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影视课堂活力英语(2)Unit 8

影视课堂活力英语(2)Unit 8
影视课堂活力英语(2)Unit 8

Movie Clip 1

1.He was named after General Nathan Bedford Forrest. He started up this club called the Ku

Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and their bedsheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. They'd even put bedsheets on their horses and ride around.

2. Mama tells him “You're no different than anybody else is”. The principle says “Forrest is

different. His I.Q. is seventy-five.”

Movie Clip 2

1. He meets President Kennedy because he plays football very well and gets in the All-America Team. the real good thing about meeting the President of the United States is the food.

2. “I gotta pee”. The other player feels honored and very good to meet the president.

Movie Clip 3


4 2 3 1


Movie Clip 4




1.The president invites Forrest and the ping-pong team to visit the White House.2

2.The president put him in a very nice, brand-new, very modern hotel.

3.Some people were looking for the fuse box or something.

4.He resigned the Presidency.

Movie Clip 5


1.For no particular reason/He just feels like running.

2. 3 years, 2 months, 14 days and 16 hours


1. B

2. A

3. D

4. A

B Cultural Enrichment Listening

Task One Multiple Choices


2. D


4. A

Task Two Summary Practice

There is an Asian Film Festival in the French seaside town of Deauville. It exhibits forty films from eight Asian countries and the films attract European audiences’ interests.

C Cultural-Reflection Project


recognize candidates corresponding statuette eligible consecutive

影视课堂活力英语(2)Unit 9 hook_answer_key

B Extensive Listening Activities Clip 1 1.What kind of lifestyle does Peter have? Busy, stressful, no time for family. Answers may vary. 2. Do you think they are happy? Why or why not? Answers may vary. Clip 2 1. What is Peter Banning’s real identity? Peter Pan. 2. Why do you think Peter doesn’t remember who he is? Answers may vary. Section 2 In-class Activities B Watch & Listen Clip 3

What Maggie and Hook ask Peter to do: Maggie : All you have to do is ___touch____ our __fingers ___and we ’ll be able to go__home __. Hook : Touch them, Peter, and it ’s all been just a bad_dream__. Just ___reach____ out and touch them. Maggi e: Reach, come on__daddy __, mommy could do it. Hook couldn ’t understand what happened to Peter: Hook : Smee, I don ’t__understand__, why doesn ’t he _fly__? Is he not Peter Pan? Smee : He ’s Peter Pan all right,__ Captain __. H e’s just been away from _ Neverland for __so long, he- his_ mind ’s been “junktified ”. He ’s _ forgotten _everything. Task three Clip 4 Task two Further understanding for details

影视课堂活力英语(2)Unit 8

Movie Clip 1 1.He was named after General Nathan Bedford Forrest. He started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and their bedsheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. They'd even put bedsheets on their horses and ride around. 2. Mama tells him “You're no different than anybody else is”. The principle says “Forrest is different. His I.Q. is seventy-five.” Movie Clip 2 1. He meets President Kennedy because he plays football very well and gets in the All-America Team. the real good thing about meeting the President of the United States is the food. 2. “I gotta pee”. The other player feels honored and very good to meet the president. Movie Clip 3 TASK ONE 4 2 3 1 TASK TWO Movie Clip 4 TASK ONE F F TASK TWO 1.The president invites Forrest and the ping-pong team to visit the White House.2 2.The president put him in a very nice, brand-new, very modern hotel. 3.Some people were looking for the fuse box or something. 4.He resigned the Presidency. Movie Clip 5 TASK ONE


Movie Clip 1 1. He was namedafter General Nathan Bedford Forrest. He started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and their bedsheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. They'd even put bedsheets on their horses and ride around. 2. Mamstells him “You're no different than anybody else is ” . The principle says America Team. the real good thi ng about meet ing the Preside nt of the Un ited States is the food. 2. “I gotta pee ” . The other player feels honored and very good to meet the preside nt. Movie Clip 3 TASK ONE 4 2 3 1 TASK TWO Movie Clip 4 TASK ONE F F TASK TWO 1. The preside nt in vites Forrest and the pin g-p ong team to visit the White 2. The preside nt put him in a very ni ce, brand-n ew, very moder n hotel. 3. Some people were looking for the fuse box or something. 4. He resigned the Presidency.


Part I Language through Movie B Extensive Listening Activities
Movie Clip 1
Listen to the conversation between two gentlemen in their first meeting and answer the following questions. What defect does the gentleman seated on the sofa suffer from? He suffers from a stutter/ stammer ---- a speech impediment(妨碍,阻止 口吃,结巴;) How do they mutually prefer to be addressed? And why, according to your understanding? Bertie addresses Lionel as “Dr. Logue”, but Lionel prefers to be called “Lionel”—the given name. Bertie hopes Lionel to address him formally as “Your Royal Highness” or “Prince Albert Frederick Arthur George”, while Lionel prefers to call the other party “Bertie”. Lionel believes it’s better for treatment if they’re equals, but Bertie values the rigid hierarchical relationship between them. Watch the scene on a series of treatments the doctor offered and answer the following questions.
Movie Clip 2
1. In the process of treatment, what physical exercises did the doctor carry out? Lionel carried out some mechanical practice/muscle therapy to relax Bertie’s jaw muscles and strengthen his tongue. In addition, he helped Bertie loosen his shoulders, take deep breath and expand his chest by mechanical practice. 2. Do you think Bertie's problem is only a physiological(生理学的;生理 的)one? From your viewpoint, what (other) practical treatments can be applied? (Open) Bertie’s problem may not be simply a physiological one, because the physical treatment turns out to be not sufficiently effective, only dealing with the surface of stammer problem. If it is psychological, it may be workable for Bertie to undergo some mental consultation or therapy.


影视课堂活力英语U n i t 文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]

Movie Clip 1 1.He was named after General Nathan Bedford Forrest. He started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and their bedsheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. They'd even put bedsheets on their horses and ride around. 2. Mama tells him “You're no different than anybody else is”. The principle says “Forrest is different. His I.Q. is seventy-five.” Movie Clip 2 1. He meets President Kennedy because he plays football very well and gets in the All-America Team. the real good thing about meeting the President of the United States is the food. 2. “I gotta pee”. The other player feels honored and very good to meet the president. Movie Clip 3 TASK ONE 4 2 3 1 TASK TWO


Unit 2 The Truman Show-Key to exercises ● A part from an aircraft. An aircraft began shedding parts as it flew over Seahaven just a few moments ago. Truman and we hear it from the radio. 2. What do Truman and other town fellow buy at the newsstand? What role do they play in people ’s lives? ● Magazines and newspapers. People get information as well as entertainment from them. ● Truman lives in a fake world. Everyone knows about everything Truman does. 2. What is the girl ’s name? What do you think is her real identity? ● Sylvia. She is an actress in the program the Truman show . Task One

Task One General understanding of the main idea Task Two Further understanding of details 1. This year the Truman Show marks its_______. A.30th year B.40th year C.20th year D.15th year 2. Which one is NOT the plot that intends to keep Truman stay in the island? A. He was made to believe that there was nothing in the world to explore. B. A barking dog stood on the way when he tried to cross the bridge. C.His “father” Kirk drowned in the sea. D. His boss promised him a better position. 3. How did the producer select the star? A. He interviewed five families who registered for the role. B. He adopted Truman from a poor family and made him a star. C. The audience recommended baby Truman as the best candidate. D. Truman was born the moment when the show started. 4. How much profit does the program gain? A. 220 million dollars B. 1.7 billion dollars C. about the gross national product of a small country


影视课堂活力英语U n i t TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】

Movie Clip 1 1.He was named after General Nathan Bedford Forrest. He started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and their bedsheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. They'd even put bedsheets on their horses and ride around. 2. Mama tells him “You're no different than anybody else is”. The principle says “Forrest is different. His I.Q. is seventy-five.” Movie Clip 2 1. He meets President Kennedy because he plays football very well and gets in the All-America Team. the real good thing about meeting the President of the United States is the food. 2. “I gotta pee”. The other player feels honored and very good to meet the president. Movie Clip 3 TASK ONE 4 2 3 1 TASK TWO Movie Clip 4 TASK ONE F F TASK TWO 1.The president invites Forrest and the ping-pong team to visit the White House.2 2.The president put him in a very nice, brand-new, very modern hotel. 3.Some people were looking for the fuse box or something. 4.He resigned the Presidency. Movie Clip 5 TASK ONE


高校美育现状调查 姓名:常雅迪 学号:2 时间:美育,又称美学教育,是现代教育体系的重要组成部分,对促进学生的全面发展、综合素质的提高等方面有着至关重要的的作用。教育部《面向二十一世纪教育振兴行动计划》指出:“美育不仅能培养学生有高尚情操,还能激发学生学习活力,促进智力开发,培养学生创新能力。”美育是我国教育方针的重要组成部分,是全面素质教育的重要内容。美育不仅是人类认识世界、改造世界的重要手段,也是人类实现自身美化,完善人格的重要途径。培养人、

提高人的素质,基本的问题是要提升人的精神境界。美育的最终意义,就在于使人的情感得到陶冶,思想得到净化,品格得到完善,从而使身心得到和谐发展,自身的到美化。 21世纪的社会进步与文明发展,提升着美育这一卓越的教育品质,使之越来越成为教育进步的重要标志,并成为弘扬民族精神、提高全民素质、造就创新人才、推进先进文化、发展社会文明的一个根本因素。美育是一种审美教育,它借助于自然美、社会美和艺术美的手段,以培养人的正确审美观和高尚的道德情操,提高人的审美能力,使人得到自由全面的发展为目标,美育的宗旨是培养全面发展的自由的人。美育不同于别的教育,它是一种自由的形态,通过“寓教于乐”、“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”的方式使人的心灵得以净化。这是因为美与人的心灵是相通的,用康德的话说:美是情感知识与道德的桥梁。美育运用人类社会创造的一切美,对人进行美化自身的教育,使人具有一颗丰富而充实的心灵,并渗透到整个内心世界与生活中去,形成一种自觉的理性力量。这是其他教育无法做到的。 美学作为美育的一个重要内容,具有其自身的特点。美学的对象就是广大的美的领域,说得更精确一点,他的范围就是艺术,或者毋宁说,就是美的艺术。这样一个直接探讨“美”的学科,对于培养大学生正确的审美观无疑是具有重要意义的。不仅如此,美学由于其自身的特点,对于培养学生科学的思维方式、提高学生的综合素质、塑造完美人格等都具有特殊的意义。美学有利于培养学生科学的思维方式。钱学森院士曾提出高校人才素质培养的六个方面,其中之一就是

影视课堂活力英语(2)Unit 4 Fireproof_key

Section 1 Before-class Activities B Extensive Listening Activities Clip1 1. How are they related and how would you describe their relationship? Husband and wife. They are in a bad relationship. ——————————————————————————————— 2. What do you think their problems are? Answers may vary. ——————————————————————————————— Clip 2 1. Who does Caleb’s father give credit to for saving his own marriage? God. ——————————————————————————————— 2. What advice does Caleb’s father suggest Caleb to try? Hold off on the divorce for 40days. ——————————————————————————————— Section 2 In-class Activities . ___ Caleb’s father believes God judges people by His standard. Caleb ’s resistance on _____ is much s of ____ Conclusion fire broken his day, you'll answer to him for that.


BExtensive Listening Activities Clip 1 1.What kind of lifestyle does Peter have? Busy, stressful, no time for family, Answers may vary 2. Do you think they are happy? Why or why not? Answers may vary Clip 2 1. What is Peter Banning’s real identity? Peter Pan 2. Why do you think Peter doesn’t remember who he is? Answers may vary Section 2 In-class Activities B Watch & Listen Clip 3

WhatMaggie and Hook ask Peter to do: Maggie : All you have to do is ___touch____ our __fingers ___and we ’ll be able to go__home __. Hook : Touch them, Peter, and it ’s all been just a bad_dream__. Just ___reach____ out and touch them. Maggi e: Reach, come on__daddy __, mommy could do it. Hook couldn ’t understand what happened to Peter: Hook : Smee, I don ’t__understand__, why doesn ’t he _fly__? Is he not Peter Pan? Smee : He ’s Peter Pan all right,__ Captain __. H e’s just been away from _Neverland for __so long, he- his_mind ’s been “junktified ”. He ’s _forgotten _everything. Task three Clip 4 Task two Further understanding for details According to Jack and Hook .... 1 2


影视课堂活力英语 The latest revision on November 22, 2020

Movie Clip 1 1.He was named after General Nathan Bedford Forrest. He started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and their bedsheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. They'd even put bedsheets on their horses and ride around. 2. Mama tells him “You're no different than anybody else is”. The principle says “Forrest is different. His I.Q. is seventy-five.”Movie Clip 2 1. He meets President Kennedy because he plays football very well and gets in the All-America Team. the real good thing about meeting the President of the United States is the food. 2. “I gotta pee”. The other player feels honored and very good to meet the president. Movie Clip 3 TASK ONE 4 2 3 1 TASK TWO Movie Clip 4 TASK ONE F F TASK TWO 1.The president invites Forrest and the ping-pong team to visit the W hite House.2 2.The president put him in a very nice, brand-new, very modern hotel.


序号:专业代码:090400 计算机动漫与游戏制作专业 2.5人才培养方案

集美职业技术学校 集美职业学校模具制造技术专业2.5人才培养方案 一、专业名称(专业代码) 090400 计算机动漫与游戏制作 二、入学要求 初中毕业或具有同等学力 三、基本学制 3 年 四、培养目标 本专业坚持立德树人,主要面向模具制造行业及模具产品相关企业,培养从事模具制造、装配、调试、维修、相关设备操作、品质管理等工作,德智体美全面发展的高素质劳动者和技能型人才。 五、职业范围

六、人才规格 本专业毕业生应具有以下职业素养、专业知识和技能: (一)职业素养 1、具有良好的职业道德,能自觉遵守行业法规、规范和企业规章制度。 2、具有创新精神和服务意识。 3、具有人际交往与团队协作能力。 4、具有获取信息、学习新知识的能力。

5、具有借助词典阅读外文技术资料的能力。 6、具有一定的计算机操作能力。 7、具有安全文明生产、节能环保和遵守操作规程的意识。 (二)专业知识和技能 1、能熟悉二维动画、三维动画、游戏美术、平面设计、后期制作的制作流程。 2、能熟悉二维动画、三维动画、游戏美术、平面设计、后期制作的相关软件。 3、能进行二维动画制作、三维东湖制作、游戏美术制作、平面设计制作、后期合 成制作等工作。 专业(技能)方向——平面设计 1、能熟悉平面设计的制作要求 2、能掌握平面设计的相关软件 3、能有良好的色彩搭配、排版等平面设计能力 4、能够进行平面广告设计、网页设计、排版设计、UI设计、网站美工等工作 专业(技能)方向——三维动画 1、能掌握三维动画建模的制作要求 2、能掌握三维动画中添加材质与贴图、灯光与渲染制作技巧 3、能掌握三维动画中骨骼绑定、权重绘制、角色肢体动作、面部表情以及动画制 作技巧 4、能将三维制作技巧综合应用,完成一部三维动画短片 专业(技能)方向——影视后期 1、能熟悉动画后期制作剪辑和合成的制作流程 2、能掌握动画后期制作剪辑和合成的基础知识和基本原理 3、能掌握影视后期剪辑、合成和特效制作的相关软件 4、能对三维动画作品、二维动画作品、游戏作品及西宁后期剪辑、合成和特 效处理 专业(技能)方向——二维动画


影视课堂活力英语 U n i t Corporation standardization office #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8

Movie Clip 1 1.He was named after General Nathan Bedford Forrest. He started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and their bedsheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. They'd even put bedsheets on their horses and ride around. 2. Mama tells him “You're no different than anybody else is”. The principle says “Forrest is different. His I.Q. is seventy-five.”Movie Clip 2 1. He meets President Kennedy because he plays football very well and gets in the All-America Team. the real good thing about meeting the President of the United States is the food. 2. “I gotta pee”. The other player feels honored and very good to meet the president. Movie Clip 3 TASK ONE 4 2 3 1 TASK TWO Movie Clip 4 TASK ONE F F TASK TWO 1.The president invites Forrest and the ping-pong team to visit the W hite House.2 2.The president put him in a very nice, brand-new, very modern hotel.


The Social Network (for reference only) Movie Clip 1 1.What kind of person does Zuckerberg appear to be? Do you think he is a nerd or a genius? Students may have their own views. Encourage them to express ideas freely. 2.Why did he want to get into the final clubs? Reasons: A:social acceptance. B: to become a member means one is best of the best. According to Mark’s words in the movie, ”exclusive, fun ,lead to a better life”. More information at: https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c3069629.html,/wiki/Final_club#The_clubs Movie Clip 2 1.What did this website allow the users to do? Comparing two people together, choosing a number to represent each person's hotness like they do on https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c3069629.html, 2.Why would Zuckerberg create this on-campus website? For a revenge on Erica. He was angry and heartbroken after his breakup with Erica.

深圳市第二高级中学 简介

深圳市第二高级中学简介 办学特色类: 1、二高的办学特色、办学理念。 二高是深圳市直属公办高中。是深圳市近十年新办高中里唯一的国家级示范性高中。遵循“以尊重的教育培养受尊重的人”的办学理念。重视学生的全面发展,重视学生的素质培养。是深圳市高中里唯一全国体育示范校,是广东省国家级示范性高中、广东省德育示范学校、广东省心理健康教育特色学校,还是全市唯一一所拥国家级艺术教育基地的学校。 学校文化气息十分浓厚。为了促进学生的全面发展,培养学生的健全人格,陶冶学生的审美情趣,为学生提供了丰富多彩的课外生活帄台。这里有四大节横贯整个学期,读书节、艺术节、体育节、科技文化节、文化讲坛、专家讲座等系列活动。有创客空间、环保社、黑眼睛戏剧社、机器人制作、涵泳文学社、红十字会、天涯地理社等80个学生社团。此外,陆续开发出美术、影视创作编导、书法、形体、英语口译、通用技术、汽车技术实训、游泳、武术、创客教育等校本选修课程。 在“三实”教育的引领下,学校形成了“真实、扎实、朴实”的“三实”课堂,教育教学成绩斐然,实现了真正的“低进高出”。因为超强的学业成绩提升能力,连续八年获得深圳市高考工作卓越奖。 二高注重学生的终身发展,所以实行“三证”制度,要求学生要想从二高毕业,必须拿到“阅读证”、“游泳证”和“书写证”,目的是要求学生除了学习好以外,要有一个体育爱好,有一手好字,有阅读和赏析能力。 要求每个二高学子要获得游泳证,因为游泳不但是强身健体的好方法,更是关键时刻救命的本领。为了让游泳课达到良好的效果,学校每年都会投入大量的

人力物力和经费,并聘请了专业的教练员和救生员团队,使学生愉悦又快速的掌握游泳技能。顺便多说一句,我校的游泳池在全市近千所游泳池中是最好的之一,每年都获得深圳市卫计委评定的“卫生信誉度A级等级”! 要求学生都写好字,因为书写不但是一个人的“门面”,而且也影响着一个人的气质和内涵,所以开设了汉字书写必修课,在日常考试的试卷里专门设有书写分,有专门的教师研究并传授汉字书写的技巧。 要求学生拿到阅读证,因为阅读是人终身发展的必备技能,提高生命的质量,从重视阅读开始。开设专门的阅读课,学校图书馆购置了大量书籍资料(纸质图书24万册,学生人均80册,远远超过国家标准配置,另外还有大量的电子图书),学生身处宽敞明亮的阅览室,在老师的指导下进行广泛而深入的阅读,懂得了赏析、学会了思考,为今后的发展奠定了坚实的基础。 2、我校学校的硬件配备设施及师资 教学设施上:二高的教学设施设备是国内领先的,我校在十年前就实现了所有的教室都安装了交互式电子白板,实现了无尘化教学。所有的学科都储备有丰富的教学资源,均实现了网络备课资源共享。本学期,我们准备更新设备,教室换成一体机,同时变成纳米黑板。 校园环境上:学校校园布局合理,环境幽雅,绿意盎然,文化气息浓厚。创办之初就按照全国重点中学规划,园林式设计、高标准建设的要求建设,学校占地面积10.8万帄方米,建筑面积6.5万帄方米。建有教学楼、实验楼、运动场、图书馆、教研办公大楼及电子阅览室、电教馆、学生公寓、学生食堂等,建有生物园、地理园。新建好的艺术楼投资2个亿,是全国最大的艺术楼。有三层教室,分别为舞蹈区、音乐区和书画区,每一间教室都宽敞明亮,充满了艺术气息。我校实验室、专用室等场室按学科课程标准要求配置,学校运动场所和设施齐全。图书馆藏书 24万册(生均达80册,远远超过国家标准),另外还有电子读物 16 万多册。 课余活动上:校园内建有高标准的大型体育场馆、标准田径场、灯光足球场、游泳池、篮球场、排球场和网球场,为广大学生提供了强健体魄、张扬活力的运动舞台。我校的游泳池是全市近千个游泳池中为数不多的A级之一。


Key to Exercises (Unit 1 Finding Nemo) Part I Movie Language Class Lead-in 1. Where are the two speakers? In the studio. (Pixar Animation Studios皮克萨动画电影公司) 2. What do they do? They are Director (Andrew Stanton) & Co-director (Lee Unkrich). (The third person is John Lasseter,皮克萨公司执行副总裁executive Vice President、本片的原创者,出任影片的执行制片executive producer) 3. What are they talking about? They are presenting and introducing to the audience the making of the two DVD discs of the film, Finding Nemo. Intensive Listening & Viewing Task two 1. (1)B. (2)C. 2. (1). What happens when Nemo seems to be about to swim into the open water? (注:此文字是在第一版本基础上修改后的,原版是:…is about to swim…) Nemo?s father Marlin appears and he prevents Nemo from swimming out into the open water. (2). Why do Nemo and his father Marlin quarrel? Because Marlin thinks it is dangerous for Nemo to swim out for he is still incapable of swimming well as a kid, but Nemo believes he can swim well. (3). What are the three words Nemo said to his father after the quarrel? I hate you. 4. What does Nemo do unexpectedly after the quarrel? Nemo acts on impulse and swims out unexpectedly into the open water to touch the boat to prove that he can swim well and can be independent. 3. concern, lucky, parents, can?t, interrupt, unsupervised Movie Clip 2 Task one 1. What do the fish plan to do in this scene? They plan to escape. 2. What does Nemo do in the plan as a pioneer? Nemo is expected to play an important role and act as a pioneer to take a


第五小学动感中队 创建方案

第五小学“动感中队”主题创立活动 为落实好少先队改革要求,大力加强少先队基层组织建设,提升少先队组织活力,创新少先队教育和活动方式,我校少先队积极动员和组织全校各中队开展“动感中队”创立活动。 创立准备:实施队干部民主选举、配齐用好少先队标志标识、在活动场所充分显著体现少先队组织文化内容和元素,配齐建好中队园地和实践活动阵地。 具体活动要求:各中队围绕大队部提供的“动感中队”创立活动项目,每月自主选取一项或两项活动内容。利用少先队活动时间、课间、课后、课外、节假日,在校园内外创新开展系列活动(每月不重复,一学期总计完成不少于四项内容)。

“红领巾小健将”足球和体育游戏活动建议 1、在中队开展调查活动,了解队员们有哪些方面的运动需求、运动的困难等问题,结合中队实际设计体育运动的设计。 (文本材料:有调查情况统计,活动设计,活动过程影像(至少两张,制作在word 文档里),活动收获。) 2、在中队开展运动技能擂台赛。能够结合年龄特点,技能水平组织开展。(文本材料:活动设计,活动过程影像(至少两张,制作在word文档里),活动收获。)

3、邀约其它中队展开“小甲A”足球赛。感受团结的重要性,体会奋斗的艰辛,经历失败的洗礼,品尝胜利果实的甘甜,有利于健康心理品质的形成。 (文本材料:活动场次安排表,活动过程影像(至少两张,制作在word文档里),活动收获。) 4、联合体育老师对中队进行足球小健将的培训。并经过技能的选拔,在中队树立榜样,让队员们努力提升踢足球的技能。 (文本材料要求:活动过程影像(至少四张,制作在word文档里),中队足球小健将宣传事迹,活动收获。) 5、结合中队实际选择性的开展一些提高身体素质、磨练坚强性格、培养团队精神具有积极作用的合作游戏。如:“两人三足”、跳大绳、拔河、象征性的万里长征等游戏。 (文本材料:活动设计,活动过程影像(至少两张,制作在word文档里),活动收获。) 以上内容供大家参考,如果有其它创意,可根据实际情况灵活开展。要求活动开展要从队员的实际出发,做到有目的,有过程,有提升。 “红领巾小百灵”歌咏活动建议 参加此项活动首先要确保队员们唱好唱准国歌和少先队队歌,然后再进行其它

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