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A: 对教学法产生影响的三种语言观
• Structural view结构主义:语言是用来表达 一定意义的结构系统。
• Functional view功能主义:语言是表达功能 的载体。
• Interactional view相互作用理论:语言是人 际关系和进行个人之间的社会交往工具。
The impact of Chomsky’s theory on language teaching
➢One influential idea is that students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules.
Conclusions of the task
• People learn languages in different ways; • People have different understandings about
language learning; and • People have different capabilities in language
• According to the theory: Forms of behaviour such as motions, habits, etc. are seen as elements that can be observed and measured.
• “You can train an animal to do anything (within reason) if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement.” (Harmer. 1983:30)
Behaviourist Model (B. F. Skinner)
Stimulus → Organism → Response Behavior
Reinforcement (behavior likely to
occur again and become a habit)
No Reinforcement (behavior not likely
to occur again )
Pavlov: stimulus → response Skinner: stimulus → response → reinforcement. Language is also a form of behaviour.
Innatist Model
Cognitive psychology; Universal grammar N. Chomsky • Chomsky’s question: If all language is a learned
behaviour, how can a child produce a sentence that has never been said by others before? • Universal grammar • One influential idea is that students should be allowed to create their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules.
C. 三种有代表性的教学法
• (1) Audio-Lingual Approach Behaviourist Brooks (1964)
• (2) Natural Approach Innatist Krashen & Terrell (1983)
• (3) Collaborative and Cooperative Approach Interactionist Nunan (1992)
关于个体的语言是如何获得的,由于不同的研究者 强调了不同的因素,于是形成了不同的语言获得的理 论。
语言习得பைடு நூலகம்式
(1) Behaviourist Model Behavioural psychology Operant conditioning B. F. Skinner
(2) Innatist Model Cognitive psychology Universal grammar N. Chomsky
(3) Interactionist Model Sociocultural theory Zone of proximal development J. Piaget,L. Vygotsky,J. Bruner
The Behaviourist theory
• Watson an Raynor: a stimulus-response theory of psychology
How do we learn language?
1. What difficulties did you experience in language learning?
2. Did you focus on knowledge or skills? Why? 3. Why did you learn the foreign languages? 4. What were your most common learning
• behaviorist 刺激形成语言习惯
• cognitive / mentalist / Innatist 先天因素对语言的影响
• humanistic 人际关系和个人情感因素语言习得的影响
Views on the nature of language have an impact on the teaching / learning method of a person.