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1.The woman became emotional when her husband called her by the wrong


2. The general said that he had a strategy for winning the war.

3. It has become quite fashionable for people to voice their disapproval of war. 1. As names are only superficial things, most people feel all right about changing them.

2. The most rewarding aspect of learning English is that I can communicate with more people.

3. All English learners can get access to the English materials on the Internet.

4. At the beginning, I found it really hard to keep up with my classmates.

5. We are encouraged to actively participate in online discussions on various topics.

1. Don't harden your heart against him; after all he had helped you before.

2. IBM is the world famous manufacturer of computer hardware.

3. The strong sunlight filtered through the blinds.

4. The doctor said the old man's condition was hopeless .

5. This novel was so exciting that it hooked me on the very first page.

1. Research has demonstrated that women tell lies to avoid hurting other people's feelings.

2. Even after years of fighting, the army would not yield ground to the enemy.

3. Don't worry; the hole in your trousers is unnoticeable .

4. The judge told the boy that he would need his parents to accompany him to the office to have his name changed.

5. David decided to send his mom a bunch of beautiful flowers on Thanksgiving Day.

1. I hope you must not take offense at my frankness.

2. She would cry every day out of the despair she felt for having a terrible name.

3. Don't always lean on others for help; you should learn to be more independent.

4. This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities.

5. During the war, I took a mask to school in case the school was gassed.

1. Sports are a good outlet for a young boy's pent-up energy.

2. Pneumonia used to be a deadly disease before the discovery of penicillin.

3. The soldiers seemed to have a great deal of integrity and appeared to be good men.

4. My teacher asked me if I believed wars could be moral .

5. After the war, the old soldier was so bothered by his conscience , he couldn't sleep.

1. Whips were not common weapons for soldiers, even in old days.

2. He packaged up the presents he had got for his birthday and put them in the cupboard.

3. Chinese names convey special meanings, which make them different from American names.

4. After dinner, the upset guest said that her host was as rude as his name.

5. The fire was spreading so quickly that a building was swallowed up by it in only

a few minutes.

1. She wept sadly when she heard the bad news that her grandfather had passed away.

2. People must be careful that they are not cheated into entering a war.

3. Don't worry; the hole in your trousers is unnoticeable .

4. She's lonely, and starving for companionship.

5. David decided to send his mom a bunch of beautiful flowers on Thanksgiving Day.

1. Only one person in a billion is gifted with the competitive spirit needed to be a truly memorable sports hero.

2. When the country entered the war, their president assured them it would be over soon.

3. It has become quite fashionable for people to voice their disapproval of war.

4. The general said that he had a strategy for winning the war.

5. New popes always change their names when they take office.

1. Even after years of fighting, the army would not yield ground to the enemy.

2. Museum workers worked hard to preserve famous pieces of art that were in danger because of the bombings.

3. IBM is the world famous manufacturer of computer hardware.

4. The nation didn't have enough young men to fight, so it had to rely on foreign soldiers to help.

5. Intelligent scientists created a new bomb that could be used in war.



Americans value time and save it carefully. Time is a real, precious resource to them so every minute must count. Visitors may think Americans are always in a rush and under pressure. Smiles, short conversations, and small exchanges with strangers don't exist as in other countries. Americans assess others professionally rather than socially. They start talking business immediately since they are always conscious of time and dislike "wasting" too much time. Americans work hard at saving time. They would have meetings using equipment like television screens and telephones rather than in person.

Quickly solving a problem or doing a job successfully is a sign of skill. The more important the job, the more time and effort Americans will pour into it. This often makes it difficult for people from other cultures to understand Americans. Therefore,adjusting to another culture has become so important to us. This requires a great deal of personal and cultural awareness. In short, it is highly necessary for us to develop appreciation for things that are foreign to us.


Perhaps second only to the question "Are we there yet?" parents on vacation with their children hate hearing "I think I'm gonna be sick!" as they motor along the highway.

Car sickness can make family vacations unfortunate for both the sufferer and the rest of the family. Motion sickness, which includes car sickness, sea sickness and air sickness, affects most people to different degrees. Symptoms range from a general feeling of discomfort to nausea (恶心) and vomiting (呕吐).

Doctors at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas say the discomfort results from conflicting messages being sent to the brain. The brain relies on messages from the inner ear, the muscles and the eyes to tell it where the body is in space. When any of these body parts send different messages, the brain gets confused, and you get queasy (想呕吐的). For example, if you're reading in the car, your inner ear knows you're moving, but your muscles think you're sitting still and your eyes don't see anything moving because they're looking at the page. On an airplane, your inner ear senses the motion, but your eyes only see the inside of the airplane, which looks still.

Treatments for motion sickness range from folk remedies (疗法) like ginger (生姜) capsules (胶囊) to medicine. If you suffer from motion sickness, try sitting in the front seat of the car,avoid reading while in the car, and look out the front window rather than the side windows. On a plane, pick a seat over a wing. On a boat, try to stay near the center. There is less motion in these areas.


Today, the fight against doping (用兴奋剂) is a continuous battle that is possible to win with international efforts.

Doping is defined as the use of a trick, whether substance or method, potentially dangerous to athletes'health and capable of enhancing their performance, or the presence in the athlete's body of a substance, or the use of a method on the list attached to the Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code (法规).

Doping is completely against the spirit of the Olympic Games: the fair game. Many of the banned substances and methods are dangerous to athletes' health and can cause short- and long-term damage.

Athletes must be very careful about any medicines they are taking, because many common medicines, such as pain-killers, can contain banned substances. If a competitor wants to use a banned substance for treatment, he or she must get the written approval of the Medical Advisory (咨询) Committee of the IOC Medical Commission (委员会).

If an athlete tests positive in the Olympic Games, he/she will be banned from the Olympics for a period of two years for the first time they are caught. All records or medals achieved by the athlete will be removed. The fight against doping continues.


One day, while I was waiting to enter university, I saw a note in a local newspaper. It offered a teaching post at a school in a small town near London. Being very short of money, I applied, yet feared that without a degree and with no experience in teaching my chances of getting the job were small.

However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me for an interview. Happily, I went to the school.

It was clearly the headmaster himself that opened the door. He was short and fat. He looked at me with a surprised air.

He began the interview by asking me questions: what subjects I had taken; how old I was; what games I played; then looking me straight in my eyes, he asked me whether I thought games were an important part of a boy's education. I said yes.

The school, he said, was made up of one class of twenty-four boys. I would have to teach all subjects except art, which he taught himself.

"What would my pay be?" I said shyly.

"Twelve pounds a week and lunch."

Before I could protest (抗议), he got to his feet. "Now," he said, "You'd better meet my wife. She's the one who really runs this school."


English language learning is not easy. At times it is frustrating. I started to learn English when I was in junior high school. And, just like every other student in my class, I was made happy by my successes and saddened by my failures. Only when I had a chance to learn English through a computer course did I finally make great progress. Many people know the importance of the phrase,"to have control over one's own situation". Now you can control your own situation by having the freedom to study what pleases you—by using your personal computer. The computer course was just as difficult as classroom study, but in the end I did succeed in learning English. I also gained many other things from it. It taught me the value of hard work and helped me understand another culture. No pains, no gains. My experience in learning English is one real life example of successful learning beyond the classroom walls. And I just keep getting better and better,proving that nothing succeeds like success. Make the best discovery of your life—studying by computers. As China has placed a new pioneer in space, you will be a new pioneer in the world of education. Welcome to a new age!


Perhaps second only to the question "Are we there yet?" parents on vacation with their children hate hearing "I think I'm gonna be sick!" as they motor along the highway.

Car sickness can make family vacations unfortunate for both the sufferer and the rest of the family. Motion sickness, which includes car sickness, sea sickness and air sickness, affects most people to different degrees. Symptoms range from a general feeling of discomfort to nausea (恶心) and vomiting (呕吐).

Doctors at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas say the discomfort results from conflicting messages being sent to the brain. The brain relies on messages from the inner ear, the muscles and the eyes to tell it where the body is in space. When any of these body parts send different messages, the brain gets confused, and you get queasy (想呕吐的). For example, if you're reading in the car, your inner ear knows you're moving, but your muscles think you're sitting still and your eyes don't see anything moving because they're looking at the page. On an airplane, your inner ear senses the motion, but your eyes only see the inside of the airplane, which looks still.

Treatments for motion sickness range from folk remedies (疗法) like ginger (生姜) capsules (胶囊) to medicine. If you suffer from motion sickness, try sitting in the front seat of the car,avoid reading while in the car, and look out the front window rather than the side windows. On a plane, pick a seat over a wing. On a boat, try to stay near the center. There is less motion in these areas.


The 19th century is also the period in which trademarks and slogans were born. Manufacturers often advertise a product by associating it with a symbol, often a person or an animal, known as

a trademark; the trademark for a product may only be used by that particular company.

Slogans began to appear for the same reason. Manufacturers felt that just telling their customers about a product wasn't enough. They began to invent attractive phrases so people would associate a certain slogan with a certain product. If the slogan caught on, it would often become part of the American vocabulary. Most Americans know that "it's the real thing"goes with Coca-cola; and ''Finger-Lickin good" describes Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Slogans and trademarks are still widely used in modern advertising, but the approach has become more scientific. With hundreds of products being nearly identical, an advertiser must somehow make his product look different, even if it really isn't. It has been said that the two most important words in advertising are "free" and "new." It is seldom possible to say that a product is free, but almost always possible to say that it is "new," by adding a new ingredient or changing the package design. The middle-class American usually assumes that if a product is new, it is always better; so when people aren't buying a product, calling it new often does wonders for sales.


It's nearly midnight in the big city. But the big city is not asleep. The streets are crowded with people. Some are leaving films, plays, and concerts. Some are stopping to look at the bright store windows, and some are waiting for buses and taxis. The restaurants are filled with customers, and the hotels are filled with tourists and businessmen who have come from all over the world.

Many people work at night in the big city.Bright lights are shining from the windows of the tall buildings, while in newspaper offices, writers are typing up their news stories and managers are bending over their copies. In hospitals, night nurses are making their usual rounds. In the fire stations an alarm is waking up the men to tell them a fire has just broken out somewhere in the big city.


Britain has a variable climate. The weather changes so frequently that it is difficult to forecast. It is not unusual for people to complain that the weathermen were wrong.Fortunately as Britain does not experience extreme weather conditions, it is never very cold or very hot. The temperature rarely rises above 32℃or falls below -10℃in winter.

Summers are generally cool, but due to global warming they are starting to get drier and hotter. Hot weather causes terrible jams on the roads as Britons rush to the coastal resorts.

Winters are generally mild, with the most frequent snowfalls in the Scottish Highlands, where it is possible to go skiing. If it does snow heavily in other parts of Britain, trains, buses and planes are usually late. People enjoy discussing the snow, complaining about the cold and comparing the weather conditions with previous winters!

Contrary to popular opinion, it does not rain all the time. There is certainly steady rainfall throughout most of the year, but the months from September to January are the wettest. Thanks

to the rain, Britain has a richly fertile countryside which is famous for its deep green color.


It's generally believed that leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability. However, years of research have failed to produce consistent facts that there is any one type of "natural leaders". It seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders have in common; rather, almost any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group.

What is more, although it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader, research suggests that there are usually two different leadership roles that are held by different individuals. Task-centered leadership is leadership that places importance on finishing tasks by a social group. Group members look to task-centered leaders to "get things done". Care-centered leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that puts importance on the feelings of a social group's members. Care-centered leaders are less concerned with the total goals of the group than with providing support to group members and attempting to reduce ill feelings and conflict among them.

iTEST 大学英语测试与训练系统产品简介

iTEST 大学英语测试与训练系统产品简介FLTRP iTEST大学英语测试与训练系统(以下简称iTEST)是为高校提供英语试题库资源和在线评测服务的综合测试管理平台。平台提供大学英语四六级考试、英语专业四八级考试、研究生英语入学考试等高质量模拟题库和基础训练题库,支持学生进行词汇/语法等基础训练、听说读写译专项能力训练和自主模考训练,支持教师进行自动组卷、阅卷、成绩分析统计等个性化教学管理,支持学校组织和实施大规模英语测试,通过现代化手段有效提高考试效率,规范考试管理,从而提升大学英语教学与评估的整体质量。iTEST集测试、自主训练、教学、科研平台于一体,可全面满足高校英语教学的四大需求: 1. 在线标准化英语测试 支持学校组织全校规模、班级规模的在线标准化测试,包括基于计算机和网络的大学英语 四、六级模拟考试及各类教学评估类考试。 2. 个性化英语技能训练 支持学生结合自身学习需要,有针对性地进行词汇、语法等基础训练、听说读写译专项能力训练和针对大学英语四、六级考试等考试的自主模考训练。 3. 专业化测试分析与教学诊断 学校和教师使用专业化的考试统计、成绩分析统计报表了解和评估学生的英语能力,提高教学效果。 4. 开展课题研究 教师根据需要收集测试相关数据,从事测试课题研究。 系统特色 iTEST是国内同类大学英语测试平台中: 唯一提供专业考试数据统计分析的测试平台 唯一将测试、教学与科研相结合的测试平台 首个题库经过专业预测调整的测试平台 首个全真模拟大学英语四级网考的测试平台 iTEST具有以下特点: 权威:作为全国规模最大的外语出版机构,外语教学与研究出版社以专业力量和大规模投入,为大学英语提供值得信赖的高质量测试与训练资源;在语料的选择标准及 试题设计上与大学英语四、六级考试高度一致;中国外语教育研究中心指导策划, 保证系统设计的合理性与科学性。 科学:试题经过项目分析(Item Analysis),在实际使用前经过大规模样本试测与校正,确保科学的难度与区分度;题库建设基于项目反应理论(IRT),致力于为学校量身定 做个性化测试解决方案。 便捷:支持自动组卷,实现快速出题;支持机器阅卷,并提供清晰易读的成绩报告。 测教研相结合:专业的测试统计分析,为教师提供教学诊断和测试研究参考数据;联合中国外语教育研究中心专家提供科研指导和咨询,为学校探索测试领域前沿课题提供支 持。 系统用途: 有助于学校: 组织标准化英语考试 组织全校性大学英语四、六级考试等模拟测试 组织全校性分级测试

电子科技大学研究生入学英语分级考试Placement Test 2012 试题 Final

Placement Test for Graduate Students August, 2012 1.本分级测试主要检测学生英语听力水平和其它基本语言能力,为英语教学分班提供依 据,望同学们认真答题,体现出自己真实水平。 2.本测试同时也为教师教学提供参考,测试成绩按一定比例计入平时成绩。 3.本测试时长共90分钟。测试对速度有一定要求,同学们可参考各部分建议,合理分配 答题时间。 4.第1~25题为听力,请用耳机收听。 5.所有答案做在机读卡上。 6.试卷请妥善保管,开学第一周带到课堂。 PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (25 minutes, 25 points, 1 point each) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be read only once. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet. 1. A. She is conceited. B. She is too shy to apply. C. She is intelligent. D. She is in fashion. 2. A. A car store manager. B. A mechanic. C. A driving examiner. D. A shop assistant. 3. A. Borrow her notebook. B. Check the dining hall again. C. Buy a new notebook. D. Ask about the notebook at the information desk. 4. A. Ask the graduate assistant for help. B. Talk to an assistant about dropping the course. C. Work on the assignment with a classmate. D. Spend more time working on literature course. 5. A. He has already finished his report. B. He hasn?t completed his report.


1.How have science and technology changed our life and work? The rapid development of science and technology have a huge change in our life and work. Modern transportation make long-distance trip possible,make the trip more convenient,shorten the time on the road. The advance of science and technology brings us happiness of life, improving the quality of our lives.There are some new things that have enriched our life. For example,the lights keep us away from the darkness and the Air conditioning make us away from the heat in summer.All of these scientific and technological achievements make us live more comfortable and convenient. Many modern inventions make our life more colorful.Many processes now moved onto computer systems. It can enhance flexibility and capability. We do n’t have to make fire to cook,so prepare more quickly. We can use chemical, biological process to make food more tasty and easier preserved. Science and technology is like a magician who is changing our lives all the time.We should make a good use of it and avoid the disadvantage. https://www.doczj.com/doc/8b19183086.html,pare Western and Chinese customs. List similarities and differences on three occasions. First, let’s talk about the differences between Eastern and Western cultures. Greetings are different, In China, When people meet acquaintances or friends, we always say ,“Have you eaten yet?” “What are you going to do?”In English, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good morning/evening/afternoon.” “Fine day, isn’t it? “”How is everything goi ng?” In China, the surname comes first and then the given name.While westerners names are written and spoken with the given name first and the family name last. It is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese.But people in English prefer to use forks and knives. Secondly, let's talk about the similarities. There are Valentine's Days in East and West. Eastern and Western myths originated in ancient times. Some East and West instruments are similar, such as violin and lute. 3.What kinds of movies do you like? Different people like different types of movie.Some people like to watch a movie that makes them think .They prefer movies with a murder investigation or some kind of intricate plot.Other people prefer movies that make them laugh.Personally.I like Inspirational movies.


ked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be read ONLY ONCE. Choose the best answer from the four choices. (1).1.D Find out who will listen to her tomorrow. Try not to think about her audience. Watch him make his presentation. Practice her presentation in front of him. (2).C He should buy her a new dictionary. She finds the dictionary very useful. She doesn't need a new dictionary. He was too careless with the dictionary. (3).3.A Buy some grocery. Make the salad. Add items to the shopping list. Change the flavor of the salad. (4).4.B

She is going to take an art class. She works as an artist. She just visited an art museum. She sells paint supplies. (5).5.C A salesman. An assistant. A cab driver. A fee collector. (6).6.A Will's father used his influence to help him in. Will's father is a very important guy here. Will is a good candidate for the college. Will knows nothing about college rules.(7).7.C Her cousin will decline the new job offer. Her cousin is a talented singer.


姓名学号班级口语班 华北电力大学研究生课程考试试题(2011-12-24 ) GENERAL ENGLISH QUALIFYING TEST FOR NON-ENGLISH MAJOR GRADUATE STUDENTS 监考及考试注意事项: 1)考试时间:8:30---10:40 2)请学生不要在课桌内及身上携带任何书、本、纸片、电子文具、字典、手机,一经发现,即视为作弊。书包,大衣请放到教室统一位置。 3)听力考试播音时间:9:00 4)学生按英语口语班坐位,收卷按英语口语班收卷。机读卡左上角请注明英语口语班级。5)调频台频率为FM 86.5 6)收卷时分别按试卷,答题纸,机读卡,收齐后机读卡分别用纸包好写上英语口语班级和份数,送交主楼C 705。请口语老师把自己班的试卷拿走,批改听力Section C部分。 7)考生在答题卡的学生代号栏中填上完整的学生证号,且左对齐,剩余空格不填。试卷,答题纸,机读卡均需写明姓名、学号、口语班号。 8)祝大家圣诞节快乐! PAPER ONE PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (22.5 points) Section A ( 1 point each) Directions: In this section, you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be read ONL Y ONCE. Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet. 1. A. He'll get promoted. C. He'll be disappointed. B. He'll get another job. D. He'll give a talk. 2. A.$ 3.78. C. $3.87. B. $4.25. D. $4.15. 3. A. It was just so-so. C. It was quite good. B. It was really special. D. It was awful. 4. A. The woman should divorce her husband. B. The woman is thinking negatively. C. The woman is ignoring her husband. D. The woman is not imaginative. 5. A. It seems too hard to most students. B. It is the most boring class. C. What is taught comes directly from the book. D. It is quite popular among students. 6. A. Jennifer was a real stand-out. B. Jennifer had an impractical wish. C. Jennifer used to like eating pies. D. Jennifer realized her dreams. 7. A. It's hard to explain. C. He cherishes their friendship.


单句填空: 1.The woman became emotional when her husband called her by the wrong name. 2. The general said that he had a strategy for winning the war. 3. It has become quite fashionable for people to voice their disapproval of war. 1. As names are only superficial things, most people feel all right about changing them. 2. The most rewarding aspect of learning English is that I can communicate with more people. 3. All English learners can get access to the English materials on the Internet. 4. At the beginning, I found it really hard to keep up with my classmates. 5. We are encouraged to actively participate in online discussions on various topics. 1. Don't harden your heart against him; after all he had helped you before. 2. IBM is the world famous manufacturer of computer hardware. 3. The strong sunlight filtered through the blinds. 4. The doctor said the old man's condition was hopeless . 5. This novel was so exciting that it hooked me on the very first page. 1. Research has demonstrated that women tell lies to avoid hurting other people's feelings. 2. Even after years of fighting, the army would not yield ground to the enemy. 3. Don't worry; the hole in your trousers is unnoticeable .


研究生英语考试试题及答案-参考 Part B Directions: The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45,you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing from the list A-G and filling them into the numbered boxes. Paragraphs A and E have been correctly placed Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points) Some Old Truths to Help You Overcome Tough Times Unfortunately,life is not a bed of roses. We are going through life facing sad experiences. Moreover, we are grieving various kinds of loss: a friendship, a romantic relationship or a house. Hard times may hold you down at what usually seems like the most inopportune time, but you should remember that they won‘t last forever. When our time of mourning is over,we press forward,stronger with a greater understanding and respect for life. Furthermore, these losses make us mature and eventually move us toward future opportunities for growth and happiness. I want to share these ten old truths I‘ve learned along the way. 41.______ Fear is both useful and harmful. This normal human reaction is used to protect us by signaling danger and preparing us to deal with it. Unfortunately, people create inner barriers with a help of exaggerating fears. My favorite actor Will Smith once said,Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice. I do completely agree that fears are just the product of our luxuriant

2013级ITEST学生使用手册 9月23日

2013级ITEST系统使用说明1. 首先登陆校园门户网站—点击右上角校内网站点 2. 选择教学科研机构—学院—点击外国语学院

3. 输入学生访问iTEST的用户名和密码,用户名和密码默认全部为学号,点击登录,登录成功后进入如下界面 4. 第一次进入系统尚未注册班级,点击红色字体“这里”,选择自己相对应的班级,然后点击注册,即该学生属于某个班级,下图所示:

5. 点击“注册”之后,系统跳转到如下界面 说明: 如果没有看到“三个圆圈的训练模块”则表示该学生账号没有激活,需要联系老师或者系统管理员 6. 如果有全校考试,则会在页面上出现全校考试链接,学生登录成功后,点击考试链接进行考试即可,考试界面如下图所示: 7. 如果是班级考试,则班级考试链接会出现在系统界面右侧,学生点击相应的班级考试链接就可以进行班级考试,班级考试链接位置如下图所示,班级考试界面和全校考试界面一致

8. 点击菜单栏中的个人设置—点击修改按钮:选择相对应的学院,修改个人密码并完善所有信息,界面如下图所示: 9.其他的基本操作见随系统的电子文档演示:即:菜单栏中的“用户指南”,点击相应的操作查看即可

10.考试时间安排: ITEST系统注册及模拟测试、熟悉考试环境9月16日—9月22日(校历第3周) ITEST系统问题反馈阶段9月23日—9月28日(校历第4周)2013级B C班第一次网络考试10月7日—10月13日(校历第6周)注:考试地点不限,电脑能登陆校内网门户网站:https://www.doczj.com/doc/8b19183086.html, 即可.(不要通过校外VPN链接进行考试,以免造成网络环境不稳定))


itest大学英语测试系统答案 听力材料: 一、听音,选出你所听到的选项,本题听两遍。(5分)听力材料: 1、You must pay attention to the traffic lights. 2、—Hey, Linda. How does your father go to work? —He usually goes by taxi. 3、—Excuse me. I’m new here. How can I go to the post office?—Go straight and then turn right. The post office is on your left. 4、Don’t go at a red light. 5、I’m going to do my homework this evening, and I am going to see a film tomorrow. 二、听录音,选择恰当的答语,本题听两遍(10分)听力材料: 1、Excuse me, sir. How can I get to the hospital? 2、Where is the post office? 3、Is there a park near here? 4、Hey, John. You must pay attention to the traffic lights when you cross the road. 5、It’s Saturday tomorrow. I’m going to see a film with my family.


研究生get学位英语考试流程(一) 研究生get学位英语考试流程 准备阶段 •规划学习时间:合理安排学习时间,确保有足够的时间准备考试。•查阅考试资料:了解考试内容、题型和考试要求,确定需要准备哪些知识点。 •制定学习计划:根据自身情况制定详细的学习计划,包括每天的学习内容和学习时间安排,以提高学习效率。 学习阶段 •阅读综合教材:选择适合自己的教材,通过阅读提高英语阅读能力,积累词汇量和理解能力。 •完成练习题:做练习题可以巩固所学知识,熟悉考试题型,提高解题能力和应试技巧。 •听力训练:通过听力材料,提高英语听力理解能力,熟悉考试中各种听力题型,提高答题准确率。 •口语练习:进行口语训练,提高英语口语表达能力和流利度,增加词汇量和语法掌握程度。

•写作练习:进行写作练习,提高英语写作能力,熟悉写作要求和格式,掌握写作技巧。 模拟考试 •考前模拟:进行全真模拟考试,根据自测结果分析弱项,有针对性地进行复习和训练。 •考试技巧:学习考试技巧和策略,例如时间管理、题目顺序等,以提高答题效率和结果。 •考试环境:模拟真实考试环境,让自己熟悉考场氛围,适应考试压力,提高应试能力。 考试准备 •材料准备:确定考试所需的身份证明、准考证等材料,并提前准备好,以免考试当天出现意外。 •休息调整:提前调整好作息时间,保证充足的睡眠,确保状态良好进入考试。 考试发挥 •注意时间:掌握好考试时间分配,合理安排每个部分的答题时间。•题目顺序:根据自己的优势和习惯,选择合适的题目顺序,先易后难,以增加答题自信心。 •分数分配:根据题目难易程度,合理分配答题分数,避免在易题上花费过多时间而忽略了难题。


itest英语4测试答案 1、99.—Would you please show me the way _________ the bank?—Yes, go straight ahead. It’s opposite a school. [单选题] * A.in B.for C.with D.to(正确答案) 2、We sent our children to school to prepare them for the time _____ they will have to work for themselves. [单选题] * A. that B. when(正确答案) C. while D. as 3、32.There are about __________ women doctors in this hospital. [单选题] * A.two hundred of B.two hundreds of C.two hundreds D.two hundred (正确答案)

4、Don’t swim in the river. It’s too _______. [单选题] * A. interesting B. easy C. difficult D. dangerous(正确答案) 5、He used to get up at six in the morning,()? [单选题] * A. used he B. did he C. didnt he (正确答案) D. should he 6、The book is _______. You’d better buy it. [单选题] * A. useful(正确答案) B. useless C. use D. careful 7、This girl is my best friend, Wang Hui. ______ English name is Jane.()[单选题] *


iTEST智能测评云平台 注册、认证及考试操作说明 特别提醒:注册及身份认证必须在试测阶段完成,否则会影响正式考试。 一、登录平台 研究生可采用网页端或客户端登陆平台。 1. 网页端:学生点击iTEST网页端访问地址:(需要使用谷歌/火狐浏览器)进入平台首页。 2. 客户端:研究生点击下载iTEST客户端(仅支持Win 7以上系统)(具体下载位置见下图)。 二、注册、认证 点击右上角“注册”,可使用自己的手机号或邮箱进行注册。选择学校,输入学号、姓名,完成身份认证。仅首次登录需要认证。 如在本科阶段已注册过Unipus账号,可继续使用之前的账号,但必须重新认证研究生阶段的身份。 登录平台后,请务必仔细核对个人信息。用户名(个人学号)、姓名、年级为关键信息,请注意信息正确。如信息错误,请及时反馈至学院研究生秘书处,由学院汇总后统一报研究生院修改。

三、考试 1. 找到对应的考试,点击右上角“去考试”按钮

2. 设备检测 (1)键盘检测 请在输入框内输入各个字母及数字,以检测键盘是否正常。如存在问题,请及时反馈给老师,调试或更换电脑。 (2)耳机检测 检测通过后,直接点击“确定耳机正常”。 如存在问题,请及时反馈给老师,调试或更换电脑。

3. 进入作答页面,如图 考试倒计时:右上角,倒计时用尽,系统将自动交卷 查看答题卡:左上角按钮,点击后展开答题进度 切换题目:右下角,点击上一题、下一题。请仔细下文第7点阅读听力题注意事项。 提交试卷:右上角,点击则交卷,结束考试 系统每分钟自动保存作答记录

点击答题卡后,界面如下图所示 4. 听力题注意事项(必读) 听力播放过程中,可以答题。 同一Section内的题目,在未作答时只展示第一道题的相关题目,听力音频播放后,后续题目会随着音频进度自动跳转,所以需要先点击开始听力考试。题目没有丢失,只是没有展示出来。 做完一个Section,需要手动点击“下一题”,进入下一个Section或者下一个题型。 考试过程中请勿随意插拔耳机,否则影响听力音频正常播放。


iTEST智能测评云平台操作手册(学生) 目录 一、环境检测 (2) 二、注册和登录 (3) 三、认证和完善个人信息 (4) 四、班级空间 (6) 1. 我的班级 (6) 2. 班级测试 (7) 五、学校考试 (9) 1. 当前学校考试 (9) 2. 学校考试记录 (10) 六、自主训练 (11) 1. 基础训练 (11) 2. 模考训练 (12) 3. 训练记录 (12) 4. 收藏夹 (13) 七、个人中心 (14) 1. 个人信息 (14) 2. 我的学习卡 (15) 3. 消息盒子 (15) 4. 账号密码 (16) 八、帮助中心 (17)

一、环境检测 在正式使用iTEST智能测评云平台之前,学生需要确保所使用的浏览器等符合我们系统的要求,否则可能会影响学生的使用体验。我们的系统推荐使用360极速浏览器、谷歌(Chrome)浏览器、火狐(Firefox)浏览器,学生若不清楚自己所使用的浏览器或相关配置是否符合要求,可以点击首页右下角的“环境检测”对浏览器、网速等情况进行检测。若检测后发现配置不符合推荐要求,系统会提醒学生前往“下载专区”进行下载。 下载专区中包括了推荐的浏览器安装下载、音视频处理软件安装和使用说明下载、系统硬件配置说明,可以帮助学生更流畅高效地使用系统进行测试和训练。 图1-1

二、注册和登录 为方便使用同一账号登录Unipus旗下各产品,iTEST智能测评云平台升级了账号系统,与Unipus账号打通。若学生已经有Unipus账号,可以直接登录iTEST。若学生还没有Unipus账号,可以点击首页点击右上角的“注册”进行注册。 图2-1


itest综合英语二题库 1. Whenever we______ any difficulties, we shouldn't give up what we are doing. * * [单选题] * A confront by B are confronted with(正确答案) C are confronted of 2. Not only they but also Tom ____there. * [单选题] * A were B was(正确答案) C be 3. Lear, a broken, confused old man, died___. * * [单选题] * A in anguish(正确答案) B anguished C ancestor 4. Her plight has ___ the hearts of people around the world. * * [单选题] * A embraced B descended C touched(正确答案)

5. She _____ at the sight of the dead body. * * [单选题] * A shuddered(正确答案) B shattered D shunned 6. She was so moved that her tears _____ from her eyes. * * [单选题] * A touched from B welled out(正确答案) C smashed 7. The child stared the stranger_____ and cired. * * [单选题] * A up and down(正确答案) B every where C completely 8. _______, they had no chance of winning. * * [单选题] * A Brave as they fought B Bravely as they fought(正确答案) C Bravely although they fought 9. You'll make yourself ___ if you keep shouting! * * [单选题] * A horse B hoarse(正确答案) D decent

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