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Booking Rooms 订房

-Let me introduce 请允许我自我介绍一下。

-I am a name is Smith,I have just arrived from the Travel Service reserved a room for me


-Let me have a look.(Let me see.)-让我查一下。

room number is 您的房间号是3021。

-We have reserved tow rooms,a single and a 我们预订了两个房间,一间单人房和一间双人房。

-Could I have your name,please-请问您的姓名

name's John 'm from 史密斯,我叫约翰·史密斯,是美国人。

-I'll check it ,your room is on the forth floor,我来查一下,您的房间在四楼,4121室。

-Can I have a room now-我租一个房间。

-Could you let us have a double room-可否供我们一个双人房间

-Have you got a twin-bedded room for one night-有住一夜的两个单床的房间吗

-Show me your passport, please.(Could I have a look at your passport)-请给我护照。

-Have you any vacant rooms,please-请问有空房间吗

would you like to have a single room,a suite or a double room


-I'd like a single room with 我要一个有浴室的单间。

-(I'd like a room with balcony.)-(我要一间有阳台的房间。)

-(I'd like a room with a double-bed.)-(我要一间有一张双人床的房间。)

-(I'd like a room with twin beds.)-(我要一间有一对床位的房间。)

-(I'd like a suite.)-(我要一间套房。)

-Your room number is 331 on the second (third) 你的房间是三楼331室。

-Is there a bathroom attached to this room-这房间有没有浴室相连

-Yes,it has a private bathroom 有的,它连着一间专用浴室。

-Well,I'll take 好,我就要这间。

-I would like to have the best room in this 我想租一个最好的房间。

(I would like to have a suite deluxe.)(我想租特套。)

-Is there air conditioning in the room-房间里有空调设备吗

is air conditioning in all rooms of our 有的,我们饭店所有的房间都有空调。

-I wonder whether you have any vacancies for 请问今晚有空房间吗

-I'm sorry,but all our rooms are filled 对不起,所有的房间都住满了。

-Can I book a double room from now until Friday


-Sorry,the rooms are all I contact another hotel for you


-Thank you please contact a hotel with air-conditioning


-I have reserved a room for you at the huadu Hotel,room .


About Room Rent 关于房租

-What is the rent per day-房租每天多少

-(What is the price per night)(每晚房金多少)

-(What do you charge for it)(宿费多少)

-(What price is it)-(房租多少)

-(What does it cost)(要多少钱)

-(What are the charges for your rooms)-(你们这儿的房租是怎么计算的)

-There are three classes: special class, seventy yuan a day; first class, fifty yuan; second class, thirty yuan. The charges don't include the meals.


-How much do you charge for an extra bed-加床费怎么算

-That reminds me. An extra bed is 2 yuan a day. a baby cot is one yuan.


-Are the meals included in the rent-房租里包括膳食费吗

-No, they aren'不包括。

-Is breakfast included-包括早餐吗


-Is there any reduction for childen-对儿童有优待吗

-I'm afraid not.(I'm afraid there is no reduction for children.)


-Do you charge for the baby-婴儿要收费吗

you can have an infant's crib in the guest crib is one yuan a day.


-When you say 60 yuan, is that with service and laundry-六十元中包括服务费和洗衣费吗

-It's including service but excluding 包括服务费,但不包括洗衣费。

-Will you give me a reduction if I stay here for several days-如果我在这里住上几天,有没有什么折扣

-I'm afraid that no reduction can be 很抱歉,折扣是没有的。

-That's too 那就太贵了。

Welcome Visitors to Rooms 迎宾进房

-Good morning, sir. I am an attendant. Would you please show me your room card


-All right. Here it 好的,给你。

-Your room number is me take you 你的房号是624,我来陪你去。

-Lea me carry your 我来帮你提行李。

-I'm sorry to trouble 麻烦你了。

-Here we is your 我们到了。这就是您的房间。

-Let me introduce our hotel briefily to 我简单地介绍一下饭店的情况。

-That's very 那太好了。

-The Barber's, the Shop, Post and Cable Service, Billiards and Table Tennis Room are all on the ground floor. The visitors can do their shopping and have amusements there. The dining-hall is on the seventh floor. Both Chinese and Western food are served. And on every floor there is a dining-room. Service hours are:Breakfast, to 9.00a.m.;Lunch, to to Bar is on the first floor, and the cafe on the second floor. They are open round the clock. The China International Travel Service has an office in the Hotel.


-Get a taxi at the reception desk when you get 如果你要出租汽车对服务台说一下就成了。

-May I have breakfast in my room-我可以在房间里用早餐吗

-Of course. We can send three meals to your room if you 当然可以。如果你愿意可以三餐都在房间里吃。

-It's very kind of you. Thanks for your 你想得真周到,谢谢你的介绍。

-This is what I should 这是我应该做的。

-By the way, I have two trunks on the ground floor. Will you please send them up


-Certainly. I have them brought up at 当然可以。我马上把它们送上来。

-All your luggage is here. Seven in 你的行李都在这里,共七件。

-This piece is not 这件不是我的。

-One piece is 我少了一件行李。

-Let me check 我帮你查一查。

-Why has't my luggage been sent here yet-为什么我的行李到现在还没送来

-Don't worry. I'll inquire of the China International Travel Service about it


-Is this piece of luggage yours-这件行李是你的吗

-Yes, this one is just 是的,就是这件。

-Here is the key to the room. Please leave it at the service desk when you go out.


-If you need anything, just ring us 你有事找服务员可按电铃。

Changing Room 换房

-This room is rather dark.(The light in this room is dim.) I want a brighter one, if you please.


-This room is not in a good direction (location).May I move to another rooms


-This suite is too big, I m afraid. Could you change me to a single room -这个套间太大了,请给我换个单间。

-This room is too noisy. Can I move to another which is more quiet


-Please get contact with the service counter. The clerks there deal with room changing.


-The rooms are all occupied today. It is difficult to change the room for you right away. I'll change it for you tomorrow. Is that all right


-Please render your help and change the room 那请你多关照,明天再换吧。Daily Service 日常服务

-(Knocking at the door.)-(敲门。)

-May I come in-我可以进来吗

-Come in, 请进。

-Please don't come 请不要进来。

-Just a moment(a minute),请稍等一下。

-I'm sorry to disturb you. May I clean the room, sir-对不起打扰你了,我来打扫一下房间好吗

-All right. Come in, 好的,请进来。

-Please clean it when I am 我马上出去,请等一会儿打扫。

-May I change the water of the thermos now-我现在可以换水吗


-Some of my friends will come and see me this you please give me some more hot bottles and tea cups


-Well,we'll send tea into the room when the visitors come.


-By the way,is there any mail for me-顺便一下,有我的邮件吗

there is,I'll give it to you in 没有。如果有的话,我会及时给你送来的。

-Why did you come in without my permission-你为什么没经我允许就进来了

-It's my negligence. I beg your 我疏忽了,请你原谅。

-I come and make the bed. Shall I do it now or later-我来做夜床,你看是现在做还是等会儿做

-Since you have come, you may do it now-既然来了,现在就做吧。

-Here's your clean laundry. you'd better check 衣服洗好了,请您过目。

-I am collecting the fee of the long distance 我来收长途电话费。

-This is the bill for the room rent of half a 这是补半天房金的帐单。

-Here is a telegram for 这儿有一封你的电报。

-Why is it unsealed-它怎么被拆开了

-Because there is no name of the receiver on the envelope,therefore the clerk unsealed it in order to find out the name of the receiver.


-Have you lost anything today,sir-先生,你今天丢过什么东西吗

-Yes,a wallet. I'm looking for it 丢了一只皮夹子,我正在找呢。

-What is there in the wallet-皮夹子里有些什么

-My daughter's photo and some 有一张我女儿的照片,还有一些钱。

-Look,is this wallet yours-看,这只皮夹子是不是你的

-Yes,it's you ever so 是我的,太感谢你了。

-I want to borrow China Daily of these 我要看这几天的《中国日报》。

-Please get some copise of China Pictorial for 请拿几份《中国日报》给我。

-Please bring some chairs for 请拿几把椅子来。

-Please get me some 卫生间的肥皂要添了。

-The slippers are worn out. Change them for me, 拖鞋坏了,请给换一双。

-Get a hot-water bottle, 请拿一只热水瓶给我。

-I feel a bit cold when I sleep. Please get me a 我睡得有点冷,请给我加一条毯子。

-I need another 我需要加一只枕头。

-All right,I'll get it for you right 好的,我就去拿。

-Just a moment,I'll do it right 请稍等一下,我马上给你办好。

-Excuse 对不起。

-I am 很抱歉。

-I beg your 请你原谅。

-Pardon me for 对不起打扰你们了。

-Please excuse me for coming so 请原谅我来迟了。

-I'm sorry I was so 很抱歉我太粗心了。

Ring the Bell 打铃服务

-Did you ring, madam-是你按铃吗,太太

-Yes. Kindly turn off the air-conditioner in this room. I've tried to do so, but I can't.


-Yes, madam. There's something wrong with the switch; perhaps it needs repairing。


-What can I do for you, sir-先生,你有什么事要我办吗

-The light has fused. Please change the bulb for 电灯泡坏了,请换一个。

-The light of this room is dim, please get me a brighter 房间里灯光太暗,可否调一只亮灯泡

-There is no water in the 热水瓶没水了。

-The tea cup is dirty. Please get some glasses for 茶杯脏了,请拿几只玻璃杯来。

-Please bring me some ice 请拿些冰块来。

-I've got some coffee. Please get me some cube 我自己有咖啡,请拿几块方糖来。

-I should like you to bring me some hot 我想请你给我送些热水来。

-Please buy two packets of Zhonghua cigarettes(filter tipped)and a box of match for me.


-Please get me some envelopes and 请拿些信封信纸来。

-I want a bottle of red 我要一瓶红墨水。

-The floor of the bathroom is too wet. Please clean (mop)浴室地板太湿了,请清扫一下。

-I want to turn on that light. Where is the switch-我想开亮那盏灯,请问开关在哪里

-There it is, beside the 在那儿,衣柜旁边。

-I can't sleep well because the tap is 龙头漏水,吵得我睡不好觉。

-There is no water in the water closet. Would you please have it repaired


-The telephone is out of 电话机坏了。

-There is something wrong with the TV 电视机出了故障。

-The wash-basin is 洗脸池堵塞了。

-The lamp plug is broken. Can you get it fixed-电灯插头坏了,你会修理吗

-Well, I'll send for some-one to repair 好,我马上派人来检修。

-Would you please polish my leather shoes-请把这双皮鞋擦擦。

-Put your shoes in front of the door, please. We'll brush them for you.


-Please bring me one portion of toast with fried eggs and a glass of milk.


-Please send up two coffee and four sandwiches. By the way, you might have my things sent up here.


-It's my wife's birthday today. I would like to order a cake, two bottles of champagne and some candles.


-The different sizes of the cake are 7 inches,9 inches and 11 inches. Which size do you prefer


-I want the 9-inch 我要九寸的。

-When shall I send it to your room-什么时候送到房间里

-Three guests are coming here at five this get some more chairs.


-All 好。

-The room is too there any air-conditioning in this hotel


was set up last 有,是去年安装的。

-Why isn't cool air turned on in such a hot day I can't stand the heat.


-I'm very sorry not to have taken care of you will turn on the

air-conditioning for you at once.


-The room is very hot,and besides there are some mosquitoes. Can you do anything to it


-I'll light a mosquito incense for 我给你点一盘蚊香。

-I'll spray insecticide and refreshing 我来喷点药水和清凉剂。

-There are some cock-roaches in the room. Please wipe them out.


-I'm sorry. Our management is not so good. I'll wipe them for you right away.


-How does this shower work-淋浴装置好用吗

-Where's the plug for a shaver-刮脸刀用的电源插头在哪里

-What's the voltage-电压量多少

-The cool air is too feel rather turn it off a little bit.


-The cool air is not cold make it colder.


-It seems to me that there is no cool air in the you please examine it


-Sorry,there is no automatic air-condition equipment in the room.


-The weather becomes cold room is not warm 'd like to borrow an electrical stove for heating.


-Well,I'll send it right 好,我马上就给你送来。

-I'm going out for a anyone comes to see me,please ask him to leave a message.


-I'm leaving now and I shall be back somebody asks for me,please tell

him (her)that I shall be back after 10 a clock.


-All 好

-Is from Canada in-加拿大的杰克先生吗

-He has just gone 他刚刚出去。

-When will he be back-他什么时候回来

-He won't be back until 饭前回不来。

-Are there any message for me-有口信留给我吗

-Did anyone call me when I was out-在我外出时曾有人打电话给我吗

-Did anyone come to see me-有谁来找我吗

left a message for was also a telephone call from a asks you to ring her up this evening.


-Someone is here to see I send him up to your room



-Please make me up at 请在五点叫醒我。


-(The attendant hears the bell ring at midnight.)-(服务员半夜听到铃声)

-Anything I can do for you,sir-先生,有什么事吗


-But you rang for 可你打铃了。

-Sorry,I unconscionusly touched the button when I turned off the light.


-Open the door, want to turn off the bell check because the switch is in your room.


Laundry 洗衣

-I have two pairs of trousers and a jacket to be washed and pressed.


-This ceremonial dress is to be starched and 这套夜礼服浆一浆再熨。

-When do you want them-你什么时候穿

-I want them this afternoon, because I'm going to a party 今天下午。因为晚上我要去参加宴会。

-There is not enough time for the laundry. Is it all right for us to wash and press them for you


-All right. That's very kind of you to do 好的,那太感谢你了。

-Next time, please put the clothes to be washed into the laundry bag. It's hung behind the bath-room door.


-When can I get these clothes back-这些衣服什么时候能洗好


-Here is ninety yuan I found in the pocket of your dirty clothes.


-Attendant!Please look in the pockets of my dirty clothes to see is there if a traveller check in them.


-No, there is nothing in 没有。

-Your clothes are 你的衣服(洗、熨)好了。

-Thank you for your 麻烦你了,谢谢。

-I'm afraid we've made a mistake. Please check the clothes to see if there is mistake


-Oh, this coat is not mine. I find there is one shirt missing.


-Let us look for 我们去找一找。

-Sorry, the cuff of your shirt is scorched(damaged)when we pressed it. We'll buy you a new one.


-It doesn't matter. It's rather old. There's no need to compensate it.


Take Care of the Patient 关心病号

-What's wrong with you, sir-先生,你不舒服吗

-What's the matter with you,sir-先生,你怎么了

-Are you ill-你病了吗

-Yes,I have a cold (feel cold, diarrhoea and stomach ache).-我感冒了(发冷,拉肚子,胃疼)。

-Do you have a temperature-你发烧吗

-Yes,I've got a temperature and 1 feel 是的,我感到冷得发抖。

-No,but I feel 不发烧,就是有点头晕。

-Maybe you are tired after the 你的病可能是旅途过度疲劳引起的。

-It's very 也许是吧。

-I think 我也这样认为。

-Shall I accompany you to the hospital-我陪你去医院治疗一下吧

-All call a taxi for 好的,请要一辆汽车。

-There is no need(to go to the hospital).Would you please get me some medicine at the clinic


-Here is a glass of water for you to take the 这杯水是给你服药用的。

-Thank you. You have rendered me excellent service 谢谢。你对我的照顾真是无微不至。

-We haven't done our service well 我们做得还很不够。

-We feel more at home in 在中国我们感到很温暖。

-Are you better,sir(Do you feel better now)-先生,你今天感觉好些吗

-I'm much better 谢谢。现在我感觉好多了。

-I feel much better today. But I still have a 我今天好多了,但还有一点


-Please take a good rest and I hope you'll get well 希望你好好休息,早日恢复健康。

Reserving A Room 保留房间

-I'm going to visit the 'll be back in half a this room be reserved for me


you have to pay the rent as usual.


-Have you any luggage room-有行李间没有

-Sorry,we haven'对不起,没有。

-Well,I have to keep the room have quite a few pieces of luggage.


-When are you leavingBy plane or by train-你什么时候动身乘飞机还是乘火车。

-Early tomorrow 明天一早,乘飞机。

-Thank you for your help during my stay 我在这里期间多承你们帮助,非常感谢。

-Don't mention shall I call you-那没什么。我明天几点叫你

-Not later than 5 o''ll leave here at half past the way,what is the weather like in the South now


-I think you'll like 我想你会喜欢的。

-I hope so. Goobdye.(Knocking at the door.)-但愿如此,再见!(敲门)

-Get up,'s 请起床,到时间了。

-What time is it-几点了

-It's five o'五点。


-Goodbye and bon 再见,祝你一路平安。

Service Before Departure 行前服务

,it is said that you are leaving Beijing 杰克逊先生,听说你明天就要离开北京了。

-Yes,this is my last day in 'll take the international flight to New York tomorrow.


-Are you leaving so soon-这么快就要走吗

-I wish I could stay longer. But I must get back to 我愿意能多呆一些时候,但我必须回去工作。

-We'll be sorry to see you go. Have you had a pleasant stay in China-


-I have had a very enjoyable 逗留期间我非常愉快。

-We hope you will visit China again some 我们希望你将来再来访问中国。

-I hope so, 我也希望能再来。

-Is there anything I can do for you before you leave-行前你还有什么事要我们办吗

-I'd like to buy something in the hotel as a 我想要一点饭店里的东西作纪念。

-What do you want-你要什么呢

-Could you sell the slippers to me at a lower price-这双草拖鞋可以折价卖给我吗

-The design of that match box is so I have it-那只火柴盒图案很漂亮,送给我行吗

-Yes,of I can do for you-当然可以。还有别的事要我做吗

-I have some luggage to be packed. Please give me some packing paper, ropes and transparent sticky


-Well,I'll take them at 好的,我马上给你拿来。

-I'm going to weigh my luggage. Are there any scales-我想把行李过一下磅,有磅秤吗

-Yes, there is one near the service counter. Let me carry the luggage down-stairs


-Leave these old clothes here as to decrease the weight of the luggage.


-Is it necessary to wake you up tomorrow morning-明天早晨要叫醒你吗

-I'll leave the hotel at half past six tomorrow wake me up at half past five.



饭店服务员常用英语口语 1、What?kind?of?rooms(foods)?would?you?like?to?have?您需要什么样的房间(吃什么样的菜)? 2、 Here?is?a?brochure?of?our?hotel?and?t ariff. 这是介绍我们饭店的小册子和价目表。3、 We'll?give?you?a?10%(ten?percent?)?di scount.? 我们给您九折优惠。 4、 We'll?offer?tour?guides?complimentary ?breakfasts.? 我们给陪同提供免费早餐。 5、We?accept?your?terms.? 我们接受您的条件。 6、May?I?introduce?myself?? 让我介绍我自己。 7、 May?I?present?you?a?litter?souvenir??请接受我们的一点小纪念品。 8、Let's?drink?to?our?friendship!? 为我们的友谊干杯! 9、 Let?me?propose?a?toast?to?the?health ?of?our?guests!? 建议为在座客人的健康干杯! 10、Cheers!(Bottoms!)? 干杯! 11、How?do?you?like?Chinese?food??您喜欢中国菜吗? 12、 What?do?you?think?of?our?service??您对我们的服务有什么意见?

13、 Thank?you?for?your?comments(compli ment,?suggestions).? 谢谢您给我们提的意见(赞扬、建议)14、 I'm?afraid?it's?against?the?hotel's?regul ations.? 这是违反饭店规章制度的。 15、 In?our?hotel?we?don't?accept?tips.? 我们饭店是不收小费的。 16、 It's?our?pleasure?to?serve?our?guests? well.? 我们为能为客人服务好而感到高兴。 17、Thank?you?all?the?same.? 然而,还是要谢谢您。 16、 I'm?afraid?you'll?have?to?pay?for?the? damage.? 您必须赔偿。 17、 Thank?you?for?telling?us?about?it.? 谢谢您告诉我们 18、 I'll?look?into?the?mater?right?away.?我马上去处理这件事情。 19、 I?assure?you?it?wont?happen?again.?我保证此类事情不会再发生。 20、Please?don't?worry,?sir?(madam)?先生(夫人),请不必担心。 21、 I?will?send?someone?up?to?your?room? right?away.?


翻译对照词汇表 Restaurant 酒店里面的称为餐厅,酒店外的可以叫饭馆或者餐馆都可以 B&B 家庭式酒店 Boutique hotel 精品酒店 Resort 度假村 King-size 特大号床 Queen-size 大号床 Twin beds 双床房 Single bed 单床房 Double room 双人间 Single room 单人间 Suite 套房 Studio suite 公寓套房 Adjoining room 相邻房 Connecting room 连通房 Executive Floor 行政楼层 Bellboy 行李员 Concierge 礼宾 Receptionist 前台接待 Reception/Front desk 前台 Coach 旅游大巴 Reservation 预订(不是预定) Doorman 门房门童 Housekeeping staff 客房清洁人员 Room service 客房服务,有时特指客房送餐服务Ground 花园 Tip 小费 Service charge 服务费 Turn down 开夜床服务(指的是傍晚的时候再次整理房间,使客人晚上睡的舒服) Executive room 商务房 Shuttle bus 班车 Do Not Disturb Sign /DND sign请勿打扰牌 Please Make Up sign /PMU sign 请收拾房间牌check-out 退房 check-in 登记入住 lobby 大堂 Owner response: 业主回复 酒店岗位: Porter门房 Hotel Concierge酒店礼宾部 Procurement Manager; Purchasing Manager采购部经理Food & Beverage Manager; Catering Manager餐饮部经理 Table Hostess餐桌女服务员 Kitchen Hand; Kitchen Help; Kitchen Worker厨工 Cook; Chef厨师Head Chef厨师长 Cook炊事员 Assistant Manager大堂副理 Lobby Manager大堂经理 Tourist Guide导游 Sauce Cook调味汁厨师 Restaurant Manager饭店经理 Rooms Division Manager房务部经理 Second Chef副厨师长 Second Waiter副领班 Trainee Manager见习经理 Receptionist接待员 Bar Operative酒吧服务员 Hotel Accountant酒店会计 Chief Accountant; Financial Controller酒店主管会计;财务总监 Housekeeping Manager客房部经理 Executive Housekeeper; Head Housekeeper客房部主管Chambermaid客房女服务员 Head Waiter ;Captain领班 Floor Attendant楼层服务员 Travel Agent 旅游中介 Doorman门童 Pantryman配餐员 Front Desk Manager前台经理 Front Office Supervisor前台领班 Front Office Manager前厅经理 Assistant Front Office Manager前厅副理 Cleaner清洁工 Food Checker食品检验员 Vegetable Cook蔬菜厨师 Materials Manager物料经理 Western-Style Restaurant Manager西餐部经理Executive Assistant Manager行政副经理 Assistant Banquet Manager宴会部副经理 Banquet Manager宴会部经理 Night Manager夜班经理 Hotel Greeter迎宾员 Reservation Manager预订部经理 Chinese-Style Restaurant Manager中餐部经理Resident Manager驻店经理 Front Clerk; Reception Clerk总台接待员 room reservation客房预定 fully booked客满 types of rooms房间种类 double room双人房 standard room标准房 twin room双床房


. . Hotel English Words: make a reservation:预定 register:登记、注册 Room Reservation: 客房预订处 Book : 预订 book a room/ book a ticket Confirm : 确认 Counter : 柜台 Double room: 双人房 Single room: 单人间 Triple room:三人间 Standard room : 标准间 Family suite: 家庭套房 Deluxe suite : 豪华套房Presidential suite : 总统套房 Double room with tiwn beds:有两张单人床的双人间 Double bed:双人床 Room change : 房价 Special rate : 优惠价 Service change: 服务费

Discount : 折扣 a 10 percent discount/off suites: 套房 How would you like to pay ? credit card or cash ?(您想怎么付款?) ---Credit card: 信用卡 ---Cash : 现金 Name tag : 标签,行李牌 Luggage/baggage: 行李 Suitcase : 箱子 Handbag : 手提包 Valuables: 贵重物品 Breakable : 易碎的 Full name/complete name: 全名 Fill in : 填写 Nationality : 国籍 Departure date : 离开日期Signature : 签名 Passport :护照 Receipt : 收据 Fine : 罚金 Sundry fee : 杂费


酒店常用英语-打铃服务 Ring the Bell 打铃服务 -Did you ring,madam?-是你按铃吗,太太? -Yes.Kindly turn off the air-conditioner in this room.I've tried to do so,but I can't. -是的,麻烦你把这屋的空调器关掉。我自己已经试过了,可我关不动。 -Yes,madam.There's something wrong with the switch;perhaps it needs repairing .-好的,太太。这个开关有点毛病,大概需要修理一下了。 -What can I do for you,sir?-先生,你有什么事要我办吗? -The light has fused.Please change the bulb for me.-电灯泡坏了,请换一个。 -The light of this room is dim,please get me a brighter one.-房间里灯光太暗,可否调一只亮灯泡? -There is no water in the bottle.-热水瓶没水了。 -The tea cup is dirty.Please get some glasses for me.-茶杯脏了,请拿几只玻璃杯来。 -Please bring me some ice blocks.-请拿些冰块来。 -I've got some coffee.Please get me some cube sugar.-我自己有咖啡,请拿几块方糖来。 -I should like you to bring me some hot watcr.-我想请你给我送些热水来。 -Please buy tow packets of Zhonghua cigarettes(filter tipped)and a box of match for me. -我要两包带过滤嘴的"中华"香烟和一盒火柴。


Hotel English Words: make a reservation:预定 register:登记、注册 Room Reservation: 客房预订处 Book : 预订 book a room/ book a ticket Confirm : 确认 Counter : 柜台 Double room: 双人房 Single room: 单人间 Triple room:三人间 Standard room : 标准间 Family suite: 家庭套房 Deluxe suite : 豪华套房 Presidential suite : 总统套房 Double room with tiwn beds:有两张单人床的双人间 Double bed:双人床 Room change : 房价 Special rate : 优惠价 Service change: 服务费

Discount : 折扣 a 10 percent discount/off suites: 套房 How would you like to pay credit card or cash (您想怎么付款) ---Credit card: 信用卡 ---Cash : 现金 Name tag : 标签,行李牌 Luggage/baggage: 行李 Suitcase : 箱子 Handbag : 手提包 Valuables: 贵重物品 Breakable : 易碎的 Full name/complete name: 全名 Fill in : 填写 Nationality : 国籍 Departure date : 离开日期 Signature : 签名 Passport :护照 Receipt : 收据 Fine : 罚金 Sundry fee : 杂费


一、Department Name and Position Name(部门名称及职门名称) 1部门Department 2 职位Position 3 行政办Executive Office 4 财务Financial Department 5 会计部Accounting Department 6 采购部Purchasing Department 7 销售部Sales and Marketing Department 8 工程部Engineering Department 9 人力资源部Human Resources Department 10 培训部Training Department 11 保安部Security Department 12 前厅部Front Office Department 13 客房部Housekeeping Department 14 餐饮部Food and Beverage Department 15 中餐厅Chinese Restaurant 16 西餐厅Western Restaurant 17 日本餐厅Japanese Restaurant 18 大堂吧Lobby Bar 19 娱乐部Entertainment Department 20 桑拿Sauna Centre 21 夜总会Night Club 22 桌球室Snooker 23 游泳池Swimming Pool 24 健身室Gym 25 棋牌室Chess Room 26 美容美发Beauty and Barber Centre 27 商场Shopping Arcade 28 花店Flower Shop 29 阅览室Reading Room 30 乒乓球Table Tennis 31商务中心Business Centre 32行政楼层Executive Floor 33 总机Operator Telephone Room 34 接待处Reception 35 礼宾部Concierge 36 问询处Information 37 大堂副理Assistant Manager


(一) 宾馆酒店英语-门口〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃2 (二) 宾馆酒店英语-应接服务〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃3 (三) 宾馆酒店英语-问候语〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃5 (四) 宾馆酒店英语-问讯处〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃5 (五) 宾馆酒店英语-入住〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃7 (六) 宾馆酒店英语-客房服务〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃10 (七) 宾馆酒店英语-结账〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃12 (八) 宾馆酒店英语-销售〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃13 (九) 宾馆酒店英语-预定〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃16 (十) 宾馆酒店英语-简明常用语〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃17 (十一) 宾馆酒店英语-餐厅用语〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃26 (十二) 宾馆酒店英语-部门名称〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃29 (十三) 宾馆酒店英语-常用词汇〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃30 (十四) 宾馆酒店英语-服务台词汇〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃32 (十五) 中国小吃英文表达〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃〃35 The basic English for hotel service


酒店常用接待服务英语欢迎语: (1) 欢迎光临我们酒店! Welcome to our hotel! (2) 欢迎您来这里进餐。 Welcome to have meals here. (3) 欢迎您再度光临,很高兴再见到您。 Welcome back. Nice to see you again. *禁语:喂!您好哇! Hello. Hi. Well. 问候语: (1) 您好!(初次见面) How do you do? (2) 您好吗!布莱克先生。(见到常客) How are you today. Mr.Black? (3) 早上好!先生/夫人。 Good morning. Sir/Madam. (4) 下午好! Good afternoon. (5) 晚上好! Good evening. (6) 多日不见,您好吗? Long time no see. How are you? (7) 我很好,谢谢!先生您好吗?(回答问候时) Very well, Thank you, And yourself Sir? (8) 早上好!这里是——,能为您效劳吗? Good morning. This is - - ,May I help you? (9) 希望您在我们酒店住得愉快!

Hope your enjoy your stay in our Hotel. *禁语: (1) 您吃过饭了吗? Have you had lunch (breakfast dinner) (2) 您到哪里去啊? Where are you going? (3) 什么事? Yes? What? 祝贺语: (1) 恭喜您! Congratulations! (2) 祝您生日快乐! Wish you a Happy birthday! (3) 祝您新年快乐! Happy new year to you! (4) 祝您周末愉快! Wish you a good weekend! (5) 祝您圣诞快乐! Merry Christmas! 征询语: (1) 先生,我能为您效劳吗? May I help you, Sir? (2) 先生,我能为您做些什么? What can I do for you, Sir. (3) 请问先生您喜欢吗? Do you enjoy it , Sir? (4) 布莱克先生,如果您不介意的话,我能——吗? Mr. Black, Would you mind if I ……. (5) 先生,请问您贵姓? Could I have your name, Sir?


服务台常用词汇 management 经营、管理 market price 市价 cashier's desk 兑换处 coin 硬币 accounting desk 帐务处 check_out time 退房时间 voucher 证件 price list 价目表 check, cheque 支票 sign (动)签字 interest 利息 form 表格reservation 预订 reception desk 接待处 tip 小费 reservation desk 预订处 luggage office 行李房 …per thousand 千分之… spare (形)多余的 postpone (动)延期 cancel (动)取消 trxdyeller's cheque 旅行支票 pay (动)付款 fill (动)填写administration 管理、经营note 纸币

registration desk 入宿登记处 lobby 前厅 luggage rack 行李架 visit card 名片 identification card 身份证 rate of exchange 兑换率 conversion rate 换算率 charge (动)收费 bill 帐单 change money 换钱procedure 手续、程序 information desk 问询处 luggage label 行李标签 overbooking 超额订房 …per cent 百分之… reasonable (形)合理的 cash (动)兑换 keep (动)保留、保存 bank draft 汇票 accept (动)接受 procedure fee 手续费 fill in the form 填表 酒店服务常用英语口语 1. Good morning/evening. Reservation. May I help you?


酒店英语缩略术语 General 一般 GM General Manager总经理 DGM Deputy General Manager副总经理 DO Director of Operations 营运总监(相当于住店经理) RM Resident Manager驻店经理 DBD Director of Business Department 发展总监(相当于销售总监) FC Finance Controller财务总监 DHR Director of Human Resource人力资源总监 HOD Manager of Department部门经理 MOD Manager on Duty值班经理 FOM Front Office Manager前厅部经理 AFOM Acting Front Office Manager前厅部副经理 GSC Guest Service Center (Manager) 大堂副理(希尔顿)(一般:Assistant Manager,Duty Manager) GSM Guest Service Manager客服经理 GST Guest 客人 RDM Rooms Division Manager客房经理 DOR Director of Rooms 房务总监 SALT Satisfactory And Loyalty Tracking 满意度和忠诚度调查(HILTON) GSTS Guest Satisfaction Tracking System 宾客意见调查系统(IHG) ESPS Employee Satisfaction Pulse Survey 员工满意度调查 TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量管理 SOP Standard Operating Procedures 标准经营程序 QES Quality Evaluation System 质量评估系统 Finance 财务 POM* Propriety of Maintenance IBFC*Income Before Fixed Cost,固定费用前收益,相当于以前的GOP EBITDA*希尔顿税前利润。1.earings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization 付息,纳税,贬值及折旧前收益 2. earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization 未计股息,税款,折旧和债务前的利润,税前利润,毛收益(额) (息税折旧摊销前利润)


附件 酒店常用英语词汇、语句介绍 一、酒店服务、时尚英语 Reserving a Room预订酒店房间(电话) (H=Hotel, G=Guest) H: George's Hotel. 这儿是乔治酒店。 G: I'd like to reserve a room. 我想预订一间房间。 H: When for Sir? 先生,什么时候要用? G: This weekend. 这周末。 H: Thank you. Just a moment, please. 谢谢。请等一会儿。 H: Front desk, sir. (总台接待员)先生,这儿是总台。 G: I want a single room with bath next Saturday. 我下星期六要一间有浴室的单人房。 H: Hold on, please. 请等一下。 (A few seconds later) (几秒钟以后) H: We'll have it ready for you, sir. 先生,我们会为您准备好房间。 G: Fine. 好! H: May I have your name and phone number, sir? 先生,请问贵姓和电话号码? G: Yes, my name is XinHua Zhou, and the number is 116079.

我名叫周新华,电话号码是116079。 Inquiring about the Hotel Charges 询问酒店费用(电话) H: (Operator) George's Hotel. Can be of any assistance? (接线生)乔治酒店。请问有什么贵干? G: Yes, I'd like to find out about the room charges. 我想了解住房费用。 H: Just a moment, sir. I'll put you onto reservations. 先生,请等一会儿。我替您接订房部。 H: (Reservation Clerk) Reservations. Can I help you? (订房部员工)订房部。请问有什么事可以效劳? G: Yes, could you tell me the rates for your rooms? 您可以告诉我,你们房间的收费率吗? H: Yes. It's 350 to 550 dollars for a single, 550 to 750 for a dou-ble for a twin. 可以。单人房收费350~550元,双人房收费550~750元。 G: I see. I am visiting your city in April. How soon should I make a reservation. 我明白了。我打算在4月份往贵市。我应提早多少时候订房呢? H: Well, the sooner, the better. If you've made your schedule, why don't you book the room now? 那么,越早越好。如果您已拟定您的旅游计划,您何不现在订房? Making a Hotel Reservation订房(电话) G: Hello. 喂! H: (Operator) Green's Hotel. Can I help you, sir? (接线生)费尔蒙酒店。先生,请问有何贵干? G: Yes, I'd like to make a reservation. 我想订房。 H: Thank you, I'll connect you with our reservation clerk. 谢谢。我替您接我们订房部职员。 G: Thank you. 谢谢您。 H:(Reservation Clerk) Hello, reservation office. Can I help you? (订房部员工)订房部,请问有什么可以效劳? G: Yes, I'd like to reserve a double room with bath for November twenty-first and twenty-sixth.


酒店常用英语口语语句 1.自己要做什么事时,就使用May I ... May I have your name, please? 请问尊姓大名 May I have your check-out time, please? 请问您什么时候结帐离开? May I see your passport, please? 请让我看一下您的护照好吗? May I know your nationality, please? 请问您的国籍是什么? 2.麻烦客人时,可使用Couldyou ... Could you fill out the form, please? 请您填写这张表格好吗? Could you write that down, please? 请您写下来好吗? Could you draft the fax, please? 请您写下传真的草稿好吗? Could you hold the line, please? 请不要挂电话好吗? 3.询问客人的喜好或是做什么时,可使用Would you ... Would you like tea or coffee? 请问您要喝茶还是咖啡? Would you like to take a taxi? 请问您要搭计程车吗? Would you mind sitting here? 请问您介意坐在这里吗? 4.在提供建议协助、征求意见时,可使用Shall I ... 或Would you like me to do ...? Shall I draw the curtains? 请问需要我把窗帘拉上吗? Shall I draw you a map? 请问要我为您画一张地图吗? Shall I make the reservation for you? 请问要我为您安排预约吗? 二、招呼语 Good morning. (用于中午以前) Good afternoon. (用于中午至下午六点以前) Good evening. (用于下午六点过后) 在这些招呼语的后面接句子,例如: Good morning, sir. Are you checking-out? 早上好,先生,请问您要退房吗? Good afternoon, sir. Welcome toLI JIA Hotel. 中午好,先生,欢迎光临丽嘉酒店。Good evening, Ms. May I help you? 晚上好,小姐,请问我能为您服务吗? 后面也可以接上自己酒店名称、部门名称,如:


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- 320) How much do you want to convert? 您想换多少钱? 321) Would you please endorse this check? 请在这张支票上签个字好吗? 322) Please count the money. 请把这钱数一下。 323) We have different kinds of accounts here. Which kind would you like to open? 我们这儿有各类帐户,您想开那一种? 324) Would you like a deposit account or a current account? 您想存定期,还中活期? 325) How do you want to send this letter? 您想如何邮寄这封信? 326) Ordinary mail or air mail? 您寄普通邮件,还是航空邮件? 327) Normally it takes about one week for an air-mail letter to reach America. 通常情况下,航空邮件到达美国需要大约一个星期。 328) Your letter is overweight and you have to pay one yuan more. 你的信超重,你得再付一块我。 329) What does this parcel contain? 这个包裹里包的什么东西? 330) What’s in side this parcel? 这包裹里是什么? 331) Do you want to register this letter? ---------------------------------------------------------精品文档---------------------------------------------------------


company 陪伴,同伴 single room 单人房 double room 双人房 intend 想要,打算 party (参加共同活动的)一批,一组,一组人date 日期,日子 kind 种,类 bath 浴室 shower 淋浴 suite (一套)房间 deluxe 豪华的 presidential 总统的,总统职务的 available 可用的,合用的,可得到的,可到达的fully 完全地,彻底地 name 名字,姓,姓名,名称 address 地址 the phone number 电话号码 be able to 能,会 guarantee 保证,担保,包,管 occupancy 占有,占用 peak 最高的,高峰的 arrival 到来,到达 departure 启程,离开,出发 book 预定,定 hotel 旅馆 offer 提出,提供 discount 折扣 vacancy 空,空房间 solid 全部地 be full up 全满 include 包括,包含 major 较大范围的,主要的 international 国际的,世界的 provide with 提供 mini-bar 小冰柜 sort 种类,类别 price 价格,价钱 dollar 美元 service 服务,服侍 of course 当然 rate 价格,费用 tax extra 另加税金 look forward to 期待,希望 receive 接待,接见,欢迎 guest 旅客,宿客 welcome to 欢迎到来 bellboy 行李员,旅客服务员 madam 夫人,女士,太太 trip 旅行,旅程 take care of管理,照看 baggage 行李, carry 运送,手提 suitcase 手提箱,衣箱lead 带领,引领,领路 give sb.a hand帮...的忙 allow 允许,准许 wish 愿,希望 pleasant 令人愉快的,舒适的 enjoy 享受 a good time 快乐时光 pleasure 快乐,愉快,高兴 not at all 不用谢,没关系 mention 提及,提到 registration登记,注册 at one's service 为...服务 behind 在后面,在...背后 remember 记住,记得 return 送还,还归 firmly 稳固地 go to bed 上床睡觉 check 检查,核对 list 名单,一览表 fill to 填写 form 表格 have a look 看一看 passport 护照 mind 介意,反对 fill out 填写 prepare 准备,预备 key card 出入证 seat 座位 file 档案 identification身分的证明 straight 马上,立刻 separately 单独地 opposite 在...的对面 gift 礼品,礼物 elevator [美]电梯 directly 直接地 straight 笔直的 traffic 交通 distance 直接地 intersection 交叉点,十字路口 suggest 建议,提出(意见,计划)等popular 受欢迎的,大众(或某种人)喜爱的tourist 旅行者,游览者,观光者 famous 著名的,出名的 tourist attraction 旅游胜地 history 历史 direction 方向,方位 well-known 出名的,众所周知的 scene 景色,景象 attractive 有吸引人的,引起兴趣的interest 兴趣 dynasty 王朝,朝代 classical 古典的

Daily Service 日常服务(酒店常用英语)

Daily Service 日常服务(酒店常用英语) Daily Service 日常服务 -(Knocking at the door.)-(敲门。) -May I come in?-我可以进来吗? -Come in,please.-请进。 -Please don't come in.-请不要进来。 -Just a moment(a minute),please.-请稍等一下。 -I'm sorry to disturb you.May I clean the room,sir?-对不起打扰你了,我来打扫一下房间好吗? -All https://www.doczj.com/doc/606432097.html,e in,please.-好的,请进来。 -Please clean it when I am out.-我马上要出去,请等一会儿打扫。 -May I change the water of the thermos now?-我现在可以换水吗? -Yes,please.-请换吧。 -Some of my friends will come and see me this afternoon.Will you please give me some more hot bottles and tea cups? -下午我有几位朋友来访,请给加些热水瓶和茶杯。 -Well,we'll send tea into the room when the visitors come. -好,客人来访我们会端茶进来的。 -By the way,is there any mail for me?-顺便一下,有我的邮件吗?

-No.If there is,I'll give it to you in time.-没有。如果有的话,我会及时给你送来的。 -Why did you come in without my permission?-你为什么没经我允许就进来了? -It's my negligence.I beg your pardon.-我疏忽了,请你原谅。 -I come and make the bed.Shall I do it now or later?-我来做夜床,你看是现在做还是等会儿做? -Since you have come,you may do it now?-既然来了,现在就做吧。 -Here's your clean laundry.you'd better check it.-衣服洗好了,请您过目。 -I am collecting the fee of the long distance call.-我来收长途电话费。 -This is the bill for the room rent of half a day.-这是补半天房金的帐单。 -Here is a telegram for you.-这儿有一封你的电报。 -Why is it unsealed?-它怎么被拆开了? -Because there is no name of the receiver on the envelope,therefore the clerk uns ealed it in order to find out the name of the receiver. -因为电报封面没有收报人姓名,服务台为了查对姓名而拆开的。 -Have you lost anything today,sir?-先生,你今天丢过什么东西吗? -Yes,a wallet.I'm looking for it now.-丢了一只皮夹子,我正在找呢。 -What is there in the wallet?-皮夹子里有些什么? -My daughter's photo and some money.-有一张我女儿的照片,还有一些钱。 -Look,is this wallet yours?-看,这只皮夹子是不是你的? -Yes,it's mine.Thank you ever so much.-是我的,太感谢你了。


酒店常用英语 文件编码(008-TTIG-UTITD-GKBTT-PUUTI-WYTUI-8256)

酒店常用英语Lobby 大堂 Front office 前厅 Receptionist 前台接待员 Register 登记 registration card 登记单 Reservation list 预定单 Waiting Reservation list 等候预定 Overbooking 超额定房 Fully booked 满房 Procedure 手续,程序 Form 表格 Message 留言 Breakfast coupon 早餐券 Voucher 优惠券 Promotion 推广 Discount 折扣 Room card/key 房卡 Group rooming list 团队用房单 Room status 房态 Vacant ready 可卖房 Vacant clean 干净房

Vacant dirty 脏房 Arrival 到达 Expect arrival 预计到达Early arrival 提前到达Departure 离店 Expect departure 预计离店Early check-out 提前离店Late check-out 延迟离店Extend 延长 Extend departure 延期Extend stay 续住Postpone/delay 延期Cancel 取消 Guarantee 担保 Confirm 确认 Accept 接受 Inform 通知 Count 数,点数 Apologize道歉 Suggest 建议 Arrange 安排 Deliver 投递,传送

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