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发布日期:【 2009-7-27 】


1. able/ability/enable/unable/disable/disabled/disability


比较:be able to do sth. / be capable of (doing) sth.

2. 动词词缀:en-+ adj./n.或adj./n.+/-en

enable/enlarge/enrich/encourage/brighten/widen/worsen/sharpen/strengthen/heighten/lengthen 3. abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃,放纵

abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉溺于 (=be addicted to)

4. aboard adv.在船(车)上,上船

abroad adv. 在国外,到国外

board n. 木板 on board 在船上

broad adj. 宽的,宽阔的

5. absent adj. 不在的, 缺席的(反:present)

6. absolute adj. 完全的, 绝对的

7. absorb vt. 吸收, 吸引

be absorbed in 全神贯注于

8. abundant adj. 丰富的,大量的(=plentiful)

9. access n.通路, 接近,入门

have access to 接近,有权使用

e.g. Citizens may have free access to the public library.

10. accident n. 意外事件, 事故

by accident 偶然(=by chance)(on purpose 故意)

11. accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同

12. accomplish vt. 完成, 达到, 实现 ~ the task

accomplishment n.成就

13. account n. 计算, 帐目, 说明,解释

on account of 由于

take... into account 考虑到(= take… into consideration)

account for 解释,说明

14. accuse vt. 指责,控告

accuse sb. of sh. 因某事控告某人

(同:charge sb. with sth. 因某事控告某人)

e.g. He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in jail.

His mother charged him with being lazy.

15. achieve vt. 完成, 达到

achievement n. 成就, 功绩

16. action n. 动作, 行动, 举动

take action to do sth. 采取行动做某事(同:take measures to do sth.)

17. actor n. 男演员→ actress n. 女演员

类似:waitress(女侍者,女服务生), hostess(女主人), princess(公主,王妃)

18. adapt vt. 使适应, 改编

adapt oneself to sth. 适应 (= adjust oneself to sth.)

e.g. He adapted/adjusted himself very quickly to the weather in the country.

比较:adopt vt. 采用, 收养

19. advance n. 前进, 提升v. 前进, 提前

in advance 预先,提前

20. advantage n. 优势, 有利条件(反:disadvantage n. 不利条件, 缺点)

have an advantage over 胜过,占优势

take advantage of 利用

21. advertise v. 为…做广告

advertisement/ad n. 广告

22. advise vt. 劝告, 忠告

advise sb. to do sth. 劝说(强调动作)

persuade sb. to do sth. 说服(强调结果)

注意:advise的宾语从句或It is advised that结构的主语从句,需使用should型虚拟语气。advice n. 忠告, 建议

23. afford vt. 买得起, 负担得起

~ sth. (a new car, vacation, etc.)

~ to do sth.

24. agree vi. 同意, 赞成

agree with sb.

agree on sth. (经过讨论后)就…达成一致

agree to sth. (plan, proposal, etc.)

agreement n. 同意, 一致 in ~ with 与…一致

disagree vi. 不一致,有分歧

25. aim at 以…为目标,旨在

26. allow vt. 允许 ~ sb. to do sth. (=permit sb. to do sth.)

27. alternative n. 可供选择的办法, 抉择

have no ~ but to do 别无选择,只得… (= have no choice but to do)

比较:have nothing to do but do

28. amaze/astonish/surprise/shock vt. 使吃惊

~ed ~ing

29. ambition n. 野心, 雄心

ambitious adj. 有雄心的, 野心勃勃的

30. amuse vt. 娱乐,消遣 ~ment n.

~ sb. with sth. 用某物逗/取悦某人

~ oneself by doing sth. 做某事来消遣

31. analyze vt. 分析, 分解 analysis analyst

32. ancient adj. 远古的,古代的 ~ times

33. anniversary n. 周年纪念 twentieth ~

annual adj. 每年的,年度的

34. anxious adj. 焦虑的,担心的

be ~ about/for sth. 对…感到忧虑

be ~ to do sth. 渴望做某事(=be eager to do =long to do)

anxiety n.