当前位置:文档之家› 2018--2019学年第二学期江苏省南京市建邺区金陵中学河西分校八年级期末考试试卷(无听力)





16. –What is on the paper?

6. Making small talk when necessary

7. Turn off cell phones during meeting

8. Excuse yourself when you leave a meeting before it is over

A. going green

B. charity work

C. keeping fit

D. improving manners

17. I have read the _____ of the park. It is the best place for us to spend a relaxing weekend.

A. invitation

B. introduction

C. instructions

D. interviews

18. –What do you think of the my ideas in this article?

--I agree with you ____, but not all of them sound practical(实际的).

A. in the way

B. on the way

C. in some ways

D. in this way

19. I helped the Students’ Union prepare for the show. I _______ 1,000 leaflets.

A. handed out

B. turned out

C. passed out

D. sold out

20. –What is the sign on the rubbish bin? –Is is a sign for “______”.

A. cycling

B. reducing


21. –Have(雾霾) has been a serious problem in our city in the past few months.

--I agree. And the situation will be worse if nothing ____ to fight pollution in the future.

A. has done

B. will do

C. will be done

D. is done

22. –Does Dr. Li work for an international charity?

--Yes, he is a volunteer working for _____, which is part of the United Nations.




D. World Vision

23. –Can you use your phone to do word processing?

--Yes. My Huawei Mate 30 can be used _____ a minicomputer.

A. for

B. as

C. with

D. by

24. ‘Sara is not old enough to dress herself.’ Which of the following sentences has the same meaning?

A. Sara is so old that she can dress herself.

B. Sara is so old that she can’t dress herself.

C. Sara is not too old to dress herself.

D. Sara is too young to dress herself.

25. –The job seems to be hard.

--So it does. I have made up my mind ____ it.

A. to take

B. to taking

C. take

D. taking

26. Which of the following sentences uses punctuation marks correctly?

A. When Jim was at primary. He often walked to school.

B. If you want some to move out of your way, say ‘ excuse me.’

C. ‘ I used to be afraid of flying’, said Mrs. Li.

D. ‘What an exciting experience it was!’ shouted John.

27. –Dad, how soon can we get the tickets?

--Be patient. It will be our ____ soon.

A. turn

B. order C habit D. subject

28. It is nice _____ your mother ____ so much nice food for us.

A. for, cooking

B. of, cooking

C. for, to cook

D. of, to cook

29. –Mrs. Green is sometimes as ____ as a stone.

--That’s true. But you need to be patient enough to repeat your words when she does not catch them.

A. blind

B. deaf

C. elderly

D. disabled

30. –A homeless man won a big prize. He became rich overnight.


A. Better safe than sorry

B. The early bird catches the worm

C. Every dog has its day

D. Actions speak louder than words


Do you know that each day one person in the us throws away 4.4 pounds of rubbish? Several weeks ago the tv news said that in the city in Italy tons of rubbish were peeled up in the streets and smell was rather 31 . What can we do to help? We should 32 the three R's.

First, reduce. To reduce means to make 33 rubbish. That is one of the first thing we all should do for the 34 . We can reduce rubbish by doing things like picking your lunch in reusable containers(可利用的容器), Taking smaller portions at dinner. So you don't waste food when you have had enough, Writing on both sides of paper and using less water when taking a shower.

Second reuse to reuse is to use things again. Think about the bags you get from the stores 35 . can be re used to carry your lunch, to hold your rubbish, to collect use cans. 36 time you can even take them back to the store to carry your things instead of getting a new bag. It is light and takes little 37 . As bags in many stores are not Free for charge(收费), you can save money in this way!

Third, recycle. This idea. It's different from reuse. Recycling is a 38 that old products are used to make new ones. For example, you can send old clothes, broken computers or used paper products to local collection centers. With some work done, they will become part of 39 products.

Follow the three R's , and every one of us can do something to 40 the earth. It is also the best way to save ourselves.

31. A. good B. nice C. delicious D. terrible

32. A. follow B. separate C. touch D. borrow

33. A.no B. lights C. much D. feel

34. A. family B. school C. environment D. game

35. A. We B. He C. It D. They

36. A. Last B. Second C. First D. Next

37. A. filling B. pollution C. time D. space

38. A. process B. subject C. survey D. unit

39. A. new B. foreign C. dirty D. cheap

40. A. punish B. bump C. lift D. save


41. Sandy (10 years old), her parents and her young brother want to join the Family Run. How much should they pay before April 19?



C. $100

D. $105

42. Which of the following is true?

A. The cost of charity, run is all the same.

B. The charity run will end at 5 pm on April 19.

C. The charity run will be held on a Saturday.

D. Before running there will be a Family Carnival.


Imagine a bottle filled with little stones. All the stones are different shapes, colors and sizes. One or two fall out, move to different places and create new stones that look the same. The many stones left in the bottle are Africa’s population(人口), which is why Africa has the most diverse(多样性) population in the world. The one or two stones that fell out and created new stones are the populations of other parts of the world. They are less diverse. This is what happened about 80 to 100 hundred years ago, when some people left Africa and travelled to Europe and Asia.

There have been many events in history which joined different groups together and changed the genetic map of continent(大陆). One of the biggest events happened with a language groups in Africa called the Bantu. Seventy per cent of Africans belong to this group. They were farmers who moved across Africa around 5,000 years ago. When they moved, they often mixed with the local people.

Large genetic research projects in Africa that don't cost too much money as possible. If we understand the genetic map of Africa, we can understand diseases that affect(影响) Africans better. And this means we can start to develop better with of helping people of Africa in the future.

43. What is the main idea of paragraph one?

A. African people found the secret of gene.

B. Why Africa has the most diverse population.

C. People left Africa 8000 years ago.

D. Africa has stones in different shapes and sizes.

44. The writer used the examples of bantu to show that

A. genetic map of Africa didn't remain the same

B. African people love traveling

C. people of the same group used the same language

D. many Africans belonged to the Bantu

45. Which of the following shows the thinking process of the last paragraph?

A. make more possibilities→understand the genetic ma→p help more Africans

B. start more researchers→understand diseases→help more Africans

C. spend less money→start more researches,→make a better Africa

D. understand the genetic map→understand diseases→make a better Africa


If you've never heard of eight-year-old Gavin, Thomas, you aren't clearly one of his fans. He is from the us but he really hits the big time in China.

Why has Gavin become famous in China? That's because of his special smile. He first made a name for himself in the us in 2014 when short videos of him playing with his uncle Nick Mastodon became a hit online. Nick Mastodon was an internet star. He often posted short videos of government on the internet. In one of those videos, there was a gecko (壁虎)on top of Gavin's head and Gavin worn a nervous smile.

Gavin's smell became popular soon. people started to talk about it. The memes(表情包) made

with Gavin's funny smile started to show on the Internet and then they came to China. when the Chinese people saw the memes of the Gavin, they quickly fell in love with the boy and his smile.

Gavin's fans continue to create many memes with his photos, and they often use them online. They came up with a special name for Gavin——simpering boy.

Now Gavin seems to be more popular in China than in the us. He has 450,000 followers on Twitter, but he has 1.8 million full of followers on Wiebo, and the number continues to grow. When Gavin first visited Beijing in 2018, lots of his fans went to meet him excitedly.

46. The underlined words hit the big time probably mean

A. Feels comfortable

B. Lives alone

C. Studies well

D. Gets popular

47. How did Gavin become famous?

A. By shooting short videos

B. By keeping a gecko as his pet

C. By showing his funny smell

D. By playing with the Internet star

48. What did Gavin's fans do after he was popular online?

A. They used his smell to create lots of memes.

B. They took pictures of him.

C. They went to America to meet him.

D. They showed him the way in Beijing.

49. Why are Twitters and Weibo mentioned in the last paragraph?

A. To introduce Gavin's favorite websites.

B. To show Gavin's popularity in different areas.

C. To advise Gavin to post his photos on the Internet.

D. To help Gavin when popularity online.

50. What's the main idea of the passage?

A. Young people may make a difference to the world.

B. Keeping a special pet can make you famous.

C. Memes are often used on the internet.

D. An American boy has been popular because of his smile.


The story began in April 18 20, when we came to Haworth for the first time. The road to Haworth goes up a hill, and there was ice on the stones of the road. Maria, my wife, was afraid to ride up the hill in the carts.

" We will work children," she said. She was a small woman and not very strong.But she carried the baby, Anne, up the hill in her arms. I carried Emily—she was one and a half years old then. Then other worked. my two-year-old son, Patrick, walked with me, and Charlotte, who was nearly four, worked with her mother. The two oldest children—Elizabeth and Maria—run on in front. They were very excited, and laughed and talked all the way.

When we reached our house, the wind was blowing hard in our faces. My wife hurried inside and began to light fires." Do you like it, my dear?" I asked her that night, When the children were in bed. She looked pale and tired. I thought it was because of the long journey and children.

She held out her hands to the fire and said.” Of course, Patrick. It's a fine house. I do hope it will be a good home for you and children." I was a little surprised by that. "And for you, Maria,”

I said, "Don't forget yourself. You are the most important person in the world, to me."

She smiled then a lovely smile." Thank you, Patrica," she said. She was a very small woman, and she was often tired because of the children. But when she smiled at me like that, I thought she was the most beautiful woman in England.

A year and a half later,she was dead

51. How many children did the writer have?

A. Four

B. Five

C. Six

D. seven

52. What was the weather like when they went to Haworth?

A. It was warm.

B. It was raining.

C. It was cold and windy.

D. It was hot.

53. Why did they go up the hill on foot? Instead of riding up in the cart?

A. Because the whole family made the horse tired.

B. Because the children wanted to walk up the hill for fun.

C. Because the writer's wife wanted to take exercise.

D. Because it was not safe for the horses to walk up on the ice road.

54. Which of the following could NOT be the reason why the wife looked pale?

A. She didn't feel well.

B. She didn't have enough food to eat.

C. She was tired after the long journey.

D. She was busy looking after the children.

55. Which sentence shows that the wife might know she was badly ill?

A. Will work children. (Para.2)

B. My wife hurried inside and began to light fires. (Para.3)

C. I do hope it will be a good home for you and children. (Para.4)

D. She was a very small woman, and she was often tired because of the children. (Para.5)



A) 根据括号中的中文,音标或者首字母提示写出单词,使句子意思完成正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为56—60的相应位置上。注意:每空只填1个单词。

56. To ______ [?r??la?z]your dream, you need to think of a wiser way and work harder as well.

57. I used to be a moonlight clan(月光族). But now I have _____(发展,养成) a habit of saving money.

58. The _____(病人) need special care before coming back to themselves.

59. I love Hexi campus, _______(尤其) when it is in the spring with all kinds of beautiful flowers in it.

60. –Is the English test very hard?

-- Not at all. It is so s_____. I guess I can get full marks.


61. All your valuable things will ______(look) after carefully when you are travelling.

62. It is important for everyone _____(not laugh) those disabled people.

63. Any finished her paper _____(care) and made lots of spelling mistakes.

64. Mike had a _____(mean) trip to Africa, because he learnt about history and cultures of many countries.

65. It has been four months since I _____(hear) from my e-pal in the USA.


B.Mr. Wang and Ms. Liu.

A.I know that they always ___67___ when we are in trouble.

B.I can’t agree more. Last winter, I lost heart because of a terrible disease, but Ms Liu helped

me out and made me know the ___68___ of life. Now I am as happy as before.

A.How nice they are! They never ______ of their patience. Mr. Wang once explained a grammar

rule to me eight times until I understood it completely.

B.Both of them __70____ to our school life greatly and we should thank them forever.



Do you often use a cell phone? Do you take the underground to school every day? They make our modern life easier. But do you know how we should behave properly while using them? The following suggestions might be helpful.

For people who are using cellphones, don't speak loudly when you make a phone call in public. Shouting on the phone may make others feel uncomfortable. You’d better turn off your phone or turn down its sound when getting into quiet places such as the theater or the library. Beside, you are advised not to use the cell phone when having dinner with others. Don't send messages or play games because it should be a good time to communicate with your family and friends. Remember not to make or answer a call while you are driving, as it is very dangerous for both you, your passengers and others on the way.

When taking the underground, you should wait in line when you are about to buy tickets and get on the underground. No one is allowed to eat, drink or smoke on the underground train. The smell and noise may trouble others. It is our duty to keep the train clean and tidy. What’s more, it is bad for health to smoke. You can’t take pets on the train. As we all know, animals may spread diseases and get the train dirty. Besides, you’d better not lie across the underground seats even if the train is


If you want to be a volunteer, you have to a 81 the following typical questions. Do you want to work with people, animals or machines? Do you want to work indoors or outdoors directly serve people in need or serve people behind the scenes? Every year t 82 of people in the West offer volunteer service. V olunteering greatly strengthens the community because it helps the old, the young, the weak, the sick and disabled and injured two s 83 problems.

V olunteers usually help in many different ways. They may give people advice of friendship too young d 84 the clear elder to church (if up to the driving age), advise kids a 83 drugs, work as assistants in schools or nursing homes, r 86 money, plant trees, help out in local libraries and do many other things. Volunteering can be a few hours a week or a few hours a month. A 87 who wants to serve people in need can become a volunteer.

In fact, the art of volunteering. It's a process of both giving and r 88 . Volunteering allows volunteers to meet new people, make new friends and mix with people from all walks of life. Volunteering is an excellent way to experiment and t 89 out new techniques and skill, discover your individual talents and explore career choice. Being a volunteer will take you on a wonderful journey and help you learn more than w 90 you can get from books.


青少年是祖国的未来,也是城市的名片。在创建全国文明城市的过程中,南京市举办了‘美德少年‘的评选活动。假如你是美德少年的争创者,请根据下列表格的提示,以‘Be a virtue teenager, build a civilized city’ 为题,用英语写一份倡议书,号召同学们积极争做‘美德少年‘,





Be a virtue teenager, build a civilized city

Being a teenager of Nanjing, what should we do to help build a civilized city?


单项选择:16—20 DDCAA 21—25 DBBDA 26—30 CADBC

完形填空:31—35 DABCD 36—40 DDAAD

阅读理解:41—42 AC 43—45 BAD 46—50 DCABD 51—55 CCDBC

填空:56 realize 57 developed 58 patients 59 especially 60 simple 61 be looked 62 not to laugh 63 carelessly 64 meaningful 65 heard 66 proud 67 giving a helping hand 68 purpose 69 run out 70 make a difference


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