当前位置:文档之家› (最新整理)7月浙江自考语言与文化试题及答案解析





I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)

1. Language is used for communication in that communication is the ______ function of language. ( )

A. primary

B. peripheral

C. medium

D. personal

2. The word “modernization” consists of ______ morphemes. ( )

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

3. “______” can be used as the euphemism for “tax increases”. ( )

A. Financial plans

B. Monetary designs

C. Revenue enhancements

D. Income control

4. To English speakers, a person who does not look at you in your eyes when talking to you is not ______. ( )

A. polite

B. friendly

C. kind

D. trustworthy

5. The English-speaking people associate owls with ______. ( )

A. misfortune

B. wisdom

C. frightening cries

D. pride

6. English is often referred to as a ______ language because it uses frequently connectives to indicate the relation between linguistic elements. ( )

A. paratactic

B. hypotactic

C. branching

D. linear

7. In British English, the equivalent word for“公寓”is ______. ( )


A. department

B. apartment

C. basement

D. flat

8. ______ meaning is represented by the position of a word or a similar linguistic unit in clauses or sentences. ( )

A. Thematic

B. Connotative

C. Social

D. Reflected

9. Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( )

A. It is often said that English is a language with explicit grammar and Chinese a language with implicit grammar.

B. Compared with Chinese, English has more grammatical morphemes that are used more frequently in either speech or writing.

C. The obligatory explicit grammatical markers are larger in number in Chinese than in English.

D. Almost all of the English grammatical markers are obligatory items while most of their counterparts in Chinese are optional.

10. “If you don’t look out, you will come to grief”. Here “look out” refers to ______. ( )

A. to warn someone that they are in danger

B. to watch something outside

C. to learn well

D. to prepare well

11. The allusion ______ can be used to refer to a person who submits to indignities and sufferings without any thought or act of rebelling. ( )

A. “a Cinderella”

B. “an Uncle Tom”

C. “a Sherlock Holmes”

D. “an Oliver Twist”

12. The English speaking people say ______ when they need to answer the phone or a door bell and even when they sneeze while they are talking with others. ( )

A. “I’m sorry”

B. “I beg your pardon”

C. “Never mind”

D. “Excuse me”

13. Which of the following names is associated with Christianity? ( )

A. Edgar

B. Joseph

C. Alexander

D. Iris


14. In most English letters of request, ______. ( )

A. the request precedes the supporting information

B. the request follows the supporting facts

C. the initial request has to be made paving the way for the final request

D. the request is placed at the end of letters

15. ______, with possessive pronouns, is used in addressing or referring to a king, queen or emperor. ( )

A. Honourable

B. Majesty

C. Excellency

D. Royal

16. There is no ______ relationship between words and the objects, actions or concepts they are used to refer to. ( )

A. arbitrary

B. logical

C. optional

D. sensible

17. When doctors touch their patients in a physical examination we call it ______ touch. ( )

A. socio-polite

B. friendship-warmth

C. functional-professional

D. love-intimacy

18. “______” illustrates the metaphor that ideas are food. ( )

A. That’s a budding theory.

B. Let me put in my two cent’s worth.

C. He ran out of ideas.

D. There are too many facts here for me to digest them all.

19. In English ______ can not be advertised. ( )

A. medicines

B. sexual service

C. domestic service

D. cigarette

20. A drink of spirits mixed with others or with various flavourings is called ______. ( )

A. red wine

B. white wine

C. whisky

D. cocktail

II. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternative can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)


21. In English culture people often ______. ( )

A. put the more important information before the less important one

B. put the more specific information before the less specific one

C. put the language items representing the smaller unit before those representing bigger one

D. put the language items representing the individual part before those representing the whole

22. Blue Monday conveys the meaning that ______. ( )

A. one is in his sad mood

B. one is in his gloomy mood

C. one should remember the important day

D. one always has bad fortune on that day

23. In most English speaking countries, “intellectuals” would include ______. ( )

A. engineers

B. scientists

C. college professors

D. medical doctors

24. American English differs from British English mainly in ______. ( )

A. grammar

B. pronunciation

C. tone

D. vocabulary

25. Many English words are related to Christianity, such as ______. ( )

A. Reformation

B. Protestant

C. Cocktail

D. Mass

26. When you respond to the compliment “You look very nice in this dress”, most probably you would say “______”. ( )

A. Thank you.

B. No, I don’t think so at all.

C. Do you really think so? I was not sure whether it suits me.

D. No, no. That’s not true.

27. Many English proverbs are related to Christianity in one way or another, such as ______. ( )

A. Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

B. God help those who help themselves.

C. Whom the Gods love dies young.


D. Each cross hath its own inscription.

28. The logical relationships between adjoining sentences can be classified into the following categories: ______. ( )

A. additive

B. adversative

C. causal

D. temporal

29. In English culture ______ are normally a taboo topics. ( )

A. age and income

B. clothes and artifacts

C. political beliefs

D. religious beliefs

30. The distance held between interlocutors in interpersonal communication can be roughly divided into the following zones: ______. ( )

A. the intimate zone

B. the casual-personal zone

C. the socio-consultative zone

D. the public zone

III. Each of the following statements has an underlined space. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)

31. ______ is the study of facial expressions, touch, time, gestures, smell, eye behaviour, and so on.

32. The medium of verbal interaction is ______.

33. The English equivalent to “一见钟情”is “______”.

34. The English idiom “One falls into Scylla in seeking to avoid Charybdis” corresponds to “______” in Chinese.

35. A book with the telephone numbers of different shops, restaurants, business, organizations, etc. is called ______.

36. To sound modest and humble, one might have to use ______ to refer to oneself, one’s relatives, and one’s personal belongings, for example, 敝人, 贱内, 寒舍etc.

37. The style one choose for one’s speech depends on a number of factors, including: one’s interlocutors, the topic and ______.

38. The British English equivalent for “labor” is ______.

39. In informal situations English speakers tend to address others by using their ______ names.

40. Inflectional morphemes are also called ______ morphemes.

IV. Translation. (18%)


41. Wine and judgment mature with age.

42. Homer sometimes nods.

43. The theory of relativity gave birth to an enormous number of ideas in physics.

44. 人不犯我,我不犯人。

45. 看完后,请马上把书还给我。

46. 请提宝贵意见。

V. Define the following terms. (12%)

47. Hypotactic relations

48. V ocatives

49. Idiom

50. Deduction

VI. Discuss the following topics. (20%)

51. What are the words for flesh from “pigs”, “sheep”or “cows”and how do you explain them culturally?

52. What are the three basic categories of human territory? And how would explain them?



全国2018年1月高等教育自学考试 语言与文化试题 课程代码:00838 Ⅰ.Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%) 1.“Negro”,once a euphemism for “_______”, is now an offensive racist term.() A.a black man B.nigger C.an African D.black boy 2.The expression that can be used as the euphemism for “gardener”is “_______”.() A.landscape architect B.garden designer C.beautician D.botanist 3.I may be back tonight; I’m not sure. _______,just make yourself at home.() A.However B.Despite this C.Either way D.Still 4.He showed no pleasure at hearing the news. _______ he looked even gloomier.() A.Alternatively B.I mean C.In addition D.Instead 5.“他住在美国马萨诸塞州剑桥神德街2号”can be translated into _______.() A.He lives at Divinity Avenue 2, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. B.He lives at Divinity Avenue 2 in Cambridge of Massachusetts, U.S.A. C.He lives at 2 Divinity Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. D.He lives in U.S.A, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Divinity Avenue 2. 6._______ is a weapon name.() A.Brenda B.Arthur C.Rhoda D.Timothy 7.When receiving a gift, the English speakers normally say_______.() A.“It’s very nice” B.“Where did you get it? This is really what I want” C.“It must have cost you a lot. Thank you very much” D.“How much is it? Thank you very much” 1


语言与文化的关系 史培芹文秘112 010811224 语言作为一种重要的交际工具,并不是独立的存在的,它不仅是人类社会一种普遍具有的现象,还与文化是一个整体。语言与文化相互依赖、相互影响。语言是文化的重要载体,文化对语言有制约作用。当我们学习一门语言的时候,必须了解这个民族的文化,只有这样才能更好的学习语言。所以,认清语言与文化的关系是十分必要的。 一.关于“文化”的定义 从前人的研究来看,“文化”并没有一个十分明确的定义。汉语中“文化”一词最早见于《易经》: “观乎天文,以察时变, 观乎人文, 以化成天下”。其意思是根据人文来进行教化。近、现代关于文化的定义,众说纷纭。文化的经典定义, 是1871 年由英国人类学家泰勒( Edward T ylor ) 在《原始文化》一书中提出的: 文化是“一个复合的整体, 其中包括知识、信仰、艺术、法律、道德、风俗以及作为社会成员而获得的任何其他的能力和习惯”。泰勒对于文化的定义只注重在精神方面, 并不完整。现代文化人类学家认为, 文化是一个群体的活动,包括物质和精神两个方面。(1)人类创造的物质。大自然本身所具有的都不是文化,包括山川、湖泊,我们创造的物质才算是物质文化,例如各项发明、人文景观等等;(2)法规、制度。这些都是人们制定的内容,完全属于文化层面。各项规章制度,包括法律法规,都是人们根据社会的需要拟定的,一方面用来约束社会人,另一方面也体现了不同社会的规律和行为习惯;(3)精神、宗教。人类的信仰是后天形成的,是精神层面的追求。不同种族有不同的宗教信仰,形成了宗教文化。“ 从语言的结构特征来看,语言是个符号系统。它是一个由音位、语素、词和词组、句子和篇章等构成的层级系统。从语言的功能特征来看,语言是个工具,是个思维的工具、交流的工具”(束定芳,1996)。季羡林先生(1995)曾指出文化的定义“最好还是不下”,同时他认为:“文化就是非常广义的,就是精神方面、物质方面,对人民有好处的,就叫做文化。”文化具有如下本质特征: ( 1) 文化是经由社会习得的, 而非遗传获得的; ( 2) 文化是一个社团成员所共有的, 而非某一个人所独有的; ( 3) 文化具有象征性, 语言是文化中最重要的象征系统; ( 4) 文化是一个统一的整体, 文化中的每一方面都和其他方面相互关联。由此可见,文化辐射的范围包罗万象,渗透进社会的各个层面,无所不存,无处不在。 二.语言与文化的关系 我国对语言和文化关系的研究始于上世纪五十年代,至八九十年代研究成果已颇丰,进入新世纪也出现了一些较为新颖的理论。在半个多世纪的时间里,出现的研究成果数不胜数,


本套题正确率15/168=91% 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(一)已完成 1 下列关于人类起源非洲假说的内容中正确的是()。 ?A、能人走出非洲 ?B、南猿人走出非洲 ?C、元谋人走出非洲 ?D、直立人走出非洲 我的答案:D 2 下列哪一项是人类进化的形态之一?() ?A、山顶洞人 ?B、智人 ?C、北京人 ?D、元谋人 我的答案:B 3 符号活动出现于()。 ?A、南猿时期 ?B、直立人时期 ?C、晚期智人 ?D、早期智人 我的答案:C 4 人类起源非洲假说是指人类发源于非洲,然后移动到世界各地。()我的答案:√ 5 某一人群的mtDNA变异越大,它的群体演化历史越短。() 我的答案:×

人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(二)已完成 1 非洲智人最早移动到哪一大洲?() ?A、北美洲 ?B、南美洲 ?C、亚洲 ?D、澳洲 我的答案:C 2 非洲智人什么时候开始走出非洲?() ?A、20万年前 ?B、13万年前 ?C、15万年前 ?D、10万年前 我的答案:A 3 下列哪一项事物的出现不能标志着智人具有了一定的符号编码能力?() ?A、图画 ?B、雕刻 ?C、文字 ?D、瓷器 我的答案:D 4 智人走出非洲有几条路线?()

?B、2 ?C、3 ?D、4 我的答案:B 5 直立人是语言人,智人不是语言人。() 我的答案:× 6 人类起源非洲假说为人类的基因和语言研究提供了重要依据。()我的答案:√ 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(三)已完成1 脑容量与语言的关系是()。 ?A、正相关 ?B、负相关 ?C、没关系 ?D、不确定 我的答案:A 2 方言的形成有几种方式?()


浙江省2018年7月自学考试语言与文化真题 课程代码:10058 I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which one of the four alternatives best completes the statement (20%). 1. ______ refers to a member of the parts of the Christian Church which separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the 16th century.( ) A. Protestant B. Rabbi C. Christian D. Puritan 2. English babies may be ______ to show respect or to honor them. ( ) A. named after grandparents B. named after famous historical events C. named after their birth place D. named after their birth date 3. The two persons who have been introduced to each other normally say to each other: “______.”( ) A. How are you B. How is everything C. How do you do D. Hello 4. Trinity refers to union in one Godhead of three persons, Father, Son and ______.( ) A. Puritan B. God C. Holy ghost D. Ghost 5. In English speaking countries, expensive gifts will ______. ( ) A. make them uncomfortable for they will not know how to return the kindness B. make them very happy for they think they are highly valued C. make them very surprised for they will not know how to use it 1


《语言与文化》复习资料答案 I. 1—10 DDDBA DCBCC 11—20 BBBBA BDCAC 21—25 AAAAC II. 1. CD 2. AD 3. CD 4. ABD 5. ABCD III. 1—10 FTFTF FTTFT 11—20 FTTFF TFTTF 21—25 TFTTT IV 1. accenting 2. Hypotactic 3. After you 4. contact 5. Ex cuse me 6. hypotactic 7. It’s my pleasure 8. environmentalism 9. Paratactic 10. Chronemics 11. softening words 12. nuclear V. 1.culture:文化.Culture is the unique style and custom, which a nation forms in the history of its own development. https://www.doczj.com/doc/ff7792612.html,munication:交际.Communication may be defined as that which happens whenever someone responds to the behavior or the residue of the behavior of another person. 3.one-way communication:单向交际.Communication without feedback is called one-way communication. 4. communicative competence 交际能力 The ability to behave appropriately and effectively by verbal and / or nonverbal means to achieve intended results at a given time, in a give place, in a given communication event, and towards a given person or persons.


??????????????????????精品自学考试资料推荐?????????????????? 浙江省 2018 年 4 月自学考试语言与文化试卷 课程代码: 10058 Ⅰ. Multiple choice (24%) Directions: Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. 1. The relationship between language and culture is that ________.( ) A. the former determines the latter B. the latter determines the former C. the two are parallel D. the two interact 2. While “ handsome woman” and “ pretty woman ” are both acceptable, they suggest different kinds of attractiveness because of the ________ associations of these two objectives.( ) A. collocative B. affective C. connotative D. thematic 3. A young man or young woman who rejects authority, existing institutions and conventional attitudes towards morality, style of dress is called________.( ) A. hippie B. knight C. koala D. poke 4. A fortified place occupied only by army or a fortified trading post is called ________.( ) A. castle B. fort C. lynch D. terrapin 5. Pork, mutton and beef are loan words from ________. ( ) A. French B. Latin C. Indian D. English 6.English is often referred to as a ________ language because it relies heavily on conjunctions to indicate the relationship between linguistic units. ( ) A. paratactic B. branching C. hypotactic D. linear 7. Religious name “John” means ________ in Chinese. ( ) A. 上帝是神圣的 B. 约翰 1


中西方语言与文化的差异 中西方语言与文化的差异简介:中西方语言与文化的差异不少英语爱好者片面地认为.只要学好外浯埂可与外国入交流其实不然.如果不了解中阳文化的差异.对西方礼仪矢『]之甚少.那么在与外围入交流中会造成许多误会.本人就从包括“迎送... 不少英语爱好者片面地认为.只要学好外浯埂可与外国入交流其实不然.如果不了解中阳文化的差异.对西方礼仪矢『]之甚少.那么在与外围入交流中会造成许多误会.本人就从包括“迎送、会谈、宴请、交际、接待”等几个方面略谈中两文化的差异、语言的交流。 一、称谓礼数。称呼恰当,是尊重对方。与外宾初次见面,最安全的称呼是男子称先生(Mr·),女子称夫人(Mm·),女士称(Ms·),小姐称(Miss)。这些称呼均可冠于姓名、职称、衔称等前面。如“怀特夫人(MrS White)”、“秘书小姐(Miss Secretary)”;而我们中国入出于对客人的尊重.不肯直呼客人的姓名或父母的姓名。两方入则不同,除非在正规场合.在?般场合中.他们更愿意别人直呼其名。例如:Lindalane Chapman.如果你称呼她Miss Chapman(Chapman 女士)或者Miss Linch (Linch小姐),她会感觉你与她不熟。 二、交往语言。假如你是一家公司的翻译,陪同老板去机场迎接来自美国的生意人,你不能说:“你一路上辛苦了”.而J立该说:“Did you have agood night?”或“Did you have a good flight?”如果你说:“You must be very tired.或You must be exhaust—ed.”客人会觉得自己的身体很差,人家才这样说。外国朋友到家中做客,中国人会说:“欢迎,欢迎”,客人会一笑。点点头。如果翻译成英语,就是“Wel—come!W elcome[”或“你来了?(You have come!)”这种英语在外国不常用。他们经常用的是”Come rightin”“Come on in”或”Come in,please.”客人只需说“Thank you!”就可以了。环球博思论文网:https://www.doczj.com/doc/ff7792612.html, 三、初交礼节。自我介绍时避免说太多的“我”在英语中最自私的字眼是“I”。自我介绍应自报家门再委婉问对方名字,如:“I'm Ron lohn—son.M ay 1 have your n~Tle.please?” 四、习俗不同。美国人做事讲效率,他们希望别人做事效率像他们一样高他们有约会守时的习惯.如果你约会迟到5分钟,必须表示道歉:“Sorry,f l11 lace.”或“I apologize.”迟到1O分钟.,必须有充足的理由.迟到10分钟是很不礼貌的。在一次宴会上.外围明友说:“Please finish yourdrink.”中国朋友说:“Sorry.I can t drink any more.”外围朋友说:“Then why did you order SO much?中国朋友说:“I.?.”中国入吃东西喜欢盘子里剩下?些.而西方人吃东西,盘子里是不留东西的。 五、文化差异。“亚洲四小龙”有入把它翻译成“The four dragon of Asia.”假如在20年前,西方入看到“dragon”这个词会感到很害怕。这是中西文化差异造成的。在西方文化中,“龙”是_。种带有迷信、宗教色彩的东西.甚至带有消极意义的东西,最近十几年.随着中国改革开放,西方入对中国的“龙”文化逐渐了解。但普通老百姓仍然不能理解接受“dragon”。在英语中,“亚洲阳小龙”的说法是“Thefour tiger of Asia.”西方人在中国生病时.中国人往往会关心地说:“多喝水”,或“多穿些衣服”,这些关心不符合西方入的习惯.在英语里。你想表达对他人的关心.可说:“I do hope you 11 be feeling bettersoon.Look after youmelfi Try and get some rest.”中国熟人见面.习惯这样问侯:“Where are you going?Have you have vour breakfast/lunch/sup per?” 这是多管闲事了.他们会说:?It S none of your business.”听到


福师《语言与文化》在线作业一 一、单选题(共 35 道试题,共 70 分。) V 1. In deciding_______a course of action, the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact on the voters. A. what to pursue B. which to pursue C. whether to pursue D. if to pursue 满分:2 分 C 2. It is only recently _________astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. A. when B. so that C. that D. which 满分:2 分 C 3. Mass advertising helped to____the emphasis from the production of goods to their consumption. A. vary B. shift C. lay D. moderate

满分:2 分 B 4. Some nonverbal messages are consistent with accompanying verbal message, which is the____function of nonverbal message. A. complementing B. contradicting C. regulating D. accenting 满分:2 分 A 5. Some research workers completely____all those facts as though they never existed . A. ignore B. leave C. refuse D. miss 满分:2 分 A 6. Jack is late again. It is ___ of him to keep others waiting. A. normal B. ordinary C. common D. typical 满分:2 分 D 7. Language is an instrument used in the( )of thought.


浙江省2018年7月自学考试语言与文化试题 课程代码:10058 I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which one of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%) 1. In English, “sdylh”is not a possible word and “green made he”is not an acceptable sentence. It proves that language is ________. ( ) A. arbitrary B. systematic C. symbolic D. vocal 2. The Chinese equivalent for “Housewarming”is ________. ( ) A. 温室效应 B. 温暖的房屋 C. 乔迁喜宴 D. 房屋供暖 3. The word in British English for “tire”is ________. ( ) A. wheel B. bore C. tyre D. tier 4. The English name “Camellia”is related to ________. ( ) A. Christianity B. plant C. weapon D. knowledge 5. ________ can represent the geographical aspects of culture. ( ) A. Koala B. Cowboy C. Queen D. Hot dog 6. If a student wants to express his gratitude for professor’s help, he can say ________. ( ) A. “I am so sorry that I am wasting your time.” B. “I hope I didn’t disturb you.” C. “Don’t you mind I disturb you?” D. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.” 7. When an Englishman says “I was only pulling your leg”, he means ________. ( ) A. I was only trying to prevent you from making progress. B. I was only warning you. C. I was only joking. D. I was only asking you for help. 8. The first week day after Christmas, a legal holiday in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa, is called ________. ( ) A. Boxing Day B. Easter C. Thanksgiving Day D. St. Valentine’s Day


年级五年级学科英语版本人教PEP版 内容标题暑假专题——中西方语言与文化差异 编稿老师魏秀然 【本讲教育信息】 一、教学内容 知识窗 语言反映一个民族的特征,它不仅包含着该民族的历史和文化背景,而且蕴藏着该民族对人生的看法、生活方式和思维方式。 语言与文化互相影响,互相作用;理解语言必须了解文化,理解文化必须了解语言。 由于文化背景不同,不同国家和地域的人在交谈时,即使语言准确无误,也会产生误会。常常由于一句话说得不得体,使听者捧腹大笑。 例如在外国演讲的人经常发现听众对他讲的某个笑话毫无反应,然而在国内同一个笑话会使听众笑得人仰马翻。 一个中国青年到附近游泳池游泳,一会儿就回来了,一个外国人问为什么,他解释说:“游泳池里人太多,水太脏,早该换了。像芝麻酱煮饺子。”另一个中国青年笑了,而那个外国人根本不知道什么是芝麻酱和煮饺子。根本感觉不到丝毫幽默。中国人见面互相打招呼时,常说:“你吃了吗?”而外国人会以为这种招呼是说:“我也没有吃,我们一起去吃点东西吧!”这种招呼以为是邀请别人来吃饭。一位刚到中国的外国学者结巴巴地用汉语说:“你们为什么老问我吃了没有?我有钱。”英语中有Good morning,Good afternoon,Good evening 都相当于汉语中的“您好”。但Good noon,Good night都是告别时说的话。在美国,常会听到美国妇女谈她丈夫工作如何努力,干得这样出色,得到奖励等。也会夸自己的子女多么聪明等。然而在中国就会认为这样俗气。一所美国大学开办汉语口语训练班,有两位教师来教,他们的本族语言都不是汉语。上课时,男老师指指自己说:“这是东西吗?”女教师摇摇头说:“你不是东西。”男教师又问:“你是东西吗?”女教师回答:“不,我不是东西。” 中国人也许会猜得出a bull in a china shop(瓷店里的公牛)但想象不出说英语人心目中的形象:一头公牛喷着鼻息,怒气冲冲地闯进摆满精致瓷器的店里。然而,这种说法的意思是:在一个需要举止灵巧得体,细致周密的场合闯进一个行为粗鲁的人。 在中国文化中,龟有两种意义:一方面象征长寿,另一方面则是骂人。但是在西方文化中没有这样的联想,乌龟不过是行动缓慢,其貌不扬的动物而已。


论述题(10*10=100) 1:试论述生产文化的地域性 2:怎样理解生活文化的地域性 3:影响物质文化地域性的因素有哪些? 4:怎样理解语言与地理、社会环境的关系? 5:地名的主要性能(性质和职能)是什么?地名景观的种类有哪几种? 6:宗教与地理环境存在什么样的关系? 7:你对文学的地域差异及与地理环境的关系有怎样的理解? 8:文化生态学: 9:怎样理解文化发展与自然环境间的关系 10:应用文化生态学研究文化地理学问题应注意些什么(简答) 1:(1)农业文化具有地域性,世界农业文化文化区的存在就是农业文化区域性的充分表现。根据其鲜明的地域特点,分布上可分为热带雨林农业文化区、草原农业文化区、干旱沙漠农业区文化区等8大农业文化区。(2)工业产业文化的地域性,一般遵循工业产业分布的特点和区域差异。由于不同的工业生产的所要 求的各类要素的配置不一样,所以工业产业就形成了明显的的地区差异。此外,特定时期的国家政策也会对工业生产的布局带来影响。 2:主要可以分为衣、食、住三个方面进行分析。 (1)服饰文化:在衣着方式、制衣布料、服饰色彩、服装形态等方面都有鲜明的地域性。如制衣布料,因其衣料资源的分布差异,早期的地区差异明显:中国广泛使用丝绸,南亚多用黄麻,靠近北极都用兽毛衣料。

(2)饮食文化:在食物原料、烹饪等方面,区域间都出现了差异。因各地食材不同,人们口味不一,形成了“南甜北咸”的八大菜系。 (3)居住文化:区域差异主要体现在建筑风格、建筑材料和居住形式。因地域气候、资源等自然条件不用,就形成了口袋房、四合院、洞穴式、干栏式等风格形式的建筑。 3:(1)自然因素:主要指自然地理环境:气候通过对生产、生活各个方面的影响而形成与各地气候条件相符的物质文化;地形和水文因素对于生产和生活方式有重要影响;而地质和生物对居住文化、交通运输、饮食结构都有一定影响。 (2)社会、人文因素:首先经济条件决定了物质文化的内容、发展的水平和方向,其变化还影响着居住文化;再者民族文化与宗教信仰对信仰宗教的民族的物质文化有重要影响;其次文化交流、民族交往可以使个民族、各地区的物质文化相互交融和吸纳。 4:语言的产生、发展和演变,以及分布格局等于地理环境及社会环境之间存在着密不可分的关系。 (1)环境与语言的产生:首先语言中的词汇受环境的影响的最大、最直接;其次,环境过语言来作用于语音,地理环境的不同造成人心理上、生理上的差异,从而引起人语音、声调以及表达感情方式的不尽相同;环境还对语言的语法产生有影响,环境塑造出的民族心态会在语法上体现。 (2)环境对语言插播、演进的影响:语言自身的发展深受自然环境和社会历史条件变化的影响。自然环境条件的差异往往会促进或阻碍语言的传播,从未形成了方言;而人文环境的对语言的影响主要体现在:行政区域、移民、国家政策及经济水平等因素对语言发展的强烈影响。行政区域的划分和建制往往对语言的传播扩散骑着决定性作用。国家的方针则往往通过影响移民来影响语言的扩散。 5:地名的主要性能是:社会性、历史性、文物性、指位性、地域性、稳定性、可变性和衍生性。地名景观的种类:山水地名(赤峰、华山)、示位地名(山南水北为阳,衡阳)、寄意地名(西安、宝鸡)、特产地名(盐城)、民


Quiz for non-English Majors in Culture Class This quiz is for the students from the English Language & Culture class hosted by Sun Xiaolong. * Vocabulary and Structure 1. There were also famous and very smart masterminds in the history of the western world, as in the sayings like: (Key: B, Points: 2) A: Even Athena sometimes makes mistakes. B: Even Homer sometimes nod. C: Athena even sometimes make mistakes. D: Homer even sometimes nods. 2. Places of the ancient Greek civilization include ___________ (Key: A, Points: 2) A: Crete, Ithaca, Mycenae B: Egypt, Greece, Rome C: Crete, Troy, Egypt D: Egypt, Troy, Asia Minor 3. "_________" is the word we use today to say the world sports games held once in four years. (Key: B, Points: 2) A: Olympus B: Olympiad C: Olympian D: Olympia 4. "________________" is a creative problem solving competition involving students from kindergarten through college. (Key: A, Points: 2) A: Odyssey of the Mind B: Mental Journey C: Mental Way D: Way of the Mind 5. There are two morphemes in the word "Pantheon", "pan-" as also in "________" and "theo-" as also in "____________". (Key: C, Points: 2) A: pants, theory B: Pandora, theology C: pan-America, theology D: pan-Pacific, thermometer 6. He would have made a good pilot but his drinking habit was his _____________. (Key: D, Points: 2) A: Hector's tendon


2018年10月高等教育自学考试《语言与文化》试题 课程代码:00838 I. Each of the statements is followed by four alternatives. Read following incomplete each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%) 1. Without the emergence of man would remain what he was one or two million years ago. A.culture B. speech C. language D. thinking 2. When we say that language is , we mean that the language is rule governed. A.systematic B. arbitrary C. vocal D. symbolic 3. The relationship between a word and an object in the real world to which the word refers is the meaning of the word. A. connotative B. social C. affective D. conceptual 4. If an entry in a dictionary consists of two or more words, it will be treated as a A. phrase B. clause C. compound D. sentence 5. The following Chinese sentences are implicit passive sentences EXCEPT A.花晒着太阳了。B.红旗被插上了井冈山。 C.湿衣服吹吹风,干得快。D.道路加宽了,立交桥也修起来了。 6. The following sentences have hypotactic relations EXCEPT" " A. Bread and butter is my favoufite breakfast B. The man ran away when he saw the dog C. John loves Mary and Mary loves John, too D. He bought tea, coffee, eggs, milk, etc 7. "Flora" is a quite common English name. It belongs to names. A. religious B. weapon C. flower D. knowledge 8. In English speaking countries some elderly persons may use" "as a vocative to address a young lad without meaning to offend. A. son B. lad C. man D. buddy 9. The meaning of the idiom "the cat's got your tongue" is" " A. you're joking B. you're clumsy C. you're very quiet D. you're angry 10. The sentence "她是个王熙凤式的人物" uses an allusion from a Chinese literary work A. Three Kingdoms B. Dream of Red Mansions C. Water Margin D. Pilgrimage to the West 11. In the sentence "Bring the child down to me for a formight. I have a huge old garden where he can be as free as a bird", the tenor is A. a bird B. a fortnight C. a huge old garden D. the child 12. In the following metaphorical expressions," " shows ideas are food.



本套题正确率15/168=91% 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(一)已完成 1 下列关于人类起源非洲假说的内容中正确的是()。 ?A、能人走出非洲 ?B、南猿人走出非洲 ?C、元谋人走出非洲 ?D、直立人走出非洲 我的答案:D 2 下列哪一项是人类进化的形态之一?() ?A、山顶洞人 ?B、智人 ?C、北京人 ?D、元谋人 我的答案:B 3 符号活动出现于()。 ?A、南猿时期 ?B、直立人时期 ?C、晚期智人 ?D、早期智人 我的答案:C 4 人类起源非洲假说是指人类发源于非洲,然后移动到世界各地。() 我的答案:√

5 某一人群的mtDNA变异越大,它的群体演化历史越短。() 我的答案:×

人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(二)已完成 1 非洲智人最早移动到哪一大洲?() ?A、北美洲 ?B、南美洲 ?C、亚洲 ?D、澳洲 我的答案:C 2 非洲智人什么时候开始走出非洲?() ?A、20万年前 ?B、13万年前 ?C、15万年前 ?D、10万年前 我的答案:A 3 下列哪一项事物的出现不能标志着智人具有了一定的符号编码能力?() ?A、图画

?B、雕刻 ?C、文字 ?D、瓷器 我的答案:D 4 智人走出非洲有几条路线?() ?A、1 ?B、2 ?C、3 ?D、4 我的答案:B 5 直立人是语言人,智人不是语言人。() 我的答案:× 6 人类起源非洲假说为人类的基因和语言研究提供了重要依据。() 我的答案:√ 人类起源非洲假说的语言学分析(三)已完成

1 脑容量与语言的关系是()。 ?A、正相关 ?B、负相关 ?C、没关系 ?D、不确定 我的答案:A 2 方言的形成有几种方式?() ?A、3 ?B、2 ?C、4 ?D、5 我的答案:B 3 ()对我国南方汉语方言的形成起了不可估量的作用。 ?A、语言接触 ?B、语言融合


浅析语言与文化的关系 摘要:本文通过对比英汉两种语言在相同场景下的不同表现形式,阐述两种语言所承载的不同的社会文化。目的在于帮助人们在跨文化交际时应注意各自文化的不同,以避免出错和造成不必要的麻烦。 关键词:语言中西文化差异 文化是人类创造出来的所有物质和精神财富的总和,是人类群体创造并共同享有的物质实体、价值观念、意义体系和行为方式,是人类群体的整个生活状态。它是由一个民族或社会的风俗习惯所构成。语言是人类进行思维和传递信息的工具,是一种社会现象,是人类保存认识成果的载体。语言的学习不是单纯地学习词汇、语法,更重要的是学习语言所承载的文化信息。从一种语言我们可以看出使用该语言的社会文化,看到该社会的人们的风俗习惯。下面就英汉两种语言现象在风俗习惯方面的不同展开对比分析,看中西方文化的差异。 1、敬语和谦词汉语中存在大量的敬语和谦辞 如高见、光临、寒舍、愚见等。英语中则少有敬辞和谦辞, 不论对方年龄多大, 级别多高, 并没有汉语中“您”这样的代词。一位英国妇女遇见一位上了年纪的中国人, 用汉语客气地问“:老爷爷, 你几岁啦?”老人诧异地看着她,很生气。这位英国妇女后来才知道误会的原因,“几岁”是问小孩年龄的, 对上了年纪的人应问“您高寿?”或“您多大年纪啦?”产生这种现象的原因之一是中国封建社会等级森严的宗法制度。它要求人们跟长辈或上级说话时有时甚至跟同辈说话时,要用敬语,否则就会被认为用词不当而失礼,甚至显得高傲;谈及自己时要用谦词,如不使用,也被认为没有礼貌。英语中这类词少的原因有二:一为西方人追求人人平等,二为他们长期以来尊重个人价值,乐于表现自己。中西方人接受赞扬、祝贺时的反应也不一样。操汉语的人往往使用“否认”或“自贬”的方式来应答。中国人听到恭维或赞扬的话后会说“哪里,哪里”、“我做得不好”之类故作谦虚的话。而西方人则会毫不犹豫地说声Thank you。当西方人说Thank you 表示谢意时,中国人会马上回答说不用谢,以表示客气。西方人听后,会大惑不解,觉得中国人没有礼貌。如一位英国女教师表扬一位中国女学生: A: Oh, what beautiful handwriting! B: No, no, not at all. 在女教师看来, 该女生的回答是粗鲁的, 否定了该教师对书法的审美观和鉴赏力, 损害了她的积极面子(positive face), 虽然女生本意并非如此, 只是符合了汉语的谦虚准则。英美人善于恭维他人,也乐于接受他人的恭维。当他们觉得该受到赞美却没得到赞美,会感到受到冷淡。对别人的赞美、恭维,英美人最常见的反应是“迎合”或高兴。他们把中国人的这种“否认”看作是无礼,把“自贬”视为自卑和言不由衷的虚伪。赞美语是人际交往的润滑剂, 处理得好, 可以增进友谊; 但如果不了解对方的文化背景而运用不当, 不仅无助于友谊,反而会产生误会, 伤害感情。 2、称呼语:中西方的称呼语的使用差别也很大 “小+姓”在汉语中称呼年龄比自己小的人, 可表示亲切、稔熟等感情色彩。但如果用此称呼英国人却是不礼貌的。“老+姓”或“姓+老”在汉语中称呼年龄较自己长的, 可表示尊敬、礼貌。如果用“老+姓”称呼英国人,如“old smith”,对方在心里可能会生气。在英语文化中, 忌讳“老”字。“老”容易使人想到“年龄大”“、体衰”、“无用”等。所以, 在称呼英美人时应避免使用“old”。称呼语中有一类亲属称呼语, 如爷爷、奶奶、叔叔、阿姨等。汉语中许多亲属称呼语可用于非亲属关

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