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第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)

第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)


I remember the first time I got on a horse. When I was a little boy aged two, my mom agreed to let me take a short ride and that was it! From then on, I drove my parents crazy begging for a horse.

When I was four, I had mutism, in which children stop speaking in certain social situations. I went days, weeks, months without a sound at school. At most, I might quietly whisper to a friend. I suffered silently through school until I was ten when a psychologist (心理学家) had an idea. He asked me what I wanted more than anything else in the world. He explained I was going to be given a chance to work for that. And I was permitted to whisper the answer in my mother’s ear, “A horse.”

I was to get a pony, but I had to live up to my end of the bargain (讲价). I had

a list of weekly tasks I had to finish. I had to answer the phone five times per week, something I had never done before. I had to say one word to my teacher at school and the list went on. For a child with mutism, saying one word to someone can be like climbing Mount Qomolangma. I did everything that was asked of me and the day came. His name was Sequoia, whom I fell in love with immediately. When I was in Sequoia’s presence, I forgot all about my problems and felt strong and secure.

I am a fully participating member of society these days. My horse and I made it through a master’s degree. I may have made it otherwise, but I’m not sure. I feel I owe my life to the horse and I try to give it back to him. He has given me the best gift I could ever imagine, my life.

21. What was the situation like when the author was four?

A. He didn’t say a word at all.

B. He learned how to ride a horse.

C. He found his classmates unfriendly.

D. He had difficulty in communicating.

22. What can we infer about the author from Paragraph 3?

A. He completed some tasks easily.

B. He pushed himself extremely hard.

C. He fell in love with Sequoia gradually.

D. He found the psychologist’s id ea useless.

23. What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?

A. To share his unfortunate childhood.

B. To give tips on how to cure mutism.

C. To show his deep gratefulness to his horse.

D. To encourage kids struggling against mutism.


Polish President Andrzej Duda has signed a bill into law that largely limits trade on Sundays, saying it will benefit family life.

The legislation (立法), worked out by the government and the Polish trade union, is expected to draw protests(反对) from large western supermarket chains that are the main target of the law. A large part of their profit is earned on weekends.

As of March 1, shops and markets are closed on two Sundays per month, in 2019

only one Sunday a month will be open for shopping; and starting in 2020, there will be no Sunday shopping with a few exceptions.

Duda praised the law as giving children a chance to be with parents and giving shop workers some needed time off. He also said big traders will need to adjust their practices to the new system and asked them for “understanding”. But critics say some of them make employees work long hours for modest(中等的) pay.

“A family should be together on Sundays,” Olszewska said after buying some food at a local Biedronka, a large discount supermarket chain. She said that before she retired she served cold cuts in a grocery store, and was grateful she never had to work on Sundays.

There are some exceptions to the ban. For instance, gas stations, cafes, pharmacies(药店) and some other businesses are allowed to keep operating on Sundays.

Anyone breaking the new rules faces a fine of up to 100,000 zlotys ($ 29,500), while repeat offenders(违反者) may face a prison sentence. Polish trade union appealed to people to report any violators to the National Labor Inspectorate, a state body.

24. Who will get some loss from the bill according to the passage?

A. The polish President Andrzej Duda.

B. Some large western supermarket chains.

C. All the markets in Poland.

D. Some common Polish families.

25. What can we infer from Paragraph 4?

A. Children had no time to play with their parents before.

B. Duda paid great attention to the shop workers.

C. Some workers will work extra hours on weekdays.

D. All the businesses will make adjustments to the bill.

26. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Family life will be more important than shopping in Poland.

B. More and more western supermarket chains will leave Poland

C. The supermarket employees will have no job on Sundays in Poland.

D. Sunday shopping will be limited by the government in Poland.


Something Fun

A person is on trial for murder in a court room in Oklahoma. There is strong evidence indicating that he is guilty(有罪的). However, the body is not found.

In the defense’s (辩护方) closing speech, the lawyer, knowing that his client (委托人) is guilty and that it looks like he’ll probably be seriously punished, decided to play a clever trick.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury (陪审团), I have a surprise for you all,” the lawyer says as he looks at his watch. “Within one minute, the person assumed dead in this case will walk into this court room,” he says and he looks towards the court-room door. The jury, somewhat surprised, looks at the door eagerly. A minute passes. Nothing happens.

Finally the lawyer says, “Actually, I made up the prev ious statement. But you all waited with expectation. I, therefore, put it to you that there is a reasonable doubt in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insist that you pass a judgment

of not guilty.”

The jury, clearly confused, back off to discuss.

A very few minutes later, the jury returned and one of them pronounces a verdict (裁决) of guilty.

“But how?” asks the lawyer in surprise. “You must have had some doubt; I saw all of you stare at the door.”

Answers the jury member, “Oh, we did look. But your client didn’t.”

27. Why was the person on trial according to the passage?

A. Because he couldn’t pay off the debts.

B. Because he probably killed somebody.

C. Because he didn’t pay the tax in time.

D. Because he planned to cheat the jury.

28. Why did the lawyer come up with the trick?

A. To find the body.

B. To frighten the jury.

C. To help his client.

D. To save himself.

29. Why did the jury look at the door eagerly?

A. The lawyer’s words must be true.

B. They expected his family to come in.

C. They were surprised and cheated by the lawyer.

D. They thought the person on trial was escaping.

30. What did the jury member’s answer mean in the last paragraph?

A. They firmly believed that nobody was killed.

B. The behaviour of the client gave him away.

C. The jury still needed more evidence to prove it.

D. The lawyer’s words were worth thinking about.


Food sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things. A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious, but some types are deadly, The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food. Fever is one of the most common symptoms.

Certain microorganisms (微生物) cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs, meat, vegetables, and many other foods. After entering the body, these tiny living things release (释放) poisons that make people sick.

Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown, processed, or prepared. For example, many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects. Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemicals when they eat the crops.

Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people. These include certain kinds of seafood, grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and mushrooms.

When people handle food properly, the risk of food poisoning is very small Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures. This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces. Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing. Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it. Finally, people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild. Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans. In addition, some types of fish can be poisonous.

Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people eat natural poisons, they must go to the hospital right away

to have their stomachs emptied.

31. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Food when poisoned can make people sick.

B. Food poisoning means death.

C. Food poisoning comes in varieties.

D. Food poisoning can be serious.

32. We know from the passage that the symptoms of food poisoning .

A. are always accompanied by a fever

B. are too common to be noted

C. can be noticed within hours

D. can be ignored

33. Food poisoning can be caused by all the following EXCEPT .

A. some chemicals

B. low temperatures

C. some tiny living things

D. certain natural materials

34. From Paragraph 5, we can learn that______

A. mushrooms should not be eaten

B. vegetables are safer than meat and seafood

C. natural poisons are more dangerous than chemicals

D. different types of food should be handled differently

35. It can be inferred from the passage that_________

A. natural materials are safe in food processing

B. chemicals are needed in food processing

C. food poisoning can be kept under control

D. food poisoning is out of control

第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。有两项为多余选项。

Diet Myths — Get the facts, or your diet may fail!

Dieting is hard work, and there are plenty of “helpful” diet tricks that can make weight loss even harder. 36

Carbs(含碳水化合物的食物) are bad for you. Carbohydrates are actually an important source of energy. There are good carbs and bad carbs. Some foods, like white bread or white rice, are example of bad carbs. Good carbs include whole wheat bread and brown rice. They’re rich in fiber and really good for you!

37 On the contrary, studies show that people who eat breakfast will eat fewer calories throughout the day. And if you know you’re goi ng to be eating a big meal later, don’t starve yourself in order to save you calories. You’ll just eat more during the meal because you’re so hungry! Instead, eat smaller meals a couple days before and after, and exercise more.

You can control where your body loses weight. Bad news – if you want a flatter stomach, just exercising your stomach won't work. 38 Cardio(有氧运动) exercises will help burn fat, while weight training helps build muscles. Your “trouble areas” might not be the first to slim down, b ut keep exercising!

Your weight depends on your genes. 39 While a “fat gene” does exist, its influence on your size is small. Smart eating and exercise have a much greater effect than your genes. Only 25 percent of your weight is controlled by genes – the rest is up to you.

Say “no”to junk food. Many people think that the key to losing weight is cutting out all bad foods. __40__ To lose weight and keep it off, eat great 80 percent of the time, but allow yourself in a treat or two the other 20 percent.

A. You can’t target where you lose weight.

B. But the more strict your diet is, the more likely you are to break it – and in a big way.

C. Here are some common myths about losing weight and the truth behind them.

D. Skipping meals helps you lose more weight.

E. If you and your family have problems with obesity, you’re not sure to be fat.

F. Don’t miss meals but exercise.

G. Instead of choosing a difficult diet, find one you can manage and stick to it every day.

第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分45分)


On a cold winter night, when the moon was shining clearly, and the snow lay on the ground, two foxes started out on a hunt to obtain something to satisfy their hunger. In order to 41 time on the boring way, they sang and frisked, as they walked along.

For some time, they were 42 in their hunt. Neither in the wood, 43 on the plain, not in the valley, nor on the hill, could they discover even a goose(鹅)or a 44 . At last, they came to a farmer’s barn, standing by the roadside. Looking

45 in, their eyes 46 as they saw the farmer’s fattest chickens sitting inside, without a thought of the approaching 47 .

Finding a hole 48 which they could enter with 49 , they hurried in, and speedily secured those unprotected chickens.

One of them, too much 50 for a second thought, abandoned(放纵) himself without limit to the 51 before him. The other, however, having looked carefully about him, concluded it best to control his appetite.

In fact, he had noticed that the opening which had just permitted them to 52 their way through was extremely small. He thought that if, slim and half-starved, they could barely enter, but to pass out at the same place after a rich meal could b e t o t a l l y53.W h a t,t h e n, would become of him, if suddenly 54 , and he had to escape for his life?

Just as morning began to dawn, who should appear 55 the farmer himself? His eye instantly fell 561 the two foxes, and seizing a wooden pole, he 57 the trembling criminals hard.

The cautious one, who had denied 58 , escaped through the opening by which he had entered. But the other, attempting to follow him, 59 firmly, and, being unable either to get through the hole or 60 back, was easily killed by the angry farmer.

41. A. kill B. waste C. save D. spend

42. A. tired B. unsatisfied C. unsuccessful D. relaxed

43. A. nor B. or C. never D. seldom

44. A. mice B. fish C. lion D. rabbit

45. A. happily B. cautiously C. freely D. carelessly

46. A. broadened B. brightened C. enlarged D. darkened

47. A. friends B. enemies C. danger D. chance

48. A. from B. in C. through D. with

49. A. difficulty B. luck C. energy D. help

50. A. delighted B. careful C. considerate D. depressed

51. A. goose B. lunch C. fun D. feast

52. A. walk B. force C. crawl D. step

53. A. likely B. helpful C. impossible D. probable

54. A. discovered B. disclosed C. explored D. escaped

55. A. and B. with C. but D. beside

56. A. at B. away C. off D. on

57. A. fought B. fired C. attacked D. cursed

58. A. themselves B. herself C. itself D. himself

59. A. trapped B. stuck C. escaped D. held

60. A. return B. turn C. head D. leave


第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分, 满分15分)

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

April Fool’s day is a day 61 people can play jokes on others. No one knows

for sure how this holiday began. Some English people hold the 62 (believe) that

it began on the day during the 1200s. At that time, King John of England was in 63 habit of making a road out of nearly every path he walked regularly. The citizens

of one farm village were aware of this. To protect their grass and farms from being destroyed, they built a fence that prevented the king from walking through their

c o u n t r y s i

d e.T h

e k i n g s e n t a g r o u p o

f soldiers to inform the villagers to remove the fence. 64 hearin

g that, however, the villagers developed a plan of their own. When the soldiers arrived, the villagers ran around and shouted wildly wit

h things 65 (throw) away everywhere, behaving

as if they 66 (go) mad. The soldiers reported to the king that they were so mad

as to be beyond punishment. The villagers saved their farmland 67 (success) by tricking the king. Now April's day 68 (remain) in fashion, 69 the tradition only allows tricks from midnight to noon on April 1st. Those who try to play tricks in the afternoon act as 70 (fool) themselves and are usually laughed at.






注意:1.字迹工整,词数为120左右; 2.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数

Dear Manager,

I’m Li Ming, an 18-year-old student in Senior 3.



Yours truly Li Ming

高一英语周测试题 2018.10.19


21. DBC 24-26BCD 27-30. BCCB 31-35 CDAEB36-40BCBDC


36-40 ACADB 41-45 BCCAA 46-50 DBCAC 51-55 DCDBB


56. when 57. belief 58.the 59. On/Upon 60. thrown

61. had gone 62.successfully 63.remains 64. but 65. fools

第四部分:写作 (共两节,满分40分)

一Dear Manager,

I’m Li Ming, an 18-year-old student in Senior 3. I like surfing the Internet, listening to music, swimming and playing basketball in my spare time. And I’ m outgoing and ready to help others.

I’m extremely pleased to see your advertise ment for the position of salesman in the newspaper, and I would like to apply for it during this summer vacation because I think it is very useful to me. On the one hand, I want to examine myself in the modern society and would like to train my ability. On the other hand, I can gain some working experience for my future job.

I’ll be much grateful if you can offer me a precious opportunity to an interview and I’m sure I can do my best in the job. My telephone number is 66885592 and my email is liming@https://www.doczj.com/doc/335759527.html,.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards for your health and success.

Yours truly

Li Ming




Watching the attacker run into the darkness,Jim thought of the girl.Breathing hard,Jim rose from the ground and walked towards her.The girl was sitting behind the bushes,sobbing.Although in the darkness Jim could hardly see the girl clearly,he could certainly sense her trembling shock.Not wanting to frighten the girl further,Jim at first spoke to her from a distance.Jim said soothingly that the attacker had run away and she was safe.There was a long pause and then he heard some words from the girl.

“Dad,is that you?”asked the girl in wonder and amazement as she walked from behind the bushes.To Jim's shock,there stood Jim's youngest daughter,who began crying.Hugging Katherine,Jim also cried.After the police arrived,they told them about the attacker in detail.He felt it was a right decision to rush to fight with the attacker.Now in his children's eyes,Jim is a brave man and a hero without fearing any danger.


辽宁省沈阳市高一上学期期末数学试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、选择题(共10小题,每小题4分,满分40分) (共10题;共20分) 1. (2分)集合A={x|0≤x<4,且x∈N}的真子集的个数是() A . 16 B . 8 C . 15 D . 4 2. (2分) (2020高一下·惠山期中) 过点且在两坐标轴上截距相等的直线有() A . 1条 B . 2条 C . 3条 D . 4条 3. (2分) (2016高一上·延安期中) 下列给出四组函数,表示同一函数的是() A . f(x)=x﹣1,g(x)= ﹣1 B . f(x)=2x+1,g(x)=2x﹣1 C . f(x)=|x|,g(x)= D . f(x)=1,g(x)=x0 4. (2分)设a=0.60.6 , b=0.61.5 , c=1.50.6 ,则a,b,c的大小关系是() A . a<b<c B . a<c<b

C . b<a<c D . b<c<a 5. (2分) (2019高一上·东台期中) 设 , , ,则下列选项中正确的是() A . B . C . D . 6. (2分)与直线平行,且到l的距离为的直线方程为() A . B . C . D . 7. (2分)(2017·辽宁模拟) 直线ax+by+1=0与圆x2+y2=1相切,则a+b+ab的最大值为() A . 1 B . ﹣1 C . + D . +1 8. (2分)(2014·湖南理) 一块石材表示的几何体的三视图如图所示,将该石材切削、打磨,加工成球,则能得到的最大球的半径等于()


2016年辽宁省部分重点中学协作体高三模拟考试 数学(理科)试卷 2016.4.22 参考学校:东北育才大连八中等 第I 卷(选择题60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.每小题的选项中只有一项是正确的. 1.已知集合{|33},{|(4)0}A x x B x x x =-<<=-<,则A B =U A .(0,3)B .(3,4)-C .(0,4)D .()3,4 2.设i 是虚数单位,若复数()11i a a R i ++∈-是纯虚数,则a = A.2- B.1- C.0 D.1 3.在等差数列}{n a 中,已知,13,2321=+=a a a 则=++654a a a A.40 B.42 C.43 D.45 4.在△ABC 中,∠C=90°,)1,(k =,)3,2(=,则k 的值是 A.5 B.-5 C. 32 D.32 - 5.为了规定工时定额,需要确定加工零件所花费的时间,为此进行了5次试验,得到5组数据 ),(),,(),,(),,(),,(5544332211y x y x y x y x y x .根据收集到的数据可知20=x ,由最小二乘法求得回归 直线方程为486.0?+=x y ,则=++++54321y y y y y A.60B.120C.150D.300 6.已知点)3 1,(a 在幂函数b x a a x f )106()(2+-=的图象上,则函数)(x f 是 A.奇函数 B.偶函数 C.定义域内的减函数 D.定义域内的增函数 7.如图,正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,E 为棱1BB 的中点,用过点1,,A E C 的平面截去该正方体的上半部分,则剩余几何体的左视图为


2018—2019学年度上学期六校协作体高三期初联合考试 英语试题 命题学校:北镇高中命题人:白雁冰校对人:李慧刘红梅 本试卷共150分,共页,答题时间100分钟。 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 A Summer Activities Experience the romance of Paris with an unforgettable night out that combines three of the top tours in the City of Lights. Choose from dinner at the EiffelTower’s unique restaurant against the night sky, at Les Ombres restaurant, a particular meal aboard a dining cruise down the SeineRiver or cap off the night with a Parisian cabaret show at the Moulin Rouge nightclub.

21. Which activity will you choose if you want to see cabaret show? A. Eiffel Tower Dinner B. Seine River Cruise Dinner

C. Les Ombres restaurant Dinner D. Moulin Rouge Show 22. What will the visitors do at the end of the SeineRiverdinner cruise? A.visit the Louvre B. visit theEiffelTower C. visit the Notre Dame cathedral D. visit the district of Montmartre 23. How much does the Les Ombres restaurant Dinner cost? A. $282.62 B. $313.37 C. $318.10 D. $348.84 B What can be better than a sweet treat with health benefits? As it happens, our favourite February food, chocolate, has a few shinning characteristics. It comes from the Theobroma cacao tree (food for the Gods), from a bean that grows on that tropical tree. Chocolate originated in Mexico and Central and South America, but West Africa now produces most of the world’s cocoa. Look for fair trade chocolate that meets environmental and labour standards at natural foods markets in Kitsilano and the West End, at Karmavore in New Westminster and at Nature’s Fare Markets throughout the province. Dark or semisweet chocolate is typically a vegan(素食) product. Because chocolate contains antioxidants(抗氧化剂) that prevent the oxidation (氧化)of LDL (bad) cholesterol(胆固醇), it has gained a reputation of being beneficial for our heart health. Eaten in an appropriate amount, chocolate may lower blood pressure. Chocolate is also a source of iron –a “precious metal” when it comes to human health. As part of red blood cells, iron plays a central role in transporting oxygen to the body and carrying away the waste product carbon dioxide. Each day, we lose tiny amounts of iron in cells that are missing from skin and the inner lining of the intestine(肠壁). If our intake is not enough


2019-2020学年辽宁省沈阳市五校协作体高一(上)期中物理试卷 一、选择题(1-7为单选,8-12为多选,全选对得4分,漏选得2分,选错或多选不得分,共48分) 1.(4分)在物理学发展过程中,有许多科学家做出了突出贡献,关于科学家和他们的贡献,下列说法正确的是()A.胡克用“理想实验”推翻了亚里士多德的“力是维持物体运动的原因”的观点 B.平均速度、瞬时速度和加速度等描述运动所需要的概念是牛顿首先建立的 C.伽利略利用小球在斜面上运动的实验和逻辑推理研究出了落体的运动规律 D.笛卡尔发现了弹簧弹力和形变量的关系 2.(4分)下列说法不正确的是() A.当物体的大小和形状对研究的问题没有影响或影响可以忽略时,物体可视为质点 B.平均速度的大小一定等于初速度和末速度的平均值 C.北斗导航卫星定位提供的是被测物体的位置 D.时间间隔确切地说就是两个时刻之间的间隔,反映的是某一事件发生的持续程度 3.(4分)在平直公路上行驶的a车和b车其位移﹣时间(x﹣t)图象分别为图中直线a和曲线b,已知b车的加速度恒定。3秒时直线a和曲线b刚好相切。则下列说法正确的是() A.a车做匀速运动且其速度为v a=m/s B.b车加速度大小为2m/s2 C.t=3时,a车和b车相遇,但此时速度不等 D.t=1s时,b车的速度为10m/s 4.(4分)一个质点做匀变速直线运动,依次经过a、b、c、d四点。已知经过ab、bc和cd的时间分别为t、2t、4t,ac和bd的位移分别为x1和x2,则质点运动的加速度为() A.B.

C.D. 5.(4分)下列说法中正确是() A.弹簧不受力时,它的劲度系数为零 B.由μ=可知,动摩擦因数与滑动摩擦力成正比,与压力成反比 C.物体静止时,对水平支持物的压力就是物体的重力 D.用细线将物体悬挂起来,静止时物体的重心一定在悬线所在的直线上 6.(4分)2019年7月16日,在韩国光州世界游泳锦标赛跳水项目男女混合团体决赛中,中国组合林珊/杨健获得该项目金牌。将林珊进入水中后向下的运动视为匀减速直钱运动,该运动过程的总时间为t。林珊入水后第二个时间内的平均速度为v1,全程的平均速度为v2,则为() A.5:4B.3:5C.4:5D.5:3 7.(4分)如图所示,质量均为m的a、b两物体,放在上、下两个固定的水平挡板之间,物体间用一竖直放置的轻弹簧连接,在b物体上施加水平拉力F后,两物体始终保持静止状态,已知重力加速度为g。则下列说法正确的是() A.a物体对水平挡板的压力大小可能为2mg B.b物体可能受4个力的作用 C.b物体所受摩擦力的大小为F D.a物体所受摩擦力的大小为F 8.(4分)如图甲所示,质量相等的物块A和B用一个轻质弹簧连接,竖直放置在水平地面上,最初系统静止。现用力缓慢拉木块A直到木块B刚好离开地面,测得木块B对地面的压力N相对应两木块之间的距离L,作出N ﹣L图象如图乙,下列说法正确的是()


2020学年度下学期省六校协作体高一期中考试 英语试题 本试卷分为选择题和非选择题两部分,总分150分,考试用时100分钟。 选择题部分 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)略 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分) 第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 A On the first day of my new high school, I almost had a nervous breakdown. Everything about the school seemed so difficult. When I got home, my parents said, “You're nervous and that's okay. Everyone is afraid of high school.” I denied it. I wanted to be strong, so I refused to let anyone know about my fear, even my closest friends. On the first day I was late for every class and was constantly lost. The school seemed like a puzzle that I couldn't figure out. Was this how the whole year was going to be? I didn't think I could rise to this challenge, especially carrying a huge backpack that I could hardly lift. It was so big that I could knock someone out with it!


2017-2018学年度上学期期末考试 高一年级数学试卷 第Ⅰ卷(共60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合}0)3)(1(|{},0|{<++=≥=x x x N x x M ,则=?N M ( ) A .)3,1(- B .),1(+∞- C .)3,0( D .)3,0[ 2.倾斜角为 60,在y 轴上的截距为1-的直线方程是( ) A .013=--y x B .013=+-y x C .0133=--y x D .0133=-+y x 3.函数8)(2++=bx ax x f 满足条件)3()1(f f =-,则)2(f 的值( ) A .5 B .6 C .8 D .与b a ,值有关 4.正四棱锥底面正方形的边长为4,高与斜高的夹角为 30,则该四棱锥的侧面积( ) A .32 B .48 C. 64 D .3 32 5.直线433=+y x 与圆422=+y x 的位置关系是( ) A .相交 B .相切 C.相离 D .位置关系不确定 6.下列命题中真命题的个数为( ) ①平行于同一平面的两直线平形;②平行于同一平面的两个平面平行; ③垂直于同一平面的两直线平行;④垂直于同一平面的两平面垂直; A .0个 B .1个 C. 2个 D .3个 7.一个容器装有细沙3acm ,细沙从容器底下一个细微的小孔慢慢地均速漏出,min t 后剩余的细沙量为)(3cm ae y bt -=,经过min 8后发现容器内还有一半的沙子,则再经过( )min ,容器中的沙子只有开始时的八分之一. A .8 B .16 C. 24 D .32 8.如图,网格纸上的小正方形边长为1,粗实线画出的是某几何体的三视图,则该几何体的体


辽宁重点中学协作体2019年高考重点-理 综 辽宁省重点中学协作体 2018年高考模拟考试 理综试题 考前须知 1、答题前考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上认真核对条形码上的姓名、 准考证号并将条形码粘贴在答题卡的指定位置上。 2、选择题答案使用2B铅笔填涂如需改动用橡皮擦擦干净后再选涂其它答案标号非选择题答案使用0.5毫米的黑色中性签字笔或碳素笔书写字体工整、笔迹清晰。 3、请按照题号在各题的答题区域黑色线框内作答超出答题区域书写的答案无效。 4、保持卡面清洁不折叠不破损。自己求作答并用2B铅笔在答题卡上把所选题目对应的题号涂黑。可能用到的相对原子质量 H1C12N14O16Na23S32Ca40Mn55 第一卷 【一】选择题此题共13小题每题6分在每题给出的4个选项中只有一项为哪一项符合题目要求的。 1、细胞的各种膜性结构间相互联系和转移的现象称为膜流。以下关于“膜流”的表达正确的选项是 A、神经递质的释放、质壁分离和吞噬细胞摄取抗原都表达了膜流 B、大肠杆菌和酵母菌均能发生膜流现象 C、膜流的方向只能是内质网→高尔基体→细胞膜 D、膜流可参与细胞不同结构间或细胞内外的物质转运 2、以下实验的操作过程与目的均正确的选项是 3、将纯种的二倍体伞花山羊草甲〔AA〕与近缘纯种黑麦乙〔EE〕杂交后,经多代选育出如 下图所示的新品种丙〔图中的同源染色体,黑色部分是来自乙的染色体片段,甲没有此片段〕。以下相关表达不正确的选项是 A、杂交选育过程中可能发生过DNA上碱基对的替换 B、杂交选育过程中一定发生过基因重组 C、丙品种的产生为生物的进化提供了原材料 D、丙品种与纯种黑麦乙杂交,假设后代所有染色体正常联会, 那么共能产生3种配子


2019-2020学年辽宁省六校协作体高三(上)期初生物试卷 一、选择题(共30小题,每小题1.5分,满分45.0分) 1. 下列有关酵母菌、蓝藻、小球藻的叙述,正确的是() A.都具有以核膜为界限的细胞核 B.都以DNA作为细胞的遗传物质 C.都只能通过有氧呼吸获得能量 D.都能通过有丝分裂增加细胞数量 【答案】 B 【考点】 原核细胞和真核细胞的形态和结构的异同 【解析】 【解答】 解:A.蓝藻没有核膜包围的细胞核,A错误; B.酵母菌、蓝藻、小球藻都具有细胞结构,都以DNA为遗传物质,B正确; C.酵母菌属于兼性厌氧型,蓝藻和小球藻属于有氧呼吸型,但也能进行无氧呼吸,C错误; D.酵母菌和小球藻可通过有丝分裂增加细胞数量,而蓝藻属于原核细胞,只能进行二 分裂,D错误。 故选:B。 2. 生物体内某些重要化合物的元素组成和功能关系如图所示。其中X、Y代表元素,a、 b、c是组成A、B、C三种生物大分子的单体,这三种单体的结构可用d或e表示。据图 分析正确的是()

A.人体细胞中单体a、b的结构可用d表示,人体中d的种类有4种 B.大肠杆菌细胞内单体c的结构可用e表示,e的种类约有20种 C.a,b是生物体内遗传信息的携带者,C是生命活动的主要承担者 D.A、B的多样性由d中的n充分体现,C的多样性由e中的R充分体现 【答案】 B 【考点】 核酸的结构和功能的综合 蛋白质在生命活动中的主要功能 蛋白质分子的化学结构和空间结构 【解析】 分析图形: 1.本题的突破口是A→B→C,进而推测出A是DNA,B是信使RNA,C是蛋白质;a表示脱氧核苷酸,b表示核糖核苷酸,c表示氨基酸; 2.d表示核苷酸,n为含氮碱基,f表示五碳糖,m表示磷酸; 3.e表示氨基酸。 【解答】 解:A.根据图形分析已知a表示脱氧核苷酸,b表示核糖核苷酸,d表示核苷酸,人体内的核苷酸有8种,A错误; B.根据图形分析已知c表示氨基酸,组成生物体的氨基酸的种类大约有20种,B正确; C.A是DNA,是生物体内遗传信息的携带者,C是蛋白质,生命活动的主要承担者,C 错误; D.C蛋白质的多样性除了与e中的R有关,还与氨基酸的数目、排列顺序和肽链的空间结构有关,D错误。 故选:B。 3. 下列关于细胞成分、结构和功能的叙述,正确的是() A.动物细胞膜的组成成分中含有糖蛋白、糖脂、磷脂和胆固醇等 B.人体剧烈运动时肌肉细胞产生的CO2量比消耗的O2量多 C.线粒体中不会出现ATP的水解和DNA聚合酶的催化 D.有氧呼吸时葡萄糖进入线粒体须经过两层生物膜 【答案】 A 【考点】 线粒体、叶绿体的结构和功能 细胞膜的成分 细胞呼吸的过程和意义


2020届辽宁省五校协作体高三上学期联合模拟英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读选择 Below you will find a profile of each gap year program. If there is a specific program you are interested in or a question you have regarding these programs, please feel free to contact them directly. Youth International Since 1997, Youth International has provided many people with the most exciting and educational experience of their life. It is a learning program that combines international travel, inter-cultural exchange, home stays, volunteer community service work and outdoor adventures. Phone:1-720-270-3323 Carpe Diem Education Through volunteer service, travel and cultural exchange, students of Carpe Diem Education receive a personal insight into themselves and their culture. We specialize in guiding summer and semester programs for high school students. Each course is carefully crafted to develop leadership and self-awareness within our students, who return home better prepared to be leaders in thought and action. Phone:503-285-1800 Center for Interim Programs Founded in 1980, the Center for Interim Programs is the first independent gap year organization in America. Based on students' interests and budget, our experienced teachers help make individual course choices including low cost volunteer options, language programs, research trips, and so on. We are committed to helping students find more experiences of formal education and work. Phone:413-585-0980 EF Gap Year An EF Gap Year offers students the ability to explore several countries where you will learn a language, volunteer for a good cause, gain international work experience 12-week semester or 26-week academic. Choose between a personalize your program to meet your learning. You can then by deciding where, when, and how you wish to stand interests own. Our


2021届辽宁省六校协作体高三生物第一次联考试题 第Ⅰ卷选择题(共35小题,共50分) 一、选择题(本题共35小题,第1-5题每题1分,第6-35题每题1.5分,共50分。 每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一 ...个.选项 ..是最符合题目要求的)。 1.禽流感病毒的遗传物质是单链RNA,病毒表面覆盖有两种不同的纤突,纤突具有抗原特性。纤突中的一种是红细胞凝集素(HA),现已发现十几种,另一种是神经氨酸酶(NTA),至少有9种,它们都是蛋白质。禽流感有H5N1、H7N9、H9N2等多种类型,下列说法错误的是( ) A.HA及NTA出现多种类型是单链RNA发生改变的结果 B.H5N1、H7N9、H9N2等多种类型的出现与染色体变异无关 C.H7N9亚型禽流感病毒侵染人体后,可在人体内环境中繁殖 D.禽流感病毒和其他生物共用一套遗传密码 2.组成生物体的细胞既具有多样性,又具有统一性。下列叙述正确的是( ) A.不同物种的细胞所含有机分子的结构都不同 B.同一个体的不同细胞,其元素含量都相同 C.DNA分子在原核细胞与真核细胞的主要存在形式不同 D.细胞学说揭示了细胞的统一性和多样性,以及生物体结构的统一性 3.幽门螺旋杆菌(简称Hp)是已知能够在人胃中生存的唯一微生物种类,可引起胃炎、消化道溃瘍等。尿素呼气实验是目前诊断Hp感染准确性最简单的方法,受试者口服13C 标记的尿素胶囊后,尿素在Hp产生的脲酶作用下水解为NH 3和13CO 2 ,通过测定受试者吹 出的气体是否含有13CO 2 作出判断。下列叙述错误的是( ) A. 绝大多数微生物不能在人胃内生存是因为不适应强酸环境 B. 检测Hp用了同位素标记法,所用13C对人体应该是无害的 C. 脲酶可降低尿素水解反应的活化能 D. Hp细胞内,脲酶需要在内质网和高尔基体中进行加工 4.诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者屠呦呦在抗疟药物研发中,发现了一种药效高于青蒿素的衍生物蒿甲醚,分子结构如下图。下列与蒿甲醚的元素组成完全相同的物质是()A.纤维素 B.叶绿素 C.胰岛素 D.生长素 5.生物科学是一门实验科学。下列关于实验的叙述,正确的是( ) A.斐林试剂甲液与双缩脲试剂B液合理搭配使用可使梨提取液显紫色 B.切下的花生子叶薄片用50%酒精处理,更便于染色 C.缩小光圈的同时使用凹面反光镜可以更清晰地观察到颜色较浅的生 物材料 D.含糖量较高的生物材料,用斐林试剂检测后呈现的砖红色也较明显 6.生物体的生命活动离不开水。下列关于水的叙述,错误的是( ) A.在最基本生命系统中,H 2 O有自由水和结合水两种存在形式 B.由氨基酸形成多肽链时,生成物H 2 O中的氢来自氨基和羧基 C.有氧呼吸时,生成物H 2 O中的氢来自线粒体中丙酮酸的分解 D.H 2O在光下分解,产生的[H]将固定的CO 2 还原成(CH 2 O) 7.阐明生命现象的规律,必须建立在阐明生物大分子结构的基础上。下列有关生物大分子核酸和蛋白质的叙述正确的是( )


辽宁省部分重点中学协作体2020年高考模拟考试 物理试卷 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,其中第Ⅱ卷第33—38 题为选考题,其它题为必考题。考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号,并将条形码粘贴在答题卡的指定位置上。 2.选择题答案使用2B铅笔填涂,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号;非选择题答案使用0.5毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3.请按照题号在各题的答题区域(黑色线框)内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。4.保持卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损。 5.做选考题时,考生按照题目要求作答,并用2B铅笔在答题卡上把所选题目对应的题号涂黑。 可能用到的相对原子量:H:1 C:12 O:16 Na:23 Zn:65 Ni:59 第Ⅰ卷 二、选择題:本题共8小题,每小题6分,共48分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,第14~17题只有一项符合题目要求,第18~21 题有多项符合题目要求,全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错的得0分。 1.如图为玻尔理论的氢原子能级图,当一群处于激发态n=3能级的氢原子向低能级跃迁时,发出的光中有两种频率的光能使某种金属产生光电效应,以下说法中正确的是() A. 这群氢原子向低能级跃迁时能发出6种频率的光 B. 这种金属的逸出功一定小于10.2 eV C. 用波长最短的光照射该金属时光电子的最大初动能一定大于3.4eV

D. 由n=3能级跃迁到n=2能级时产生的光一定能够使该金属产生光电效应 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】AB.由n=3能级的激发态向低能级跃迁时,辐射出三种频率光子的能量分别为12.09eV、10.2eV、1.89eV,结合题意,根据光电效方程可知,这种金属的逸出功一定小于10.2eV,故A错误,B正确; C.用波长最短即光子能量为12.09eV的光照射该金属时,其最大初动能最小值为 k 12.09eV10.2eV 1.89eV E=-= 则其最大初动能一定大于1.89eV,故C错误; D.由n=3能级跃迁到n=2能级时产生的光子能量为1.89eV,由上面分析可知只有两种频率的光能发生光电效应,因此一定不能够使该金属产生光电效应,故D错误。 故选B。 2.如图所示,一个“V”形槽的左侧挡板A竖直,右侧挡板B为斜面,槽内嵌有一个质量为m 的光滑球C.“V”形槽在水平面上由静止开始向右做加速度不断减小的直线运动的一小段时间内,设挡板A、B对球的弹力分别为F1、F2,下列说法正确的是( ) A. F1、F2都逐渐增大 B. F1、F2都逐渐减小 C. F1逐渐减小,F2逐渐增大 D. F1、F2的合外力逐渐减小 【答案】D 【解析】 光滑球C受力情况如图所示: F2的竖直分力与重力相平衡,所以F2不变;


2019—2020 学年度上学期省六校协作高三期初考试 英语试题 命题校:丹东四中命题人:贾凤玲校对人:姚兰 本试卷分三部分,卷面分数120分。总分150分。考试用时100分钟。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Amazing Stories of Animals Acting Just Like Humans ◆Horses are picky eaters Horses have an even better sense of smell than humans do. When horses raise their noses and open their nostrils (鼻孔), their nervous system allows them to sense smells we can’t sense. This might explain why they refuse dirty water and carefully move around meadows, eating only the tastiest grasses, experts say. ◆Whale says thanks In 2011, a whale expert spotted a humpback whale trapped in a fishing net and spent an hour freeing it. Afterward, in an hour-long display of thanks, the whale swam near their boat and leaped into the air about 40 times. ◆Pandas like to be naughty Is there anything more lovely than a baby panda, except maybe a human baby? In fact, baby pandas sometimes behave like human babies. They sleep in the same positions and value their thumbs. Pandas are shy by nature for its shy behaviors such as covering its face with a paw of ducking its head when confronted by a stranger. ◆A cat honors its owner Paper towels, and a plastic cup are just a few of the gifts that Toldo, a devoted three-year-old gray-and-white cat, has placed on his former owner Iozzelli Renzo’s grave every day since the man died in September 2011. Renzo adopted Toldo from a shelter when the cat was three months old, and the two formed an inseparable bond. After Renzo passed away, Toldo followed the coffin to the cemetery, and now “stands guard” at the grave for hours at a time. 21. What can horses do to pick the most delicious grasses? A. Feel them. B. Smell them. C. Observe them. D. Taste them.


2020届辽宁省沈阳市高三上学期五校协作体期中联考 地理试卷 ★祝考试顺利★ 考试时间:90分钟考试分数:100分 试卷说明:本试卷分第Ⅰ卷选择题(1-30题,共45分)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,31-33题,共55分)。答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。作答时,将答案写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上无效。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共45分) 下图示意某流域人口分布情况,据此完成1-3题。 1.该流域人口分布特点是 A.空间分布比较均匀且比较稠 密 B.3550-3650 m的百米高程最为 密集 C.距河8—10 km分布人口最多 D.高程4500m以上人口密度变化剧烈 2.该流域可能位于 A.巴西高原 B.南部非洲 C.藏南谷地 D.北美大草原 3.影响该流域人口距河流不同距离空间分布差异的主要因素是 A.水能资源分布 B.地形地势和坡向 C.交通通达度 D.取用水方便程度 20世纪50年代,随着科学技术的发展,日本科学家发明了地膜覆盖技术并应用于农业生产。近年来,我国西北地区采用黑白条带地膜覆盖法(如下图所示),即在垄中间用透光性高的白色塑料薄膜,垄两侧用透光性低的黑色塑料薄膜,以此提高农作物产量。据此完成4-6题。 4.20世纪50年代,日本科学家发明的地膜覆盖技术最可能首先应用于 A.水稻种植 B.樱桃种植 C.蔬菜种植 D.棉花种植 5.垄两侧铺设黑色塑料薄膜可以 A.降低土壤湿度 B.抑制垄两侧杂草滋生 C.改善土壤肥力 D.促进作物光合作用 6.垄中间的白色塑料薄膜能够保持土壤中的水分,关键在于其能够 A.增加大气降水 B.减少地表下渗 C.增加地表径流 D.减少水分蒸发 绿道是一套不受机动车干扰的绿色步行通道系统,连接城市内各个大小绿地。目前,我国城市绿道建设局限于局部公园、道路绿化,与城市整体景观及市民休憩活动联系不强,呈散点状分布,景观质量有待提高。据此完成7-8题。 7.建设城市绿道的目的主要是 A.改善城市景观,提升环境质量 B.构建新型道路系统,改善城市交通状况 C.加强城乡联系,促进城乡一体化 D.合理规划,提高土地利用效率 8.目前,我国城市绿道呈散点状分布的主要原因是 A.城区人口密度较大 B.城市规划建设滞后 1 / 7


辽宁六校协作体2021届高三第一次联考 数学试题 一、单项选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符 合题目要求的。 1.“{1,2}m ∈”是“ln 1m <”成立的( ) A .充分非必要条件 B .必要非充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既非充分也非必要条件 2.函数1 ()lg 2 x f x x =-的零点所在区间为( ) A . (0,1) B .(1,2) C . (2,3) D . (3,4) 3.某医院拟派甲、乙、丙、丁四位专家到3所乡镇卫生院进行对口支援,若每所乡镇卫生院至少派1位 专家,每位专家对口支援一所医院,则选派方案有( ) A.18种 B.24种 C.36种 D.48种 4.若R x ?∈,使得(2)a x x ≤-成立,则实数a 的最大值为( ) A .B .2 C .1 D .0 5.已知cos (0)()(1)1(0) x x f x f x x π≤?=? -+>?,则44 ()()33f f +-的值为( ) A .1- B .1 2 - C .0 D .1 6.已知函数()f x 的部分图象如图所示,则()f x 的解析式可能为( ) A .sin ||()2cos x f x x = + B .sin ln || ()2cos x x f x x ?=+ C .cos ln ||()2cos x x f x x ?=+ D .cos ()x f x x = 7.为了普及环保知识,增强环保意识,某中学随机抽取 30名学生参加环保知识竞赛,得分(10分制)的频数分布表 如下:

设得分的中位数e m ,众数0m ,平均数x ,下列关系正确的是( ) A .0e m m x == B .0e m m x =< C .0e m m x << D .0e m m x << 8.已知函数()f x 的定义域为R ,且(1)f x +是偶函数,(1)f x -是奇函数,()f x 在[1,1]-上单调递增, 则( ) A .(0)(2020)(2019)f f f >> B .(0)(2019)(2020)f f f >> C .(2020)(2019)(0)f f f >> D .(2020)(0)(2019)f f f >> 二、多项选择题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,有多项符合题目要求。全部选对的得5分,部分选对的得3分,有选错的得0分。 9.设全集R U =,集合2 {|,R}A y y x x -==∈,集合2 {|20,R}B x x x x =+-<∈,则( ) A .A ∩B=(0,1) B .(2,)A B =-+∞ C .A ∩ B=(0,+∞) D . A ∪ B=R 10.已知函数()()(0,0,0)f x Acos x A ω?ω?π=+>><<的图象的一个最高点为,312π?? - ??? ,与之相邻的一个对称中心为,06π?? ??? ,将()f x 的图象向右平移6π个单位长度得到函数()g x 的图象,则( ) A .()g x 为偶函数 B .()g x 的一个单调递增区间为5,1212ππ?? - ??? ? C .()g x 为奇函数 D .()g x 在0,2π?? ???? 上只有一个零点 11.下列说法正确的是( ) A.将一组数据中的每个数据都乘以同一个非零常数a 后,方差也变为原来的a 倍; B.若四条线段的长度分别是1,3,5,7,从中任取3条,则这3条线段能够成三角形的概率为1 4 ; C.线性相关系数r 越大,两个变量的线性相关性越强;反之,线性相关性越弱; D.设两个独立事件A 和B 都不发生的概率为1 9 ,A 发生且B 不发生的概率与B 发生且A 不发生的概率相同,则事件A 发生的概率为 23 . 12.定义:若函数()F x 在区间[],a b 上的值域为[],a b ,则称[],a b 是函数()F x 的“完美区间”.另外,


2012~2013学年度上学期高一期末考试 数学试卷 一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分 1.设全集U=M ∪N={1,2,3,4,5},M ∩N C U ={2,4},则N= ( ) A {1,2,3} B {1,3,5} C {1,4,5} D {2,3,4} 2.圆心在y 轴上,半径为1,且过点(1,2)的圆的方程为 ( ) A 1)2(22=-+y x B 1)2(22=++y x C 1)3()1(22=-+-y x D 22(1)(2)1x y -+-= 3.已知四边形的斜二测画法的直观图是一边长为1正方形,则该四边形的的面积等于( ) A 1 B 22 C 4 2 D 2 4.3log 2 1=a ,2log 3 1=b ,3 .0) 2 1(=c ,则 ( ) A a

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