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Passage 01

Merchant ships are designed to carry cargo. Some are also designed to carry passengers. They can operate as liners. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of their arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not. Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the later carry containerized or conventional cargo on shorter routes. Ferries are also classed as liners. These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe to North America and to the Far East. Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships for part of the year.

001.The deep-sea liners ________.

A. carry mainly containerized cargo

B. carry mainly conventional cargo

C. offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles

D. sail across channels and narrow seas.

002.The Liners ________.

A. always sail full

B. sail regularly even not full

C. always sail in ballast

D. will not sail if not full

003.A list of the arrival and departure dates of liners ________.

A. will be published weekly

B. will be published when they sail,whether full or not,from Europe to North America and to the Far East

C. will not be published even they sail fully loaded

D. is published prior to their departure

004.It is implied in the passage that ________.

A. the number of passenger ships is small

B. all passenger ships will carry some cargo in near future

C. it is not necessary for liners to sail in regular time

D. container carriers should carry some passengers

Passage 02

Nowadays,most merchant ships are built to carry cargoes. And they mainly operate as tramps. These vessels do not sail on regular routes or keep to a fixed timetable,but are employed where there is cargo for them to carry. Tramps can be classed as deep-sea tramps or short-sea tramps. A number are classed as coasters. These ply on coastal routes and up rivers to inland ports. The traditional tramp cargoes are dry bulk cargoes,but some are designed to carry general cargoes.

A large number of merchant ships operate as specialized vessels. These are designed to carry a particular type of cargo. There are several types of specialized vessel. The most common are oil tankers. They are owned by the major oil companies or by independent operators. Two other types of liquid bulk carrier of growing importance are chemical carriers and liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers.

005.The deep-sea tramps ________.

A. carry bulk and general cargo across the high seas

B. are built to carry passengers

C. are mainly coasters

D. are specialized vessel

006.The coasters ________.

A. always sail across the high seas

B. commonly carry oil cargo

C. are mainly tankers

D. sail on coastal routes and up rivers to inland ports

007.The importance of LNG carriers ________.

A. is growing

B. is not mentioned in passage

C. is decreasing

D. will be discussed further if necessary

008.It is implied in the passage that ________.

A. the number of specialized vessels is not small

B. all oil tankers will carry some chemicals in near future

C. the tramps and specialized vessels are the basic type of merchant ships.

D. container carriers should not be classed as tramps

Passage 03

Cargo ships can be divided into two basic types. One type carries dry cargo,the other carries liquid cargo; however,an OBO ship is designed to carry both. A traditional dry cargo ship is the multi-deck vessel. Her holds are divided horizontally by one or two 'tween decks,because these make stowage of individual packages easier. Dry bulk cargo is carried in bulk carriers. These do not have 'tween decks as cargo is carried loose. The most modern type of dry cargo carrier is the container ship. They carry containers of standard dimensions,consequently stowage is easier. Fruit,meat and dairy produce are carried in refrigerated ships. Oil tankers are the most common type of liquid cargo carrier. They are often very large,because huge quantities of oil need to be transported and one large vessel is more economical to operate than two smaller ones. Two other types of liquid bulk carrier of growing importance are the liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier and the chemical carrier,although chemical can also be carried in drums in general cargo ships.

009.There are ________ types of liquid bulk carrier.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

010.A multi-deck vessel has ________ tween decks.

A. has many

B. no

C. only one

D. has up to two

011.Fruit,meat and dairy produce are carried in________.

A. containers carriers

B. traditional ships

C. OBO ships

D. refrigerated ships

012.The types of dry cargo carriers mentioned in the passage are ________.

A. tween deckers,OBO ships

B. traditional dry cargo ship and multi-deck vessel

C. OBO ships,oil tankers,chemical tankers and LNG carriers

D. dry cargo ship,dry bulk cargo carrier,container carriers and refrigerated ships

Passage 04

The axial thrust of the propeller is the force working in a fore and aft direction. This force causes the ship to move ahead through the water or to go astern. Because of her shape,a ship will move ahead through the water more easily than going astern.

The transverse thrust is the sideways force of the propeller as it rotates. The transverse effect of the propeller blades at the top near the surface of the water is not strong enough to counteract the opposite effect of the lower

blades. For right-handed propellers this cants the ship's stern to starboard and her bow to port,when the ship is going ahead. The effect is small and can be corrected by the rudder. When the engines are put astern,the effect is the opposite and the stern cants to port. This effect is stronger and cannot easily be corrected. Vessels with left-handed propellers behave in the opposite way.

013.The force that causes the ship to move ahead through the water or to go astern is known as________.

A. axial thrust

B. transverse thrust

C. the transverse effect of the propeller blades at the top near the surface of the water

D. the transverse effect of the lower blades of the propeller near the bottom of the water

014.A left-handed propellers,when the ship is going ahead,will cant ship's stern to________.

A. starboard

B. port

C. to move ahead

D. move astern

015.The transverse thrust of the propeller is stronger when the ship is________.

A. going a stern

B. going ahead

C. stopped

D. making no way through the water

016.The transverse thrust of the propeller can mainly be overcome by ________.

A. the rudder

B. the propeller itself

C. the nautical instrument

D. wind and tide

Passage 05

The Chief Officer,or First Mate as he is often called,is the Master's chief officer and head of the Deck Department. He is assisted by a Second Officer (Mate),a Third Officer(Mate),and sometimes a Fourth Officer(Mate). Several companies employ a First Officer as well as a Chief Officer. The Deck Department also includes a Boatswain (Bosun) and a Carpenter,both petty officers,and a number of ratings. These made up of Able Seamen (AB),Ordinary Seamen (OS) and a middle grade known as Efficient Deck Hands (EDH). There are other grades of seamen. On some ships Navigating Cadets are carried for training purposes.

The Chief Engineer is head of the Engine Department. He is assisted by a Second,Third,Fourth and sometimes Fifth Engineer. An Electrical Officer may also be carried. The engine room petty officers are the Storekeeper and Donkeyman. On tankers there is also a Pumpman. He is also a petty officer. The engine room ratings are Firemen and Greasers. There may also be Engineer Cadets.

The Catering Department is under the Chief Steward. It is divided into a saloon and galley section. The former is headed by the Second Steward,the latter by the Ship's Cook. They are both usually petty officers. They are assisted by several stewards and cooks,and by a number of junior ratings.

The Radio Department often consists of only one man: the Radio Officer. On ships where continuous radio watches are kept there may be three radio officers: a Chief,Second and Third.

017.________ is not a petty officer.

A. Boatswain

B. Second Steward

C. Radio Officer.

D. Storekeeper

018.EDH is rank which is higher than________.

A. Second Steward



D. Chief Engineer

019.Storekeeper belong to ________.

A. Deck Dept

B. Engine Dept

C. Catering Dept

D. Radio Dept

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