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Computerised data storage and electronic mail were to have heralded the paperless office, but contrary to expectations, paper consumption throughout the world shows no sign of abating.

The risks of nuclear accidents may be tiny, but when they happen they can be catastrophic.


The Aborigines made no use of Leptospermum or Dodonaea as food plants, yet the early settlers found that one could be used as a substitute for tea and the other for hops.


Form the mid-1990s when the Green revolution began, Asian food production doubled through a combination of high-yielding crops, expanded farming area and greater intensification .However, a mysterious threat is emerging in the noticeably declining yields of rice.

In fact

Quite a few candidates are disturbed by the rumour that IELTS is going through big changes .In fact ,it appears nothing ever happened.


Whereas her country has plenty of oil, ours has none.

On the other hand:

Some people think that changes can be exciting, thrilling and adventuresome .On the other hand ,changes can also bring about life-threatening disasters.




Although the world regards Asia as the focus of an economic and industrial miracle, without adequate supplies of food, chaos could easily result.


While ducks offer many advantages over hens, they must be given greater quantity of food.

While much work has been done on the development of power sources for water pumping, for many people in rural Africa the use of human energy is only option.


For many previously inexperienced young women, the opportunity to gain financial independence, albeit limited and possibly temporary, has helped break down some of the taboos of their societies.


Despite the great progress made in the recent decades, the achievement of the goal of clean water for all is still along way off.



A and B

The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of narrow, dark streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the taxicabs and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds.

A---, B---, and C---

Selecting the right person for the job involves more than identifying the essential or desirable skills ,educational

and professional qualifications necessary to perform the job and then recruiting the candidate who is most likely to possess these skills or at least is perceives to have the ability and predisposition to acquire them.

A rather than B

Many people stay at jobs they are too old for rather than meet possible rejection.



Furthermore, moreover, besides, in addition, etc.:

The advantages of concrete include low capital cost and durability .Furthermore, concrete barriers can be engineered for a variety of site conditions.

In addition to normal banking and financial services, credit unions usually provide special services for international students.


First, then, next, later on, finally:

I really feel sorry for my friend Jack .First he lost his job .Then somebody stole his car .Latter on his girlfriend left him .like they say it never rains, but it pours.

Firstly ,secondly, thirdly,…

In the first place ,in the second place ,…

Then, once, before, after, as soon as, until, etc.

(6)特殊的关键词(人名、地名、时间、数字和生词)是最好的定位标志,以A-----A 的形式重现。(7)比较

as…as, like, similar ,parallel ,etc:

As a general rule, international students should expect to spend at least as mush on monthly living expenses during the summer as they do during the academic year.

Like his father President Bush is a republican.

Scribner and Cole regard classroom learning as parallel to learning in daily life.

More than, unlike, on the other hand, in contrast with, etc:

It is far easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. “The extra money that tourism bring in more than makes up for the inconvenience of its citizens,” retorted the president.

In contrast with your belief that we will fail, I am confident we will succeed.


Between 11 and 15 million salmon once spawned in the Columbia river system. Now there are only 3 million. In place A…In place B…

Those Aborigines living in the dry inland areas were largely dependent for their vegetable for their vegetable foods on seed such as those of grasses, acacias and eucalypts. They ground these seeds between flat stones to make a coarse flour. Tribes on the coast, and particularly in the vicinity of coastal rainforests, had a more varied vegetable diet with a higher proportion of fruits and tubers.


For example, for instance, such as, like, etc.

A For example=:=---B

Paper is different from other waste produce because it comes from a sustainable resource: trees.




Because, in that, as since, etc.

Because water expands as it heats, a warmer ocean means higher sea levels.

How do you know it, since you do not speak English?

So (that), therefore, thus, hence, as a result, consequently, etc.

He wrote a famous book, and so won a place in history.


Bring about:

Increased air temperature has brought about higher sea levels.


One of London Zoo?s recent advertisement caused me some irritation.

Lead to:

Necessity led to Experimentation.


The high cost of oil poses serious problem for industry.

Contribute to:

The advertising campaign has contributed significantly to the success of the new car.


God created the world.

Result in/from:

Eating contaminated food resulted in his illness.

His illness resulted from eating contaminated food.


Cutting the hefty subsidies that go to the world?s coal producers would help tilt the world?s energy balance toward natural gas.

Attribute A to B:

His success can be attributed to hard working.


The border incident precipitated the two countries into war.


I think a lack of confidence underlies his aggressive manner.


A higher price greatly affected demand for electricity.

Take advantage of:

Government could take advantage of today?s low oil prices to build their own stocks.



1.P:The term of formal learning is used to refer to all learning which takes place in the classroom, irrespective of whether such learning is informed by conservative or progressive ideologies. Informal learning on the other hand is used to refer to learning which takes place outside the classroom.

Q: Informal learning takes place outside the classroom.

2. P: Research in Britain has shown that “green consumers”continue to flourish as a significant group amongst shoppers. This suggests that politicians who claim environmentalism is yesterday?s issue may be seriously misjudging the public mood.

Q: The research findings report commercial rather than political trends.

3.P: The traditional images of the “male breadwinner” and “female housewife and mother” may be breaking

down among females but this process is occurring more slowly among males.

Q: Men accept changing perceptions of traditional gender roles more slowly than women do .

4.P: The underlying assumption in creating the General Assembly was that the airing of disputes among

nations could contribute to the pacific settlement of those disputes as well as to peaceful changes in the international system.

Q: The founders of the UN felt that debating in the General Assembly could help solve disputes.

5.P: It has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of an arrest only if responses

are in the order of 1-2minutes after a call is received by the police .when response times increase to 3-4 minutes –still quite a rapid response – the likelihood of an arrest in substantially reduced.

Q: A response delay of 1-2 minutes may have substantial influence on whether or not a suspected criminal is caught.

6.P: No city can be simply a port but must be involve in a variety of other activities .The port function of the

city draws to it raw materials and distributes them in many other forms .Ports take advantage of the need for breaking up the bulk material where water and land transport meet and where loading and unloading coats can be minimized by refining raw material or turning them into finished goods .The major examples here are oil refining and ore refining, which are commonly located at ports. It is not easy to draw a line around what is and is not a port function. All ports handle, unload, sort alter, process, repack and reship most of what they receive. A city may still be regarded as a port city when it becomes involved in a great range of functions not immediately with ships or docks.

Q: Ports attract many subsidiary and independent industries.

7.P: The Australian flora, together with the fauna, supported the Aboriginal people well before the arrival of

Europeans. The Aborigines were not farmers and were wholly dependent for life on the wild products around them. They learned to eat, often after treatment, a wide variety of plants. The conquering Europeans displaced the Aborigines, killing many, driving others from their traditional lands, and eventually settling many of tribal remnants on government reserves, where flour and beef replace nardoo and wallaby as staple foods. And so, gradually the vast store of knowledge, accumulated over thousands of years by the Aborigines, fell into disuse. Much was lost.

Q: Most of the pre-European Aboriginal knowledge of wild foods has been recovered.

8.P: As domestic markets are opened up to international competition and quotas(定额)which restricted the

quantity of imports from any one country are abandoned ,cheap, subsidized foreign imports are threatening the livelihood of many women small producer and entrepreneurs in “cottage industries”.

Q: The opening up of domestic markets has greatly benefited cottage industries.

9. P: Women also have less job security and fewer opportunities for promotion. Higher status jobs, even in

industries which employ mostly women, tend to be filled by men.

Q: Men are invariably preferred to women when it comes to promotion.

10.P: Research into the validity of selection methods has consistently demonstrated that the unstructured

interview is a poor predictor of future job performance and fares little better than more controversial methods like graphology and astrology.

Q: Graphology is a good predictor of future job performance.

11.P: Most of the port city?s population is engaged in providing goods and services for the city itself. Trade

outside the city is its basic function. But each basic worker requires food, housing, clothing and other such services.

Q: Most people in a port city are engaged in international trade and finance.

12.P: Almost all the 200 fisheries monitored by the FAO are fully exploited. One in three is depleted or heavily

overexploited, almost all in the developed countries.

Q: Approximately one third of depleted fishing grounds are in developing countries.

13.P: Even in wet areas once teeming with frogs &toads, it is becoming less and less easy to find those slimy,

hopping and sometimes poisonous members of the animal kingdom.

Q: Frogs and toads are usually poisonous.

14.P: As well as scores of cinemas and theatres throughout the city suburbs. There are numerous clubs which

appeal to people of all ages, and cater for all tastes. Pubs are the venue for smaller modern bands, while the big-name popular music artists, both local and international, attract capacity audiences at the huge Entertainment Center in the heart of the city.

Q: The Entertainment Center is only for international poplar music artists who attract large audiences. 15.P: Long excluded from many paid job and thus economically dependent on husbands or father, paid

employment has undoubtedly brought economic and social gains to many women. For many previously inexperienced young women, the opportunity to gain financial independence, albeit limited and possibly temporary, has helped break down some of the taboos of their societies and prescriptions on women?s behavior.

Q: Unemployment men generally encourage their wives to work.

16.P: In addition, women usually have to continue their unpaid domestic and caring work, such as of children,

the sick and the elderly, which is often regarded as women?s “natural” and exclusive responsibility. Even when they have full-time jobs outside the home, women take care of most household tasks, particularly the preparation of meals, cleaning and child care. When women become mothers, they often have no option other than to work part-time or accept home work.

Q: Working mothers are generally able to provide their children with a better education.

17.P: The 57square kilometer Sydney Harbor is one of the largest in the world, and famous for the

unmistakable 134-meter high arch of the Harbor Bridge and the graceful sails of the Opera House.

Q: Sydney Harbor is the largest in the world.

18.P: The tourists come mainly from Europe.

Q: Tourists come mainly from the UK.

19.P: Educational standards in schools have been gradually improving.

Q: Educational standards are not as unsatisfactory as they used to be.

20.P: In fact, there is some evidence that as our computer-based weather models have become more

sophisticated, the predicted rises in temperature have cut back.

Q: At the same time that computer-based weather models have become more sophisticated, weather forecasters have become more expert.

21.P: The primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security was assigned to the

Security Council. Based on the assumption that the five major military contributors to victory in World War Ⅱ--the United States, the USSR, Great Britain, France and China –could reach unanimity on the question of peace in the postwar world.

Q: Since the war the Security Council has been able to achieve unanimity on peace.


Questions 17-25

Do the following statements agree with information in the Reading Passage? Write

TRUE if the statement is true according to the passage

FALSE if the statement is false according to the passage

NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage

The term formal learning is used in this paper to refer to all learning which takes place in the classroom, irrespective of whether such learning informed by conservative or progressive ideologies. Informal learning on

the other hand is used to refer to leaning which takes place outside the classroom.

These definitions provide the essential, through by no means sole, difference between the two modes of learning .Formal learning is decontextualised from daily life and, indeed, as Scribner and Cole (1973:553) have observed, may actually promote ways of learning and thinking which often run counter to those nurtured in practical daily life .A characteristic feature of formal learning is the centrality of activities which are not closely paralleled by activities outside the classroom. The classroom can prepare for draw on, and imitate the challenges of adult life outside the classroom .But it cannot, by its nature, consist of these challenges.

In doing this, language plays a critical role as major channel for information exchange. …Success …in the classroom requires a student to master this abstract code .As Bernstein(1969:152) noted ,the language of the classroom is more similar to the language used by middle-class families than that used by working-class families. Middle-class children thus find it easier to acquire the language of the classroom than their working-class peers.

Informal learning, in contrast, occurs in the setting to which it relates, making learning immediately relevant. In this context, language does not occupy such an important role: the child?s experience of learning is more holistic, involving sight, touch, and smell-senses that are under –senses that under-utilised in the classroom.

Whereas formal learning is transmitted by teachers selected to perform this role informal learning is acquired as a natural part of a child?s socialization. Adults or older children who are proficient in the skill or activity provide-sometimes unintentionally-target models of behaviour in the course of everyday activity .Informal learning , therefore, can take place at any time and is not subject to the limitations imposed by institutional timetabling.

The motivation of the learner provides another critical difference between the two modes of learning .The formal learner is generally motivated by some kind of external goal such as parental approval, social status, and potential financial reward. The informal learner, however, tends to be motivated by successful completion of the task itself and the partial acquisition of adult status.

Given that learning systems develop as a response to the social and economic contexts in which they are embedded .it is understandable that modern, highly urbanized societies have concentrated almost exclusively on the establishment of formal education systems .What these societies have failed to recognize are the ways in which formal learning inhibits the child?s multi-sensory acquisition of practical skills. Wolthorpe(1973:23) speculates that the failure to provide a child with a holistic education may in part account for many of the social problems which plague our societies.

17. Informal learning takes place outside the classroom.

18. Scribner and Cole regard classroom learning as parallel to learning in daily life.

19. Language dose not occupy as important a role in informal learning as it dose in formal learning.

20. In quoting Bernstein, the author implies that working-class children are disadvantaged by the language used in the classroom.

21. Formal learning excludes the use of sight, touch, taste and smell.

22. Classroom teachers do not provide models of adult behaviour .

23. Adults and older children always seek to provide target models of behaviour for younger children.

24. The informal learner is generally more highly motivated than the formal learner.

25. There may be a link between the absence of holistic education in modern urbanized and the incidence of social problems in these societies.


Section 1

Every culture has its own distinctive conventions from a largely unquestioned base to the culture?s systems of primary, secondary, and tertiary education.

In one culture, students may be encouraged to collaborate with their fellow students, while in another culture this activity may be prohibited. In some societies, students are discouraged from asking questions, while in others they may be required to do so as part of their formal assessment .In some counties, a university lecturer Provides students with all the information that they are required to learn; in others, students are required to collect data independently.

A student who undertakes study in a foreign country is faced with a different set of culture-specific conventions.

Often these differences are significant enough to require adjustments in learning style and attitudes to knowledge.

Section Ⅱ

Diversity exists not only between cultures, but also within a single culture. In most British primary and secondary schools, for example, the teacher is the primary provider of required information and rote learning plays an important role in the acquisition of this information .British school leavers who then proceed to university face a new set of academic norms and expectations .Although memorization is still required, far greater emphasis is placed on the critical evaluation of received information. As they progress through tertiary education, these requirements broaden to include the need to speculate and develop independent research.

Section Ⅲ

The analysis of writing by student from different cultures suggests that the thinking and writing process is a culture-specific phenomenon .The ability to write well in one language does not necessarily guarantee an equivalent competence in another language ,irrespective of an individuals grammatical proficiency in that language .

Although most researchers would agree that writing and thinking are culture-specific phenomena, considerable controversy has been aroused by attempts to provide cognitive profiles for specific cultures .An American study which analysed the way in which students from different cultural backgrounds structured a paragraph of factual writing argued that at least five cognitive profiles could be distinguished.

One profile common to a number of Asian cultures was characterized by an indirect approach to the topic .The paragraph?s initial sentences provided background information which led to a concluding sentence in which the main point was described without an explicit judgment.

A second profile was associated with writers of Arabic background. The distinctive feature of this profile was

parallelism –ideas were elaborated through repetition and variation.

In contrast to these profiles, the so-called English profile was characterized by a linear movement from a central idea expressed in a summary sentence to an expansion and examples.

Slavonic and southern European profiles were seen to be similar to the English pattern, differing only in their tolerance of greater diversion from the central point.

Section IV

It may be argued that a similar diversity of cognitive and rhetorical style also exists between academic disciplines. Although standard models for writing reports exist in both chemistry and physics, an adequate physics report may not satisfy the requirements of the chemistry`sub-culture`.

The departments of tertiary institutions generally publish study guides which provide detailed writing guidelines.

These list the rhetorical, referencing and formatting conventions required by each discipline. Before submitting any written work, students are advised to consult appropriate guides and ensure that their written assignments conform to expectations.

Section V

There are, in short three levels of cultural adjustment which face the overseas undergraduate student: adjustment to a different culturally based learning style; adjustments associated with the move from secondary to tertiary education; and the adjustments related to entry into a specific disciplinary sub-culture.

Questions 4-16

The following passage is a summary of Culture and Learning on pages 31-33. Decide which word or phrase should go in each gap and then write the letter in the space provided. Write only one letter in each space. Note that there are more phrases than gaps. The fist one has been done for you as an example.

A.Research I.however

B.in one school J.knowledge and learning

C. differing cultural and educational experiences K.culturally inappropriate

D .meet L. a difficulty

E .the particular academic sub-culture M.directly

F .adjust N.attitudes

G .in the same country O. level of study

H.therefore P. vary greatly

Summary of …culture and learning?

Because our attitudes to ____4_____are conditioned by _____5_____, students who move to study abroad may need to _____6_____their ways of thinking, learning and writing.____7______suggests that students from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds are likely to have developed particular ways of writing about arguments and ideas .These different practices may be _____8_____ if translated _____9_____from one culture and language to another. Lt is not _____10_____possible to generalize about what constitutes the acceptable procedures and practices as these _____11_____ within a single college or university as a result of factors such as discipline and _____12_____.This creates _____13_____ not only for overseas students but also for those who have completed their primary and secondary education _____14_____as that of their tertiary study.Given this situation, students must be aware of the requirements of _____15_____ in which they study and be prepared to ____16______them.


You are advised to spend about 20 minutes on Questions 26-38 which are based on Reading passage 3.

Wild Foods of Australia

Over 120 years ago, the English botanist J.D.Hooker, writing of Australian edible plants, suggested that many of them were …eatable but not worth eating?. Nevertheless, the Australian flora, together with the fauna, supported the Aboriginal people well before the arrival of Europeans. The Aborigines were not farmers and were wholly dependent for life on the wild products around them. They learned to eat, often treatment, a wide variety of plants.

The conquering Europeans displaced the Aborigines, killing many, driving others from their traditional tribal lands, and eventually settling many of the tribal remnants on government reserves, where flour and beef replaced nardoo and wallaby as staple foods. And so, gradually, the vast store of knowledge, accumjlated over thousands of years, fell into disuse. Much was lost.

However, a few European men took an intelligent and even respectful interest in the people who were being displaced. Explorers,Missionaries, botanists, naturalists and government officials observed, recorded and fortunately in some cases, published. Today we can draw on these publications to form the main basis of our knowledge of the edible, natural products of Australia. The picture is no doubt mostly incomplete ,We can only

speculate on the number of edible plants on which no observation was recorded.

Not all our information on the subject comes from the Aborigines .Times were hard in the early days of European settlement ,and traditional foods were often in short supply or impossibly expensive for a pioneer trying to establish a farm in the bush .and so necessity led to experimentation just as it must have done for the Aborigines and experimentation led to some lucky results .So far as is known , the Aborigines made no use of Loptosoermum or Dodonaea as food plants ,yet the early settlers found that one could be used as a substitute for tea and the other for hops. These plants are not closely related to the species they replaced, so their use was not based on botanical observation. Probably some experiments had less happy endings; L.J.Webb has used the expression eat, die and learn in connection with the Aboriginal experimentation, but it was discovered independently by the European settlers or their descendants.

Explorers making long expeditions found it impossible to carry sufficient food for the whole journey and were forced to rely, in part, on food that they could find on the way .Still another source of information comes from the practice in other countries .There are many species from northern Australia which occur also in southeast Asia, where they are used for food.

In general, those aborigines living in the dry inland areas were largely dependent for their vegetable foods on seed such as those of grasses, acacias and eucalypts. They ground these seeds between flat stones to make a coarse flour .Tribes on the coast, and particularly those in the vicinity of coastal rainforests, had a more varied vegetable diet with a higher proportion of fruits and tubers. Some of the coastal plants ,even if they had grown inland, probably would have been unavailable as food since they required prolonged washing or soaking to render them non-poisonous ;many of the inland tribes could not obtain water in the quantities necessary for such treatment .There was also considerable variation in the edible plants available to Aborigines in different latitudes. In general, the people who lived in the moist tropical areas enjoyed a much greater variety, than those in the southern part of Australia.

With all the hundreds of plant species used for food by the Australian Aborigines, it is perhaps surprising that only one, the Queensland nut .has entered into commercial cultivation as a food plant .the reason for this probably does not lie with an intrinsic lack of potential in Australian flora, but rather with the lack of exploitation of this potential. In Europe and Asia , for example , the main food plants have had the benefit of many centuries of selection and hybridization , which has led to agriculture and so there was no opportunity for such improvement ;either deliberate or unconscious , in the quality of the edible plants.

Since 1788, there has, of course, been opportunity for selection of Australian food plants which might have led to the production of varieties that were worth cultivating .But Australian plants have probably …missed the bus?. Food plants from other regions were already so far in advance after a long tradition of cultivation that it seemed hardly worth starting work on Australian species .Undoubtedly, the native raspberry, for example, could ,with suitable selection and breeding programs, be made to yield a high-class fruit ;but Australians already enjoy good raspberries from other areas of the world and unless some dedicated amateur plant breeder takes up the task, the Australian raspberries are likely to remain unimproved.

And so, today, as the choice of which food plants to cultivate in Australia has been largely decided, and as there is little chance of being lost for long periods in the bush. Our interest in the subject if Australian food plants tend to relate to natural history rather than to practical necessity


edible: fit to be eaten

botany: the study of plants

Questions 26-32

Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in Reading passage 3? In boxes 26-32 write: YES if the statement reflects the writer?

NO if the statement contradicts the writer

NOTGIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage

26. Most of the pre-European Aboriginal knowledge of wild foods has been recovered.

27. There were few food plants unknown to pre-European Aborigines.

28. Europeans learned all of what they knew of edible wild plants from Aborigines.

29. Dodonaea is an example of a plant used for food by both pre-European Aborigines and European settlers.

30. Some Australian food plants are botanically related to plants outside Australia.

31. Pre-European Aboriginal tribes closer to the coast had access to a greater variety of food plants than tribes further inland.

32. Some species of coastal food plants were also found inland.

Questions 33-35

Choose the appropriate letters (A-D) and write them in boxes 33-35 on your answer sheet.

33. Wallaby meat…

A. was regularly eaten by Aborigines before European settlement.

B. was given by Aborigines in exchange for foods such as flour.

C. was a staple food on government reserves.

D. was produced on farms before European settlement.

34. Experimentation with wild plants…

A. depended largely on botanical observation.

B. was unavoidable for early settlers in all parts of Australia.

C. led Aborigines to adopt Leptosperrmum as a food plant.

D. sometimes had unfortunate results for Aborigines.

35. Wild plant use by Aborigines…

A. was limited to dry regions.

B. was restricted to seed.

C. sometimes required the use of tools.

D. was more prevalent in the southern part of Australia.

Questions 36-38

Complete the partial summary below. Choose ONE or TWO words from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 36-38 on your answer sheet.

Despite the large numbers of wild plants that could be used for food only one, the … (36)… is being grown as a cash crop. Other edible plants in Australia, however, much potential they have for cultivation, had not gone through the lengthy process of… (37)…that would allow their exploitation, because Aborigines were not farmers.Thus species such as the …(38)…,which would be an agricultural success had it not bad to compete with established European varieties at the time of European settlement, ate of no commercial value.


雅思阅读summary填空题是雅思阅读题中常见题型, 在阅读考试中占较大的比重. 同时也是众多考生头痛的一种题型. 因为此题型不仅考查考生快速准确理解阅读文章的主旨能力, 也考查考生对定位,同义转化以及语义间逻辑关系的灵敏度. 总的来说, 雅思阅读summary填空题主要有两种形式: 一种是单词填空式, 这种形式主要针对文章全文或者部分段落写出的一篇摘要, 空出若干空格, 要求考生从文章中寻找相应的单词进行填空; 另一种是单词选择式, 就是在第一种形式的基础上, 额外提供了一个词库, 要求考生从词库中选词填空. 下面环球雅思的老师将详细讲解如何快速而有效的解答这两种形式的summary填空题. 单词填空式 解题策略 对于单词填空式题, 一般把握三个关键信息: 逻辑关系词, 语法属性, 定位. 首先, 观察空格前后是否有语义间有逻辑关系的连接词, 即逻辑关系词推断. 这类表示空格前后内容逻辑关系的连接词主要包括:

①表示因果关系的词, 如because, as, since, for, due to, thanks to, as a result of等. 在考试中, 在因果关系中除了一些连接词的衔接外, 还有一些表示因果关系的大词, 如trigger, breed, induce, engender, generate, be responsible for, affect, determine等, 这些词在语义中隐含了因果关系. 所以也是考生在解题中值得注意的. ②表示转折关系的词, 如but, however, while, yet, instead, rather, whereas等 ③表示让步关系的词, 如despite, in spite of, although等 ④表示并列关系的词, 如and, both…and…, neither…nor等 ⑤表示举例关系的词, 如such as, for example等 观察有无这类词的目的在于为了回原文定位时, 能缩小寻找范围, 使定位更加准确. 在文章阅读中, 题目中的某些单词会进行同义转换而变得面目全非,但是句意不会变,语义关系不会变,这是最可靠的定位依据。从而逻辑关系词对于考生在解题中把握语义间的内在关系起了关键作用. 如剑桥4 Test 2 Passage 1 Lost for words 一篇中的summary 题中This great variety of languages came about largely as a result of geographical ___Q1______. But in today’s world, factors such as government initiatives and ____Q2_____ are contributing to a huge decrease in the number of languages. One factor which may help to ensure that some endangered languages do not die out completely is people’s increasing appreciation of their ____Q3_____.


1. A European spacecraft took off today to spearhead the search for another "Earth" among the stars. 2. The Corot space telescope blasted off aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan shortly after 2.20pm. 3. Corot, short for convection rotation and planetary transits, is the first instrument capable of finding small rocky planets beyond the solar system. Any such planet situated in the right orbit stands a good chance of having liquid water on its surface, and quite possibly life, although a leading scientist involved in the project said it was unlikely to find "any little green men". 4. Developed by the French space agency, CNES, and partnered by the European Space Agency (ESA), Austria, Belgium, Germany, Brazil and Spain, Corot will monitor around 120,000 stars with its 27cm telescope from a polar orbit 514 miles above the Earth. Over two and a half years, it will focus on five to six different areas of the sky, measuring the brightness of about 10,000 stars every 512 seconds. 5. "At the present moment we are hoping to find out more about the nature of planets around stars which are potential habitats. We are looking at habitable planets, not inhabited planets. We are not going to find any little green men," Professor Ian Roxburgh, an ESA scientist who has been involved with Corot since its inception, told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme. 6. Prof Roxburgh said it was hoped Corot would find "rocky planets that could develop an atmosphere and, if they are the right distance from their parent star,they could have water". 7. To search for planets, the telescope will look for the dimming of starlight caused when an object passes in front of a star, known as a "transit". Although it will take more sophisticated space telescopes planned in the next 10 years to confirm the presence of an Earth-like planet with oxygen and liquid water, Corot will let scientists know where to point their lenses.


Time to cool it 1 REFRIGERATORS are the epitome of clunky technology: solid, reliable and just a little bit dull. They have not changed much over the past century, but then they have not needed to. They are based on a robust and effective idea--draw heat from the thing you want to cool by evaporating a liquid next to it, and then dump that heat by pumping the vapour elsewhere and condensing it. This method of pumping heat from one place to another served mankind well when refrigerators' main jobs were preserving food and, as air conditioners, cooling buildings. Today's high-tech world, however, demands high-tech refrigeration. Heat pumps are no longer up to the job. The search is on for something to replace them. 2 One set of candidates are known as paraelectric materials. These act like batteries when they undergo a temperature change: attach electrodes to them and they generate a current. This effect is used in infra-red cameras. An array of tiny pieces of paraelectric material can sense the heat radiated by, for example, a person, and the pattern of the array's electrical outputs can then be used to construct an image. But until recently no one had bothered much with the inverse of this process. That inverse exists, however. Apply an appropriate current to a paraelectric material and it will cool down. 3 Someone who is looking at this inverse effect is Alex Mischenko, of Cambridge University. Using commercially available paraelectric film, he and his colleagues have generated temperature drops five times bigger than any previously recorded. That may be enough to change the phenomenon from a laboratory curiosity to something with commercial applications. 4 As to what those applications might be, Dr Mischenko is still a little hazy. He has, nevertheless, set up a company to pursue them. He foresees putting his discovery to use in more efficient domestic fridges and air conditioners. The real money, though, may be in cooling computers. 5 Gadgets containing microprocessors have been getting hotter for a long time. One consequence of Moore's Law, which describes the doubling of the number of transistors on a chip every 18 months, is that the amount of heat produced doubles as well. In fact, it more than doubles, because besides increasing in number,the components are getting faster. Heat is released every time a logical operation is performed inside a microprocessor, so the faster the processor is, the more heat it generates. Doubling the frequency quadruples the heat output. And the frequency has doubled a lot. The first Pentium chips sold by Dr Moore's company,Intel, in 1993, ran at 60m cycles a second. The Pentium 4--the last "single-core" desktop processor--clocked up 3.2 billion cycles a second. 6 Disposing of this heat is a big obstruction to further miniaturisation and higher speeds. The innards of a desktop computer commonly hit 80℃. At 85℃, they


雅思阅读:关系之转折 我们还是先看一个非常经典的一个例子,雅思《剑五》97页上的第34题。 题目是这样表述的:Day length is a useful cue for breeding in areas where ……………. are unpredictable。通过分析,我们得出以下结论:这里需要一个复数名词,而且是一个不可预测的事物;在该事物不可预测的地区,繁殖行为就得以日照长度作为提示了。接下来就是定位了,我们可以用这些名词作为定位依据:day length,breeding,cue。现在我们回文章,会看到以下几个句子可能会有答案出现,因为它们里面含有两个定位词:第二段的第一句"Breeding in most organisms occurs during a part of the year only,and so a reliable cue is needed to trigger breeding behaviour."第二句"Day length is an excellent cue,because it provides a perfectly predictable pattern of change within the year." 但是很显然,第一句话里出现的唯一的复数名词organisms并无不可预测的意思,而第二句话里根本没有复数名词,因此这两句话都不是我们所需要的。但是既然定位词已经这么密集的出现了,这就预示着答案已经离我们近在咫尺了,所以我们需要特别关注接下来的一两句话。 现在我们来看第三句:In the temperate zone in spring,temperatures fluctuate greatly day to day,but day length increases steadily by a predictable amount。如果就定位词来看的话,这句话里只有一个day length,其实不太符合我们的普通定位词要有两个的原则,但是有两个理由让我们对其刮目相看:首先,这句话里有一个复数名词"temperatures";其次,后半句话里有个"unpredictable"的反义词"predictable"。 很多同学对这句话是持怀疑态度的,因为fluctuate对巨大多数人来说是个生词,而且predictable是可预测的意思,也不是我们需要的不可预测。但是如果大家注意到句中的"but"的话,那么一切疑惑都将迎刃而解。 But是最典型,也最为同学们所熟知的转折连词,只要出现了该词,就说明前后的意思是完全矛盾或者说相反的,既然but之后的从句出现了predictable,就说明but之前的主句是unpredictable,这样fluctuate这个生词造成的影响就可忽略不计了,自然答案就是temperatures。 But只是众多我们熟知的转折逻辑关系词中的一个,常见的还有however,although,yet,still,其次还有比如nevertheless,nonetheless,on the contrary,instead,instead of,on the other hand,whereas,while,in contrast with等等。我们从initially,originally这些表示起初、原本之类意思的副词里也能判断出前后意思的跌宕起伏。


雅思阅读练习题及答案 ★Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief, continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in 2007. Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in 2006 the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag, 2006’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in 2007, though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards


分析雅思阅读中的普通定位词和特殊定位词 在做雅思阅读的过程中,很多学生会发现有一个很大的问题就是时间的把握。我们知道,雅思A类阅读文章一共有三篇,文章总长度有2400-3000单词的阅读量,题目一共是40道,而时间只有短短的60分钟。在这么短的时间内要高效准确地把答案找出来,如果不经过一定的训练是很难完成的。这其实是一种快速阅读,根据所需信息快速定位的一种能力。这和A类考试的考察宗旨是一致的。因为A类考试是针对那些想要出国留学的学生,所以出题方要考察这些学生的学习能力,而快速阅读快速定位是学习能力中不可或缺的一部分。在完成一篇学术论文之前必定要收集大量的资料,但是时间不是无限的,所以必须要在大量的资料中快速筛选出有用的,摒除无用的,这就是快速阅读快速定位的能力。 但是在雅思阅读考试中,这种能力其实是被细化到了40道题目当中,怎样在1个小时的有限时间内挑出对于答题有帮助的内容仔细阅读,说到底就是怎样确定题目中能够利用的去文章中找答案的定位词。尤其是针对雅思阅读的一些需要细节理解的题目,如T/F/NG,Choice, Matching, Sentence completion等是不需要全文读的,所以定位词就更显的重要了。 定位词一般可以分成两类,特殊定位词和普通定位词。 特殊定位词 在很多题目当中会出现人名、地名、数字、年份和大写字母缩写这五类特殊词。为什么说这些词特殊呢?因为它们的特点是在一长篇英文小写字母的文章里非常的醒目,所以几乎在短短的几秒钟内就能够做精确定位。例如在人名和其理论配对的题目中,(如剑五P89强化玻璃,剑四P44语言的消失),就可以利用题目

中给出的这些特殊定位词,人名,并快速地将人名找到,那么阅读的内容也就锁定到了人名出现的这些词语附近,在最短的时间内把近1000字的阅读内容缩小到几句话的有效内容中,时间自然节省了不少。 但是在判断题的情况下,雅思中国网海外考试研究中心的专家提醒考生要注意,使用数字和年份作为定位是需要斟酌的。因为在判断题的情况下,数字和年份很有可能也是一个考察的点,也许是会错误的。因此要找出判断题的定位词,数字和时间年份通常还要再伴随另一个定位词。这个所谓的另一个定位词就会涉及到其他的特殊定位词,或者是我们接下来要探讨的普通定位词。 普通定位词 普通定位词与特殊定位词相比,出现的几率为更高。当我们看到题中没有特殊定位词的情况下,要思考的就是在这道似乎没有啥重点的词语中挑选出最能帮助我们快速找到的词语。我们可以先联想一下,英语的词汇中分成几种词性的词,什么词性的词变化形式或者说同义词是比较少的,相比而言,名词就具有这样的特征。所以除了特殊定位词之外,首先可以运用当做定位词的首选就是名词,但也不是所有的名词都可以当做定位词,能做普通定位词的还要有以下一些特征:首先是挑出现频率不高的词。定位词的最大优势就是可以缩小阅读范围,如果我们定位了一个在文章中处处可能出现的词语,那就失去了定位的意义。一般拿到文章后先大致浏览标题和第一段,都会发现这篇文章的中心是什么,那么这个中心就肯定不是我们可以利用的定位词。例如剑四第一篇第一套题的第一题the plight of the rainforests has largely been ignored by the media. 这里出现的名词有plight, rainforests和media, 如果浏览过文章第一段和文章配图,就


阅读中的定位词 转眼3月份又过去了,4月份要考试的娃们,Crystal想换个方式与大家分享雅思阅读的心得。为了让大家有亲临课堂的感觉,我决定将平时课堂上的互动以文字方式呈现给大家,这样可以边思考,边学习,从而避免乏味的死记硬背。 每个班级的第一节课,我们都会详细介绍雅思阅读解题的第一步—审题!很多同学迫于时间紧张,常常忽视审题的重要性,基本都是题干一扫,大致翻译一下,或者随便挑两个词,就迫不及待回原文去定位了。 个人觉得,一个成熟的烤鸭应该能够看出题干中的两类词—定位词和考点词,定位词定位,考点词解题。 今天,我们先弄清楚第一个问题:什么是定位词? 大家就跟着我一起走进课堂吧! 我问:定位词,顾名思义,是为了定位,那么你希望你在题干中找的那个定位词回到原文是变还是不变? 学生答:不变! 我问:那么什么样的信息回到原文不变? 学生答:名字,时间,地点,名词… 我说:很好,但是有点零散,我记不住,所以我们可以简化一下,我习惯叫它们为特殊的词。也就是题干当中,一看就跟别人长得不一样,所以无需单独记忆。这一类词最稳定,我们会优先考虑。 我再问:如果题干中没有特殊的词怎么办?我们去找什么词?动词?名词?形容词?

学生答:名词! 我问:如果现在有两个名词,bicycle和importance,你会选择哪一个? 学生答:bicycle 我说:很好! 并不是所有的名词我们都会选,我们常常会选择具体细节的名词,而不是抽象名词,因为抽象名词不稳定,易变。 我再问:大家已经知道雅思阅读考到最后,其实就是同义改写,也就是说你可以换词,换词组,换句式,但是你可不可以换了我的逻辑关系?比如说因果,否定。 学生答:不会! 我问:所以第三类定位词是什么? 学生答:逻辑关系词! 我说:你们太厉害,自己都知道答案!(亲爱的读者,你是否也一样清晰?) 我再问:这三类词有什么共性?变还是不变? 学生答:不变! 所以,就是一个简单的逻辑推理,要想快速定位,我们自然希望或者说奢望选择的定位词回到原文不变,因为只有不变,才会给我们最直接的视觉冲击,才会吸引你的眼球!那么,你自己就会思考:什么样的词才不会变?首先就是最稳定的特殊的词,如果没有特殊的,在句子主干中,我们会倾向选择较稳定的具体细节的名词,最后无论进行如何的同义改写,逻辑关系是无法更改的,所以自然就成了我们第三个保险的定位词。 接下来,我们就实战练习一下: Power companies have given Diels enough money to develop his laser. 看到题干,优先特殊的定位词,所以会选择Diels,很多人又忙着回去定位了,这时切记另外一点:不要在一棵树上吊死!只选择一个词回去定位,不安全,万一它出现的地方跟题干没关系,岂不是要重新审题?我们要一步到位,所以我们要再去找一个定位词,没有特殊的,也没有明显逻辑关系,就去找具体名词,那就是主语power companies.一般来说,一个句子主谓宾,我们常常会选择主和宾作为定位词,也就是句子的头跟尾,如果没有出现明显考点,就选择谓语动词作为考点词。因为动词决定了一个句子的方向,也是牵着主和宾的那根线!



Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief,continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in . Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag,’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in , though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in . And in they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted,not immobilised, by this setback. D. In the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty—the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union” and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances, the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto


2017年雅思考试阅读练习试题附答案 人的知识和人的力量这两件东西是结合为一体的;工作的失败都起于对因果关系的无知。以下是小编为大家搜索整理2017年雅思考试阅读练习试题附答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生考试网! Volatility Kills You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage below. A Despite gun battles in the capital of Chad, rioting in Kenya and galloping inflation in Zimbabwe, the economics of sub-Saharan Africa arc, as a whole, in better shape than they were a few years ago. The World Bank has reported recently that this part of the continent experienced a respectable growth rate of 5.6 percent in 2006 and a higher rate from 1995 to 2005 than in previous decades. The bank has given a cautious assessment that the region may have reached a turning point. An overriding question for developmental economists remains whether the upswing will continue so Africans can grow their way out of a poverty that relegates some 40 percent of the nearly 744 million in that region to living on less than a dollar a day. The optimism, when inspected more closely, may be short-lived because of the persistence of a devastating pattern of economic volatility that has lingered for decades. B “In reality, African countries grow as fast as Asian countries and other developing countries during the good times, but afterward they see growth collapses,” comments Jorge Arbache, a senior World Bank economist. “How to prevent collapses may be as important as promoting growth.” If these collapses had not occurred, he observes, the level of gross domestic product for each citizen of the 48 nations of sub-Saharan Africa would have been a third higher. C The prerequisite to prevent the next crash are not in place, according to a World Bank study issued in January. Is Africa's Recent Growth Robust? The growth period that began in 1995, driven by a commodities boom spurred in particular by demand from China, may not be sustainable, because the economic fundamentals—new investment and the ability to stave off inflation, among other factors—are absent. The region lacks the necessary infrastructure that would encourage investors to look to Africa to find the next Bengaluru (Bangalore) or Shenzhen, a November report from the bank concludes. For sub-Saharan countries rich in oil and other resources, a boom period may even undermine efforts to institute sound economic practices. From 1996 to 2005, with growth accelerating, measures of governance—factors such as political stability, rule of law, and control of corruption—actually worsened, especially for countries endowed with abundant mineral resources, the January report notes. D Perhaps the most incisive analysis of the volatility question comes from Paul Collier, a longtime specialist in African economics at the University of Oxford and author of the recent book The Bottom Billion. He advocates a range of options that the U.S. and other nations could adopt when formulating policy toward African countries. They include revamped trade measures, better-apportioned aid and sustained military intervention in certain instances, to avert what he sees as a rapidly accelerating divergence of the world’s poorest, primarily in Africa, from the rest


解读雅思阅读高频出现的三种逻辑问题 以下三立在线老师就带大家来了解下解读雅思阅读高频出现的三种逻辑问题。针对雅思阅读考试而言,阅读对逻辑思维的考察是相当强的,大家可以去多总结一些雅思阅读方法,这样会对我们答题有好处的。 雅思阅读中包含的逻辑结构林林总总,但我们可以大概的归纳成下面的三种,我们称之为雅思阅读三大逻辑关系:并列逻辑关系,转折逻辑关系,比较逻辑关系。 这三种逻辑关系并非只是牵涉到了题目的半壁江山,同时针对理解一篇文章,又或是段落的有的句子具有重大意义,下面我就讲一一分解它们: 一、并列逻辑关系 并列逻辑关系是这三种逻辑关系中最为简单的,同时还是最容易理解的一种,针对很多同学而言,无外乎就是and, or这两个词。 解析雅思阅读常见的三种逻辑问题 二、因果逻辑关系 因为它是因果关系,如此就会有谁因谁果的问题存在,世间没有无因之果,也不会有无果之因,cause和effect是相互依存的,在任何一个句子中出现了表述原因的词,必然能看到其结果,反之亦然。 三、比较逻辑关系 说到比较逻辑关系,大家也许首先会想到的则是T,F,NG中对比较关系的判断,诚然,判断题中比较级是一大考点,但是比较逻辑关系的运用比这要广泛得多大家一般都认为学习英语最关键的是背单词与做题目,事实上学英语最为重要的是在平时积累,题海战术才是最重要的,但大量的题目以及阅读后总结归纳却更加的重要。此外大

家还要去抓住一切的机会“听”和“说”,例如利用网络去阅读英语的新闻,再与国外的朋友在网上聊天做英语对话,在外教上课时再去多发言。还可以去参加一些培训班,但是有关上海哪家学雅思机构好?上海环球雅思学校雅思课程不错,参加过,感觉老师还有教学环境呀都挺好的。自己查查呀。 以下就是三立在线老师带大家来了解下的解读雅思阅读高频出现的三种逻辑问题,希望能给有需要的同学提供帮助,也希望同学们可以取得好成绩。如果想了解更多的信息,请咨询三立在线。



Selling Digital Music without Copy-protection Makes Sense A. It was uncharacteristically low-key for the industry’s greatest showman. But the essay published this week by Steve Jobs, the boss of Apple,on his firm’s website under the unassuming title “Thoughts on Music” has nonetheless provoked a vigorous debate about the future of digital music,which Apple dominates with its iPod music-player and iTunes music-store. At issue is “digital rights management” (DRM)—the technology guarding downloaded music against theft. Since there is no common standard for DRM, it also has the side-effect that songs purchased for one type of music-player may not work on another. Apple’s DRM system, called FairPlay, is the most widespread. So it came as a surprise when Mr. Jobs called for DRM for digital music to be abolished. B. This is a change of tack for Apple. It has come under fire from European regulators who claim that its refusal to license FairPlay to other firms has “locked in” customers. Since music from the iTunes store cannot be played on non-iPod music-players (at least not without a lot of fiddling), any iTunes buyer will be deterred from switching to a device made by a rival firm, such as Sony or Microsoft. When French lawmakers drafted a bill last year compelling Apple to open up FairPlay to rivals, the company warned of “state-sponsored piracy”. Only DRM, it implied, could keep the pirates at bay. C. This week Mr. Jobs gave another explanation for his former defence of DRM: the record companies made him do it. They would make their music available to the iTunes store only if Apple agreed to protect it using DRM. They can still withdraw their catalogues if the DRM system is compromised. Apple cannot license FairPlay to others, says Mr Jobs, because it would depend on them to produce security fixes promptly. All DRM does is restrict consumer choice and provide a barrier to entry, says Mr Jobs; without it there would be far more stores and players, and far more innovation. So, he suggests, why not do away with DRM and sell music unprotected?“This is

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