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Part I Complete the Passage with the Correct Form of the Words.

Mass media includes print media like newspapers and magazines, electronic media like radio, television and video and new age digital media like internet, blogs and mobile phones. To know the origin and history of media, we should know the growth and (1) _development_ of mass media. History of mass media can be (2) _traced_ back to the early days of dramas that were (3) _performed_ in various cultures. However, the term Mass Media originated with the print media that was also its first example. The first newspaper was printed in China 868 A.D, but due to the high cost of paper and illiteracy(文盲)amongst people, it didn’t (4) _prosper_.

Regarding the (5) _origin_ of the Mass Media, Europe can boast to be the (6) _primary_ source. It was Johannes Gutenberg, who for the first time printed a book in a printing press in 1453. Gradually, during the post-Second World War period, radio, television and video were introduced. The audio-visual (7) _facilities_became very popular as they provided information and entertainment. Of late, it is the Internet which has become the (8) _latest_ and most popular of the mass media. Here, information is (9) _provided_ through various websites and search engines. One can play games, listen to radio while working and chat with friends and relatives, irrespective (不顾的) of location. It also gives information on (10) _various_ topics such as literature, politics, science, sports, fashion, movies, education, career, jobs etc. similar to other types of mass media.

Thus, due to the progress of science and technology, history of media has evolved and reached the present-day world.

Part IISentence Translation (From Chinese to English)

1.我们的信念与行动得到大众及社会的普遍肯定。(at large)

Our beliefs and actions have been approved by the general public and the society at large.

2.我们的努力已经使落后地区发生了巨大变化。(bring about)

Our efforts have brought about a great change for the better in backward areas.

3.我喜欢这栋房子的总构型,可是烟囱太大,不成比例。(out of proportion)

I like the general style of this building, but the chimneys are out of proportion—they’re too big.

4.就自然资源而言,该国是南美洲最贫穷的国家之一。(in terms of)

In terms of natural resources, it is one of the poorest countries in South America.

5.爬山之前最好有万全的准备,以防发生灾难。(in case of)

It is best to be properly prepared before climbing in case of any disaster.

6.请你照老师的样子,读出那个单词的读音来。(the way)

Please pronounce the word the way our teacher does.

Part I Complete the Passage with the Correct Form of the Words.

We all know that good health can positively affect us both physically and emotionally. But it can also have a(n) (1)_effect_ on our financial well-being.

.In fact, studies have shown that healthy people are able to work more and be more (2)_productive_, thus being more likely to be successful. Healthy people also (3)_tend_ to be happier and more confident in themselves, which can also breed (产生,导致) success. Good health brings a positive (4)_outlook_ and, hopefully, good fortune. (5) _Investing_ in your health is well worth it. Here are a few simple tips to a healthier and wealthier life:

Utilize (6)_prevented_ medicine and tests to determine health risks early, and fend off (挡开) future health and financial burdens. (7)_Recommended_ tests include body mass index, blood pressure check, gynecological exam, and physical exam.

Flossing (牙线) helps to prevent gum (牙龈) disease, which can add 21% more to your healthcare costs than someone with healthy gums.

Try to get 7~9 hours of sleep every night, and try to develop a(n) (8)_routine_ of going to bed and (9)_waking_ up at the same time every day.

Lack of sleep will increase your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes (糖尿病), and obesity. You’re also less (10)_likely_ to catch a cold if you get more sleep.

Exercise for 30 minutes a day to reduce risks of obesity (肥胖), cancer, stroke (中风), diabetes, and many other illnesses. Even a walk or a jog can help.

Quit smoking to save up to $5 a day and live long enough to see retirement.

Part IISentence Translation (From Chinese to English)

1.人们发现,疲劳驾车者更有可能忽视警示标志。(be likely to)

It is found that tired drivers are more likely to ignore warning signs.

2.在被批评了很多次之后,你最终会变得不在乎了。(be immune to)

Being criticized time and time again, you’ll eventually become immune to it.

3.如果情况果真如此,我们就需要更多的员工了。(be the case)

If this is the case, we need more staff.

4.说到能源安全,我们的政策不针对任何一个国家。(when it comes to)

When it comes to energy security, our policy is not directed against any single country.

5.我们的祖先必须应付寒冷、饥饿以及野兽的袭击。(cope with)

Our ancestors have to cope with cold, hunger as well as attack from wild animal.

6.你可以控制自己如何感知事物,即如何判断事物。(have control over)

You can have control over how you perceive things, that is, how you judge things.

Part I Complete the Passage with the Correct Form of the Words.

Man’s best friend is colorblind, but, fortunately, his survival does not depend upon the ability to see colors.His (1) _keen_ sense of smell compensates for (弥补) his inability to see colors, and (2) _enables_ him to differentiate between things.

_Extensive_ scientific testing on dogs supports the conclusion that they live in a colorless world. The testing done primarily (4) _focused_ on the dogs’responses to colors for food. Dogs could not tell the (5) _difference_ between one color, a signal for food, and other colors, that were not for food.

Similar tests (6) _conducted_ on cats produced similar results, which led scientists to conclude that they, too, are colorblind and live in a gray world. The (7)_inability_ of most animals to see colors, from an evolutionary standpoint, is quite simple to understand. Many colorblind animals have dull-colored coats, hunt for food in the dark of night, or graze in the dim twilight hours. Their other senses have (8) _developed_ to the point where the lack of color vision in no way impairs (损害) them. For them, life in a colorless world is (9)_neither_ a handicap, nor a threat to their survival. The only animals, other than man, scientists can (10) _conclusively_ say have color vision are monkeys and apes. Both can be trained to open a colored door, behind which is food, and man can be trained to open a refrigerator door of any color!

Part IISentence Translation (From Chinese to English)

1.这本英文小说已有年月,没隔多久书页都脱落了。(fall apart)

The English novel was old and soon fell apart.

2.此案件已经调查了三个月,但进展情况一点也不令人满意。(far from)

The case has been under investigation for three month, but the progress is far from satisfactory.

3.我们一整天都在等着激动人心的事发生,结果却什么都没有。(wait around)

We spent the whole day waiting around for something exciting to happen, but nothing did.

4.这药是否可以安全地用于人体仍然需要一些时间去试验。(be applied to)

It will still take some time to test whether the medicine can be safely applied to human body.

5.你的电脑星期四才能到。这期间,你可以用我的。(in the meantime)

Your computer won’t be arriving till Thursday. In the meantime, you can use mine.

6.在客人来之前,我们已经做好了晚会的所有准备工作。(prior to)

We have made all the preparation for the party prior to the arrival of the guests.

新风尚Book II Unit 8

Part I Complete the Passage with the Correct Form of the Words.

Today in western societies more people are employed collecting, handling and distributing (分发) information than in any other occupation. Millions of computers (1) _inhabit_ the earth and many millions of miles of optical fiber (光纤), wire and air waves link people, their computers and the vast array of information (2) _handling_ devices together. Our society is (3) _truly_ an information society, our time an information age. The question before us now is whether the kind of society being (4) _created_ is the one we want. It is a question that should especially concern those of us in the MIS (管理信息系统) community for we are in the (5) _forefront_ of creating this new society. There are many unique challenges we face in this age of information. They (6) _stem_ from the nature of information itself. Information is the means through which the minds expands and increases its capacity to (7) _ achieve_ its goals, often as the result of an input from another mind. Thus, information (8) _forms_ the intellectual capital from which human beings craft their lives and secure dignity.

However, the (9) _building_ of intellectual capital is vulnerable (易受攻击的) in many ways. For example, people’s intellectual capital is impaired (削弱) whenever they lose their personal information without being (10) _compensated_ for it, when they are precluded access to information which is of value to them,

Part IISentence Translation (From Chinese to English)

1. 应客户要求,我们的改进工作已全部完成。(in response to)

Improvements were done in response to our customer’s demands.

2. 这家小公司没有资格要求政府的补助金。(qualify for)

This small company does not qualify for a government grant.

3. 再跟吉姆谈也没有用,因为他从不认错。(admit to)

It is useless to talk to Jim again because he never admits to being wrong.

4. 我们应养成每周锻炼5天,每天至少锻炼半小时的习惯。(develop the habit of)

We should develop the habit of doing as little as half an hour exercise five days a week.

5. 这是一个与交通指示图不一致的十字路口。(inconsistent with)

This is an intersection which is inconsistent with the road map.

6. 他甚至在监狱里的时候还继续从事犯罪活动。(engage in)

Even in prison, he continued to engage in criminal activities.

新风尚Book III Unit 1

Part I Complete the Passage with the Correct Form of the Words.

Einstein was not only the outstanding scientist of the 20th century, but also a gifted and enthusiastic musician. He once said that had he not been a scientist, he would have been a _musician_ . “Life without playing music is _inconceivable_ for me,”he declared. “I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music…I get most_joy_ in life out of music.”

Einstein’s mother, Pauline, was a talented pianist who _brought_ music to life in the family home. Albert began to learn the violin at the age of six. However, he toiled under unimaginative tuition until discovering the joys of Mozart’s sonatas at the age of 13. From that point on, although he had no further lessons, his violin remained his constant _companion_.

When Einstein moved to Aarau in Switzerland in 1895 to _complete_ his schooling, he seems to have _devoted_ a good deal of his time to music.

Music was not only a _relaxation_ to Einstein, it also helped him in his work. His second wife, Elsa, gives a rare glimpse of their home life in Berlin. “As a little girl, I fell in _love_ with Albert because he played Mozart so beautifully on the violin,” she once wrote. “He also plays the piano. Music helps him when he is thinking about his _theories_. He goes to his study, comes back, strikes a few chords on the piano, returns to his study.”


Part IISentence Translation (From Chinese to English)

7.没有令人信服的理由让人相信他。(compelling reason)

There is no compelling reason to believe him.

8.他说18个月前孩子的出世让他对人生有了新的认识。(perspective )

He says the birth of his child 18 months agohas given him a new perspective on life.

9.她听说大城市谋生容易些。(make a living)

She heard that it was easier to make a living in the big cities.


And I must again point out that I am anenthusiast rather than an expert!


A professor at the Academy has proposed that a special fund should be set up to boost innovation.


She suggests you first assess your income and outgoings.

新风尚Book III Unit 2

Part I Complete the Passage with the Correct Form of the Words.

undisputed innovator renowned endorse prominence execute

recall substantial disputed entrepreneur change

Michael Jordan is well known for being perhaps the greatest player in NBA history. He had a (1) substantial effect, not just on the game of basketball, but on the NBA’s worldwide popularity as well. Although he wasn’t an (2)innovator of new strategies, as a coach may be, he was the (3) undisputed king of the NBA in the 1990’s. Early in his career, his style of play made many fans (4) recall the play of past greats like Jerry West or Pistol Pete Maravich.

By the time he retired, those comparisons no longer existed.Jordan was able to harness (利用) his natural athleticism and complement it with creativity and hard work. This was best displayed during a game when the Chicago Bulls would (5)change from defense to offense. His ability to (6) execute the most daring shots as he soared through the air between multiple defenders still thrills NBA fans.

When Jordan decided to (7) endorse Nike basketball shoes that carried himself, Nike, and the NBA to worldwide (8) _prominence, his ability as a promoter of athletic equipment is so (9) __renowned that it has almost become a legend. Ironically, when Jordan finally retired he chose not to be an (10) entrepreneur of his own sporting goods company, but to remain in the NBA as an executive.

Part IISentence Translation (From Chinese to English)


What special features should I emphasize in the advertisement?



We maytake into consideration acceptinggovernment-to-government or non-government loans only if the conditions permit.

9.我们不能从本能和直觉中获得任何帮助,只能依靠经验。(rely on)

We cannot get help from instinct or intuition but have to rely on experience.


I wonder how many celebrities actually use the products they endorse.

11.好的书籍是你人生道路上的引路者。(serve as)

A good book can serve as a guide in your life.

新风尚Book III Unit 3

Part I Complete the Passage with the Correct Form of the Words.

China is casting such a huge shadow on the United States that many Americans are struggling to learn Chinese in order to maintain their competitive edge.

"Interest in learning Chinese among American youth and their parents has grown (1)_dramatically in the past five years," said Vivien Stewart, vice president at the Asia Society, a US group trying to bridge the (2)__gap between Americans and the peoples of Asia and the Pacific.

China's rapid progress is driving the interest to(3)pursue_the language, experts say. "The Chinese rich cultural traditions and (4) _thriving economy mean that it is now essential for all of our students to be better prepared to engage them and seize opportunities together," said Michael Levine, Asia Society' s executive director of education.

A 2004 College Board survey found that 2,400 high schools--an (5)incredible number--would be interested in(6)offering the Advanced Placement (AP) courses in Chinese language and culture when the courses become available in 2006.

China, the world' s most populous ( 人口稠密的) nation, is (7) important to the United States because it is a leading trader, consumer and investor. It has (8)replaced the United States as the world's largest consumer and could become the second largest economy in the world, in the next two to three decades.

Even though the US State Department has regarded the Chinese language extremely important to national prosperity, the"(9)current conditions to support recruitment of students and teachers as well as the growth of high quality programs is (10) discouragingly inadequate," an Asia Society study says.

Part IISentence Translation (From Chinese to English)


(set sights on)

If you have set sights on a bigger online shop, you should work hard to achieve it.

2.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。(a matter of)

Learning languages isn’t just a matter of remembering words.

3.我们想受到尽可能多的艺术和文化熏陶。( be exposed to)

We want to be exposed to as much art and culture as possible.

4.我们要坚持酒店的卫生水平达到最高标准。(insist on)

We insist on the highest standards of cleanliness in the hotel.

5.我希望我的工作被认为与以前的一样有价值。(be regarded as)

I did hope that my work would be regarded worthy as before.

6.锻炼时间的长短取决于你在训练什么项目。(depend on)

The length of time spent exercising depends on the sport you are training for.


英语期末考试----12月26日 (一)题型: 1.听力(10个短对话&2个短篇文章--10个问题) 2.阅读(3篇,其中一篇从第二册快速阅读的1--5单元中出) 3.单词(3,4,6单元A课文课后练习中vocabulary&word-building) 4.完型 5.翻译(3,4,6单元A课文课后练习中汉译英部分;以及3,4,6A课文中一段的段落进行英译汉) (二)单词&短语 1. I firmly believe that this agreement will be for our mutual benefit. 我坚决相信这份协议有利于我们的共同利益。 1.People have bought these houses under the illusion that their value would just keep on rise. 人们买房子是基于它们会增值这种幻象。 2.The project has been canceled by the local government for lack of public resources. 由于缺乏公共资源,当地政府取消了这个项目。 3.The clerk must have overlooked your name, because he said you were not here. 书记员一定是漏掉了你的名字,因为他说你不在这。 4.The speaker said something about the actors and then proceeded to talk

about the film. 发言人说了一些演员的事情,然后继续介绍电影。 5.Differences of opinion are often the most difficult problem to resolve. 如何处理各种不同的意见是最难解决的问题。 6.When he looked for a job, John strongly felt that there was a widespread prejudice against men over forty. 在找工作的过程中,约翰强烈的感觉到针对年过四十的男性的那种歧视。 7.Children should be encouraged to reach a compromise between what they want and what others want. 应该鼓励孩子们在他们自己和他人的所想所愿中找到折中点。 8.The discovery seems to confirm that people lived here over 100 years ago. 这个发现印证了此处一百多年前有人居住。 9.The book was first published in 1994 and was subsequently translated into fifteen languages. 这本书首次出版于1994年,而后被译成15种语言。 10.Mind your own business. My affairs have nothing to do with you. 管好你自己吧。我的事与你无关。 11.Having worked in the company for two years, Mr. Smith is now taking care for marketing and public relations. 在公司工作两年后,史密斯先生如今负责市场营销和公共关系。

大学英语 期末试卷题型

《大学英语3》期末考试题型: 1、听力理解:25%(共25题,每题1分) 短对话7个、篇章理解2篇、复合式听写1篇,共25题,25分。 2、选词填空题:10% (共10题,每题1分) 3、阅读理解:20% (1)、完型填空1篇,10题,每题1分 (2)、传统仔细阅读1篇,5题,每题2分 4、翻译:25% (1)、句子翻译(中文翻译成英文):15% (5题,每题3分,15分) (2)、段落翻译(英文翻译成中文):10% (1题,10分) 5、作文:20% 注意:考试课文范围: 《大学英语3(新世纪)》:第三册第1、2、3、5单元 出题范围: 1、复习所学单元的生词、词组、搭配等,第二部分选词填空题在课后练习中出题: 《大学英语3(新世纪)》:课后练习 Words In Action 中Ex. 2 2、认真复习课文,段落翻译(英译中)从课文的Text A(新世纪)中抽取。 3、认真复习课后练习,句子翻译(中译英)从课后练习Translation1中抽取。 4、其余题目均从试题库中抽取。 另:请各位《大学英语3》任课老师提醒学生自带耳机,期末考试中有听力题型。

《大学英语1》期末考试题型: 1、听力理解:25%(共25题,每题1分) 短对话8个、长对话2篇、章理解3篇,共25题,25分。 2、选词填空题:10% (共10题,每题1分) 3、阅读理解:20% 传统仔细阅读2篇,10题,每题2分 4、翻译:25% (1)、句子翻译(中文翻译成英文):15% (5题,每题3分,15分) (2)、段落翻译(英文翻译成中文):10% (1题,10分) 5、作文:20% 注意:考试课文范围: 《大学英语1(新世纪)》:第一册第1、2、4、5单元 出题范围: 1、复习所学单元的生词、词组、搭配等,第二部分选词填空题在课后练习中出题: 《大学英语1(新世纪)》:课后练习 Words In Action 中Ex. 2 2、认真复习课文,段落翻译(英译中)从课文的Text A(新世纪)中抽取。 3、认真复习课后练习,句子翻译(中译英)从课后练习Translation中抽取。 4、其余题目均从试题库中抽取。 另:请各位《大学英语1》任课老师提醒大一新生购买耳机,期末考试中有听力题型。


期末考试总结大全 期末考试结束了,同学们有没考好?没考好原因是什么?下面是小雅整理的期末考试总结大全,欢迎阅读参考! 期末考试总结一 期末考试成绩公布了。我的成绩是:语文96、数学79分。语文成绩列全班第20名,数学成绩列第一名——倒数第一名。闭幕式后我把成绩册丢在班级不敢带回家给爸爸妈妈看。 回到家,我赶忙躲到自己的房间里关起门来,眼泪也不由自主的从眼角溜了出来…… 爸爸下班回到家里,知道了我的期末考试情况,没有想到他没有责备我,他说: 要为成功总结经验,不要为失败找借口。语文能考96分是因为我将要求背诵的课文、抄写的生字都掌握了,而且还在爸爸的辅导下做了三份期末模拟试卷。而数学考试考成这个样子的原因就恰好相反:老师布置的作业没有完成,考试的时候粗心大意…… 知道这些使我落后的原因了,我一定会针对它们加以改正,争取当上“三好学生”。 期末考试总结二 光阴似箭、日月如梭。四年级学习生活不知不觉结束了,在这个学期里,老师为我们的学习付出了许多心血,我们也为自己

的学习洒下了辛勤的汗水。这次期末考试,我的每门功课都达到老师和家长满意的成绩:数学100分、英语100分、语文98分,总结这个学期的学习,我想主要有以下几个方面: 第一,学习态度比较端正。能够做到上课认真听讲,不与同学交头接耳,不做小动作,自觉遵守课堂纪律;对老师布置的课堂作业,能够当堂完成;对不懂的问题,主动和同学商量,或者向老师请教。 第二,改进了学习方法。为了改进学习方法,我给自己订了一个学习计划:(1)做好课前预习。也就是要挤出时间,把老师还没有讲过的内容先看一遍。尤其是语文课,要先把生字认会,把课文读熟;对课文要能分清层次,说出段意,正确理解课文内容。要求背诵的课文提前背过。坚持写日记,记录生活笔记。(2)上课要积极发言。对于没有听懂的问题,要敢于举手提问。积极发言,大胆思考。(3)每天的家庭作业认真检查,再让家长检查一遍,把做错了的和不会做的,让家长讲一讲,记在错题集上,考前几天再把以前做错了的题目,经常拿出来看一看,复习复习。(4)要多读一些课外书,了解课外知识,每天中午吃完饭,看半个小时课外书;每天晚上做完作业,只要有时间,多看几篇作文。 第三,课外特长不放松。能够利用星期天和节假日,到课外辅导班学习绘画,在学校的想象画评比中,我荣获“艺术之星”的称号。


开放英语1 试点期末机考模拟试题 一、英语知识运用 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. ____ name is Jane. ____ is from the USA. A. Her, She B. She‘s, She C. Her, Her 2. Have you got _____ lychees? A. some B. any C. / 3. Mr. Green is now ____ a holiday. A. in B. with C. on 4. I‘m a deputy manager. I work ______ an IT company. A. for B. about C. with 5. The Business Banking Department is on _____ second floor. A. / B. an C. the 6. A: How often ______ take the medicine? B: You should take it three times a day. A. I should B. I should to C. should I 7. It ______ heavily here at this moment. A. rain B. rains C. is raining 8. How do I ______ the gym? A. get to B. arrive C. go 9. My aunt _____ for her friends at home. A. enjoy cooking B. enjoys cook C. enjoys cooking 10. I‘d like to _____you to a party this Saturday. A. send B. invite C. leave 11. How many _____ would you like to buy? A. coffee B. oil C. oranges 12. Hurry up. We don‘t have _____ time. A. many B. enough C. too many 13. A: time do you have lunch? B: I usually have lunch at 12. A. Where B. What C. When 14. A: I haven‘t got a car. B: _____. A. Neither have I B. Neither do I C. Neither am I 15. This radio is _____ than that one. A. more expensive B. very expensive C. as expensive 16. A: The chair is not comfortable enough. B: Yes, I agree. It is _____. A. comfortable B. too uncomfortable C. enough comfortable 17. _____ a coffee machine in the room? A. Are there B. Is there C. Have there 18. A: _________________? B: I‘ve got a bad cough. A. What‘s the matter with you B. What is it like C. How was your day yesterday


一、短语翻译。(20分) 1、Significant 至关重要 2、derivation 从…获得 3、necessity 必需品 4、teleconference 远程电话会议 5、superficial 肤浅的 6、compatriot 同胞 7、real estate 不动产8.asset 资产9、be contrary to与…相反 10、implement 实施、执行11、危及endanger 12、灭绝的extinct 13、搞糟make a mess of 14、十字图案crisscross 15、追查到track down 16、可居住的inhabitable 17、在某些方面in this respect 18、并肩的side by side 19、心理学者psychologist 20、易于be apt to 21、athletics 运动员 22、fascinated 被…迷住的23、minivan 小型货车24、poised 泰然自若 25、hike 远足26、huddle 缩成一团27、ethicist 伦理学家 28、cut short 中断29、kick the habit戒除嗜好30、sustainable 可承受的 31、破坏性的devastating 32、臭氧ozone 33、解决办法solution 34、偷猎poach 35、保护preserve 36、规则regulation 37、感到怀疑in doubt 38、障碍roadblock 39、素描sketch 40、压倒crush 二、Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words and phrases given below.(10分) 1)、Adopt / apply / expert / negative / release /stable / tradition/ be fed up with /Bring up/ lead to 1、Taking deep breath can release you from your neverousness. 2、A good teacher would not have negative influence on his students. 3、After so many days, Harley has already been fed up with all those boring meetings. 4、The company is adopting new methods trying to encourage its employees to work harder . 5、Commodity prices have remained stable for quite a few years in this country.


2、环境的定义 ?一般意义上的环境:是相对于某一个中心事物而言的,即围绕某个中心事 物的外部空间、条件和状况,便构成某一中心事物的环境。 ?环境科学上的环境:也叫人类环境,是以人类为中心、为主体的外部世界, 即人类赖以生存和发展的天然的和人工改造过的各种自然因素的综合体。 ?生态学中的环境:是以整个生物界为中心、为主体,围绕生物界并构成生 物生存必要条件的外部空间和无生命物质,如大气、水、土壤、阳光及其他无生命物质等,是生物的生存环境,也称“生境”。 ?生态学中的环境:是以整个生物界为中心、为主体,围绕生物界并构成生 物生存必要条件的外部空间和无生命物质,如大气、水、土壤、阳光及其他无生命物质等,是生物的生存环境,也称“生境”。 ?本法所称的环境:是指影响人类生存和发展的各种天然的和经过人工改 造的自然因素的总体,包括大气、水、海洋、土地、矿藏、森林、草原、野生生物、自然遗迹、人文遗迹、自然保护区、风景名胜区、城市和乡村等。 3、环境的功能 ?生命支持功能(提供物质资源) ?废物消纳功能 ?生态审美功能 4、环境与自然资源的比较 ?定义:在一定的经济技术条件下,自然界中对人类有用的一切物质和能

量都称为自然资源。 ?比较: ?自然资源与环境是密不可分的,他们属于环境要素中可被人类利用的自然 物质和能量。 ?二者的相近:如果把自然资源作为环境因子,自然资源则纳入环境的外延; 也可以把环境作为自然资源系统的一个层次进行研究,把环境纳入资源的范畴。 ?二者的区别:自然资源的认识侧重点是其经济效用、经济价值,而环境则 侧重于系统平衡的生态性概念作为人类共同保护的客体,其根本目标是维护人类环境系统的平衡、保持生态环境系统的稳定,关注社会效益、生态效益。自然资源大多可以商品性物化,可以界定产权。而环境则具有综合性和整体性,很难通过界定产权来保护。 ?二者的融合:环境资源化(即赋予环境以价值);资源生态化(作为整体 系统的资源生态功能) 5、环境问题的定义 ?环境问题是指由于自然界或者人类活动使环境质量下降或者生态失调,对 人类的社会经济发展、身体健康以至生命安全及其它生物产生有害影响的现象。 6、环境法的科学基础-环境科学 ?环境科学是研究人类与环境关系的科学。它探索环境演化的规律,研究环 境变化对人类生存的影响,研究人类生存发展与环境保护如何协调统一,研究人类生存发展在不同范围内对环境的整体性影响,研究环境污染综合防治的技术措施和


第二部分样题一 一、交际用语(共计10 分,每小题2 分) 1~5 题:选择正确的语句完成下面的对话。 1.— Hi, Wang Xin, nice to meet you! — Hi, Liu Hui. A. Nice to meet you too. B. How do you do ? C. I'm fine, thank you. 答案: A 解析:本题考查“互相问候”的交际用语。第一说话人以nice to meet you (见到你很高兴)问候对方时,答语 应用 nice to meet you too 来回应,所以答案是A。 2.— How about going to the class together ? — A. Of course not. B. That sounds great. C. I don't like it. 答案: B 解析:本题考查“提出建议”的交际用语。第一说话人提出一起去上课的建议,如果赞同,根据给出答案,答 语应该是这听起来不错;如果不赞同,则应委婉礼貌地拒绝, C 答案语气太强硬,不太礼貌,所以答案是B。3.— Thank you for sharing this with me. — A. Nothing. B. You can share, too. C. My pleasure! 答案: C 解析:本题考查“回复致谢”的交际用语。My pleasure 是 It's my pleasure 的缩写,意为“不客气、很荣幸”。 常见的表达“不客气”的短语还有:You are welcome/don't mention it/Sure thing 等,所以答案是C。 4.— What will you buy for the Spring Festival ? — A. I will buy gifts for my family. B. Clothes are on sale. C. I want to go shopping. 答案: A 解析:本题考查“购物”的交际用语。“新年到了,你想买点儿什么呢”,应作出针对性的回答,即为 A 项:“我 想买些礼物送给家人” ;其余两项回答不够清晰,所以答案是A。 5.— — It's dark brown. A. How about his weight ? B. Is he a tall guy? C. What color is his hair ? 答案: C 解析:本题考查“表示询问”的交际用语。第二说话人回答的“dark brown 深褐色”是颜色,因此推断出第一说话人应该是询问跟颜色有关的问题,所以答案是C。 二、词汇与结构(共计30 分,每小题2 分)


《大学英语1》期末考试综合复习资料 I. Use of English(20%)—交际英语,共10道选择题,每题2分,共20 分。 II.Reading Comprehension (40%)—阅读理解,4篇文章,共20道选择题,每题2分,共40分。 III.Vocabulary and Structure(30%)—词汇与语法,共30道选择题,每题1分,共30分。 IV.Cloze Test (10%)—完形填空,共10道选择题,每题1分,共10分 I. Use of English (10×2) Directions:In this part there are 10 incomplete dialogues. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. —Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station? —____________ A. No, I couldn’t. B. Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here. C. I couldn’t tell you. D. You can’t ask me. 2. — What day is today? — _____________. A. Today is March 24. B. Today is not bad. C. Today is sunny D. Today is Saturday 3. —How do you do? Glad to see you. — _________________________ A. How are you? Me too. B. How do you do? Glad to meet you. C. I am fine, thank you. And you? D. Nice, how are you? 4. —I’m sorry. Bob’s not in his office. — _________ A. Can you take a message for me? B. Are you sure for that? C. Would you like to leave a message? D. Can you phone me?


期末考试总结 光影似箭,岁月如梭。期末考试离我们越来越近了。想从期末考试中获得鲜花和掌声吗?想,那么,就请把握现在,决战期末。 “十年砺剑百日策马闯雄关,一朝试锋六月扬眉传佳音”,我坚信即使前方道路充满阴霾和坎坷,我们都必须勇敢面对!拿出破釜沉舟的勇气,坚持下去,成功必将属于我们自己!让我们肯定自己,超越自己,创造自己,让我们心中伴着信念,矢志不渝,带着希望而迈向辉煌! 下面我就在未来半个月中,我们应该怎样调整好自己状态提以下几点建议: 第一,争分夺秒,提高效率。期末考试是对一学期来所学内容的全面考查,它所复盖的知识点多,能力要求也更高更全。这就需要我们花更多的时间来复习和记忆,我希望我们学生要珍惜这半个月的时间,坚持不懈。一方面要保质保量完成老师布置的复习题。另一方面还可以根据自己的情况作出合理安排。我们可以把所有的作业和测试卷拿出来整理,找出原来的错误,并分析错误的原因,再做一些同类的题目进行巩固。成绩优异的同学可以归纳方法,一题多解。学有困难的学生多注重基础知识,可以完

成书本的练习题,举一反三。还要多向家长和老师寻求帮助,只有这样复习的效率就提高了。 第二,面对困难、不要泄气。在学习的过程中,难免会碰到一些难以解决的困难,但有时只要你换个角度去思考问题,也许就会豁然开朗。问题也将迎刃而解。 第三,平和心态,决胜千里外。同学们,临近考试,请你放下背上的包袱,用平和积极的心态,坦然的迎接考试,迎接梦想的飞翔。你可以思慕古人那种“不以物喜,不以己悲”的旷达胸襟,向往诗圣李白恃才傲物的豪迈情怀,艳羡毛泽东的“问苍茫大地,谁主沉浮”的高瞻远瞩。运筹帷幄,决胜千里之外,啸傲考场,人生处处精彩。 同学扪,考试的号角已经吹响,胜利的旋律在寰宇回荡,长风破浪正此时,直挂云帆济沧海,行动起来吧,我们一定会谱写自己的辉煌。相信自己吧,人间自有公道,付出就有回报,我们的成绩一定会步步高。 (本范文仅供参考,希望能够有所帮助!) 附:


第一讲商务智能概述(综合论述题) 1学习本课程的原因: 现代管理需要基于计算机的方法 让决策更有有效性 企业需要有智能 A:在分析型商务智能软件的帮助下,用户可以建立统一的企业数据仓库平台,并收集,访问,分析每个商业领域的数据,同时,数据库技术的进步,服务器性能的提升以及分析软件算法的优化,是的访问大型数据库处理海量信息变得更加容易便捷。 B:商务智能可以提供个性化服务,以满足不同用户的需求,智能搜索可以给决策者以很好的数据分析。 2与本专业的关联性: 信息技术迅速发展的今天,电子商务已在国民经济中显现出极其重要的作用。伴随着服务形态在全球扩张,市场需求多样化,社会网络的广泛建立等社会经济巨大变革;数据量正以每年翻倍的速度扩增,然而数据源分散,异构数据库难以整合,数据接口复杂等问题严重,导致大量数据中真正能被利用来分析和运用的数据不足10%。如何将数据有效转化为决策者所需要的信息,提升电子商务整体应用水平,已经成为政府,企业界和软件开发界关注的一个研究方向。(BI发展趋势:绩效管理,产品模块的集成,结构化和非结构化数据,数据质量,预测分析,客户定制化。)根据商务智能的主要技术,以及电子商务的移动,虚拟性,个性化,社会性等新型特征,把商务智能同电子商务基础性规律结合起来,完善商务节点的数据挖掘,抽取,转化集成和应用。提升电子商务中的智能搜索,精度营销,比较购物,供应链、配送优化等现实需求。描述商务智能融合技术在电子商务中的应用展望。 3商务智能在电子商务中的典型应用 (1)数据挖掘的应用:挖掘主要是挖掘出有潜力价值数据的信息拘束,主要应用在情报分析,数据库营销,识别用户消费行为,客户流失分析,划分客户群体等 相关应用。(沃尔玛超市尿布与啤酒的销售) (2)智能搜索的应用:人们运用关键词进行搜索返还的结果信息之间缺乏有效的关联,不仅增加了用户筛选结果信息的时间,而且也为用户查找有效信息增加了


2) If you want to see a you should book well 3) At that time only story. she was looking for. music and English in this term? 7) hopes to be able to bring 8) My train was 20 in the evening. 9) The real their lack of confidence in their abilities. are bound to many difficulties. 11) I saw a this morning. is the most important come over her face. 15) stealing, you will difficult to guess what her 17) I should like to a quiet neighborhood. 18) to accept it as true accident left behind it a 20) he is, he is equal to the task. I first met him in that company. 24) I didn’t and time 27) I will go to see can ’t get to 29) People don ’ t want 30) Never before that 31) The only for his behavior is that he is mad. 32) opportunity. You make yourself understood (手势) if you don’t speak the same language. 34) work. You’d colors he used. that her daughter was safe 40) The a conclusion child’s environment enables him to enlarge his living sphere according to his own had helped was the father of his girlfriend. 45) I piano and asked the the afternoon. 46) The of trouble over 47) able to give the police a(n) description of her attacker. 49) Being a sailor ( 水手50) This detergent all 51) The _at the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about ten o’clock tonight. hours when they spotted a sign that 54) for six years by the time he takes his examination. old lady was not the consequence to me. 58) I don’t know movie tickets will be given to 60) Mr. very depressed. Do 1 2 1.First he applied electricity to the fish bowl 首先他将电流导入玻璃鱼缸,使得鱼儿们瞬间静止,然后他马上减小电流,鱼儿们便可以继续游动 2. Many mothers who 过去可能认为自己是 隐入了家庭陷阱中的母亲们会抓住机会把精 力和潜能用在催人奋进的事业中去。 3. We children could enjoy 我们这些 儿女们可以一直坐享父母的好名声,除非 做了有损于它的事。 4. A good name 好名声,以及与之相随的 责任感,迫使我们这些孩子表现更好,要 不然我们不见得这样好的。 5. Knowing that I had not stopped 知 道自从离开航空公司票务柜台没在其他任 何地方停留过,所以我推断我一定是把包 落在那里了。 6. The agent turned to look 当代理回 头看时,公文包已被送到传输带的尽头, 消失不见了。 7. When you return to your studies 休息之后,当你重新开始学习时, 思维会更活跃,记住的东西也会更多。 8. The right to pursue happiness 我们 每个人在出生时就被赋予追求幸福的权 利,但是似乎谁也说不准幸福是什么。 9. Obviously no half-foolish person 显然,稍有头脑的人都不会被街道上的 这种旗帜或电视上的这种广告所打动。

英语期末考试复习材料 新视野I Unit 6-8

Part I Complete the Passage with the Correct Form of the Words. crisis independence influence launch positive provide secure wisdom The relationship between parents and children is a unique one, and in almost all cases, (1) _positive_. Parents have the duty to (2) _launch_ their children into the adventure of life. They do this by (3) _providing_ them, from the beginning, with their material needs, in an environment which is (4) _secure_. Over the years they transmit to their children the (5) _wisdom_ which comes from experience. In most families, the (6) _influence_ parents have over their children is enormous. Of course, there may be moments of (7) _crisis_, when there seems to be a lack of understanding between generations. But these are learning moments too, and part of the necessary process by which the younger generation achieves (8) _independence_. Part IISentence Translation (From Chinese to English) 1.虽然父母有教育子女的义务,但很多父母不知道如何扮演好这一角色。 (despite the fact that …) Despite the fact that parents have the responsibility to educate their children, many of them have no idea how to play the role well. 2.他主张父母应该成为孩子的朋友,并在言行上保持一致。(advocate; consistent) He advocates that parents should be friends to their kids, and be consistent in what they say and do. 3.父母往往能认识到知识教育的重要性,却忽视了对孩子的情感教育。 (academic; emotional ) Parents are generally conscious of the importance of academic education while neglecting emotional education. 4.父母在子女教育方面所起的积极作用是显而易见的。(positive; influence) The positive influence that parents may have on their children’s education is obvious and self-evident. 5.对孩子取得的任何进步都要给予肯定,不管是多么小的进步。(positive) Be positive about any progress your child is making, no matter how small it is.


大学英语3词汇选择练习题 第一单元选择题 1. It __________that the necklace was made of glass. A. turned out B. made out C. looked out D. took out 解析:该题选A,题目大意是“原来那串项链是用玻璃做的”。 turn out: 结果是;证明是 The party turned out to be very successful. 晚会结果开得很成功。 2. ___________, he can finish the work in a couple of weeks. A. Giving good health B. If give good health C. Given good health D. If he is good given health 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“倘若身体好,他能在一两周内完成这项工作”。given 引导方式状语,意为“倘若,假设,考虑到”。如: 1. Given their inexperience, the y’ve done a good job.考虑到他们缺乏经验,他们 的工作已经做得不错了。 2. Given some more time, I would do the job better.假如时间再多些,我能把工作 做得更好。 3. Given good health, the old lady can look after her grand-daughter for her son.假 如身体好的话,这位老太太能帮她儿子照看孙女。 3. ___________ to speak at the meeting, I couldn’t very well refuse. A. Called up B. Called off C. Called at D. Called on 解析:该题选D,题目大意是“要让我在会上发言,我是不会拒绝的”。 call on sb. to do st h:invite/require sb. to do sth.请/要求某人做某事 1. A teacher can call on individual students to compose similar questions. 老师可以要求每个学生提出类似的问题。 2. The chairman called on his people to organize so that they could be more powerful.主席号召他的民众组织起来,这样才能更有力量。 4. The poor police had never __________ of winning. A. made a chance B. took a chance C. stood a chance D. kept a chance 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“可怜的警察毫无胜诉的机会”。 stand a chanc e:have a prospect (of sth.) 有…希望 1. stand a chance of winning the game有可能赢得这场比赛 2. I think you stand a good chance of being elected president.我认为你极有可能 当选为公司总裁。 3. Weak and lame in one leg, he never stood a chance of getting the job of taxi-driver.由于身体虚弱,并且有一条跛腿,他从未有机会得到出租车司机的工作。 5. If our neighbor continues to refuse to keep his dog under control, we have to take him to ___________. A. solicitor B. brush C. prisoner D. court 解析:该题选D,题目大意是“如果我们的邻居仍然拒绝看管好他的狗,我们就不得不法庭上见了”。 take sb. to court:控告某人,对某人提出诉讼 1. If you don't pay up, I'll take you to court. 如果你不还清欠款, 我就到法院告


目录 第一章图的基本概念 (2) 二路和连通性 (4) 第二章树 (4) 第三章图的连通度 (6) 第四章欧拉图与哈密尔顿图 (8) 一,欧拉图 (8) 二.哈密尔顿图 (10) 第五章匹配与因子分解 (14) 一.匹配 (14) 二.偶图的覆盖于匹配 (15) 三.因子分解 (16) 第六章平面图 (20) 二.对偶图 (24) 三.平面图的判定 (25) 四.平面性算法 (28) 第七章图的着色 (34) 一.边着色 (34) 二.顶点着色 (35)

第九章 有向图 (40) 二 有向树 (41) 第一章 图的基本概念 1. 点集与边集均为有限集合的图称为有限图。 2. 只有一个顶点而无边的图称为平凡图。 3. 边集为空的图称为空图。 4. 既没有环也没有重边的图称为简单图。 5. 其他所有的图都称为复合图。 6. 具有二分类(X, Y )的偶图(或二部图):是指该图的点集可以分解为两个(非空)子 集 X 和 Y ,使得每条边的一个端点在 X 中,另一个端点在Y 中。 7. 完全偶图:是指具有二分类(X, Y )的简单偶图,其中 X 的每个顶点与 Y 的每个顶点 相连,若 |X|=m ,|Y|=n ,则这样的偶图记为 Km,n 8. 定理1 若n 阶图G 是自补的(即 ),则 n = 0, 1(mod 4) 9. 图G 的顶点的最小度。 10. 图G 的顶点的最大度。 11. k-正则图: 每个点的度均为 k 的简单图。 例如,完全图和完全偶图Kn,n 均是正则图。 12. 推论1 任意图中,奇点的个数为偶数。 ()G δ()G ?

13. 14.频序列:定理4 一个简单图G的n个点的度数不能互不相同。 15.定理5 一个n阶图G相和它的补图有相同的频序列。 16. 17. 18.对称差:G1△G2 = (G1∪G2) - (G1∩G2) = (G1-G2)∪(G2-G1) 19.定义:联图在不相交的G1和G2的并图G1+G2中,把G1的每个顶点和G2的每个 顶点连接起来所得到的图称为G1和G2的联图,记为G1∨G2 20.积图:积图设G1= (V1, E1),G2 = (V2, E2),对点集V = V1×V2中的任意两个点u = (u1,u2)和v = (v1,v2),当(u1 = v1和u2 adj v2) 或(u2 = v2 和u1 adj v1) 时就把u 和v 连接起来所得到的图G称为G1和G2积图。记为G = G1×G2 设G1= (V1, E1),G2 = (V2, E2),对点集V = V1×V2中的任意两个点u = (u1,u2)和v = (v1,v2),当(u1 adj v1) 或(u1= v1 和u2 adj v2) 时就把u 和v 连接起来所得到的图G称为G1和G2的合成图。记为G=G1[G2]。

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