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凤凰职教英语unit 1

课题序号Unit 1 授课班级 1 授课形式讲授法授课日期 授课章节 名称 Hello ,everyone 使用教具教材板书投影仪录音 教学目的1.Say hello to your friends introduce 2.introduce your friends 3.make dialogue with your partner 教学难重点 1.TO use the useful sentence to make dialogue 教学方法小组讨论法教授法知识中心拓展 更新、补 充、删节 内容 基本一致 课后作业 Make dialogue 教学后记学生能够用所学的日常口语对话,气氛活跃 授课主要内容或板书设计 1.学会常用的英文问候语。 Good morning good afternoon hello hi How are you ?How do you do ? How are you feeling today? Not bad./ So-so./ I'm OK and you? / thank you ,and you ? / Very well . / Good. Nice to meet you 。 2..introduce yourself Hello,my name is xian.what' 课堂教学安排

及时间分配 第一步:组织教学(3’) 第二步:复习导入(10’)1.call names 2.Say hello to the students 3.introduce yourself 2.学会常用的英文问候语。 Good morning good afternoon hello hi How are you ?How do you do ? How are you feeling today? Not bad./ So-so./ I'm OK and you? / thank you ,and you ? / Very well . / Good. Nice to meet you 。 2..introduce yourself Hello,my name is xian.what's your name? 你好,我叫冼.你叫什么名字? hello,my name is lingling,nice to meet you. 你好,我叫玲玲,很高兴认识你. Nice to meet you too,where are you going ? 我也很高兴能认识你,你要去那里呢? Did you have a good time this holiday ? 3.趣味操练(Practice) (1)Game (2) Make dialogue 提问 板书 学生讨论 板书 学生讨论 拓展讨论课堂教学安排


模块化教学模式下高职语文教学资源库体系的建构 高职语文是一门工具性和人文性相统一的文化素质基础课,运用教学资源库开展网络教学,可以有效指导学生语文第二课堂活动的开展,不断提升学生的语文综合应用能力。但是对于目前高职院校语文教学资源库的建设而言,还存在着形式单一、资源缺乏、不成体系等问题。在当前“互联网+”的时代背景下,我们不能只简单地追求讲稿与教案的“电子化”,而要致力于“高职语文教学资源库”教学平台和体系的构建。利用现代先进网络技术,开放共享高职语文教学资源库丰富的资源及各种教学方法,不仅可以对优秀的高职语文教学资源进行整合,扩展学生的学习空间,提升学生的人文精神,达到提高教学质量的目的,而且还能突破种种限制和障碍,使高职学生获得极大的便利和自由。因此,建设一个具有专业特色的高职语文教学资源库,满足高职学生自主学习的需求,是高职语文教师的当务之急。 一、模块化教学模式下的高职语文教学 模块化教学模式是20世纪70年代初由国际劳工组织研究开发出来的,以职业能力培养为核心的一种教学模式。它依据各个职业的实际岗位任务,将教学内容开发整合成若干个教学模块,从而最大限度地实现课程结构与工作结构的对接,大大缩短了学习与就业之间的距离。目前模块化教学模式已经在国际职业教育领域中广泛应用,并在长期的教学实践中形成了相对成熟的体系,如德国应用科学大学的模块化教学体系,已成为一种国际公认的应用型人才培养模式的成功范例。我国对模块化教学的研究和实践始于20世纪90年代初,目前比较集中地应用在专业课程教学改革方面,对高职语文课程的模块化整合尚处在尝试和探索阶段。利用模块化教学理念,对高职语文资源库进行优化重组,根据专业特点和职业能力要求设计不同的模块,加强高职语文课程与高职学生职业生涯之间的联系,有计划、有针对性地提高学生的语文综合应用能力,进而提高学生的就业竞争能力和未


Unit 5 Together We Are Stronger 1.call for 2.share sth with sb 3.make preparations 4.play an important role in·· 5.make decisions 6.prefer to do ···· rather than do ······· 7.be in complete agreement with sb. 8.in be willing to do 9.get along/ on with https://www.doczj.com/doc/482019544.html,pete with 11.cooperate with 12.focus on 13.be based on 14.go without saying 15.learn from the failure 16.what’s more 17.work out 18.from my point of view 19.as the saying goes 20.run the risk of doing sth 21.learn sth by heart

22.I made it clear that …… 23.Unity is strength 24.Many hands make light work. 25.I take your point, but that’s not the way I see it. Unit 6 Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan 1.appointment 2.schedule an appointment 3.confirm 4.to be honest 5.make it. 6.take a look at 7.no later than 8.prepare…for… 9.make mistakes 10. a green hand 11.have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth. 12.feel like sth. 13.suffer from 14.a part-time job 15.be concerned about 16.be harmful to


???通分 ?通?校2013 ~2014??《英语》课程12??卷班 号姓名成绩 一、单项填空(共20?;每1分?,满分20分?) 1.As a gener?a l rule, stude?n ts are _____?____t?o atten?d class?e s durin?g weekd?ays. A. ask B. requi?r ed C. need D. requi?r ing 2. He finds? _____?____ neces?s ary to carry? a first?-aid kit when going?hikin?g. A. that B. this C. / D. it 3. Excus?e me, would?you mind _____?_____?_ next to you? A. my sitti?n g B. I sit C. me sit D. to sit 4. When havin?g an inter?v iew, don’t let your hair _____?___ your face. A. fall on B. fall to C. fall down D. fall 5. She sugge?s ted _____?____ at 4:00 a.m. so that we can enjoy?the sunri?s e. A. get up B. n g up C. to get up D. getti?n g up 6. The house?you bough?t looks? so shabb?y and it requi?r e s _____?____ thoro?u ghly?. A. repai?n t B. repai?n ting? C. to repai?n t D. to be repai?n ting? 7. A mailm?a n’s duty is _____?_____?_ lette?r s and parce?l s every?morni?n g. A. deliv?e r B. to deliv?e r C. pass D. to pass 8. Most anima?l s can _____?___ thems?e lves? _____?__ envir?o nmen?t. A. adjus?t, with B. adjus?t, to C. adjus?t ment?, with D. adjus?t ment?,t o 9. Miss Yang asked?two stude?n ts to _____?____ the exam paper?s round?the class?. A. send B. distr?i bute? C. give away D. give up 10. To keep our count?r y safe, we must _____?___ the army for the moder?n war. A. put B. make C. equip? D. produ?c e 11. Since?you are so tired?,you shoul?d _____?____ a few days _____?_____?. A. take, off B. give, off C. spend?,off D. get, off 12. For furth?e r detai?l s, pleas?e _____?_____?page 125 in the Emplo?y ee Manua?l.


My Duties at a Restaurant By the induction training, I’ve learnt the basic qualities and duties of a waiter/ waitress. As for the appearance, we should wear a uniform and a name tag when we work. Keep basic hygiene. Hair should be neatly styled and pulled back. Nails should be clean, neat, and short. Girls should wear proper cosmetics. Always welcome customers with a smile. Basic duties of a waiter/ waitress are as follows: be sure to have the pen ready, book open and pad ready when customers arrive. Ask if they have any questions. Answer the questions and take the order. Gather all information from each guest. Indentify customers with correct position numbers. Place the food to the right place without asking. I believe, by following these rules, I can soon be a qualified waiter/ waitress.

凤凰职教凤凰职教第四册Unit 4

教案纸 月日第 4 章第1、2 课时总第13、14 课时课题Unit 4 Isn’t It Wonderful Listening & Speaking 教学目标(包括知识目标、能力目标、情感目标)1. Master words and expressions 2. Know how to get to know different inventions 3. Have a general idea of turning small thoughts into great ideas 教材分析(包括教学重点、教学难点)1. Important words and expressions 2. How to improve Ss’ listening and speaking abilities 教学方法 (包括教法、学法) Oral Teaching, Heuristic Teaching, Group Discussion 教学过程设计 教学环节时间 安排 主要内容 师生双边活动 及教法运用 备注 导入讲5’ 10’ 10’ I. Warming up 1.Give Ss some pictures of great inventions of the 19th and 20th century 2.Ask Ss to rank them in the order of importance 3.Encourage Ss to present their reasons 4.Expect Ss to present their reasons II. Listening & Speaking A.What inventions are here to stay? 1. Lead in questions Can you list some inventions which are important to your life? 2.Words and Expressions Inventions, clearly, display, pocket, laser, type, anywhere, smartphone, Group Discussion Pair work Heuristic Teaching Oral Teaching


Unit 1 1. southern part of 2. graduate from 3. Jiangsu province 4. family name 5. spend … on… 6. comic books 7. go to the movies 8. Mobile phone bill 9. send text message 10. Save up 11. a favorite singer 12. E-mail account 13. student identity card 14. Date of birth 15. got it 16. School subject 17. public transportation system 18. 40 percent of my classmates

19. have forgotten the password 20. gender difference Unit 2 1. training center 2. Dinning hall 3. teachers’ office 4. Classroom building 5. take a writing course 6. Computer science 7. customer service 8. Radio station 9. tennis club 10. After-school activities 11. various interesting subjects 12. At heart 13. be born to be 14. Deal with the problem

凤凰职教第三册 1-3 单元测试

江 阴 市 华 姿 中 等 专 业 学 校 2013-2014 学年 第 一 学期 英语 学科 期末(C) 卷 适合班级 12电信,12电子,12机电1、2, 12数控1、2,12计算机1、2, 12果蔬花卉 Ⅰ. Translate the following phrases into Chinese. (10×2') 1. work hour 2. do one ’s best 3. have a break 4. gather information 5. a clockwise direction 6. deliver the food to the order 7. look natural 8. in short 9. eye contact 10. efficient service Ⅱ. Choose the best answers. (20×2') ( ) 1.In order to_________ success we must have a complete and thorough plan. A. make sure B. be sure C. ensure D. sure ( ) 2.This is the most interesting film I___________ so far. A. saw B. seeing C. had seen D. have seen ( ) 3. My English is so poor. What great difficulty I have__________ an English composition! A. write B.to write C. wrote D. writing ( )4.Don ’t leave anything________ the walkways and stairs. It ’s dangerous. A. on the way to B. in the way of C. by the way D. in this way ( ) 5.Family members of the patient requested that the operation_________ as soon as possible. A. should do B. done C. be done D. to be done ( ) 6. Liu Yang, the first Chinese woman astronaut was welcomed by people______ she returned to the Earth from space. A. as soon as possible B. as soon as they can C. as soon as D. no sooner than ( ) 7. As a students, you should__________ your behaviour__________ the rules. A. adopt; to B. fit; with C. adjust; with D. adjust; to ( ) 8. -----Would you like me to repeat the whole thing again? -----___________ I think I get the point. A. Yes, you would B. Yes, thank you C. No, thank you D. With pleasure. ( ) 9. Mother always told him to__________ fire. A. keep up with B. keep out C. keep away D. keep away from ( )10. ----Would you like some more soup? ----___________ It is delicious, but I ’ve had enough. A. Yes, please. B. No, thank you. C. Nothing more D. I ’d like some ( ) 11.The students were told that they________ at the school gate at 2:00 the following afternoon. A. met B. will meet C. were to meet D. were meeting ( )12. Our teacher always tells us to believe in_________ we do if we want to succeed. A. why B. what C. that D. which ( )13.I borrowed some books_________ during my holiday. A. reading B. read C. being read D. to read ( )14.In most hospitals in China, nurses_______ in white and________ a nurse cap. A. wear; have B. have on; wear C. put on; with D. are dressed; wear ( )15.He_________ his hat and went out of the office without a word. A. wore B. had on C. put on D. was dressed ( )16.All audience_________ show their tickets to enter the theatre. A. are required to B. are required C. require D. should be required ( )17.The floor is covered with dust and requires_________ thoroughly. A. to wash B. to be washing C. wash D. washing ( )18.Spring is coming. I getting_________. A. more and more warm B. more and mere warmer C. warmer and warmer D. warmest and warmest ( )19.When you________ your hair, you look much smarter. A. tie up B. tie to C. tie for D. tie with ( ) 20. We ’re_______ with the great changes taking place here. A. impressing B. impressed C. impress D. to impress Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension.(10×2') (A) There wasn‘t any room for me Bruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. He lived not far from his school. He always walked there and walked home. On his way to school, he had to pass a playground (操场). It was very wet when it rained. One day, when he got home, his clothes were all wet. His mother became angry (生气的) and said, "Don’t play in the water on your way home from school!" On the next day Bruno came home with wet and dirty ( 脏的) clothes. His mother became even angrier." I‘ll tell your father if you come bac k wet again," said she. " He’ll punish (惩罚) you, you know." The third day the little boy was dry when he came home. "You‘re a good boy today," his mother was very happy." You didn’t play in the water. " "No," the boy wasn‘t happy and said." There were so many older boys in the 班级 姓名 学号 得分 出卷人 乔红娟 审核人 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 考 生 答 题 不 得 超 过 此 密 封 线



教案纸 月日第 4 章第 1、2 课时总第13、14 课时 课题Unit 4 Isn’t It Wonderful Listening & Speaking 教学目 标 (包括知识目标、能力目标、情感目标)1. Master words and expressions 2. Know how to get to know different inventions 3. Have a general idea of turning small thoughts into great ideas 教材分 析 (包括教学重点、教学难点)1. Important words and expressions 2. How to improve Ss’ listening and speaking abilities 教学方 法 (包括教 法、学法) Oral Teaching, Heuristic Teaching, Group Discussion 教学过程设计

教学环节时间 安排 主要内容 师生双 边活动 及教法 运用 备注 导 入 讲 5’ 10’I. Warming up 1.Give Ss some pictures of great inventions of the 19th and 20th century 2.Ask Ss to rank them in the order of importance 3.Encourage Ss to present their reasons 4.Expect Ss to present their reasons II. Listening & Speaking A.What inventions are here to stay? 1. Lead in questions Can you list some inventions which are important to your life? 2.Words and Expressions Inventions, clearly, display, pocket, laser, type, anywhere, smartphone, Group Discussion Pair work Heuristic Teaching Oral Teaching


第一部分词汇和语法知识 专题一冠词 考点01考题再现1.B 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.B 专题综合测试 1.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 5. C 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.C 专题二代词 考点02考题再现1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.B 专题综合测试 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.B 专题三介词和介词短语 考点03考题再现 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.B 8.C 专题综合测试 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.C 专题四名词和主谓一致 考点04考题再现1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5. B 考点05考题再现1.A 2.A 3.A 4.D 5. A 6.A 7.A 专题综合测试1.B 2.B 3.B 4.D 5. A 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C 21.C 22.D 23.D 24.D 25.C 专题五形容词和副词 考点06考题再现1.B 2. D 3.B 考点07考题再现1.C 2.D 3. B 4.C 5.C 考点08考题再现1.B 2.D 3. C 4.B 专题综合测试1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.B 专题六动词和动词短语 考点09考题再现 1.A 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A 考点10考题再现1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.A 专题综合测试 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.B 20.A 21.B 22.D 23.B 24.D 25.B 专题七动词的时态和语态 考点11考题再现1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.D 专题综合测试 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.D 专题八情态动词和虚拟语气


月日第 1 章第1、2 课时总第1、2 课时课题Unit 1 what a wonderful time! 教学目标(包括知识目标、能力目标、情感目标)1、get information about travel 2、talk about your travel experience 教材分析(包括教学重点、教学难点)1、some information about the section of warm-up 2、situational expressions about talking over the vocation. 教学方法 (包括教法、学法) Communicational, Pair work, Listening Comprehension, TBLT 教学过程设计 教学环节时间 安排 主要内容 师生双边活动 及教法运用 备注 导入新课 讲授10’ 10’ 5’ 20' Lead-in: say something about traveling Words and expressions: 1.ask the students to pronounce; 2.play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Dialogues: Traveling Dialogue 1.Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 2.Situational expressions: (1)Have you ever been to...? Yes, a wonderful place. No, I wish I could. (2)Did you visit...? Yes, I visited... (3)When did you visit...? I https://www.doczj.com/doc/482019544.html,st year/a week ago. (4)How did you get there? I went there by... (5)Do you visit...by train? Pair work Reading Explanation


教案纸 月日第 1章第1、 2课时总第 1、2 课时课题Unit 1Hello, Everyone! 教学目标 1.Say hello to your friends (包括知识目标、能 2.Introduce yourself 力目标、情感目标 ) 教材分析 1. Useful expressions about greetings and introductions (包括教学重点、 教学难点) 教学方法 (包括教法、学法) CLT & TBL 教学过程设计 教学时间环节安排导入 新课 15'讲 主要内容 Lead in: T: Greetings Introduce herself Give Ss useful expressions about greetings and introduction Ex:Hello, My name is... Nice to meet you This is my friend/classmate... 1.ask Ss to greet with each other & introduce themselves to each other 2.ask Ss to introduce their new classmate to the rest of class 师生双边活动 备注 及教法运用 Pair work Speaking 20'Warm up: 1. ask Ss to read the contents followed with T 授2.ask Ss to complete the conversation with th correct sentences from the box 3. Ask Ss to guess the talkers' relationship in the pictures 4. T: explain titles Ask Ss to use them to role-play Reading& Pair Work Explanation& Role-play


一、从下列四个单词中选出划线部分读音不同的那个单词。(10分) ()1A.book B look C moon D good ( )2. A. table B. paper C. race D. any ( )3. A. have B. than C. plan D. many ( )4. A. animal B. camera C. glad D. fast ( )5. A. plane B. make C. take D. away 二、英汉互译。(36分) 1.培训中心 2.广播电台 3.计算机科学 4.一名成员5得到一个机会 6.用。。。。做7.每次吃一点8.mash them up 9.decorate with coloured flags 10.have a look 11.cycling race 12.开幕式13.stand in line 14.野生保护15. worth every penny 16. in full bloom 17.一小盆花18.馒头 三、翻译下列句子。(10分) 1.One thing that a traveler to another country notices is that the rules for saying hello are very complicated. 2.For entertainment ,I ‘d say about 20 percent . 3这个课程怎么样? 4.she moves the small pots of flowers into the garden where they get the most sunlight. 5.Everyone you look in her garden , you see flowers and plants that are full of beautiful colours. 四、填空。(16分) hart chance hope customer excellent twenty –five special save various chance since 1.I have not eaten anything breakfast . 2. say hello to the as they come into your store . 3.the at this restaurant is good , but the food is just ok. 4.you want to be a doctor ?here’s a 5.there are ways of doing this job . 6.there is something about this space. 7. we are for good weather on Sunday . 8.christmas is the day of December 四、单项选择(20分) 1. The nurse doesn’t feel well today, ______she still works very hard. A but B and C or D when 2. Can I______your dictionary ?Sorry I’m using it.


教案纸 月日第1章第1、 2课时总第1、 2 课时课题Unit 1what a wonderful time! 教学目标 (包括知识目标、能力目标、情感目标 ) 教材分析 (包括教学重点、 教学难点) 教学方法 (包括教法、学法)1、get information about travel 2、talk about your travel experience 1、some information about the section of warm-up 2、situational expressions about talking over the vocation. Communicational, Pair work, Listening Comprehension, TBLT 教学过程设计 教学时间环节安排导入10’新课 10’ 5’ 20' 讲 授 主要内容 Lead-in: say something about traveling Words and expressions: 1.ask the students to pronounce; 2.play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Dialogues: Traveling Dialogue 1.Listen to the tape and answer the questions. 2.Situational expressions: (1)Have you ever been to...? Yes, a wonderful place. No, I wish I could. (2)Did you visit...? Yes, I visited... (3)When did you visit...? I https://www.doczj.com/doc/482019544.html,st year/a week ago. (4)How did you get there? I went there by... (5)Do you visit...by train? 师生双边活动 备注 及教法运用 Pair work Reading Explanation


江苏联合职业技术学院苏州建设交通分院苏州建设交通高等职业技术学校2013 ~2014学年第二学期《英语》课程12级期中考试试卷 班级学号姓名成绩 一、单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1.As a general rule, students are _________to attend classes during weekdays. A. ask B. required C. need D. requiring 2. He finds _________ necessary to carry a first-aid kit when going hiking. A. that B. this C. / D. it 3. Excuse me, would you mind ___________ next to you? A. my sitting B. I sit C. me sit D. to sit 4. When having an interview, don’t let your hair ________ your face. A. fall on B. fall to C. fall down D. fall 5. She suggested _________ at 4:00 a.m. so that we can enjoy the sunrise. A. get up B. to getting up C. to get up D. getting up 6. The house you bought looks so shabby and it requires _________ thoroughly. A. repaint B. repainting C. to repaint D. to be repainting 7. A mailman’s duty is ___________ letters and parcels every morning. A. deliver B. to deliver C. pass D. to pass 8. Most animals can ________ themselves _______ their environment. A. adjust, with B. adjust, to C. adjustment, with D. adjustment, to 9. Miss Yang asked two students to _________ the exam papers round the class. A. send B. distribute C. give away D. give up 10. To keep our country safe, we must ________ the army for the modern war. A. put B. make C. equip D. produce 11. Since you are so tired, you should _________ a few days __________. A. take, off B. give, off C. spend, off D. get, off 12. For further details, please __________ page 125 in the Employee Manual.

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