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在南半球的南太平洋流、南印度洋流、南大 西洋流 发挥着同样的作用
There currents are associated with the Antarctic Circumpolar
(West Wind Drift). Antarctic Circumpolar南极洲洋流 West Wind Drift 西风漂流
向西流动的极地环流纬度最低的洋流就是亚 热带环流纬度最高的洋流
Other currents associated with these gyres are shown on the following diagram.
在北半球,向东流动的北太平洋洋流和北大 西洋洋流搬运西方边界流的水流到东方边界 流的起点
The South Pacific Current(南太平洋 流),South Indian Current (南印度洋流) and South Atlantic Current(南大西洋流) provide the same function in the Southern Hemisphere.
所有的这些海流通常流幅是窄的,但它 流动的速度是每天40-120千米
Western boundary currents are the deepest ocean surface flows,usually extending 1000 meters below the ocean surface.
由于这个纬度带陆地缺乏,南极洲洋流为一个连续 环绕南极洲的洋流,它只输送局部的水流返回到南 半球的三大洋盆
Surface Currents of the Polar Gyres
The polar gyres exist only in the Atlantic and Pacific basins in Northern Hemisphere .

western boundary currents:西方边界
North Atlantic-Gulf Stream; North Pacific-Kuroshio;South AtlanticBrazil;South Pacific-East Australia;and Indian Ocean-Cape Agulhas.
Because of the absence of landmass at this latitude zone,the Antarctic Circumpolar flows in continuous fashion around Antarctica and only provides a partial return of water to the three Southern Hemispheric ocean basins.
所有的这些海流是流幅宽,影响深度浅,流 动的速度是每天3-7千米
In the Northern Hemisphere,the east flowing North Pacific Current and North Atlantic Drift move the waters of western boundary currents to the starting points of the eastern boundary currents.
Surface Currents of the Polar Gyres:
They are propelled by the counterclockwise winds as with associated with the development low pressure centers at 50⁰ of latitude over the ocean basins.
从高纬向赤道流动的是东方边界流,这些寒 流有特殊的名字也跟他们的位置有关
North Atlantic-Ganary;North Pacific-California;South AtlanticBenguela;South Pacific-Peru;and Indian Ocean-West Australia.
它们在逆时针方向上的风的推动下促进了纬 度50度洋盆上的低压中心的形成和发展
Note that the bottom west flowing current of the polar gyres is the topmost flowing current of the subtropical gyres.
81页第三段 Flowing from the equator to high latitudes are the western boundary currents. These warm water currents have specific names associated with their location:
北大西洋——加那利寒流 北太平洋——加利福尼亚寒流 南大西洋——本格拉寒流 南太平洋——秘鲁寒流 印度洋——西澳大利亚寒流
All of these currents are generally broad,shallow moving flows that travel at speeds between 3 and 7 kilometers per day.
西方边界流是最深的大洋的表层流,通 常在大洋表面下流幅是wk.baidu.com000米
Flowing from high latitudes to the equator are the eastern boundary currents. These cold water currents also have names associated with their location: eastern boundary currents:东方边界流
北大西洋——墨西哥湾流; 北太平洋——黑潮(自台湾东面的菲律宾海 流向日本的暖流) 南大西洋——巴西海流 南太平洋——东澳大利亚海流和印度洋的厄 加勒斯角海流
All of these currents are generally narrow ,yet like flows that travel at speeds between 40-120 kilometers per day.
