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• 2) We can allow/grant/offer you a special discount of 2% on orders exceeding $5000 in value.
• 3) Thank you for your enquiry of July 8. Now we are offering you 300 dozen cotton blouses at US$120 per dozen CIF New York for prompt/immediate shipment, subject to your reply reaching here on or before July 25.
We have been manufacturing a great variety of toys for many years, and our products sell well in many countries. As you know, it is our policy to trade with the people of all countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefits. We believe we shall be able to promote friendship and business by joint efforts.
On orders exceeding $5000, we will allow a special discount of 3%.
Look forward to your order.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your letter of May 13.
We appreciate the good quality of your products, but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side even for suitcases of this quality. To accept the prices you quote would leave us with only a small profit in our sales.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your inquiry of May 11 for our leather suitcases.
We are pleased to offer you 800 pieces leather suitcases at US$45.00 per piece CIF London, for shipment in August.
Your company has been recommended to us by Global Trading Co., with whom we have done business for several years.
We specialize in the import and export of children toys, and are much interested in your electronic toys. Would you please send us the brochures or catalogues of your products? We shall be glad to study the sales possibilities in our market.
Yours sincerely,
Chapter Three Offer and Its Replies
• 1)我方报价有效期至2009年12月31日。 在收到订单后45天可以装运,支付方式 为不可撤销的即期信用证。
• 2)由于目前日本厂商的销售代表在市场 非常活跃,如果你方不降低价格,想要 维持以前的销售量是非常困难的。如果 销售量增加,我们会与你方再次联系。
needs your immediate payment. 5) Hopefully, I’ll be able to place an order if the queries are
satisfactorily answered.
Dear Sirs:
Much as we should like to accept your order of 23 Sept. for black gloves, we cannot see our way to do this. Due to difficulties in dyeing, black gloves are temporarily out of stock. We can provide you with red and gray gloves from stock, both of which are very stylish, but slightly different in price. The lowest price we can quote is RMB¥ 38 per pair CIF Guangzhou. We await your favorable reply with great interest.
We are sending you a full set of brochures of our products and our latest price list. Please let us know what articles you are interested in.
Your early reply will be highly appreciated.
• 2) We are interested in /have read with interest your advertisement in the latest issue of Electronics. We would be grateful if you could send your latest catalogue for our reference.
• 4) Thank you for your enquiry of April 21. Now we are enclosing our latest/current price list.
• 5) As you request, we have sent our samples separately. We can supply most items from stock, and will have no trouble in making delivery on time.
3) 我们的客户有信心将会为你方产品找到好的销路。 4) 如果货物不能按时装运,我们将取消订单。 5) 考虑到你方大量的订货,我们破例同意给你3%的
C-E Translation
1) We have many suppliers in hand who can supply us with the goods you ordered.
We look forward to you来自百度文库 early reply.
Yours truly,
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your letter of February 12, and we shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company.
• 3)由于纯棉衬衫价格有上涨趋势,我们 不再进行生产了。现在我方的服装均为 化纤与棉混纺,其结实耐用,无需熨烫, 图案变化多样。
• 4)关于第100号物品,由于另一供货商 对同质商品的报价比你方低3%,我方无 法向你方订购。
• 5)由于我方以这一价格在你方市场达成 的交易非常广泛,我们很抱歉不能接受 你方的还盘。我们希望你方能重新考虑 此事,并尽快告知我们你方的决定。
We like the quality of your goods, and welcome the opportunity to do business with you. May we suggest that you could make some allowance on your quoted prices that would help to introduce your goods to our customers.
• 3) There is a great demand in our country for Chinese cotton fabrics. We would appreciate it if you could quote us your competitive price for quantity available at present.
We look forward to your early reply.
Yours sincerely,
Chapter Four Order
E-C Translation
1) 由于卖货太多,抱歉我方不能考虑接受标题项下 货物的任何新的订单。
2) 我们用航空邮件给你们寄去了我们的售货确认书 一式两份。
• 1) We are an exclusive exporter of parts and components of various types of motorcycles in this district and would take the liberty to send our latest quotation sheet for your reference. We hope you will find it interesting.
• 5)我们已另函邮寄了广告物品及我方备有 其他品牌物品的样本。由于我方广告引起 了很大的反响,因此特督促你方尽早订购。
• 1) We specialize in the import and export of medical equipment for many years. Our products enjoy great popularity all over the world.
2) We enclose a trial order. If the quality is up to our expectation, we shall send further orders in the near future.
3) We have already cut down our price to the cost level. 4) We feel sorry to remind that this outstanding Order No…
Chapter Two Enquiry
• 1)如果你方产品质优价廉,我们就很有可 能说服我方客户订购。
• 2)你方是否可以向我方报以含运费及保费 的价格,并告知交货时间?
• 3)为更好地了解你方产品,我们想要一些 你方产品的样本,用来进行检验及测试。
• 4)应你方要求,我们很高兴对200打钢制 叉子进行报价,品质与发给你方的样品一 致,每打5美元,墨尔本到岸价,可立即装 运。
• 4) We accept your offer subject to quality guaranteed equal to the sample.
• 5) We are sorry to inform you that your price is not attractive enough to our clients.