当前位置:文档之家› 河北省大名县第一中学2020届高三英语9月月考试题(清北班一)






1. What are the speakers planning to do?

A Have a picnic.

B Make some sandwiches C. Attend a barbecue party

2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Job

B. A picture

C. A university.

3. Where is the woman' s Dusmart Speaker?

A. In the bedroom. B In the kitchen C. In the sitting room

4. What did the man buy this morning?

A. Trainers

B. Socks C Jeans

5. What did the man like best about the show?

A. The singers

B. The costumes.

C. The dancing




6. What does the woman think of the man s summer Job?

A. Tiring

B. Interesting.

C. Well-paid

7. What job is Tammy doing during the summer?

A Fruit-picking.

B Dog-walking

C Babysitting.


8. What will the man do at 2: 00 pm probably?

A Sell dictionaries.

B Have an interview C. Work in the office

9. Where will the man be around 5: 00 pm?

A In a classroom.

B At a company. C. At a coffee shop.


10. What type of insurance do the speakers choose? i

A. The bronze

B. The silver

C. The gold

- 1 -

11. How will the speakers probably pay?

A. By credit card.

B. By Alipay

C. In cash

12. When will the speakers leave?

A. On Friday.

B. On Saturday. C On Sunday.


13. How long will the man's course last?

A. For four weeks.

B. For six weeks

C.For eight weeks

14. How did the man know the school?

A From a friend.

B From a newspaper.

C From a company.

15. Which language can t the man speak?

A. French

B. German

C. Chinese

16. What does the man think is the third factor in choosing a school?

A. Teachers B Recommendations C. Location


17. How did the speaker go to the South Island?

A. By bus B- By boat C. By car.

18. Where was the speaker s second destination?

A. Nelson B Kaikoura C. Buller River

19. What was the speaker eager to sec?

A. Ocean birds B Dolphins C.Whales

20. When did the speaker hurt her foot?

A. While riding a horse B While rowing a boat C. While climbing the rocks





Discover the London Museum of Water Steam

Do you ever turn on the tap and wonder where the water comes from?

Be amazed by the massive historic engines that pumped Thames water to London's taps, - 2 -


explore London's exciting watery past at our newly refurbished Museum.

Follow waters fascinating journey

Victorian London urgently needed water to keep its massively growing population clean and dis-

ease- free.

Get hands -on to find out more about the details of the capitals watery past, and water's role

in the Victorian battle for public health, in our new interactive Waterworks. In the Waterworks and

the new outdoor Splash Zone you can test your muscle power as you have a go at water-pumping machines from throughout the centuries

Join the team

The Museum has a small staff supported by a large and enthusiastic volunteer base. Roles range from working on the admissions desk to driving the engines and maintaining the buildings. Email

volunteer@ waterandsteam. org. uk to apply to become part of the family!

Keep us in Steam!

The Museum is a not -for-profit charity that receives no external revenue funding from the

government or private bodies. Your support will help the Museum stay open all year round, with the

engines and railway steaming, and exciting events for all ages. Support us by becoming a trust mem-

ber, volunteering or giving a donation.

Become a Trust Member

Help preserve this historic site for future generations. Trust membership gives unlimited visits to he Museum. Join at the Museum, via our website, or email membership(@ waterandsteam org uk

21. What can you do in the museum?

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A. Find out where London's tap water comes from.

B. Learn about the history of British tap water.

C. Build your body in the outdoor Splash Zone.

D. learn how tap water cured diseases in Victorian

22.What does a volunteer do in the museum?

A. Collect donations

B. Operate machines

C. Act as a tour guide

D. Become their staff

23. Which is true about the museum?

A. It is open to people under 18

B. It is funded by the government

C. You can become a member online.

D. It doesn't accept individual donations


There is a new superhero movie coming out. The new3-D film stars a different

type of superhero. They are dogs whose powers have helped save people and animals. Through the end of the year, you can see six amazing dogs in action inSuperpower Dogs

Tipper and Tony are super sniffers. The two bloodhounds use their incredible sense of smell to track poachers who hunt and kill endangered animals such as elephants and rhinos in Kenya. in East Africa Reef is a great lifeguard. Her size, strength, webbed paws and waterproof fur enable her to rescue people at risk of drowning along the coast of Italy. She can swim through water and drag as many

as six people on a life raft.

These dogs aren't born with their powers, though. They learn their skills through training and

practice. You can see a superdog in the making by watching Halo onscreen. When Labrada first met

Halo as a pup, she was impressed by the Dutch shepherd's intelligence and alertness. The film shows how Labrada trained Halo, preparing her for a big certification test. Halo had to

hearing to search for hidden people. She learned towalk on narrow boards, climb ladders and ignore distractions such as food or toys.

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One of the superdogs,Ricochet. started training as a service dog. Her handler soon realized,

lthough, that Ricochet was best at sensing emotions and calming sad or frightened people. In the

movie, her gentle presence reassures a little boy who is learning to surf.

‘'My dog and I are a team, said Labrada, who is preparing with Halo for the

busy hurricane

season. Together we can do things that we can't do separately. The bond, that trust, is actually

The real superpower.

24. Why does the dog Reef need to be strong?

A. She has to climb ladders

B. She has to be able to climb ladders.

C. She has to drag people on a life raft.

D. She has to go into destroyed building

25. How did the dog Ricochet affect people?

A. She calms them

B. She frightens them.

C. She makes them sad

D. She makes them excited

26. How did the dogs in the movie become superheroes?

A. They worked in the movie with human superheroes

B. They learned skills that enabled them to be superheroes

C. They were trained to act as superheroes to be in the movie

D. They were born with the same skills that human superheroes have

27. What is the article mainly about?

A. A human who trains dogs

B. Toys and food that dogs like

C. A movie about special dogs.

D. The way of how to train dogs.


The small Norwegian island of Sommaroy sits north of the Arctic Circle. The

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sun does not rise

during the winter, For 69 days in summer, it doesn't set. Needless to say, residents have a different idea of time. They see it differently from people who live where the hours of the day are split into

darkness and light.

Kjel Ove Hveding is one of the islands 300 or so residents. He wants to see

time done away

with on Sommaroy. In June he presented a petition to the government. All the island's residents

signed it and asked for Sommaroy to become the worlds first time-free zone. Hveding says there is

no need for certain hours for school or work. If you want to cut the lawn at 4 a. m. then you do it.

he says.

Most of us live by a fairly regular schedule. Hveding's ideas might seem strange. However

the people of Sommaroy already have a fairly casual approach to timekeeping. This attitude is sym

bolized by all the watches that are strapped onto a bridge from the island to the mainland. They don

t need those watches on their island

Doctors have advice for people who live in regions with dark winters and

never-ending summer sunlight. They say people should try to keep a regular sleep cycle. Research shows that humans have a natural internal process. It is called the circadian rhythm. This is basically a 24-hour internal clock. It regulates the sleep-wake cycle and is important for human health.

Operating as a timeless zone could be a challenge. The rest of the world is

on schedules. Hved

ing says that he understands planes and trains need to leave and arrive at certain hours. However,

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he also thinks that people create unnecessary stress. They put schedules on themselves, and he

thinks they could benefit from looking at time his way.

When you are finished with work, please, just put the watch away,he says

Don't let the the clock lead us.

28. What can we know about the people of Sommaroy from the paragraph 3?

A. They already live without watches.

B. They decorated the bridge with watches.

C. They must go to a bridge to get watches

D. They must cross a bridge to get to the mainland

29. How does Vending feel about using watches and clocks?

A. They should never be used

B. They should take care of them

C. They can help people lead better lives.

D. They are not necessary most of the time

30. Which statement would the author agree with?

A. There are few good reasons to keep time

B. Living in a time-free city would be difficult

C. Sommaroy will not be successful without time

D. People should stop wearing watches immediately

31. Why did the author write this article?

A. to explain how time works in Sommaroy

B. to persuade people to stop using clocks.

C. to tell a funny story about a place near the North Pole.

D. to describe an island where people want to live time-free


When they' re excited, scared or happy, elephants make the sounds you're

probably familiar

with. They vocalize in other, more complicated ways, too -low-pitched rumbles outside our

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hearing. Elephants make sounds at low frequencies to alert each other to danger, which is

the lower limit of human hearing. Low-frequency sounds travel much farther than high ones.

makes these sounds perfect for long-distance communication.

Scientists have known for some time Mal elephants use a specific call to warn about bees. Adult

elephants are vulnerable to stings around their eyes and in their tender trunks. Baby elephants

skins make them vulnerable all over, so the alarm provides an important signal. Researchers have

noted that elephant anti-bee rumbles are usually accompanied by vigorous head shaking to fling off

any insects that happened to land.

The human alarm call was discovered when researchers played back recorded voices

of tribal

people who share the same region as several groups of wild elephants. Elephants within earshot of

the recording ran away, became more wary and made a specific rumble. The rumble was recorded

and played back to a different group of elephants, who also ran off and behaved more warily. How

ever, none shook their head as with the bee alarm signal. Elephants appear to use their rumbles to

mean different things with different degrees of urgency. That isn't just noise;

that's language.

Elephants can even tell the difference between human ethnic groups and classify them by the

level of threat. Apparently, they distinguish less dangerous people from more dangerous by the color

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of their clothes and body smell.

So how do you know if an elephant is rumbling if you can't hear it? When elephants are listen-

ing, they hold their ears out. When they're rumbling their ears tend to flap.

32. What can we know about rumbles

A. Dangers that make elephants afraid

B. Low sounds that elephant make.

C. Long distances elephants travel

D. Noises that frighten humans.

33. Which word can replace the underlined word wary in the paragraph 3?

A. Cautious

B. Excited

C. Noisy

D. Exhausted

34. How do elephants tell apart different tribes of human?

A. They shake their heads very hard.

B. They rub the people with their trunks.

C. They notice peoples clothes and smells.

D. They hold their ears out so they can listen.

35. Which statement is true according to the last paragraph?

A. Rumbling is the sound made when elephants flap their ears.

B. Elephants that hold their ears out are worse at sending signal calls.

C. Hearing other elephants 'calls is easier if the elephant has bigger ears

D. Watching an elephant can show whether it is sending or hearing calls.


根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余。Succulents(多肉植物) are plants with parts that are thick and fleshy, usually

to stay wet in

hot and dry climates. 36.______________

Get the pots ready. Succulents need pots that will house the plant comfortably.


Make sure that you are not using either too large or too small a pot

Prepare your soil. If you don't want to use one of the ready-made succulent mixes

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on the market, prepare your own. 38._____________

Fill the pots up to the desired level with the potting mix so that the tip of

the roots will touch it

inside to hang allow the roots carefully at the centre of the pot, plant Then, hold the and place the

potting mix loosely around the roots until it covers them up. 39____________Water your plant. The first watering will be done on the third day of planting. The plant needs the soil to be dry for the first two days so that any harm to the root system can heal.

Watering afterward will have to be done according to the species and growth rate of the individual

plant. 40_____________

Fertilize (ht HE), during the summer growing season, as you would with other houseplants.

) of the 含氮量Stop fertilizing entirely during the winter. The nitrogen

content(fertilizer should al

ways be very low.

A. Succulents are easy to grow well.

B. Mix up a nutritious soil to use for planting.

C. The actual pot size will depend on the size of the plant

D. Succulents grow during summer and rest during winter.

E. Place the pots in an area where there is plenty of sunlight

F. You may knock the pot softly on the ground to settle the potting soil

watering. the next dry allowed to up before that G. A good rule is the soil mix should be




C阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项最佳选项。Draper, the owner of a secondhand bookstore, was sorting through a pile

of old books when an envelope fell from one. Inside was an undated 41 and a faded

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photo of a woman holding a little girl on her lap. The letter said if Bethany was 42 it, it meant the author had died.

wordswoman'slastwere 43 wellingTearswereupinDraper'seyes.These

thought.hewill 45 his,”hadHeto 44 Bethany.“Whoeverititoherchild.

a letter like that.“You wouldn't 46 aroundfromwaslikelyinhisshopthenBethanysupposedHeifthe 47 endedup

recognized the little girl's face. EvenBishop Auckland. And he thought he 48

left the area, there might be someone in town who would recognizeif she'd sincthe 49 .

the 50 local newspaper.The Northern Echo ran the story ofHe started withthe letter.

51 , Bethany Gash, now 21 and a(n) 52 herself, was on Facebook about 10

miles away when a close friend messaged her to check out the 53 . As she read her 54 , words she thought had been lost forever, she said she thought shemother's must be 55 .

Gash was only 4 when her mother 56 . Five years later, her family moved to

a new home and the letter, put away in the pages of a book for safe keeping, was unintentionally 57 .

She remembers unpacking and looking for the letter, and then 58 searching

was 59 twasthere.“That's when I realized through everything in hopes thatit

gone by now and I'd never see it again,” she saidthe letter in person. He also brought her a children's book forDraper 60

her son. Gash was greatly moved to have the letter back, and also touched by the stranger's kindness.B. email C. postcard D. letter 41.A. message

D. copying B. destroying C. forgetting 42.A. reading

D. dying B. kind C. selfish 43.A. Determined

D. comfort A. find B. introduce C. phone 44.D. like

C. want 45.A. enjoy B. avoid

D. pull out

A. tear open

46. B. cut up C. throw away

- 11 -

47.A. girl B. book C. reporter D. news

48.A. hardly B. actually C. unfortunately D. accidentally

49.A. author

B. teacher

C. picture

D. stranger

50.A. lost B. valuable C. wet D. broken

51.A. Meanwhile B. Therefore C. However D. Eventually

B. mother

C. daughter

D. assistant 52.A. editor

B. magazine

C. article A. ticket

D. homework

53. C. languages D. words

54.A. vocabularies B. terms

55.A. writing B. joking C. playing D. dreaming

56.A. came back

B. passed away

C. died out

D. calmed down

57.A. donated B. burned C. dirtied D. robbed

58.A. secretly B. suddenly C. madly D. regularly

D. long

A. almost

B. never

C. still


D. published

60.A. kept B. delivered C. composed



Baidu is not a doctor

When people 61 (face) with health or nutrition questions, it is 62 (increasing) common to go online and diagnose themselves. But the Internet is full

of conflicting health warnings with no regulation to get rid of the wrong advice, some of which 63 (be) extremely dangerous! Also, search engines rank results by

64 (popular) rather than accuracy, so solid facts can be tricky to find. It is worth

65 (check) if the writer of an online piece is properly qualified as an expert. Anyone can call 66 (they) a “diet expert”, “nutritionist” and even a “doctor”— given it could refer to qualifications like a PhD. But remember, only officially 67 (recognize) practicing doctors as well as dietitians have degrees

in giving medical 68 (suggest). So if you are unsure and still wondering 69

the chocolate diet really does work or not, then it pays to make 70 appointment

with your dietician or doctor. The truth is out there, and you just need to look in - 12 -

the right place!










It's been two years since I travel to Britain, but it's still one of the most wonderful trip I have

ever taken. When I arrived in the London. I went the Sherlock Holmes Museum. The museum is

model after the fictional house when Sherlock Holmes and John Watson live. But it also contains re

reductions of some famous crime scenes from the stories. I walked around each room careful as if I

had been at a real crime scene and afraid of destroying any valuable clues. As a crazy fan of Sher

lock, I felt extremely interesting. Now Im looking forward to his next trip there. 第二节书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是李华,你的英国好友 Peter10月份打算来中国旅游,想先学习ー些中文,却不知







- 13 -


Dear Peter,




that_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _______________

Yours, Li Hua

- 14 -




61.____________62. _____________63. ____________64. ____________

65____________66_____________-_67. ____________68. ____________


短文改错 (每空1分)

It's been two years since I travel to Britain, but it's still one of the most wonderful trip I have

ever taken. When I arrived in the London. I went the Sherlock Holmes Museum. The museum is

model after the fictional house when Sherlock Holmes and John Watson live. But it also contains re

reductions of some famous crime scenes from the stories. I walked around each room careful as if I

- 15 -

had been at a real crime scene and afraid of destroying any valuable clues. As a crazy fan of Sher

lock, I felt extremely interesting. Now Im looking forward to his next trip there.


Dear Li Hua,

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Wang Lei

- 16 -



1-5 ABCBC 6-10 ABBCB

11-15 ABABC 16-20 CABBC




第二节 36-40 ACBFG



41-45 DADAC 46-50 CBBCA

51-55 ABCDD 56-60 BACDB


61. are faced 62. increasingly

63. is 64. popularity

65. checking 66. themselves

67. recognized/recognised 68. suggestions

69. whether 70. an


travel-travelled, trip-trips, 去掉London 前面的the, went 后加to, model 变成 modeled, when-where, But-And, careful-carefully, Interesting-interested, his-my/the


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