当前位置:文档之家› 中国农业大学2018级研究生(博士)入学英语水平测试





Part I Writing (30 minutes, 15 points) 略

Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes, 35points) 每题1分

Section A (每题1分,共7分)

1. D

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. A

Section B (每题1分,共8分)

8. C9. D10. C11. B12.A 13. D14. D15. A

Section C (每题1分,共10分)

16. B17. D18. C19. A20. B21. B22. C23. A24. D25. B

Section D (每题1分,共10分)

26. hidden27. land on28.fill in for29. resemble

30. height and build31. focuses on 32. leapt

33.expert timing 34. sliding 35. figured out

Part III Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points) 每题0.5分


Part IV Reading Comprehension (35 minutes, 30 points) 每题1.5分


Part V Translation (15 minutes, 10 points)

Chopsticks are used as the traditional eating utensils in various East Asian countries. Chopsticks originated in ancient China and date back to as early as the Shang Dynasty. They are commonly made of bamboo, plastic, wood or stainless steel. The first chopsticks were probably used for cooking, stirring the fire but not as eating utensils. Chopsticks began to be used as eating utensils during the Han Dynasty. It was not until the Ming Dynasty that chopsticks were widely used for both serving and eating. They then acquired the name kuaizi and the present shape.


高中英语学业水平考试练习题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题满分75分) 第一部分单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.Learning _______ country’s language is a better way of knowing _______culture behind it. A. the; a B. a; the C. /; the D. a; / 2.My brother got up earlier than _______ this morning, as it is a special day for him. A. common B. regular C. usual D. normal 3._______ effective learners, we must have good study approaches. A. To be B. To have been C. Having been D. Being 4.Please remember nothing can be learned ______ hard work. A. by B. at C. without D. for 5.Tony is a quiet student in class _______ he is quite active in outdoor activities. A. so B. and C. or D. while 6.If you _______ the habit of smiling often, you are going to feel a lot better and be more optimistic. A. take B. show C. develop D. match 7.We’ve got no coffee. Let’s have tea _______. A. either B. however C. yet D. instead 8.The movies introduced to China won’t be popular _______ the stories are attractive. A. until B. unless C. though D. if 9.The problem of high living expenses we face today is quite similar to _______ troubling the Americans in the 1930s. A. one B. it C. this D. that 10.Sorry, I can’t return the book today. Actually, I _______ half of it. A. have covered B. am covering C. was covering D. covered 11.The No. 1 searched term for 2013 was Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa, _______ death caused a worldwide celebration of his life’s achievements. A. who’s B. which C. of whom D. whose 12.---Shall I pick you up at the school gate tomorrow morning


试卷一 I. Vocabulary Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. It is possible to predict how much energy and water a building will consume, how much _______ will be needed. A. matter B. things C. material D. substance 2. They found that the positive thinkers sold 37 percent more insurance than did the_______ thinkers. A. negative B. positive C. active D. passive 3. In labs around the world, bad bugs are undergoing the ultimate rehabilitation, being _______ from life-threatening viruses and bacteria into lifesaving therapeutic agents. A. translated B. transported C. transformed D. transmitted 4. The fresh air is sometimes humid from the _______rainfall of this area. A. numerous B. abundant C. plenty D. substantive 5. We know that many animals _______ the deep seas at pressures of 15,000 pounds per square inch. A. live on B. live in C. live through D. live up to 6. Speakers and writers of the Germanic languages _______for a great deal of the world's output in everything from economics to literature to military to science and technology. A. account B. allow C. apply D. arrange 7. _______of the great state of Illinois, let me express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of addressing this convention. A. On account B. In honor C. In place D. On behalf 8. The companies that are finding ways to hang on to their older workers _______ from an intangible commodity: wisdom. A. obtain B. earn C. develop D. benefit 9. I raced to_______ Jill. A. keep on B. keep up with C. come up with D. come up to 10. Managers need to monitor inflation trends so they can make good _______. A. decisive B. decisions C. decide D. decided 11. Fluency can be _______ defined as "being able to communicate ideas without having to stop and think too much about what one is saying." A. simple B. simply C. similar D. simplify 12. The number of vehicles has been steadily increasing. _______, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide that exceed legally established limits. A. Continuously B. Consequently C. Constantly D. Consistently 13. A(An) _______ is better than the text and may make the point clear. A. interpretation B. representation C. illustration D. draw 14. Some of the world's best mountain _______ is available within the 500-kilometer long chain of the Southern Alps. A. scene B. scenery C. scarce D. scare 15. After a through research, the police __ most of the missing jewels. A. retreated B. refreshed C. recovered D. reminded 16. A gold-rated building is estimated to have reduced its environmental impact by 50% compared with a(an) __ conventional building. A. equivalent B. alike C. uniform D. likely 17. When pessimists __ in their first attempt, they usually say, "I can't do this." A. feel B. fail C. defeat D. lost 18. Six years __ before she got another note from Teddy. A. went into B. went around C. went by D. went on 19. The company owns a large number of _______ stores. A. export B. bargain C. retail D. trade 20. The cost of self-education has fallen with the multitude of sources of knowledge and information _______ on CD-ROMs and the Internet. A. preferable B. ready C. available D. considerable II. Grammatical Structure Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet. 21. Put things back _______ you found them.


附件2 中国农业大学2018-2019学年本科生奖学金项目统计表

有突出表现学生申请国家奖学金的具体标准。突出表现是指学生在道德风尚、学术研究、学科竞赛、创新发明、社会实践、社会工作、体育竞赛、文艺比赛等某一方面表现特别优秀。具体标准如下: 1.在社会主义精神文明建设中表现突出,具有见义勇为、助人为乐、奉献爱心、服务社会、自立自强的实际行动,在本校、本地区产生重大影响,在全国产生较大影响,有助于树立良好的社会风尚; 2.在学术研究上取得显著成绩,以第一作者发表的论文被SCI、EI、ISTP、SSCI全文收录,以第一、二作者出版学术专著(须通过专家鉴定); 3.在学科竞赛方面取得显著成绩,在国际和全国性专业学科竞赛、课外学术科技竞赛等竞赛、中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛、全国职业院校技能大赛等竞赛中获一等奖(或金奖)及以上奖励; 4.在创新发明方面取得显著成绩,科研成果获省、部级以上奖励或获得通过专家鉴定的国家专利(不包括实用新型专利、外观设计专利); 5.在体育竞赛中取得显著成绩,为国家争得荣誉。非体育专业学生参加省级以上体育比赛获得个人项目前三名,集体项目前二名;高水平运动员(特招生)参加国际和全国性体育比赛获得个人项目前三名、集体项目前二名;集体项目应为主力队员; 6.在艺术展演中取得显著成绩,参加全国大学生艺术展演获得一、二等奖,参加省级艺术展演获得一等奖;艺术类专业学生国际和全国性比赛获得前三名;集体项目应为主要演员; 7.获全国十大杰出青年、中国青年五四奖章、中国大学生年度人物等等全国性荣誉称号。 上述七方面之外,如在其他方面有同等级别的特别优秀表现,在国家奖学金评审过程中也可作为突出表现提交相关材料,由学校推荐,教育部审定。


新生入学综合能力测试数学试题 本试卷考试时间90分钟,共100分 一、选择题(每小题3分,共24分,每小题只有一个正确答案) 1.孝昌县今年计划投资13.6亿元用于观音湖建设,将13.6亿元用科学记数法(四舍五入保留2个有效数字)表示约为( ) A .1.4×109元 B .1.3×109元 C .1.4×108元 D .1.3×108元 2..明明初三毕业了,某天他到花园批发市场贩卖西瓜,在甲处买了300斤价格为x 元/斤,在乙处买了200斤价格为y 元/斤,回家后以每斤 2 y x +元的价格卖完后,结果发现赔了,原因是( ) A .y x < B .y x > C .y x ≤ D .y x ≥ 3二次函数362 +-=x kx y 的图像与x 轴有两个不同交点,则实数k 的范围是( ) A .3


英语能力考试试卷 (中级3) 第1部分:词汇选项(第1-15题,每题l分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. I don’t want to get married because I don’t want any commitments. A. responsibilities B. housework C. worries D. duty 2. She speaks with a pronounced French accent. A. strongly marked B. thinly disguised C. surprisingly strange D. shortly sight 3. By some fluke the judges passed over the obvious choices and chose her. A. success B. accident C. breeze D. crash 4. The widow gave a plaintive wail at the graveside. A. sad B. hysteric C. lonely D. happy 5. We mustn’t let things fester. A. remain the same B. change for the better C. become worse D. get older 6. The university conferred an honorary degree on him. A. created B. gave C. received D. accepted 7. We fought with tooth and nail to get our plans accepted. A. teeth and fists B. great force or determination C. biting and hitting D. ideas and thoughts 8. Personally, I do not have any animosity against him. A. hatred B. hospitality C. sympathy D. thought 9. This kind of plants is indigenous, and cannot be found in other areas. A. new B. local C. fragile D. logical 10. Of the ten board members, only one dissented. A. disagreed B. agreed C. refused D. received 11. The ability to speak several languages was among his attainments. A. merits B. achievements C. virtues D. success 12. I didn’t know anything about any of the books so my choice was quite arbitrary. A. based on facts B. based on reason C. based on chance or personal opinion D. based on personality


英语分级测试 第一篇How to be Happy 如何获得幸福 (2) 第二篇City Design 城市设计 (4) 第三篇Population 人口 (6) 第四篇Earthquake 地震 (7) 第五篇The Aftermath of BP Fulf Oil Spill----英国石油公司墨西哥湾原油泄漏 (9) 第六篇Green Computers“绿色’’电脑 (11) 第七篇Cell Phones手机 (12) 第八篇Touch Tech触屏技术 (13) 第九篇Fossil Fuels and Our Life化石燃料与我们的生活 (15) 第十篇Carbon Emissions碳排放 (16) 第十一篇Marine Pollution海洋污染 (17) 第十二篇China's Growth and the Clean Energy Tech中国的经济增长与清洁能源技术 (18) 第十三篇Market Economy市场经济 (19) 第十四篇CPI消费者物价指数 (20) 第十五篇The Internet互联网 (21) 十六篇Apple Expands its Touchy-Feely Vision苹果公司用iPad延续梦想 (22) 十七篇3G Technology技术 (23) 十八篇Carbon Capture and Storage碳捕获和储存 (24) 十九篇GlobaIWarming全球变暖 (25) 二十篇Alternate Energies替代能源 (26) 二十一篇Biofuels生物燃料 (27) 二十二篇Coal Chemicallndustry煤化学工业 (28) 二十三篇Resource Curse资源诅咒 (30) 二十四篇Company Management公司管理 (31) 二十五篇Recruitment Drives Take Talent from Wide Pool人才库 (32) 二十六篇Tips for Job Seekers找工作的秘诀 (33) 二十七篇Chinese Oil Market中国石油市场 (34) 二十八篇0il Trade石油贸易 (35) 二十九篇How I Lost My Head in the Volcanic Ash Cloud令人发疯的火山灰 (36) 三十篇Project Management项目管理 (37)


1996 年同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试试题 Paper One 试卷一 (1996.6 A 卷 ) Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes, 15 points) 略 Part II Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points) Directions: In each question, decide which of the four choices given will suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark out choice on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 16. It was felt that the lacked the _____ t o pursue a difficult task to the very end. A. petition B. engagement C. commitment D. qualification 17. He does nothing that ____ the interests of the collective. A. runs for B. runs against C. runs over D. runs into 18. Though he views himself as a realist, Cetron says that his findings make him very about future. A. optimistic B. sympathetic C. objective D. precautions 19. In such a changing and complex society, formerly simply solutions informational needs become . most your to


UNIT 1 How to be Happy如何获得幸福 In the past two weeks we have looked at the happiness formula defined by positive psychologist Martin Seligman, where H (happiness) = S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choices you make). This week we look at the conditions in life that can improve our happiness quotient. 过去两周我们研究了一项幸福公式,这是由乐观心理学家马丁·塞利格曼定义的。在这个公式中,H(幸福)=S(个人生理幸福感受的固定指数)+C(个人生活状态)+V(个人主观选择)。本周我们将着眼于能提升幸福指数的生活状态。 Step 1: Peace and quiet Jonathon Haidt in his excellent book, The Happiness Hypothesis, notes that research shows that we can never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution. Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses (the other is the fear of falling) and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise. It is essential to have some peace and quiet every day. If you are unfortunate enough to live somewhere noisy, persist with complaining to your local council. Additionally, try wearing wax earplugs to have some respite. If you need your TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates altruism to your neighbours, which will make you and them feel good. 第一步:平和宁静乔纳森·海迪在他的优秀著作《幸福假说》当中提到,研究调查显示,我们不可能完全适应噪音污染,无论是新近的还是长期的。巨大噪声会引发我们面对恐惧的某种本能反应(另一种是对于坠落的恐惧),如果周遭噪音喧闹,我们不可能完全放松。每日保持平和与宁静事关重要。如果你不幸生活在比较嘈杂的环境中,请一定要坚持去居委会投诉。另外,尝试使用耳塞,可能会缓解噪声。如果你需要用大音量看电视、听收音机或放音乐的话,记得戴上耳机,别影响邻里,这样可以使双方都感到舒适。 Step 2: Relationships This is the most important of all the external conditions that can improve your happiness quotient. Often our deepest sources of unhappiness are found in poor relationships with others. A cruelly conflictual relationship with a partner or lover leaves us feeling betrayed and abandoned. A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate, unconditional regard creates isolation and misery. When faced with such relationships, the most positive thing we can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on. 第二步:人际关系这是增加幸福指数的一条至关重要的外部条件。我们感到不快乐的最深层原因,往往就是人际关系欠佳。与搭档或者爱人的关系陷入激烈的冲突中,会让我们产生遭到背叛和遗弃的感觉。父母和孩子之间如果缺乏同情心和无私关怀,会产生隔阂与痛苦。当我们面临这类问题时,最好的办法就是直面难题,修复关系,或者学着继续前行。 Step 3: Share If you have discovered conditions or choices in life that have significantly improved your wellbeing, remember to share them with friends. Passing on what works is essential to improve the wellbeing of our own and others. 第三步:分享如果你发觉生活状态或者做的某项决定对幸福生活有重大帮助的话,记得与你的朋友们分享。将有用的发现与更多人分享,这对增进自己的幸福和他人的幸福都有积极作用。 1.What's the happiness formula according to the passage?(The formula refers to H (happiness) = S (your biological set point for feeling happy) + C (the conditions of your life) + V (the voluntary choices you make).) 2. Why can we never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution?(Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise.) 3. How could we make both ourselves and the neighbors feel good?(If we need our TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates our kindness and can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on.) 1.吵闹的邻居的确对我们家庭不和(domestic upset)有很大影响。Noisy neighbors are one of the major causes of domestic upset. 2.在职场上,如果一个同事对我们表示威吓的话,会造成难以言表的抑郁情绪(unwretchedness)。A colleague at work who bullies or dismisses us creates untold wretchedness. 3.我们不可能适应这种敌对关系,这种不良的人际关系会损害身心健康。We can never fully adapt to hostile relationships, which inevitably damage our wellbeing. 4.如果这种坏情绪长时间留在人们的心里,会让人陷入无法解决的恶性心理困境。If this bad mood stays inside our mind, it will lead us to an unresolved destructive depression. 5.我们不应当回避这些问题,而是要正确面对它们。We should not avoid these problems but face them instead. There are many benefits to being happy. Happier people tend to be healthier, live longer and eam more. They also tend to volunteer more, be better at relationships and smile more of w hat psychologists call “Duchenne" or genuine smiles. What is less well understood is why happiness is contagious. 幸福有许多好处。越幸福的人往往越健康、越长寿、挣的钱越多。他们通常也会从事更多的志愿工作、更善于处理人际关系、发出更多心理学家所说的“杜兴微笑”,即真诚的微笑。我们了解不深的是,为什么幸福可以传染。 According to James Fowler and Nicholas Christakis, authors of the international bestseller Connected, people surrounded by many happy friends, family members and neighbours who are central to their social network become significantly happier in the future. More specificallyi they say we will become 25 per cent happier with our life if a friend who lives within a mile of us becomes significantly happier with his or her life. 全球畅销书《关联》的作者詹姆斯·福勒和尼古拉斯·克里斯塔基斯发现,如果你身边那些重要的人际网络中有许多幸福的朋友、家人与邻居,那么你将也会很幸福。他们表示,更准确地说,如果居住在离你1英里内的一个朋友生活幸福感得到显著提升,你的生活幸福感就会增加25%。 Similar effects are seen in co-resident spouses (8 per cent happier); siblings who live within a mile of each other (14 per cent); and next-door neighbours (34 per cent). What this implies is that the magnitude of happiness spread seems to depend more on frequent social contact (due to physical proximity) than on deep social connections. Alas, for some reason this doesn't translate to the workplace. 具有同样效果的还有同居配偶(幸福感提升8%)、居住在1英里之内的兄弟姐妹(14%)和邻居(34%)。这意味着,幸福传播的强度似乎更取决于交往的频繁度(与地域邻近相关),1而不是社会关系的深度。可惜由于某种原因,这并不适用于工作场合。 So, why is happiness contagious? One reason may be that happy people share their good fortune with their friends and family (for example, by being pragmatically helpful or financially generous). Another reason could be that happy people tend to change their behaviour for the better by being nicer or less hostile to those close to them. Or it could just be that positive emotions are highly contagious. 那么,为什么幸福能够传染?一个原因或许是,幸福的人会与亲朋好友分享好运气(例如,提供实际的帮助,或在经济上慷慨解囊)。另一个原因可能是,幸福的人往往会改善自己的行为,会对周围的人更加友好,或减少敌意。又或许只是因为正面情绪具有高度传染性。


中国农业大学生物化学习题集 第一章蛋白质化学 一、单项选择题 1.测得某一蛋白质样品的氮含量为0.40g,此样品约含蛋白质多少? A.2.00g B.2.50g C.6.40g D.3.00g E.6.25g 2.下列含有两个羧基的氨基酸是: A.精氨酸B.赖氨酸C.甘氨酸D.色氨酸E.谷氨酸 3.维持蛋白质二级结构的主要化学键是: A.盐键B.疏水键C.肽键D.氢键E.二硫键 4.关于蛋白质分子三级结构的描述,其中错误的是: A.天然蛋白质分子均有的这种结构 B.具有三级结构的多肽链都具有生物学活性 C.三级结构的稳定性主要是次级键维系 D.亲水基团聚集在三级结构的表面biooo E.决定盘曲折叠的因素是氨基酸残基 5.具有四级结构的蛋白质特征是: A.分子中必定含有辅基 B.在两条或两条以上具有三级结构多肽链的基础上,肽链进一步折叠,盘曲形成 C.每条多肽链都具有独立的生物学活性 D.依赖肽键维系四级结构的稳定性 E.由两条或两条以上具在三级结构的多肽链组成 6.蛋白质所形成的胶体颗粒,在下列哪种条件下不稳定: A.溶液pH值大于pI B.溶液pH值小于pI C.溶液pH值等于pI D.溶液pH值等于7.4 E.在水溶液中 7.蛋白质变性是由于:biooo A.氨基酸排列顺序的改变B.氨基酸组成的改变C.肽键的断裂D.蛋白质空间构象的破坏E.蛋白质的水解 8.变性蛋白质的主要特点是: A.粘度下降B.溶解度增加C.不易被蛋白酶水解 D.生物学活性丧失E.容易被盐析出现沉淀 9.若用重金属沉淀pI为8的蛋白质时,该溶液的pH值应为: A.8B.>8C.<8D.≤8E.≥8 10.蛋白质分子组成中不含有下列哪种氨基酸? A.半胱氨酸B.蛋氨酸C.胱氨酸D.丝氨酸E.瓜氨酸 二、多项选择题 (在备选答案中有二个或二个以上是正确的,错选或未选全的均不给分) 1.含硫氨基酸包括: A.蛋氨酸B.苏氨酸C.组氨酸D.半胖氨酸 2.下列哪些是碱性氨基酸: A.组氨酸B.蛋氨酸C.精氨酸D.赖氨酸 3.芳香族氨基酸是: A.苯丙氨酸B.酪氨酸C.色氨酸D.脯氨酸 4.关于α-螺旋正确的是: A.螺旋中每3.6个氨基酸残基为一周 B.为右手螺旋结构 C.两螺旋之间借二硫键维持其稳定 D.氨基酸侧链R基团分布在螺旋外侧 5.蛋白质的二级结构包括: A.α-螺旋B.β-片层C.β-转角D.无规卷曲 6.下列关于β-片层结构的论述哪些是正确的: A.是一种伸展的肽链结构 B.肽键平面折叠成锯齿状 C.也可由两条以上多肽链顺向或逆向平行排列而成 D.两链间形成离子键以使结构稳定 7.维持蛋白质三级结构的主要键是: A.肽键B.疏水键C.离子键D.范德华引力 8.下列哪种蛋白质在pH5的溶液中带正电荷? A.pI为4.5的蛋白质B.pI为7.4的蛋白质C.pI为7的蛋白质D.pI为6.5的蛋白质9.使蛋白质沉淀但不变性的方法有: A.中性盐沉淀蛋白B.鞣酸沉淀蛋白C.低温乙醇沉淀蛋白D.重金属盐沉淀蛋白10.变性蛋白质的特性有: A.溶解度显著下降B.生物学活性丧失C.易被蛋白酶水解D.凝固或沉淀 三、填空题


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