当前位置:文档之家› 药品行业专业英语翻译











有效期:expiry date





硫氰酸红霉素:Erythromycin Thiocyanate

HVAC系统:Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning

中控:in-process control

在线清洗(CIP):cleaning in place

在线灭菌(SIP):sterilization in place 先进先出(FIFO):first-in,first-out 检验结果超标(OOS):out-of-specification


验证方案:validation protocol

验证报告:validation report


validation master plan


设计确认(DQ):design qualification 安装确认(IQ):

installation qualification


operational qualification


performance qualification


工艺验证:process validation



交叉污染:cross contamination

洁净区(室):clean area/room



系统适应性System suitability

相对标准偏差RSD/Related standard deviation 欧洲药品质量管理局:EDQM 欧洲药典适应性证书:CEP 安全管理体系:HACCP


引言:Introduction 质量管理:Quality Management

人员:Personnel 建筑与设施:Buildings and Facilities 工艺设备:Process Equipment 文件和记录:Documentation and Records 物料管理:Materials Management

生产和中控:Production and In-Process Controls

原料药的包装和贴签:Packaging and Identification Labeling of APIs And Intermediates 贮存和分发:Storage and Distribution

实验室控制:Laboratory Controls 验证:Validation 变更控制:Change Control

物料的拒收和再用:Rejection and Re-Use of Materials 投诉和召回:Complaints and Recalls

协议制造商(包括实验室):Contract Manufacturers (Including Laboratories ) 代理商、经纪人、贸易商、经销商、重新包装者和重新贴签者:

Agents 、Brokers 、Traders 、Distributors 、Repackers and Relabellers 用细胞繁殖/发酵生产的原料药的特殊指南:

Specific Gaidance for APIs Manufactured by Cell Cuture/Fermentation 用于临床研究的原料药:APIs For Use in Clinical Trials 术语表:Glossary


FDA和EDQM术语: CLINICAL TRIAL:临床试验 ANIMAL TRIAL:动物试验 ACCELERA TED APPROV AL:加速批准 STANDARD DRUG:标准药物 INVESTIGA TOR:研究人员;调研人员 PREPARING AND SUBMITTING:起草和申报 SUBMISSION:申报;递交 BENIFIT(S):受益 RISK(S):受害 DRUG PRODUCT:药物产品 DRUG SUBSTANCE:原料药 ESTABLISHED NAME:确定的名称 GENERIC NAME:非专利名称 PROPRIETARY NAME:专有名称; INN(INTERNA TIONAL NONPROPRIETARY NAME):国际非专有名称 ADVERSE EFFECT:副作用 ADVERSE REACTION:不良反应 PROTOCOL:方案 ARCHIV AL COPY:存档用副本 REVIEW COPY:审查用副本 OFFICIAL COMPENDIUM:法定药典(主要指USP、NF). USP(THE UNITED STA TES PHARMACOPEIA):美国药典 NF(NA TIONAL FORMULARY):(美国)国家处方集 OFFICIAL=PHARMACOPEIAL= COMPENDIAL:药典的;法定的;官方的 AGENCY:审理部门(指FDA) IDENTITY:真伪;鉴别;特性 STRENGTH:规格;规格含量(每一剂量单位所含有效成分的量) LABELED AMOUNT:标示量 REGULA TORY SPECIFICA TION:质量管理规格标准(NDA提供) REGULA TORY METHODOLOGY:质量管理方法 REGULA TORY METHODS V ALIDA TION:管理用分析方法的验证 COS/CEP 欧洲药典符合性认证 ICH(International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use)人用药物注册技术要求国际协调会议 ICH文件分为质量、安全性、有效性和综合学科4类。 质量技术要求文件以Q开头,再以a,b,c,d代表小项: Q1:药品的稳定性 Q2:方法学 Q3:杂质 Q4:药典 Q5:生物技术产品质量


医药专业术语肠隐窝crypt 肝细胞生长因子hepatocyte growth factor 旁分泌paracrine 小肠上皮细胞intestinal epithelial cell 有丝分裂原mitogen 蛋白激酶protein kinase 炎症期inflammatory stage 细胞外基质extracellular matrix 粥样动脉硬化斑块carotid atherosclerosis plaque 内膜损伤ballon injury 普通光镜ordinary light microscope 泡沫细胞foam cells 内弹力膜internal elastic lamina ( IEL ) 透射电镜transmission election microscopy(TEM) 冠心病coronary heart disease 星形细胞瘤:astrocytoma 核抗原nuclear antigen 增生细胞proliferating cell 端粒酶telomerase 癌基因oncogene 永生化immortalization

病理分级pathological classification 细胞凋亡apoptosis 宫颈癌变cervical carcinogenesis 宫颈浸润癌invasive carcinoma of cervix uteri 转归prognosis 宫颈cervix 宫颈的cervical 心梗myocardial infarction (MI) 心绞痛angina 梗死部位area of infarction 病变支数number of stenosed coronary vessel 下壁inferior wall 前壁anterior wall 单支single-vessle 双支double-vessle 狭窄程度stenosis 罪犯血管culprit vessel 再通reperfusion 未通nonreperfusion 左室扩大left ventricular volume dilation 室壁运动regional wall motion 心功能cardiac function


medicine;drug;remedy 药 sleeping pill 安眠药 contraceptive drugs 避孕药 tonic 补药 a medicine for colds 感冒药 expectorant 化痰药 anti-cancer drugs;cancer-fighting drugs 抗癌药anti-tuberculous drug 抗结核药 oral contraceptive;pill 口服避孕药 good medicine;a good remedy 良药 laxative 轻泻药 antipyretic 退热药 for oral administration 内服药 specific medicine;specific 特效药 for external use 外用药 preventive medicine;prophylactic 预防药 sedative 镇静药 take medicine 服药 change dressings 换药 decoct herbal medicine 煎药 fill a prescription 配药 have a prescription made up(filled)(患者)抓药medicinal materials;crude drugs 药材 medicinal herbs 药草 tablet 药片 medicines and chemical reagents 药品 medicine bottle 药瓶 remedies 药石

liquid medicine;medicinal liquid 药水 lotion 洗液 pill 药丸 bolus 大药丸 herbal medicines in a prescription 药味(中药方中的药)flavor of a drug 药味(药的味道或气味)medicines;pharmaceuticals;medicaments 药物 heal with drugs 药物医治 drug allergy 药物过敏 materia medica 药物学 drug poisoning 药物中毒 (medicinal)powder 药粉 ointment;salve 药膏 apply a plaster 上药膏 medical apparatus and instruments:医疗器械 pharmaceutical factory:药厂 drugstore;chemists shop;pharmacy:药店 pharmacopeia:药典 prescription:药方 write out a prescription:开药方 drugstore;chemists shop;pharmacy:医药商店hospital pharmacy;dispensary:医院或诊所里的药房expenses for medicine;charges for medicine:药费 a pot for decocting herbal medicine:药罐子 chronic invalid:药罐子(经常生病的人) apothecariesmeasure or weight:药衡 medicinal herb collector;herbalist:药农 herbal medicine shop:药铺


medicinal药品,药物, 药的,药用的,治疗的 medical 医学的,医术的pharmaceutical 药学的,制药的,药品 be split into 分成,分为alkaloid 生物碱 enzyme 酶 polysaccharide 多糖,多聚糖 precursor 前体 steroid 甾体 peptide 肽 hormone 激素 gall 胆汁 insulin 胰岛素 pancreas胰腺 serum/sera血清,浆液 vaccine 疫苗 cholesterol 胆固醇 gelatine 骨胶,明胶 antibiotic 抗生素,抗菌的interferon 干扰素 antibody 抗体 fermentation 发酵 therapy 治疗/ therapeutic治疗的therapeutic margin caffeine咖啡因 dopamine多巴胺 yeast 酵母 mucous membrane粘液的,分泌粘液的 plasma 血浆,淋巴液,等离子体penicillin 青霉素 penicillium 青霉菌 derivative衍生物 sterile无菌的,不能生育的aerobic 需氧的 oxygen氧,氧气 feedstuff 饲料 lymph淋巴,淋巴液 starch 淀粉 regiospecific reaction区域专一性反应stereospecific reaction立体专一性反应 glucose葡萄糖 immobilize 固定 heterogeneous 不均匀的,多相的contamination污染 genetic 创始的,遗传学的 hygienic 卫生学的,卫生的 intermediate中间体 extraction 萃取 recrystallization 重结晶/ crystal 晶体,晶体的xylene 二甲苯 toluene 甲苯 ether 醚 benzene苯/ chlorobenzene氯苯synthetic, 合成的,人造的;化学合成品 semisynthetic,半合成的 synthesis [复syntheses] 综合,综合物,合成(法) synthesize vt 综合,合成 lead structure先导结构 preparation 制备,制剂 isolate使分离,使离析 / isolation heart glycoside tocopherol 生育酚 hydrolysis水解/hydrolysate水解产物/hydrolyze水解 hydroxylation 羟基化 dextran 葡聚糖,代血浆 wool 羊毛 ーlactamβ-内酰胺 amino acid 氨基酸/ amino 氨基的 penicilamine 青霉胺 ammonia 氨 ammonium 铵 / ammonium sulfate硫酸铵amine 胺 amide酰胺 microorganism 微生物 micro b iological微生物学的 mutant 变异的;突变型,突变体 starting material 起始原料 natural source天然来源 organ器官/target organ 靶器官pancreas 胰腺 natural product 天然产物 mould 霉,霉菌;发霉 high performance 高效 bacterial 细菌的 protein 蛋白质 degradation 降解 metabolism新陈代谢 / metabolize metabolite代谢物 molecule n. 分子;微小颗粒/molecular weight分子量


医药专业英文翻译 医药专业:Medicine Klonopin 英汉医学词典]Klonopin 氯硝西泮制剂<抗惊厥药> [英汉药名关联词典]Klonopin 〖英文通用名〗Clonazepam 〖中文通用名〗氯硝西泮 〖所属类别〗中枢神经系统药物/抗精神失常药/抗焦虑药 EGD [英汉医学词典]egd [=esophagogastroduodenoscopy]食道、胃、十二指肠镜检查[=evolved gas detection]离析气体检测,放出气体检测 EKG 英汉医学词典]ekg [=electrokardiogram,electrocardiogram]心电图 [=electrokardiograph,electrocardiograph]心电描记器Motrin [英汉医学词典]Motrin ["mOtrin] 布洛芬(异丁苯丙酸)制剂

[英汉药名关联词典]Motrin ["mOtrin] 〖中文商品名〗美林 〖英文商品名〗Motrin 〖中文通用名〗布洛芬 〖英文通用名〗Ibuprofen 〖所属类别〗中枢神经系统药物/解热镇痛抗炎及抗痛风药/抗炎镇痛药 Flexeril [英汉医学词典]Flexeril 盐酸环苯扎林,盐酸胺苯环庚烯制剂的商品名 [英汉药名关联词典]Flexeril 〖英文通用名〗Cyclobenzaprine 〖中文通用名〗环苯扎林 〖所属类别〗中枢神经系统药物/抗精神失常药/抗躁狂抑郁症药/抗抑郁症药 thyromegaly [英汉医学词典]thyromegaly [瓯airEumegEli] 甲状腺巨大,甲状腺肿

Premarin 英汉药名关联词典]Premarin ["premErin] 〖中文商品名〗倍美力 〖英文商品名〗Premarin 〖中文通用名〗混合雌激素片 〖英文通用名〗Conjugated Estrogens Tablet 〖所属类别〗激素及影响内分泌药/雌激素及孕激素[英汉医学词典]premarin ["premErin] 结合型雌激素,马雌激素 Mevacor [英汉医学词典]Mevacor 是一种降血脂药(含lovastatin) [英汉药名关联词典]Mevacor 〖药品商品名〗美降脂 〖英文通用名〗Lovastatin 〖中文通用名〗洛伐他汀 dyslipidemia [英汉医学词典]dyslipidemia


Useful Phrases 1 肺炎、肺结核pneumonia and tuberculosis 2 细菌释放毒素germs giving off a toxin 3 皮肤和粘膜skin and mucous membranes 4 炎症inflammation 5 红、肿、热、痛redness, swelling, heat and pain 6 抗感染fight against infection 7 吞噬、消化微生物engulf and digest microbes 8 淋巴管lymph vessels 9 抗体、抗原antibody and antigen 10 抗毒素antitoxin 11 人工免疫artificial immunity Useful phrases 1 有机化学、无机化学organic and inorganic chemistry 2 物理化学physical chemistry 3 生物化学bio chemistry 4 化学符号和结构式chemical symbols and formulas 5 离子、电子、原子、分子iron, electron, atom and molecule 6 分子量molecular weights 7 元素周期表periodic table 8 运用符号和概念的方法methods of manipulating symbols and concepts 9 化学反应chemical reaction 10 有机化合物organic compound 11 二氧化碳carbon dioxide 12 含有碳元素的物质substances containing carbon 13 合成物synthetic materials 14 大量的原料abundant raw materials


medicinal 药品,药物, 药的,药用的 be split into 分成,分为 pharmaceutical 药学的,制药的,药品 starting material synthetic, 合成的,人造的,;synthetics 化学合成品, synthesis 合成(法), semisynthetic, synthesize, syntheses alkaloid 生物碱 lead structure 先导结构 intermediate 中间体 isolation 分离 natural source 天然来源 enzyme 酶 heart glycoside 强心苷 steroid 甾体 precursor 前体 organ/target organ 靶器官 peptide [pepta ɪd]译n. [生化] 缩氨酸Peptide:肽 | 缩氨酸 | 多肽 hormone 激素 insulin ['ɪnsj ʊl ɪn]n. [生化][药] 胰岛素 pancreas ['p æŋkr ɪəs] n. [解剖] 胰腺 vaccine ['v æksi ːn] n. 疫苗;牛痘苗adj. 疫苗的;牛痘的 polysaccharide [,p ɒl ɪ's æk əra ɪd]n. [有化] 多糖;多聚糖(等于polysaccharid ) serum ['s ɪər əm]n. 血清;浆液;免疫血清;乳清;树液 cholesterol 胆固醇 amino acid [ə,mi:n əu 'æsid] n. [生化] 氨基酸 acid 酸 gelatine ['d ʒɛl ətn]n. 胶质;果子冻;白明胶 hydrolysis 水解/hydrolysate 水解产物/hydrolyze 水解hydroxylation antibiotic 抗生素,抗菌的 antibody ['ænt ɪb ɒd ɪ]n. [免疫] 抗体 interferon 干扰素 fermentation 发酵 dextran 葡聚糖 -lactam ['l ækt æm] n. [有化] 内酰胺 natural product therapy/therapeutic 治疗的/therapeutic margin ['m ɑːd ʒɪn] n. 边缘;利润,余裕;页边的空白 vt. 加边于;加旁注于 网络释义 Margin:保证金 | 利润 | 边缘 caffeine 咖啡因 yeast [ji ːst] n. 酵母;泡沫;酵母片;引起骚动因素 网络释义 yeast:酵母 | 酵母菌 | 发酵粉 microbiological ['ma ɪkroba ɪo'l ɑd ʒɪkl]adj. 微生物学的 mutant ['mju ːt(ə)nt]n. 突变体;突变异种adj. 突变的 网络释义 Mutant:畸形 | 突变体 | 突变型microorganism [ma ɪkr əʊ'ɔːg(ə)n ɪz(ə)m]n. [微] 微生物;微小动植物 网络释义 microorganism:微生物 | 微小动植物 | 微有 genetic [d ʒɪ'net ɪk] adj. 遗传的;基因的;起源的 mould [m əʊld] n. 模具;霉vt. 浇铸;用泥土覆盖 vi. 发霉 high performance 高性能;高效能的 bacterial [b æk't ɪr ɪəl]adj. [微] 细菌的 protein mucous membrane 黏膜 metabolism 新陈代谢 metabolite 代谢物 plasma 血浆 molecular weight[化学] 分子量 food additive 食品添加剂 organic [ɔː'g æn ɪk]adj. [有化] 有机的;组织的;器官的;根本的 lactic acid 乳酸 citric acid 柠檬酸 penicillin [pen ɪ's ɪl ɪn]n. 盘尼西林(青霉素) penicillium [,pen ɪ's ɪl ɪəm]n. 青霉菌;青霉菌属 tetracycline [,tetr ə'sa ɪkli ːn]n. [药] 四环素(抗生素的一种) derivative 衍生物 contamination 污染 sterile ['stera ɪl] adj. 不育的;无菌的;贫瘠的;不毛的;枯燥乏味的


医药专业英语翻译 推荐文章 优秀计算机专业简历自我评价热度:大学计算机专业的简历自我评价热度:信息安全专业高校排行榜热度:最新汉语言文学专业本科毕业论文热度:高考表演学专业解析热度: 医药专业英语翻译有哪些你知道吗?下面是小编收集整理的医药专业英语翻译希望对你们有用。 医药专业英语翻译如下 Crutch Walking 拐杖行走 Crutches are often needed to increase a client's mobility. The use of crutches may be temporary (such as after ligament damage to the knee) or permanent (as with paralysis of the lower extremities). It is important that crutches be measured for the appropriate length and that clients be taught how to use them correctly. 为增加病人活动能力,常常需要用到拐杖。使用拐杖可能是临时的(如膝韧带损伤时),也可以是永久性的(如出现下肢瘫痪情况)。重要的是,拐杖应长短要测量适度,并教会病人如何正确使用拐杖。 Potential Nursing DiagnosesClient data derived during the assessment reveal defining characteristics to support the following nursing diagnoses in clients requiting this skill: Impaired physical mobility High risk for injury 潜在的护理诊断: 同坐位: 躯体活动障碍, 有受伤的危险 EquipmentTape measure Goniometer Rubber crutch tips


常用药品检验与分析专业英语 中国药典:Chinese Pharmacopoeia,ChP 美国药典:The United States Pharmacopoeia,USP 美国国家处方集:The National Formulary,NF 英国药典:British Pharmacopoeia,BP 欧洲药典:European Pharmacopoeia,Ph.Eup 国际药典:The International Pharmacopoeia,Ph.Int 释药系统:drug delivery system,DDS 良好药品实验研究规范:Good Laboratory Practice,GLP 良好药品生产规范:Good Manufacture Practice,GMP 良好药品供应规范:Good Supply Practice,GSP 良好药品临床试验规范:Good Clinical Practice,GCP 分析质量管理:Analytical Quality Control,AQC 药物的鉴别试验identification test 一般鉴别试验general identification test 专属鉴别试验specific identification test 灵敏度sensitivity 最低检出量minimum detectable quantity 最低检出浓度minimum detectable concentration 炽灼残渣residue on ignition 定性分析:qualitative analysis

定量分析:quantitative analysis 质量控制:quality control(QC) 容量滴定法:volumetric precipitation method 重量分析法:gravimetric analysis 精密度:precision 标准偏差:standard deviation,SD orS 相对标准偏差:relative standard deviation,RSD 变异系数:coefficient of variation,CV 批内精密度:within-run precision 日内精密度:within-day precision 批间精密度:between-run precision 日间精密度:day to day precision 准确度:accuracy 定量限:limit of quantitation,LOQ 检测限:limit of detection,LOD 选择性:selectivity 专属性:specificity 线性与范围:linearity and range 重现性:ruggedness 耐用性:robustness 误差传递:propagation of error 空白试验:blank test


医药行业必会的英语单词 Distribution Channel Development Excutive 分销渠道发展专员 representative:医药代表(实际上应该是销售代表,但是国内还是常用这种说法) Senior sales representative:高级医药代表 Sales Executive:销售代表(不常用的说法) Medical Representative:医药代表(正规用法) Account Representative 客户代表 Sales Supervisor:销售主管 Hospital Supervisor:医院主管 Acting HS:代理医院主管

Specialist Supervisor:专员主管 Commercial Supervisor:商务主管 Commercial Specialist:商务专员 District Sales Manager:区域销售经理 Product Manager:产品经理 Human Resource Management: HRM,人力资源管理;HR:人力资源 PSS:professional sales skill,专业销售技巧 SOP:Standard Operation Procedure,标准操作规程 Micro-marketing,微观市场 DTC:Direct-to-Consumer。 是指直接面对消费者的营销模式,它包括任何以终端消费者为目标而进行的传播活动。对医药市场而言,终端消费者有可能是患者本人、患者的朋友和亲属,也可能是医疗服务人员或者公众。 OTC:Over the Counter,不需医生处方可以在柜台上买到的药品。


医药行业英文翻译 医药行业的英文翻译是:Pharmaceutical industry。 例句: 1、中国鼓励外商投资医药行业 China encourages foreign businesses to invest in pharmaceuticals industry 2、影响我国医药行业创新能力关键因素分析&美国的经验和启示 Research on the Key Influencing Factors of Innovation Ability of Pharmaceuticals Industry in China 3、医药行业非常复杂,很难进入。 The drugs industry is complex and hard to penetrate. 4、圣安德鲁学院的毕业生超过了75万人,其中许多人在工程、航空、教育、医药等各个行业工作。

More than 750,000 have graduated from SAC, with many seeking employment in engineering, aviation, education, medicine and a wide variety of other professions . 5、维生素E及其衍生物维生素E聚乙二醇1000琥珀酸酯在医药 行业中的应用琥珀酸二烷基酯磺酸盐 Application of Vitamin E and its derivatives tocopherol polyethylene glycol succinate 1000 on Medication dialkyl sulfosuccinic salt 6、美国也有一家类似的植入物回收公司(Implant Recycling),融化重塑金属后,重新卖给医药行业。 A similar US company, Implant Recycling, sells the melted and recast metals back into the medical industry. 7、此次的收购控股,可以令三星和菲利普,西门子,和GE一样,在医药行业,有更开放的竞。


1、Digitalis is one of the most frequently used medications in the treatment of heart failure and arrhythmia. It increases the contractility of the heart muscle and modifies vascular resistance. It also slows conduction through the atrioventricular node in the heart, making it useful in the treatment of atrial fibrillation and other rapid heart rhythms 洋地黄是其中一个最常用的药物治疗心力衰竭和心律失常。它增加了的心肌收缩血管阻力和修改。它也减慢传导通过传导节点的心使它有用的治疗房颤和其他快速心律 2、The formulation of a parenteral product involves the combination of one or more ingredients with a medicinal agent to enhance the convenience,acceptability,or effectiveness of the product. Rarely is it preferable to dispense a drug singly as a sterile dry powder unless the formulation of a stable liquid preparation is not possible 非肠道用产品的配方涉及一个或者更多组成部分间的结合,这些组成部分(各自)都含有一种用以提高产品方便性、可接受性或者疗效的有效成分。(人们)很少愿意把药物仅仅以一种无菌的、干燥的粉末(的形式)配售,除非(把它做成)稳定的液体制剂的配方是行不通的。 3、Production生产 The production process includes all of the steps from the accumulation and combining of the ingredients of the formula to the enclosing of the product in the individual container for distribution. Intimately associated with these processes are the personnel who carry them out and the facilities in which they are performed. The most ideally planned processes can be rendered ineffective by personnel who do not have the right attitude or training,or by facilities that do not provide an efficiently controlled environment. 生产过程包括从配方的各个组成部分的积聚和结合到产品封装入用于分售的单个包装内的所有步骤。和这些过程有紧密联系的是搬运人员和执行这些步骤的设备。计划出来的最理想的过程也会因为没有正确态度或没有接受正确培训的人员或者不能提供一个有效的控制环境的设备而变得无效。 To enhance the assurance of successful manufacturing operation,all process steps must be carefully reduced to writing after being shown to be effective. These written process steps are often called standard. operating procedures (SOPs)⑥.No extemporaneous changes are permitted to be made in these procedures; any change must go through the same approval steps as the original written SOP. Further,extensive records must be kept to give assurance at the end of the production process that all steps have been performed as prescribed,an aspect emphasized in the FDA's Good Manufacturing Practices. Such in-process control is essential to assuring the quality of the product,since these assurances are even more significant than those from product release testing. The production of .a quality product is a result of the continuous ,dedicated effort of the quality assurance,production,and quality control personnel within the plant in developing,performing,and confirming effective sops 为了增加成功的生产操作的保证,所有的过程步骤在证明是有效的之后都要仔细地归纳成书面材料,这些书面的过程步骤经常被称为标准操作规程(SOPs)。这些规程是不允许进行临时改动的,任何改动都必须经过和原有的书面规程一样


一、Digitalis is one of the most frequently used medications in the treatment of heart failure and arrhythmia. It increases the contractility of the heart muscle and modifies vascular resistance. It also slows conduction through the atrioventricular node in the heart, making it useful in the treatment of atrial fibrillation and other rapid heart rhythms 洋地黄是其中一个最经常使用的药物医治心力衰竭和心律失常。它增加了的心肌收缩血管阻力和修改。它也减慢传导通过传导节点的心使它有效的医治房颤和其他快速心律 二、The formulation of a parenteral product involves the combination of one or more ingredients with a medicinal agent to enhance the convenience,acceptability,or effectiveness of the product. Rarely is it preferable to dispense a drug singly as a sterile dry powder unless the formulation of a stable liquid preparation is not possible 非肠道用产品的配方涉及一个或更多组成部份间的结合,这些组成部份(各自)都含有一种用以提高产品方便性、可同意性或疗效的有效成份。(人们)很少情愿把药物仅仅以一种无菌的、干燥的粉末(的形式)配售,除非(把它做成)稳固的液体制剂的配方是行不通的。 3、Production生产 The production process includes all of the steps from the accumulation and combining of the ingredients of the formula to the enclosing of the product in the individual container for distribution. Intimately associated with these processes are the personnel who carry them out and the facilities in which they are performed. The most ideally planned processes can be rendered ineffective by personnel who do not have the right attitude or training,or by facilities that do not provide an efficiently controlled environment. 生产进程包括从配方的各个组成部份的积聚和结合到产品封装入用于分售


制药行业一些英语词汇总结 FDA(Food and drug administration ):(美国国家)食品药品管理局 IND(Investigation new drug):临床研究申请(指申报阶段,相对于NDA而言);研究中的新药(指新药开发阶段,相对于新药而言,即临床前研究结束) NDA(New drug application):新药申请 ANDA(Abbreviated New drug application):简化新药申请 EP诉(Export application):出口药申请(申请出口不被批准在美国销售的药品)Treatment IND:研究中的新药用于治疗 Abbreviated New drug:简化申请的新药 DMF(Drug master file):药物主文件(持有者为谨慎起见而准备的保 密资料,可以包括一个或多个人用药物在制备、加工、包装和贮存过程中所及的设备、生产过程或物品。 只有在DMF 持有者或授权代表以授权书的形式授权给FDA,FDA在审查IND、NDA、ANDA时才能参考其内容) Holder:DMF持有者 CFR(Code of federal regulation):(美国)联邦法规 Panel:专家小组 Batch production:批量生产;分批生产 Batch production records:生产批号记录 Post-or Pre- market surveillance:销售前或销售后监督 Informed consent:知情同意(患者对治疗或受试者对医疗试验了解后表示同意接 受治疗或试验) Prescription drug:处方药 OTC drug(over—the—counter drug):非处方药 U.S.Public Health Service:美国卫生福利部 NIH(NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH):(美国)全国卫生研究所 Clinical trial:临床试验 Animal trial:动物试验 Accelerated approval:加速批准 Standard drug:标准药物 Investigator:研究人员;调研人员 Preparing and Submitting:起草和申报 Submission:申报;递交 Benefit(S):受益 Risk (S):受害 Drug substance:原料药 Established name:确定的名称 Generic name:非专利名称 Proprietary name:专有名称; INN(international nonproprietary name):国际非专有名称 Narrative summary记叙体概要 Adverse effect:副作用


●symptomolytic 消除症状的●neurotransmitter神经递质 ●Oosperm 受精卵 ●prostaglandin 前列腺素 ●polyethylene 聚乙烯 ●octadecyl 十八(烷)基 ●osteoarthritis骨关节炎 ●dyspepsia 消化不良 ●pathophysiology 病理生理学●osteoporosis 骨质疏松症 ●hydrophilic 亲水的 ●urokinase尿激酶 ●trachoma沙眼 ●dysfunction功能紊乱 ●mucopolysaccharide 粘多糖 (类) streptomycin 链霉素 ●pathophysiology 病理生理学●otorhinolaryngology耳鼻喉科 学 ●phlebostenosis 静脉狭窄 ●nitroglycerin 硝酸甘油 ●pyrogen 热原,致热物●pseudocholinesterase拟(或假) 胆碱酯酶 ●thioether 硫醚 ●somatotype体型 ●uricemia 尿酸血症 ●hysteroscopy子宫镜检查 ●chemoprophylaxis 化学预防●antipsychotic抗精神病的(药)●nephroangiosclerosis 肾血管 硬化 ●bacteriostatic 抑菌的 ●parasympathomimetic拟副交 感神经的(药) ●adrenocorticotropin促肾上腺 皮质激素 ●diuretic 利尿的(药) ●vagosympathetic迷走交感神 经的 ●alkaloid生物碱 ●teratogenesis 致畸作用 ●polioencephalitis 脑灰质炎 ●tetanotoxin 破伤风毒素

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