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凤凰职教英语unit 1

课题序号Unit 1 授课班级 1 授课形式讲授法授课日期 授课章节 名称 Hello ,everyone 使用教具教材板书投影仪录音 教学目的1.Say hello to your friends introduce 2.introduce your friends 3.make dialogue with your partner 教学难重点 1.TO use the useful sentence to make dialogue 教学方法小组讨论法教授法知识中心拓展 更新、补 充、删节 内容 基本一致 课后作业 Make dialogue 教学后记学生能够用所学的日常口语对话,气氛活跃 授课主要内容或板书设计 1.学会常用的英文问候语。 Good morning good afternoon hello hi How are you ?How do you do ? How are you feeling today? Not bad./ So-so./ I'm OK and you? / thank you ,and you ? / Very well . / Good. Nice to meet you 。 2..introduce yourself Hello,my name is xian.what' 课堂教学安排

及时间分配 第一步:组织教学(3’) 第二步:复习导入(10’)1.call names 2.Say hello to the students 3.introduce yourself 2.学会常用的英文问候语。 Good morning good afternoon hello hi How are you ?How do you do ? How are you feeling today? Not bad./ So-so./ I'm OK and you? / thank you ,and you ? / Very well . / Good. Nice to meet you 。 2..introduce yourself Hello,my name is xian.what's your name? 你好,我叫冼.你叫什么名字? hello,my name is lingling,nice to meet you. 你好,我叫玲玲,很高兴认识你. Nice to meet you too,where are you going ? 我也很高兴能认识你,你要去那里呢? Did you have a good time this holiday ? 3.趣味操练(Practice) (1)Game (2) Make dialogue 提问 板书 学生讨论 板书 学生讨论 拓展讨论课堂教学安排


项目 名 基础 称 课 课型 讲课班级 Unit 6 课时课时分派 1,2 Warming-up,listening and speaking Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan 3,4 Reading 特 6 New 点 Real life skills 5,6 地&writing 5 号楼 点 能力(技术)目标知识目标素质目标 教课目的1. To improve Ss ’ 1. To master new words ability of getting and phrases; to information through finish exercises. reading & listening. 2. To get the main 2. To know how to idea of the whole schedule an passage. appointment. 1.To learn to complete tasks more effectively. 2.To identify time wasters and save time. 要点难点及解决方法 教课策略 与方法 教课资料及教课准备 板书设计教课后记Key points:to get the main idea of the reading passage. 全面理解阅读资料,认识平时工作的一天,学会在工作中进行实践与 反省,来提高工作效率。 Difficult point:to use the patterns to make appointments and give possible responses. 可以经过阅读时间计划表来确立并商议见面时间。 环绕学生在实习早期工作效率低下的问题,创建工作情形指引学生主 动探究阻挡工作效率提高的各样因素,并鼓舞学生针对自己状况在轻 松、快乐、合作的语言沟通环境中商讨提高工作效率的建讲和举措, 让他们快速成为职场的新生力量。 Exercise book and students’ books Test papers Some example sentences Unit Six New words and expressions:language points: 本单元经过让学生阅读时间计划表来确立并商议见面时间,并能提出适合建议来提高工作效率。学生可以针对自己状况拟订时间管理日记,剖析确立其


Unit 1We laughed into tears! Part1: 教材分析(Analysis of the teaching material) 本课时系教材《英语 2 》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第一部分,学生听一段关于和家人 度假描述的对话。训练学生在一定的语境下用合适的方式和语句组织关于描述假期活动的对 话。 Part2: 教学目标(Teaching aims) Ss can understand expression of vacation description and make a dialogue discussing vacation Lead-in Ask the students where did they go and what they did in the summer vacation and winter vacation. (Group discussion and then answer my questions) Step1: Lead students read the phrases and ask Ss to tick the activities they had taken part in. then check the answer. Step2: Teacher show the pictures for the Ss , explain the requests and then play the radio for the Ss. Next, teacher asks some students to answer these questions. Listening & Speaking Part1: 教材分析(Analysis of the teaching material) 本课时系教材《英语 2 》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的听力及口语第一部分,学生听一段 关于 Cindy 和家人度假描述的对话。训练学生在一定的语境下用合适的方式和语句组织关于 描述假期活动的对话。 Part2: 教学目标(Teaching aims) Ss can understand expression of vacation description and make a dialogue discussing vacation Vocabulary: Ski Mountain sail parent beach skate vacation wonderful Phrases: climb mountain play Visit the zoo go swimming pick apples go skiing volleyball Go sailing go skating go fishing


春外研版三下Module3Unit1《We’llgotothezoo》word 教案 Module 3 Unit 1 I like football 一、学习目标 1.学习语句I like … I don’t like ….,并能够表达自己对运动的喜好。 2.学习单词like , football, basketball, table tennis,能口头运用能听明白以上单词。Morning exercises不作要求,让学生依照自己的情形选择学习与把握。 3.识别单词:football, basketball, table tennis 二、预习学案: 通过听录音,自主预习新单词like , football, basketball, table tennis及课文,将可不能读的单词和句子进行标注,不明白的地点找出来。 三、导学案: (一)课前延伸(预习检测) 检查预习情形(出示卡片,认读单词。)以小组的形式展现。 (二)课内探究 1. 自主学习 (1)点明本课的学习目标。 (2)展现导学案,学生讨论,小组展现(可小组长带领,也可组内成员轮番),依照提示说句子。 ①② ③

④ (3)个人学习 学生在学习新单词后,自主学习新课文。遇到不明白得地点可在小组内交流解决。记录好重点、难点。 2. 合作探究 (1)小组内解决刚才自己找到的不明白的地点。 (2)讨论如何用“like / don’t like”来谈论自己喜爱、不喜爱的物品。并在小组内相互交流。 3.精讲点拨 (1)单词morning exercises 的读音 (2)do 的否定形式don’t 的书写及读音 四、课堂检测: (一)认读单词 (二)连词成句: 1. like, I football (.) 2.don’t, basketball, I, like(.) 五、课后作业: 1.听录音,朗读课文。 2.给家人或同学描述自己喜爱或不喜爱的事物,至少三样。 六、板书设计: Unit 1 I like football. football football basketball basketball I like table tennis I don’t like table tennis


Unit 1s ocial communication Reading A Etiquette in Language Communication Ⅰ. Analysis of the teaching materials (1). Brief introduction of the teaching materials. The title of my teaching materials is Etiquette in Language Communication. It ’ s Reading A of Unit1 from Book 3, which is published by Chinese Publication It ’ s mainly about American etiquette in language communication. (2). Status and functions of the teaching materials. The whole unit is about human communication. It is made up of Warm-up, Reading A, Listening, Speaking, Reading B, Writing and Grammar in turn. It can be said that Reading A is the core of this unit. It offers interesting reading materials, grammatical structures, hot words and useful expressions. Meanwhile, it broadens thestudents ’ view of culture. ⅡTeaching aims: 1.The aim of knowledge : mastering the new words and useful expressions correctly. 2.The aim of ability : making proper language communication with Americans. 3.The aim of moral education. : knowing some of the etiquette in language communication is Ⅲ. Key points : 1.Hot words : pretend annoy 2. useful expressions switch to be tolerant of ask for have trouble (in)doing/with sth. Leave out now that 3.etiquette in language communication Ⅳ: Difficult points: mastering the hot words and useful expressions and putting the knowledge of etiquette in language communication into reality. Ⅴ:Conditions of the students. The students of our vocational high school are poor in fundamental English comparatively. As a result, most of them have much less interest in learning English. But they are active in taking part in activities. Their destination of studying English is to develop necessary abilities needed in their work and lives. ⅥTeaching and learning methods. 1.Teaching methods: elicitation method, encouraging method, explaining method and situational method. 2.learning methods : 3. exploring, participating and practicing methods Ⅶ: Teaching Design: carry on this lesson in six steps: lead-in, fast reading, intensive reading, practice, summary and homework, which take 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 20 minutes, 15 minutes, 2 minutes and 1 minutes respectively. Before I end this part,I ’dlike to display my design of writing on the blackboard. ⅧTeaching procedure:


Unit 3 Campus Life 分课时第3课时教学设计

32分 钟 操 练要求学生以小组合作竞赛的形式 完成下面的操练,向学生说明竞 赛分为三轮,三轮成绩累加,记 录团体成绩。 1.第一轮:1)呈现学校建筑照片, 引导学生发挥想象描绘图片。 教师适当做句型提示,如:This is…. There is…. Look at… 规则:单词,句子描述皆可。单 词描述一次,小组记录1分,句 子描述一次,小组记录2分。(鼓 励评价).需要注意的是学生表达 不受限。 在学生充分表达之后,教师给出 典型句型。 2.第二轮: 1)放一遍课文2)知识点回顾 学生观看 图片,思 考,表达。 1.听录 音,回忆 David的 校园生 活。 2.明确竞 赛规则, 团结合 作,积极 1)充分考虑职教 生的基础和接受能 力,设计本环节为 本节课的高潮部 分,通过情境让学 生体验语言,让学 生模仿和套用。进 行大量操练,在无 意识中学习,接受 和掌握,是英语教 学的一种要求,一 种境界,最终实现 对语言的交际性运 用。 2)小组竞赛在培养

抢读,抢译。抢对一题得1分,和第一轮成绩累加在一起。3.第三轮:引导学生畅谈校园生活。 1)仿说阶段:呈现一些情景和 课文句式,要求学生结合校园 生活实际仿说。句子描述一次,小组记录2分 2)自由发挥阶段。引导学生 思考后对校园生活进行补充表 达。学生以小组为单位讨论 后发言,难度提升了,所以每 参与一次加3分。 4..教师将三轮比赛成绩累加 在一起,对学生的参与进行鼓 励性评价。 播放职教生活场景照,请学生听一首励志歌曲参与。学生团结合作和竞 争意识的同时,更 大程度地提高了学 生的课堂参与度。 3)教师的鼓励性评 价调动了学生的主 观能动性。


How can we become good learners? 第一课时Section A(la-2d) 导学目旳掌控 ⑧知识目旳 A.重点单词: textbook,conversation,aloud,pronunciation,sentence,patient B.重点词组: 1 .make word cards 2. listen to tapes 3. practice conversations with 4. at first 5 .word by word C.重点句式: 1 .How do you study for a test? 2. I study by working with a group. 3 .It’s too hard to understand the voices. 4. The more you read,the faster you’11 be. ⑧能力目旳运用句式用英语谈论学习措施。 ⑧情感目旳 对旳旳学习措施有助于我们提高学习效率,从而提高我们旳学习成绩。

自学效果掌控 预习教材,回答问题: 1 .What does Jack have to do? He has to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday. 2. How does Annie ask Jack to understand a word’s mean- ing? Try to guess a word’s meaning by reading the sentences be fore and after it.‘ 导学环节设计 Step 1 Revision and Leading-in 对话导人:师生间开展对话,谈论英语学习。对话内容可以包括下列问题: 1 .Do you like learning English? How about your English study? 2. What do you think is the best way to learn English well? 3. Do you have any other good ideas? Step 2 SB Page l完毕教材上la-lc旳任务 操作案例: Read the new words by the Ss first. Then check the Ss if they can read the new words by themselves correctly. If there is a mistake,correct.

高教版中职英语(基础模块 第3册)Unit 3《What courses do you offer》word教案

Unit 3 What courses do you offer? 一、教材分析 这是《英语3(基础模块)》(高教版)第三单元的内容,主要让学生了解学习、培训和教育相关主要内容,通过听说熟悉有关选择培训学校时的相关表达方法,通过本课学习,需要了解Zhang Ling在澳大利来读书时做兼职工作的经历、感受及对未来的态度,从而结合自己的专业,谈论自己的兼职工作经历和对学生从事兼职工作的一些看法。 教学重点、难点 熟悉与培训内容相关的话题词汇、句型,并能熟练运用这些词句进行对话。 能听懂有关咨询培训内容的对话,并能在真实的情境中,使用相关词句描述与自己参加培训有关的内容。(1) To make Ss know some purpose of doing part-time jobs. (2) To make Ss talk about some advantages and disadvantages of doing part-time jobs. (3) To make Ss think about their own future career plan. 能识别“what”引导的主语从句和“It is ...”的主语从句结构。能区分“what”引导的主语从句和“what”引导的感叹句。 二、教学目标 1. 词汇目标 (1) 学生能识别offer, course, schedule, lecture, certificate, homepage, register的意思。 (2) 学生能用get a certificate, offer a course, register on line等重要词组来描述参加培训的相关内容。 2. 能力目标 (1) 能听懂关于课程名称、时间、证书和注册方式等的问题。 (2) 学生能运用“I’m calling to ask if you offer ...” “Will I get a certificate?” “Are there any part-time courses?”和“How do I sign up?”等句子咨询有关培训课程的咨询。 To make Ss understand the text and grasp the useful information. To let Ss practice their reading skills. To talk about their own views of doing part-time jobs. To cultivate Ss teamwork spirit and form their ideas of career plan. 能识别what和it引导从句的作用和含义。 学生能使用what和it引导的主语从句,并能正确运用在具体的语境中。 3. 教学方法及策略 (1) 通过速读、略读、细读、找读等多种方法训练学生的阅读技巧和能力。 (2) 通过阅读练习、分析文章结构、帮助学生理解文章主旨与大意。 (3) 以任务型教学为载体,运用探究式的学习方式,通过双人活动、小组活动、小组竞赛等形式来完成教学目标,并在活动中培养学生的团队合作精神。 三、单元课时:6、 第一课时 Step I Lead-in 1. Show a picture of our training school to the Ss. (设计意图:向学生呈现一张我们学校附属培训学校的图片,再问学生这是什么,这样让学生有亲切感,并且直接进入本课主题。) 2. Ask Ss whether they had some training courses in the training school. (设计意图:先问学生是否知道本校附属培训校有哪些培训课程,然后接着问学生是否参加过本校的培训课程,参加过什么课程,这个环节的设置,主要让学生用英语说出本校培训课程的名称。) 3. Ask Ss to name out some training courses they know. Teach the new words and phrases (设计意图:上面第二个步骤已经让学生说了自己学校的培训学校的培训课程,这个环节是进一步激活学生思维,唤醒学生原有知识,说出除本校培训课程以外的其他更多的热门培训课程。) 4. Brainstorm


Unit 1 The world of our senses □hearing n.□raised adj. □dot n.□sign n. □vase n. □fog n. □mist n. □fo recast vt.& n. □conductor n. □fare n. □foggy adj. □overcoat n. □glance vi.& n. □nowhere adv. □footstep n. □wherever adv.& conj. □narrow adj. □darkness n. □hesitate vi. □beard n. □crossroads n. □firmly adv. □grate ful adj. □helper n. □aid n.& vt. □lorry n. □pavement n. □sniff vi.& vt. □analyse vt. □pole n. □boot n. □sweat vi.& n. □distance n. □thunder n. □lightning n. □triangle n. □wave n.& vi.& vt. □overhead adv. □suit n.& vt. □hopeful adj. □bite (bit,bitten) vt.& vi.□shark n. □jaw n. □bull n. □contrary adj.& n. □flesh n. □jewellery n. □attract vt. □panic vi.& n. □fist n. □pigeon n. □soldier n. □roll vi.& vt. □loose adj.& vt. □compass n. □unlike prep. 1.(2020·全国卷Ⅱ)Some parents will buy any high­tech toy if they think it will help their child,but researchers said puzzles help children with math­related skills.n.智力玩具 2.(2020·全国卷Ⅲ)And when he saw the mists rising from the river and the soft clouds surrounding the mountain tops,he was reduced to tears.vt.使……陷入某种 状态中

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