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2015年6月6日雅思写作(一) 题目类别society 提问方式Discussion 考试题目 Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those in their local community who need it. Others, however prefer to give money to national and international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 有人认为给需要救助的人自己的帮助更加可取,有人认为给有需求的国家或国际援助组织提供经济援助更加重要,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见。 Although people in industrialized countries lead a high standard of living, it is undeniable that there are still 1.2 billion people living below the poverty line. In order to solve poverty-related problems, I feel that all kinds of help should be encouraged and respected. Giving a helping hand to those who are in need in the local community seems reasonable. It is because even in the richest countries, there are still a lot of people, such as disabled people and orphanages, suffering from famine and extreme poverty. For this reason, it is easy and convenient for us to help our fellow citizens, such as donating food or clothing to them, so that we can see the result of our actions immediately. By contrast, it is rather difficult to track expenditure of international aids, which might result in corruption in some cases. Those who donate money to domestic and international charities believe that the collection of money has a tremendous effect on the poor countries compared with other forms of help. This is because few people are able to donate a large amount of money to construct schools, hospitals and roads in poor areas. Instead, governments and charities can achieve this. International aids can also purchase vaccines which are available in developed countries by using the money raised worldwide and save millions children’s life. In my view, minor proportion of donated money and other sorts of help should be appreciated equally as long as the money reaches to those who need it desperately. The government could run campaign and encourage door-to door help. At the same time, charitable organizations should make every penny count for donors.(word count:274)


1、根据给出的材料,写一写Mike这个周末的活动计划。 Saturday Sunday read a magazine go to the zoo buy a book do Kungfu watch TV Mike is a student. He is my good friend. He is busy at the weekend. He is going to read a magazine this Saturday morning. He is going to go to the zoo this Saturday afternoon. He is going to buy a book this Sunday morning. He is going to do Kungfu this Sunday afternoon. He is going to watch TV this Sunday evening. 3、根据下面提供的内容,写一篇英语短文。要求语句通顺,条理清楚,字数不少于50个单词。 你叫Amy,是个中国女孩,六年级学生,十二岁。她向别人自我介绍,并介绍她的家庭。她有个双胞胎姐姐,爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,她非常爱他们,他们也很爱她。 My name is Amy. I come from China. I am a student. I am in Grade Five. I like my teacher. Her English is good. There are four people in my family. I have a twin sister. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I love them very much. They love me, too. 6、。要求:1、写一封介绍你一家的电子邮件给Jay 65个单词左右 Hello, Jay, I am very happy to be your friend. There are four people in my family. They are my parents , my sister and I. My father is the oldest and the tallest. He can drive a car. He is a doctor. My mother is a factory worker. She works hard. My sister is a student. She is the best in her class. My hobby is playing basketball. My sister and I go to school on foot. I have a happy family. What about you? Bye- bye, Benson 7、Jack 昨天跟他妈妈买东西,请根据下表的信息,写一篇不少于60个单词的小作文。 Yesterday was Jack’s shopping day. He went shopping with his mother. They went to the Happy Shop . They bought some pieces of candy. They are 4 yuan. They bought a roll of toilet paper. They bought a carton of ice cream at Mr. Chen’s Store .They bought a bottle of shampoo and a pair of socks at Uncle Eddy’s Store . They went to the Big Blue Department Store. They bought a toy car. It’s 105 yuan. They were very happy.


climate change essay 题目: Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 范文: Climate change represents a major threat to life on Earth, but some people argue that we need to accept it rather than try to stop it. I completely disagree with this opinion, because I believe that we still have time to tackle this issue and reduce the human impact on the Earth's climate. There are various measures that governments and individuals could take to prevent, or at least mitigate, climate change. Governments could introduce laws to limit the carbon dioxide emissions that lead to global warming. They could impose “green taxes” on drivers, airline companies and other polluters, and they could invest in renewable energy production from solar, wind


1. 感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you. Because of your help,now I am a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University,but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved help that enables me to obtain this splendid opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate (回报)your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. Yours truly, Li Hua 2. 道歉信 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件: 1. 表示歉意; 2. 解释原因; 3. 另约时间。 注意:1. 词数120~150;2. 可适当增加细节。

表格 地下铁 (雅思考官Simon最新小作文范文)

表格地下铁 摘要:为大家分享前考官simon演示的9分雅思小作文。考官亲笔,用最正统的4段式写作,本文主题-表格:地下铁,共185词。苦于小作文的烤鸭们,可以好好研读模仿。 相比较雅思大作文,网络上与市面上的小作文资料相对较少,质量上乘的就更少,而天下烤鸭,苦小作文久矣,迫切需要图表类范文的指导,所以,请看本文前考官同学的精彩演绎。表格:地下铁,共185词,band 9。考官的四段套路:introduction+review+2 details。 话题:The table below gives information about the underground railway systems in six cities. 范文 The table shows data about the underground rail networks in six major cities. The table compares the six networks in terms of their age, size and the number of people who use them each year. It is clear that the three oldest underground systems are larger and serve significantly more passengers than the newer systems. The London underground is the oldest system, having opened in 1863. It is also the largest system, with 394 kilometres of route. The second largest system, in Paris, is only about half the size of the London underground, with 199 kilometres of route. However, it serves more people per year. While only third in terms of size, the Tokyo


1 My Desk-mate Jenny is my desk-mate. She is a hard-working girl. When she was twelve years old, she won the first in a city-wide poetry recitation contest. Now she is chairman of the Student Union in our school. She gives us the impression that her ability to express her ideas is excellent. In spare time, she likes to carry a book .with her and writes down what she sees and hears. She's such a lovely girl that I enjoy talking with her to share her ideas. 2关于全运会志愿者的英语作文:初中水平I was quite excited when I heard the 11th National Games will be held in the city I live in 2009. My name is XX. I am an 18-year-old boy student in a senior middle school. And I want to be a volunteer for the games. I like English and sports very much. I like making friends and I am ready to help others. I can be a good interpreter in every sports during the time. Hope the National games will be a great success. Hope I will be chosen to be one. Thanks. 中考英语作文范文:1.How to make friends


2017雅思A类写作大作文真题范文 1.07 教育类 Task:Art classes, like painting and drawing, are not as important as other subjects, so some people think that it should not be a compulsory subject at high school. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Schools are places where students acquire knowledge and skills needed for further achievements. Given the pressure that students are facing, some cannot help wondering whether art classes should still be compulsory. Those holding the view that art classes should not be compulsory might think that art consumes too much of students' time. Fierce competitions students will face when applying for universities necessitate total devotion to academic subjects. College students who intend to take science as their major are even expected to be fluent in foreign languages now so that essays written by foreign scholars are not barriers in their academic pursuit. In other words, high school students are supposed to show higher levels of academic competence,which seemingly makes art unessential. However, art classes are by no means only intended for entertainment. Children even dabbling in art tend to be more creative in mind. Those skilled in music or painting can interpret the world in a way that we cannot expect from a layman. This kind of ingenuity is also a rare quality constantly found in great scientists, whose contributions have served to create a totally new field for the latter generations. In his reply to a question about death, Albert Einstein considered his departure from the mortal world to be forever farewell to another great musician. With a sigh he answered "I cannot listen to Mozart anymore". Thus, can we simply regard art classes to be selective?


六年级英语作文范文精选10篇 六年级英语作文范文精选篇一 My fa*orite animal is raadfdsit. Its name is Sweet. Sweet has long ears. It’s *ery small. It’s white. It has a short tail. It has red eyes. It likes eating carrots. It likes jumping. It goes jumping three times a day. I like it *ery much. It’s lo*ely. It’s my best friend. I like the raadfdsit. It’s spring. It’s sunny and cloudy today. There are many big trees in the park. Mr. Black’s family has a picnic in a park. They bring much food there. They bring fruit drink and bread. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black talk with each other. They talk *ery happily. Ann reads a magazine. Tom likes flying a kite. The kite flies *ery well. They are hungry now. They want to eat their food. They are *ery happy. Who is your fa*orite people? My fa*orite people is my mother. She is beautiful. She is 38 years old. She is tall and thin. She has big eyes andlong hair. She likes cooking. She cooks good meals for us e*ery day. And she always does all the housework. She looks after my father and me. I lo*e

作文点评 雅思考官点评

(一)犯罪类雅思作文高分范文及点评 Putting criminals into prisons is not an effective way to deal with them. Instead,education and job training should be offered. To what extent do you agree or disagree? How to handle criminals is a problem that all countries and societies face. Traditionally,the approach has been to punish them by placing them in prisons to pay for what they have done. Some,however,advocate for trying to make them better with training and education and it seems they may have a good point. First of all,consider all the money that we have to spend to lock people up in jail. It doesn’t seem like a good use of public money if the people don’t actually get any better. Because most criminals eventually are let out of prison,our focus should be on making them better citizens. In fact,the reason why many people end up in jail in the first place is because they didn’t have a good education or happy family. So if they can learn job skills they perhaps can find work and feel they can contribute in a positive way. If they do this,they won’t need crime. Surly everyone deserves a second chance. Of course this does not mean that we should be too lenient on criminals. Those who commit crime should still be punished,but during their punishment they should also be treated. If we make an investment in them and show compassion,most will be able to make a new start. To summarize,we must make more of an effort to go to the root of the problem. We need to treat criminals as patients and give them the medicine they need:education and training. By giving people the skills for a second chance we can make our society safer and healthier. (271 words) Harvey点评: 写作线索:首段,赞同题目观点;第二段,罪犯在监狱里什么都不做是花着纳税人的钱的;第三段,没有接受教育和不幸的家庭是原因,要教育,要给他们机会;第四段;当然要惩罚,但惩罚和治疗并用。末段总结。 好文章。末段第二句的比喻给本文增色不少,:We need to treat criminals as patients and give them the medicine they need:education and training.十分贴切。 先学习下面的词汇和短语,然后再重读范文,体会它们在文中的运用


六年级英语作文范文集 班别:姓名:学号: Mike is a student. He is my good friend. He is busy at the weekend. He is going to read a magazine this Saturday morning. He is going to go to the zoo this Saturday afternoon. He is going to buy a book this Sunday morning. He is going to learn Kungfu this Sunday afternoon. He is going to watch TV this Sunday evening. 2、看图写作文。(园地29页) 题目:A Happy Day in Spring 提示:下图是Mr. Black 一家人在春天的某一天在野外游玩的场景。请用一般现在时描写图中所呈现出的内容。可作适当的想象和发挥。 要求:1、条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范。 2、不少于70个单词。 A Happy Day in Spring It’s spring. It’s sunny and cloudy today. There are many big trees in the park. Mr. Black’s family have a picnic in a park. They bring many food there. They bring fruit, drink and bread. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black talk with each other. They talk very happily. Ann reads a magazine. Tom likes flying a kite. The kite flies very well. They are hungry now. They want to eat their food. They are very happy. 3、根据下面提供的内容,写一篇英语短文。要求语句通顺,条理清楚,字数不少于50个单词。Mary 是个英国女孩,五年级学生,十二岁。她向别人自我介绍,并介绍她的家庭。她有个双胞胎姐姐,爸爸是医生,妈妈是老师,她非常爱他们,他们也很爱她。 My name is Mary. I come from England. I am an English girl. I am a student. I am in Grade Five. I like my teacher. Her English is good. There are four people in my family. I have a twin sister. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I love them very much. They love me, too. 4、题目:My net friend(我的网友) 要求:1。条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范; 2.要将提示词全部体现在作文中;不得少于50个单词。 提示词:(1)computer (2)net friend (3) talk with each other(互相交谈) (4) in the chat room (在聊天室) (5)talk in English (用英语交谈) (6)good now My net friend I am Tony. I a have a computer. I have a net friend. His name is Jack. He is 12 years old. He is a student. He likes surfing the net. We often talk with each other in the chat room. We talk in English. My English is good now. He is a good boy. I like him very much. Do you want to have a net friend? 5、提示:根据下面所给出的这张Ann的小名片,以“我的好朋友”为题,写一篇小短文,介绍Ann 的基本情况。 要求:1、条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范。 2、要将名片中的内容全部体现在作文中。 3、不少于60个单词。


雅思大作文真题范文精选 雅思大作文真题范文:怎样增加年轻人对本国历史人物的兴趣程度?下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思大作文真题范文:怎样增加年轻人对本国历史人物的兴趣程度? Many young people today know more about international pop and movie stars than about famous people in the history in their country.Why is this?What can be done to increase young people’s interest in famous people in the history of their country? 今天许多年轻人对国际流行音乐和电影明星的了解比他们国家历史上的名人还要多。这是为什么呢?怎样做才能提高年轻人对本国历史上名人的兴趣? 类型 媒体类 题目 Many young people today know more about international pop and movie stars than about famous people in the history in their country. Why is this? What can be done to increase young people’s interest in famous people in the history of their country? 范文解析 本题讨论现在的年轻人对国际娱乐明星比对他们自己国家的名人感兴趣的原因以及如何提高年轻人对历史名人兴趣。题目类型是议论文的现象类题目,题目的问法是“ Why is this? What can be done...”类型,可以采用4段式作文结构。 文章结构 P1:引入话题+指出原因 P2:指出主要原因之一:大众媒体过度宣传以及邀请国际娱乐明星做广告是引起这一现象的主要原因。


原因解决论 1.what is the problem and the possible effect it causes 2.what are the causes of the problem 3.what are the solutions of the problem 4.the possible results of these solutions 例文 毫无疑问我们今天的生活中比过去的噪音要多得多,尤其是在城市,而这可能是对我们有最直接影响污染形式。举个例子来说,我们已经发现长时间接触高分贝的噪音可以导致听觉丧失和高血压。也可能带来压力,失眠和像压抑这样的心理问题。这些问题又通常导致工作效率低由于员工太累压力太大无法高效工作。There is no doubt that we have to live with far more noise than in the past, particularly in cities, and this may be the form of pollution which affects us most directly. For example, it has been found that prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can lead to hearing loss and high blood pressure. It may also give rise to stress, insomnia and mental problems including depression. These problems, in turn, often result in lower productivity at work because employees are too tired and stressed to work efficiently. 为了有效的解决这个问题,我们必须搞清楚什么导致了噪音的上升。有三个主要原因。第一,有交通噪音,原因是公路上不断增


五年级英语作文范文集 My English Teacher Miss Tang is my English teacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. Her hair is long. She likes cats very much. And she likes singing and dancing, too. Her English is very good. We often play games in English classes. She is very kind to us. We all love her. 【要领点评】这篇作文的题目是“我的英语老师”,是一篇介绍人物的作文。小作者开门见山,直接点题,首先介绍了英语老师的姓名,然后逐一介绍了她的外貌特征、喜好、英语水平、上课特点以及师生情感等。 小朋友们在写作文时,要注意使用自己最熟悉的词[组],以免写出一些错句子。写作时要注意意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确、书写清晰、规范等。 My Days of the week I’m a student and I am in Grade 5.I get up at six o’clock every day. I have breakfast at half past six, and go to school at seven o’clock. I have classes from Monday to Saturday. I have an English class on Friday and I have a PE class on Tuesday. I don’t have to go to school on school, and I like to go swimming on that day. 【要领点评】这篇作文的题目是“我的一周”,小作者没有说一些空话,而是从自己的亲身经历写起,叙述了自己一周七天的所作所为,并特别强调了星期天的喜好,写得自然、流畅。小朋友们写作文时要注意人称及谓语动词的变化,要依据提示,结合自己的实际,写自己身边熟悉的事情。 My Favourite Food Do you know what this is? Guess! Its colour is yellow. It’s long and thin. It looks like a small boat and crescent. Oh, it is a banana. Do you know what that is? Guess again! Its colour is orange. It’s round. It looks like a small ball and a small lantern. Oh, it is an orange. I like then a lot. I like ice-creams. I like to chew gum. Chocolates and candies are yummy. I like them very much. How about you? What’s your favourite food? 【要领点评】My Favourite Food 是一篇很成功的文章,小作者并不是简单地列举出自己最喜欢的每一种食物,而是有详有略地进行介绍。整篇文章用词准确、语言流畅、没有语法错误。另外,文章中出现了一些生词,可见小作者是用心查字典了。 I can help do housework I am a girl. My name is Li Ling. I’m in Class Three, Grade Five. I’m helpful at home. I can water the flowers, empty the trash and sweep the floor. After meals, I can help my mother do the dishes. On Sunday, I can wash the clothes. What about you? Are you helpful, too? 【要领点评】本篇作文的题目是“我可以帮助做家务”,作者主要叙述自己在家帮助做的事情,介绍自己的名字,所在年级及在家能做的家务,很详细,到位。 小朋友们在写作时,应尽量写一些亲自经历的事情,这样会避免在作文时显得太空,因为只有自己经常做的事情印象才会特别深刻。写作时还要注意大小写和时态。 In The Kitchen This is the kitchen of my family. It’s big and nice. Look! My mother is cooking in it. This is a microwave and that is a stove. There is a big table here. There are many things on it. What are t hese? They look yummy! Oh, they’re strawberries. And what are those? They are grapes. 【要领点评】这篇作文的题目是“在厨房”里,作者根据自己家的厨房情况。介绍厨房里有微波炉和电炉,有一张大桌子和桌子上的物品等,以及妈妈在做饭,非常真实。小朋友们,可以从观察自己身边的事、物写起,利用所学的句子,描述身边熟悉的东西来训练习作。

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