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新概念英语二lesson22课后短语练习答案Page 97-99 Supply the missing words( or, from, in or on).

1. I withdrew a lot of money from the bank yesterday.

2. I refuse to comment on his work.

3. The waiter’s tip is included in the bill.

4. He congratulated me on having got engaged.

5. This warm coat will protect you from the cold.

6. Did anything emerge from your discussion?

7. I dreamt of you last night.

8. You can never rely on him to be punctual.

9. Nothing will prevent him from succeeding.

10. Are you interested in music?

11. I suppose I can count on you for help in this matter?

12. Beware of the dog.

13. He persisted in asking questions.

14. I insist on your telling me the truth.

15. It took me a long time to get rid of him.

16. Do you mean to say you have never heard of Beethoven?

17. I separated them from each other because they were fighting?

18. They can only cure him of his illness if they operate on him.

19. You can depend on me.

20. I haven’t accused him of anything, but I suspect him of having taken it.

21. Whatever made you think of such a thing?

22. We expect a great deal of you, Smith.

23. My hands smell of soap.

24. They differ from each other so much.

25. He invested a lot of money in shipping.

26. The film was based on a novel by Dickens.

27. Don’t lean on that shelf! You’ll regret it.

28. She often suffers from colds.

29. We have embarked on a new house.

30. I believe in taking my time.

31. Jones was dismissed from the firm.

32. They began by experimenting on rats.

33. Please concentrate on what you are doing.

34. She prides herself on her clean house.

35. The climber failed in his attempt to reach the summit.

36. Many people escaped from prisons during the last five years.

37. We must economize on fuel.

38. He's never done any work. He lives on his mother.

39. He was employed in a factory before he joined the army.

40. Any what does this horrible drink consist of?

41. I shall certainly act on your advice.

42. Don't write on the desk!

43. You should not boast of your success.

44. You must encourage him in his efforts.

45. He should be instructed in his duties.

46. Two or three people were involved in the accident.

47. Children should be prohibited from smoking.

48. I can assure you of my support.

49. Do you approve of hunting?

50. I despair of ever teaching him anything!

51. Has this play ever been performed on the stage?

52. I warned him of the danger, but he wouldn't listen to me.

53. How much have you borrowed from me already?

54. He delights in annoying me.


1 昨天我从银行取了很多钱

2 我拒绝对他的工作做评价

3 服务生的小费包含在帐单中

4 他向我订婚表示祝贺

5 这件保暖大衣将为你御寒

6 你们讨论出什么结果了吗?

7 昨晚我梦见你了。

8 你永远别指望他准时

9 什么都妨碍不了他成功。

10 你对音乐感兴趣吗?

11 我设想在这件事情上能指望你的帮助。

12 谨防狗。

13 他连续地提问。

14 我坚持让你说出真相。

15 我用了很长时间摆脱他。

16 你的意思是说你从来没有收到贝多芬的信?

17 因为他们在打架,我把他们拉开了

18 如果他们给他做手术,只能治愈他的疾病。

19 你可以依赖我。

20 我并没有指控他什么,但我怀疑他把东西拿走了。

21 究竟是什么让你想到了这样的事情?

22 史密斯,我们对你寄予了很大的希望。

23 我的手闻起来有香皂味。