沈阳简介My Favorite City-ShenYang

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Natural scenery-沈阳鸟岛
The birds’ island is located in Shenyang near Fushun , and there are many rarely birds on the island.
Chessboard hill scenic spots
沈阳是一座充满活力的城市。 • It’s a city with long history. 沈阳是一座历史文化悠久的城市。 • It’s a fast-growing city. 沈阳是一座发展日新月异的城市。 • It’s a city overflows with warmth,patience and tolerance. 沈阳是一座充满温情,有耐心和宽容心的城市。
If you like Shenyang , you can go to see those websites.
Shenyang is a well-known Chinese city in history and culture with about 1100ground and underground cultural relices. It is so called because of being located on the north bank of the Hunhe River(named as Shenshui in ancient times). According to the textual research for Xinle Archaeological Site, 7200 years ago, our ancestors lived and multiplied on this land. The founding history of Shenyang City has been over 2300 years since B.C.300 when Qin Kai established Hou City here to garrison border land. Shenyang has long been reputed as “the birthplace for one dynasty and the capital for two emperors ”. In 1625, Nuerhachi, the first emperor of Qing dynasty, moved its capital here , and renamed it Shengjing. In 1636,Huangtaiji, the second emperor of Qing Dynasty, changed the reigning title into Qing Dynasty. In 1644, Shenyjing was identified as auxiliary capital while Beijing became the capital after the soldiers of Qing Dynasty entered the Shanhaiguan Pass. In 1651, Fengtian Prefecture was established here .In 1945, it was renamed Shenyang again.
Places of interests in Shenyang
清昭陵 North mausoleum
沈阳故宫 The Shenyang Palace Museum
Place of interests
Don’t forget national humiliation the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 请铭记9月19日国耻日, 铭记历史勿忘国耻,时 刻敲响警钟!!!
of SY
Zhongshan Circus-Now
The development of SY
Shenyang Middle Street-Before Shenyang Middle Street-Now
My impressin of Sheyang
• Shenyang is a vibrant city.
Some websites about Shenyang
• http://baike.sogou.com/v64320079.htm • http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/63acb44a9f650161fcc17ec6.html • http://www.shenyang.gov.cn/ • http://wenku.baidu.com/view/71e2c0cd050876323112125d.html • http://www.synu.edu.cn/
Ice Festival
The Fangte Theme Park
Let’s go shopping together
Shenyang Middle Stre
Shenyang specialti
A famous ice cream
Laobian Dumpling
The Laobian Dumpling has a history of 150 years, and the Li Lian’gui Large Smoked Meat Flatbread has a history of 140 years. The Majia Steamed Dumpling is a famous Hui-style food with a history of 180 years. Najia Restaurant’s White Pork and Blood Large Intestine is a Manchu-style dish.
The general situation of Shenyang
Shenyang is not only the capital of 沈阳是辽宁省的省会,位于辽阔 Liaoning province, it is also the biggest 的辽东平原之上,沈水之北,是 city in the north-east. It holds the biggest 东北第一大城市,也是东北地区 railroad hub and air harbor. As the central 最大的交通枢纽中心。作为辽宁 city of Liaoning province ,Shenyang exerts 的中心城市,沈阳在区域经济发 important influence of leading and 展中发挥着重要的带动和辐射作 radiating in regional economic and social 用。同时沈阳是中国著名的历史 development. At the same time, 文化名城,历史文化遗产丰富。 Shenyang is a well-known Chinese city in 素有“一朝发祥地,两代帝王都” history and culture with many cultural 之称。 relices。
cultural relices
The history of Shenyang
The beauty of Shenyang
There are many places we can have a good time in Shenyang.
1.As a old city, there are many places of interests. 2.Natural scenery in Shenyang. 3.Let’s go to the FangTe theme park. 4.Shopping
There have many plants and animals ,and the air is very fresh . You can take a deep breath in here.
Ice Festival
Do you know the story of Snow White? But they are not living here ,because they are afraid of cold.
• 沈阳是中国著名的历史和文化名城,地面和地下文化遗迹约有1100处。 它之所以叫沈阳是因为它位于浑河的北岸(古代称此河为沈水)。根据 新乐考古遗址考证,7200年前,我们的祖先就已经生活在这片土地上。根 据历史考察公元前300年秦凯侯就已在沈阳城市边境驻军,因此成立沈 阳城市的历史已经超过2300年。 • 沈阳一直被认为是“一朝发祥地,两代帝王都”。 • 1625年,清王朝的第一个皇帝努尔哈赤将都城移动至此,重命名为盛京。 • 1636年,清朝的第二个皇帝皇太极正式改国号为清。 • 1644年,清军进入山海关后定北京为国都,盛京成为附都。 • 1651年,正式更名为奉天。 • 1945年,由奉天更名为沈阳。
My Favorite CityShenyang
PPT:Ni Rongcheng Expostor:WangZhe
• 城市概况The general situation of
Shenyang. • 城市历史The history of Shenyang. • 城市风光The beauty of Shenyang. • 城市发展The development of Shenyang. • 我的印象My impression of Shenyang.
A Special ‘Shenyang Specialty’
这到底是为什么 呢?? Why ???
我的英文名 字叫Xiao Shenyang…
The development of
Shenyang North Station
The development
Zhongshan Circus-Before