当前位置:文档之家› 英译汉翻译基础理论教程


Chapter 1

General Principles

1.1What Is Translation?

Translation is a rendering from one language into another, and is the faithful representation in one language of what is written or said in another language. So translation can be roughly defined as a reproduction or recreation。Being a very complicated human activity, its whole picture is never easy to describe.

Scholars with different academic backgrounds have attemted to define it from various perspectives .For example: The fan ,with its modern,elegant,bright and harmoniously,colored design,is an excellent electrical household appliance for cooling purpose on hot days.( 本电扇,款式新颖, 造型大方,色彩鲜艳, 色泽调和,是炎炎夏日用于消暑纳凉的家电精品.) 2,年近而立之年(He is getting on for thirty.); 3 一次得手,再次不愁. (If it worked once, it can work twice.)

So translation is also a science, an art, a craft or skill. Translation mainly includes the following aspects: linguistic, cultural literary, semantic, functional and communicative views on it.

1)Linguistic Views on Translation

Translation theorists from the linguistic school conceive of translation as a linguistic activity and some believe that translation theory is a branch of linguistics.


He helps us finish the project in every field of their endeavor.

2)Cultural View on Translation

In the cultural approach, translation is regarded not only as a transfer of linguistic signs, but also as a communication of cultures, namely, “intercultural communication.”

E. G.

(1) There are many starred hotels in the city.

(2) He has been to “summer resort.”

(3) Here is a “folk customs park”.

3) Literary Views on Translation

It is an artistic recreation or recreated art.

E. G.

They also like to plant red pepper they know pretty well how to make full use of it, either in front of their doors or behind their houses. This is both practical and fine-looking.


4)Semantic Views on Translation

This view focuses on the semantic equivalence between the two languages.


(1) It didn’t occur to me that you should object. 。

(2) The thought of returning filled her with fear.

5)Functional Views on Translation

Functional views mean the prospective function or purpose of the target text as determined by the initiator’s, i.e. client’s,needs.

E. G.

Fred took it home with him and returned it a few days later beautifully bound.

6) Communicative Views on Translation

This approach views translation as a communicative process which takes place within a social context.

A: How do you do?

B: Fine, think you!

A: Are you going to street?

B: Yes, I do.

A: What do you do when going to?

B: I will go shopping.

1.2.The Assessment of Translation

We should judge the quality of a translation according to the criteria

(faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance)

E. G.

1) The lecturer carried his audience with him.

2)It has been a fine, golden autumn, a lovely farewell to those who would lose their youth.


1.3.The Competence of a Translation

1)Excellent Command of the Two Languages


(1) Go it while you are young.

(2) He dispatched a huge piece of beefsteak without a pause.

(3) He had long since got over any feeling he once had for her.

2)Considerable Knowledge of the Two Cultures1


(1) Not without reason Mr. Dulles was called a bull in the Indo-china shop.


(2) The Japanese imperialists tried to make hell while the sun shines.。

1.4.Translation Strategies

1)Literal and Free Translation

Literal translation, also called word-for -word translation, is ideally the segmentation of the source language text into individual words and target language rendering of those word-segments one at a time.

E.G.One stone kills two birds.

Free translation, also known as sense-for-sense translation, emphasizes transfer of the meaning or “spirit of a source text” over accurate reproduction of the original wording, is to to accommodate the need of the target language readers.


(1) The early students get the breakfast. 。

(2) Theory is something, but practice is everything.

2) Foreignizing Translation and Domesticating Translation

Foreignization is a strategy in which a target text is produced which deliberately breaks target convention by retaining something of the foreignness of the original.

In a word, foreignization asks translators to be close to the authors in the original, using expression way utilized by the original authors, passing on contents in the original.


(1) to kill two birds with one stone

(2) All roads lead to Rome.

(3) … he rose immediately, for he swam like a cork.

Domestication is a strategy in which a transparent fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers.


(1) But it was enough to affect me then, who was but a young sailor, and had never known

anything of the matter.


(2) I believe it was the first gun that had been fired there since the creation of the world, …

3)Style and Translation

Translation stratege has much to do with the style of the source text.


(1) For never was a story of more woe.

(2) These scientists could not believe the two Curies more.

1.5.Basic Processes in Translating ( read the book P. 19 – 20)


Translate the following sentences. into Chinese

1. A translation must give the ideas of the original.

2. A translation must possess the style of the translator.

3.Keep off the grass.

4.Wet paint!

5.One or two of the books in the reading-room would never be missed.

6.I could do with more leisure time.

7.There was no living in the island.

8.The apples are good and ripe.

9.You must make good any loss.

10.It is a wise man that never makes mistakes.

Chapter 2

Contrastive Studies of E. C.

English and Chinese belong to two different language families: English, the Indo-European family and Chinese, the Sino-Tibetan family. The two languages also have different cultural backgrounds. Translation is an interlingual and intercultural transfer and multi-dimensional constrastive studies of the two languages and cultures are therefore essential.

2.1.Studies of the English Language

External history: Historical information related to the English language.

The English composite character betrays a mixed origin.

1.) The Seven Ages of English

1)Pre-English period ( ---- c. AD 450)

2)Early old English (c. 450 ---- 850)

3)Later old English ( c. 850 ---- 1100)

4)Middle English ( c. 1100 ---- 1450)

5)Early modern English ( c. 1450 ---- 1750)

6)Modern English ( c. 1750 ---- 1950)

7)Late modern English ( c. 1950 ---- )

2.) The Five Major Linguistic Influence on English






3.) Three periods of English

Three periods of English witness the changes and development of English in spelling, pronounciation, lexican and grammar.

1)Old English ( 450 ----1100)

2)Middle English (1100 ---- 1450)

3)Modern English (1450 ---- )

Some characters of English (read the book)

2.2 Studies of the Chinese Language (read the book)

2.3 ,English vs Chinese :

1)Synthetic vs Analytic

A synthetic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms toexpressgrammatical relationships .(including tense ,number, degree, )


(1)She was sleep less many night s . She has been very tired and she can not concentrate at all,so she decide s to go to see doctor. (2)We are now stand ing at a new historical juncture in the development of both mainland and Hong Kong ,fac ing rare opportunit ies for development and severe challeng es。


An analytic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of function words ,auxiliary verbs and changes in word order to express syntactic relations,rather than of inflected forms.

Compare: the following sentences

(1)He mov ed astonishing ly fast

(2)Having been given such a chance,how could I let it slip away?

(3)I told him that the work has been complet ed

2)Word order:flexible vs inflexible

Word order in English is not so rigid as in Chinese,which is seen in the following sentences E.G

(1)What a beautiful voice of China it is!(惊叹倒装)

(2)Come you,everybody!(命令倒装)

(4)Not a word is independent of the circumstances under which it is uttered(否定倒装)。3)The Use of Function Words:English and Chinese make use of different types of function words English function words include:the articles,prepositions,auxiliary verbs,coordinators,

and subordinators,while Chinese function words include particles,connectives,and prepositions .Each has its own features to the use of these words。

(read the book,P42)

2.2.Rigid vs. Supple

English sentence structure is composed of noun phrases,and verb phrases . It has become an invariable custom to have a subject before a verb, and therefore a sentence that does not contain a subject and a verb is felt to be incomplete. The subject must agree with the predicate verb in person and number, etc. This rigid S- V concord forms the kernel of

a sentence, with the predicate ver

b controlling other main members. English sentences,

however, long and complicated, can be reduced to five basic patterns:SV, SVP, SVO, SvoO, and SVOC

For examples: (P. 44-P46)

2.4. Hypotactic vs. Paratactic

Hypotactic is the dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses with connectives. English sentence building is featured by hypotactic.for example:

1). I shall be angry if you don’t attend this meeting.

2).If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

3). As water can float a ship, so can it swallow the ship.

4) . When wine is in, wit is out.

5). Smart as a rule, but this time a fool.

6). The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished with green hills and deep caves of enchanting


Parataxis is the arranging of the clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them.

By contrast,Chinese more frequently relies on covert coherence and context ,focusing on temporal or logical sequence,instead of using various cohesive ties such as relatives,connectives ,prepositions as in English。Chinese more often resorts to word order contracted sentences ,four character expressions ,and some grammatical or rhetorical devices such as repetition ,antithesis(对应),and parallelism ,for example:


(If)he won’t come here,I will not go there。


Until all is over,ambition never dies.


Once a certain limit is reached,a change in the opposite direction is inevitable。

. Impersonal vs. Personal

Formal written English often goes with an impersonal style, in which the writer does not refer directly to himself or his readers, but avoids the pronouns “I”, “we” and “you”, thus the writer and the reader are out of the picture, hiding themselves behind impersonal language.

Some of the common features of impersonal language are passives, sentences beginning with introductory “it”, and abstract nouns as subjects.

1)Modern scientific discoveries lead to the conclusion that energy may be created from matter,which in turn ,may be created from energy。

2)It is generally assumed that he might be content to play his care taker role。

3)The fresh air can be breathed and the life of human beings prolonged by it。

英语常用“物称表达法”,让事物从客观的口气呈现出来。这类非人称句的主语多是无灵句子,表示抽象概念,心理感觉,事物名称或时间地点,其谓语又常常是“有灵动词”,表示人或社会团体的动作和行为。如:see, feeling, bring, give, escape, surround, kill, deprive, seize, know, tell, permit, invite, take, drive, prevent … from, 等等。无灵主语和有灵动词搭配用法较常见。如:

( 1.) A great elation overcame them.(他们欣喜若狂)

(2.) Success has crowned his efforts.(他的努力终于获得成功)

(3) The truth hit me at the last moment.(直到最后一刻,我才明白事实真相)

Passive vs. Active

Passives of various forms are frequently used in English mainly due to the following reasons: Converted into the active structure ,retaining the original subjects.

1)The article has been translated into English ,but with little elegance to speak of..

2)The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally

eradicated. .Converted to the active-structure,subjects becoming objects:


It must be dealt at the appropriate time with appropriate means

Usage structure( 习惯语结构)

(1)It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.

(2)It was believed that a loose meeting like this could hardly come to any important decision.

Translated into the passive

(1)He got observed two days after his arrival.

(2)The plan was especially supported by those who wished to have more exposure to the literary theory.

‘:For…‘the passive structure (为…所;被动结构)

He was forced by family circumstances to leave school at sixteen.

Other translations of the passive

(1)She was criticized in front of everyone.

(2)Every country will be represented by its prime minister.

Static vs. Dynamic

Broadly speaking,nouns can be characterized as “stative”(表示状态的)in that they refer to entities that are regarded as stable(固定的) .At the opposite pole,verbs can be equally characterized as ”dynamic”;they are fitted to indicate action,,activity and temporary or changing conditions.


1)The doctor’s extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient

brought about his very speedy-recovery.

2)He is a good eater and a good sleeper.

Abstract vs. Concrete

In English, nominalization often results in abstraction, namely, this method of abstraction diction is found in the frequent use of abstract nouns.

E.G. Abstract nouns : energy, kindness anxiety, politeness, wisdom, confusion, gratitude,

tenderness, astonishment, sweetness, pleasure, sincerity, indignation,

1.)At that time, Jack was all energy.

2.)Helen is all kindness.

3. )Bob was all anxiety the whole night

4)I am very impatient at the relentless determination of the rain.

Chinese perfers to use concrete or specific words and employs a “down-to-earth style, expressing abstract ideas often by metaphor, similes, allegories, or other devices for making a thing clear.

Compare the English sentenses with the Chinese versions. The conversion of English abstract words into Chinese concrete words, figurative expressions or verbs,is often employed in translation, for example: He had surfaced with less visibility in discussing the decision.

Complex vs.Simple

English sentence structure is complicated ,including subordinate clauses,and phrases ,coordination ,loose or minor sentences, contracted sentences ,run-on sentences ,and so on. Chinese sentence building is less complicated than English sentences ,so it is often simple. Compare the English sentences with the Chinese versions:


1)Tourism benefits not only airlines, hotels ,restaurants and taxi drivers, among others, but also many commercial establishments and even the manufacturers of tourist commodities.


2)A notion has taken hold in the United States to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can affort them.

(在美国有一个根深蒂固的观点,说是只有那些抚养得起子女的人才应鼓励其生育。) Classwork

1)The decision can not be delayed ,not even for a single day.

2)China’s presence is felt ,more than ever ,all over the world ,assuming historic dimensions

in the world political situation.

3),It is rumored that the dinner had been planned to please Allowance 。

4)He says that no person should claim infallibility。

5)These problems defy easy classification。

Chapter 3


In order to make an accurate and smooth translation, a translator should consider how to choose an accurate and an appropriate word or phrase according to whole sentence on a basis of comprehending the original idea, because the meaning of a word is its use in the language, not only its definitions in the dictionary.

So the dictionary definition is for the most part a record of the denotation ( the direct, explicit meaning or reference of a word or term. ) of a word and often cannot give its connotation ( idea or notion suggested by or associated with a word, phrase, etc. in addition to its explicit meaning, or denotation.

Each word when used in a new context is a new word. Beginners often rigidly adhere to the verbal(语言的,用词的)consistency of words in two languages, while neglecting their

contextual consistency. So we should take care of determining the exact meaning of a word or an expression from the context.

E. G.

1).He acts like a grown-up person.(denotation)

2).The forecast says there will be storms. (denotation)

3). She put a baby into the cradle.(denotation)

4) She had a wet nurse for infant.(connotation)

5). Like knows like.(connotation)

6). I’m afraid sh e’s too far from the cradle for you.(connotation)

7).But his last words brought an another storm.(connotation)

3.1. Choice of Affective Meanings

Affective meaning refers to what is communicated of the feelings and attitudes of the writer towards the reader. There are basically three types of affective meanings: positive (褒义), neutral(中性), and derogatory (贬义):

E. G.

1.) Her slim figure was long past.

2.) He is a senior diplomat.

3).Nobel prize stirred his ambition to become a scientist.

4) You are 10 pounds underweight.

5). All men are created equal.

6). He has a scheme to usurp power.

7). The consequences would be disastrous.

3.2. Choice of Grammatical Meanings

The same word, when used as different parts of speech and playing different roles in a sentence, has different meanings. e.g.

1) We need air to breathe.

2.) Birds fly in the air.

3.) They communicate with the air of secret.

4.) He asks his bank for a loan.

5.)The river’s overflowed its bank.

6.) He is physically neither weak nor very strong.

7. )The market is getting weak.

8.) He only found weak arguments.

3.3. Choice of Contextual Meanings

The same words, when used in different contexts or fields of discourse ( business, law, medicine, education, politics, forestry, etc. ) have different meanings. For instance, in some contexts,“mad” means “foolish”,“angry”, and “insane”.

E. G.

1.) Since she left, I have done the cooking and baked the cakes, but mine are never as good as

hers ---- “Nonsense, my dear; I don’t think Lancy’s cakes were any better than yours.” said Mr. John loyally.(她走后,做饭,烤饼的事落在了我旳肩上,不过,我可没有她做的好,---“哪儿的话”。‘亲爱的,我觉得你做的饼和南希做的饼一样好吃。”约翰先生真心地说。)

2.) And if we don’t step aside, perhaps supercomputers will simply move in and push us


3.4. Choice of Collocative meanings

E. G. Used in Expressions:

heavy wine (烈性酒)heavy crops(丰收)

heavy news(悲痛的消息)

heavy heart (忧伤的心情)

heavy traffic(拥挤的交通)

fine wine (美酒)

a fine work of art (精美的艺术品)

a fine teacher (优秀的老师)

a fine performance (出色的表演)

a fine drizzle (蒙蒙细雨)

a fine lady (温文尔雅的女士)

a good teacher and friend (良师益友)

a good concert (精彩的音乐会)

good service (周到的服务)

a good boy (听话的男孩)

earn good money (规规矩矩的挣钱)

good manners (举止得体)

a good family (名门)

poor house (简陋的房子)

poor health (不健康)

poor friendship (不够交情)

poor diet (粗劣的饮食)

a poor gift (一件微不足道的礼品)

poor fortune (时运不济)

poor words (不善言辞)

Used in Sentences

1.) He had developed a certain affection for you.

2.) We should help students develop an ability to study self-independently.

3.) The company is increasingly recognizing

the necessity and advantages of developing new products and service.

4. ) I took a course in English linguistics at university.

5. ) He took the responsibility in his position.

6. ) He took bus to go to work.

3.5.Choice of Stylistic(文体)Meanings

Some words convey the same idea but differ in stylistic features. These words are known as stylistic synonyms e.g :horse , charger, steed. Translators have to choose among formal words to ensure that the style is appropriate to the original context. They must also determine whether to use standard dialects or regional dialects, archaic(过时的)words or contemporary words, general words or technical terms, etc, literary translators must also try to reflect the idiolect(个人言语方式)of the S.L. writer.


1)You are an ungrateful wicked girl .

2)Well, it ain ‘t my fault ,missus..

3)It is a true saying that time and tide wait for no man.

3.6. Choice of Ambiguous Meaning

Ambiguity is defined as one surface structure covering more deep structure, that is, one linguistic expression allows more than one understandings or interpretations. Ambiguity can be classified as lexical(词汇的)and structural ambiguity .

1. Lexical Ambiguity: The multiple meaning of the utterance(表达)depens on the meaning

of the single word.


. 1)I saw him at bank.

2) As John designed the computer,he must have realized its capability

3)John and Mary are married.)

2. Structural Ambiguity:The multiple meaning of the utterance depends on the sentence


E. G.

1) She showed her daughter pictures.

2) John didn’t beat Mary because he loves her.

3) The policeman killed the robber with a pistol.

3.7. Choice of Extended Meanings

It is often difficult to find a suitable Chinese translation for an English word or expression in English-Chinese dictionaries, and a mechanical translation may be unintelligible(难以理解的)to our readers. One way out is to extend the meaning from the concrete or specific to the abstract or general or vice versa。


1)Mary was quite alone among them all,and Julia’tongue was enough to kill her。( 玛丽在他们中间非常孤独,朱莉亚那刻薄的话语常常使他痛苦不堪。)

2)The pen is mightier than the sword. (文能制武)

3)We felt the patriot rise within us. (我们的爱国之心油然而生)

4)In his temperament as in the circumstance of his time , he was destined for an

extraordinary career.(由于他的气质和他那个时代的境遇,他是注定要从事一番非凡的事业。)

5)It is nothing than take honest men’s bread out of mouth.

Some English words or expressions look equivalent to their counterparts(对照物), but actually they are different. These are called “false friends”. Careless beginners are liable to take too literally or mix up those words or expressions which look alike in the two languages but in fact are different in meaning.

E. G.

1).He is a somebody.

2). John is a busybody.

3). She is quite a picture.

4). It rains cats and dogs.

5). He let the cat out of the bag.

6). He always follows his own nose.

7). He always pulls your leg.

8). Jack put a good face on the matter.

3.9 Choice of Exact Meanings

A careful translator should weigh the meaning of the original before choosing a suitable Chinese words or expressions. These criteria are proposed here for choosing suitable words: preciseness, conciseness ,and gracefulness(优雅,得体).

Common mistakes in this respect may be chief due to the following :

1)Lapping up a word or an expression without digesting it;

2)Extending the meaning beyond its limits;

3)Rigidly adhering to letter or form(拘泥字面)


1)Bikini was the last thing she’d like to wear.

2)I prefer watching sports to taking part in them.

3)He read that day’s newspapers with his breakfast.

4}Education could enrich the population as a whole..

3.10 .Choice of Different Chinese Words to Translate the Same English Words or Use of the Same Chinese Words to Translate Different English words.(同词异译,异词同译)(read the book,P95)

3.10.1. )Use of the Same Chinese Words to Translate Different English Words

看:see,look at ,watch,read




3.10.2)Use of Different Chinese Words to Translate the Same English Words:

少数民族:the national minorities

民族风情:national customs

国民性:the national character

国民经济:national economy

综合国力:overall national strength

国家主权:national sovereignty

国立大学:national university

贵族家庭:a noble family

高尚的事业:a noble cause

品德高尚的人:a noble man

富丽堂皇的建筑:a noble building

卓越的思想家:a noble thinker

大众文化:popular culture

通俗的语言:popular language

大众喜爱的消遣:a popular pastime

深孚众望的英雄:a popular hero

众望所归的选择:a popular choice

受欢迎的教授:a popular professor

人民的觉悟:popular consciousness

公众舆论:popular opinion


1)It is natural to man to indulge in the dream of hope.

2)We should help him rather than you.

3)Last year ,Hunan province was visited by the worst drought in 60 years.

4)Here it is nine oc lo’ck and you two TV watchers haven’t done the dishes yet, on the double!+

5)If we must not be obsessed by the comfort, we should not give it up

6)These cadres now care only about the people’s livelihood and the development of this village’s economy.

Chapt er


In translation, a word in one language belonging to a certain word class is not necessarily translated into one of the same class in another language, i.e., no correspondence of the same word class between two languages is necessary in translation.

According to English syntax ,there is usually one finite verb in a single sentence or an individual clause. Abstract nouns (denoting action, manners, qualities, feelings,etc.) or

geruns are often used for verbs.The frequent use of the nominal style is one of the

features of English. In Chinese, two or more verbs instead of abstract nouns are usually

used together or separately in one sentence. Instead,what is expressed in the verbal

style in Chinese is very often expressed in the nominal style in English.

Compare the use of the verbs in the following sentences between Chinese and English:



He requests leadership to assign him going to work in the grass-roots level.


You write to him appointing someone to think out a way to investigate the overall



I ask him to send an accountant helping you with accounts.

4.1.1..Conversion from English Nouns And Adjectives into Chinese V erbs And Adverbs.

1)Talking with the young ,the old man was the forgiver of their past wrong doings.

2)My admiration for him grew more.

3)We should take full use of this opportunity to push the sales of our products.

4)He was in a clear minority.

5)Thank you for accepting our interview.

6)China’s stable economic growth and increasingly improved social facilities has brought

travelers much convenience.

7)The operation of a computer needs some knowledge of its performance.

8)Special care should be taken when handling flammable materials.

9)It is reported that there has been a steady vague increase in China’s economy this year.

4.1.2.Conversion from English prepositns into Chinese Verbs

There are about 286 prepositions and prepositional phrases in English while only about

30 prepositions in Chinese, which are mostly borrowed from their corresponding verbs. It is

not without reason that the Chinese prepositions often used as verbs, are called “quasi-verbs”

by some Chinese grammarians. Ideas expressed by prepositions or prepositional phrases in English are in many cases represented by verbs in Chinese.

E. G.

1). It is our goal that the people in the underdeveloped areas will be finally off poverty.

2). After several blocks, Mr. Green found an empty bench in the park.

3). He can see beyond the simple happenings to their farthest implications.

4). They worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves, by dim-lamps.

4.1.3,Conversion from English Nouns into Chinese Adjectives

English nouns derived from adjectives are often converted into Chinese adjectives.

E. G.

1). As he is a perfect stranger in the economic work, I hope you will give him the necessary


2). The security and warmth of the villa were wonderful.

3). This paper presents details of the fabrication process and performance of machine.

4.1.4 Conversion from English Verbs into Chinese Nouns

Sometimes it is difficult for us to translate English verbs; conversion from verbs into nouns may be a way out.

E. G.

1). The design aims at automatic operation, easy regulation, simple maintenance and


2). On average, LG shoppers spend $ 110 per order, triple what US TV shoppers spend.

4.1.5 Conversion from English Adverbs into Chinese Nouns.

1)He is physically weak, but mentally sound.

2)It was officially announced that Chinese president would visit Russia in May.

3)The device is shown schematically in Fig.8.

4.2. Conversion of Sentence Members

The conversion of word classes often results in the conversion of sentence members. So long as we can make Chinese translations smooth we may try, by hook or by crook, to convert words, phrases, sentence members, and even sentence structures.

1. Objects Converted into Subjects

1) Yuexiu Foreign Languages College has a very beautiful campus, which is located next to

Kuaiji Mountain.(o—s)

2) Shaoxing Waltmart Supermarket is well stocked with goods of all kinds.(o-s)

3) China’s map has the shape of a chicken.(o—s)

2. Prepositional Objects Converted into Subjects

1) It was very mean of you to laugh at me.

2) Times were hard and everything was against him.(o—s)

3) There seems to be so little in him for Helen to love.(o—s)

3. Predicatives Converted into Subjects

Successes are something that he has dreamt for long time.(p—s)

4. Subjects Converted into Attributes

The four best runners are a good match for each other.

5,Subjects Converted into Objects

1) All kinds of foreign publications are found in the reading-room of our college.(s—o)

2) Various mineral resources are found in many areas of our country.

6. Attributes Converted into Predicate

There is a lot of precious time wasted because of lazy habit.

7. Adverbials Converted into Complements in Chinese

1) The car was made in Germany.

2) I make it nearly 10:30.

8. Objects Converted into Predicates

1) The book is full of references to places that I knew well.

2) Her house had the style of decoration typical of the 1920s.

4.3. Conversion of Impersonal Subjects

Impersonal subjects are far more often found in English than in Chinese, hence the necessity of their conversion into personal or other subjects in Chinese.

English sentences with impersonal subjects ( abstract nouns, events, expressions, names of things, nominal phrases, etc, as subjects), being rhetorically flavored with personification or euphemism are well-built and condensed. Although simple grammatically, these sentences often imply certain logical relations or temporal sequences, expressing what would be represented by compound or complex structures. The translation of these sentences therefore is an art involving a number of techniques, such as Conversion, Division, Inversion, Addition, the change of structures, and the extension of the meanings of words.

4.3.1.Convert Impersonal Subjects into Personal or Other Subjects

E. G.

1). There is a gentle rap on the door, followed by a clumsy thump.

2). His efforts to erase the spot on the family name failed.

3). Is it necessary for us to explain it to her personality?

4). His succession as hand master is dispute.

5). The story was presented with such mass and vehemence by the film director.

4.3.2. Convert Impersonal Subjects and Split English Simple Sentences into Chinese Complex


E. G.

1). The idea grew with him as his growing into manhood.

2). Illness indisposes a man of enjoyment.

3),He looked at me and nodded,almost invisibly.

4),The thought of him always fills me with


5),Age doesn’t diminish his drive.

4.3.3. Conversion from Impersonal Subjects into Chinese Adverbials or Prepositional Phrases

E. G.

1). The year 1959 saw the first appearance of a real flying ship in the world.

2). My conscience told me that I deserved no extraordinary politeness.

4.3.4. Conversion from Impersonal Subjects and Split English Sentences, simple or complex

into Chinese compound or Run-on sentences.

E. G.

1). My good fortune has set you to me,and we will never part.

2),A few steps across the block brought me to a large ,splendid hotel.

2). Its gleaming sands and backdrop of pine woods and distant kills lend it a pleasant and

restful atmosphere.


4.4. Conversion of Perspectives

Translation is based on the assumption that the content of human thinking is basically the same, but the cognitive(认知的)angles or thinking modes may not necessarily be the same.

At times people from different cultures approach the same thing from different perspectives.

These differences are reflected in their respective languages and often pose barriers for intercultural communication. To ensure smooth communication between cultures, it is necessary to shift the perspectives in translation.

Conversion of perspectives, in its broad sense, refers to any transfer between two languages, and in its narrow sense, to the conveyance of information from perspectives being different from or even opposite to those of the SL.

1). These are our tasks for the period ahead.

2). We met her two years back.

3). He beat her black and blue.

4). People began to leave the hall by ones and twos.

5). Students get a discount of 20% on air fares.

6),I extend a thousand thanks for your help.


1.The accumulation o f new data during the past decade has brought a refinement of some

earlier views and concepts.

2.We are not content with our present achievements.

3.They were suspicious and resentful of him.

4.I found him at his book when I came into the room.

5.The road to development is long but we are firmly on it.

6.Sorry,I wasn’t in when you rang me up.

7.The landing was designed to cut the peninsula in two.

8.They showed a sympathetic understanding of our problem.

9.We are deeply convinced of the correctness of those policies and firmly determined to

pursue it.

10.“I suppose boys think differently from girls “he said.

11.We found difficulty in solving the housing problem.

12.The thoughts of returning to his native land never deserted him amid his tribulation.

13.A look of pleasure came to her face.

Chapter 5


Addition means supplying necessary words in translation, making the version grammatically correct, semantically clear, rhetorically sound, logically acceptable, and culturally appropriate. Words thus supplied must be indispensable syntactically, semantically, stylitically, and


5.1Structural Addition

Structural addition is mainly due to the structurally grammatical differences between English and Chinese .What’s omitt ed or unnecessary in English may be indispensable (绝对需要的)in Chinese or vice versa; hence this is the principle of addition in translating.


1) They began to study and analyse the situation of the economic development.

2) They have our interest at heart as we have theirs.

3) Meantime,the market kept growing ,and the demand rising.

4) By birth he was an Englishman ,by profession, a sailor ;by instinct and training, a rebel.


5.2,Semantic Addition

1)’We need to blaze a trail in between ,’ Premier Wen said a t the press conference after the closing meeting of the First Session of the 11th National People’s Congress. 在11 届人大第一次会议闭幕后的记者招待会上,温总理说,“我们必须在两者之间走出一条光明的道路。2)She became a poor third in the English-speaking contest.。

3)We advise an immediate decision4)The manager spoke hopefully of the success of the business negotiation.

5)The frequency ,wavelength ,and speed of sound are closely related.

6)And the years flipped off the calendar like dry leaves from a lawn.

7)There lay one of the chief difficulties.

5.3. Rhetorical Addition

1)The whole square was alive with singing and rejoicing.

2)He has in his vision the totality of every world problem:political, economic, human.

3)Happy families also had their own troubles.

4) It’s a bit fishy that she should have given away a villa like that.

So rhetorical addition can be said that necessary words or expressions may be added to make the translation more expressive and idiomatic ,and appealing to the Chinese readers.


1)He sank down on the chair with his face in his hands.

2)Great was the excitement as procession after procession poured its eager masses into the


3) A stock market bubble requires the cooperation of everyone .

4)This is a record increase.

5)He had left a note of welcome for me ,as sunny as his face.

6)Without a sense of your fault, how can repentance and amendment be expected?

Chapter 6


A necessary and indispensable word in English may be useless, superfluous, and even a stumbling block in Chinese. The English article illustrates this paradox. How important it is in English, but Chinese has no such part of speech. So many important words in English may well be omitted in Chinese, , while other words omitted or understood in English may be supplied or


In translation, as in composition, aim at concisenness. Make your versions not just accessible to the reader, but easily understood; not only expressive, but also impressive. English from its very nature is generally not so brief as Chinese. The Chinese version ought to be shorter than English version.

6.1.Omission of Words Peculiar to English


6.1.1Omission of Expletives “it” and “there”

1)How is it with the patient?

2)The stock is already down,their selling will depress it more.

3)What happened ,and it was no good kicking against the pricks

4)Where there is a will, there is a way.

5)There is no free lunch.

6)There was no knowing at what moment he might put in an appearance.

6.1.2Omission of English Articles

The frequent use of the definite article(the)and the indefinite article (a/an)is characteristic of English,there they are usually not translated into Chinese.However,there are exceptions.In many cases they must be translated one way or another.A careful study of the use of the articles will show us how to deal with them properly in translation.

1)This is“ The Complete Works of Mao Tse-dong.”

2)He likes the landscape painting.

3)I can’t remember a Spring Festival when it snowed so much.

4)Extra care should be taken to the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

5)For a european, life is a career; for an American, it is a succession of hazard.

6.2 Omission of Words Superfluous in Chinese

Generally speaking, in English when the finite verb is common to two or more subjects, it is often omitted after the second subject ;while in Chinese when the subject is common to two or more verbs ,it is often omitted in and after the second clause. This is one of the remarkable differences between the two languages.

e.g: Compare:the following English and Chinese sentences.

1) I belong to you and you (belong) to me.

2) 经理一到办公室,(他)就立即开始工作。

Manager set to work as soon as he came to the office.

6.2.1.Omission of Pronouns

1)We have 365 days in a year.

2)You should be strong even when you are in difficulty.

3)He can’t express himself in English.

4)I said “Wash your hands before you have your meals, comrades.”

6.2.2.Omission of Connectives

In Chinese, one clause follows another in certain order with few or no lexical connectors, while in English there usually must be connectives, coordinating or subordinating, to join the clauses.


1) We try and do it.

2) Wise men love science, but fools shun it

3) Like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract.

5)It is ten to one that we’ll overfulfill our production quota.

6.2.3.Omission of Prepositions and prepositional Phrases

English is rich in prepositions and prepositional phrases, which play an important role in the language. They are generally translated into Chinese in one of the three ways other than prepositions or prepositional phrases:1)into Chinese verbs; 2)into Chinese connectives;3)be omitted.

Here we shall dwell upon the third way: omission of prepositions or prepositional phrases.


1) At age 34, Rogge began his career in sports administration when he was asked to serve as an

athlete’s representative on Belgiums Olympic committee.


2)The onslaught of some vehicles poses a serious threat to urban life and pedestrian peace of mind.


3)He went out and shut the door gently behind him.

4)The fighting plane flew 20,000m up into the air.

6.2.4.Omission of Verbs or Participles

In English, a verb is obligatory (necessary) in sentence structure while it is not always necessary in Chinese.


1) These developing countries cover vast territories, large population and abound natural


2) When the pressure gets low, the boiling point becomes low.

6,2,5,Omission of Modifier Signs “的” and’’地”

Although Chinese modifier signs “的”and”地”are now more used in the translation of possessives,adjectives and adverbs , they are often not necessary in many cases. Their omission often makes the expression sound better in Chinese.


1) My brother didn’t come yesterday. He went to street.

2) Suddenly the workers ceased working.

6,2,6.Omission of words for conciseness, but Not at the Expense of Meanings.(为简练,不损句意。)

1)University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.

2)The price of the products should be set according to the price in the international market .It should be fixed by the two parties at a level that will bring profit to both


1)We will have a happy time of it.

2)There is nothing but is good for something .

3)She has the bravest bravery of all ,the bravery that is never afraid to speak the truth .

4)Before you hand in your paper ,you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected and revised .Then you will have your work

well done.

5)Let us joint and proceed together.

6)If I had known it , I would not have joined in it.

7)Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes.

8)To learn is not an easy matter and to apply what one has learned is even harder.

Chapter 7


Grammatically or rhetorically speaking, repetition of the same word, same expression and even the same structure in a sentence or a passage is more natural and idiomatic and thus much more frequent in Chinese than in English, though rhetorical or significant repetition can also be found in English. Generally what is repeated in Chinese may in many cases be substituted, varied or omitted in English.

7.1 Grammatical Repetition

We should make versions clear by means of repetition. Rhetoric tells us that repetition often results from differences in grammar and usage between the two languages. What is usually omitted or substituted in English may often be repeated in Chinese.

7.1.1.Repetition of the Modified

E . G.

1) This year, the output of coal in this region amounts to about 20% of the whole country; of steel 25%; of grain 30%; of cotton 35%.

2) Let us revise our drafting and discussing plan.

7.1.2 Repetition of the Modifier

E. G.

1) We obtain the process and display of information.

2) The will and wisdom of a man determine his future destiny.

3) The project needs the materials which can bear high temperature and pressure.

4) The surroundings and location of this campus are all best among Shao Xing institutions of higher learning.

7.1.3 Repetition of the Verb Which is Common to Several Objects, or the Object Which is Common to Several Verbs

E. G.

1) For a good hour, we talk about our life, our ambition and our future.

2) This president’s speech covered the history of Chinese examination system, the current situation of education and how to take a right attitude to examination.

3) We should learn to analyze and solve problem.

4) A good film serves to educate and inspire the people.


例一:Zhou came through to Kissinger as subtle, brilliant, and indirect, a politician of vision who refused to get bogged down in petty detail. Mao Tse-tung was well bred, but inside he was made of steel, of hard resistance, of tough tissue – the kind of tissue the Boxers thought they had by magic, and bared their solar plexuses to foreign bullets. (Ibid) 1、对于基辛格而言,周恩来是一个敏感的,才华横溢的,迂回的,不为一些生活琐碎拘束 的政治家。 2、毛泽东有很好的教养,在内心他是个刚强的,有耐心的,坚韧的人。对于义和团而言,这种个性就是他们需要通过魔法得到的。 毛泽东有很好的教养,内部是钢,有坚强的抗力,是坚韧的材料制成的:这是义和团设想的由于神力具有的,可以把腹部袒露给外国人的子弹的那种材料。 第四节翻译得标准 例一:这个地区的联合军事演习次数在持续增加,这种行为会损害两个国家之间的信任。联合军演在本地区有增无减,不利于国家之间建立信任 例二:美国是一个宽广辽阔的国家,就像罗伯特写的:“对外国人传教的美国的英语往往是不被大多数美国人使用的。 美国幅员辽阔,正如罗伯特所述:“美国英语,教外国人是这么教,大多数美国人却不这么说。” 例三:这个老人太阳上升起床,太阳下山睡觉 这个老人日出而作,日落而息 例四:新年伊始,这个地区迎来了一场大雪 新年伊始,喜降瑞雪 例五:掉入黑洞的附近的天体再也不会被看到了。 附近的天体一旦掉入黑洞,就会销声匿迹。 例七:他的疲倦和持续升高的温度使他一看到阴凉处就舒服地坐下 他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热;于是他下决心,一碰到舒适的阴凉处就坐下休息。 第五节直译与意译 一、直译 例一: 1、丰富文化生活 2、背后插刀 3、浑水摸鱼 4、火上浇油 5、君子协议 6、泼冷水 7、纸老虎 8、一国两制


英语翻译基础教程 总主编:冯庆华主编:冯庆华陈科芳 1 “意思”的译法 甲:这是一点小意思,请务必收下。 乙:你这个人真是有意思,怎么也来这一套。甲:哎,只是意思意思,乙:啊,真是不好意思。 译文:A:This is a little gift as a token of my appreciation .Please do take it . B:Oh, aren't you a bit too polite ? you should not do that . A: Well ,it just conveys my gratitude. B: Ah, thank you then ,though i really do not deserve it . 2 “说” (1)阿Q将衣服摔在地上,吐一口唾沫,说:“这毛虫”!《阿Q正传》 译文:Ah Q flung his jacket on the ground ,spat ,and swore ,“hairy worm!” (2) “三个臭皮匠,合成个诸葛亮”,这就是说,群众有伟大的创造力。《毛泽东选集》 文: The old saying ,"three cobblers with their wits combined would equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind ,"simple means the masses have great creative power. (3):也不知安居乐业,最早见于什么典籍,四个字一针见血的点名了生活中的一个因果关系。译文:I can not say in what canon the words "secure in one's home and happy in one's work" first appeared ,but that expression cuts to the core of a primary determinant in human life. 3 你们偶然看见一颗花生瑟缩的长在地上,不能立刻分辨出它有没有果实,非得等到你接触到它时你才能知道。 译文1:When you come upon a peanut plant lying curled up on the ground ,you can never immediately tell whether or not it bears ant nuts until you touch them . 译文2:When you come upon a peanut plant lying curled up on the ground ,you can never tell whether or not it bears any nuts until you dig it up. 4金杯牌充气床垫工艺先进,结构新颖,造型美观,款式繁多,舒适大方,携带方便。译文:The 'Gold cup' Brand air-filled bed cushions are made in advanced technology .with novel,structure, beautiful shape and various patterns ,they are comfortable and convenient to carry. 5 人民犯了法,也要受处罚,也要坐班房。 译文:when anyone among the people breaks the law ,he too should be punished ,imprisoned.. 6只有充分发展商品经济,才能把经济真正搞活,使各企业增加效率。译文:the development of a commodity economy is the only way to invigorate our economy and promp t enterprise to raise their efficiency . 7 我的姐姐又因为我不爱整洁而向我唠叨地劝戒了。 译文:my sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness. 8我国人民在中国共产党第十五次全国代表大会的精神鼓舞下,正沿着建设有中国特色的社会主义道路,满怀信心,昂首阔步地迈向二十一世纪。 Inspired by the spirit of 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China , the people of C hina are advancing confidently towards the 21st century along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics . 9本公司生产的地毯美丽大方、光彩夺目,富丽堂皇。 The carpets made in our company are beautiful and magnificent . 10我们进行了长期不懈的努力。 We have made unremitting efforts for it .


第一单元翻译概论 1翻译就是接受语言复制出与原语信息最接近的自然等值体---首先是就意义而言,其次是就风格而言. Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style. 2按翻译技巧来分: 直译、意译、音译 Literal translation does not mean word-for-word translation. Superficially speaking, it means “not to alter the original words and sentences”, strictly speaking, it strives “to keep the sentiments and style of the original”. 例如:paper tiger—纸老虎 Free translation is an alternative approach generally used to convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to copy its sentence patterns of figures of speech. 例如:Adam’s apple—喉结;at sixes and sevens—乱七八糟 It rains cats and dogs—大雨滂沱 3按翻译原则方向来分: 异化翻译(Foreignization)和归化翻译(Domestication ) 归化的例子: as timid as a hare 胆小如鼠 at a stone’s throw 一箭之遥 wet like a drown rat 湿如落汤鸡 as stupid as a goose 蠢得像猪 5 傅雷:1951年在《高老头 重译本序》中提出“以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。” 6. 钱钟书:1964年在《林纾的翻译》一文中提到“文学翻译的最高理想可以说是“化”,把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原作的风味,那就算得入与“化境”。 7 But I hated Sakamoto, and I had a feeling he’d surely lead us both to our ancestors. 但是我恨坂田,并预感到他肯定会领着咱们去见祖先。 8 Don’t cross the br idge till you get to it. 不必担心太早。(不必自寻烦恼) 9 Do you see any green in my eyes? 你以为我是好欺骗的吗? 10 Ruth was upsetting the other children, so I showed her the door. 鲁斯一直在扰乱别的孩子,我就把他撵了出去。 第二单元英汉对比 1汉语和英语的对比研究,始于100年多前《马氏文通》,这是我国第一部汉语语法书,是在比较和模仿拉丁文法的基础上写成的。 2中国传统哲学主张“天人合一”、“万物与我为一”,反映在语言上就是施事主体可以蕴含在行为事件的主观表现中。 3因此在句子构造中,汉语并不把主语看成必要的成分。正如王力所说:“就句子结构而论,西洋


《汉英翻译教程》 第一章 词的选择 词义的正确选择首先取决于对原文的确切理解,而对原文词义的确切理解又取决于对原文上下文的推敲。有些词看起来很简单,翻译时一下子就会想到常用的对应词。但又是最常用的对应词却不能准确地表达原作的意思。例如: 还要努力读一点历史和小说。 We should also find time to read some history books and novels. 这里“努力”一词理解为“挤出时间”是对的,如译为make an effort,则会使人误解为我们文化水平低,读历史和小说很费力。 再比如“水平”一词译成英语,不一定都是level, 要根据句子的含义确定译法。 1.他的英语水平比我的高。 He knows more English than I. 这里,汉语“水平”一词虽未译出,但其以已含在句子中。若照汉语字面应译成:The level of his English is higher than that of mine.就不符合英语表达习惯。2.要奋发图强,把我军的军政素质提高到一个新的水平……。 We must work hard to raise to a new height the military and political quality of our army……. 这里“水平”指高度,故译作height,和动词搭配也比较顺。 3.各级领导干部必须提高领导水平。 Cadres at all levels should improve their art of leadership. 这里的“领导水平”,实际上指领导能力、领导艺术、故译作art of leadership. 以上的例子说明一个词的具体含义往往要结合上下文才能确定,在翻译的时候也只有结合上下文来考虑怎样处理这个词,才能译得准确。因此在辨析词义和正确选词时可注意下列几种情况。 (一)注意词的广义与狭义 英语中有不少同义词的词义有广、狭之区别,运用范围也就各不相同。例如 1.农业是国民经济的基础。 Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. 原文“农业”一词是广义,指一切农业经济(农、牧、林、渔),古译作agriculture。但在“农林牧副渔结合的方针”中,农与林木副渔并立,是指耕作的农业,不是指整个农业经济,古译作farming。整个词组应译为the principle of combining farming, forestry, animal husbandry, side-occupations and fishery. 2.他从不喝酒。 He never touches wine. 原文“酒”是指一切酒类,故译作 wine。但在“他不喝烈性酒”一句中,“酒”是狭义,是和淡性酒相对而言的,又需译作spirits。 (二)注意词义的强弱 3.反动派的暴行激起了人民的极大愤怒。


Chapter 1 General Principles 1.1What Is Translation? Translation is a rendering from one language into another, and is the faithful representation in one language of what is written or said in another language. So translation can be roughly defined as a reproduction or recreation。Being a very complicated human activity, its whole picture is never easy to describe. Scholars with different academic backgrounds have attemted to define it from various perspectives .For example: The fan ,with its modern,elegant,bright and harmoniously,colored design,is an excellent electrical household appliance for cooling purpose on hot days.( 本电扇,款式新颖, 造型大方,色彩鲜艳, 色泽调和,是炎炎夏日用于消暑纳凉的家电精品.) 2,年近而立之年(He is getting on for thirty.); 3 一次得手,再次不愁. (If it worked once, it can work twice.) So translation is also a science, an art, a craft or skill. Translation mainly includes the following aspects: linguistic, cultural literary, semantic, functional and communicative views on it. 1)Linguistic Views on Translation Translation theorists from the linguistic school conceive of translation as a linguistic activity and some believe that translation theory is a branch of linguistics. E.G., He helps us finish the project in every field of their endeavor. 2)Cultural View on Translation In the cultural approach, translation is regarded not only as a transfer of linguistic signs, but also as a communication of cultures, namely, “intercultural communication.” E. G. (1) There are many starred hotels in the city. (2) He has been to “summer resort.” (3) Here is a “folk customs park”. 3) Literary Views on Translation It is an artistic recreation or recreated art. E. G. They also like to plant red pepper they know pretty well how to make full use of it, either in front of their doors or behind their houses. This is both practical and fine-looking. 四川人食辣椒,也爱种植辣椒,门前屋后,见缝插针,既美观又饱口福。 4)Semantic Views on Translation This view focuses on the semantic equivalence between the two languages. E.G. (1) It didn’t occur to me that you should object. 。 (2) The thought of returning filled her with fear. 5)Functional Views on Translation Functional views mean the prospective function or purpose of the target text as determined by the initiator’s, i.e. client’s,needs. E. G. Fred took it home with him and returned it a few days later beautifully bound.


6. the statement that oil originated in the sea is confirmed by a glance at a map showing that chief oilfields of the world;very few of them are far distant from the oceans of today. 石油原于大海的这种观点是被人们所认可的,你要看一眼世界主要油井的分布图就一目了然了,几乎没有远离现在海洋的油井。 7. the rocks in which oil is found are of marine origin too. 石油存在处的岩石也都有海洋的渊源。 8. A very common sedimentary rock is called shale,which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. And where there is shale there is likely to be oil. 一块极普通的沉积岩叫页岩,这种页岩质地松软,很明显是通过海底沉积作用形成的。有页岩的地方,极有可能有石油。 9. the drill may just miss the oil although it is near;on the other hand,it may strike oil at a fairly high level. 有时石油虽就在附近,但因为没钻准地儿,结果还是一无所获。有时呢,就这么一钻,石油就喷出好高好高。 10. when the crude oil is obtained from the field,it is taken to the refineries. Gas that comes off the oil later is condensed. 从油田获得的原油要被送到炼油厂进行处理。接下来再将获得的汽体浓缩后成为煤油。 11. We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost‘s familiar poem,they are not equally fair 我们正处在两条道路分岔的地方。但是并不像我们所熟悉的罗伯特。佛罗斯特诗中所说的,这两条路是同样的好。 12. right to know 知情权 13. A truly extraordinary variety of alternatives to the chemical control of insects is available. 除了用化学方法控制昆虫以外,还有其他各种非常奇妙的方法可以利用。 14. All have this in common:they are biological solutions,based on understanding of the living organisms they seek to control,and of the whole fabric of life to which these organisms belong. 所有这些方法都有一个共同点:他们都是生物的解决办法,其基础是人们对所要控制的生物体的了解,以及对这些生物体整个生活状况的了解。 15. It has its obscure and unpretentious beginning;its quite stretches as well as its rapids;its


英汉笔译基础教程 导言: 英汉笔译是一门复杂而又重要的语言技能,它涉及到将英语文本准确地翻译成汉语。英汉笔译基础教程旨在帮助学习者掌握基本的翻译技巧和方法,提高翻译质量,准确地传达原文的意思。 一、概述 英汉笔译基础教程是一门针对初学者的课程,旨在培养学生的翻译能力,帮助他们理解英汉两种语言之间的差异,掌握翻译的基本原则和技巧。通过系统学习,学生能够逐步提高自己的翻译水平,从而更好地应对实际翻译工作。 二、课程设置 英汉笔译基础教程课程设置包括以下几个方面: 1. 翻译基础知识:介绍英汉两种语言的基本特点,探讨语言之间的差异和翻译的难点。 2. 语法和词汇:强调语法和词汇在翻译中的重要性,提供相关的练习和例句,帮助学生掌握正确的翻译方法。 3. 翻译技巧:介绍翻译过程中常用的技巧和策略,如同义替换、释义翻译等,通过实例演练加深学生的理解。 4. 文化背景:了解英汉两种语言的文化背景,对于准确翻译原文非常重要。通过案例分析,学生能够更好地把握文化差异。

5. 翻译实践:通过大量的实践训练,学生能够提高翻译速度和准确性,逐步培养自己的翻译能力。 三、教学方法 英汉笔译基础教程采用多种教学方法,如讲授、练习、讨论和案例分析等。教师会根据学生的实际情况进行个性化指导,引导学生积极参与课堂活动,提高学习效果。同时,教师还会安排实践任务,让学生在实际翻译中不断提高。 四、教材选用 英汉笔译基础教程选用了一系列经典的教材和参考书籍,如《英汉翻译教程》、《翻译理论与实践》等。这些教材内容全面,涵盖了翻译的各个方面,对于学生的学习和提高非常有帮助。 五、考核方式 英汉笔译基础教程的考核方式多样化,包括平时成绩、课堂表现、作业和期末考试等。通过多种考核方式,能够全面评价学生的翻译水平和能力。 六、教学成果 通过英汉笔译基础教程的学习,学生能够掌握基本的翻译技巧和方法,能够准确地理解和翻译英语文本。同时,他们还能够提高自己的语言表达能力和跨文化交流能力,为将来从事翻译工作打下坚实的基础。


新编英汉翻译教程 新编英汉翻译教程 翻译是一门艺术和科学的结合体,它涉及到无论是语言、文化、历史还是人类思维方式的诸多方面。对于想要提高自己的翻译能力的人来说,学习一套完整的翻译教程是非常有用的。下面是一些相关的参考内容,将帮助您了解如何进行新编的英汉翻译教程。 第一章:翻译基础知识 1.1 翻译定义和分类 1.2 翻译的目的和原则 1.3 翻译与语言间的关系 1.4 翻译的难点和挑战 第二章:语言知识和技巧 2.1 英汉语言的比较和对比 2.2 词汇和短语翻译 2.3 句子结构和语法翻译 2.4 上下文的影响和处理 2.5 语体和风格转换 第三章:文化意识和背景知识 3.1 跨文化交际和翻译 3.2 文化差异的认识和理解 3.3 社会背景和历史背景的处理 3.4 原文背后的文化内涵和价值观传递

第四章:专业领域和行业知识 4.1 法律翻译原则和技巧 4.2 医学翻译原则和技巧 4.3 经济与商务翻译原则和技巧 4.4 技术与科学翻译原则和技巧 第五章:翻译工具和资源 5.1 电子词典和在线翻译工具的使用 5.2 术语库和翻译记忆库的建立和管理 5.3 翻译软件的使用和技巧 5.4 翻译资源和参考文献的查找和使用 第六章:翻译实践和技巧 6.1 阅读和理解原文的重要性 6.2 提高译文的准确性和流畅度 6.3 校对和修改译文的技巧 6.4 学习和借鉴他人的优秀翻译作品 第七章:发展和推广翻译技能 7.1 参加翻译考试和认证 7.2 加入翻译协会和社区 7.3 进修和继续教育的机会 7.4 与客户和雇主建立有效的沟通 通过学习以上内容,您将逐步掌握新编英汉翻译的基本理论和技巧。同时,您还可以在实践中不断提高自己的翻译能力,并

英汉翻译教程 第四章 翻译的技巧

1. How to explain that I was not a proud owner seeking admiration for his vehicle, but a tourist who had broken down? 【译文】真不知道怎么说好呢?我又不是一个得意的车主,专门让人家欣赏我的车子来着,而是个路途中有了难处的游客。 2. It is actually very, very old and was not always as beautiful as it is now. It is not certain how the Earth began. Probably it began as a huge globe of gas and dust. The globe became smaller and denser. … Today the outer layer or crust is cool and hard, … 【译文】实际上,地球已经非常、非常古老了,它起初并不总像现在这样美丽。关于地球的起源,尚无定论。地球开始形成时,很可能是一个由气体和尘埃组成的巨大球体。地球变得越来越小,越来越密,……今天,地球的外层或地壳已经冷却硬化,…… 3. Special equipment assures that the computers will not be disturbed by power interruptions that last less than two hours. 【译文】在停电两小时以内的情况下,有专门设备能保证计算机正常工作。 4. It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, nor horror, nor any of the emotions that she had been prepared for. 【译文】那表情不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,不是嫌恶,也不是她原先准备应付的任何一种感情。 1. Promotions are wonderful but they must be deserved. And we deserve it, only if we serve the people. 【译文】提升是件好事。但必须是那些值得提升的人。而我们只有为人民服务才算得上值得。 【改后译文】提升是好事,但必须受之无愧。我们只有坚持为人民服务才能受之无愧。 2. It looks like it will be a mild, but rainy weekend. 【译文】看来天气温和,但周末有雨。 【改后译文】看来周末天气温暖,但有雨。 3. It emerged casually and as a byproduct of our conversation. 【译文】它偶然地冒了出来,就像我们谈话的副产品。 【改后译文】很随便地提到了它,就像是我们在谈话中顺便说说而已。 4. His air of self-assurance and somewhat lordly bearing would have frightened me, had it not been for his warm and hearty handshake. 【译文】他那自信的神气和略为高傲的派头就要使我害怕了,不过他和我握手的时候是那样热情,那样真挚。 【改后译文】他和我握手的时候是那样热情,那样真挚,要不然他那自信的神情和高傲的派头,我还真有点害怕呢。 5. Without his knowledge, the matchmakers were at work. 【译文】他自己还不知道,媒人却已为他工作了。 【改后译文】他自己还不知道,媒人却已为他穿针引线了。 6. I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding-line. 【译文】我的教育开始之前,就像这样一条船,只是没有罗盘和测深绳。 【改后译文】在我开始接受教育之前,就像这样一条船,没有罗盘,没有测深绳。 7. The best way is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal. 【译文】最好的办法就是要逐渐使自己关心更多的和不跟自己直接有关的事情。 【改后译文】最好的办法就是要逐渐使自己关心更多的事情,甚至关心那些跟自己无关的


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汉英翻译基础教程 TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217506" 第一章 汉英词汇比较与翻译 PAGEREF _Toc327217506 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217507" 第二章词法翻译的一般技巧PAGEREF _Toc327217507 \h 4 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217508" 第三章名词的抽象和具体译法PAGEREF _Toc327217508 \h 9 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217509" 第四章动词的翻译 PAGEREF _Toc327217509 \h 11 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217510" 第五章数词和冠词的翻译PAGEREF _Toc327217510 \h 12 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217511" 第六章成语的英译 PAGEREF _Toc327217511 \h 13 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217512" 第七章修辞格的翻译 PAGEREF _Toc327217512 \h 17 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217513" 笫八章文化词语的翻译 PAGEREF _Toc327217513 \h 19 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217514" 第九章汉英句子比较与翻译PAGEREF _Toc327217514 \h 20 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217515" 第十章换序和转态译法 PAGEREF _Toc327217515 \h 23 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217516" 笫十一章断句合句译法 PAGEREF _Toc327217516 \h 25 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217517" 笫十二章长句的翻译 PAGEREF _Toc327217517 \h 27 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc327217518" 第十四章汉英语篇比较与翻译PAGEREF _Toc327217518 \h 29


第三章名词的抽象和具体译法第一节名词的抽象译法(p68) 粗枝大叶to be crude and careless (with big branches and large leaves) 海阔天空to talk with random( with a vast sea and boundless sky) 灯红酒绿dissipated and luxurious (with red lights and green wine) 纸醉金迷of life of luxury and dissipation (with drunken paper and bewitched gold) 单枪匹马to be single-handed in doing sth (with a solitary spear and a single horse) 赤胆忠心ardent loyalty (with red gut and heart) 无孔不入to take advantage of every weakness (to get into every hole) 扬眉吐气to feel proud and elated (to raise the eyebrows and let out a breath) 开门见山to come straight to the point (to open the door and see the mountain) 大张旗鼓on a large and spectacular scale (to make a great array of flags and drums) 风雨飘摇(of a situation) being unstable (the wind and rain are rocking) 二.翻译下列句子 (1)这是他们夫妻之间的事情,你去插一脚干吗? That’s a business of their own, between husband and wife. Why should you get involved in? (2)别人家里鸡零狗碎的事情你都知道得这么全,真是个顺风耳啊! You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of other families. You are really well informed. (3)这消息让我出了一身冷汗。 I’m extremely terrified by the news. (4)她毛遂自荐来这所小学做老师。 She volunteered for the teaching post in this primary school. (5)我不敢班门弄斧,诚望您发表高见。 I dare not show off in the presence of(在……面前)an expert. I hope you would be kind enough to enlighten(启发,启蒙)us on this matter. (6)敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。 The enemy troops threw the whole village into great disorder. (7)敌军军官听说后路已被切断,吓得目瞪口呆。 The enemy officer was stunned by the news that the route of retreat had been cut off. (8)这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。 These problems are too complicated to be explained clearly in a few words.

4.英汉翻译教程 (1)

第一章 翻译的定义和翻译的原则 一、翻译的定义 1.Translation is the art of recomposing a work in another language without losing its original flavor.( Columbia Encyclopedia ) 2. Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. ( Eugene A. Nida ) 3.翻译是把一种语言表达的意义用另一种语言传达出来,以达到沟通思想感情、传播文化知识、促进社会文明,特别是推动译语文化兴旺昌盛的目的。(孙致礼2003:6 ) 二、翻译的原则 1. Yan Fu (1854-1921) In translation, there are three aspects difficult to bring about: faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance. It is no easy work to realize ―faithfulness‖! If there is only faithfulness without expressiveness , the translation doesn’t amount to translation. From here we can see expressiveness is of great importance. (译事三难,信,达,雅。求其信已大难矣!顾信矣不达,虽译犹不译也,则达尚焉) ①Japanese army killed millions of innocent people during the war. ----那场战争中日本军队屠杀了成百上千无辜的平民 ②Action is equal to reaction, but it acts in a contrary direction. ――作用力与反作用力大小相等,方向相反. ③We shall all miss him, but we wish him a long and happy retirement. ――我们都会想念他的,我们祝愿他退休后快乐、长寿. ④For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo. 古往今来多少离合悲欢, 谁曾见这样的哀怨辛酸! ⑤Crafty men contempt studies, simple men admire them, and wise use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them , won by observation. ――有一技之长者鄙读书,无知者慕读书,唯明智之士用读书,然书并不以用处告人,用书之智不在书中,而在书外,全凭观察得之. 2. Fu Lei (1908-1966) ①From there I could see the whole valley below, the field, the river , and the village. It was all beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing. ――从这里望下去,整个山谷一览无遗,只见那田野、河流、村庄,全都美不胜收,真叫我心驰神往. ②He carried on a business , but brought his pigs to the wrong market. ――他经营生意,可是几乎血本无归. 3.Qian Zhongshu ①Capri is a gaunt rock of austere outline, bathed in a deep blue sea; but its vineyards, green and smiling, give it a soft and easy grace. It is friendly, remote, and debonair. 卡普里岛是一块外形突兀的荒凉的岩石,沐浴在深蓝色的海洋里,但是它的葱绿的葡萄园仿佛在向人微笑,使这个海岛增添了几分令人舒爽的温柔宁静的姿色,卡普里岛远离尘嚣,但景色宣人,生机盎然。 ②The young people were all in high favour, especially Alice, whose sweet face and temper would have endeared her to the devil himself, but there was much shaking of heads over her handsome husband, Peter, who had a hot eye for a fine leg, as Matty put it, and was apt to put an arm round the kitchen girls if he had the chance. 仆人们对家里年轻的主人都充满好感,特别对艾丽丝更是如此。她的脸蛋长得甜甜,脾气又特别随和,就是魔鬼见了她也会喜欢。但谈起她那位英俊的丈夫——彼得,许多仆人是摇头的,玛蒂形容说,他见了女人标致的大腿,眼睛就会色迷迷的,如果逮着机会还会去搂一把年轻厨娘的腰。 4. Alexander Fraser Tytler ①You country is a consistent and resolute champion of all the people who struggle against terrorism.――贵国一直坚定地站在反对恐怖主义的前列. ②It is the champion of apartheid.――它是导致种族隔离的罪魁祸首 ③A thousand mustaches can live together, but not four breasts. 千条汉子能共处,两个婆娘难相容. ④Being invited to dance, she would not very well refuse. ――有人请她跳舞,她不好意拒绝

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