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After Kaloshi, the Naked Resignation

Stung by the news of a rookie white collar cut off in her prime who had just graduated for half a year, several employees have given up, according to their posts in forums, their "pressurized: positions that may earn each of them an annual pension of more than RMB 100, 000 at "Big Four" (PWC, DTT, Ernest &Young, and KPMC) and top 500 enterprises. The "quitters" say they need to take a rest or find an alternative job of low pay but with little pressure. The call for "a life away from Big Four" echoed on the microblog heats up the "naked resignation wave" in a season of job hunting. However, employees are warned by HR experts against overacting to the incident, while employers are prompted to take viable measures to help relax their employees.

全球化是当今翻译的最大语境,在一个超级互联的世界里,任何信息都会瞬间传遍全球,许多词汇因此开始在全球共享,比如源于日语的kaloshi(过劳死),比如不知道算不算中国人首创的naked resignation(裸辞)等。在中国加入WTO 以后,世界500强企业大多已经进入中国,四大会计师事务所也在中国开办了业务,中国不仅完全融入了世界,而且中国就是世界的缩影,全球共此冷暖,词汇同样可以分享,因此一些China English的词汇不断被创造出来,比如之前探讨过的ungelivable等。

译题一标题中的两件事是接续发生的,在翻译的时侯把二者串起来很重要,karen87和momowuwen都使用了in the wake of来翻译,表示在“过劳死”之后,“裸辞”接踵而至;clumsy和serenatan分别用prompt和cause来揭示两件事情之间的因果关系;这些翻译都是正确的。“触动”也需翻得形象一点,而且“受到此事触动”是联系上下文的纽带,不少网友忽视了这一点,但clumsy 处理的很好,用alarmed by领跑一个复杂的句子,并能把原文的多余信息处理掉。该网友的翻译整体上很好,不过用resignation wave来对译“裸辞”,反映了译者对直译和使用中国英语的担心。“超高压”一词也不容易翻译,pressurized这个词本义是“增压的”,也引申指“忙不过来的”,笔者觉得比直译superpressure positions或high-pressured要更地道一些。“矫枉过正”的翻译也不一而足,有些网友过分依赖词典,使用overcorrect来对译是不可取的,成语的翻译一定要结合上下文,所以要指明是overreact to the incident,也就是一位女员工偶然早逝的这一事件。

翻译不仅是词语的问题,更重要的是句子结构和段落的整体布局的调整,比如这里的口号“珍爱生命,远离四大”,放在calling for后面时,一定要用名词或动名词的形式,还有就是英语的词汇对句型的要求往往很高,在翻译时一定要给与特别的关注,比如像The echo of "death from overwork" determined the

high-income white-collars resign这样的翻译中,就忽略了resign的词性,在网友的翻译还有不少此类问题,限于篇幅不能一一指出。




"Mum would be so proud of Kate", says Prince William

More details are exposed of the scheduled nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton. One top official of the royal household publicized in advance the future King's speech: the son would show tributes to his mother, the late Lady Diana, as much as to say "I miss you every day"; he would speak of the two most important women of his life, and that "Mum would be so proud of Kate".

According to the said official, this speech of William's would show his emotional side unknown to his people, it would be the most affecting and move all guests to tears present at the wedding. William would proceed with resemblances between Kate and Mum and virtues they share, especially