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凤凰职教英语unit 1

课题序号Unit 1 授课班级 1 授课形式讲授法授课日期 授课章节 名称 Hello ,everyone 使用教具教材板书投影仪录音 教学目的1.Say hello to your friends introduce 2.introduce your friends 3.make dialogue with your partner 教学难重点 1.TO use the useful sentence to make dialogue 教学方法小组讨论法教授法知识中心拓展 更新、补 充、删节 内容 基本一致 课后作业 Make dialogue 教学后记学生能够用所学的日常口语对话,气氛活跃 授课主要内容或板书设计 1.学会常用的英文问候语。 Good morning good afternoon hello hi How are you ?How do you do ? How are you feeling today? Not bad./ So-so./ I'm OK and you? / thank you ,and you ? / Very well . / Good. Nice to meet you 。 2..introduce yourself Hello,my name is xian.what' 课堂教学安排

及时间分配 第一步:组织教学(3’) 第二步:复习导入(10’)1.call names 2.Say hello to the students 3.introduce yourself 2.学会常用的英文问候语。 Good morning good afternoon hello hi How are you ?How do you do ? How are you feeling today? Not bad./ So-so./ I'm OK and you? / thank you ,and you ? / Very well . / Good. Nice to meet you 。 2..introduce yourself Hello,my name is xian.what's your name? 你好,我叫冼.你叫什么名字? hello,my name is lingling,nice to meet you. 你好,我叫玲玲,很高兴认识你. Nice to meet you too,where are you going ? 我也很高兴能认识你,你要去那里呢? Did you have a good time this holiday ? 3.趣味操练(Practice) (1)Game (2) Make dialogue 提问 板书 学生讨论 板书 学生讨论 拓展讨论课堂教学安排


Unit 1 Knowing me knowing you Ⅰ重点单词 重点词汇夯实练 1.①He demands perfection in others, but cannot see faults(fault) in himself. ②(福建卷)Life can be great when you are not busy finding fault with it. 2.①I think you should apologise to your brother for being so rude to him. ②We did wrong to him. We should make an apology(apologise) to him at once. 3.①Breathe(breath) in and hold your breath(屏住呼吸) for as long as possible. ②Reaching the top of the tower, he was out of breath(上气不接下气). ③If you take a deep breath(深吸一口气), you can stay under the water for more than a minute. 4.Because it is very dark, I am a bit concerned about/for her safety. 5.①Mother was worried about whether she could adjust to living(live) in the mountainous village alone. ②(江苏卷)Some schools will have to make adjustments(adjust) in agreement with the national soccer reform. 6.①Forgive me for interrupting(interrupt), but I have something urgent to tell you. ②He admitted he had done her wrong and asked for forgiveness(forgive). 7.①Ken gave me an embarrassed(embarrass) smile when I asked where he’d been. ②His sudden appearance made me in an embarrassing(embarrass) situation. ③Her face turned red with embarrassment(embarrass) when I asked when she would marry. 8.①(2017·江苏卷)He tried to hide his obvious pleasure from the music teacher, who had wandered over to listen. ②(江苏卷)In art criticism, you must assume the artist has a secret message hidden(hide) within the work. ③(浙江卷)My mother bought the beautiful basket and put it safely in some hiding(hide) place I couldn’t find. Ⅱ重点短语 会书写 1.fit in with 适应;符合;与……一致;与……合得来 2.in a mess 乱七八糟;处境困难 3.help out 帮一把 4.let down 使失望,辜负 5.concentrate on 专心于 6.be sure to do sth. 一定会做某事

大英三教案 Unit 1

Unit One A Brush with the Law I. Teaching Aims and Demands 1.Understand the materials of the text by warm-up activities. 2.Master the vocabulary, expressions and grammatical points. 3.Improve the reading skills by reading the text and the after-class reading, then learn about the main topic of this unit. 4.Write a short story about a funny mistake on the basis of the dialogue on page 24. II. Teaching Arrangements 1. Text (2 class periods) 2. Learning Assistance (2 class periods) 3. Listening and speaking (2 class periods) III.Teaching important points and difficult points: 1.Some Band-4 words and phrases. 2.Some complex sentences. 3.Writing skills. IV. Teaching method: Use media teaching V. Teaching Steps 1. Introductory Remarks ■Listen to the recording and fill in the missing words. We all know that the chief purposes of law are to 1 peace and order, to 2 the rights of citizens, to 3 4 and to 5 those who break the law. Good laws are those that are considered to 6 of justice for the society to which they apply. But even good laws may be unjustly applied or may be unjust in certain 7 . In the story we’re



New Target College English: Integrated Course Book I Unit One College Life Teaching Plan I. Objectives and Requirements: 教学目标: 1. To understand the true meaning of “college life” and talk about it; 2. To read the text and try to describe your college and your first impression of your college with some key words; 3. To write an effective paragraph; to grasp the skill of writing a topic sentence focusing on one idea and pay attention to adverbial clauses used to organize information; 4. To learn some reading techniques and skills: skimming for gist; 5. To learn some translating skills: exact meaning of commonly used words and constructions; conversion; 6. To master the key phrases and some sentence patterns; 7. To master some patterns of word formation: prefixes of negation and prefixes of degree; 教学要求: 1.要求学生掌握本单元的中心思想和文章结构,学会在写作中恰当使用描述地点和心情的形容词。 2.掌握新单词、句型的使用方法;加强相关听说训练。 3. 掌握阅读技巧——略读:寻找关键词和句,确定文章大意。 教学建议: 1.在教学过程中启发学生开展关于“大学生活”的探讨,帮助学生正确认识 和开展大学生活;帮助学生树立和培养自主学习、自我探究的学习方式, 掌握必要的学习策略,激发学习潜能。 2.提供最新的资料背景知识,如视频,新闻报道等。 II. Teaching arrangement & Time Allotment 1)Listening, Speaking and new words (2 hours) 2)Reading (2 hours) 3)Translating practice and writing practice (2 hours) 4)Exercises and Listening practice (2 hours) III. Teaching Methods Communicative Approach Learner-centered Teaching Task-based Learning Translation Method Multimedia Approach I. Lead-in Class Class Hours: 2hours II. Teaching Aims and Requirements III. Presenting Procedures Ⅳ. Teaching Methods Ⅴ. Blackboard Design (3 minutes) Ⅵ Conclusion Ⅶ Homework Ⅷ After-class Reflection


Unit 1 He decided to have a big Christmas party. 一、教材分析 1. 教学内容 本课时系教材《英语3(基础模块)》第一单元的Reading and writing局部。课文通过介绍Mr Hall的冰上圣诞节的小故事,让学生从故事中提取与节日及节日活动相关的信息,并根据关键词描绘节日活动,使用时间连词按先后顺序衔接各活动的写作要求,培养学生读、写两方面的语言使用水平。 2. 教学重点、难点 (1) 教学重点 ①学生通过略读和细读,理解文中Mr Hall的冰上圣诞节的故事。 ②学生能根据提供的关键词描绘并能使用时间连词衔接节日活动。 (2) 教学难点 ①学生能将略读和细读的阅读策略真正落实在阅读过程中。 ②学生能使用时间连词写出节日活动的小短文。 二、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1) 学生能根据上下文理解以下词汇:freeze, scenery, carpet, be covered with, carry out, share ... with等意思。 (2) 学生从阅读材料中提取关于Christmas节日名称及节日活动的信息。 2. 水平目标 (1) 通过阅读小故事,学生能从故事中提取与节日及节日活动相关的信息。 (2) 学生能根据提供的词汇描绘节日活动,并使用时间连词衔接各活动。 3. 情感目标 学生在读写活动中,克服英语学习畏难情绪。 三、教学步骤 Step I Lead-in 1. Presentation. Two groups present the dialogues (the homework of last lesson). The teacher evaluates the presentation. 2. Discuss and list. (Activity 9) Ss work in groups to discuss and list activities to celebrate Christmas. Step II Reading 1. Read and answer. The teacher says, “Just now we listed many activities to celebrate Christmas. Here is also an unusual activity. Now let’s read the passage to find out what activity it is.” Then students read the passage to find the answer. 2. Read and choose. (Activity 10) Before reading the passage, students look through the sentences. The teacher introduces the ways to read the passage quickly. Ss read the passage again and choose the right sentences. The teacher checks the answers and asks several students to correct the wrong sentences. 3. Read and complete. (Activity 11) Ss read the passage again and fill in the following form individually. Then the teacher checks the answer.

Unit 1 The king's new clothes 教案

Unit 1 The King’s New Clothes 教案 一、教学内容分析 教学内容选自《安徒生童话》,是一个学生非常熟悉的故事。故事中的句型不难,但是出现了很多形容词,如:rich,clever,foolish,soft,light等,是学生学习的难点。 二、教学目标 1. 知识目标: (1)学习故事中的单词rich,clever,foolish,soft,light,wear (2)通过不同阅读方法和策略,理解故事的内容。 (3)初步培养学生复述故事的能力。 2. 技能目标: (1)在阅读过程中,培养学生快速阅读,查找答案的能力和做批注的习惯。 (2)通过小组讨论,同桌交流,汇报展示等方式,引导学生共同学习,培养合作习惯。(3)通过一系列读的活动,让学生逐步了解故事内容,顺利完成相应的任务,并尝试复述故事。 3. 情感目标: (1)通过趣味阅读增强学习的兴趣。 (2)学会表达对事物的客观评价。 三、教学重点 (1)故事内容的理解。 (2)阅读策略的学习。 (3)根据对原故事的理解,能完成相应的练习。 (4)学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事。 四、教学难点 (1)故事中大量形容词的理解和运用。 (2)学生在了解故事的基础上,复述故事。 五、教学策略

1. 本课的教学内容虽是一个熟悉的故事,但要揭示故事的内涵,需要注意情境的创设。 2. 本课的故事经过了简化和改编,也出现了场景变换,教学过程中要注意故事情节的完整性,不能肢解语言点,让孩子有机会整体听、读、感知故事,并尝试讲述故事。要在阅读活动过程中自然呈现语言、操练巩固语言并培养学生正确的阅读习惯。具体做法如下:(1)在阅读前先给出一些问题,让学生带着问题,有目的地采用快读的方法去寻找答案。(2)在快读的基础上,让学生采用细读的方法,了解故事的细节。 (3)学生在完成以上两个任务后,让学生跟读故事内容,纠正学生的语音问题。 (4)在了解故事的基础上,让学生朗读、表演,并能根据关键词复述。 3. 本课的教材是以对话的形式呈现的,教学过程中采用听说领先的策略,保持对话的生动性和交际性,让孩子在听、读、模仿、表演的过程中体验故事的趣味性和对话交际习惯。 4. 本课的教学对象为5年级的新学生,针对这一阶段学生的特点宜采用循序渐进的活动化语言教学形式,培养学生用英语做事的能力。 六、教学准备 图片、课件、电脑等 七、教学过程 Step 1: Pre-story activities 1. Non-stop talking (处理生词) About me: I’m your new teacher today. My name is Linda. I like new clothes very much. I have many beautiful clothes. There are 50 students in my class. They are lovely and clever. I love them. About my clothes: ... is beautiful/ soft/ light. 【设计思路】通过与学生简单语言的交流引出主题,问题的设计要简练、有效。 2. Game: Quick response Show a feather. Students say: light.


Unit 1 Using Language 名师教学设计 ●课时内容 本课时涉及的是语言知识运用,包括-ed as adverbial,Interpersonal relationships,Saying no politely三部分。 -ed as adverbial讲解v.-ed形式作状语,学生学会分析非谓语动词和逻辑主语的关系,确定正确的形式。 Interpersonal relationships给出了建立快乐、健康的人际关系的几点建议,让学生理解人际交往的基本准则,有助于建立良好的同学、师生关系。 Saying no politely主要以听、说的方式教学生怎样礼貌地拒绝他人。学会说“不”,这也是人际交往的技巧,既不勉强自己,也不让对方尴尬。 ●课时目标 1.掌握本课时的重点词汇annoyed,adjust,duty,accident,ensure,complexity,forgive,criticise,embarrassment以及短语adjust to,by accident的用法,并能在真实语境中灵活运用。 2.掌握v.-ed形式作状语的含义和用法。 3.通过动画片《头脑特工队》的情节简介、人际交往的建议以及如何礼貌地拒绝对方,让学生了解更多人际交往的原则和技巧,更好地处理人际关系,建立和谐的师生、同学关系,为今后的工作与学习做好准备。 ●重点难点: 重点: v.-ed形式作状语的含义和用法。 难点: 1.v.-ed形式作状语的含义和用法。 2.学会并掌握礼貌地拒绝他人请求的语言技巧。 ●教学准备: 教师准备: 1.做好该部分内容的PPT和音频材料。 2.准备《头脑特工队》的片段、人际交往黄金规则的相关图片。 学生准备:

Unit 1 Reading for Writing (I)示范课教案【英语人教必修第三册】

Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations 子主题3:描述节日活动和经历 Period 3 Reading for Writing (I)

Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations 子主题3:描述节日活动和经历 Period 3 Reading for Writing (I) Activity 1: Present homework Make an oral presentation to introduce your favourite Chinese traditional festival. Activity 2: Look and answer Look at some pictures and answer the following questions. √Can you guess the name of the festival? √What do you know about this festival? Activity 3: Look and predict Predict the main idea of the dairy entry. Activity 4: Read and check Skim the diary and check your predictions. Activity 5: Read and answer 1. Read the diary entry and answer the questions. ✓What does “Naadam” mean? Which events does it include? ✓What Naadam Festival customs did you learn about? 2.Read the diary entry again and answer the questions. ✓What in your opinion is the most impressive thing about the festival?

高教版中职英语基础模块 第3册unit 1《he decided to have a big christmas party》教案1.doc

BOOK 3 Unit 1 He decided to have a big Christmas party. 语言知识目标: 词汇:能识别festival,delicious,dress,celebrate,prefer,share,ghost,freeze,sight的 意思 用have fun,invite,get ready for,delicious,goon,dressup,enjoy,prepare…for,share…with,be covered with,in public介绍西方传统节日 语法;能识别动词+to do/doing的结构 能区分那些动词后用to do那些动词后用doing 学习策略:能在实际中运用记忆和学习词汇;理解上下文的逻辑顺序。 文化意识:能说出中西方传统节日的庆祝方式 单元任务:设计新年庆祝晚会。 Perood 1 Lead-in(Activities1-3) 一.课前预习:翻译下列单词和短语 1.festival 2.Santa Claus 3.hunt for 4.Easter 5.celebrate 6.dress up 7.hold a party/parties 8.get together 9.Thanksgiving 10.Halloween 二.中西方的传统节日连线。 农历五月初五端午节 农历九月初九重阳节 正月初一春节 农历腊月初八腊八节 农历八月十五中秋节 农历正月十五元宵节 农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)the Spring Festival Lantern Festival the Dragon-Boat Festival Double-Seventh Day the Mid-Autumn Festival the Double Ninth Festival the laba Rice Porridge Festiva New Year's Day Valentine's Day International Women' Day China Arbor Day International Policemen' Day World Consumer Right Day


Unit1 1,教学目标teaching objectives instructional objectives overview of titles 1,学习新单词并掌握一些重点单词Learning new words and master some key words 2,了解两篇阅读中的人物Understand the characters in the two discourse reading并从课文中的介绍中把握并学习著名人物的高贵品质And from the text introduced the grasp of famous people and learn the noble quality 3,掌握本单元语法Master this unit grammar“规则动词的过去式的读音”Rules of the past forms of verbs stress 4,归纳并会运用重点单词Induction and will use a key words,短语,及表达二教学重难点Teaching important points focal points anddifficult points Tea ching important and difficult points 重点掌握并能运用重点单词Key words to use,学习人物事迹Learning characters deeds 难点重点单词的灵活用法Key words flexible usage 教学过程teaching process Te1,aching steps┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ Teaching Procedures Teaching Procedure Teaching Steps 1,音标复习20个元音48个辅音 2,口语练习“介绍” 3,新授授 4,基本翻译 5,award

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