大学汉英翻译教程第六章 篇章的英译

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❖ 鉴于篇章的一致性和连贯性,所以篇章的汉英翻译除了要应 用到前面章节所涉及的汉英翻译技巧之外,还要运用到一些 特殊的处理方法。在本章,我们将着重探讨篇章布局和语篇 衔接在篇章汉英翻译中的作用。
❖ ①Suddenly I heard quick footsteps behind me, and a full, resonant voice exclaimed: “I see you are looking at my flag.
❖ (It can be said that the artistic presentation of the novel has reached the acme of perfection.) The novel is outstanding for it brilliantly balanced structure, a lyrical yet precise prose style and rich characterization. Although there are more than four hundred characters, the principal characters number fewer than twenty with Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu pre-eminent. Among the array of secondary characters, even those appearing only briefly are clearly drawn and realistic. (The novel’s artistic presentation has reached a high standard that is rarely seen among literary works worldwide.)
it not been for his warm and hearty handshake. ❖ ⑤I am so glad you have cone, Fraulein…”
❖ I filled in, “Maria.” ❖ ⑥He took me in from top to toe with a quick glance. All of a sudden I became very conscious of
❖ ②There he was the captain! ❖ ③The tall, well-dressed gentleman standing before me was certainly far cry from the old sea wolf
of my imagination. ❖ ④His air of complete self-assurance and somewhat lordly bearing would have frightened me, had
❖ 该段中,①是对所发生的事物的描写,②是对心理活动的描写,③是对人物的描写,④是对心理活动的 描写,⑤是对话,⑥是对动作的描写,⑦⑧都是对事件的描写。这些描写虽然都围绕Maria与上校相见 这一事件,但在行文上却根据描写的不同主题分为了若干小段,意义清晰,语言简练、生动。
❖ 以上汉英两个篇章片断反映出了汉英在篇章层面的 差异性。
my funny dress, and sure enough, there I was diving under my helmet again. But the Captain’s eyes rested on my shoes. ❖ ⑦We were still standing in the hall when he said: “I want you to meet the children first of all.” ❖ ⑧Out of his pocket he took an odd-shaped, ornamented brass whistle, on which he piped a series of complicated trills…….(The Sound of Music)
❖ 例1:小说的艺术表现可以说是达到了出神入化的境界。严谨、缜密的
结构,生动准确的个性化语言,特别是鲜明的人物形象,都是非常杰出 的。书中出现的人物,粗计达到四百多人。不仅主角贾宝玉、林黛玉和 其他十多名主要人物成为人们熟知的艺术典型,而且许许多多次要人物, 有的甚至是一笔带过的,也都形象鲜明,栩栩如生。小说的艺术表现, 达到如此高超的水准,在世界文学名著中,也是极为罕见的。
第六章 篇章的英译
6.1 篇章布局 汉英篇章特点分析 篇章翻译分析 小结
6.2 语篇衔接 汉英语篇衔接手法对比 英语篇章衔接手段 篇章翻译分析 小结
总结 自我提升十四
❖ 篇章是一些意义相关的句子通过一定的承接手段合乎逻辑地组织起来的 语义整体。胡壮麟给语篇下的定义为:“语篇广义上既包括话语 (discourse),也包括篇章(text),它指任何不受句子语法约束的在一定 语境下表示完整语义的自然语言。狭义上说,语篇即为篇章。”通过定 义,我们可以看出,语篇着重强调两个要素:一是在特定语境中的交际功 能,二是超乎句子的语法范畴。具体到汉英翻译研究,语篇的翻译是指 连贯而完整的较大的语言交际单位,如段落,篇章等。在本章上,我们 把语篇取其狭义的定义,即:篇章。
❖ 汉英篇章结构这些总体的区别使汉语语篇转换成英 语语篇时呈现形式化趋势(formalization);也就是 说,在翻译时,汉语流水式的松散结构要经历依主 谓框架进行句子结构调整的过程。
❖ 另外,描写信息和叙事功能信息在英汉两种语言中 也呈现出不同的布局:由于汉语重意合,所以这两 类信息应分开处理,将其分属于不同的句子中;而 英语由于重形合,所以这两类信息常可混合在一个 句子中。