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7B Un it 1 Ren di ng A

Win ter is beh ind us and people are start ing to pla n their summer holiday. This year,

why not visit France?

France is a big country, with coasts on three sides. You can swim at ① good beaches. It also has many mountains, ② you can go skii ng.

In cen tral Fran ce, they grow crops such as sun flowers. One of the most scenic areas

of cen tral France is the Loire Valley. Kings and quee ns used ③ in the old castles


Paris, the capital of Fran ce, is one of the ⑤ beautiful cities in the world. The

Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe are world-famous.

People ⑥ children will find EuroDisney a good place to visit. It is just ⑦ hour from the centre of Paris, and it is like Disneyland in the USA.

France is famous for its ⑧ food such as bread and wine. These days, you can see many France foods in large cities in China.

France is also famous for its art and culture. In France, you can enjoy film festivals and con certs. They will help you better un dersta nd France ⑨ the France people.

Why not go and enjoy yourself in the won derful country of Fran ce?

( [① A. it B. it ' C. its

( [② A. so B. and C. that

( [③ A. lived B. to live C. living

( [④ A. / B. here C. there

( [⑤ A. very B. best C. most

( )® A. with B. have C. and

( [⑦ A. a B. an C. many

( [⑧ A. good B. well C. fine

( [⑨ A. or B. and C. with


7B Un it 1 Ren di ng B

You will love beautiful San Fran cisco!

San Fran cisco Bay is a harbour of bright blue ①.To look dow n on the bay, travel

②the highest hill by cable car. Of course, you can also walk, but you will n eed strong legs! It is n ever too hot and n ever too cold ③.Sport-lovers can come and watch American football ④ baseball games. Food-lovers will find delicious fish and other seafood ⑤ our great restaura nt.

Enjoy the California sunshine!

See the famous Golden Gate Bridge. Cross the bridge to Golden Gate Park, with its

beautiful lakes, trees and garde ns. In the park you can ⑥,walk or play tennis. When you need a rest, come and have something to eat and drink in our Japanese Tea Garden. Noth ing could be ⑦!Spend Chin ese New Year ' Day here!

For a Chin ese New Year ' Day with a differe nee, come to San Fran cisco and take part

in our won derful festival. San Fran cisco ' Chi natow n is the largest ⑧ Asia. Beh ind

its big green gate, you will find all kinds of food from China, and many warm welcomes. ( [① A. water

B. sea

C. sky

( [② A. to B. up C. down

( [③ A. here B. there C. /

( [④ A. and B. with C. or

( [⑤ A. in B. on C. at

( )®A. fish B. fished C. fishing

( [⑦ A. well B. better C. nicer

( [⑧ A. in B. inside C. outside


7B Unit 1 Liste ning A

Today, I am going to talk about Ban gkok, my home tow n and the capital of my coun try,

Thaila nd. There are many in terest ing places to visit in Ban gkok, ① first I want to

tell you about our traffic problem.

The streets are very crowded in Ban gkok, so it can ② a long time to get from place

to place. It used to take me more than two hours to get to school by bus! I often

③on my way there!

If you want to get somewhere ④ time in Bangkok, you must leave early. Lots of people take tuk-tuks to get ⑤ the traffic quickly. Tuk-tuks are like little cars with three wheels.

Ban gkok is next to a big river. It is in teresti ng to visit the Floati ng Market ⑥the river. At the market, people sell lots of fresh fruit and vegetables from their boats.

In November, we have the Festival of Lights. Every one makes lights ⑦ the festival. The n, after dark, we put them carefully into the river and watch them ⑧ away. It

is beautiful to see the river with millions of little lights on it.

Thaila nd is also famous for its food. Thai food is very ⑨ like some Chin ese food.

So if you like Sichua n food, you 'l love Thai food.

⑩ tha nks, every one, for liste ning to me.

( [①A. so B. and C. but

( [②A. have B. take C. speed

( [③A. sleep B. slept C. sleepy

( [④A. in B. on C. waste

( [⑤A. through B. through C. across

( )® A. in B. on C. at

( [⑦A. in B. until C. during

( [⑧A. sail B. swim C. go

( [⑨A. hot B. delicious C. nice

( [⑩A. Many B. Much C. So