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Go and fetch something to eat.(连接两个动词如go, come等表示目的)去取些吃的东西来。

Hestarted toshoutandsing.他开始大叫并唱歌。

Read it slowly and clearly.慢慢念,念清楚。

The balloon flew higherandhigher.气球越飞越高。

You can meet teachers and students.你会见到许多老师和学生。

Properdietand exerciseare importantto health.适当的饮食和锻炼对健康很重要。


They didn``tcatchthe bus,and had to stay in a hotelforthenigh t.他们没赶上汽车,只好在旅馆过夜。(因果)

Marylikes music and Lily is fond of sports.玛丽喜欢音乐,莉莉爱好体育运动。(对比)

Workhard and you will succeed.(条件,前面部分常为祈使句)如果你努力工作,就会成功。

One more weekand we’ll accomplish the task.再一星期,我们就完成任务。(条件) (2)并列连词both…and, not only…but also, as well as的用法

①both…and意为:“不但…而且…; 既…又…”,是并列连词,可以并列主语、宾语、表语、状语、谓语等成分。并列主语时谓语动词用复数形式。

Both New York and London have trafficproblems.纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题。Thesecretary both speaks andwrites Spanish.这位秘书不但能讲而且能写西班牙语。

Both teaching and research workare makinggreatstrides.教学与科研都在大踏步前进。

The delegates visited both New Yorkand Boston.代表们既访问了纽约,又访问了波士顿。

Shebothplays the piano and sings.她既会弹钢琴又会唱歌。

Bothshe andtheheadmaster were pleased with theboy.她和校长都喜欢这个男孩。

The situation both at homeand abroadisin our favor.国内外形势对我们都很有利。

②not only…but also意为:“不但...而且”,是并列连词,可以连接两个词,也可连接两个句子。其中,but also中的also可以省略。


notonly…but also可以连接句中所有的成分,连接并列主语时,其谓语动词根据就近原则,与所靠近的成分保持数的一致。

Notonly thestudentsbut (also) their teacher is enjoying themovie.不仅学生们津津有味地看着这部电影,而且他们的老师也是如此。

He can speak notonly French but (also)English.他不但会讲法而且会讲英语。

He notonly had seenthefilm but also rememberedwhat he hadseen.他不仅看过那部影片,而且记得影片的内容。


not only…but also可以连接两个句子,not only位于句首时,notonly后的句子要倒装。

Not only ishe a scientist,but he isalso afighter.他不但是位科学家而且还是名战士。

Not only was everything he hadtaken away, but hiscitizenship.不仅他的一切被拿走,而且他的国籍也被取消。

③aswellas 其连词作用,表示“同、和、也”等。

The editors aswell asthe proofreaders areworking overtime.编辑和校对者都在加班工作。

I have read his novels as well ashis plays.我读过他的小说和剧本。


Iwas abouttoleave when the telephonerang.我刚想走,突然电话铃响了。

We played outsidetill sunset, whenit beganto rain.我们在户外一直玩到太阳下山, 那时天下起雨来了。



Learning the guitar isn``tdifficult ,but you have topractice.学弹吉它并不难,但你得练习。

The changes inthecity will cost quite a lot, but theywillsaveus money in thelong run.改造城市需要花费很多的钱,但从长远来看还是省钱。

Excuse me for breaking in,but Ihavesome news foryou.请原谅我冒然闯入,但我有消息告诉你。

In some Asiancountries,nodding the head means not“Yes”but“No”. 有些亚洲国家,点头并不表示“是”而是表示“不”。

He was in deep trouble, yet he didn``tloseheart.他深陷困境,然而他没有丧失信心。

Rick wasverysuccessful. However,the lastfew yearsofhislif ewerenot happy ones.瑞克非常成功,然而他的晚年并不幸福。

You like sports,while I``d rather read.你喜欢体育而我却喜欢读书。

They were surprised that a child should work outtheproblem,whilethey themselves couldn``t.他们很吃惊一个孩子能把这个题解出来而他们却不能。

Shethought I was talking about her daughter,whilein factIwas talkingabout mydaughter.她认为我是在谈论她的女儿,而事实上我在谈论我女儿。注意:not…but在连接主语时,谓语动词要按就近原则,与靠近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。

Not the manager but theworkers are hopingto do that.不是经理而是工人们希望那么做。