶冶思想情操,让学生树立终身学习的道德素养。 第一课时Section A(1a~2d) 自主学习案 翻译下列词组。 1.通过制作生词卡________________________________ 2.通过听录音带___________________________________ 3.向某人寻求帮助__________________________________ 4 大声读来练习发音___________________________________ 5.小组合作学习___________________________________ 6.和朋友练习对话___________________________________ 7.逐个单词___________________________________ 8.作报告___________________________________ 9.意群___________________________________ 10.慢慢来___________________________________ 11.口语技能___________________________________ 12 英语口语___________________________________ §课堂导学案 Step 1 准备与热身(Preparation) Lead-in with a free talk(自由对话导入新课)(2分钟) Greeting with the students:Hello, everyone.Welcome back to school.I'm very happy to see you again.Most of you got good grades last term ! Of course, don't lose your heart if you didn't get good grades. OK.Today, let's talk about how to study for a test and how to learn English well. T: How do you study English? Do you study English by the following ways? (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.) T: How do you study English? S: I study English by ________. working with friends making word cards asking the teacher for help reading the textbook working with a group listening to tapes Step 2 呈现与输入(Presentation) 1.要求学生翻开课本P1,迅速阅读1a部分的内容。并按要求完成课本上相应的任务。(1分钟)


人教版九年级英语第十三单元知识点总结 Unit13.We’re trying to save the manatees! 一.单词 litter bottom fisherman coal ugly advantage cost wooden plastic takeaway bin shark fin cruel harmful be harmful to at the top of chain the food chain ecosystem industry law scientific take part in afford turn off reusable pay for take action transportation recycle napkin throw away put sth to good use pull...down upside gate bottle president inspiration iron work metal bring back creativity 二.1.现在进行时 定义:表示说话时(瞬间)正在进行的动作,也表示目前或现阶段一直进行的动作。 结构: ①肯定句: 主语+ am/is/are + V-ing ②否定句: 主语+ am/is/are + not + V-ing ③疑问句: Am/Is/Are + 主语+ V-ing 用法:1)表示说话时正在进行的,目前正在发生的动作。 ① Look! The big bird is flying away. ② He is watching a movie now. 2)表示目前一段时间内正在进行,但说话时可能没有进行的动作。 Right now I am studying Chinese by distance learning. 我现在正通过远程教育学习汉语。 1) 2)常带有表示目前时刻的时间副词, 如:now, right now, at the (very) moment, for the time being, at present, these days 及Look! Listen! ... 3)与always, constantly, forever, all the time等副词连用,表示动作反复或习惯。此时句子常含有说话者的强烈情感在内。表达较强的“责备”或“表扬”之意 ① You are always changing your mind. 你总是主意不定。(太烦人了) ② He is always helping others.他总是帮助别人。(他真是个好人) 4)对于come, go, leave, arrive, start,fly,drive等表示位置移动的动词常可用进行时态表将来。 ① He is leaving on Wednesday. ② Mary isn’t here at the moment. She is coming later. 2. used to do见第四单元及use用法 3.被动语态见第五单元 注意:接双宾语的词的被动语态;make /let /have sb do的被动语态;see/ hear /notice /find /observe sb do 的被动语态;It’s said/reported/believed/supposed/well-known;及无被动语态的三种情况(感官动词、不及物动词、sell/write等) 4.现在完成时: 用法:①过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果:强调结果 Yesterday I fini shed my homework, that’s to say, I have finished my homework now. ②过去已经开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态:强调继续 I have lived here since 1990. 现在完成时的构成have/has+过去分词 现在完成时的四个基本句型 肯定句He has finished the work. 一般疑问句Has he finished the work?


Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 单词:friendship 友谊, king 君主, pale 苍白的, queen 王后, examine 检查, nor 也不, palace 王宫, power 权力, wealth 财富, grey 阴沉的, lemon 柠檬, fame 名声, Prime 首相的 句型:The loud music makes me nervous. Soft and quiet music makes me relaxed. Money and fame don’t always make people happy.She said that the sad movie made her feel like crying. 能够用英语描述事情对自己感情的影响,复习被动语态。 2.情感态度价值观目标: 了解一些表达感情的词,能正确的表达自己的感情,并培养学生正确处理事情,特别是不好的事情对自己的正面影响。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词 2) 能够用英语描述自己的情感。 3)正确理解make 的用法。 2. 教学难点:掌握make的用法 Unit 11 Section A 1 (1a-2d) I. Leading in: Kinds of movies Review the kinds of movies and answer the question “How do you feel about the movie?” II. Learning 1. 1a. Look at the two restaurants below. Which would you like to go to? Why? 2. 1b.Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the restaurants with the statements. 3. 1c.Role-play a conversation between Amy and Tina. Tina:I’d rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. Amy: But that music makes me sleepy. I want to have the hamburgers at Rockin’ Restaurant. Tina: Let’s go to the Rockin’ Restaurant. I love their hamburgers. Amy: Those awful pictures on the walls make me uncomfortable, and the loud music makes me nervous. Tina:So where do you want to go, Amy? Amy: Let’s go to Blue Ocean. The soft music makes me relaxed. 4. 2a. Listen and number the picture (1-4) in the order you hear them. 5. Listen again. Complete the statements. 1. Waiting for Amy drove Tina__________ (crazy). 2. Amy said loud music made her__________ (nervous). 3. Loud music makes John_____________. (want to dance) 4. T e movie was so sad that it made Tina______. (cry) 5. Sad movies don’t make John cry. They just make him______________ (want to leave). 6. Role-play the conversation. 7. 2d Pole-play the conversation. Nancy: Hey Bert, I think I’ve made Alice mad and I’m not sure what to do about it. Bert: What happened? Nancy: You know Julie is Alice’s best friend, right? Bert: Uh-huh. Nancy: Well, the more I got to know Julie, the more I’ve realized that we have a lot in common. So we’ve been spending more time together lately. Bert: But what’s wrong with that? Nancy: Umm ... it makes Alice unhappy because she thinks Julie is now bet her friends with me than with her. Bert: I see. Mmm ... why don’t you ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julie? Then she won’t feel left out. Nancy: Oh, good idea! That can make our friendship stronger. III. Language points. 1. I’d rather go to the Blue Ocean Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. would rather do sth.,意为“宁可,宁愿还是……好些”。 e.g. I’d rather play tennis than swim. 比起游泳我宁愿去打台球。

新版人教版九年级英语Unit14公开课教案unit 14-5

I remember meeting English 年级9 班级 课型fresh 课时 5 / 6 媒体a tape recorder, CAI 课题Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. Section B 2a ~ 2e 话题 School days 功能 1.Share past memories and experiences. 2.Look ahead to the future. 教 学目标知识 技能 1.Target language: I remember meeting all of you when you were just starting Grade 7 at this school. You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. Our teachers and parents will be proud of us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves. 2.Grammar: remember doing sth. 3.Words and expressions; (1)Curriculum words: gentleman, graduation, ceremony, congratulate, thirsty, thankful, lastly, task, ahead, responsible, separate, wing (2)Useful expressions: first of all, by thirsty, for, be thankful to sb., ahead of, be responsible, set out, separate from, be responsible for sth.新课标第一网 过程 方法 To know how to talk about the future by practicing and role-play. 情感 态度 After l earning this part, every student will have a dream of his future career. 学习策略 Identifying text type and purpose: Quickly read through a text to see what kind of writing it is, who wrote it and why it was written. 重点Target Language 难点To learn how to describe future careers. 教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图

英语:Unit2 全单元教案 (人教版九年级)

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 教学目标: 1语言目标:掌握本单元词汇,听懂、掌握谈论中外不同国家文化的语言材料。 2 技能目标:能听懂语言材料,掌握听的技巧;能读懂介绍中外不同文化的文章。 3 情感目标:通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。通过本单元的阅读,培养学生的文化意识,陶冶思想情操。 教学重点: (1) 短语: Section A 1 the Water Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, watch the races, a little crowded, like best, go…for one’s vacation, enjoy doing sth., eat out, five meals a day, put on, in two weeks, sound like, from…to…, be similar to, throw water at each other, wash away, have good luck, in the new year Section A 2 celebrate Middle-Autumn Festival, the shape of, carry …to…, shoot down, plan to do sth., try to do sth., refuse to do sth., fly up, so…that…,call out, lay out, start the tradition of Section A 3 one…, the other…, give…to…,take out, more and more popular Section B 1 dress up, care about, make money, used to, end up, warn sb. to do sth., expect sb. to do sth., wake up, find out, decide to do sth., promise to do sth., in need, Section B 2 introduce sb., make sb. do sth., give birth to life, not only…but also… (2) 句子: Section A 1 Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. Bill wonders whether they’ll have the sweet rice dumplings again next year. What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?


九年级新目标英语第十三单元试题 I. 单项选择。(计15分) ( ) 1.You have so many shirts,but this shirt is too big for me. Please give me one. A. other B. another C. the other D. others ( ) 2. This kind of bike looks and sells . A. nice, well B. nice, good C. well, well D. good, nice ( ) 3. —How do you feel the raining days? —It makes me sad. A. in B. about C. with D. at ( ) 4. I spend an hour to music every day. A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listening ( ) 5. My aunt played the light music to make the baby crying. A. stopped B. stops C. to stop D. stop ( ) 6. We should learn the others, because everyone has his advantages. A. with B. for C. from D. about ( ) 7. The room with three windows in front of our classroom. A. of B. part of C. is D. are ( ) 8. My wife often forgets the door, but she remembered it when she left yesterday. A. to close, closing B. closing, to close C. closing, close D. to close, close ( ) 9. I bought a new dictionary and it me 30 yuan. A. paid B. spent C. cost D. took ( ) 10. . He left without anything just now. A. saying B. say C. says D. said ( ) 11. He’d rather at home than out. A. to stay, to go B. to stay, going C. stay, go D. staying, to go ( ) 12. —This physics problem is too difficult. Can you show me , Li Lei? —Sure. A. what to work it out B. what to work out it C. how to work it out D. how to work out it ( ) 13. So homework really makes the students feel tired. A. much B. many C. little D. few ( ) 14. I’m sorry that I have kept you me so long. A. waiting B. waiting for C. to wait D. to wait for ( ) 15. When they came to the forest, they suddenly heard somebody for help. A. called B. to call C. calling D. calls II. 任务型阅读A Julia Hill , an American woman , was born in 1974 . She was 23 years old when


九年级英语Unit14学案+教案 Unit14 He’s already visited the place where his ancestors lived. 课型:Reading 班级:______________ 姓名:_______________ 一、教学目标 1.Fast-reading to get a general idea of the text. 2.Careful-reading to get the detailed information in the text. 3.Learn the words and phrases from the context. 二、教学重点、难点 1.Train students’ reading and writing skills. 2.Learn to talk about recent things. 三、预习导航 (一)词汇训练---Match the new words and phrases 1.祖先,祖宗 2.根,根源 3.海外的,国外的 4.政府 5.目的,意图 6.到目前为止 7.幸亏,由于,因为 8.盼望,期望https://www.doczj.com/doc/706543190.html,ernment B.purpose C.root D.overseas E.ancestor F.look forward to G.thands to H.so far (二)知识大挑战----Translate 1. 体验乡村生活 2. 喝乡村井水 3. 在乡间散步 4. 看村民日常劳作 5. 多亏“寻根(活动)” 6. 给年轻的海外华人这个更多了解自己身世的机会 7. 期待找到更多有关我家族的信息 (三)思维空间----请同学们在爸爸、妈妈的帮助下画出自己家的“家谱图(不少于三代人)” (四)自学乐园----Fill in the blanks 1.Robert and Cathy are young _______ .One is Canada, the other is American.They are both less than ___ years old. ______ of them can speak Chinese. grandfather

人教版英语九年级全一册教案Unit14 SectionB2a 2e

Unit14 SectionB(2a-2e)教案1.0教情分析 1.1 Teaching objectives 教学目标 1.1.1 Language targets 语言目标1.1.1.1 Key Words and Chunks For applying: gentleman, first of all, thirsty, thankful, be thankful to sb., task, separate, separate from For comprehending: graduation, ceremony, congratulate, lastly, ahead, ahead of, along with, responsible, be responsible for, set out Sentence Structures1.1.1.2 1) Who do you think wrote it? 2) First of all, I'd like to congratulate all the students who are here today. 3) I remember meeting all of you when you were just starting Grade 7 at school. 4) You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. so proud of you.I'm5) You've all grown up so much and 6) Although you've all worked very hard over the last three years, none of you did it alone. 7) Never fail to be thankful to the people around you. 8) You'll make mistakes along the way, but the key is to learn from your mistakes and never give up. 9) I don't need to tell you that life in senior high school will be harder and that you have many difficult tasks ahead of you. 10)But along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you. 11) Choose wisely and be responsible for your decisions and actions. 12) As you set out on your new journey, you shouldn't forget where you came from. 页 1 第 13) It is always hard to separate from those who you have spent so much time with for the past three years.Grammar Focus1.1.1.3 此句为否定结构的祈使句。用1) Never fail to be thankful to the people around you. ()”。意为“千万不要辜负你周围的人Never代替don't,加强语气, you came from. where your new journey, you shouldn't forget 2) As you set out on 在“”,整句话意为…as在这里意为“当的时候(此句为as引导的时间状语从句,)不应忘了你来自何处。”新的旅行启程之际,此句含两个3) Please consider what


Unit12 You are supposed to shake hands. 重点短语词组 应该做某事be to do sth 握手 访问by 毕竟 本应该做但没做have done 餐桌礼仪table 到达at/in 有点晚late 习惯于某事be/get to sth 习惯于做某事be/get sth 被用于做某事be sth 被用作.... Be 过去常常做某事sth 特地,不怕麻烦的做某事 使某人感到宾至如归计划做某事sth 没有理由have 注意你的行为your manners 发出噪音make (a) 做鬼脸make 自学....by oneself 在适当的时间at the time 以......开始begin 忍不住做某事can't sth 代替of 对某事随意be sth 邀请某人做某事sb sth 指向 重点短语句型讲解: 1. Y ou should have asked what you were supposed to wear.你本应该问清楚怎么样穿才得体。 中的“should have asked”是“情态动词+现在完成时”表示过去本应该做某事,事实上没有做,这是虚拟语气的一种表达方式。 如:She should have gone to Beijing. 她本应该去了北京。(没有去) 同时was/were supposed to do sth 表示过去本该做某事而实际上并没有做,就相当于should have done sth. 2. make (some) mistakes 犯了(一些)错误。make a mistake 犯错误(一个) 与mistake相关的短语by mistake 错误地mistake…for…把..误认为… 5.relaxed:用来形容人,表示人本身很放松,主语一般是人。 relaxing:指物,表示事物可使人很放松。 I feel really after the vacation.经过这次令人放松的假期后我感到很放松。 3. …it’s okay if you arrive a bit late….即使你晚到一会也没关系。 a little 与a bit 二者都是“有点儿”的意思。 (1)二者相同之处在于①都可做状语,修饰比较级He is a bit/ a little older than you. ②都可做主语或宾语。Please give me a bit/ a little. (2)不同之处在于:两者修饰名词时,a little可以直接加名词,a bit必须加of后才能接名词。 A little money = a bit of money 4. drop by 顺便拜访串门 We just dropped by our friends’homes.我们刚刚去朋友家串门。 drop in/on sb 顺便走访某人。 Would you drop in/on us this evening for a chat?你今晚过来和我们聊聊好吗?


九年级英语第13单元诊断性自测题 I.单项填空 ( ) 1.My father ___________ a doctor, but now he is a writer. A. was used to be B. used to be C. is used to be D. was used to being ( ) 2. —What do you think of the house that Amy Winterbourne built herself out of trash? —It reminds me of the days ___________ I spent in the countryside. A. when B. that C. who D. where ( ) 3.There are a lot of things for us ___________ to protect the environment. A. to do B. doing C. to be done D. to be doing ( ) 4.A group of volunteers go to the GreenLakePark to ___________ litter every month. A. put up B. set up C. pick up D. cheer up ( )5. The flight flying to Russia from BeijingInternationalAirport ___________ about 8 hours. A. spends B. uses C. takes D. costs ( )6. —Last night, you forget ___________ off the computer when you went to bed. —Really? I remember___________ it off. A. to turn; to turn B. to turn; turning C. turning; turning D. turning; to turn ( )7. Look! ___________people ___________? A. Does, litter B. Are, littering C. Did, litter D. Werelittering ( )8. To ___________ air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving. A. cut down B. cut off C. cut up D. cut into ( )9. Our actions can ___________ and lead to a better future. A. be made a difference B. make a difference C. be made a different D. make a different ( ) 10.There ___________ also too much rubbish and waste. A. are B. is C. has D. have ( )11. So far, the air ___________ really polluted around here. I’m really___________ worried. A. has become; getting B. have become; getting C. has been becoming; got D. has been becoming; got ( )12. Sharks are at the top of the food chain, _______ if their numbers drop, the ocean’s ecosystem will be in danger. A. but B. although C. so D. when ( )13. We think that everyone_______ use public transportation. A. must B. should C. could D. might ( )14. It’s difficult for parents with young children _______ public transportation. A. used B. to be used C. to use D. using ( )15. Have you ever thought about how these things can actually _______? A. put to good use B. be put to good use C. being put to good use D. be put to good used II. 阅读理解

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