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政府具有政治与行政两种功能政治表达国 家意志,进行决策;行政负责执行。

The independence either of the body which express the state will or of the body which executes it must be sacrificed. Either the executing authority must be subordinated to the expressing authority, or the expressing authority must be subjected to the control of the executing authority.政治与行政要协调
• "All great people are dreamers. They see things in the soft haze of a spring day or in the red fire of a long winter's evening. Some of us let these d reams die. But others nourish and protect them, nu rse them through the bad days until they bring the m to the sunshine and light that comes always to those who sincerely hope that their dreams will come true." • 伟人皆理想主义者。其所见,或春晨之薄雾,或冬 夜之炉火。我们有些人早已丢掉理想。但是,仍然 有这样一些人,他们始终怀抱着理想,呵护它,经 受苦难迎来光明。只有坚定理想一定会实现的人才 会等到这一天的来临。

3.行政学研究的历史渊源:American writers have hitherto taken no very important part in the advancement of this science. It has found its doctors in Europe. It is not of our making: it is a foreign science, speaking very little of the language of English or American principle. 迄今

A.保留立法分权的同时,适度加强行政 集权。 B.法外调节,通过政党意志的统一来协 调政治与行政、中央与地方。 C.把政党纳入法治化轨道,防止独裁和 政党分肥。

• 生平:1886年,约翰霍普金斯大学政治学 博士;1902-1910年,普林斯顿大学校长, 1910年,新泽西州州长;1912-1920年, 美国总统 • 著述:1885年,《国会政体:美国政治研 究》1887年,论文“行政学研究” ;1902 年,《美国人民的历史》

为止,美国人在行政学研究中影响甚微。行政学博士多出自 欧洲。作为一门外来的学科,行政学词汇少有英美渊源。

If we would employ it, we must Americanize it, and that not formally, in language merely, but radically, in thought, principle, and aim as well. It must learn our constitutions by heart; must get the bureaucratic fever out of its veins; must inhale much free American air.必须对欧洲的行政科学加以改造,使 之在思想、原则、目标上彻底美国化

4. 政治与行政 Politics set the tasks for administration. It should not be suffered to manipulate its offices.政治设定 行政的任务,但无须直接操控行政机构的运行。 in things great and universal, the special province of the statesman. 政治事关重大和全局,是政治 家的舞台。 in individual anHale Waihona Puke Baidu small things, of the technical official. 行政相对微观和具体,是技术官员所长。

1.行政研究的必要性:政府职能扩大化、 复杂化 2.行政学研究的目标: It is the object of
administrative study to discover, first, what government can properly and successfully do, and, secondly, how it can do these proper things with the utmost possible efficiency at the least possible cost either of money or of energy. 政府应当有哪些职能,以最高的效率和最低的 成本去履行这些职能。

• 生平:1903-1905年,美国政治学会首任主 席;1913-1914年,中国政府顾问,《共和 与君主论》;1914-1929年,约翰霍普金斯 大学校长 • 著述:1900年,《政治与行政》

There are two distinct functions of government.Politics has to do with policies or expressions of the state will.Administration has to do with the execution of these policies.