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1. 如需帮助请拨打If you need help please call


3. 请勿吸烟No smoking

4. 请勿拍照No photos

5. 禁止宠物入内Prohibit pets

6. 吸烟有害健康Smoking Is Harmful

7. 小心电源Be careful with electric outlets

8. VIP贵宾室VIP Room

9. 现金业务Cash Business

10. 现金业务区Cash Business Area

11. 非现金业务区Non-cash Business Area

12. 便民服务区Convenience Service Station

13. 办公区域Administrative Area

14. 填单区Fill in Area

15. 客户等候区Waiting Area

16. ATM自助服务区ATM Self-service Zone

17. 自助查询机Self-Service Information Kiosk

18. 自助取款机ATM

19. 自助存取款机CRS

20. 自助回单区Self-help Receipt Area

21. 网上银行体验区E-bank Experience Zone

22. 理财室Financial Studio

23. 小额绿色通道爱心窗口Green channel counter for small amount

24. 小心地滑Caution Slippery

25. 小心台阶Watch Your Step

26. 爱心等候座椅Caring seats

27. 请在1米线外等候Please wait outside the one-meter line

28. 高低峰时段图high /low peak chart

29. 日间客流高低峰时段提示Period hint for flow of customers

30. 为了您能快速办理业务,请避开高峰时段

In order to deal with business quickly, please avoid the peak hour

31. 您可以乘坐2路、6路、21路、38路公交车三八便民市场下车即可

You can take No. 2 , 6, 21 or 38 Bus and get off at Three-eight Convenient Market.



±plus or minus正负号

×is multiplied by乘号

÷is divided by除号

=is equal to等于号

≠is not equal to不等于号

≡is equivalent to全等于号

≌is equal to or approximately equal to等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to约等于号

<is less than小于号

>is more than大于号

≮is not less than不小于号

≯is not more than不大于号

≤is less than or equal to小于或等于号

≥is more than or equal to大于或等于号

%per cent百分之…

‰per mill千分之…


∝varies as与…成比例

√(square) root平方根

∵since; because因为


∷equals, as (proportion)等于,成比例





πpi 圆周率


⊥perpendicular to垂直于

∪union of并,合集

∩intersection of 交,通集

∫the integral of …的积分

∑(sigma) summation of总和




℃Celsius system摄氏度

{open brace, open curly左花括号

}close brace, close curly右花括号

(open parenthesis, open paren左圆括号

)close parenthesis, close paren右圆括号

() brakets/ parentheses括号

[open bracket 左方括号

]close bracket 右方括号

[] square brackets方括号

.period, dot句号,点

|vertical bar, vertical virgule竖线

& amp;ampersand, and, reference, ref和,引用

*asterisk, multiply, star, pointer星号,乘号,星,指针/slash, divide, oblique 斜线,斜杠,除号