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懂你英语L3Unit3  P3P4 中英文版
懂你英语L3Unit3  P3P4 中英文版

Unit 3-3 Listening

Harry is on the business trip. Yesterday he was supposed to fly from San Francisco to Shanghai.


However, things didn't turn out the way they are supposed to. In fact, nothing went the way it was supposed to.


Everything went wrong and he didn't get on his flight. As a result, he stayed in San Francisco.


The following is summary what happen.


Yesterday he got up at usual and had breakfast.


Everything seemed to be fine and he was looking forward to the trip.


He was just about to check out of his hotel when he felt the pain.


It was a pain on his lower back. It was a dorm pain at first, not too bad.


So he didn't worry about it and he checked out the hotel.


Then he got on a shuttle bus to the airport.


About half way to the airport, the pain in his back started to get worse.


It was a growing pain and he was beginning to worry.


Soon it was difficult for him to sit in his seat.


The pain was getting worse. He wanted to lie down.


He started to swear and breathe quickly.


He was in real pain then. As a scale of 1 to 10, the pain was an 8.


When the bus got to the airport, the bus driver helped him to get off.


It was difficult for him to walk but he finally made it to the terminal.


Inside the terminal, he went to the men's bathroom.


He went to the toilet but that didn't help.


Instead of improving, his felt dizzy and he threw up.


By now, he was wet from all his sweating.


He knew he couldn’t get on his flight. He used his phone to call airline.


He explained the situation and cancelled his reservation.


Then he called 911 for an emergency help. 911 is the emergency number to call for help in the United States.


An ambulance arrived about 10 minutes after he called.


By then, he was in so much pain that he could barely walk.


Once inside the ambulance, they gave him oxygen to help him to breathe.


But the pain was still terrible. Then they drove to a hospital near the airport. 但是疼痛仍然很严重。然后他们开车去机场附近的医院。

Luckily, the hospital was on his health plan.


That means his health insurance is supposed to pay for everything.


Medical costs in the United States are very high.


When he arrived to the hospital, he was taken to the emergency room.


After some tests, a doctor told him he had a kidney stone.


It was a very small stone, but it caused a lot of pain.


It was passing through a small tube in his body from his kidney to his bladder. 它正通过他体内的一个小管子,从肾脏进入膀胱.

The pain will go away once it got to his bladder.


Until then he had to get pain medicine to reduce the pain.


Harry didn't have to stay in hospital for very long.


With the pain medicine, the pain went away very quickly.


He took a taxi back to his hotel and checked in for another night.


Then he called the airline and made a reservation for another flight.


The flight will leave tomorrow. Until then, he will just rest in his hotel.


There may be a good movie to watch.


So when you're traveling, please prepare for the emergencies.


Make sure you had a medical insurance.


You never know when something like this can happen to you. So be prepared.


Unit 3-3 vocabulary

Solar energy is one of the cleanest and most plentiful sources of energy.


Solar power depends on sunlight, so in cloudy weather or at night, no power generated.


Wind energy is non-polluting but it's only useful in places where there is a lot of wind.


Windy turbines convert the kinetic energy by wind into a mechanical power.


Nuclear energy is efficient and doesn't produce carbon gases as waste products.


The dangerous of nuclear power included deadly radioactive waste products.


A major source of energy comes from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil.


When we burn the fossil fuels, waste gases such as CO2 are produced.


Fossil fuss remain the large sources of energy from most counties.


Hydro power comes the kinetic energy of falling water.


Output is reliable and can be regularly to meet the demand except during the period of drought.


Dams are expensive to build and affect wildlife such as fish.


Here are different types of words in English.


Words that are nouns and pronouns are used to represent objects.


A noun or a pronoun can be a person, an animal or a thing including an idea.


Verbs are used to express action such as to sit down or stand up.


We also use verbs to express relationships such as to love someone or to own something. 我们也用动词来表达关系,比如爱某人或拥有某物.

We use adjective to describe objects such as a tall building.


Adjective are used with noun or pronoun but not used with verbs.


We use adverb to describe actions such as to run fast or to walk slowly.


Adverbs express the quality of an action such as how well or poorly something is gone. 副词表示动作的性质,比如某物消失的好坏。

We use conjunctions to connect things or actions such as to read and write.


Conjunctions include words such as and, or, because, but and yet.

连词包括诸如and,or,because ,but 和yet。

Unit 3-3 dialogue

Hey, I’ve got some news, some good new s and some bad news.


Ok, give me the bad news first.


We were moving to a new office.


When was this going to happen?


We were supposed to move at the end of next month.


How far away is the new office?


We are not sure yet but we will mean a longer commute for most of us.


The new office will probably be on the other side of the city.


The commute is already too long for me and I’m not going to change flats. We just brought one.


Anyway. What’s the good news.


The good news is that is going to expand. The company is growing so we're going to hire more people.


Wel l, I’ve got some news for you too.


I hope it’s good news.


Well, that depends on your points of you.


I'm planning to start my own business.


Why, I thought you were happy working here?


I like to work but I’m not learning anything new.


I think I can do better on my own.


I was planning to wait a few months. But now that the office is moving, I’m already to make the change.


Why is your wife think?


She is in favor of it and she'll hope me. She's already designing a website.


We'll work from home first.


So you really are serious about this. You are taking a big risk.


Most new businesses fail.


Yes, I know. But if I don’t do it now, I will never know it.


I’m tired of working for others.


I know what you meet.


Don’t tell anyone about this ok?


It's still a secret.


Sure, I won’t say anything to anybody.


I’m sure this will come with kinds of surprise for anyone.


I’m sure changing offices will also come with surprises to people.


This is exactly why I want to work on my own. I don’t like this kind of surprises. 这就是我想自己工作的原因。我不喜欢这种惊喜。

You're right about that. When are you going to let people know?


I’ll make the announcement at the beginning of next month.


Unit 3-4 Listening

Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the greatest geniuses of all time.


He was a painter, an architect, an engineer and a scientist.


He was born in Vinci, Italy in 1452.


Vinci is a town just outside of the great Italian city, Florence.


His name Da Vinci means a Vinci.


Leonardo's father was lawyer and landowner and his mother was a peasant.


Leonardo's parents were never married to each other.


Leonardo lived with his mother until he was around 5 years old.


When he was 5, he moved into the home of his father.


By then, his father had married a 16-year-old girl.


Leonardo’s mother married with other person and moved to another town.


She had many more children after that with several men.


In the end, Leonardo had more than 15 half-sisters or brothers.


As a young man, Da Vinci didn't go to school.


He was educated at home at reading, writing and mathematics.


In other subjects, he was mostly self-educated.


He had access to books at his father’s home.


Leonardo spent a lot of time outdoors and developed a strong interest in nature. 列奥纳多多花了很多时间在户外,对大自然产生了浓厚的兴趣。

He loved to observe things especially birds.


He was also interested in the properties of water.


Leonardo's early drawings are paintings demonstrated a rare talent.


His father and his father's friends recognized his talent and encouraged him.


When he was 15, he was sent to Florence.


In Florence, he became an apprentice to a famous master painter.


For the next few years, Leonardo worked at his master's workshop.


It wasn't long before his ability surpassed that of his master.


Some people said that his master became jealous of Leonardo's great talent.


They said the master vowed(发誓) and never painted again.


In 1478, with his father’s help, Leonardo set up his own workshop.


In 1482, he entered the service of powerful man in the city of Milan.


This man was the Duke of Milan. For the next few years, Leonardo designed buildings, machineries and weapons of war.


Weapons were important, because Italy was constantly at war during this period.


From 1485 to 1490, Leonardo produced designs for a variety of weapons.


In his notes, he predicted the development of advanced weapons such as submarines and flying machines.


In 1499, the French invaded Italy and Leonardo left Milan. Altogether, Leonardo spent 17 years in Milan. During this period, he spent much of his time studying nature.


He dissected(解剖) bodies both human and animal to study or illustrate anatomy(解剖). his detailed illustrations are masterpieces Leonardo filled many notebooks with drawings and ideas.


He wrote backwards so he need a mirror to read them.


After 15 hundred, Leonardo spent times in a number of Italian cities.


He worked very slowly and the range of interests was very wide.


As a result, Leonardo left many paintings and projects unfinished.


One painting that he did finish, was the Mona Lisa, one of world's most famous paintings. 他完成的一幅画是蒙娜丽莎,世界上最著名的画之一。

People are still interested in this painting 500 years after he painted it.


Thought there are many theories, nobody knows who the woman in the painting really was. 虽然有很多理论,但没人知道画中的女人到底是谁。

In 1516, Leonardo left Italy for good when the French King, Francis the first, offered him a position.


There, he had the freedom and draw whatever he wanted.


Leonardo died in 1519 at the age of 67. Some said that the French King, who had become a close friend was with him when he died.


He was buried in the church which was destroyed during the French revolution.


The exact location of his remains is unknown.


Unit 3-4 vocabulary

Waste water and carbon gases from farm animal are bad for the environment.


Animal wastes and other chemicals flow into the ground and pollute water supplies.


Exhausted gases from automobile are a major cause for air pollution and global warming. 汽车尾气是造成大气污染和全球变暖的主要原因。

As a result, many companies are trying to produce more efficient and cleaner cars.


Pesticides and fertilizers are used by farmers to grow crops such as foods and vegetables. 农民们用杀虫剂和化肥来种植诸如食物和蔬菜之类的作物。

These chemicals pollute water supply when it flows to the ground and rivers.


Factories like this one, allow harmful chemicals to get into the air or water.


Companies need to try harder to protect the environment and our health.


Nuclear waste products are radioactive and can pollute the environment for thousands of years.


They need to be safely transported and stored in the safe place.


Unit 3-4 vocabulary

The British writer, Jame, was born in England in 1775, 1 of 7 children.


She wrote some of most popular love stories of all time.


One of most famous female rulers in the history, has affair with j and later with Mark.


She was known for her great beauty and charming voice.


Born 1756, Mozart composed and performed some of world’s greatest classical music.


He was youngest of 7 children and by the age of 5, he was already composing music.


The sun of the king, Alexander the Great, was a military leader who created one of the largest empires in the ancient world.


As a youth, Alexander was taught by the Greek philosophy, Aristotle.


Mahatma Gandhi was 20th century leader who used non-violence resistances to led India to independence.


Gandhi dedicated his life to the pursuit of truth.


Unit 3-4 dialogue

I'd like to speak to Mr. Bennett please.


I'm sorry but he’s not here right now. would you want to leave a voice message?


It's urgent that I speak with him. It’s an emer gency.


Oh, I see. What kind of emergency?


It's very personal so I can’t give you any details.


Without more details, I'm afraid I can't give you his number. Give me your number, and I'll let him know about your call. Then he'll call you back and would that be ok?


Sure, my number is 583 4987. It would be great if he could call me within the next half hour.


That’s a great dinner.


Here, put the way I want. I'll pay the bill.


You paid last time. This time is my turn to pay.


Hey, you don't have a joke. And I do. Let me pay.


Thanks for the offer but I can handle it.


Wait, let's throw for it.


Throw for it? What's that mean.


Do you see this coin? This side is head and the opposite side is tails. I'll throw it up in the air. If it comes down with heads facing up, I'll pay. If tails is up, you can pay.


Ok, let's fight with me.


Look, it's heads up so I'll pay.


Thanks, it's very nice of you.


It's my pleasure.


Do you want anything else sir? Would you like to see the dessert menu?


No, thanks, I'm already for the check. Here is my credit card.


I'm sorry sir, but we don't take credit cards.


You're joking, right.


No, sir, I'm not joking. Did you see that side? it says cash only.


I didn't see it when I came in. I don't have enough cash to pay the bill.


There is a bank down the street, sir. If you let me hold your driver's license, you can go and get the cash.


Ok, I hold the bank is open.


The bank is closed but you can use the ATM to get your cash.



Unit 1 Old friends, different choices V ocabulary Task Answers/Script A It’s been 10 years since I saw you last. I was able to travel and see the world. And I never got stuck being a housewife! B Things are going great for me these days. I finally settled down and got a real job. Now I work 9 to 5 at a neighborhood store. C Life has sure treated me well. I put myself through school. I was able to work my way up in a company. And then I started my own business. Listening Task First Listening Answers 1. He went overseas for graduate school and is working at a high-tech company. 2. She was in a few beauty contests, but she never won. She now has two children. 3. He works at the neighborhood post office and has two children. 4. She’s the branch manager at the local grocery store. 2)second listening Answer 1. He missed his home. 2. She hopes her daughter will become a model. 3. He loves his family. 4. She’s proud of her new job. Script 1. A: Jim, I can’t believe it-wow! I haven’t seen you since we graduated fr om high school! What have you been doing? B: Well, after I went overseas for graduate school, and I had a great time. But finally I had to come home and get a real job in a high-teach company. B: Yeah,I remember you always wanted an international lifestyle. A: Oh, I had a great time overseas, but I got home-stick, too. 2. A: Carol, is that you? B: Yes, it’s me! A: Oh, it’s so good to see you! You know, Carol, I remember you always wanted to be a famous model and travel around the world. Did it happen? B: Well, no. I was in a few beauty contests, but I never won, and nobody ever offered me a modeling contract. A: Oh, that’s too bad. B: Yeah, but now I guess I’m too old, and I have two young kids, a boy and a girl. You know, maybe my daughter will get to do it some day. 3. A: What have you been up to over the years, Ed? B: Well, I have two beautiful children now and work 9-5 at the neighborhood post office. A: Hmm, I remember you always wanted to be a professional race car driver—What happened? B: The closest I’ve come to that is driving a Porsche over 100 mph on the Autobahn. No, my greatest achievement is my family.


L4-U1-P2 英语流利说 4-1-2 懂你英语 Level4 Unit1 Part2 L4-U1-P2-1 Listening : A Trip to Yosemite Park 1 Today Christina and her friend are enjoying themselves. This morning they got up very early and drove out of San Francisco. They crossed the Bay Bridge before the early morning commute and drove south. Because it was so early, there were almost no cars. Why was there much traffic-It was so early. How heavy was the traffic- Because it was so early, there were almost no cars. After driving for an hour and a half, they stopped and had breakfast. They ordered pancakes and coffee. They also had some fresh fruits. When they finished eating, it was 7 o’clock. Then they got back into the car and drove south. Christina wanted to listen to music, so they turned on the radio. An hour later they stopped for gas. They noticed that there was also a charging station for electric cars. What time was it when they finished eating-they finished eating at 7 o’clock. They noticed that there was also a charging station for electric cars. Because it was so early, there were almost no cars.


Level 0204 1 Lin Fei: David, I'm looking for an apartment. Do you know where I could go for in formati on? David: Let me see. There are several ways to find an apartme nt. You may look over the ads in the college and local newspapers. But the best way is to consult the Housing Office on campus. Lin Fei: Thank you. I think ni go to the Hous ing Office right away. David: Yes. You'd better go before it's too late. Lin Fei: I really appreciate your advice. David: You're very welcome. Good luck and don't forget to call me up as soon as you get settled dow n. Lin Fei: I will. Goodbye and have a nice day. 2 Assista nt: Hi. What can I do for you? Lin Fei: Hi. I applied for accommodation before coming and my name is Lin Fei from Chi na. Assista nt: Wait a minu te, please. Yes, your n ame is on the list. Lin Fei: That's very good. Assista nt: Would you pla n to live on-campus or off-campus? Lin Fei: Well, I don't kno w. I want to pay a visit to the accommodati on before I make my decisi on. Assista nt: Why not? But please let us know as soon as you make up your mind. Lin Fei: I will. Thank you very much. 3 Lin Fei: Hello, Mr Wils on. I saw your advertiseme nt "Apartme nt to Let' 'in today's n ewspaper. Is it still available? Lan dlord: Yes. Come right in and have a look around. Lin Fei: Oh, it's quite roomy and airy. How much is it? Lan dlord: The mon thly rent is 240 pounds if you think it's O.K. Lin Fei: Well, I'd like to take it if you can drop the rent to 200 poun ds. Lan dlord: Deal! When do you want to move in? Lin Fei: How about n ext week? Landlord: Fine. Here is the lease. Please sign and return it to meas soon as possible. Lin Fei: OK.

英语流利说(懂你英语)Level2 Unit 3 Part4

Level2-Unit3-Part4 Listening: Height & Weight Here are four people. Two of them are tall. The man on the top left is very tall. He is 6 feet 3 inches tall, which is about 1.9 meters. The woman on the top right is 5 feet 11 inches tall (1英尺(ft)=12英寸(in)). She is tall but not as tall as the man on the left. The girl on the bottom left is short. She is less than 5 feet tall. She is 4 feet 10 inches, which is about 147 centimeters. The boy on the bottom right is taller than the girl. He is 5 feet 1 inch tall, which is about 155 centimeters. He is 3 inches taller than she is. Now let’s look at their weight. The man on the top left is the heaviest. He weighs 220 pounds, which is 100 kilograms. The woman weighs less than he does. She weighs 130 pounds, which is 59 kilograms. The man on the top left weighs the most. The girl on the left is very thin. She doesn’t weigh very much. Her weight is just 70 pounds. The boy is much heavier. He weighs 90 pounds, which is about 41 kilograms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Listening: Kathy’s Yesterday This is what Kathy did yesterday. She got up at 6:30 and cooked breakfast for her family. At 7:30 she drove her children to school. It took about 45 minutes to take them to school. After driving them to school she returned home. For the next hour, she cleaned the house. The she talked to a friend on the phone. They decided to meet at a shopping mall. She arrived at the mall at 11:45. She met her friend in a coffee shop. They ate lunch together and then they went shopping. There was a big sale at one of the stores. There were discounts of up to 50% so they bought clothes for their kids. At 1:30 her friend wanted to go to a fitness center. They usually worked out (work out 锻炼) 3 times a week. 1


大学体验英语2级答案(全) 2011-11-30 22:00 Level 2 Unit201 1 Lin Fei: Good morning, Mr Wang. I plan to apply for a student visa to the U.K. Could you tell me how I should prepare for this? Wang: Yes. First get 2 Application Forms and have one filled in English and the other in Chinese. Lin Fei: But where can I get the Form? Wang: It can be downloaded from the Embassy's website and it's also available from most branches of the CITIC Industrial Bank, free of charge. Lin Fei: What else do I need to prepare? Wang: Quite a lot! Two passport photos, your passport, the Notice of Admission, your diploma; transcripts of your courses and grades, and the results of your IELTS test, etc. Lin Fei: Thank you very much for all this info... Wang: Any time! 2 Secretary: The U.K. Embassy-Beijing's Nonimmigrant Visa Unit. Can I help you? Lin Fei: Yes, Madam. I'd like to make an interview appointment with the visa officer, please. Secretary: Have you filled the Application Forms and got the documents ready as required? Lin Fei: Yes. Secretary: Your name, please? Lin Fei: My name is Lin Fei. Secretary: Thank you. Your appointment date is July 6, 15:00 and your number is 44. Lin Fei: July 6, 15:00, No.44. Thank you... 3 Lin Fei: By the way, how much is the application fee, please? Secretary: It's RMB830. Lin Fei: Is it refundable? Secretary: No. Lin Fei: Is there anything I am not supposed to bring to my appointment? Secretary: For security reasons, you should not bring any cellular phone,

英语流利说懂你英语Level4- Unit3教学内容

英语流利说懂你英语L e v e l4-U n i t3

懂你英语Level4 Unit 3 Part1 it 3-1 listening时间花费 Look at these 2 pie graphs. They show how these 2 people spend their days, not including weekends. The one on the top shows how Emma divides up her days. She is a designer who works for a company. As Emma’s graph shows, the biggest portion部分 of her day is spent working. She works an average of 8 hours a day, which is one third of her day. She gets an average of 6 hours to sleep which is 25% of her day. That’s less sleep than Marti n gets. According to his graph, he gets an average of 7 hours to sleep which is about 29% of his day. On the other hand, Martine who is engineer, works more hours than Emma does. Martine average 9 hours a day at work co mpare to Emma’s 8. That’s 37.5% compare to 33%. Other factors shown in the graph included time for meals and commuting to work. Other activities include getting dress and doing household chores such as doing laundry and paying bills. As you can see, for Martin, commuting is taking a large amount of his time. If he could reduce his commute time, he will have more time for other things. And it isn’t just the time. When the traffic is really heavy his commute is stressful. It will be great if he can work from home one or two days a week. He life will be more enjoyable. And we look at Emma’s graph, we see she probably needs more sleep. Perhaps, she should spend a bit less time socializing with her friends. On the other hand, socializing with her friend is something she really values. As for putting on makeup, she isn’t willing to change that. For her, exercising, socializing and staying beautiful help her deal with the stressful work. In conclusion, Emma and Martin both wish there were more hours in a day. This next graph shows how various factors compare important to 1350 jobs applicants. Applicants were between 20 to 25 years ago. They were asked to list which factors were most important for a good job. As the graph shows, money was the most important factor for 25% of the applicants. However, other factors are also important. The second most important factor was the work environment. In other words, for many, money is everything. People want to like where they work. In fact, if we combine working environment and co-workers, the total is 35%. This is well above the 25% for salary and benefits. Taking together, they are more important than salary and benefits. Career path is also important especially for younger applicants. They want to see that their job helps to build a successful career. For older workers, this may not be as important.


弃我去者,昨日之日不可留 乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧 Level 0204 1 Lin Fei: David, I'm looking for an apartment. Do you know where I could go for information? David: Let me see. There are several ways to find an apartment. You may look over the ads in the college and local newspapers. But the best way is to consult the Housing Office on campus. Lin Fei: Thank you. I think I'll go to the Housing Office right away. David: Yes. You'd better go before it's too late. Lin Fei: I really appreciate your advice. David: You're very welcome. Good luck and don't forget to call me up as soon as you get settled down. Lin Fei: I will. Goodbye and have a nice day. 2 Assistant: Hi. What can I do for you? Lin Fei: Hi. I applied for accommodation before coming and my name is Lin Fei from China. Assistant: Wait a minute, please. Yes, your name is on the list. Lin Fei: That's very good. Assistant: Would you plan to live on-campus or off-campus? Lin Fei: Well, I don't know. I want to pay a visit to the accommodation before I make my decision. Assistant: Why not? But please let us know as soon as you make up your mind. Lin Fei: I will. Thank you very much. 3 Lin Fei: Hello, Mr Wilson. I saw your advertisement "Apartment to Let" in today's newspaper. Is it still available? Landlord: Yes. Come right in and have a look around. Lin Fei: Oh, it's quite roomy and airy. How much is it? Landlord: The monthly rent is 240 pounds if you think it's O.K. Lin Fei: Well, I'd like to take it if you can drop the rent to 200 pounds. Landlord: Deal! When do you want to move in? Lin Fei: How about next week? Landlord: Fine. Here is the lease. Please sign and return it to me as soon as possible. Lin Fei: OK.


Level3-Unit1-Part1 Listening: An Unusual Day Kathy usually gets up at 6:30, but this morning she didn’t hear her alarm. As a result, she overslept. She didn’t get up until 7:00, 30 minutes later than usual. As a result, she didn’t have time to cook breakfast for her children. Today Kathy and her kids left home early. They usually leave home at 7:30, but today they left at7:15. They left early because they had to buy breakfast on their way to school. It usually takes 45 minutes to drive her kids to school, but today it took longer. It took them longer because they stopped for breakfast along the way. It took 15 minutes for them to have breakfast. They ate at a little coffee shop along the side of the road. After eating breakfast, they got back into their car. On most days, the traffic isn’t too bad in the morning. But this morning, it was much worse than usual. The cars were moving very slowly. As a result, it took them longer than usual to get to school. One of her children got to school on time, but the other two were late. They were late because their schools are farther away. They were both about 10 minutes late to school. When Kathy finally got home, she cleaned her house as usual. She vacuumed (/'v?kj??m/用真空吸尘器清扫) the living room and cleaned the bathroom. Then she talked with her friend on the phone as usual. When she finished talking with her friend, she got into her car. She put the key into the ignition (/?ɡ'n???n/发火装置) and tried to start the engine. But her car’s engine didn’t start. Her car battery was dead, so she had to call for help. After getting a new battery for her car, the engine started. Then Kathy drove to the mall to meet her friend. She arrived at the mall an hour late, but her friend was waiting for her. They had lunch together, and then they went shopping. They both bought new shoes and some things for their kids. Kathy bought a new tie for her husband. It’s now 3 o’clock, and everything is going as usual. Kathy doesn’t want anything else to go wrong. She wants the rest of the day to go as usual. She doesn’t want any more surprises. And tomorrow, she won’t oversleep. She never wants to oversleep again. Listening: Bus Schedule Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop. On most days, the buses come on schedule, but sometimes they don’t.


英语复习资料 Unit 1 四、pursue responsibility grant equip restrict (攻读)(责任)(授予)(使具备)(严格的) distinct minimum exploit award elect (分开的)(最小)(利用)(授予)(选举) 1}The group( elected )one of its members to be their spokesperson. 这个队伍要挑选一个人做他们的发言人。 2)Wage increases are being kept to a (minimum)in many companies because of the economic depression. 因为许多公司经济不景气都最少的去增加工资。 3)The engineering profession now has many (distinct)branches. 工科专业现在有很多分支。 4)Now that you are 13 you should have more sense of (responsibility). 既然你已经13岁了应该有责任感了。 5)Students usually( pursue)one or more of the subjects,which they have studied at “A”level,such as Art,Drama,English,Music,etc. 学生们往往攻读一个或多个课程,他们要通过课程水平考试,例如,艺术,戏剧,英语,音乐等。 6)We need to make sure that we (exploit)our resources as fully as possible. 我们要确保我们尽可能充分的利用资源。 7)Congress is considering measures to(restrict)the sale of cigarettes. 国会正在采取措施限制香烟的销售。 8)College courses should be designed to(equip)students with knowledge and skills to help them survive in modern society. 大学课程的设计应该使学生学会在现代生活中生存的知识和技能。 9)The local government (granted) $1.1million so that the old theater could be take down and rebuilt. 当地政府授予1100万美元所以这个旧剧院可能撤下或翻新。 10)For his achievement in the medical field,the Mayor (awarded) him a medal of merit. 对于他在医疗领域的成就市长授予他一枚奖章。 五1) The organization provides information on health issues to the public (at large). 这个组织为整个公共健康问题提供信息。 2)(On the basis of )what the Minister says,we will learn whether the Government’s thinking has advanced. 依据部长所说我们会知道政府的思路是否有改变。 3)I`d like to say a word or two(in support of)his proposal. 我想说点什么来支持他的观点。 4)In response to your advertisement in the Bedfordshire Reporter, I am writing to(apply for) the post of secretary. 为了响应Bedfordshire Reporter广告我写了份申请秘书岗位的信. 5) Our company(is aiming at)a 50%increase in production this year. 今年我们公司致力于提高生产量. 七1.任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote。 2.每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester. 3.遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4.公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in)

(懂你英语)英语流利说 Level3 Unit2 Part1(完整版)

Level3.Unit2 Part1 作者:Ding Ming Listening: States of Matter物质状态 Matter is made of atoms and molecules. Water, for example, is the H2O molecule. This means that a molecule of water has 3 atoms.这意味着水分子有3个原子。 A water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Substances like sugar have many atoms in their molecules. A molecule of sugar has many atoms, including carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Matter is made of molecules, such as H2O, which is the water molecule. Matter can be one of three states, solid, liquid or gas. Water and ice are the same substance, but they are in different states. These states depend on the temperature of the molecules. When we heat a substance, the molecules move faster and try to take up more space. When we cool a substance, the molecules move more slowly. When we cool a substance to its freezing point, it becomes a solid. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In a solid, the molecules move very little. Their positions are almost fixed. To be fixed means that their positions don’t change. If we heat the molecules, they move faster and away from each other.

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