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1 中山大学 637基础英语2013

1 中山大学 637基础英语2013
1 中山大学 637基础英语2013


I. Reading comprehension (40 points)

Passage 1

The swimming sky of oceanic expanse in Van Gogh?s The Starry Night; the human figure born of marble by the careful hands of Rodin; the graceful, ethereal figure of Degas?s ballerina; all communicate both emotion and essence in a world where aesthetic reigns supreme. Art has forever been humankind?s tool for expressing the ineffable, a form of communication when words fail or are wholly inadequate. Art challenges the artist by constructing a world in which opposing forces—impulse and control, emotion and thought, ideation and actuality—must cooperate to produce a piece of art. The artist must wrestle an almost untamable creative force for control in order to grant space to its expression. The process of facing and governing this force while conveying it to others makes artistic creation an especially valuable therapeutic tool for the emotionally disturbed.

The process of creation and the created product are equally valuable parts of therapeutic art. Creating art requires balancing two aspects of personality that are, in the case of the emotionally disturbed person, especially irreconcilable. Like all artists, the emotionally disturbed person must learn to control and harness the dangerous, unpredictable forces of creation while remaining sufficiently unrestrictive to allow its expression. Balancing these forces in a constructive way while granting full play to both is an important ability to master, one that art therapy teaches particularly well.

The emotionally disturbed artist?s goal is not the perfect expression of an aesthetic ideal. Yet communicating the mind?s content and having it recognized by others is intensely valuable to the disturbed artist?s healing. Taking ideas out of the isolation imposed by the mind and reproducing them in a form that can be shared and understood by others releases those ideas from the mind and removes from them some of their power. Using the brush where the pen and voice fail allows others, like the therapist, to recognize, understand, and begin to deconstruct the mind?s content.

Artistic creation allows emotionally disturbed people to communicate ideas they are unable to express in words, and it provides therapists with an otherwise unobtainable window into the mind. Examination of their artistic pieces reveals an inner world that the self of the disturbed person cannot express another way. Art then becomes a new therapeutic medium through which to understand and address the complex issues that threaten and haunt the disturbed person, and in which to free them.

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to ______.

A. prove that art therapy has made significant strides in recent decades

B. demonstrate how art therapy can transform nonfunctioning individuals into productive

members of society

C. show how art therapy can be beneficial for emotionally disturbed people

D. describe the methods by which artwork can be interpreted by a therapist

2. In line 4, paragraph 3 “the brush” is used primarily to signify ______.

A. the wide variety of artistic equipment

B. the author?s preference for art over written communication

C. the process of painting

D. artistic creation

3. The passage suggests that the main reason a therapist might use art to work with emotionally

disturbed people is that art therapy can ______.

A. allow them to address ideas or emotions in a nonverbal way

B. share their innermost thoughts with the public

C. broaden the scope of their social interaction

D. encourage them to cooperate with others

4. The author su ggests that artwork functions as “window” (line 2, paragraph 4) because artwork

A. is transparent

B. stiffles communication

C. can be extremely fragile

D. allows access to thoughts

5. The author?s conclusion would be most directly supported by additional information proving that ______.

A. art therapists are better able to evaluate the quality of art than regular therapists

B. individuals involved in art programs have more control over their emotions

C. there is a documented connection between creativity and attention span

D. painting relieves some symptoms of arthritis

Passage 2

Since time immemorial, countless scholars have asked the question: What is beauty? As philosophers engage in weighty discourses, designers update the latest fashions, and artists create their masterpieces, what is considered beautiful changes at an alarming pace. Fifty years ago, the full-figured Marilyn Monroe embodied the American aesthetic value; today, a legion of Hollywood actresses vastly different in appearance from Marilyn?s have taken her place, However, aesthetic values not only differ from generation to generation, but do so along cultural lines as well. The conventions that govern painting and music vary greatly from East to West, Often, what is considered disgusting to one civilization is the pinnacle of aesthetic appeal in another. Thus, when left to the sphere of human design, the search for an absolute definition of beauty remains an elusive one at best.

As fundamental physicists, my colleagues and I like to believe that we are involved in a search for a beauty that does not remain uninfluenced by definition. The beauty that we search for is not that which is laid down through the work of people and subject to short-term tastes, but rather that which has been established by Nature. Those not involved with physics tend to think of it as a precise and predictive science—certainly not a field of study fit for the contemplation of the beautiful. Yet, one of physics?s greatest gifts is that it allows its students to look past extrinsic appearances into a more overwhelming beauty. As a human being, I am captivated by the visual appeal of a wave crashing on the beach. As a physicist, however, I possess the ability to be captivated by the much deeper beauty of the physical laws that govern such a phenomenon. Where the nonphysicist sees a lovely but inexplicable event, the well-schooled physicist is able to perceive a brilliant design.

In truth, since the day that Albert Einstein first proposed the notion that there might be one overarching physics1 theory that governs the universe, aesthetics tins become a driving force in modern physics. What Einstein and we, as his intellectual descendants, have discovered is this: Nature, at its most fundamental level, is beautifully constructed. The remarkable simplicity of the laws that govern the universe is, at times, nothing short of breathtaking. And at every step, as new discoveries and technologies allow us to examine the physical world on deeper and deeper levels,

we find that the beauty itself becomes more profound. As Einstein himself said, it would seem more likely that we should find ourselves living in a “chaotic world, in no way graspable through thinking.”Yet here we are closer than ever to a full understanding of the universe?s beautiful clockwork.

6. The author mentions Marilyn Monroe in paragraph 1 in order to ______.

A. provide an example of today?s standards of beauty

B. discuss her abilities as an actress

C. demonstrate how susceptible aesthetics are to change

D. illustrate that the standard definition of beauty remains constant

7. The author?s assertion in lines 6-7, paragraph 1 (“what is considered disgusting...in another”) suggests that ______.

A. cultures are destined to clash

B. many civilizations are prone to disgusting behavior

C. different societies are fled together by an appreciation for physics

D. it is nearly impossible to say what is truly beautiful

8. As used in line 2 paragraph 2, the phrase “laid down” most nearly means ______.

A. rested

B. created

C. slept

D. set

9. In the course of outlining the various gifts of physics, the author cites all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A. the ability to look for a beauty that is unchanging

B. appreciating the visual beauty era wave crashing

C. understanding both extrinsic and intrinsic beauty

D. seeing a deeper design in natural events

10. In the third paragraph, Albert Einstein?s proposal of an “overarching physical theory” suggests

that ______.

A. the author believes that there is beauty in simplicity

B. the universe is infinitely complex

C. aesthetics has no place in physics

D. the physical world will never be understood rationally

11. The author quotes Albert Einstein in lines 6-7, paragraph 3 in order to ______.

A. detail the way physical laws affect chaos

B. emphasize the scope of Einstein?s influence

C. suggest that Einstein might have doubted the beauty of physics

D. stress just how remarkable the order of the universe really is

12. The purpose of this passage is to ______.

A. discuss the way various cultures assess beauty

B. explain the beauty that is unmasked through an understanding of physics

C. demonstrate the way concepts of beauty change over time

D. finding new relevance for different physical laws

Passage 3

For eighty years Thomas?s family had grown corn on its hundred-acre plot. In his

grandfather?s day, even in his father?s, wheat and timothy were also sown to help feed cattle and pigs. While there had been no animals on the land in Thomas?s time, Thomas?s father spoke at length about those days, when he himself had been a child. Back then, Thomas?s father had dedicated every one of his free hours to taking care of the farm: grinding chop, cleaning up after the animals, mending fences, and performing innumerable other taxing chores. Later, it was just corn, sold to some big company out East that his father said paid them a little less every year. It wasn?t about the money though; his father would have made do just enough to keep things going. His concern was family and tradition, the agricultural way of life.

During harvest, Thomas would ride on the enormous thresher with his father. In the cabin, above the green sea parting before them, he would listen as his father explained the significance of a life dedicated to agriculture. As Thomas nibbled on a lunch packed by his mother, his father expounded upon his philosophy that a man must not be separated from the land that provides for him, that the land was very important. He would say, time and again, “A man isn?t a man without land to call his own.”

He was not an uneducated man, Thomas?s father. He had completed high school and probably could have gone to college if he wanted, but he was a man of the earth, and his spirit was tied to the soil. Agriculture was not his profession; it was his passion, one that he tried to seed in the hearts of his three boys. Thomas?s two older brothers had little time for farmwork, however. What chores they were not forced to do went undone or were done by Thomas; their energies were focused on cars, dating, and dance halls.

Even at a young age, Thomas was able to see in his father?s eyes the older man?s secret despair. The land that had been in his family for three generations was not valued by the fourth. Not even little Tommy, who always rode in the cabin with him and helped out as much as he was able, would stay and tend the fields. The world had grown too large, and there were too many distractions to lure young men from their homes. Boys these days did not realize they had a home until it was too late.

Sitting on the hood of his jeep, Thomas gazed out over dozens of acres of orange survey stakes that covered what was once his family?s farm. The house, barn, and silos were all gone, replaced by construction trailers and heavy equipment. The town that lay just five miles up the road had grown into a city, consuming land like a hungry beast. Thomas?s father had been the last farmer left in the county, holding out long after the farm became unprofitable. He farmed after his sons left and his wife died; he farmed until his last breath, on principle.

Now a highway and several shopping malls were going to take his place, Thomas thought. His brothers both said it was inevitable, that progress cannot be halted. They argued that if the family did not sell the land, the city would claim eminent domain and take it from them for a fraction of what they could get by selling it. Thomas did not feel he had any right to disagree. After alt, he had chosen to leave the farm as well, to pursue his education. Though he didn?t stand in their way, and though his profit from the lucrative sale was equal to his brothers?, Thomas was sure he felt something that they could not. The money didn?t matter much to him; he had enough to get by. It was something about the land. Now that he had finally found his way back to it, he was losing it. He was losing his home.

13. Which is NOT CORRECT about the farm in Thomas?s father?s day?

A. Corn, wheat and timothy grown on the farm were sold for profit.

B. Cattle and pigs were raised on the farm.

C. Thomas?s father could make both ends meet.

D. Thomas?s father spent a lot of time doing farm chores.

14. In line 5 paragraph 1 the word “taxing” most nearly means ______.

A. monetary

C. rejuvenating

B. expensive

D. tiring

15. Based on the passage, a thresher (line 1 paragraph 2) is most likely used to ______.

A. mend fences

B. construct shopping malls

C. harvest crops

D. plant seeds

16. Thomas?s father?s statement in the last line of paragraph 2 primarily shows the father to be ______.

A. discouraged because he is getting less money for his corn each year

B. overwhelmed by the number of tedious chores he must complete each day

C. convinced that his life as a farmer is worthwhile

D. pleased that his youngest son is with him as he threshes the corn

17. The most likely cause of the “secret despair” (line 1 paragraph 4) that Thomas sees in his

father?s eyes is his father?s ______.

A. sadness that his sons would not care for the family farm in the same way that he had

B. disappointment that Thomas didn?t help as much as he could have with the farm chores

C. worry about his sons? preoccupation with cars, dating, and dancing

D. regret that he didn?t attend college even though he could have done so

18. The description of Thomas?s brothers?interest in the last two sentences of paragraph 3

highlights ______.

A. the difference between the brothers as young men and as adults

B. the reasons that Thomas performed the brothers? neglected chores

C. the gap between the brothers? values and those of their father

D. the considerable conflict between the brothers and their father

19. An important function of paragraph 5 is to ______.

A. establish that the narrative to this point has been a flashback

B. contrast Thomas?s current life with his past life

C. summarize the plot

D. foreshadow Thomas?s future

20. The last sentence of the passage suggests that Thomas feels ______.

A. excited anticipation

B. overwhelming despair

C. regretful nostalgia

D. unaccustomed relief

II. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: underline the wrong parts and put the correct ones in the brackets. If there is no error, use a √ or write “No error” on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

1. For the last decade, American restaurants were serving larger portions, a trend which nutritionists believe has contributed to an increase in obesity.

2. Bill is the captain on the football team, but the soccer coach allows his players to take turns acting as captain.

3. We were surprised to find volunteers from the local high school to be as helpful and efficient as those we had trained to assist in earlier emergencies.

4. Many countries, including the United States, has signed treaties that address the problem of the warming of the earth?s atmosphere,

5. The botanical garden program familiarizes children with names of different flowers, teaches them the conventions of naming plants, and they have the opportunity to learn skills used by gardeners.

6. As the mayor of the city, he had a presence that was comforting to his constituents, who had supported him since he first ran for city council.

7. Concerned by the patient?s chest pains and breathing difficulty, the nursing student was quick to realize that these symptoms were consistent to those of a heart attack.

8. Fans of downhill skiing respected the decision by the judges that athletes which take performance-enhancing drugs while training would be disqualified from the competition.

9. The human resources department is using online advertisements to recruit new employees because applicants can respond to this more quickly than to print ones.

10. One would have difficulty determining which factor contributes more to the success of a great writer—talent or hard work.

III. English composition (40 points)

Consider carefully the issue discussed in the following paragraph, and then write an essay that answers the question posed in the task.

Human beings can attain a worthy and harmonious life if only they are able to rid themselves, within the limits of human nature, of the striving for the wish fulfillment of material kinds. The goal is to raise the spiritual values of society.

—Albert Einstein Assignment: You are required to write an essay of about at least 400 words in which you answer the question “Is the desire for ‘wish fulfillment of material kinds’ a good or a bad thing?" and discuss your point of view on this issue. Support your position logically with examples from literature, the arts, history, politics, science and technology, current events, or your experience or observation.

Marks will be awarded for Content, Organization, Grammar, and Appropriateness. Failure to follow the instruction will result in a loss of marks.

IV. Translation

1. Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

(20 points)

Carrara, shut in by the great hills, is a very picturesque town in Italy. Few tourists stay there; and the people are nearly all connected, in one way or another, with the mining of marble. There are also villages among the caves, where the workmen live. It contains a beautiful little Theatre, newly built; and it is an interesting custom there, to form the chorus of labourers in the marble

mines, who are self-taught and sing by ear. I heard them in a comic opera, and in an act of “Norms”; and they performed remarkably well; unlike the common people of Italy generally, who (with some exceptions among the Neapolitans) sing terribly out of tune, and have very disagreeable singing voices.


2. Translate the following passage into English. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

(20 points)

青花瓷(blue-and-white porcelain)能在中国瓷坛独占鳌头,主要因为它与中国人长期追求的文化和美学精神相契合,这就是平淡天真、自然从容。中国人认为,最高的美是一种平淡天然的美,任何过于造作、文饰的艺术,都与这种精神相违背。青花瓷作为中国瓷器的代表,以白色和蓝色所构成的简洁清雅世界,表现宁静清洁的美。青花是一种单色彩绘,色彩看上去比较单调,这也是青花的特点,没有过分的装饰,没有刻意的夸张。元明时期的青花瓷器追求透明的感觉,纯洁的白色和优雅的淡青相配,干净爽利,产生极为雅致的效果。

V. 1. Give short answers to the following questions. (10 points)

1) Who are the backbenchers in the UK?

2) What is the function of the Australian Senate?

3) What are the features of the international style of architecture in the US?

4) What were the aims of the American Indian Movement?

5) What are the two native peoples in Canada?

2. Answer the following question. (10 points)

What are the factors that brought about the parliamentary reform in the 19th century UK?


I. Reading comprehension (40 points)

1.C 本篇文章的大意主要是讲艺术创作的过程和艺术作品(即艺术疗法)现在也成为心理治

疗的一种手段,特别是对那些心理失常的艺术家(emotionally disturbed artist)来说。

因此C项“揭示了艺术疗法是如何有益于心理失常的人”符合本文主旨。A、B两项文章中未涉及,D 项概括不全,治疗师不仅会从艺术作品中,而且也会从艺术创作的过程中进行相关的研究和解读。

2.D 在这里,brush, pen 和voice 都有其象征意义,pen 象征着the communication of written

form, voice 象征着oral communication,而brush 则象征着artistic creation。这句话的意思是说当书面和口头的交流不能为人理解时,那么艺术创作就能让其他人,特别是治疗师们认识,理解并开始解构他们的思想。

3.B 从文章最后一段可以看出,艺术创作能让那些心理失常的人自由地表达那些不能用语言


4.D 艺术作品之所以是窗口,是因为它能展现患者的内心世界,这就能让治疗师们理解和弄

清那些困扰患者的复杂的问题。A、C 两项文章中未提到,B 项“扼杀了交流”是不正确的,艺术作品是交流方式的一种,它并不会扼杀交流。

5.B 文中第一段中有提到The artist must wrestle an almost untamable creative force for control

in order to grant space to its expression.艺术家在创作的时候必须很好地把握和控制心中的情感,因此可以作为一种心理治疗的手段。

6.C 本篇文章主要讲了作者对于“美”这一亘古不变的哲学命题的一些看法。文章第一段主

要讲了因时间和地域的不同,人们对于“美”的理解也是不同的。Marilyn Monroe 是五十年前,世界公认的美人,而现在好莱坞一些女演员已经取代了她。这说明了美学是随时代的变化而变化的,故此题选C。A、D两项都错误,Marilyn Monroe 代表的是五十年前人们的审美观,而不是现在,definition of beauty is susceptible not constant。


7.D 这句话的意思是说,很多时候,在一种文明里被认为是恶心的事物,在另一种文明里却

被当做艺术追求的最高峰。这说明了不同的人对于美有不同的理解,因此很难确定地说什么是真正的美。A、B、C 都与本段主旨无关。

8.B lay down 有“放下;制定;铺设;主张”等意思。在这里它是指通过人们的劳动创立,

建立,与后面的established by Nature 相对应。因此create 与此意义最接近。对于这种猜测词义或者找近义词的题目要联系上下文语境多比较。

9.A 文中第二段主要讲了the gifts of the physics.文中没有提到过unchanging的事物,A选


10.A 此题可用排除法来做。首先B项文中未提及,且和文章主旨无关。C项明显错误,它

与原文aesthetics tins become a driving force in modern physics 不符。D项也未提及,且根据常识可知说法有误。A 项可由原文中The remarkable simplicity of the laws that

govern the universe is, at times, nothing short of breathtaking 推测得出。

11.A 此题可用排除法来做。B 项强调爱因斯坦的影响与本文主旨无关,C项无从得知,且

与文章主题无关,此篇文章主要讲美学与物理学的关系,它和the order of the universe 也没有直接的关系。A项可由此句And at every step, as new discoveries and technologies allow us to examine the physical world on deeper and deeper levels, we find that the beauty itself becomes more profound 推测得出。

12.B 本文主旨较为清晰,文章第一段讲了人们对于美的理解会因时间和地域的不同而不同,

后面两段就主要是结合自己作为物理学家的经验来从物理学的角度阐释美学。因此B 项符合题意。

13.A 此题的信息主要集中在第一段,要注意题干要选的是不正确的选项。由wheat and

timothy were also sown to help feed cattle and pigs 可知wheat and timothy 是用来饲养牲畜的,而不是用来卖钱的。

14.D 由句子结构可知,taxing 在此肯定是做形容词来修饰chores(杂事)的,那是什么样

的杂事呢,由上下文语境可得知是费力的,繁重的杂事,因此tiring 与此意最接近。

monetary 是“货币的,财政的”意思, rejuvenating 是“复兴的”意思,expensive 是“昂贵的”,而taxing 作为形容词有“费力的,繁重的”意思。

15.C 由During harvest, Thomas would ride on the enormous thresher with his father 很容易

可以猜测出,the thresher 是用来收割粮食的。thresher 有“打谷机,打谷者”的意思。

16.C 他说的这句话的意思是一个人如果没有自己的土地就不能算是真正意义上的人。从这


因此选C项。A、B 两项都不对,尽管现在每年的收入有减少但他并没有气馁,尽管农场琐事很多,但他很乐意做这些。D 项并不是他说这句话的主要目的。

17.A 老人之所以伤悲,是因为他家前几代人都细心经营着这片土地,而到了他儿子这一代,


18.C 这两句主要描写了the brothers 的兴趣爱好,它突出了父亲和the brothers 价值观之间

的差异。父亲对土地情有独钟,希望世世代代都守在这片土地上,而the brothers 却对现代社会中的新潮的事物更感兴趣,这也是为什么the brothers 不帮助做农场琐事的原因。故C项符合题意。

19.A 第五段之前都是Thomas的回忆,他回忆以前的农场,以前的父亲和家庭,而现在他


20.C 最后几句话是Thomas 看到现在农庄发生巨大变化后的感慨。从他的用词losing 以

及他反复的语气我们可以看出,他很怀念(nostalgia)以前的农庄,因此应选C项。A、D两项中的excited和relief 很明显与此刻Thomas 的心情不符,overwhelming despair 也太过夸张了,所以只能选regretful nostalgia。

II. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences: underline the wrong parts and put the correct ones in the brackets. I f there is no error, use a √ or write “No error” on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

1. were serving→have been serving

(这句话的意思是在过去十年,美国餐馆为更多的人提供了服务。营养学家们认为这一趋势导致了肥胖现象的增加。有句首的for the last decade 的时间标志,以及后面的has contributed to 可看出,此处应用现在完成时。)

2. on→of

(比尔现在是这个球队的队长,但教练允许队员们轮流担任队长。这里考查名词的所有格结构,名词的所有格可以用名词加s 构成,也可以用of 短语构成,因此这里应改成of 短语。)

3. to be→to have been

(我们惊奇地发现来自当地高中的这些志愿者们竟然和那些在之前的紧急事件中受过训练的志愿者们一样有益和高效。这里要注意时态,主句we were surprised to 用的是过去时,那从句也应该用相应的时态。)

4. has signed→have signed

(这句考查主谓一致。当主语后面有as well as, with, along with, together with, but, like, rather than, except, including 等连接几个名词短语时,谓语动词要与最前面的主语保持一致。这里的谓语动词要和many countries 保持一致,所以应用复数形式。)

5. and they have→and offers them

(这个植物园项目使孩子们熟悉了不同花的名字,教他们植物命名的惯例,并给他们提供了学习园艺技术的机会。这里是几个短语的并列,短语并列时,结构意义都要相近。原句中,前两个短语的主语都是the botanical garden program, 最后一个短语的主语又突然换成they(the children),逗号不能连接两个独立的句子)

6.去掉his constituents和who之间的逗号。

(这里的who引导的从句是用来修饰his constituents 而不是he 的,因此应该紧跟在his constituents 的后面,如果这里加上逗号,容易引起歧义。)

7. No error

8. which→who

(who 在这里引导从句的主语是athletes,是人,因此只能用who, 而不能用which。)

9. print→printed

10. No error

III. English composition (40 points)

The Desire for “Wish Fulfillment of Material Kinds” is not a Good Thing When I first catch sight of this topic, it pushes me in the mind that the reason why many people in this world seem to be unhappy regardless of the fact that they have already had a very comfortable and even luxurious life may be that they set the material success as their sole and ultimate goals.

Our societies are completely focused on our five senses of seeing, hearing, tasting, touching and smelling. Our five senses are constantly stimulated. They are enticed and exploited all the time. It is therefore no surprise that we tend to focus our minds on materialism twenty-four hours per day. We tend to focus all the time on big cars, big houses, lots of money in the bank, and so on, because these cars, houses, and money have become a symbol of status, of success. I ever read a very funny story that one wealthy young man has a very nice and expensive car and is really proud of it. He called this car “Infinity”. One of his friends, however, doesn?t care the least bit about what kind of car he drives, so he simply buys himself a pretty old car that he likes and the price is just right for him. “If I can drive to work and back with it, then that?s a great car for me”, he thought. It certainly doesn?t look that fancy, b ut this guy couldn?t care less. In fact, he could see the fun of it. In response to his friend who calls his car …Infinity?, this guy decides to give his car a name too. He calls it …Finity?.So we can see what one person would consider being dignified, could be considered by the next person as pathetic.

After all, why would a person want a lot of money, or a big house, or a big car? Why would he want others to approve of him? In the end it all comes down to a desire for a sense of security and happiness, and being able to live life on your own terms. The quest ends when you?re happy and fulfilled.

But when are you happy and fulfilled? Here?s a hint from what a wise man once said: “Money and fame do not happiness make.” I believe it was John Harricharan who said this: “Most people are so busy trying to make a living; they forget to make a life.”He?s right. Most people are “human doings”instead of “human beings”. The funny thing is that the greatest payoff from trying to get what you want through working comes from a state of being. It is a state of happiness, contentment and love and gratitude for what is that gets you what you truly want.

At any rate, the greatest payoff from your efforts does certainly not come from an obsession with ever more material stuff in the merry-go-round that gets faster by the day because the desire for “wish fulfillment of material k inds” is not a good thing. It?s time for us to slow down our steps and enthusiasm for the material things and spare a time for our spiritual salvation and liberation. IV. Translation




Blue-and-White Porcelain occupies a prominent position in the Chinese porcelain industry, for it accords well with the culture and aesthetic spirit Chinese have long pursued—of simplicity, unaffectedness and ease. The Chinese people hold that the highest level of beauty is the plain

natural beauty so that any kind of art which is too artificial, too exquisite goes against this spirit. As representative of Chinese porcelain, Blue-and-White Porcelain displays a world of conciseness and elegance, serenity and purity. Under-glaze blue is a monochrome colored drawing which seems to be a little simple. The peculiarity of the Under-glaze blue, however, lies in its simplicity without neither too much decoration, nor artificial exaggeration. The Blue-and-White Porcelain in Yuan and Ming dynasties attach much importance to the feeling of transparency, so that the pure white and the graceful light cyan combine to yield an elegant effect which is clean and clear.


1. Give short answers to the following questions. (10 points)

1) In a parliament the people who form the government—the prime minister and other ministers, secretaries of state, etc. sit in the front benches, facing their opponents. Those who are in the same party, but who do not hold any government office, are known as backbenchers, because they sit in the seats towards, or at, the back. People in the opposition party, or parties, who are not spokespersons, are also called backbenchers.

2) The Senate is the upper house of the bicameral Parliament of Australia. Unlike upper houses in

most parliamentary systems, the Senate is vested with significant power, including the capacity to block legislation initiated by the government in the House of Representatives, making it a distinctive hybrid of British Westminster bicameralism and US-style bicameralism.

3) Around 1930, the term “international style” was created based on the idea of global uniformity of architecture (all architectural styles around the world would be similar)-all in keeping with the increasingly modern world and the modernization of transport and communication. The typical International Style high-rise usually consists of the following: square or rectangular footprint; simple cubic "extruded rectangle" form; windows running in broken horizontal rows forming a grid; all facade angles are 90 degrees.

4) The initial aim was to act against the police brutality committed against urban Indians in the Twin Cities in 1968. It later broadened its efforts to include demands for economic independence, autonomy over tribal areas, restoration of illegally seized lands, and protection of Indian legal rights and traditional culture.

5) The two native peoples in Canada are Inuit and Métis.

2. Answer the following question. (10 points)

In a long period after the Glory Revolution, the land aristocrat and the financial magnate grasp the state power through the control of parliament; To the beginning of the 19th century, the wealth of bourgeoisie increased with the advance of industrialization, the medium class and the working class were strengthen, the participation consciousness were awaking, they requested to reform the aristocrat oligarch who dominated the state power, sharing authority. Also, the unequal distribution of seats which had existed ever since the parliament was founded is also one of the factors which contributed to the parliamentary reform in the 19th century in UK.


中山大学考研448汉语写作与百科知识真题 第一部分: 百科知识(请从ABCD四个选项中选出一个最佳答案50分) 1、《弟子规》原名《训蒙文》,为清朝康熙年间秀才李毓秀所作。其内容采用______第六条:“弟子入则孝,出则弟,谨而信,泛爱众,而亲仁,行有余力,则以学文。”的文义以三字一句,两句一韵编撰而成,分为五个部分加以演述;具体列举出为人子弟在家、出外、待人接物、求学应有的礼仪与规范,特别讲求家庭教育与生活教育()。 A、《论语、为政篇》 B、《论语·雍也篇》 C、《论语,子罕篇》 D、《论语。学而篇》 2、“克己复礼为仁,一日克己复礼,天下归仁焉” “非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动” “己所不欲,勿施于人” “死生有命,富贵在天” “四海之内,皆兄弟也” “君子成人之美,不成人之恶” 以上引语皆出自《论语》哪一篇目?()。 A、里仁篇 B、泰伯篇 C颜渊篇 D、子路篇 3、《三字经》中“融四岁,能让梨”,融是()。 A、建安七子之一 B、竹林七贤之一 C、唐宋八大家之一 D、东汉四才子之一 4、《陈涉世家》为司马迁所著《史记》中的一篇,是秦末农民起义领袖陈胜、吴广的传记。公元前209年,以陈胜、吴广为首的戍卒九百人在大泽乡(今安徽宿州东南)举行了中国历史上第一次大规模的农民起义,揭开了反对秦王朝残暴统治的序幕。“世家”是给什么人做的传?()。 A、帝王 B、王侯 C、重臣 D、将士 5、苏格兰位于大不列颠岛北部,英格兰之北,以格子花纹,风笛音乐,畜牧业与威士忌工业而闻名。2011年5月,主张维持统一的工党在苏格兰地方选举中败给苏格兰民族党,这使得一些苏格兰人又萌生了独立的念头。2014年9月18日,按照苏格兰政府发布的《苏格兰的未来:苏格兰独立指南》白皮书,苏格兰举行了全民公投。最终,约55%的选民投了反对独立的票。因此,英国仍将保持统一。以下哪位作家的作品主要以苏格兰为创作背景?()。 A、 Charles Dickens B、 George Eliot C、 Walter Scott D、 Oscar Wilde 6、爱尔兰文学(英语:Irish literature)是指在爱尔兰产生或爱尔兰人创作的文学作品。爱尔兰是一个无论面积还是人口规模都很小的国家,却对世界文学做出了与其国家规模极不成比例的巨大贡,用英语写成的爱尔兰文学可以看作是英语文学的一个分支。以下哪一位作家不是爱尔兰作家?()。 A、James Joyce B、 George Bernard Shaw C、Oscar Wilde D、 D.H. Lawrence


中大办理退辅修、成绩单等事情全攻略!(针对申请出国读书的同学,内含各类链接)【刚搞定回来,发帖积RP,欢迎转发】来源:杨嘉卉的日志 最近有同学和师弟师妹问我要怎样办成绩单,想着就写一篇日志来告诉大家啦~今天早上刚刚拿到新鲜出炉的成绩单们,为了积RP,于是将整个过程以及一些要注意的细节告诉大家。其实也不见得全面,目的只是想让没去办的同学能大概清楚流程、知道要做些什么准备,不至于办事的时候就蒙了,以至于影响了申请的进度。 一、退辅修 我之前在珠海有选了辅修,但回来南校之后,由于想着不想修那么多的课,所以就将辅修退掉,以充公选。 1、退辅修申请 - 要准备的东西有:(1)取消辅修的申请书。没有模板,就写清楚退辅修的原因,签上名字,留上联系电话,就OK。(2)《中山大学本科转专业学生课程学分认定及成绩转换申请表》在教务处的网站可以找到(https://www.doczj.com/doc/4d9386705.html,/home/view.aspx?id=5210)。这一份是转专业的学生用的,但只要将抬头和相关内容改成自己需要的就OK。将辅修已经修过的课程、学时、学分、成绩等填好,拿到自己院系的教务员那边签名和学院章,然后再拿到辅修所属院系的教务员那里签名和盖章。像我们院,要求是系主任一级的人签名。于是还要等系主任有空才签名。反正这个签名和这个章就比较蛋疼,因为不知道什么时候系主任有空帮你签个名。 将这两份东西都需要用A4的纸来打印,当然签名和盖章就不能打印啦~~将他们订在一起,拿到东校区行政楼A201教务处那里交给那里的老师,说清楚你是要退辅修转学分的就OK。表格放在老师那里之后,就要等那个老师什么时候有空帮你操作一下那个教务系统了。我那天是早上交下午就帮我转好。还是觉得教务处的老师效率还是挺高的。 2.退辅修Q&A Q:退辅修有什么好处? A:虽然交了钱,上了那么多课,现在退了,拿不到辅修证,好像挺可惜的。但是其实本来辅修证就没用,而且这些已经修过的课程是可以转为公选。所以对于那些还没修够学分,又不想上课的大四孩纸来说就是一件非常好的事情了~ Q:关于辅修、双专业、双学位的成绩单可以只打其中的一些课程吗? A:无论是中文还是英文的成绩单,对于辅修的成绩,是遵循“全或无”的原则:即要不就全部都打出来,要不就可以全部都不打,不能够选其中的一些打而另外的一些不打。 交了申请之后,留意自己的教务系统上面,是不是已经显示你之前的辅修的课程已经全部转成“公选”了。有什么问题,可以打这个电话查询:39332173(毕业审核,公选课,辅修/双专业/双学位,公选和辅修双专业双学位的成绩管理)。


中山大学基础英语考研真题及详解(2012~2014) 中山大学2014年基础英语考研真题 I.Reading comprehension(40points) Passage1 My father was a justice of the peace,and I supposed he possessed the power of life and death over all men and could hang anybody that offended him.This was distinction enough for me as a general thing;but the desire to be a steamboatman kept intruding,nevertheless.I first wanted to be a cabin boy,so that I could come out with a white apron on and shake a tablecloth over the side,where all my old comrades could see https://www.doczj.com/doc/4d9386705.html,ter I thought I would rather be the deck hand who stood on the end of the stage plank with a coil of rope in his hand,because he was particularly conspicuous. But these were only daydreams—too heavenly to be contemplated as real possibilities.By and by one of the boys went away.He was not heard of for a long time.At last he turned up as an apprentice engineer or“striker”on a steamboat. This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sundayschool teachings.That boy had been notoriously worldly and I had been just the reverse—yet he was exalted to this eminence,and I was left in obscurity and misery.There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness.He would always manage to have a rusty bolt to scrub while his boat was docked at our town,and he would sit on the inside guard and scrub it,where we could all see him and envy him and loathe him.


中山大学文件 中大办〔2009〕7号 关于发布中山大学各单位英文译名的通知 校机关各部、处、室,各学院、直属系,各直属单位,各附属单位,后勤集团、产业集团: 为适应学校建设高水平大学的目标和要求,使我校各类机构、单位名称的英文表述更趋规范和准确,学校组织有关专家对各单位英文译名进行了统一的修订和翻译工作。经多次征求意见和论证,在尊重原单位使用习惯和吸取专业意见的基础上,由专家组审定,英文译名已于日前定稿。 学校各类机构和单位英文译名的规范和正确运用,是学校行政管理水平的重要体现。现将学校各二级单位英文译名(见附件1)予以发布,请各单位在日后工作过程中严格遵照执行。同时,为便利工作,加强规范,专家组根据各单位

提交的下设机构名单(附件2)进行了翻译和修订,同予发布,供参考使用。 附件:1.学校各二级单位英文译名 2.有关单位下设机构英文译名 二〇〇九年三月二十日 主题词:行政事务机构英文译名△通知 中山大学校长办公室2009年4月27日印发 责任校对:王莉婧附件1

学校各二级单位英文译名 机关部、处、室 党委办公室 Office of the SYSU Committee of the CPC 党委宣传部 Publicity Department of the SYSU Committee of the CPC 纪委办公室 Discipline Inspecting Commission Office 监察处 Supervision Department 审计处 Audit Department 党委组织部 Organization Department of the SYSU Committee of the CPC 党委统战部 The United Front Work Department of the SYSU Committee of the CPC


中山大学翻译学院英语(翻译)2010级 About翻译学院: 翻译学院成立于2005年,是中山大学一个比较年轻的学院。同是学习外语的学院,翻译学院没有外国语学院历史悠久,名气也是远远比不上外院。外界各种传闻说翻院是中大为了扩招才新开的(翻院算是中大人数最多的一个院了吧),而且翻院也招体育特长生,很多被调剂的学生也是被調来翻院。(说白了就是想说其实翻院里面并不全都是大家心中“考上中大的成绩佼佼者”)。各种因素导致翻院在外界有点被鄙视的感觉。但因为年轻,翻院充满着活力。翻院举办过很多大型活动,翻院人也在学校各种活动中取得很好的成绩。(这一点毫不夸张,翻院人超牛,各种活动都是数一数二的。) 翻译学院与外国语学院相比较:外院重理论,就是向搞研究方向去的,只招文科生(2010年);翻院重实践,向应用方向去的,文理兼招(2010年)。翻院就业率去年在中大排第八,外院则是在倒数那头(当然,其中有有很多外院人继续读研读博钻研学术还没找工作的因素在里面)。 About 我的专业:英语(翻译) 一、课程介绍: 大一专业必修课程:综合英语(精读):比较类似于高中英语课讲课文讲词组 英语泛读:每周要求读一本英语文字作品。大一以世界名著(小说、剧本)为主,据说大二大三开始读历史材料、法律文件什么的,每周考一次试 英语听力:教授听力技巧,需把自己课后听的东西汇总写listening log 英语语法:纯教授语法的课,实在是有点枯燥枯燥枯燥… 英语语音:教授地道英语发音技巧,超推荐的课!可以学到很多 英语口语:外教上课,课堂会有很多讨论之类的,以练习口语为主 第二外语:供选的有日语、法语、德语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、韩语、阿拉伯语、俄语等 大一专业选修课程:英美社会与文化:讲授英美历史、文化知识等 文科数学:难度介于高三理科和大学高数之间 其他公共必修课:思修、史纲、计算机、体育… 二、一些心得: 1、可能有人很鄙夷英语专业,自己当初选专业就是因为喜欢英语才报的,如果你本身对英语不感冒千万别报这个专业,因为每天对着这么多英语会想吐!我刚入学也因为学的东西都围绕着“英语”转超级单一而苦恼过,甚至萌生过转专业的念头。大一这一年学的东西都是基础,比较常规,不过后来习惯了觉得还好,而且陆续而来的各种选修课会让学习丰富多彩。大二,尤其是大三后课程的专业针对性很强,会有专门的口译笔译学,应该是值得期待的。 2、专业作业的多少要看你认真程度,因为虽然常规的练习挺多,但很多老师都不检查,每天至少听1个小时的listening log也是可以只写不听混过去的(不要被1个小时吓到,习惯了根本没什么)。当然如果想学到东西作业还是要认真做的… 3、老实说翻院老师的水平有点参差,有超级好的也有比较一般的,总体来说应该不够外院雄厚。但个人觉得翻院学到的东西在以后更实际更实用(当然,每个人的发展方向也不同,如果你是学术型人才那又另当别论了)。同学的水平也是有差异的,并不是每个同学都是英语一级棒(当然一级棒的也有一大堆),有时候你需要忍受各种不正确甚至难听的口音…请不要被熏陶。 4、对想转专业的同学:都说转专业难,其实难就难在它是一项非常需要意志力的事情。除去转去外


Passage 1 One motivational analyst who became curious to know there had been such a great rise in impulse buying at supermarkets was James Vicary. He suspected that some special psychology must be going on inside the women as they shopped in supermarkets. His suspicion was that perhaps they underwent such an increase in tension when confronted with so many possibilities that they were forced into making quick purchases. He set out to find out if this was true. The best way to detect what was going on inside the shopper was through the use of a galvanometer or lie detector. That obviously was impractical. The next best thing was to use a hidden motion-picture camera and record the eye-blink rate of the women as they shopped. How fast a person blinks his eyes is a pretty good index of his state of inner tension. The average person, according to Mr. Vicary, normally blinks his eyes about 32 times a minute. If he is tense, he blinks them more frequently; and, under extreme tension, he may blink up to 50 or 60 times. If he is notably relaxed, on the other hand, his eye-blink rate may drop to a subnormal twenty or less. Mr. Vicary set up his cameras and started following the ladies as they entered the store. The results were startling, even to him. Their eye-blink rate, instead of going up to indicate mounting tension, went down and down, to a very subnormal fourteen blinks a minute. The ladies fell into what Mr. Vicary calls a hypnoidal trance, a light kind of trance that, he explains, is the first stage of hypnosis. Mr. Vicary has decided that the main cause of the trance is that the supermarket is packed with products which in former years would have been items only kings and queens could have afforded and here in this fairyland they were available to all. Mr. Vi cary theorizes: “Just within this generation, anyone can be a king or queen and go through these stores where the products say ‘buy me, buy me’.” 1 Vicary’s curiosity was aroused by the fact that _________. A. there was a decrease in sales in supermarkets B. women were showing strong resistance to products in supermarkets C. there seemed to be no logic in women’s buying habits D. women were shopping very carefully 2 According to the article, eye-blink rate is an indication of ________. A. the truth or falsity of a statement B. the mental ability of a person C. blood pressure D. the emotional state of a person 3 Mr. Vicary’s test ________________. A. proved his original hypothesis to be true B. proved that the tension of a woman shopper, after entering the store, decreased rather than increased C. nullified the eye-blink rate as a measurement of tension D. showed that a woman’s reaction to the products in a supermarket is impossible to determine 4 After his tests, Mr. Vicary concluded that _____________. A. shopping was apt to create serious nervous disorders B. a supermarket is a fantastic place

1 中山大学 637基础英语2013

中山大学2013年基础英语考研真题 I. Reading comprehension (40 points) Passage 1 The swimming sky of oceanic expanse in Van Gogh?s The Starry Night; the human figure born of marble by the careful hands of Rodin; the graceful, ethereal figure of Degas?s ballerina; all communicate both emotion and essence in a world where aesthetic reigns supreme. Art has forever been humankind?s tool for expressing the ineffable, a form of communication when words fail or are wholly inadequate. Art challenges the artist by constructing a world in which opposing forces—impulse and control, emotion and thought, ideation and actuality—must cooperate to produce a piece of art. The artist must wrestle an almost untamable creative force for control in order to grant space to its expression. The process of facing and governing this force while conveying it to others makes artistic creation an especially valuable therapeutic tool for the emotionally disturbed. The process of creation and the created product are equally valuable parts of therapeutic art. Creating art requires balancing two aspects of personality that are, in the case of the emotionally disturbed person, especially irreconcilable. Like all artists, the emotionally disturbed person must learn to control and harness the dangerous, unpredictable forces of creation while remaining sufficiently unrestrictive to allow its expression. Balancing these forces in a constructive way while granting full play to both is an important ability to master, one that art therapy teaches particularly well. The emotionally disturbed artist?s goal is not the perfect expression of an aesthetic ideal. Yet communicating the mind?s content and having it recognized by others is intensely valuable to the disturbed artist?s healing. Taking ideas out of the isolation imposed by the mind and reproducing them in a form that can be shared and understood by others releases those ideas from the mind and removes from them some of their power. Using the brush where the pen and voice fail allows others, like the therapist, to recognize, understand, and begin to deconstruct the mind?s content. Artistic creation allows emotionally disturbed people to communicate ideas they are unable to express in words, and it provides therapists with an otherwise unobtainable window into the mind. Examination of their artistic pieces reveals an inner world that the self of the disturbed person cannot express another way. Art then becomes a new therapeutic medium through which to understand and address the complex issues that threaten and haunt the disturbed person, and in which to free them. 1. The primary purpose of the passage is to ______. A. prove that art therapy has made significant strides in recent decades B. demonstrate how art therapy can transform nonfunctioning individuals into productive members of society C. show how art therapy can be beneficial for emotionally disturbed people D. describe the methods by which artwork can be interpreted by a therapist 2. In line 4, paragraph 3 “the brush” is used primarily to signify ______. A. the wide variety of artistic equipment B. the author?s preference for art over written communication C. the process of painting D. artistic creation 3. The passage suggests that the main reason a therapist might use art to work with emotionally


2016年中山大学英语专业考研 以下内容由凯程老师搜集整理,供考研的同学们参考。更多考研辅导班的详细内容,请咨询凯程老师。 一、中山大学英语语言文学考研考什么? 考研初试科目: (1)101思想政治理论 (2)242俄语或243日语或244法语或245德语或246西班牙语或247韩语或248阿拉伯语 (3)637基础英语 (4)834语言学概论C(用英文考试,英语专业的考生) 参考书目: 242俄语 ①《俄语入门》第二册,周鼎、徐振新编,外语教学与研究出版社,2000。 ②《大学俄语基础教程》第二、三册,张智罗、童强等,高等教育出版社,1994。243日语 ①《中日交流标准日本语》初级上、下册,集体合著,人民教育出版社、光村图书出版株式会社,2005。 244法语 ①《公共法语》上、下册,吴贤良主编,上海外语教育出版社,1997。 245德语 ①《大学德语》修订本(1-2册),赵仲、戴鸣钟等编,高等教育出版社,2001-2002。246西班牙语

①董燕生、刘建:《现代西班牙语》第一册,外语教学与研究出版社,1999。 ②董燕生、刘建:《现代西班牙语》第二册,外语教学与研究出版社,1999。 ③岑楚兰、蔡绍龙:《新编西班牙语阅读课本》第一册,外语教学与研究出版社,1999。 247韩语 ①郭一诚:《韩国语能力考试真题精解及模拟800题(中级)》,世界图书出版公司 248阿拉伯语 ①新编阿拉伯语( 1-4册),国少华主编,外语教学与研究出版社,ISBN99 ②《阿拉伯语阅读》(上、下),《阿拉伯语阅读》组,出版社:外语教学与研究出版社,ISBN0 637基础英语 ①英美概况部分参见《英语国家社会与文化入门》上、下册,朱永涛编,高等教育出版社,2005。 ②其它部分不列参考书。 834语言学概论C(用英文考试,英语专业的考生) ①《语言学教程》(第3版,英文版)胡壮麟等主编,北京大学出版社, 二、英语语言文学考研名校 上海外国语大学、北京外国语大学、南京大学、中山大学、北京大学、湖南师范大学、浙江大学、广大外语外贸大学、北京师范大学、复旦大学、福建师范大学、西南大学、四川大学、华东师范大学、山东大学、华北师范大学、清华大学、河南大学、苏州大学、厦门大学。


中山大学中英文介绍 (2013-01-10 23:52:41) 英文 Welcome to Sun Yat-sen University. SYSU is a comprehensive national key university founded in 1924 by Dr Sun Yat-sen, a revolutionary leader of the 20th century, and has a teaching tradition spanning over a century. Located in Guangdong, the frontier of the reform and opening up of China, the University has four campuses in two beautiful cities: Guangzhou, the city of mountain and river, and the coastal city of Zhuhai. It shows its cultural features in an open and practical style. Since its foundation, the University has followed its motto:“ Study extensively; Enquire accurately; Reflect carefully; Discriminate clearly; Practise earnestly” and educated many students who are committed to rejuvenating China and serving the mankind. Today, SYSU has become a cradle for talents, a center for knowledge and technology innovation, a pillar to serve society and a base for cultural inheritance and innovation. The University is now standing on a new starting point and striving to become one of the world-class universities. SYSU is the center of learning and culture in South China where great academic masters gather together. Many renowned scholars in early modern and modern China once taught at the University. Their strong characteristics and outstanding academic achievements have been influencing generations of students and have been urging them to advance the great academic traditions. We are proud that the University today has many distinguished scholars including academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, professors of Thousand Talents Program, chair professors of Chang Jiang Scholars Program, and recipients of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. They carry on the traditions of the forerunners and become the academic pillars of the University. Faculty and students work together to create a liberal academic atmosphere for interdisciplinary studies, provide positive conditions for students to learn and grow, and build a harmonious academic environment for science and technology innovation and cultural inheritance and innovation. The aim of talent cultivation at SYSU is to nurture high-quality, interdisciplinary and top-notch students with international perspectives, a sense of social responsibility and innovative spirit. To achieve this


更多资讯请留意:中大青年网https://www.doczj.com/doc/4d9386705.html, 中山大学 新生英语入学测试试卷 College English Placement Test September 7, 2008 Part ⅠListening comprehension (25%) Part ⅡReading comprehension (1%,20%) Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage 1 Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: A third of Britons are overweight, states a report published in January by the Royal College of Physicians, the result of an 18-month-long study. About five per cent of the children weigh too much, and are likely to stay that way for life; in the mid-twenties age group the proportion of fat people rises to a third, and of the middle-age population half are overweight. Fat people risk severe health problem, says the report, including high blood pressure, breathlessness, and various forms of heart disease. Smoking is particularly risky for overweight people. The safest way to lose weight is to eat cereals, bread, fruit and vegetables, and cut down on fatty meats, butter and sweet foods. Fat diets do far more harm than good; slimming machines that vibrate muscles have not been proved useful; saunas merely remove a little body water, and health farms, says the report, serve as expensive holidays. Exercise is most important to health, the report emphasizes; though it doesn't necessarily reduce weight, it maintains the correct proportion of body fat to body muscle. And it isn't only for the young. From middle age a minimum of 20 minutes of gentle physical jerks should be practiced three times a week. The report advocates several public health measures to combat the high prevalence of overweight in this country. They include an increase of tax on alcohol to reduce its increasing, and dangerously fattening, consumption; and the provision of more sports facilities by local authorities. Britain's doctors, the report concludes, must learn to be more sympathetic and specific in their advice to the overweight, encouraging a change in eating habits on a long-term basis, and taking into account the many -often complex - reasons why fat people are fat 31. The passage mainly talks about_______. A. Britons' overweight problem B. how to avoid getting overweight


中山大学“英语写作与百科知识”题型概说 “英语写作与百科知识”是2015年考研(也就是2014年12月28日)记入中山大学历史史册的科目,适用的专业是国际翻译学院的外国语言学及应用语言学(国际事务)专业。 下面我们具体看一看题型。第一道大题叫做General culture concerns,以单项选择的形式考察大家对英语国家甚至是世界文学、历史等知识的了解程度,一共25道小题,共计50分,建议在60分钟时间完成。第二道大题叫做Practical Writing,看到什么e-mail、letter的字样,同学们很清楚文章的题材为应用文。分值40分,建议时间40分钟。最后一道大题为Analytical Writing,就是俗称的大作文。这个大作文要求同学们写至少600字。 我们再来看看三年的题目都考了什么,给同学们一个指点方向。 第一道大题,三年之内都考了英美文学作家作品、英语国家历史,甚至还有马克思注意、希腊哲学等等的内容,达尔文的物种起源学说在某一年也进行了考察,有一年还出了中东有关的题目。同学们在备考不仅得好好复习英美文学、英语国家概况,估计斯塔夫里阿诺斯的《全球通史》都得成为你们的必读书目。多读书不是坏事,毕竟国际事务这一方向需要同学们了解一些国外的历史。 第二道大题的应用文,2015年考了学校申请书;2016年要求同学们写一封电子邮件,当然是偏向商务性质的;2017年让同学们写一封投诉信。这些应用文的话,大家可以参考《商务英语写作》一类的书,或者拿移民类雅思的作文练练手。 第三道大题的大作文一般都是拿一个命题作为引子,然后让同学们针对该命题发表自己的看法。这些命题有的比较生活化,比如2015年的“微信QQ使人们更加孤独”;也有比较高大上的,比如2016年和2017年的作文题(2016:理解当代文化的方式;2017:政府应当着手解决眼下的问题)。600字从某种程度上说比较具有挑战性,但这就更加要求同学们的语言功底、逻辑思维外加看待问题的能力。同学们在备考的过程中一定要沉得住气,认认真真抽出80分钟写作文。或者,大家可以把中山大学历年的基础英语作文部分抽出来,按照600字的要求写作文。经历这一过程,同学们应该不害怕写500+以上的作文了。 以上就是对题型和具体考试内容的简述。至于参考用书,第一大题的话可能看的书目会特别多,现有的英美文学不仅要利用好,以前的国家概况教材也要好好留着。有机会的话,希望同学们能多看看英文版的希腊罗马历史以及英语国家历史。第二大题的话,应用文英语也是有相应的书籍,移民类雅思的作文和商务英语写作都是参考书目。第三大题的大作文,大家千万千万不要犯懒,一定要好好写。如果实在没题可做,不如把基础英语的题拿出来,要求400字,就按照600字的写。这样才会练出来题目感觉。

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