当前位置:文档之家› 赖世雄初级美语讲解修正第一版



Lesson 1 Self Introduction

The lesson is very good. Lesson one lesson two

“My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. I come from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two old brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family.”

Part one 第一部分reading 阅读My bicycle my home

What’s your name, please? Open the door, please. My name is Peter.

Call me, please. Call me when you have time. Give me a call when you have time. 8:18

I am ten years old. He is one year old.

I am twenty years of age. I am twenty. How old are you?

I am a Chinese. 名词中国人I am Chinese. 形容词中国人的

American 美国人(名词)He is an American. He is American. 美国人的(形容词)

This is a book. I come from Guangdong. He comes from Sichuan. I am from Beijing.

Where are you from? Where do you come from?

I am from Beijing. I come from Beijing. 18:56

There is a book on the desk. 有……. There is a cat in the room.

People 两个人以上才能用一个人用one person Two persons 两个人= two people Three people four people

I have a book. He has a book. 主语有思想,有生命

25:09 Substitutions

Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You

“HI! My name is Mike. Hi! I’m Nancy. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from? I’m from Shanghai. And you? I’m from Chicago. ” 1:31

Hi! I am Mike. I’m Mike. HI! There. 嗨!你好。

I see a man there. Hello! I am John/Peter/Mary. Hello! I’m Peter. Hello! I’m Mary.

How do you do! 你好!How do you do! 正式场合用

How are you? I’m fine. Thank you. 比较熟时用

He is nice. This man is nice. 6:16

(It is) Nice to meet you. (I’m) Pleased to meet you. (I’m) Glad to meet/see you.

Pleased 感到高兴的

I am a student. He is a student, too. He can sing. I can (sing), too. 12:24

Where do you come from? And you? = and where are you from? And那么

I come from Chicago.

Hi! My name is David. Hi! I’m Mary. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 16:44

KK. system 美式音标

What do your friends call you? My friends call me Jonny.

How old are you? I am twenty-eight years old. I am twenty-eight years of age.

Are you Chinese? Yes, I am Chinese.

How many people are there in your family? There are six people in my family.

How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have two brothers and one sister.

Where are you from? I am from Beijing.

There’s a man/boy/woman there. There are five Chinese there.

Lesson 3 My Family

Lesson three "My family" family 家庭,家人How many people are there in your family? There are three people in my family.

“My father is a teacher. He works during the day. My mother is a nurse. She works at night. They only see each other on the weekends. My brothers, my sister and I don't work. We are students. Because my parents have to work, We do the housework. But we never complain. ” 2:16

My father is an English teacher. John is a student. He goes to school every day.

Mary is a student. She goes to school every day.

Mrs. Wang is our teacher. She is very beautiful.

During the month. He is busy during the month. 7:35

During the day/mouth/year during the day=by day 白天

He teaches during the day. He teaches at night. Evening 晚上in the evening=at night=by night

He teaches in the evening. She works in the evening.

Each other 彼此(两个人)They love each other. My father and my mother love each other. One another 三个以上的彼此Those kids love one another.

On the weekends每逢周末on the weekend 这个周末

I'll go to the movies on the weekend. 看电影I'll go to the movies with Mary on the weekend. We are not going to spend any money.

I go to the movies on the weekends. 16:45

On Monday I go to school. On Friday I go to school.

He and I love music. 表示礼貌把I放后面。There's a big mountain there.

Because so 只能用一个,两个句子中只能有一个连词。

Don't complain about life. 不要抱怨人生。

Lesson 4 What Do You Do?

Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧。原句应为Practice makes what you do perfect

Lesson four "What do you do?" What is this? What can you do?

What do you like? What does he like? What does he do? 8:16

“What do you do, Jenny? I'm a secretary. And you? I'm a construction worker. Do you like your work? Yes, I do. How about you? Well, I want to be an actress. ”

What does she/he do? What does your father/mother do? I am a teacher. I am a soldier.

I am a farmer. I am a businessman. 12:20

And you? = and what do you do? 避免重复

How are you, Peter? Fine. Thank you. And you? = and how are you?

I can't wait to see her. 我巴不得马上见她。I can't w ait to…… 等不及W--double u

I cannot wait to…..巴不得I can't wait to teach you this word.

The building is under construction. 大楼正在建。Many buildings are under construction.

Do you like this movie? Do you like him? Yes, I do. No, I don't.

He studies hard. Does he study hard? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.

Does she like her work? How about? = and you?

Are you a student? Well…….I … Yes, I am a student, but I don't like to study. 22:45

I don't like my work. 23:08

Blank 空格we are not busy. I am busy. He is busy. I am busy on the weekends.

He is busy during the day. My mother is busy at night.

I want to be a teacher.

Lesson 5 Tony And His Family

Lesson five "Tony and his family"

“I have a good friend. His name is Tony. He has an old sister. Her name is Tina. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wang. Tony also has a dog. Its name is Rover. The Wangs are my neighbors. We live on the same street. The Wangs are very nice. I am lucky because the Wangs are such good neighb ors. ”

I have a girlfriend. She has a boyfriend. There is a boy in the room. 6:00

He is a student. His brother is a student, too. Younger sister/brother

older sister elder sister英式用法She is my elder sister. He is my old brother.

Too通常放句尾,前面要加逗号。Also 用于句子中间。I am a boy. He is a boy, too.

I am a boy. He is also a boy. Tony has a dog, too.

Rover 到处流浪的人 A rover is a person who keeps traveling around. He doesn't want to settle down.

在姓氏的复数前加the表示这家人,或这对夫妻。The Lais will be here tomorrow.

The Wangs = the Wang family I live there. I live here.

Don't run in the street. 不要在街上跑

On the street 在街道in the street 在街道中间We live on the same street.

I live on that street. He is very nice to me.

Lesson 6 Is This Your Dog?

Lesson six "Is this your dog?"

“Is this your dog? Yes, it is. Why? Well, your dog chases my cat. Oh, I'm sorry. Please keep your dog on a leash. Yes, Ma'am. ” 1:31

This dialogue involves two people. One is Mrs. Lee. And the other is Tony.

Are you a student? You are a student. Is he a teacher? He is a teacher.

This is a book. Is this a book? This is your dog.

Why did you ask me a question like this? He speaks English very well.

How are you getting along? Would you like to go to the movies tonight? Well, I can't. 10:26 Oh, sorry. Ouch! 哎呦Oh, (I'm) sorry.

Keep your dog on a leash, please. Open the door, please. He is a man. Madam = ma'am

Is that your cat? Is this your dog? Are you a student? Is he a teacher?

Please keep your dog on a leash. 18:04

Blank 空格we all like him.

Lesson 7 Tony And Tina

Lesson seven "Tony and Tina"

“Tony and Tina are very different. Tony likes music. Tina doesn't. Tony is an athlete. Tina isn't. On the other hand, Tina likes movies, but Tony doesn't. She is a good student, but he isn't. Tony and

Tina are brother and sister, but are they alike? No, they aren't. They're very different. ” 2:09

She is very beautiful. That's very good.

Now it is different from the past.今时不同往日。Different from 与。。。不同

John is different from Mary. John is a boy. Mary is a girl. Heavy metal 重金属rap饶舌歌

I don't like music. He doesn't like music. He likes music. He studies. He does not study.

I like Mary. I do not like Mary. He likes music. I don't. He likes Mary. I don't.

He studies. I don't. He is a student. I am not (a student). I am a student. He isn't. 12:35

I have two hands.

He doesn't speak English. His English is poor. On the other hand, his Spanish is good.

He and I are teacher and student.

He and I are alike. Alike 前用复数,主语必须是2个以上。

He is a student. Is he a student? Are you happy? 21:40

He does not like music. He doesn't like music.

He is a musician. He is not a musician. He isn't a musician.

Does he like music? No, he doesn't. Yes, he does.

Does he speak English? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.

Do you speak English? Yes, I do. No, I don't.

Lesson 8 Do You Speak Spanish?

Lesson eight Do you speak Spanish?

"Do you speak Spanish? No, I don't. Does he speak Spanish? Yes, he does. Is he from Spain? No, he isn't. He's from Mexico. " 1:18

He speaks Chinese (very well). Does he speak Chinese? Portugal 葡萄牙

Portuguese 1 葡萄牙人,葡萄牙语2葡萄牙人的,葡萄牙语的,葡萄牙的

I live here. He lives here. Leave 离开Does he live here? Do you live here?

He has a bicycle. Bi--两个cycle--轮子I have a bicycle. You have a bicycle.

Do you have a bicycle? Yes, I do. No, I don't. Does he have a bicycle?

She is beautiful. Is she beautiful? Does he speak English? Is he from Guangdong/Sichuan?

He comes from Guangdong. Does he come from Guangdong?

Are you from Beijing? Yes, I am. No, I'm not. I'm from Shandong.

Does he come from Spain? No, he doesn't. He comes from Mexico.

Peace 和平stand up 站起来20:08

Blank filling Perhaps Bob is the older brother. Whereas Carl is the younger brother.

I am quiet.

Lesson 9 A Busy Family

Lesson nine Excuse me. How do you read this word? Are you busy? No. I am not.

I am free. I'm free now. I'm not busy.

“It's a busy day at the Wangs' house. Mr. Wang is fixing his bike. Mrs. Wang is writing a letter. Tina is reading a book. Tony is exercising. Even the dog is busy. It's chasing a cat. The cat is running for its life. The Wangs' are busy, but they're having fun. ” 3:18

I have a dog. It is called John. What time is it by your watch? 根据It's 5 now.

It is windy today. He can fix the bicycle/bike. I am studying (now). 12:45

He writes very well. He speaks English. He exercises every day.

Even he can do it. What is the dog doing? What are you doing? I am studying.

I have some money. I am having breakfast. I am having fun. 我正玩得愉快。I love you.

What is Mr. Wang doing?

What are you doing? I am jogging.

Lesson 10 What are you doing?

What are you doing? I am writing a letter. I am reading a book. I am watching TV/television. "Betty and Bob are talking on the telephone. Hi, Bob. What are you doing? I'm watching TV. How about you? I'm doing my homework. You are a good student, Betty. " 2:40

I like to talk with him. He is humorous. 幽默的witty 机智的,诙谐的He is witty.

We're talking about you/Mary. What are you doing? I am writing a letter.

I am studying. What is he doing? He is jogging.

What is she doing? She is reading a magazine. 9:30

I'm watching television. How about you? = and you?

How are you getting along? Fine, thank you. How about you? And you? So-so, I guess.

You are a good student, and I'm not. That's a new bicycle.

She is beautiful. She is a student. We are students. I am here. 我在这里He is there.

They are in the room. He is singing in the park.

That is the name of the dog. The dog is called Rover. What is Rover doing?

Have fun 玩得开心

Lesson 11 My Foreign Classmates

Lesson eleven my foreign classmates we are in the same class, so he is my classmate.

He is my schoolmate. we are in the same school. 3:19

“There are several foreign students in my class. John is an American. He's from the United States. Laura is Spanish. She's from Spain. Chen and Huang are Chinese, but they are not from China. They're from Malaysia. They're overseas Chinese. We're from different countries, but we all get along well. ” 4:45

This lesson is about a few classmates of mine. They're foreign students. They're in the same class as I do.

I see a boy there. I have a boyfriend. He has a cat. There is a bird in the tree.

American作名词时可数One American two Americans There are three Americans there. American作形容词表示国籍,更常用I am Chinese. 作形容词I am a Chinese. 作名词There are three Chinese there. Spaniard 西班牙人He is a Spaniard. They are Spaniards. Though she is beautiful, I don't like her. Though she is beautiful, but I don't like her.(错)只能用一个连词

We all love music. We all like it. All 都三人以上用

Both 都两个人We both like it. We get along well. We don't get along well. Swedish 瑞典人的he's Swedish.

Lesson 12 Where's Chen From?


"Where's Chen from? He's from Malaysia. Really? He looks Chinese. As a matter of fact, he is Chinese, but he really is from Malaysia. That's very interesting. " 2:27

Where does he come from? Where's Mary from? Where's she from? Where's John from? Where's he from? Where are you from? Where does Mary/John/he/she come from?

Where do you come from? I come from Spain. I am from Spain.

Where does he/she come from? He/she comes from Spain.

Where is he/she from? He's from Spain. 8:31

Look 看起来,后面接形容词。He is polite. He looks nice. You look healthy.

He looks American. She looks angry. You look happy.

His English is very good. As a matter of fact, he is an English teacher.

Confuse 使……混乱confusing 令人迷惑

His question is confusing. Well, the question is confusing.

Confused 感到迷惑I am confused.

Interest I am interested in this lesson.

形容词后用现在分词ing 令人……的

后用过去分词ed 感到……的主语一般是人

Brazilian 名词巴西人a Brazilian two Brazilians




Lesson 13 Nobody Is At Home

Practice makes perfect. Practice makes (whatever you do) perfect.

Thirteen 13 "Nobody is at home."

“Nobody is at home at the Wang's house. Mr. Wang is working in his office. Mrs. Wang is shopping at the supermarket. Tony is sitting on the bus. He's on his way to the gym. Tina is studying at the library. Rover is not at home, either. It's running around the neighborhood. It's not chasing Mrs. Lee's cat. It's chasing Mrs. Lee.” 3:29

It's a piece of cake. 简单得很啊。小菜一碟。As long as you have patience, and, well, we called, determination, I'll say mastering English is not difficult. 6:00

Nobody knows the answer. Nobody can do it. Nobody likes him.

At the train station at the post office at 在小地点Nobody is at home now. Somebody is at home now. I am writing a letter. He is singing. He is sleeping.

I love you. I have some money. Have dinner I am having dinner now.

Mr. Wang is working in his office. In强调在里面,不强调里面也可用at

He is working at his office. I'll see you at the station. 我在车站见你。(可能在里面,也可能在外面)I'll see you in the station. 我在车站里面见你。

My father works every day. I walk around when I have time. I like to walk in the country.

There is a shop there. He is shopping. They are shopping at the supermarket.

He is shopping for something.

On the bus. In the bus 区别,taxi比较小,坐进去站不起来,就用in He is in the car/taxi. Bus, plane, train 大,可以走来走去,所以用on。He is on the train/ship.

Tony is dancing on the bus. 19:46


I am on my way to school. He is on his way to the supermarket. He is studying English. Not…., either. 也不用于否定句neither前必须有not He is nice. You are nice, too.

He is not nice. You are not nice, either. There is a school/library in my neighborhood.

I can do it. I cannot do it.

Lesson 14 Why Are You Smiling?

Hi, everybody! Glad to see you on the air again. 广播中,在空中in the air 在空气中

The program is on the air now. lesson fourteen Why are you smiling? 4:06

"Why are you smiling? I'm thinking about school. Why does that make you smile? Because there is no school tomorrow. Oh, I see. Now you're smiling, too!"

What is he doing? Why are you studying English? Why is she crying?

Giggle 咯咯笑The girl is giggling at you. Laugh 大笑。Laugh at嘲笑He is laughing at you. Don't laugh at me. I go to school every day. 上学,不加冠词the

Go to the school 去学校(不一定上学)think about 想到I'm thinking about Mary.

I'm thinking about my father. What are you thinking now?

I'm thinking about my friend, John. What is he thinking? (问句不要加about)

Why do you study English? Father makes me study English every day.

I am busy today. Today I am busy. I'll see you tomorrow.

I see = I understand. Why is he crying? Well, he has lost his money. Oh, I see. 21:19


1、B homework 家庭作业(不可数)

2、D You must be quiet at the library. 安静

3、A I'm studying at the library. Study 为功课而读书而read就是读书

Lesson 15 Mrs. Lee's Kitchen

Hi, everybody! This is Peter. Glad to see you on the air again. Lesson fifteen, " Mrs. Lee's Kitchen"

“There are mice in Mrs. Lee's kitchen! There's a mouse on the kitchen table. There's a mouse behind the stove. There are mice next to the refrigerator, under the sink and inside the cupboard! Why isn't Mrs. Lee's cat catching the mice? Because it's in a tree. It's staring at Rover with fear and shaking like a leaf. ”

There is a watch on the desk. mice老鼠(复数)mouse 老鼠(单数)

There's a mouse. There are two mice. Rat 大老鼠

On 在….上面(接触表面)There's a book on the desk. Don't walk. Stop there.

There's a dog behind the door. There's a tree behind the house.

There is a library behind our school. There's a mouse next to the refrigerator. 11:39

He sits next to me. There's a department store next to the post office.

There's a library next to our school. Fridge 冰箱(美语) Sean 肖恩(人名)

Why doesn't he read English? Why isn't he studying? Why aren't you writing a letter?

Don't stare at me like that. He is staring at Lucy. He's smiling at Lucy.

He's shaking like a leaf. 23:00

To the right of 在右方to the left of 在左方on the right of

on the right of 是指在右边的,紧挨着;to the right of 指在右边的,有距离的

I can do it. I cannot do it.

Lesson 16 Where Are My Keys

Hello, everybody! This is Peter Lai. Glad to see you on the air again.

"Where are my keys? I don't know. Are they on the dresser? No, they aren't. Are they under the bed? No. Oh, here they are. Where? In my pocket. " 1:37

This is a very short dialogue between Nick and Sandy.

He is nice. Is he nice? Where is he? Where do you live? Where do you study English? What is the key to success? I've lost the key to the room.

What's the key to success? Hard work is the key to success.

There's a dog under the table. There's a book on the desk?

Where's John? Here he is. I've been looking for him. Here you are.

I've just lost my pen. I can't find it. I don't know where it is. Where's my pen? Oh, here it is. (They are) in my pocket. Let's go to bed. 睡觉。注意bed前不能加定冠词the,否则就不是睡觉的意思。Go to the bed 到床前。Go to school上学He goes to school every day.

He doesn't go to school on Sundays. He is busy on Sundays. 13:33

You should go to bed. It's late. It is five. It is Sunday. He has some pocket money every day.

练习20:25 We have an exercise here. We have a test here.

1,C There is a school to the right of the post office. There is a bank to the left of the post office. Bill is sitting next to Mary. There is a library next to our school. 23:11

2,A is 和not如果分开,not要放在主语后。Why is she not washing the dishes? 啰嗦Why isn't she washing the dishes? Why is she washing the dishes? Why is he writing a letter?

3,B Larry is standing to the left of Mary and Jane.

4,D play basketball play baseball

Lesson 17 My Hometown

Hi, everybody! This is Peter. Glad to be on the air again. Lesson seventeen, " my hometown"

A small town Where is your hometown. It's far away from here. It's Nanning. Nanning is my hometown. It's in Guangxi. 1:58

“My hometown is not very modern, but it's beautiful. There is a big park in the center of my home town. There is also a swimming pool there. It is next to the park. My school is across from the swimming pool. They are all near my home. In fact, there is no place like my hometown. ”

Though although虽然Though he is nice, I don't like him. He is nice, but I don't like him. Though my hometown is not very modern, it's beautiful. 5:32

There is a pen on the desk. There is a dog behind the door.

There is a big tree in the center of our school. He is writing a letter.

There is a dog there. The dog is mine. It's called Rover. There is a cat/boy/school there.

Also 也习惯在句中使用,在be动词后。There is a swimming pool there, too.

Suppose you have a chance to write an English letter. you should know what to do. 13:17

Let's go swimming/hunting/dancing this afternoon. I'm not going to go dancing with you.

Well, I'm too fat. There is a library next to our school. It is next to the park.

My school is across from the post office. Where is your school?

My school is across from the bank. My school is next to the post office.

He is at the station. In fact = as a matter of fact

In fact, he is nice. As a matter of fact, he is nice.

He is honest. In fact, he never lies. 22:12

Like 前面有主语时,当“喜欢”讲,I like him. 在be动词或名词后,当“像”讲He is like me. He is like my young brother. There is no one like my brother. 24:47

Lesson 18 Is It near the Post Office

Hello! This is Peter. Glad to be on the air again. This is Peter Lai. That is my English name. Actually , I am Laishixiong. Very happy to meet you on the air. Let's open our books to page seventy-four. And now we have this lesson. This is very interesting lesson. Lesson eighteen, "Is it near the post office? "

How old are you? Well, I am eighteen (years old).

"Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the train station, please? Sure. It's only three blocks down the street. Is it near the post office? No. it's next to the fire station. Oh, I see. Thanks. You're welcome." 2:56

At time, I was very shy. I dare not talk to any foreigner. Perhaps somebody's reading a newspaper. Excuse me. 引起人注意I'm sorry. 给人造成不变时用。I've hurt you. 我弄痛了你。Excuse me. Can you tell/show me the way to the library, please? Once again 再来一遍Could you show/tell me the way to the train station, please?

I think Johnny is very nice. Is he very nice? Sure/yes. He is. It refers to the train station. 指的是Let's go down the street. 13:07

Walk down Let's walk down the street. It's not far away.

Where's the park? It's far away from here. Where do you live? I live near the school.

I see = I understand. Why is Mary crying? Well, she's just lost her dog. Oh, I see. Now I understand why Mary is crying. Thanks. Thank you very much. 更客气。

You're not welcome here. 你在这里不受欢迎了You lie. You don't study. 19:05

Thank you very much for your help. Don't mention it. 20:49

In town Is he in town? No, he is not. He is out of town. Town前习惯上不加定冠词

Lesson 19 I Have Two Friends

Hi, everybody! This is Peter Lai again on the air. Lesson nineteen

How old are you? I am nineteen (years old). One friend two friends I have many friends. “I have two friends. One is short, and the other is tall. My short friend is fat, bald and ugly, but his girlfriend is beautiful. My tall friend is handsome, intelligent and strong, but his girlfriend is ugly. Oh, one more thing: my short friend is rich, but my tall friend is poor. ” 2:51

The girl is beautiful. It is hot today. I am here. He is at the station. I am a student.

He is a teacher. He is my friend. He must be very nice.

He is friendly, so he has many friends. Friendly adj.友善的How many friends do you have?

One …the other 用时限于2者一个…. 另一个….. 前面有two

I have two younger brothers. One likes music, and the other likes to watch TV/television.

He doesn't sing very well, but he likes to sing when he's taking a bath. 9:38

I have two bicycles. One is white, and the other is black.

She is short. She is not tall. She is tall and I am short. Helpful乐于助人的

She is beautiful, friendly and helpful. The man over there is ugly. 16:35

The girl is beautiful. You cannot say the man is beautiful. Handsome 潇洒,英俊

Pretty 漂亮的she is pretty. My sister is pretty. She is beautiful.

That explains everything. We can tell why this short friend has a girlfriend that she is very beautiful. Just because he is rich. (There is) one more thing.

He is rich, but he's not happy. I'm poor, but I am happy.

His English is poor. His English is not good. 23:33

The baby is cute. We should be polite.

Lesson 20 She is Beautiful.

Hi, everybody! This is Peter Lai. Glad to be on the air again. On page ninety, we have this lesson, lesson Twenty "She is beautiful" 1:04

"Wow! Who is that lady next to Bob? She's pretty. Do you really think so? Sure. Look at her lovely blond hair and blue eyes. You’re right. She is beautiful. Well, who is she? She's my mother. "

He lives in town. That's wonderful. What do you think of this movie? Wow! It's wonderful. Next to 在…隔壁I live next to the post office. Our school is next to the post office. 5:36 Who is that boy there? Who is that boy in the room?

Your sister is pretty. She is beautiful. Do you think so? He is nice. He is really nice.

I really think that John is a nice boy. Do you really think so? Is he really nice? 8:56

It's a fine day today. Do you really think so? Yes, I do. I think so.

Study harder. Open the door. Do you see him there? Do you see the man there?

Please look at him. Do you see a girl there? Do you see the man there? Yes, I do.

Look at 注意看到see 一时看到

Look at him/her. Hair 头发, (不可数)hairs 各种毛发

There you again.你又来这一套。


1,C I have two friends. One is a teacher, and the other is a musician. A college student

I have three friends. One is a teacher, another is a soldier, and the other is a musician.

4,B one more 再来一个two more 再来2个three more

Can I have one more cup of coffee? Can I have two more cups of coffee?

5,D look into 调查(案件)look into the case.

Lesson 21 I Don't Know Anyone

Twenty-one 21 hyphen 连字号-

“I don't know anyone at this party. There's a strange man. He has a big nose and small ears. I don't know him. There are two women. They're wearing glasses. I don't know them, either. There's a cute young girl. She has long hair and fair skin. She's dancing with someone. I like her, but everyone else

does, too. ” 2:36

I know him. I know the girl. I am strong. I am not strong. Are you strong? Yes. I am.

She is beautiful. She is not beautiful.

I really can do it. I can do it. I cannot do it.

I will do it later/tomorrow. I will not do it tomorrow.

I don't like her. He doesn't like me. Anybody = anyone 10:12

I can't do anything. Just because I'm not strong. I can do something. I'll talk to someone. Someone = somebody I'll see you at the station. He is strange. He never talks.

Nosy 爱包打听的He is nosy. 他爱打听闲事。Don't be so nosy.

She is a wonderful woman. Glass 前加数字指玻璃杯 a glass two glasses

There are five glasses on the table. There is a glass on the table. A pair of glasses 一副眼镜Two pairs of glasses He'll give me a pair of glasses. A piece of glass一块玻璃

Two pieces of glass 两块玻璃either 也,用于否定句

She is not beautiful and you’re not beautiful, either. Too,也用于肯定句

She is beautiful. You are beautiful, too.

The baby is cute. The dog is cute. White 白色的

Her skin is fair. He studies hard. I do, too. 25:47

She is thin. I am fat.

Lesson 22 Do You Want to Dance

Lesson Twenty-two "do you want to dance?"

"Hello. Do you want to dance? No, thanks. Do you want a drink? No, thank you. What do you want?

I just want you to go away. "

This is a dialogue, a very short dialogue between Bob and Jane.

Hello! This is Peter Lai. May I speak to John Smith?

I want to see him now. I want to go to the movies. Let's go to the movies tonight.

I want to talk to him. I want to study now. I want to watch TV. 5:34

The little boy wants more toys. I want you to clean my bicycle. I want you to write this letter. Love letter 情书I want him to write this letter for me.

He wants me to mail the letter for him. 9:35

I want candy. 糖果I want to go to the movies tonight. I want him to mail the letter.

Do you want to sing/go? I don't want to see you. I only want you to go away.

Just leave me alone. 不要管我。14:55

Go away. I don't want to see you, Please. Please go away. Just leave me alone.

I am thirsty. I feel thirsty. Thirty 30 I am thirty. 我30岁

I want to drink some water. I want to get some water to drink. 18:52

I want a drink after work. 20:51


1,A I don't know anybody here. Anyone = anybody I know someone here.

Someone = somebody. Somebody can do it. Umbrella

I don't like this umbrella. Give me another one. The other 与one连用,前面句中有two

I have two friends. One is a teacher. And the other is a soldier.

2,C He is polite. She is also polite. Also不用于省略句,同时一般用于肯定句中

3,D He studies hard. I do, too. He is nice. I am, too. He can do it. I can, too.

4,D anyone = anybody 在肯定句中强调“任何人” 在否定句中与not连用

Lesson 23 The Book Is Mine

Twenty-three hyphen 连字号-

“This is my English book. It belongs to me. It is mine. That is your English book. It belongs to you. It is yours. Those books aren't ours. They belong to those boys over there. They are theirs. Why do we all have different books? Because we belong to different classes. ” 3:56

This is my bicycle. This is my watch. This is my pen. This is my book. This is my car.

That is my car. That is my book. This English book is mine.

You belong to me. I belong to you, too. She belongs to me.

I'm sorry, but it is mine.

It is your book. = It is yours.

名词性物主代词yours ours

This is her pen. This pen is hers.

This is its tail. This tail is its. This is our car. This car is ours. This is your car. This car is yours. This is their car. This car is theirs.

They belong to those boys (over) there. 强调作用,可省略

There is a boy/car (over) there. There is a little boy (over) there.

We are over here. = We are here.

He is a student. Is he a student? He can do it. Can he do it? He studies hard.

Does he study hard? We all like him. All 三个以上都

both 两个都We both like/love music.

Lesson 24 It's Mine


"Whose test paper is this? It's mine, Ma'am. And whose test paper is this? It's Tony's, ma'am.

And why are your answers exactly the same as his? Because Tony has eyes in the back of his head." Well. This is very short dialogue between the teacher and Bob.

He is my teacher. He is my English teacher. My English teacher is Mr. Wang.

The test paper is mine. It belongs to me. He is a man. Examination 大考,正式的考试

We will have an examination tomorrow. We will have a test tomorrow. 小考

Quiz 抽考Now let's have a quiz. 10:12

Whose bicycle is this? This is Peter's bicycle. It's Peter's.

Whose pen is this? It's John's pen. It's John's.

My bicycle is exactly the same as his. His bicycle is exactly the same as mine.

My bicycle is exactly the same as yours.



1,C that 那个指比较远的地方this 这个,指比较近的

3,B a pair of shoes He will buy a pair of shoes/glasses/trousers for me. A pair of socks

Lesson 25 My Father

Hello! This is Peter. Glad to be on the air again. lesson 25. "My father" my mother

“My father does the same thing every morning. He g ets up at six o'clock. He washes, brushes his teeth and combs his hair. Then, he puts on his clothes and eats breakfast. At six-thirty he listens to the news on the radio. At exactly seven o'clock he leaves the house. My father has very regular habits. ”

This is a lesson about my father. 2:20

They do the same thing every morning. I do the same thing every morning.

Every morning my father does the same thing. He comes here every afternoon.

He listens to music every night/evening.

When does he get up every morning? When do you get up every morning?

I get up at six o'clock every morning. When do you go to bed every night?

I go to bed at ten o'clock every night. Go to the bed 到床边去go to bed 睡觉

When do you get up in the morning? I get up at six o'clock in the morning.

O'clock 通常可省略face hand hands He washes.

I brush my teeth every morning. 12:56

I have a decayed tooth. 我有一颗蛀牙。There is a comb on the table.

He often combs his hair. Put on 穿起来,戴起来Put on your hat. Put on your watch.

Put on your shoes. Put on your shirt. Put on your trousers. A pair of trousers

Clothes 衣服These clothes are beautiful. One shirt two shirts 男式衬衫

blouse 女式圆领衬衫fast 快的The train is fast.

breakfast来源于break the fast 名词斋戒从晚上到早上不吃饭算斋戒,早上吃饭就把斋戒打破了

dinner 晚餐lunch午餐

What do you (usually/often) have/eat for breakfast? I often have two eggs for breakfast.

What would you like for dinner? Listen to 注意听hear一时听到

He goes to work at exactly seven o'clock. 23:18

Lesson 26 He Usually Plays Tennis

Let's now open our books to page 119(one hundred nineteen). On this page, we have a lesson, lesson 26, and the title is "He usually plays tennis".

Beat If you do that again, I will beat you. Play basketball He usually plays basketball. "What do you usually do on Sundays? I usually go for a walk in the mountains. Does your husband go with you? No. He doesn't. What does he do? He usually plays tennis. "

This is a dialogue between two people. One is Jack and the other is Betty.

I usually study on Sundays. 每逢礼拜天不加s on Sunday 这个礼拜天

I will be busy on Sunday.

What will you do on Saturday? Well, I will go to the movies with my girlfriend.

I will go to the movies with my girlfriend on Saturday.

On Tuesdays I get up at six ten. On Mondays, I get up at six. 7:18

I usually go to the movies with my girlfriend on Sundays.

Go for a walk 散步I usually go for a walk in the park.

In the mountains 注意必须加s 表示山与山之间

I like to go for a walk in the mountains. I live on the mountain. 我住在山上。11:08

Are you busy now? No. I'm not. I'm free.

Are you free now? I'm not free. I'm very busy. I'll be free tomorrow. Baseball棒球

He plays baseball very well. He plays basketball very well.

Play 后面如果跟乐器名词,在乐器前要加定冠词the

Play the piano 弹钢琴He plays the piano/violin very well. 15:26

What do you usually do on Mondays/Saturdays? I usually play basketball on Mondays.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

I usually play basketball on Fridays. 21:30


1,C wake up 醒来rise 后面不加up


3,B put on穿起来take off 脱掉Take off your coat/shoes. Put down 放下来

wear 穿着put on 指穿的动作。Somebody is coming. Put on your clothes.

He wears a white shirt every day.

4,D walk a dog 遛狗

5,B take a shower 淋浴every morning 每天早晨前面不加介词

6,C He is busy on Mondays. He's not busy on Wednesdays.

Lesson 27 Jack and His Dog

Hello! This is Peter. Glad to be on the air again. Let's open our books to page 121(one hundred twenty-one). We have this lesson, lesson 27. "Jack and his dog"

I like the dog (over) there. Here, there前可加over表强调的用法

I live over there/here. 1:17

“Jack seldom gets together with his friends. He usually stays at home with his pet dog, Lucky. They sometimes go for long walks in the park. Although Jack is often alone, he is never lonely. He always tells his friends that a dog is man's best friend. ”

This lesson tells us that the boy, Jack, seldom stays with his friends. Perhaps he has some friends, but, of course, he doesn't have many friends.



He goes to the movies. He never goes to the movies. He is never late. 5:35

He seldom goes to the movies. He is seldom late.

=Jack is seldom together with his friends. 但一般还是用get together, 常用

I like to get together with my friends on Sundays.

The dog is my pet. I like him (very much). This is my pet. He is my pet dog. 形容词

Go for long walks = Go for a walk 散步这里walk是可数名词,没有a时,要加s, walks 但一般都用单数形态。Let's go for a walk this afternoon. Where shall we go for a walk?

We may go for a walk in the park. Let's go for a long walk. = let's go for long walks.

Go for a stroll. 散步= go for a walk. Let's go for a stroll/walk this afternoon. Go for 可用take取代take a walk/stroll Let's take a stroll/walk there. 13:09

Although = though 虽然Though/Although she is beautiful, I don't like her.

She is beautiful, but I don't like her.

Hello, is Peter over there, please? This is John. This is he speaking. Who is it, please?

Well, this is John. My father isn't at home now. I am alone. You may come over.

I feel lonely now. Jack is sometimes alone. Jack有时一个人

Jack is sometimes lonely. Jack 有时寂寞。碰到be动词时,频率副词要放在be动词后。Usually often 意思有点相近,但usually的经常性要更多。

He is often late. He is usually late. He is always late. 总是


I see a man there. Man前不加冠词代表人类。19:33

Lucky 走运的,幸运的Congratulations!well,I was lucky. 21:07

Get together with I like to get together with my family on Sundays.

John is a good student. He is never lazy. 23:15

On page 125, we have an exercise. This exercise is called substitution.

Rarely = seldom Go for a drive 开车兜风Go for a walk = go for a stroll = take a walk/stroll

I like to walk around there. 走来走去When I have time, I like to walk around there. I like to take a walk there.

Lesson 28 I Always Walk

Hello! This is Peter Lai. Glad to be on the air again with you! Let's now open this book to page 126 (one hundred twenty-six). On page 126, we have this lesson, lesson 28, and we also have this title "I Always Walk"

"How do you go to school, Judy? I usually take a bus, but sometimes I ride my bicycle. What about you? I live near our school, so I always walk. You're lucky. " 2:08

How疑问副词,修饰后面的go to school。When do you go to bed every night?

I go to school every day.

How do you study/learn English? Well, whenever I have a chance, I use this language.

I may talk to myself or I may write something. 5:45

Usually I take a bus. Take a taxi 搭出租车take a train

How/what about you? How do you go to school?

Do you like music? Yes, I do. In fact, I'm crazy about it. Each time I hear music. I feel happy.

Hey! Look at the man there. He is crazy. He's smiling.

I'm crazy about you, honey. Honey 蜂蜜

I'm crazy about music. I'm crazy about rocking roll. I'm crazy about R&P. R&P饶舌说唱

You'll make me crazy. You'll drive me crazy. That kind of music will drive me crazy.

Well, I'm crazy about it.

I feel honor to have the chance to deliver a speech over here. deliver v.发表

I live across from our school. Our school is across from the bank. 在……..对面14:15

Why am I lucky? Well, I live far away from our school. I must take a bus to school every day. How do you learn English? I write and speak English every day. 17:40

Do you know how to ride a motorcycle?

On this page, on page one hundred twenty-seven, we have an exercise.


1,D He is late for class/school. The meeting He is late for the meeting. He is rarely diligent 勤劳的John is a good/bad student. He is diligent. Mark is not a good student. He is very lazy. 2,A Are you hardworking, John? Yes. I am I'm really hardworking. I am diligent.

4,D The girl is shy. You shouldn't be so shy.

5,C be afraid of I'm afraid of my Dad. Have you finished your homework?

Have you studied? Really, I’m afraid of my father? I'm afraid of the dog there.

weather天气What is the weather like today? It's fine. The weather is fine.

Lesson 29 Poor Dick

Hello! This is Peter Lai. Very happy to be on the air again. Let's open this book to page 128(one hundred twenty-eight). On this page, we can see a lesson. This is lesson twenty-nine. "Poor Jack" The man is poor. He doesn't have money. He doesn't have food to eat, either. We say he is poor, but poor has also another meaning. If you do not do your job very well, if you're lazy, then we can say you are a poor worker. If a teacher doesn't teach well, if he's lazy, we say he is a poor teacher. 差劲的1:34

Bruce!Where are you? Bruce!Wake up.

“There are holes in Dick's shoes. He needs new shoes. Dick doesn't want cheap shoes. He wants expensive shoes, but he doesn't have any money. He needs a job. He is looking for one, but he isn't having any luck. No one wants to give him a jo b because his shoes have holes in them. Poor Dick! ”Poor dick. Indeed, Dick's very poor. He doesn't have good shoes. There are holes in his shoes. There is a hole in Dick's shoe. Dick的鞋子上有一个洞。One hole, two holes, many many holes

A pair of shoes 一双鞋 a pair of socks 一双袜子 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜

How many pairs of shoes do you have? Well, I have three pairs of shoes.

I need you. I need your help. I need you to help me.

You are witty. 机智的I'll marry you. 7:40

He is a good student. He is a new student.

I want your help. I want you. I want you to do it. I want you to help me.

Cheap 便宜的expensive 贵的指东西

price 价格用高high 低low The price is (very) low/high. The price is too high.

We say the watch is expensive. The watch is cheap. Cheap价格便宜品质稍差

Inexpensive 价格便宜品质不差。

Can I help you? Yes, I'm looking for a watch. We have many watches here.

How about this one? It looks very beautiful. How much is it? It's $10.

It's inexpensive. I'll take it. 13:12

The price is low. Not….any…什么都没有。But he has no money.

I have no money. = I don't have any money.

He needs to find a job. Job工作,可数work 不可数He has three jobs.

You should do some work. I have a lot of work to do today.

What's your job? I drive a taxi. I am a taxi driver. He must find a job. 17:40

Look for 找寻we are looking for Mary. We don't know where Mary is.

I don't know where she is. I'm looking for her.

There are two cars here. One is white and the other is yellow. I don't like the white car.

I like the yellow one. If you want to master English, you should buy a good dictionary.

Hey! Well, I know that. Please buy me one.

I need a good dictionary. You need a good dictionary, too.

Lucky I am lucky. He is lucky. He is looking for one, but he isn't lucky. 22:20

Appetite 胃口

Lesson 30 Money Doesn't Grow on Trees

Hi, everybody! This is Peter Lai. Very glad to be on the air again with you! We are now on page 134 (one hundred thirty-four). On this page ,we have lesson 30. "Money doesn't grow on trees."Thirty 30 thirsty 口渴的I feel thirsty. I am thirsty. 我口渴。I am thirty. 我30岁了。"Mother, can you buy me a new bike? No, Sam. I can't. But all my friends have new bicycles. You can ride their bikes. Why can't I have a new bike? Because money doesn't grow on trees. "

This is a short dialogue between Sam and his mother. Sam goes first. 3:09

Mom 小孩子称呼mommy doggie birdie daddy

This bike is mine. This is my bicycle. The bicycle is mine. 6:01

Buy 授予动词接双宾语第一个宾语是对象,通常是人;第二个宾语是东西。

还有teach He teaches me English. Can you buy a new bike for me?

I'll buy him a watch. I'll buy a watch for him. I can't buy you a new bike.

= But my friends all have new bicycles.

All my friends like music. My friends all like music. All三个以上。Both两个

Both my parents like/love music. My parents both like/love music. 10:33

All both 如果主语是代词,就放在代词后。They all/both love music.

Mother, can you buy me a watch? No, because I have no money.

No, because I don't have any money. I'll buy him a watch. I'll buy a watch for him. 15:51


1,A I don't like that yellow car. I like the white one. I don't like this watch. It's a little too big. Give me a smaller one.

2,D A good English dictionary is very important. If you want to master English, you need a good English dictionary. 精通If you can read, speak and write English every day, you'll master this language one day. How many languages do you speak? I speak two languages.

One is Chinese, and the other is English. Look into 调查

The police are still looking into the case. Look around 环顾一下

When you cross the street, you should look around. Look on 看事情光明的一面

Come on. Don't be/feel so sad. You should look on the bright side of things.

3,C Though/although he is nice, I don't like him. He is nice, but I don't like him. 25:28

4,D I love music. I don't love music. He is sad because he has no money.

5,B Tim often buys his children toys.

Lesson 31 Poor Amy

Hello! This is Peter Lai. I feel happy to be on the air again. Let's now open this book to page 136(one hundred thirty-six). On page 136, we have this lesson, lesson 31, "Poor Amy"

He is a poor student. He doesn't do well in his studies poor 可怜的。穷的,差劲的

The man is poor. He doesn't have money. He has no money at all.

As usual we would like to have Bruce read this short article for us.

Bruce! Bruce! Come on. Read this article. The article is very good. The article is interesting. One more time. 再来一遍3:00

“Amy can't pay this month's rent. She n eeds some help. Unfortunately, none of her friends can help her. They don't have any money, either. Poor Amy is really depressed. She has no money, and the landlord is knocking at the door. Amy is very nervous. She shouts, "No one is home!”

We can tell that Amy is bright. We say she is bright. Once again.

The boy is only two years old, but he is bright. We say the boy is bright. 5:03

It is your turn to pay the bill. It's your turn to pay the bill. Don't be so stingy. 小气的,吝啬的He is stingy. You should the money. It pays to learn English. 学英语是值得的。

It pays to listen to music.

When you listen to music, you’ll feel very happy. You'll forget all the troubles.

You feel happy, so it pays to listen to music. 8:36

Today's world Today's world is different from yesterday's world. For rent 出租

I have a house for rent. I have some friends. One friend two friends

He has some money. 钱可数,如one dollar two dollars,但money这个字不可数。不能说one money two moneys

I need some help. Unfortunately, my friends are not here.

None of them is happy. None of them are happy. None后动词用单、复数形式均可

None of the student likes the music. None of the student likes the music.

None 必须是在三者以上没有一个。None of the student likes music.

None of the student likes music.

Neither二者之中没有一个, 后面动词恒用单数。Neither of my parents likes music. 17:26 Either 也用于否定句中。Too 用于肯定句中

Mary is beautiful. Jane is beautiful, too. Mary is beautiful. Jane is, too.

Mary isn't beautiful. Jane isn't beautiful, either. Mary isn't beautiful. Jane isn't, either.

I don't have any money. He doesn't have any money, either.

I don't have any money. He doesn't, either.

过去分词作形容词翻译成“感到….的”,现在分词作形容词翻译成“令人…..的” 21:03

The baby is cute. The baby is tiring. 这个宝宝真累人。

Well, the baby is tired. 宝宝累了。The news is depressing.

Knock on/at the door Somebody's knocking on /at the door.

Anybody home? 做副词。句子前面省略了is。Is anybody at home?作名词

Don't be nervous. 不要紧张Calm down. 冷静下来。Don't be so nervous.

Amy is (at) home.

I am a teacher. She is a teacher, too. We teach in the same school. She is my co-worker.

Lesson 32 Coins for the Phone

Hello! This is Peter again. Very happy to be on the air! Now let's open this book to page 140 (one hundred forty). We are now on this page and we can see this lesson, lesson 32. Now we can also see the title "coins for the phone" . the phone 正式为the telephone tele-与电有关

He likes to watch TV. He watches TV every night. Television = TV

Phone,telephone 一般与介词on连用。I want to talk to him on the phone/telephone.

I enjoy talking to him on the phone. I like to talk to him on the phone. 3:10

We have a short dialogue.

"Hi, Connie! Do you have any change? What for? I want some coins for the pay phone. I see. Here

you are. Thank you. You're welcome. "

Hi Peter. Hi everybody. Hey! What are you doing over there? Hey通常是唤醒人家注意时用,而打招呼用hi。Hi!How are you?

He hasn't changed very much. He hasn't changed a lot. 他改变得不多。He is still very handsome. How much money do you have? Money不可数。指money这个词不可数,不能说one money, two moneys。钱是可以数的,one dollar ,two dollars。7:03

Well,I don't have much money. I have two dollars only.

How much change do you have? I have two dollars in change. 以零钱的方式

Keep the change. 零钱免找。What for = why Why do you ask a question like that?

Why do you study/learn English? What do you study/learn English for?

Why do you ask me such a question? 12:09

I have five coins with me. 在我身上 A coin two coins 可数

How much money do you have (with you)? I have five/ten dollars with me.

I see. 明白了I understand. Thank you very much.

Why do we have to learn English? Well, English is a universal language. Wherever you go, you'll use it.

If you can speak English, you'll have no problems to communicate with people. 15:47

I see it. 我看见它。I see Peter every day. See后接宾语表“看见”。没有宾语代表“明白”。

I am at the station. Be动词后接地方副词,表“在”的意思。I am here.

Here you are. 拿去吧,给你。

That watch is beautiful. Can I take a look at it? No problem. Here you are.

Roy is polite. He studies very hard. He is a good student. He is polite.

You're welcome. You bet. 别客气。Don't mention it.

Thank you very much for your help. You're welcome. Don't mention it. You bet. 21:00


1,B none代词,相当于名词,后面不能再接名词. Do you have any friends? I'm sorry, but I have none. None = no friend/friends some 用于肯定句中

4,D I have ten dollars with me. I have ten dollars, but I leave the money at home.

I have no money with me.

Lesson 33 She Wants to Wear Something Formal

Hello! This is Peter, Peter Lai. Very happy to be on the air. Let's open this book to page 143(one hundred forty-three). On this page, we can see this lesson, lesson 33, "She wants to wear something formal".

I want something to eat. I have something to do. 2:26

“Judy is looking for something nice to wear for a job interview. She wants to wear something formal. Unfortunately, she doesn't have anything except casual clothes. Judy is worried. She has nothing suitable to wear, so she puts on her best casual clothes. She goes to the interview. Guess what? Judy gets the job.”

This lesson is about a girl. Her name is Judy. What's her name? Her name is Judy.

What's your name? My name is Peter. How old are you? Well I am almost fifty years old.

He is very nice. He helps people.

不定代词Anything, nothing, something 和形容词连用时,形容词放后面。

一般名词和形容词连用时,形容词要放前面。He is a nice person. 6:56

I have something important to tell you. This lesson is important. It is an important lesson.

I have something important to do/write. I'll have a job interview this afternoon.

Apply 应征,申请apply for I'll apply for a job this afternoon.

You should be polite if you want to apply for a job.

We like the boy because he is polite. If you are not polite, you'll not have friends. 10:58

Judy is looking for some nice clothes to wear for a job interview.

This is a formal occasion. 场合You should behave yourself. 守规矩

She wants to wear some formal clothes.

Unfortunately 不幸的是,副词,使用时放在句首,后加逗号。

He wants me to go dancing with him. Unfortunately, I have many things to do. I am busy.

I can't go dancing with him.

Fortunately 幸运的是He wants me to go dancing with him. Fortunately, I 'm not busy.

I can go dancing with him. 15:40

He does not have any friend/friends.

She doesn't have any formal clothes to wear except casual clothes.

Except 使用时,都是跟有完全性的形容词连用,包括no、any、every

Everyone likes music except Peter. Singing is a good way to let out our emotions.

用过去分词作形容词,一般翻译成“感到……."I'm worried about him.

John doesn't study. He fools around all day. 鬼混

She has no suitable clothes…. She doesn't have any suitable clothes…. 21:09

Put on 穿上的动作wear 穿在身上,表持续的状态

He likes to wear a business suit.

John, somebody’s coming. Put on your clothes.

(Can you)guess what? What has happened? He has two jobs. 可数work 不可数

I have a lot of work to do. I don't have much work to do. 23:53

On page one hundred forty-seven, we have this part call substitution.

The boy is simple. He enjoys a comfortable life. I have no suitable clothes to wear.

I have nothing suitable to wear. = I don't have anything suitable to wear.

Lesson 34 Let's Go to a Disco

Hello! This is Peter Lai. Very glad to be on the air again! Let's now open this book to page 149 (one hundred forty-nine). Very happy , very glad to be on the air again. 在广播中、在空中。

I'm very happy to be on the air again.

The program is on the air. 这个节目正在广播中。Now on this page, page 149, we have a very short dialogue. This is a dialogue between Peter and Paula. Lesson 34. "Let's go to a disco " 2:07 "Hi, Paula! What are you doing? Nothing special. Let's do something together. Do you have anything in mind? Let's go to a disco. Great! Can your handsome brother come, too?"

What is he doing? He is writing a letter. He is studying. He is watching TV.

What are you doing? I am watching TV. I am writing a letter.

It's a special day for you. It's your birthday. It's my special day today.

It's my birthday today and it is my special day.

I have something important to tell you. 6:13


Lesson 122 I quit smoking Lesson one hundred twenty-two. “Hi, Susan! Do you have a light? No. I quit smoking long ago. That’s good! Congratulations! Why don’t you quit as well. It’s really difficult. Come on; where there’s a will, there’s a way. ” 1:22 Sue=Susan lighter Do you have a lighter? 你有打火机吗? I don’t have a lighter with me. Long ago 好久以前 I don’t like Peter. He is very bossy. 咄咄逼人, 跋扈 He’s my boss, but he’s very friendly. I enjoy working with him. But David is bossy. His friends don’t like to work with him. He quit working for David. He quit gambling two years ago. Gamble赌博 He quit working for this company three years ago. 6:28 You must quit smoking. Smoking is detrimental to your health. Detrimental有害的;不利的Smoking is very bad. Smoking is harmful to your health. You should quit smoking. David! Stop smoking. OK. I’ll quit (smoking) someday. 8:33 Father allows me to go to the movies with you tonight. That’s good/great. Good/Great/Cool! We have cool weather today. 不可数 What do you think of this movie? Cool/Great! 10:10 Thanks you’re welcome. Please give my best regards to your father/parents. Please give my best regards to Mr. Li. = Please remember me to Mr. Li. Ok. I will. 13:00 Congratulations on your success! Congratulate +somebody+on He congratulated me on passing the examination. 15:12 As well=also 副词也Why don’t you also quit? Why don’t you quit smoking as well? She can sing. She can dance as well. As well=too She can sing. She can dance, too. As well 前面不加逗号。 As well只能用于肯定句中。Why don’t 虽有don’t 但与why连用也是表示肯定。17:14 Why don’t you do it?你何不做这件事啊?(我希望你做这件事)Do it,please. You should quit as well. = You should quit, too. Quitting smoking is really difficult. There are many people there. There is a man here/(in the room). Where there is a will是一个从句,用来修饰主句。Where连词,代表地方在……的地方Where did you see him?20:26 Where I live, there is a department store. Where=in the place where=in the place in which In the place where I live, there is a department store. In the place in which I live, there is a department store. Where there is a will=in the place where there is a will 20:59 Help with后面加名词I‘ll help you with your work. I’ll help with your work. 24:00 I’ll help him. I won’t help John. I have a lot of homework to do. The work was done by Peter. The letter was written by John. 26:03


Lesson 1 Self Introduction The lesson is very good. Lesson one lesson two “My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. I come from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two old brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family.” Part one 第一部分reading 阅读My bicycle my home What’s your name, please? Open the door, please. My name is Peter. Call me, please. Call me when you have time. Give me a call when you have time. 8:18 I am ten years old. He is one year old. I am twenty years of age. I am twenty. How old are you? I am a Chinese. 名词中国人I am Chinese. 形容词中国人的 American 美国人(名词)He is an American. He is American. 美国人的(形容词) This is a book. I come from Guangdong. He comes from Sichuan. I am from Beijing. Where are you from? Where do you come from? I am from Beijing. I come from Beijing. 18:56 There is a book on the desk. 有……. There is a cat in the room. People 两个人以上才能用一个人用one person Two persons 两个人= two people Three people four people I have a book. He has a book. 主语有思想,有生命 25:09 Substitutions Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You “HI! My name is Mike. Hi! I’m Nancy. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. Where are you from? I’m from Shanghai. And you? I’m from Chicago. ” 1:31 Hi! I am Mike. I’m Mike. HI! There. 嗨!你好。 I see a man there. Hello! I am John/Peter/Mary. Hello! I’m Peter. Hello! I’m Mary. How do you do! 你好!How do you do! 正式场合用 How are you? I’m fine. Thank you. 比较熟时用 He is nice. This man is nice. 6:16 (It is) Nice to meet you. (I’m) Pleased to meet you. (I’m) Glad to meet/see you. Pleased 感到高兴的 I am a student. He is a student, too. He can sing. I can (sing), too. 12:24 Where do you come from? And you? = and where are you from? And那么 I come from Chicago. Hi! My name is David. Hi! I’m Mary. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 16:44 KK. system 美式音标 What do your friends call you? My friends call me Jonny. How old are you? I am twenty-eight years old. I am twenty-eight years of age. Are you Chinese? Yes, I am Chinese. How many people are there in your family? There are six people in my family. How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have two brothers and one sister. Where are you from? I am from Beijing. There’s a man/boy/woman there. There are five Chinese there.


wql2004-12-04 16:41 我急需 cmczbms2004-12-06 12:09 Lesson 01 greetings A Don't forget to say greetings to uncle Wang.#见到王伯伯的时候不要忘了向他问好。 I hope you have a good morning. Who are you? #你是谁? Where are you? #你在哪儿? How are you? #你好吗?回答用,I'm fine. I'm a boy. You are a boy. He is a boy. This bed is bad. #这个床很坏。注意bed和bad的发音区别。 I see you there. #我看见你在那里。 See you. = Good bye. = Bye. = See you later. B hi和hey的区别。 How's it going? Great. = Wonderful. = Cool. How are you doing? =How're you doing? = How are you?#回答用not bad。take care#保重。take care of yourself. You too Have a good time. #过你愉快。 Thanks. You too.#谢谢,你也一样。 cmczbms2004-12-06 12:12 Lesson 1 Greetings 打招呼

Dialog A A: Good m orning, May. How are you? B: Hi, Tom. I’m fine. And you? A: Not bad. Thanks. B: Good. See you. A: Bye. B A: Hi, May. How’s it going? B: Great. And how are you doing? A: Not bad. B: Ok. See you later. A: Take care. B: You too. A 甲:早啊,小梅。你好吗? 乙:嗨,汤姆。我很好,你呢? 甲:还不错,谢了。 乙:很好,再见。 甲:再见。 B 甲:嗨,小梅。近来如何? 乙:很好。那你呢? 甲:还不错。 乙:好吧,再见。 甲:保重。 乙:你也是。 Substitution 1 Good morning, May. Good afternoon, May. Good evening, May. 早安,小梅。 午安,小梅。 晚安,小梅。 2 How are you? How are you doing? 你好吗? 3 I’m fine. I’m OK. 我很好/还好。


Lesson 83 A Nice Person This man is nice. I like to be with him. “Shelly doesn’t like people who are unreliable. She especially doesn’t like people who tell lies. On the other hand, she likes people who are humorous and honest. She really likes people that are easygoing and sincere. However, Regardless of whom she likes or dislikes, she is nice to everyone.”1:44 They are unreliable. You are reliable,but he is unreliable. 化简为Shelly doesn’t like unreliable people。5:40 A lie, two lies I love music and I especially love jazz. 7:50 On the other hand, she likes humorous and honest people . This man is houmorous. This man is honest. He never tells lies. She really likes people who are easygoing and sincere. She really likes easygoing and sincere people. 11:22 He is patient with us. A good teacher should be patient with his students. 16:04 Vicious凶恶的,凶猛的;残忍的 She attends school everyday. 20:50 I graduated from that university. 22:19 ;分号可以连接2个句子。


Lesson 108 Slow down Lesson one hundred and eight You`re driving too fast. Slow down. 1:10 “Slow down, Carl. I can`t keep up with you. You walk as slowly as a snail. How do you keep so fit? I work out as often as I can.” All right. This is a short dialogue between Rosa and Carl. They are walking and evidently Cral walks a little bit faster. 2:23 Keep up with…进度一样的,并驾齐驱的 You should study hard, or you`ll not keep up with me. Or 否则 Catch up with…迎头赶上(暗示已经落后了) You `re lagging behind. You should study harder to catch up with me. You `re falling behind. You should study harder to catch up with me. Lag 落后lag behind You `re lagging behind. You should study (even) harder to catch up with me. 5:39 Slowly 副词修饰walk He works very hard. he`s working there. He `s walking there. He`s walking in the park. You walk as slowly as a snail. As…as 第一个as 副词一样地,第二个as 连词和…She`s very beautiful. He studies very hard. She is beautiful. She is as beautiful as Mary. He studies hard. He studies as hard as John (does). 9:25 Keep = Remain=stay fit 健康的 If you want to stay fit, you should exercise every day. Stay fit=Stay healthy He is healthy. He will stay fit If he does exercise. He will stay fit If he exercises every day. 12:00 Work out exercise运动 work out尤指原地的运动。如举重,打太极,体操,舞蹈等增进体能的运动 Exercise运动比较广,指慢跑,健身操都可以。 you should exercise every day. you should work out every day. Jog 慢跑I jog every day. 13:00 As often as 尽可能As…as I can尽可能怎么样第一个as 一样地第二个as和 You must study hard. You must study as hard as you can. You must study as hard as possible. You should run fast. You should run as fast as you can. As possible Careful you must be careful. You must be as careful as you can. You must be as careful as possible. 16:30 练习 Get along with+宾语 He gets along with us well. He gets along with Peter very well. To get along with the boy 是真正的主语To get along with the boy is very difficult. A good teacher must be patient. 20:00 To work with him is easy. He is easy to work with. He is hard to work with. 22:01 They were walking along the street. The road is long. Long 可作动词I long to see him. I`m longing to see him. I`m eager to see him. 25:07


赖世雄初级英语笔记1-15 .Lesson 1 Self Introduction[] My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. I come from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two older brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family. 自我介绍我叫罗伯特。我的朋友们都叫我鲍勃。我20岁,中国人,籍贯北京,家里有六口人。我有一个妹妹和两个哥哥。我们虽不富有,但家庭却很幸福。 lesson+数量词第...课Self Introduction 自我介绍Part I. 第一部分Reading n.阅读句型: My name is... 我的名字是...(可将My替换为Your,His,Her 等的物主代词) 问句: What is your name, please? 请问你叫什么名字?(更委婉的问法: May I have your name?) call vt.称...为...,打电话(不完全及物动词,后接宾语再跟名词,补足句意.成为宾语补足语) Call me, please. Call me when you have time. 等你有时间时给我打电话. Give me a call when you are free. (注意give的用法: give sb. sth.) I am... years old. 我...岁了.(old= of age) You look young for your age.= You look younger than you really are. 问句: How old are you? 你多大了?(注意:由于文化不同,不能随意问对方) 句型: Where do you come from? 你是哪儿人?= Where are you from? come from v.来自... 句型: There be+ 单/复数名词+ 表示场所的介词短语(表示"有"的概念) Substitution: 1. A: What's your name? B: My name is Peter Wang.= I'm Peter Wang. 2. A: How old are you? B: I'm eighteen years old.= I'm eighteen years of age. 3. A: Where are you from? B: I am from Shanxi.= I come from Shanxi. 4. A: How many people are there in your famliy? B: There are five people in my familiy.= Five. Lesson 2 Nice to Meet You [] Mike : Hi! My name is Mike. Nancy: Hi! I'm Nancy. Nice to meet you. Mike : Nice to meet you, too. Nancy: Where are you from? Mike : I'm from Shanghai. And you? Nancy: I'm from Chicago


赖世雄初级美语入门 赖世雄初级美语入门篇》听课笔记,持续更新中~(原创)这是《赖世雄初级美 语 入门篇》听课笔记,需要的请下载~~~wql 2004-12-04 16:41我急需cmczbms 2004-12-06 12:09Lesson 01greetingsADont forget to say greetings to uncle Wang.见到 王伯伯的时候不要忘了向他问好。I hope you have a good morning.Who are you 你是 谁Where are you 你在哪儿,How are you 你好吗,回答用,Im fine.Im a boy. You are a boy. He is a boy.This bed is bad. 这个床很坏。注意 bed 和 bad 的发 音区别。I see you there. 我看见你在那里。See you. Good bye. Bye. See you later.Bhi 和 hey 的区别。Hows it goingGreat. Wonderful. Cool.How are you doing Howre you doing How are you回答用 notbad。take care保重。take care of yourself.You tooHave a good time. 过你愉快。Thanks. You too.谢谢,你也一样。cmczbms 2004-12-06 12:12Lesson 1Greetings打招呼DialogAA: Good morning May. How are youB: Hi Tom. I’m fine. And youA: Not bad. Thanks.B: Good. Se e you.A: Bye.BA: Hi May. How’s it goingB: Great. And how are you doingA: Not bad.B: Ok. See you later.A: Take care.B: You too.A甲:早


Lesson 91 computers “Computers are becoming a part of our everyday life. In fact, they are almost everywhere. In many countries ,more and more companies are replacing people with computers. Telephone companies are no exception. When making a long-distance call on a pay for in America. You will no longer talk to an operator. Instead, a computer will answer. It will tell you what to do. No wonder people say that computers are taking over the world.”2:00 Computer可数名词,养成习惯前面没有冠词就用复数,表示整体的概念,所有的计算机。同样用单数前面放定冠词the +computer 也可表示整体的概念。 The Computer is becoming a part of our everyday life. 一部分 Jogging has become a part of my everyday life. I jog every morning. 我每天早上慢跑4:05 Everyday 形容词,后放名词。That`s my everyday life. Every day 副词,通常放句尾。He goes to school every day. In fact=as a matter of fact He is not nice. In fact, he`s very bad. He is not nice. As a matter of fact, he`s very bad. 5:58 Replace A with B 用B取代A John is lazy. He`s not competent for his job. 胜任 The boss is planning to replace him with David. 8:15 Competent 有能力的,胜任的he is competent for his job. he is not competent for his job. Cut out be cut out for he is cut out for the job. 他胜任这个工作 I like john. John works very hard. he is cut out for the job. He`s competent for his job. 10:01 Are no exception 不例外exception 例外 Everybody should do it. Peter is no exception. Everyone should go out. You are no exception. You are an exception. You don't`t have to go out. You may stay here. You are an exception. 11:40 When making a long-distance call on a pay phone in America, =When you make a long-distance call on a pay phone in America, you will no longer talk to an operator. When引导的状语从句,如果从句主语和主句相同的话,状语从句的主语第一步去掉,然后动词变现在分词。如果动词是be动词时,being可省略。 When I am free, I will help you. When free, I will help you. 17:54 While 强调某一段时间动作正在进行。 While I was writing a letter, I was singing. While writing a letter, I was singing. If ,once ,though,when,unless Though I am tired, I `ll help you. Though tired, i`ll help you. He is no longer here. 21:56 He is not nice.instead, he is bad. No wonder…难怪…做词用,放在句首 He studies hard. No wonder his teacher likes him. 24:14 Though poor, they were happy.=Though they are poor, they were happy. Unless sick, he always comes to work.=Unless he is sick, he always comes to work. While in school, you must study hard.=while you are in school,you must study hard.


赖世雄美国英语教程mp3和文本 资源类型:MP3 地区:台湾 语言:英语 简介: ★专家简介 1948年8月出生于江苏南京,祖藉广西省永淳县壮族。 1967年进入台湾政战学校新闻系读书。 1978年获得美国明尼苏达大学大众传播和英语教学双硕士学位,此后进行博士研究,并在台湾从事英语教学工作。 1982年创办<常春藤解析英语>杂志,任总编和杂志社社长。 1994年开始在中央人民广播电台主讲广播英语至今,被誉为“广播艺术大师”。 ★总体评价 赖世雄美国英语教程:入门、初、中、高级四部分完整版mp3版398讲,1.2G容量!长度190小时!!配有完整文本教材。该教程独特的教学方法,深刻的语言理解,灵活的教学思路使其风靡台湾及东南亚并长盛不衰。该教程曾多次在各大电台(如央台)播出,好评如潮。适合收藏或循序渐进式的美语学习。 ★系列评价 赖世雄《初级美国英语(入门篇)》 《初级美国英语教程(入门篇)》是赖世雄教授为广大英语学习者提供的一部佳作。 它从日常生活用语开始,由浅入深,举一反三,图文并茂,生动活泼,内容丰富, 趣味盎然,引人入胜,便于记忆。此套教程在中央人民广播电台连续播出, 受到广大英语爱好者的欢迎。 赖世雄《初级美国英语(入门篇)》MP3版共64讲 赖世雄《初级美国英语》 初等水平,刚刚开始学习,初中一、二年级学生。 强烈推荐,该套教材是中央广播电台2套,每周2、4、6、19.00播出的美国英语教程。 我听过的最有趣的一套,学习英语真的可以是一种乐趣!

赖世雄教授的课生动有趣,非常实用,听过的人都想一口气听完! 由赖世雄教授和美国专家播讲,欲学习地道美语者,一定要听! 赖世雄《初级美国英语》MP3版,共148讲 赖世雄《中级美国英语》 具有中等英语水平者;高中学生。 强烈推荐,该套教材是中央广播电台2套,每周2、4、6、19.00播出的美国英语教程。我听过的最有趣的一套,学习英语真的可以是一种乐趣! 赖世雄教授的课生动有趣,非常实用,听过的人都想一口气听完! 由赖世雄教授和美国专家播讲,欲学习地道美语者,一定要听! 赖世雄《中级美国英语》MP3版,共148讲 赖世雄《高级美国英语》 具有较高英语水平者;大学生。 强烈推荐,该套教材是中央广播电台2套,每周2、4、6、19.00播出的美国英语教程。我听过的最有趣的一套,学习英语真的可以是一种乐趣! 赖世雄教授的课生动有趣,非常实用,听过的人都想一口气听完! 由赖世雄教授和美国专家播讲,欲学习地道美语者,一定要听! 赖世雄《高级美国英语》MP3版,共3 8讲 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 注意:赖世雄初级美语入门篇没有1213讲,为Leada提供ED2K地址,再次致谢 已全部上载完成


Lesson 85 Blood Types Hello! This is Peter Lai. Very happy to be on the air again. Let’s open this book to page twenty-one . On this page We can see this lesson. Lesson eighty-five. Blood types. “Some people believe that one’s personality is related to one’s blood type. There are three main blood types:A,B and O. Type A people are introverts whereas Type O people are extroverts. Type B people are a mixture of both A and O. They are more relaxed and don’t get bothered easily. When it comes to choosing a spouse, remember some of these facts.”1:44 He is the boy that I used to teach. 3:20 I think that he is a good boy. 名词从句做宾语that可省略 Some people believe one’s personality is related to one’s blood type. He has a pleasant personality. I like to be with John,because he has a pleasant personality. What’s John like? He has a pleasant personality , I like to be with him. 6:45 John is closely related to me. In fact ,he is my cousin. There ‘s a boy by the door. There is a cat by the window. There are two books on the desk. What’s your blood type? A I am (an) A . I am B. I am O. 10:48 John is an introvert. I am an extrovert. And Peter is in between. 12:36 whereas=while He is nice whereas/while his brother is bad. Type B people are in between. Both 表强调 He and I love music. Both he and I love music. 16:10 Relaxed 过去分词作形容词,感到轻松的. 许多的过去分词作形容词都翻成“感到……”修饰的主语是人。 I am confused about the question. You ask me a question. Really I ‘m confused about the question. I am tired after all the work. 现在分词作形容词都翻成“令人……” tiring 令人累 The work is tiring. The question is confusing. The music is relaxing. I am relaxed. Whenever I hear the music, I am relaxed. 19:50 Get=become bothered 感到懊恼的 Whenever he talks to me, I get bothered/annoyed.每当他和我说话的时候,我就感到烦。Don’t bother me. He bothered me with many questions. 22:09 When it comes to choosing a spouse 状语从句…to 为介词,所以接动名词或名词 When it comes to music,John is in the know。一说到音乐,约翰最在行 When it comes to singing,John is second to none. 一说到唱歌,约翰最棒 When it comes to singing,John is the best. second to none.不输给任何人25:02 No one =none second 第二 My wife is my spouse. (You should) remember some of these facts. Handle 处理


Lesson 125 Studying Seriously Page two hundred forty. Lesson one hundred twenty-five. You should study seriously. You should not goof around. Don’t goof around. 到处鬼混1:30 “John has been trying to learn how to play the guitar. He has been taking lessons for half a year. However, he hasn’t been studying seriously. He has only been going to his lessons every now and then. Moreover, he seldom practices. On the other hand, his cousin, Tim, has been playing the guitar for about three months. He plays much better than John. Tim isn’t more talented than John, though. He is just more determined.”2:40 现在完成进行时:主语+have/has +been +现在分词到现在为止还在一直……… I have been learning English for almost a year. I have been making progress. 4:38 If you don’t study, you‘ll never make progress. I have been learning English for almost a year and I have been making progress. 5:59 I’ve been trying to write letters to him. I’ve been trying to write to him. But I haven’t have time. 弹奏乐器play +the +乐器play the piano play the violin 而玩球类不能加定冠词the play basketball play soccer 9:08 I’m not going to take that lesson. It’s boring. The lesson is boring. I don’t want to take it. 10:05 going to his lessons=taking lessons He has only been taking lessons every now and then. 偶尔Father seldom sings. He never sings. He hums every now and then. Hum哼唱12:38 You must practice singing every day. He practices playing the piano three hours a day. He practices singing two hours a day. Practice makes perfect. 名词 本来应为Practice makes the thing that you are doing perfect . 15:12 When it comes to singing, he’s very bad. 一说到 He’s very poor. On the other hand, he is good at playing the piano. 19:16 He plays the guitar well. He speaks English well. Far better much better a great deal a lot better 注意不能加of a lot of 后面必须加名词 He has a lot of friends. She is more beautiful than Mary. She is much more beautiful than Mary. She is much better than Mary. 22:00 She’s beautiful. I don’t like her, though. Though she is beautiful, I don’t like her. Though放主语前表示虽然的意思,放在句尾,前面加逗号,=however 表示然而、不过的意思。23:45 Just=only He is only more determined. He is determined to study English. He’s determined to study abroad. 24:40

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