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PART I Vocabulary (15poi nts)

Secti on A

Direct ions: Choose the word that is the closest synonym to the un derl ined word.

1. The gover nment slated new elect ions in the spri ng, largely as a result of the public clamor.

A. dema nd

B. view

C. request

D. opinion

2. The most prolific writer is not necessarily the best.

A. writte n-about

B. productive

C. artful

D. religious

3. Imag ine my vexation whe n they said they would come to dinner and the n did n't show.

A. en lighte nment

B. ast oni shme nt

C. annoyance

D. con trari ness

4. Any troop of wild ani mals should be approached warily.

A. fearlessly

B. con fide ntly

C. sile ntly

D. prude ntly

5. There is little lear ning invo Ived whe n one is reprimanded two or three mon ths after the deed.

A. recomme nded

B. reproached

C. recompe nsed

D. reversed

6. Archaeologists are in terested in pottery, figuri nes and other vestiges of ancient civilizatio ns.

A. traces

B. shards

C. products

D. artifacts

7. Packagi ng is desig ned so as to en courage impetuous shopp ing.

A. extravaga nt

B. careful

C. impote nt

D. impulsive

8. Pan of his gen eral thrift is to be meticulous in verify ing mon thly expe nses.

A. pain stak ing

B. dilatory

C. meretricious

D. gaudy

9. The jurors came to a deadlock in the defe ndan t's trial for murder.

A. a decisi on of guilty

B. a decisi on to punish by electrocuti on

C. an impasse

D. an unu sual verdict

10. Among the lowest of the judicial ran ks, justices of the peace n evertheless freque ntly exercise

jurisdiction over a variety of misdemea nors.

A. guida nee

B. sovereig nty

C. authority

D. suzera inty

11. A mistake is rarely atoned for by a single apology, however profuse.

A. extravaga nt

B. produced

C. diverge nt

D. repetitious

12. Her office in the First Nati onal Bank buildi ng is provisional.

A. perma nent

B. temporary

C. corrupt

D. crave n

13. The burglars ransacked the room taking anything of value they found.

A. demolished

B. took over

C. in habited

D. thoroughly searched

14. The whole of the endowment was used to refurbish the school gymnasium.